' ' " I : ' - ' "4 VOL. 13, NO. 129. HAVE if? " -&s Jt YOU HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 191 1. TTLE FAIRY IN YOUR HOME? .-.' i LeoMrd-Beavens- Stamcy o. Lure o.; l? am? ama W. n Fortune Stirs is E : ir Many Popular ids cur! Lassies in the Contest HOW AiiOUT YOUR jj Spring Suit?, $500.00 in Go'd s Prize -'Vomice Unbounded Enthusiasm We have r.;me ; Amor.? Kvav Pro i : Families, Nominations From Out- 7 al. I he Honor of Having a Baby extra gcoa v. u-:s tor ? ' "IT I s;:-.e !ern.!:or 316.&0. 17 59,18.59; ? 20.00 .n.l 25.G0 S :: ' i:i tNr i; 3.00. J.-;--. v5 Z Yokl Attracts Great Attention. The ikce i ' ; to ii i;. lies Under Five Years of Age. Now Is the time L Mc-iai a i'Vvorvte. Clip Cut the Coupon in Today's ; ' ; .tx ail Uic Coupons in th; Neighborhood. E Mai cue Va!-.ie ana :h.: Litest sly:: L-(;-;iar.!- . .v :;s- 5 r-rn When yoi; ? i " . Potatoes gei the BEST We have Bought tvvv ejujhoj MUSICAL GEORGETTES . econd auditorium perform- j ance for tin-- week uill be the Musical Ceorgctles. which will appear un Friday, March lo. This . I i-, a company l inrcc, o)iii"'" if F. S. Ccorgette, Lleauor A. i ,eorgctte, ami josepuuie - - cttc. the last being a little girl. I hey present a thoroughly popu lar musical program ami make a -pce:allv of unusual instruments. Tlicv are unusually line with the narimhoplioiie. and as a Swiss 1 . H i inu'i". 'i" ''icy n:ivc "" uperiors. I hev appeal especial- '. to the chihli en and ill iive i matinee for ihcm al i 3 " 1' r: lay afternoon The l it has I, cm hands, une : hilled with their advertising paper, wlncli i;ies a graphic pro ;-hec i'i the treat in st,,rr. Look for iui liier description in the I- u lerpi ise. Commercial Congress WILL GO TO ATLANTA Mr. J. LI wood Cox and Mr. A. '. 'late will leave tonight for tlanla to attend the meeting of the Niuthcin Commercial I on ress. Mr. ('ox is one of ihe principal speakers lor ihe oc ision and his siihjecl has to do with the lumber interests ot the nit Ii which will necessarily re iew the proMn-sn of the south for the past decade. Mr. late was le of the first members of the southern Commercial Congress. is a stockholder and a member of ihe Hoard of Directors. I he meeting will continue un Ml Thursday nielli. i i-i pi i 'iiri : ; , i i . puhlv : ; ' ' u- i i.:l u i ma be 1 t'.c b.i'inr and dinit) ! ;, ; l l.H' de. i-i- ll ! ' , ii 'I Lis eon , i i , :, !! L i i alr . li e I' i '. ee S ndicate I -v iii be in.. 'ill a: n ' 11 :Lr ll'l.l! t I'. ill' ' liel I, i. ax 111.4 -ll p lid Ii' '1 'I I ,1 1 1 .er-clt .1 ii 'le.ifl I h i 1 1 . i ; 1 1 1 No u .;;d I ." I ii: :' ! 1 1 i e ill e. '11 ll ..i.l ; i i e I m st I ) ' i I I'I I Genuine ylaine Sects Potatoes Varities: Cobblers Early Rose Peerless Bliss We guarantee these to be the Best Maine Seed Potatoes. We are prepared to furnish you Black-eyed Peas for seed stock. stout-mnkTnco. i .1 i.i. ii ti il ls i been I . i;K -aid ! hat u " . - I'. :; ': I ! r ; I air I iiei i main pn p , 1 '.:'( ., in t i 1 ' ; ; . :;d Fie innMi-l'alt' -in .oil! i ii: r TIF i a - .:i .'ill t i - lacl ion, u,, . . 1 1 1 to I luir pan Ills, bill lo their i el . .'I i'i -end -. I n lew o, lb i u 1 1 1 e I 1 1 po, I . Fie manage nii-ii t "f I he I'.uteiprise has de cided lo In iii;- tl.i lacl I,, the al n il ii ii of e i r n .uler "I llii paper. who v, ill readily cnucede ii, li . i : 1 1 of Ihe M'l-Jien!. tin ie i- I .i in a: tbi- n pnt.ilioii thi 1 : i 'ii 1 1 ' - en L . el -' ' loll" i . nil in al! 1 Inn- exist . a eel l a in am. mill of belli I , hid'h n v. 'I hiu e ei p.n eiit's liein;, thai lb, ir " ' -' 1 1 1 i 1 1 " " is j -i s i about lb' pn 1 1 ;es , smarte-l , cutest am most lovable babe in Fie whole iiuivt r feelini;. for. did not thai parcn think so he in mid not be worlhv of the .ureal honor which must accrue to her as a result ol . j . : lb:- - eel ! ,-' a:ice. and tl; , ,' I ! ',- e. 1 1 1 S I : i-1 1 d . Ml tin pl.im- of fairness am b , i' S ndicate h.i ii' ii ai i l e-1 1:1 any bab ii. u ii, me I he cut ire c m i i ; -: vr 1 hi'ir dn eel l. m and i " I' , i. !, d I ii,- I. i-l e eniliL! ,. .i ! ii i " i ! . i - i ' i t ! 1 1 - , -i i and .ml . x . j ; -. : i i .ii Heeled in an ie Willi I hi- I ntei pi ne 'Hire i : i I . . ' i ! ci child, an ! ,:,L. .; Ilil I he runic -i till THE PRIZES i iu' hundred dollai s in w iii be distribilled as i'oliow s ; Si 50. ik) to the baby re reiving the highest vote, :eL;ardle-s of district S1j5.un to the baby re ci i uiu; ihe highest yule 111 the district opposite to that ra which the first prize u inner resides. S 1 1 riii to the babv 1 esal 111 ; 111 the same dnt m t w ; h 1 be tn st pi ie w inner, , 1 en mil; the -C' Hid liih .-t "IC. ;o 1 mi to the babv resid iii. 111 the same district i 1F1 the -co Hid pne will hit nu n m- the next bi-be-I ote ST. KLMO WEDNESDAY NIGHT. I ue of the most int eresl 111 an iioiiiieeiuent s of the present thea t ical si-a-' m in this city n the .-yer popular "St. Llmo" which i-M-lieduleil tor one performance iih the School Auditorium edncsilav. March H. This 1- the Nell Twoniey er isi.m of the Aii''Usta l-Aans novel the same that was seen last sea -oil with much enjoyment, 'neat pains have been taken b the dramatist to present in an Tntcr e-tini; manner the original nar ralive of the book, hriuiiii; in all the principal and i:n orile char id ei's. A s,e,i.il e. irlo.nl of seeneiy w ith the iri idui 1 1011 and an espe 1.1 II eoiiipeteiit e"iiipan ot me r, ipi ibt. in pla ei s interpret t lie l .11 1, ills 1 , ill'- ADDITION TO CHURCH o t a re- cut business meeting of be Friends l hiiich ll w as decid- d build on to the church sutfi ,eiil room to accoiniuoi la I e on iiiientK twehc Sunday School lasses, which h.n beioiue nece--ai 011 account of the rm th ot .be Sunday school. Work will "iiuneiice al once, the eoiitracl ia 1114 already been let to Smith uid Faker. 1 '.!. :hc 1 nliie -''I . 11 opell ol p - I n i l I 'll. I lie 1 ' 'iile-.t manager i- in hi- Ii'. e , . "in 1 i l l. n'k lo ii p. 111. : I in 11 e- I lie p.u enl s 10 eall ,,i;d talk the mailer over. I o not i' et 11 ill.' baby is nominated ilium diati 1 he or she w ill be ci i diled w il h 1 .1 k hi free vi 'tes. In ca-e of a tie all prizes are eipially awarded. I list 1 let N o. 1 ( il of II iiji Point. Fistrict No. j All small towns and rural routes immediately out si ' of I ! i 1 1 Point. I he w inner 'i the c,' 'Id : : . .li e: e l the first bab nominated oiil-ii'.e the city was won b Master Lhas. I lanklin ad. It was phon ed 111 eaiK hnt eyeninir. 1 11 the cii v I he In nmr of he ille; the " ' 1 1 1 1 ; babv" 1,'oes lo Miss placyde Walker. 50 KiiiL; St . daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. Walker If Mrs. ail and Mrs. W alker will call at the con test office they will receive orders for the babv rin.us. NEW RESIDENCES I be Fnleriu ise is uleased at the prospects for new building this spring. Anions those who will build residences this spring, work to bein slioilly are A. Sherrod, V I) F.rooks and 1 . M. Pollock I hey w ill all build on their lots on North Main street. The residence of Mr. Wilkes Met lave on Johnston street will 1 Le completed uus week. NOTICE. ll bii-incss eieiuecled wilh ibv 1 oiit'"t 1 icpai'tmcnl. one M, . F. Jovce. No. 5 f a I Ii I ar. ilma Sax urns 1 .ant lililin.-. lie w ill I his 1 bill a 11. ilma' : ,,, r,,ip COUNTY COURT FOR GUIL FORD. K.deiedi, March o '!' m ih I the i I .. 1 1 bill e xti llilllio the J1II- -diciioii of the Municipal ( oiirl -I Iu ecu -Ii, ir, ' to rover tile entire mint v . I I i-.li Point excepted. a -si i In ,t h s.,.nat. an, I , ,n-e iiid was enrolled for 1 a 1 1 lical Mil I he bill empower- the court with iv il and ei iniinal jurisdiction. Senator I ,,bi;oo, offered a bill i mi iilmr; ti 11 the iioininatii mi l tale otiicei's and I lilted Stales eualois bv a Stale primary. It was relerred lo a committee and may be called tomorrow . Mr. Frown. ice-president ol die Pittsburg Plate .lass Co. is ihe "nest of Mr W . lb F.rooks today, en route south. W ilkes Met hive's new home 11 the Johnson property is near- iiM eoinpelioti 1 le hopes to be L.le to m't into it m two weeks. Mi-s Minnie 1-lev . of 1 bbsoii die v ho has lieen l-itme; her ...i:sin. Mi-s Lillian Sharpe. ha- et 11 1 m il hi 'Hie MEETING OF WOMAN'S CLUB n interest ill" mcetine- "f ihe v oinan's I lub will be held U iioi iovv afternoon .it ( o clock 111 lie M anuiaclnrei s (. Inli room I be meeting w ill 111 be 111 charge i the l iv ic I lepai Iment and ihe oliowiii" iio"iani will be i .111 1 mt : Music. Miss era Idol Paper, Sanitation 111 the Ib'tne. Mis. J. J. Farms. Keadni, Miss Shaltuck I 'aper, I he a v ant Lot I '10 blein. Mrs. F. F. M.K.re. ccoiuit of 'isit 1,, Charlotte. Miss c Lira Cox. TWO LIVES LOST IN EARLY MORNING FIRE AT LAKEVIEW. Lakeview, March h. The lives of two quests were lost and a number of others were more or ess seriously injured 111 an early nioriiin' lne winch ile'slroyeil the Loch ( rv -tal hotel, a tourists' hostelry recently completed here. I he dead are : Miss Anna M. Karnes, of .New York and Mrs. (i. I . Pettis, of New I lav en, Conn. The lire was discovered about s o clock tins inoininrr an, the llames spread throimh the rariTC name 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 so rapidly that it was immediately apparent that the structure was doomed. The nly thought was to save the lives of the tvvciitv-five Lrucsts topping 111 ihe hotel, the success "f which efforts are told in the above paragraph In a very short I ine the beautiful little hotel, the , veclion of which added no little to the advantages of Lakeview as .1 v car-round resort, was nothing more than a mass ot" smoking r mils. Miss Anna M. Fames of New Yotk was 011 the lliird lbor and II was due to this fact that all ef forts to elfed her rescue proved of no avail. The rapid headway made b the llames cut off all means of communication with this floor. The charred remains of Miss Fames were taken from the ruins this afternoon, the po sition of the remains indicating that she had gotten out of her rooin and was making an effort I., escape by way of the stairs when overtaken by the llames. l ittle remained of her except the charred bones. Mi-- ( Lira Stanton returned ti Randolph Macon at Danville to day. The Lnterprisc put another new job press iu commission to day and we are now arranging for an automatic, self-feeding press for all small work. This "? , (press runs ten thousand impres ileased I"1. . . sions and hour ai' needs no at tention from any one after it is started. This will enable us to put the price of this kind of work at about half price. ED BANDY MARRIES; WILL HONEYMOON IN EUROPE New York. March () Some- ihnij; that was not on the bills occiiried in a Pronklyn vaudeville theater Saturday nij;ht when l.d die I.. Handy, a comedian and dancer, and Miss Fuster Darville, 1 piettv l.njMish actress, were man n il. I lie ceremony heui per 'oiiinid just behind the "scenes." I he bridegroom is a recent re eruiT to the show world, hul within a year he has risen high in ihe world of vaudeville, lie is a son of J. . Pandy, of (ireens boro, N. ( ., though has been till mg vaudeville engagements in and around New York for the past six months. The bride is a favorite on Froadway, she having appeared during the present season as lead ing model in Al Rcenc's beauty show. Mr. and Mrs. Handy will be at home, 754 Lighth avenue, New Yr City, until May i, when they will sail for Luropc to visit Mrs. Itandy's parents. (ireenshoro News. As Miir agent when he talks health and accident insurance H bis company Pavs the weekly indemnity as long as ion are disabled regard less ,,f length of time I le will have ot n-ll v,ni no. Ask him if his company pays claims in .jN h, nu -, ,- w ill tell vou no Ask him if his policy rover your wile and children without extra charge lie will tell on no. My company does all this and more oN other company does J. M llarrell NOTICE. The l-'.ntrc N'ous C hili meets Thursday afternoon at o'clock with Mrs. W. (i. P.urnette. DAVIDSON LEAVES THE BOARD. ( ban man J. A. I a iiLon s 1 e-ignalioii ottered -hiik.' lime ago .-.as accepted jeslerday. when the counlv commissioners met m 1eg11l.11 session. Mr. W . ('. Tuck er read a Idler from Chairman I i.i nlsoii in which his resigna tion as a commissioner was set loith. Mr. Davidson stated that I ressiire of private business made the step necessary; that he could 1 "1 attend to his private business and devote to the official business ihe tune that it needed and was unwilling to hold a position to v.liich he could not give the time t he office demanded. It is under- -t I that ( yrus A. W liarton. ol the eastern part of ihe county, will be the app' milee. When ecu c-tcnlav allernooii Mr. I oi Ins w 1 1 1 1 I not say vv Ii, -ill he bad decided upi m lb w ever, it 1 - know 11 I hat T. V llson. ( . I Sockwcll and ( riis A. W'har I 'll were the men most promin ently inenl lolled and it is believed I hat M r W hart, m will be the ap I . mi tec BE IN TIME. Ml those who expect to see St -lino at the school audilorium Wednesday, tomorrow, night, should get tickets at Maun Drug ( o at once in order to avoid llic rush at the door. Dr. Julian spent the evening in the citv. Don't forget to attend the Ma jestic Rang Demonstration at our our store, one week, beginning March 6. TCeeson Hardyvare Co. TO LOAN $2000 on approved security. F.. I). Steele. 7- Good for Twenty 'Five Votes in Ihe Daily Enterprise Grand Baby Contest For PrenU Name Address Your Name and Address Void flr March SOth H ,'W .'': '.t, ' itfsaaU 'HteC-AWw tfit.SMi.ifctii:', lax'x." v:'lv"i . : :-;;.i 'o'-b.,: "v-', ''''''