V ...t.,A,;..,. & t.ii.i?, jim.itYih v.. ,.?. Al,r,.f.,;..,i,grfr-ri.J(if w....i.. ,. ...... , ...mi. 4 VOL 13, NO. 64 HIGH POINff, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1910 PRICQONE CENT OUR CITY CHOSEN AS NEXT MEET PLACE PROGRESS MADE WILL CELEBRATE FOURTH THE MEETING CON TINUES PAVING TO BEGIN ON CAR 1RACK Precision! BY CLUB ioint Signs of Spring Are to be seen on every side now and Spring ilenoten the nrHr ap proach of Summer, iinliiatiiiK an increase, 1 leii a n 1 (or Ice. We sup ply iliat bemt'uicnt aid to comfort tlie ton or the few pounds, deli ver it at )ur door or in our icebox, furnish the piuest ice tht can be made, and the cost is so small that you cannot possibly afford to be without a supply at all times Ify. Point let & fuel Compaiy Roth l'lioiies No. 10H FULL L I Of Ziegler shoes just arrived in a 1 1 leathers. Pattent ankle straps, Court Tirs, Gun Met al ankle straps, Court tirs Vi cies in all styles Vnsblaberj Marrisan (onp) Who Tailor boat In High Point Masquerade Carnival Friday Night, April 8th AUDITOR IUM RINK Skating before and after Carnival Adm. - 5 ct. Skates - lOcte. YOU CAN BUY The Boyden and Howard & Foster Shoes AT Blair-Hoskins Co. HIGH POINT GETS CON VENTION. Mr. V.A.J. Idol received a tele gram todav from Mr. . 1). Pay lor. who is attending t lit- Stale Sunday School i 'mi int inn at W iImhi stating that Hih I'nint liad hccii selected as the place for hoMinr, tlii- next State conven tion. Last Sunday at the meet ing of the township Sunday -cliool convention which met here ihe delegates were instructed to invite the state convention to meet here next year. The I nte-rprisc is pleased at the decision of the convention and we helicvc that all progres sive i'itiens here will he pleased at the opportunity of entei tain i tij ihis yreat I t I v of Sunday school workers here will ,f alioui fmn delegates. We have a town which we are prmul of. tilled with ho-.pit.ihle people and it will he a pleasure to have our friends over the state to conie and mingle with us a few days. COBLE CASE BEGINS The jury in the Coble case was secured at 4 o'clock this after noon, and the examination of witnesses has begun. LOCAL AND PERSONAL The fans will simply take ireciishi i'i i tonii h p iu , W I Alexander, of Charlotte is in the city. I'.oli Rice, of ( ,i cciishoro. i lure todav. Mi-s MnesLiuleiord.tif lie die is at the Llvvood m, and see ihe Three I halTeurs tl 'lllcdll M i's. t I I . . 1- i n . , if ( irecnslii .ro :n i iv eil l his ni. it iiiiil' li r a v isit ! Mis I n eman at Archdale Mr and Mis M Whitlicld "i w lis, ,ii are rri'Mrrnl at flic I Iw.M.d. lied Sill I en field, who is assist I. ml in Mr Siniin. ins at the I'.arde is suk vvilh pneumonia. Secure your tickets f, ,r tin I'liree t hauf! cuts i mihl . I lie hint in this immediate scc- - 1 ii is s.ne sn far. Mrs Arthur Mar-di and child who have been iiite siek will fever are improving. Mrs. Marsjh's improvement is not sn rapid as that of the child. Have you visited the new shoe slmie parlors' Mr and Mrs ) L. Wilson. of rchdale, who were injured in the auto wreck were in town to dav I hev are almost ready 1o put otT their bandages. So far Deputy I'arrish has col lecled over SJo.uio ol lip) taxes for Ihis township. Mrs l). . W'elbom. who has been ipiile siek this week is im proving. Mrs. L. Litis, of Trinity, is spending the day in ireens iioro. Mis-. Annie I'.urus. daughter of Mr. Ziniri l!urnsi was taken to Si I.eo's in irceiisboro today to be operated on for gastritis. J. KIw.xmI Cox. Dr. V. (';. Ilradsbaw an I'. M. Pickett left todav for New York. They will be absent about a week. Dr. Hates' family, who have been visitnjj the family of M. T. I licks for the past week, left on train No. 7 for Charlotte, X. C, to make their future home there Shucks for sale at the Hardee farm, Centennial avenue. 7-2C Special prices on our real whole pearls. T.llis week only. Oiiccn Jewelry Co. WANTED Ten hoys from 10 to 15 years old. Apply to J. C. Thomas old stand Three Chaffeurs Tonight MEETING OF THE WOMAN'S CLUB The W oman's Club held a very interesting and largely attended meeting yesterday afternoon at tlie Manufacturers club rooms The various departments made reports a-, to the progress of thei work, all of which were very en coui aiing. ( iratiheat ii n w as ex pressed for the fact that the city authorities are co-operating with the civic department in the clTort for cleanliness and health. The Philanthropic department had charge of the program of the meet ill":. Mrs. I".. (. reelman explained the object f the work ami Mrs Charles Kaan cave an account of t'he hej'inninjr ,,f the organization. Miss Clara Cox tnl of the work that had been accmn pli-hed by the department. 1 1 1 w-i 1 lionum especially the distribution ol new garment-and second ham articles of clothing. aKn tlie plan .mi fnnt fur circulation of pcrindi caN and bunks. Ihe importance nl the work of our district iiiiih w as alsi 1 emphaMed. Miss Lucy I'.shelmaii then lav 'led the club vvilh a beautilu -n,. lis In-ephine Snead. tin ilistrici nuise. made a ninst mler eslino report, telling of her work and uiviiii; s,,me mstaines nl her experienc es. Mis (Iclnla Lindsav recitec most charmingly a pathetic reci tat i hi about a poor, crippled boy. Miss I r in I'avlnr read an appre ciative paper on the life of Mis' I'rances W illard Mrs. J. J. Jack son read a paper mi Modern Phil anthrntipv. Sic brought out the need nf or.ijanied ellnit ami t studv ni social problems I mam idea i to pmnmtc eivilia- t it "ii bv educating' the people. Modern philanthropy goes deepi'i than occasional charitv. She ''ave nisiances ,,f betterment work in New York and bwva, telling espe iiallv nf the w 1 irk of Jane Adam M i s T. J Cold rendered a s,,. inns) ehai iniimlv. Mrs ( 'reelman spnke n settlement house work and ventured the prophecv that the tune will come when such .1 work will be undertaken in Iliili Point Miss Ativcla Lindsay Cave a brief account of the meet- ni!' nl" the Woman's Club in (irceiisboro during the time ol the Tuberculosis Convention. Re freshments consisting of wafers and chocolate, were served MORE OFFICE ROOM. The office business at the freight depot is increasing sn rapidlv that Agent Schaub has had to prepare a large record room lie reallv needs a private office, where he can do business without coming in contact with all the office force. MR. PARNELL LEAVES. Mr. D. II Parnell left today for Rome. ( ia , where he goes to work with Mr. ) X. Richardson in the new pipe plant which is being built there. Mr. Parnell diil not say w'helher his stay at Koine would be permanent or not. BIG LOT SALE. Ceorge T. Penny, representing the Carolina Loan and Realty Co., is preparing for a big sale at riiomasvilU- on April joth. The College property there lias been divided into 75 lots which will be sold on the above date. A free lot and a bag of gold will be given away. The town will take iliday for the occasion ELKS ATTENTION. Kvery Klk is urged to attenl the meeting of the lodge tonight. In stallation of officers followed by haii(iiet. Visiting brothers cor dialy invited to meet with us Ceo. A. Matton, F.. R. Three Chaffeurs Tonight FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES At a called meeting of the hire Department last night the boys decided to buy a large company tent In use when attending the Firemen's Tournament This will be a great help' to ihe boy and lessen the expense nl attend uig the tournament. It was also decided In have a 4 1 1 nt July celebration, when the Imys will give a water battle by twilight a lire show that would do credit In tlie Concv Island lire slrnvv. as shnwii in Wilmington two vcai's ago also racing and other attractions, that will guar antec the livest -)ti of Julv cele hi, ill. in High PiHiil has vet had I lie Firemen's Fire 1 iisurancc t o was brought up and alter be 1 1 1 L4. discussed .11 length the f.'l lowing res. 1 1 1 1 Ii mis vviie 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 nil nis v ad 'pled : Res. .Iv ed. First . Thai vv c the I n e I Icpartmcnt . .1 tin- t it v . ! I I igh Pi lint eh 1 high I v appl eci.ile ami lullv eiiiloise the action nf our 1 11 su 1 a nee 1 mmi 1 1 1 ee . R csol v ed. Sec Hid. I 1 1.11 we do eaiiu-sily reipu-st ami urge eveiv tiieiii.iu In subscribe ilbciallv t hi- si, ,ck 1 1 1 1 he 0 iinpaii v Rcs..cd, Third. Iliat we ask mil mends to give ihe I 1 1 em tn -Fire insurance In part nf iheir business, thereby ciicmiraging the Fire Pioys. who have made the in surance business possible and pn ilu able in 1 ur state. Resolved Fniirth. That a '"p 01 these resolutions be spread up on our minutes and a dpy be published in each nf our city a pers. The Dailv l.nterprise and I he R ev lew . ."signed. P. I Ion,, -v. Pr.-s W I. Helper, Secly MR. AND MRS. McCORMICK. Mr .111,1 Mis Medlll Met oiinick, i'i I hicagn. whn have been -pend iug the wintii at l'niehiis. vveic here last nighl at the l lw 1 li ilel i ami M i s Met . 'i niicU are in. iking the trip Until Pine Inn s o a sn ngli .ii i mi In ii se back. H igh P. 'int w as ch. 'sen as niie ol ihe iclav stations I hev will use abi .lit si I ', ,o p. .nies in making the tl lp The l.nterpiise had a talk lasl night with Mr Mct orinick and he expressed hmisell as being well pleased with this section nf ihe cotinlrv and especiallv with 1 ligh Point and he rcgrctcd that he could ii"l spend more lime here. Mr Met oiniick maiiied Miss R. ckcfcllcr WILL RETURN SATURDAY Mrs. F. l ate and daughter. I'.essie, w lit have been spending the winter at Del.and. Flmida. arc expected to return home Sal urdav night. NEW INSURANCE BUSI NESS. The Fnterprise learns that Mr W C Jones has re-established his hie insurance business here with offices in his building on N'orth Main street. Five years ago Mr. Jones and Mr A. F. Tale sold their business lo the I ligh Point Savings and Trust Co. under a five vear contract. Xow that the contract has expired Mr. Jones goes into business for himself. II. A. White is spending the dav in Charlotte Hush Crylag HIGH PRICES Duy Four Cans 3 lb. ELK IN Fanoy Apples for 25o. at J. Kl. IIEDRICK and J. II. VESTAL The revival meeting at South Mam Street M F. chinch goes on with fine interest. Fast night no preacher preached, but the t litis lians testified and cniiiesed mil n giiml and bnin-sl -hearts ( Jne blollu r lesiilied 1 vv n e ; his cup i an , .V er." hie si-t er -aid she bad resolved to sn untiling, but she arose and sp, ,kc earnest woid- Two men came forward asking pi. iv ei s and asserting their dl-sli e to live f" "I" ' d. Rev A I .. I 'ixnii o the North Main ."street M P church will preach tonight and I ridav night also perhaps Sei v ices begin at 7 )5 p m. CAUGHT IN AN APRIL SHOWER WITHOUT AN UMBRELLA ."since niaiiv ol voiii reailcis seem 1. 1 li.i e been in the cnspir ,i,i oi good will ! i, mind me I'nrciblv "I niv birthday .innivei s.nv on nril ,td. I lli.'Uglil er haps i hev w . nild be ml , u -l i 1 m kni .vv nig the I e-ull - 1 may say thai the poslal planned, slunk in, s,uarch williniit an umliiell.i or anv ,. tlier pmtcctinii I r .III II s 1 1 .rci- I here w ei e signs . . a sh. 'W er .Nitui d.i v in- -ruing, which, hail I been weather wise. I might have lead and took warn ing, bin I allowed the signs to pass unheaded and was totally unprepared fnr the cloud-bust that si ruck me mi Sal urdav even ing when the mail carrier show ered upon me about $m cards at a single delivery, and beloic the atmosphere cileared the number hail increased t" jv These came frnin V dillcrcnt pi isi . .tin es and 1 1 ) dill ei 'cut l.iu-- I .tittm i i t i t Indiana, the place of m v nativity and former pastoral c of ten veai s. led with 1 1 1" i cards, while II igh I 'i ill 1 1 w a s a ,"s,- -ei ond vvilh lo I hi- ! hei - came Mom vv n le I v -eparalcil points in nil ihe At hint ic I. . the I '.u ihe . n can. and frnin the ' .ie.it I ..ikes (,, tu- i .nil li I lealie all the gn.,,1 wishes and pra ui - e x u r-nl on ni v I n h.ii I I shall have m.i n v re linns ( .1 I he da v , be abundantly successful and happy in in v h ic's w . .i k ami have a triumphant eiilrance ml', the elei iial city I .ml helping me I -hall endeavnr imt to disappnint niv friemls And since pcisnnal respmises will be impracticable. I take this inethnd bv the court csy n ihe I'.ntcrprise. nf express ing tn ynii my thanks nr the help and Clio iiiragmcnt vmir kind re nieinbraiicc of me has afforded Ynurs gralefullv . linns a, v ev Miss I'.essie R ichards, ni vvlm has been v s mg M is v . Da v is leav i s loin, u i i .vv , n ( h.n 1- -I I e Rev I Sm, lei , ami t Ixellev . i if ii eensh, ,n ,. are -pend nig the dav with Mrs ( Mev ens The Cuilloid dimly Medi-al Si.cielv is meeting here ibis at leiiinon in regular monthly s, s"li Ihe society is meeting in I he new mm n- rder c 'iincil hall Miss Rubv I I, illi, lay wlm has been v isiting her sistrr, M i s S I . I la v is lea v es I. mil .rinu fi ir Xew N'nrk. where she sails ihe lirsi nf the week . m the ( iinard liner. Paniininia. tn spend snine time abroad. Miss llollidav goes direct to Naples. MARRIED. Married lasl nig'ht at ' ,v o ch ick. .l r. ., iila I him is am Miss Mollie I'irowii at the home of the bride's aunt. Mrs P,,Hv Piinwn on Smith sircei The cvr eniony was performed bv Rev. (V P. Ader in the presence of several friends. The bride is a daughter of the late Peter lirovvn of High Point Three Chaffeurs Tonight MATERIAL ARRIVES WORK TO BE PUSHED. Ihe paving bricks lm paving between the ties ,,i the street rail way I racks ha v e ai i n ed 1 he coinplelioii ..I the Hack from 1 '.ees, ni I lard w are ' , . , t he j I r 1 1 In Voiiil the p..-'. i. Iln c vv ill be push -o as to ch ar lli.it bu-v part oi Main street. MAY BE SPECIAL VERDICT J. L. KING IS ON TRIAL. Ihe ohn I. King case in w Inch the defendant is charged with illegally dealing with the c-'imiv board )' highway i".,m-mis-i, lufe w bile a me n lb, i of t hat body . was called m s.upei a - m C' mrt ni-l beli'ie ,u I ou i unieii I vesier- 1.1 V bill beloic I he com i . .sed l"i ihe dav the evidence bad been i -iu bided I be nil v -II ling . m I he i .i -c. Willi mi i i i .i M i i . is I he s.ime ,i - ha - l.rrn 'ti duly ail the yy nl. .mil i- o imp, ise,l . .f I he I.. II.. wing I- II R lilt -ett. Mephen I'.ull. P.albngei . S. . Dab. ni. II Ru'hl. J P PaVlle. P I lllimie!-. Doll 11 111 - nieis. I i W ilh.,;,!. ..,n Lull.-. J. I. Holt and I R i is In 'i n Ihe argument was concluded p in the King case I' nlay at I 1 o'clock The judge ordered coun sel in get t.. gel her and agree as lo the facts This I.,.,;s as , f the j in will be charged t" bring iu a special verdict The attorneys have ii.. I agreed as ,, the facts in the case as we gn to pres. Wade Coble Arraigned. N es : ei da v in, 'i'liliig Wade to hie yy.is arraigned on ihe cliatge . . the mm del . , J. .In, M M.iley Ills . 1 1 1 1 e I ail' I in. n hei . I .ic .! ' and 1 I I a ..Lie. ale III the Mill,- bill "I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m e 1 1 1 . being v barged a- ac cess, ,, e- at 1 er t he lac! -pi i l.il v em 1 1 -I I'i' w a - o i h i i 1 1 .ii.d I h e 1 I l.ll -e! . 'i to, .i v ( "lilll v Al ii -nil v I- ilm X W lb, ., yv ill .,--1-; SoIlCtlnl ' ..ii 1 1- in ihe U"' '-Cl II 1 1' 'li The i Ic 1 1 n 1 1. 1 1 1 1 s ale I epi e si n: i d by M e- -i - olin 1 1,11 rmgei and I '.I .ulshaw and Miei rod JUDGE PRITCHARD WILL DELIVER ADDRESS. Ihe I ii 1 1 I n l-i- iniilei s a lns thai lude I t Piilchaid. ol shev ill,- v ill dcliv er the address at I i mil v I I oi cl 1 t i 'in - iln in i in en ! ai 1 i i n -1 y . l I 1 1 1 i ' 1 - " 1 1 i los, - I h - v i ' . 1 1 I he l.ll 'el pail -1 this uioii : h JAMESTOWN WINS. In a I al hei . .in suhd l.a s.-li. ill ami v e-l e 1 1 l.i v at ill" Willow In o. 'k park ihe I .line-! . vv n I I icji Scl I delealed Ihe llih c: I In 'V - I I yv a s seen II- 'iu 1 he h I -I thai I lie v is; i in- I cam was , ,ni . . t the i lass of he . n al I earn, a - 1 he result s sh, ,w ed : Seme K II I I a in es 1 1 w n i s i . i j I h-h Point . ii I '.al I el H-s Hint I a .id I ill n il , Nance and I . PeincniLcr ihe speed limit in I liuh Point for ant. is is X miles an hour I or the second time the W in ston llijjh School, with. nit ivint; anv rcasi m. 'has cancelled their date to plav hall here, loach I ' ol the local team has inioinied us that they were scheduled to plav here nerl Saturday. Iml this date, too has been canceled As these two teams have been meeting an ttailly for some e.i s w e hope thev can make arrangements for a gallic si h m. P.. H. Three Chaffeurs Tonight A word explains It--- precis ionso perfective, so sys tematized that no single de tail of the manufacture Is left to chance. Accuracy -90 positive that each bit of boning must take its place without a hairbreadth's devia tion in one model or a million. Cdssard They lace in front. Tbink what that means the class'c baolc correct poist beautiful lines ease of adjustment with abso lute comfort. The proof is in the fitting. Kitted and Sold by Mrs Sheetz, Modiste N. C. Bank Building Which Would You Rather Have A pound uf iron. ham or dnet! beef which hu ii j-arkeif in tin "r itla.sfl ft.r sn Initflnit porlud r m iunl shcwl iht um. day you buy it ? Wi.ulit you prefer full weight pound of mat, nr a kite where you pay the prica uf BiHf meat fir a t i r or glaa jar that you don't W twlM'xe ici giving f li It weight on evry pure hi Cull and fr youtielf You'll Mt interhtd. McINTlREdi SON Stmr Mwt Market 0OOO0D0O0-OO0KHO Automobile for Hire c.uon MACHINES CAKKl-l'I. DRIVERS RlvASON'AHI.l-; PklCl-S High Point Motor Car Co. G F. WILSON, M.n,.r PHONE 255 O0 00000000000000000000000 oooooocooooooooooooooooooq SPRING Millinery OPENING Thur. ond Trlday t March 24 and 25 We give the ladies of High Point and surrounding com munity a most hearty invitation to attend our spiring Millinery Opening. Miss Hutchison, of Baltimore has charge of the trimmings. J Mrs. D. T. Andrews lKKOOtHKHCKXKH0HXHOOOOOOOP 5. . if it ,;f fcMwlPj)3ftV'ii Minn wMitrim' '

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