11 I ' , J- ' lift fey i ' ' 1 nr-.sc? s; 1 "i- j-jt VOL. 13, (10.55 HIGH POINT, NORTH CARSUNA, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 110 PRICEI ONE CENT J" Jul ), 1 5 if -.-JaW..1. :i- r ' V.f j-.) ... f IT" 1 W "... 'v' . " Am. n s o r Sp At to be Men on every side now and Spring denote I lie near ap proach of Summer, indicating ' an increased demand for Ice. We sup ply that beneficleot aid to' comfort by the ton or the few povnds, dell, ver 'it at your door or in yoat ice bos, fwnUh the purest ire that oan be made, and the coat is so small that yon cannot possibly afford to be without a supply at all times It'!- Point kt& f id (qsj Both Phones No. 108 " New Spring Lockets. The vety thiug for Eas ter giftSj The very lat est in Belt Pins and Hat Pins. The be.t Silver Ware and Cut Glass. Handsome hand painted China. All new Stock. A pleasure to Show you. Watch repairing, a spe cialty . . . Queen Jewelry (o. t WATCH TI1IS.AD FOR SPECIAL FEA TURES AT ! AUDITOR IUM RINK f OPEN EVERY NIGHT f AND AFTERNOON IN THE WEEK..... Z Adm. Skates 5 ct. - locte. RELIABLE You(Are cordially -v invited s to inspect ! our lines in Cloth- ing.Shoes, Hats and -Furnishings. A 1 1 'new,' In the most up. I, to 'date and snap- .piest, styles of this - 7seaon .'If - style : afld quality, a reaVu " sonable prices is de- ; ffsiredinjeUingytttr V; wants lor Easter ?you tan get Jt at to RELIABLE, London WHERE THE PEO PLE WORSHIP ALL THE CHURCHES WILL OBSERVER EASTER. Firat Presbyterian Church. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Junion Christian Endeavor So- 'city, 1.30 p. m. Chrintian En deavor Society at 7.00 p." m. Rev A. S. Caldwell will preach at -1 1 a., m., subject, "After the Res surrection, What?" At 7.30 the young people will hold a special service which will interest young and old. I he glad hand will be given you when you come, hatted or hatless. The -pirl is more impor tant than the hat. Com with her. Welch Memorial M. P. Church Sunday school at 9.45 a. m Special Easter exercises by the school at 7 30 p. m., F. W. Easter, superintendent. Preaching by the pastor at 10.45 P- m.. subject, "Is Our Preaching Vain?" Thos. E. Davis, Pastor. P. S. Second Quarterly Con ference and prayer meeting Wed nesday at 7-3 p. m. First Baptist Church. Sunday school at 9.45 a. m.. A. E. Tate, sueprintendent Preaching at n.oo a. m., subject: "Palms and Willows." Evening services at 7.30 o'clock, subject: -"If a Man Die Shall He Live '. Again." Special Music by the I Wind Roys' Orchestra. O. L. Powers, pastor. At The Lutheran Church. I "Sunday schxl and 'Bible class at 9.4 a. m. Iivinc service with sermon at 11.00 a. m. This ser vice will commemorate our Lord's Resurrection. Subject of sermon, "I am alive for evermore and have the keys of Hell and Death." A festival service by the Sunday school at 7.30 p. m. You are cor dially invited to these services. M. Luther Canup, Pastor. Methodist Protestant Church A. Ci. Dixon, pastor; A M. Idol, superintendent. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. by the pastor, subject: "The Risen Saviour." At -7.30 p. m. the Easter ser vices will be held by tftie Sunday school. You are cordially invit ed to all these services. Washington Street M. E. Church. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Special Easter services to which parents, friends and the pirblic generally are incited. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by the pastor. At the morning seryice an offering will be taken for the Children's Home at Winston. Special Services. Devotional services for men will be conducted in the Junior Order hall Sunday evening at 3 o'clock by Rev. J. E. Thompson, pastor of Washington Street M. E. church. Every Junior in the city is requested Jo come out. The public generally are invited. ..Firat Reformed Church. - Sunday school' at 9.45 a. m. Morning seryice at eleven o'clock, evening service at 7.30 . o'clock. NLet us attend God's Jiouse in -the spirit of worship. ' Friends Church. Sabbath school at 9.45 a. m. Divine services at 11 a. m, and 7.30 p. m. The public is cordial ly invited to attend botfi Sabbath school and services. . " j JSnos Harvey, Pastor. - Green St Baptiat .Church. unday school ' at 9.45 a. m, Preaching1 at M a. m. subject Shadow vsa Substanee. In the' evening y xtaprisnviis , meaning and Plate in thr Church.MH , REVIVAL SERVICES South Main St. M. E. Church. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Mr. J. W. Clinard, superinten dent. Easter service by the Sun day school at 1 1 a. m. and address by the pastor. Any one desiring children to be baptized will please present therrat 11 a. m. Junior league, 2.30 p. m. Preaching at 7.30 p. m.; sub ject, "A special message from the son of man to South Main Street Church." This is the beginning of our revival at South Main Street church. . . , , , , four years presiding elder on the ' . . , , . Morganton Bistnct. and who is now pastor of the Methodist church in Wadesboro, conies on Monday to preach for us through this revfval. Come and hear him and! take a hearty part in the sing-, ing and services. Everybody wel come. O. P. Acler. Pastor. KpNA5,EA5TERl)REAr Vi-vA VUrS Y LOUISE COOPER dben little Hnna wtnt to sleep d pon th rrs of 6astcr day 6bf dreamed of candled Hnd frtah. brisk? imp numpiy vumpi Stood mlling on Hnd Oucliy. Daddies, uiM st tnc root (net to crplafn. Chrce baby duetts (n notoy play, CTJho never thought to pardon beg, Cried "Quack, quack, quack, for Caster day I " Hnd tbtn tobogganed down an egg. H rooster and a hen en neat - ' ejttahned, "please put us In the rhyme, for wc art doing our level best In working up the 6aster rime!" five bunnies, each with eyes of pink Hnd ears so long they flapped like wings. Said. "Hfter all. do you not think Chat we arc. cunning little things?" Cwo lambs, Mfce that which Mary had. Chat frolicked as all lambs will do, Said, "(CIc are not considered bad, Hnd, don't forget we're little too." fire sparrows, proud of their wee slic Cbey ner grow too broad or tall Chirped, "OU should surely win a prtie. for we arc littlest of them-all " Cwo tiny men from Citakum, (Qlth good strong arm and stuHv Ug, Deld steady as a block of gum H large and glowing rainbow cgai Chcrc, standing on It like a queen, uircn rosy lips and roguish eye. In pink and gold and bronac and green, Che gtrly, curly butterfly. LET US UNIFORM THE VETERANS. The 47th Confederate Veterans of High Point camp should be uniformed and the Enterprise will make an appeal to our citi zens here to do the handsome thing and raise the $200 required and have the uniforms ready by the August meeting. Each, subscription will appear in the Enterprise every day. if the plan should meet with your ap proval. Come along now and lets raise it : J. J. Farriss $5 00 W. D. Smith .: 2.50 TRINITY WON A FAST GAME FROM LAFAYETTE Durham , March 26. In the best game of the season Trinity yesterday defeated LaFayette. 2 to 1. ' The game was a fast one on both sides and was won by the locals on errors of their oppon ents. Score: R, H. E. Tjlnity ... 100 ooi 000 a 4 1 LaFaette . . oooooo;ioo 1 5 '3 Batteries: Gantt and Watson; Fager and Sam. Three base Hits, Flowers. Struck out, by. Gantt, 1 ; by Fager, r. Stolen bases, Trinity, 1 ; LaFayette, 1. Sacri fice, Trinity,, 3 l LaFayette, X. Umpire, Rowe. I,., GENERAL HOLIDAY HOLIDAY MONDAY. Mr. Schaub requests us to an hounce that the depot will be clos ed Monday on account of Easter Holidays. 'There will practically be a holiday in all the factories and public' places on Monday will Close monday. All of the banks, the postoffice and many! of the factories will close on Ejster Monday. MANUFACTURERS BAN - QUET. On account of conflicting dates of some of the speakers which were expected to be present at 1 the annual banquet as well as the lateness of rlie season, the nan- . , , . , . llRt 'has been called off for the DEATH OF A CHILD. (iencva, the one-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. (I. C. Patterson on English street died yesterday of pneumonia after a brief illness. The remains were sent to Randle inan this morning for interment. n ' 1;. V earn a heap lambs at play. e counterpane, wondering bow. BIG CONTRACT Peoples House Furnishing Co. has just closed a contract to fur nish 78 rooms for a hotel at Washington, D. C. RALEIGH MEAT DEALERS FINED BY CITY COURT Raleigh, March 26. After a trial in the city court extending through ten days fines of $500 were assessed against Swifth and company, meat packers, and $5 against W. D. Vaughn, local manager of that company, for putting on the market a dressed hog declared to lc unfit for food. The alleged defect in the carcass was declared to have been of a pronounced character, showing organic impurities, which, it is said, should have condemned the animal before being slaughtered. An appeal was taken to the Superior court in each case. Four Can Fcncy Apples for C5o. at sJ.a.Ucdrfsrxo !i ; - raws ;-- " Wi a bow, vt ' r I ml FORMAL OPENING ROOMS There was a large gathering in the Council rooms of the Junior Order last night to witness the exercises incidental to the formal opening of the lodge room. It was about as fine an audience as we have seen assembled (in High Point for some time. District Deputy J. . Sechrest presided. After the invocation by Rev. J. E. Thompson the address of welcome was delivered by Mayor V. X Tate in a very ap propriate speech. In a happy vein Mr. ebb, of (ireensboro, made a response, one of his characteristic speeches, which are always good. Dr. W. i. liradshaw, o"f High Point, introducing the main speaker of the evening. Judge F.iue, paid a handsome tribute to the local Junior ( )nler and refer red in complimentary terms to the public spirit which has been manilested in the order and the general usefulness which has characterized its movements for several ears. Judge Kure made one of his linest speeches, which is saying a great deal. He has unusual oratorical powers and w hen he is brought out oir a pop ular subject which stands near his heart as does the Junior Order, his remarks are highly interest ing as well as instructive. He complimented High Point Junior Order on the work it was doing here, the influence of which ex tended throughout the district. Judge Eure was followed by Mr. John Phconixnf Greensboro, who made a very witty speech and wound up with some very pleas ant references to the High Point Junior Order hoys Another prin cipal speaker of the evening was Mr. Joyce, of kcidsville. Mr. Joyce is (piite an orator and al ter leading oft with some happv hits relative to the District De puty and to the I ligh Point Jun ior Order Councils, lie delivered a most patriotic speech which was highly enjoyed by all present. Another one of the home speak ers was Dr. Dred Peacock, al ways a popular speaker here. Dr, Peacock made a "Splendid speech which embraced some very fine references to the splendid work the local Junior Order was doing from his observations as an out sider, closing with some fine his torical references on the lines of virtue, patroitism and liberty, for which the Junior Order stands. Dr. Peacock was very eloquent in his allusions to the divine part of the work of the Junior Order as based upon the Bible. The last speech of the evening was made by J. J. Farriss. who referred inci dentally to the good work of the order in the community and to the work of the officers who had done so much to bring about the good results that have been ac complished. iMusic for the occasion was fur nished by rhe Kid Band and as usual, they did well. The Enter prise desires to congratulate the Junior Order on the success of the formal opening of the new Council room. It was one of the best meetings that we ever at tended and we think it was enjoy ed by all who were present. We trust that they will have these public gatherings often. We be lieve it will be largely enjoyed, as well as of benefit to the entire community. A COLD EASTER? Tomorrow's Forecast Gives Promise of it. If the prophecy of the Weath er Bureau stands and like is to follow like some coo) weather may be expected for lEaster Sun day. Saying that it will be fair tonight, the forecast addavr Colder Sunday. TELEGRAPH POLES ON FIRE The firm alarm was turned in from box Xo. 32 this morning at ten o'clock. The fire department made a prompt response and found the tire to be a pile of tele iVlioiu" poles in front of the Alma Furniture Co. The blaze was evi dently started from sparks from a locomotive. The fire was soon extinguished, but was getting un der good headway when the tire department arrived. ANOTHER LOCAL OPTION MASS-MEETING. The Salisbury Post s leaks out today that a ays: It meeting similar to that held at Henderson by local optionists several weeks ago, will be held in Salisbury shortly. A meeting of a number of citizens representing the va rious parties will probably be held one day next week at which time a mass meeting will be call ed. A speaker will address the meeting and it is not unlikely that an organization will be ef tected to wage a campaign for local option. It is understood that meetings of this character will be held in several other counties in the state- EARLY CLOSING. A good number of the stores will close early beginning with next MonKay at 7 o'clock. Merchants Column Thi Column will be Davotcd to tha MerchanU for the Benefit of their Customers, Tell of Special Bargains, Sales. Etc. I at 11 nize aut iinatic stamp ma- Plenty of Easter Egg 1 )ye !ing Drug Co.. two stores Mattocks Bench-made $S shoes are the snappiest in town. Howard it foster shoes men. The "Patrician" shoes vv oiue n . Blair-Hoskins Co. for for W e do repair work of all kinds, best service, best work Queen Jewelry Co. See our nice new stock of spring styles id jewelry. Oneen Jewelry Co. I have the original liuster llrovvn Shoes for boys and girls. II. A. Mofhtt. New linen, ISrooks Faster arrive Co. suits today silk, Try our new skates, we have just received 50 new pairs for your pleasure and comfort. All sizes -Auditorium Rink. II. A. Mofhtt, the Popular Price Store, has just received another lot of Queen Quality Shoes to day. If you want some nice repair work ('one. patronize the High Point Repair Shops. If your bug gy needs painting, the Higli Point Repair Shop can make it look as good as new. NOTICE. In the advertising columns of this paper in our add I will tell you somefhing new twice a week for thirty days about this won derful machine, j s ,1 1 Read the add and, .watch it change twice a week. ' 1 Respectfully, 1 E. R. Mclritire, Meat Cutter, Star Market. full! LINE Of Ziegler shoes just arrived in a 1 1 leathers. Pattent ankle straps, Court Tirs, Gun Met al ankle straps, Court tirs Vi cies in all styles Wri;bteobery - toon Ccmpdfij Who Tailor best In lildh Point Precision! A word explains It-- precis Ion so perfective, so sys tematized that no single de tail of the manufacture Is left to chance. Accuracy---so positive that each bit of boning must take its place without a hairbreadth's devia tion in one model or a million. They lace in front. Tfiiuk what that means the class'c back correct poist beautiful lines ease of adjustment with abso lute comfort. The proof Is in the ffttiiiR. Fitted and Sold by Mrs Sheetz, Modiste N. C. Bank Building HAVE YOU SEEN II? We man our wonderful maat iDcIng machin. Htreaftar we are going to sell Ham, Break fast Bacon, Dried Beef etc. Sliced Ready For Cooking Sliced to sny desired thickness. Most peyli'e would rather ret ft this wsy, ss s pound or two esch of Ham, Bacon or dried Beef afTordn such a nice variety. MclNTtRIAION Star Msst Msrhsl oaoofiHatXrOWrooooaoooo SPRING Millinery OPENING t Thur. and Friday f March 24 and 23 I . We give the ladies of High Point and surrounding com munity a most hearty invitation to attend our spring Millinery Opening. Miss Hutchison, of Baltimore has charge of the trimmings. Mrs. D.T. Andrews QtWOHCHHrOtHHOH Qassarg ) 1 ' ry, J"s ' v.. ' .ft V" 1 v 1 w 1 f , 1 k t, 'y , e,

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