? I, " 'I nfooti VOL 12, NO. 321 HIGH POINT. WORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28. 1910 PRICE ONE CENT l0tlt lira m Goods New Ginghams New Percals New Salateas New Laces New Embroideries New White Goods New Curtain Swiss g Leonard-Beavans-Stamey Company 0KKKKKKKHKKOCHCHXKH000 a The Smallest Grain of Dust Sometimes throws a fine wctch out of nucar, it may he so fine that it takes the strongest watch makers ((lass to detect it. My knowledge of long experience in requiring watches aiul fine jewelry of all kind-. Make my dree the place to get y our work donee. There'll h e nothing wrong with my charges. F. P. CAUBLE Jeweler g 111 North Main Street g Southern R. R. Watch Inspector X n 3 OOCOOCKK1-OCKKCH0000-0000 0 00 j CKKOOOOi0HOOf0 OOOOOOOOOO ' o Bring us Repair Work A Good Watchmaker g in Charge f Satisfaction Guaranteed (keen helff (o. CKHXHKKKKKKKH0K1 OOOOOOOOv Don't Walk -Telephone I We et whoever you want and bring them to you, and it is all done in an instant. All you do is to furnish the gas. Every home should have a North State Tele phone. Our service is unexcelled. Our rates are reasonable. 800 stations at High Point. Connections with all neighbor inytowns. North State Telephone Company "NOT IN A TRUST" HIGH POINT'S PROSPERITY AND FUTURE PR0SPEC1S PUTS GOOD FEELING ON ALL CITIZENS Sonic id the hustling business men of High Point suiight out the Kntctprise yesterday and complimented us on the tone of the paper and its general get up of news matter, and said that it" the citizens generally would enter into the spirit as Miggotcd by llie I'.ntcrprise and in which it lead-, it would take only a short time for High Point to have a docn more new industries and in live years double its population lie also emphasized the good feeling which is existing here now in all lines of business ami the bright future the town has be fore it. I here is nu town in the Ninth that ha- any (inner busi-ne-- foundation than High Point and there arc very few which are in as guild condition financially. Matters are being talked now among utir business men. the re--ult nl which will create even mule coiilnleuce in the business 1m " in which await- u- ami which i- already started here in all lines. We can certainly count mi two ur three new lactone-, a doz en good re-idences. two hand -oiue -tme buildings, the io em inent building, two mile- ot trol ley track, the organization of the I i rea t er I I igli 1 'i i 1 1 1 movement, a- well a - other smaller tilings that w ill come about bv July l-t. I I i- t he dm v i 'I ev ei v cit izen i ! I ligh Point to i.iee thi- gn at op poi tunit v . talk w cil . .1 hi- r. ivv ii. and Hi it only i. .1 the low n. but f. a every man in the town who i trying to help. If we ilo this and exercise the same energy and precaution that has always characterized our movements, u ,, j ,;iVl. tR. whole state talking ahmil us and rec. iguizinz our iK-ihI i I giovvt'i within a s,,rl tune. c would like to see every man, woman and child in High I'mni an en thusiastic teebng mi the growth of the city and with a good word fop everyone in it. There Is no telling vv hat cm be aco mi ph-hcd ii this done ami we have enough faith III the people of I llgh Point to believe that thev will do ii In ..ider to bring about the ,e- usiills ,e . ter class ,, people here, both mil and r. -hoiild not listen to auv di-e. .i dam notes troni anv -ouiee, but do all they can to di-e. nirage M in the pri 'per spjVit . K eep v our eve- mi I he 111 v ol lb .nics and I'.iohii- THE GOAT COMET. Nu one el-e has seen lit In name the new comet s, , th.n t,(. ;. terprisC will -ugge-l the ('mat ' oinet." It ha- it- tail up and has already v i ited. ANOTHER NEW BRICK BUILDING ADDED TO WHOSESALE LIST Mr. Robert I'.rockelt is receiv ing many compliments mi the liamlsi line In nk warehouse which he has just omnplctcd for I! rock elt .V Sons, which is located mi the railroad near the Dal ton I'ur niture I n The structure is well built and suitable in every way for the line of business which is followed by this progressive linn and with increased facilities, greater avenues for the increase of business are opened up, which no doubt will be taken advantage of by such progressive men as compose this firm. The Enter prise congratulates them on hav ing such .sirbstantial and conven ient tiarters and a building which is a credit to the wholesale interests of the city. RECORDER'S COURT. There were several cases before the Recorder this morning, most of them arising from complaints about dogs running at large. The city officials are determined to enforce this ordinance in the city as it is one of the best ever put on the hooks. There was another case before the Recorder of an alTrav which took place at one of the Factories. Parlies were let ofT upon payment of costs. THE WORTHLESS DOGS MUST GO. To the Public : The horrible death of a child in a neighboring town, a lew days ago, caii-ed by the bite ol a worthless dog running at large on the streets, makes nie more 'determined than ever, to enforce ' without tear or favor, to the lim it, the ordinance prohibiting dog ' on the street- of our citv. which , mean- back streets and side j streets as well as Main and the other principal streets. I Hogs are jumping fences, or get ting out o yards and are run ning down horses and children until it has become such an ab ! solute menace to the life and I safety of the community, that I !have instructed the Police I c I partment to make a special effort to lueak up this nuisance and to kill all di gs Ii 1 1 i i 1 at large in the citv, which they arc unable to catch. Ivv hits u j ,c indicted and ex-CD-I's that thev are unable In keep then dogs eoiifnnd. will nm mi the Inline. In- accepted in the k'co ! del s ( , ,Ui t I leg. ml the life of , me little child ,i 1 1 ion - a m I liiiie- iiime v alnable than .ill the dogs m igh Point, and besides, u e need tin el rid 1 1 ii I beg loi tlie hearty co opeia lion oi all citizens. ,1 us keep ourcilv above reproach in this ls w ell as . it her re-pccl -Sincerely . l ied Talc, Mayor HE LIKES THE BOOK. A lew da v - agi M i . ic. . l Miller -eiit .in- ..i the I ligh p.. in: I ' ok- ,11,-n , .,,t by the - nlei pn-e. to his uncle. Mr. I I Mdler. ,,l Nabella. i ikla . In ac kllovv bilging ICOTpt of the bo, .s Mr. Miller's uncle -ay s "Ihe bonk ea nu i u tile 'o; h Hist and it i- a I landv I hav e lie, it -ceil am lliin-- i !!. Liml I g"t li n up m. 1 1 in at lv and ni be! let s le N 'll must ;ia ,. , .me g ' -ol s', , in ; ,,, ee 1 1 1 ii ami I I t ml. y mi will lia e a line cil v ii iinllung happen- .,, 1 1 1 ll back " I hi I- ill i i pi i-e appi eci.ites lhc-c w..ns ii .in a vcnciahlc Noith t a i . .i i ii i.i n in i he la i W i'-I . w 1). . w e understand h en loving g I health at 'U veal- TO RE-OPEN MONDAY. I he I I igh P. nut I'.u-iiie-- ( nl lege which has been closed for the past week on accmiiit nf the ill lies- . ,f iss 1 ,eua Jacksnn. w ill re -i 'pen M. iiida y . January ,y' it h THE HIGH PRICES. The hiL'li niTccs ni meat, about ' which sn much lias been said late ly and nu which there is bnvcott in sniue parts ,. 1 1 .- country, is being fell In -nine extent locally. especially mi the meat that i- be iiig -hipped into llipli Point, In the past two davs there has been reductinn in smuc lines which is nu doubt due to the agitation, winch is general all over the con nl rv . Ihe best thing fm the southern man t do is to get a ijood garden of Ins own and prepare a place with which to supply himself with poultry and eggs. This is better than any boycott that can be inaugurated. The conditions in the south for raising home supplies are almost perfect and there is no occasion for the people not going into bus iness, especially for the purpose d supplying- their own needs. WILL ELECT RECORDER MONDAY. Ihe Mayor will probably call a special meeting of the City Council for next Monday after noon for the purpose of accepting (he resignation of Judge V. P. Ragan of the Recorder's Court and electing his successor. HON. ASHLEY HORNE RE SUMES HIS BUSINESS ACTIVELY The Knlerprise had the pleas- lire yesterday ni meeting an old j friend and distinguished North j I a'mliniau, I Ion. -hlev Home.! who was in the public eve la-t summer as a prominent candi date for the Democratic noiniua- i t n hi lor liovcrnor. Mr. I Ionic i- ' a man oi large mteiest-, ni lact. he is among the few of the old time Southern planters who are lelt. lie cultivates 7.000 acre- of land, which require- the services 1 if Ss mules. Mr I loine is not 1 ml v inlei -esled in tanning, bin he has ni vestments in cottmi mills, liank-. j insurance cmupanie- and other in-til uti. .11- 1 ii N' .it 1 1 ( an 'Ima ' t hat are doing -o much I . . build ' up the Nate I he man friend- . i M 1 I Ionic w ill be pleased In kno.y that he has entirely iccovered from In- lecent illne-s ..1 pncti lunula, which al one nine seemed likely I., pi nv e v er v -el 'lis ! Ml I h it ne s 11, ,; 1 1 1 p, .lit ic- ! now . lui; lie ha- a grc.il many 1 1 iemis in Ni .fth ( an 'lina win vv 1 'ii bl like 1' 1 -ee him h- in .l ed bv his parlv CHURCHES SUNDAY. I hei e will be -erv lee- in all t be churches m the citv mi Sumpy and all the pastors a-k ii.r a full alicndance "f the membership. I he bret hi en win hav e been making -iii'h a noise Im- the pas', ten day- nu account ni not havii g t he pi lv ilege ' d attending chin a h now have a year ahead of tin n and will 110 doubt be mi t::ne next Nindav and occupy the fro it LOCAL I J . J n iinc. . i Salisbury . i-hen- today. W P 1. inn. .-! Alcxandi 1.1. a . I- ii gi-leied at the f Iw I Ml-. I K' II lei w on the In ,1 piie a: Moftilt I iirni-hnig ( o '--ton- I ho-. J b 1, .111, . K, . ,,; sal,, billy, vva- a i-::..r lieu tin tll' 'i niitg- P I ai pcnlei 1- c 'iilmed to hi- n '1 mi wilh pin unii iiii.i I his da- been . tic ' . i the lew bad day - w e usually hav e in mid w nil 11 heie I h, c miel has little to il,. with it M 1 A I ', N.i 1 1 1 v v is in t he cil v tod. 1 y Mi NtIccv v is ,, pi "iniii cut baraca man in the stale. I hurinan M aim is h, mie in 1111 file I'niveisity t,, -pend Sunday w ilh his parents. Mr and Mr- I). Mann Miss Carolina . (innby. ,,1 Ii v inglmi. a . is expected this week I'm a v is 1,, Mrs nm M llarrell Tims. (, Sydnm. nf the Svdu.u Pump and ell 1 .1 . nf 'Rich niond. w as here y 1 -terday . f hi conipanv makes ,, specially of artesian wells and has d'nllcd sonic of the most successful wcU in the south. Pen Pickett is ,.ut after sev eral weeks , , severe sickness. Rev I. Sheirill, ,,f (ireeiis bom. representing the Christian Advocate, is in the citv. Slipt Unwell and Prof. Kieger "I the graded selmols, left ycst'er day in attend the meeting nf Superintendents and Principals of Ninth I aii'lina Public Schools C. M. Piigis, ,,, .!, n,ja, S. I . was here this morning en route to hi-, nld home in Trinity Capl. M. I.. J,,es. ,.f Tlmmas ville, is lure today. H. Hall, superintendent nf bridge building and construction of the Southern Railway, was here this morning in conference with smne of the city officials. I he men of ( ireensboro arc still interested largely in the Laymen's .Mnvcmcnt. A perma nent committee has been appninl ed with A. M Scales, chairman: s. II Ireland, vice-chairman, H. J. Davis, Secretary and T. A. Hunter, treasurer' The laymen of (ireensboro so far have raised about $JO,rxx). FARM FOR SALE. .ib 1-2 acres d land 5 miles southeast of lli'h Point mi Ashe lurn rnad. opporsite side nf rnad from F.. I). Steele's farm. Price reasonable. J. . I'arriss. THE INEXORABLE YELLOW TIDE CREEPS SLOWLY HIGHER-PARIS IN GLOOM Pari-. Jan. jS I l.., cmidi linn- had become considerably vvoi-e at o'clock thi-- morning, particularly in ihr smith and ea-l -eel 1. .us. In the 1 'Id I .at ill ' 1 11 a 1 -ter llie -it uat I' m vv a- ct it ieal I he sidevv aik 1 i I be 1 biai de- ( u aiuls Allgn-liu- cllapsed and till ml" the ' b lea 11 - I mnpau v - I iiiiuel beneath. iiiitIiit exlcnding the tlood 1 In , ugh ihe ancient streets,, pat 1 iculai lv the Rue Jacnb audi : . 'it :..l 'lie In 1 1 1 u '. e . ,1 I ranee ! M an v -cw ers burst in I lie 1 T w ci f : ii Ai r. imlisscmcnt . 1 me 1 if ! tile biggi -t in I 'an-, t u. u hi ,,. , i j which 1- now -u'lnurged. and has j been piuugi d int.. dark lie-- .w lllg ! ; tin- breaking nl ihe ga- main-. I Streets Transformed Into Canals I n I he meant line vv hai js hap- pe'i'ng I- en.. ugh ; sse terrnl'l I" 1 he he. 'I I s . .1 ,rl CI II hi I in- i li V -ee lie v cry I I eadv I' . 1 iiik nit" nu il led sub tei ran can riiuh In ne.iili l .vei v ";: n - ,r , i m -: ing in new I' -ca 1 1 ' 1 - 1 .111 -I ii; a -ub-idence ! 1 1 n -1 1 1 1 I 11 1 n ; I :ieni 1 1 1 -c ' ' , ; leiT ail. e t ', um llial h v 1 I .v ,1 ; ',- 1 he - v 1 1 H ,y t th I. i' c w; 1. (-..in P.i 1 1 v 1 ; I I . 1 1 1 s 1 . . 1 1 . 1 .j , muu.l.r i .1 . 1 1 -til' 1- mi., 1 T 1 1 1 ' . 1 ,1 ' 1 . l.. c. ..ml ihe '.it . - in;, 1 c.iii.il - bl "le I " 1 1 V 1 1 1 .1 lie' the c. .1 1 1 I I- -i N 1,, 1 1 h j ' in I , ;e Tin h, and 'he en.iie lell bank I the euie II' '11 above tiic '.sl.in.l- I,. Xuieiiil c ;ii.-:-iug 1 ii !.,u , . ,,,, ., I,,., ihe 1:1 -Ili. 'liable N 1 .ei niaii' di I ni" . 1 hi im . igu , .nice, the ( haul bcr "I I lepui ic-. and the ( hamps ' l;" -- suliinerged 1 1 1 1 I c r ''""l "He I" I vii led ,. water Smile "i the deputie- left the Palais l;,.uib"u t .uigiit 1 1 1 r,,u '" ' ''I o: ' 1 . .,, ihe hack- ,.f al letiilaut- I ,ie wail- ..,' ;u. n valid- station ,;,e cvumbiiug and b"lii that -lruiTuie and ihe wing "I the Imeign nftice "pp.i-.iic are danger ni' cllaps,-. The M,eel -ni 1 . .uiidnig tin- M I. aare s,,, 11,111 bas Mink iliice le. I and llie -lliiali, 11 th, ;e i- 1, g.n.h .1 as ,r. ''':- '- .'Is- I. ..led that the J' :'-'lal - ::'..'.. In,, neigl, bmiug dep.11 in. eel -: - nig 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 be .,i,i 1!, .vx , ; ,,sK l W.T II,'.. I',,- ll... ,le,l I,,,-, ni, 111 '"'"'Ce :.V i.c.illh "I Ihe "ecu I'-"" . and lite -iilell . . 1 -ew erage ! al' '.. ly 1 .ei mean; ing 'in luuld nig- N I'lici s ,n e .y. .iking de-perale bv I !,,- aid -I l"i, he-, dl-en l-inghng di ill w I ab. w , the Nd- '""iii" and Henry l bridges, w hile larg, ..ice- i men ate -id! engaged 111 , . nis rucing dam- In change the I'min,' .,1 the -w illlv in. v ing current s. City in Semi-Darkness. I here w.t- a further -Inn .low n "I electric light plants 1,,-t night. POLITICS IN THE FIFTH DIS TRICT WARMING UP -SIX POSSIBLE CANDIDATES At tin- appinach nf rnuiul hue. dav . vv Inch is m-xt cducsdav . the people ol the l ilth I )stn, : have be-iiu to talk politics. S- tar vv e ha v c heard the names , , s men menlioned in connection w Uli Ihe I cntocratic iioininal ion Im ( undress ; Jude Jones, ot U litsloii ; I ), . M ebiinc. , d Spray . 1 'Cil I . I an. of I I111I1.1111 : e 1 .over K I'. 1 denn. ,. in sloll ; ( ,,. knystei . of ( .raiiv ille. and (."nl. nhn A. Hariinmr. ol .1 ceiisbi no. I he fnencls ,,1 the latter j;enl leiiian. however, stale that he will not be a candidate If there is a contest for the Mcnii ictal ic u. iininat i. n in this district, it slmiihl be made in the best nl huninf because the Demo crats realize that Mr Moiehcad is K"'".s; t" make a l; I run and il is ioint; n take unity almi all lines ,, briiiM (u- district b.ick in t he I cnii icrat ic o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I be name of I I. ti. ( ' i us 11. atson, of i u st m. has also been mentioned in connection with the nomination, but this dis tiniiished veteran is not enthus iastic in llie nutter and has stiid that he would im! run. . Smile ni his friends have stated, however, that if the nomination were l; i v -en him unanimously that he vv mid make Ihe race and il is leav mg the c:lv 111 s, mi daikiic Ihe 1 1 lui w "i k is pi . .ceeding l.ia, el v . ic en I 'i 'ing 1 elll-ed 1 1 .a -Iiell.i iciibi-h.ip nnellc im - ..nit ie. pnl .I ic .1 av ei s in the 1 li 11 1 .- in - .1 1 , . i .1 c. il led 11 'il taken up 1 . 1 -li,- v 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 s In -p:li .a the i 1 ili did water -iipplv 1 in .nil le 'l i' ' - - a v thai liie 1 e-ei v 11 s .11, in' .! I and thai : iiel 1 1-1:0 d.nigiT 'I a I. inline ll the w at 1 1 1 1. 1 1 s ! 1 .. 1 , . 1 1 1 1 1 a re I ill ! aril c t:I I -1 1 u I A I" drink nig put po-es t in,- same '.line a .'. ai niug 1- again i-s,u-d that ill - w a: i 1 s,,uld be Im.lcd I he -it uat ! 'll bel. ivv I 'at h I- be coining ,, ' '1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 w "i -e I 'he s 1 el cl 1 "I water which 1 ng 11 1 1 -I ' 'ill' ig in . N cud! v. I'm eau x. devil's - ll'i 1 , -. Mai-. I .. hi I e I epi i . 1 . and p. .: : - u , cuing rap:.bv . w hd, 1 .1 1 her be I'M-, tin s , . . 11 , ; 1 ' 1 - -e 1 - p. Til iiig ill in w ; "I 1 v 111 - o v . ; ili, I'..i..t--cc: 1. ti I in I.. 1 1 1 1 aid In, . .1 he gav I '.11 isiiui i:..s I,, , n -udd. nlv -il en. ' '1 b.st .. the 11,11 ic halls 1 em. 1 111 . ., n I an ; I,, x ; 1 de-iT ! id i : 11 -1 . . , niuit :t iidi -it - in in Tit .I I 1 I., nilev ..id cue- M a - p, 1 I.,' 111, , 1 ing 1. 1-1 nigh: 'in I'" ...' I IK.iltb di c w up 111 -: 1 lid i' ti- . T ll.e pi 1 '. 1 -in. .11 . .1 II pi'l.TliU- I'he l. aid .'-pedal y I'l-l-l- li'..! .; 'Me , . ; I 1 1 1 il led h"ii- - inns; I,, , ,, ., until I hi y ii.n, h, ,11 I i:. .1 ..ig A ds..n :' od. and liu buldm., aii'd cl.. th ing, vv Inch in, e be n , :, .annual i d by ll, ,. ., ,v ,:l e: . but in d Ml "iiiuihuses. i,e, 1 cars and "ihcr heavy tialiic .11 the bridges wile -lopped la-: nigli! piemjer Pi land decl.Ti cd 1 1 ia 1 persons w lio ii'Mi'led up pn.y i - i. in - in the a I' ll ded plac. - vx i:h tin inn ntion '! n -ellmg ll,. 111 .,1 a pr-tit. "nld In .il.'.-l:eallv deal! with I i;, i csiilenc. . .1 I iiitcd Nat e-111bas-ad. : Ihicmi ha- bee. . me uuIiTiabl, and lb, iainilv has ri ntove.l !" :h, Meicedc- "ii-lel I ile Red ( u u hu l, ha- icceivcd a -ubs am i,-, j check ""I" lill'.s-.i.!. : I :.... vcstei la v 1 -1 aid: :, d -..tip kr , li, ,s , , ""' 'I' "''li'' ' .. i :::,.li,d p. cuts 1 -1 1 1 ' 1 .1 . 1 : 1 1 1 .. 11 Mi 1 ;.u ni '' '"I "p- ti I 1 eig 11 ! 1111 -I , r I ii' 11 and 11. 1 : in.iliy 1, ;id, 1 , d liu -vmp.itii a tin Aiminan g"V 1 1 TIIliT . ' a ud I i'ii J I ' -M 1 g.111 :1.1s cabii . 1 1 . .111 1 .v N a I. : , :i, ! mg Sg, i.imi , , , ,n 1 -ide c. ml : il.nl 1, ti- ,, ihe rein I Hind w ill. !: w ill in acccplabl, I hi I'Tindal : ti- ,, the a H' Tial p 1, , iaiu 1.11 :- i v ,,i s.,A , ale siHHi 1 in. 11. v pia. i - it ; hat y leant v 1 in' 1 1 1 s h ,. w alei has !,, 1 1, " , Lipid liia: til, pe,,ple did n.. hav, Utile ill winch I .. ev acua I ! he' 1 hollies I v ei m 1 11 11 1 , bungs ,, -1 , t v ,.f a new disa-i 1 1 " i 1 1 1 l ally In iiev e,l in the d; i 1 1. : thai lie i "ll h I cat i v 1 1 by "'o map 'I II v . as h, I- sj i , .n. u n j, ev i i v clement in ! he I em. 'Cl al ic pal 1 v . iiicIiiiIiiil; that element I hat has ii, . been well pleased on ace. Mint . 'I I he passage , , i he m llil nl ion law Ihe -ll ual I, ti n v it v I nl el est ill one. as u i 1 1 a -uiipTlani. I., ill, parlv and the Icadi i - s, .nl. I . ab. Til liu inal ter wilh vv sc beads PAINFUL ACCIDENT. Idle friends ,,f Mr. ( Arthur K n kinan will regret t , . leatu d the serious accident with which he met yesterday at the lli,L;h I oint l'n ,1 Spring loinpany. sut icriim a broken knee cap. Mr l Kuknian vva- walking ovci the ll.ini in llie l.iiT"i Winn lie sii uck hi- in. M against a piece f plank which had been nailed tn llie limn I le fell and mi account oi one of bis knees heinu, stiff was unable I" catch, falling wilh all nf his vveiht on the other i knee and breaking; the cap. I be b nt crpi ise called M r. kiikman's residence Ihis niorn iui; and learned from Mrs. Kirk- . man thai he was rcslinn, ipiielly , and doini; very well under the I circumstances. 0f ooooooooooooooooooooo o THE GREAT Is Her e Stopping with Us.... The best cigar ever offered to the American people for MANN DRUG COMPANY i a o OCHSCKHSOOOOCC OODOOOOOOOCi-MJO DOOOOOCH3-000-000-DOOOOOOOOOOO- 5 Your Spring Suits One of my best tailors will be at my store Jan. 19th and 20th, with a fine line of samples and it will pay you to call and look them over. C.D.flATTOCliS V 0 0 0 OOOOCHXHKH)0KKKKHC For COUGHS "Rexall Cherry Juice is the medicine. It's pleasant to take. RING DRUG CO. BOTH STORES Hot Drinks ! Our Beef, Tomato, and Clam Bouillon are not warm, they are hot-RED HOT! Our Hot Chocolates can't be beat, 5c relation Drug Gompany XXK KHtKH0OO O O O O O O 0 0 O O 0 O O I will give my custom ers who have their photos made between this and the 1st of Jan. 1910 a nice souvenoir. Call and see what it is. I have some up-to-date holhday cards. Yours to please, Rochelle 50)OC000HOtH30iOOOOlOOiOOC mcnnirs i studio i '!,"' ;-. ''" . - .T"'j-; , I i,!.).rs.---,',.V: AV-it'.