k ? , f 't 4 -T-.-i;.;y" .' 'I B ' She Hi II Ml iH III 0tll VOL. 13, NO. 135- HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY. MARCH 14, 191 1. Will Yniif Fairmrita (lai (flna nf Tknci Piva Drill a r rinlrl PiarAC Siaturlair? f! 1U A Ul A UV VA ALV VIAv VTA A AAVilv AAT v JUV11UA X-VTA A kUlUl Jf Leonard-Beavens- Stamey Co. HOW ABOUT YOUR Spring Suit? We have some extra good val ues tor $16.50, 17.50,18.50 20.00 and 25.50 The Contest is on With a Rush Four of the Babies Are Going to Get One of the Big Prizes f When It It Over. ITS EASY TO WIN. The Way to WIN is to Get in and Not Only Stay in, but Keep Working. The Incentive is PURE GOLD. Workers Already in the Field Are Doing Fine New Names Should be Sent in AT ONCE, so Subscribers Can Get Their Papers-THIS IS IMPORTANT. Additional Prizes to be Awarded Saturday Night. Skirts See the skirts we are selling for $3.89, $5.00, $5.50 $6.50 and $8.50 Every one a great value and the latest style Leonard-Beavens-Stamey Co. SttD POIMOB In tin- last few days scores of entries have leen received, and men, women and children all over the city are fighting to win for their friends' babies one of the big prizes. Several persons have sent in j coupons nominating in the coh t test babies for whom they have promised to work, and many of ! lhc-.e persons have asked for ! subscription Itooks in order to I help the one they nominated. Remember the contest lias 'milv just begun. There is plenty ' of time for everybody to get busy and start in with a rush and forge into the lead. While everybody is working n,. one has pot a big lead, and anyone starting now will have an ! easy time reaching the mark set ' bv the present leaders in the j contest. j Easy Enough to Win. I 1( won't be hard, and just ! think of the prizes. This isn't a ' contest for nun and women to ignore. Think of the opportunity to win !? I 50 in gold. ' Some lively scrambling is be ing done by the parents, relatives and friends of the babies entered j in the Enterprise grand baby I contest, to win those special I 1 rizes which are offered for this I forthcoming Saturday. The offei I made by the contest manager 1 H'ims to have epiickened the i pulse of the contestants, it seems to have infused them with new lite, new ambition, new energy, new vim and vigor and as a re sult there promises to be the pret tiest kind of a race for these special honors. Thirty dollars in gold is to be distributed Saturday night among the six babies in whose names the highest number of new sub scriptions may be reported. This interesting little race for special honor will bring to a close the second week of the greatest newsnaner enterprise ever at- 1 1 tempted in this vicinity and al ! readv there is every indication j that it will far outvie in its sue cess anything- of this character that has ever taken place any where in this good old North State. You may have until 9 o'clock Saturday night to turn in your subscriptions. Turn in both old and new subscriptions, take out your voting certificates. These certificates you may keep until the last day of this contest if you desire, so that no one else will know just where you stand, even though you do make your report of subscriptions secured. You must report subscriptions , every few days, for those from 1 ...1 ....1 :...:...,. vviioiii you ci-uic Miuui expect their papers to be started to them promptly, and this can not be done until we have heard from .you. Already we have had a number of complaints that new , Bllknrlkara ....... n nrtlt " nAttlMiY W 6 ar6 prBDirOU TO 1 their papers and investigation fnrnUh vnil ' Blark-fiVftH ' has disc,08ed tha the "subscrip- turnisn you piacK eyeajtiong have turned in P6as for seed stock. When you Potatoes buy get Seed the BEST We have Bought 4000 W Genuine Maine Seed Potatoes Varities: Cobblers Early Rose Burbank Peerless Bliss We guarantee these to tie the Best Maine Seed Potatoes. ANNEX TO COURT HOUSE STOUT-RANKIN CO. for your favorites, and a little extra effort, a little close appli cation, may turn defeat into vic tory. Are vou iroimr to allow someone else to seize the honor or are you going to see to it that it falls to your favorite? The habit of winning is a good one to fall into, for habits usually tick. Thus it is that if you win this special nrizc and others which may possibly be offered as the contest progresses, who knows but that in the end you may win the- grand prize and be the envied of all others in the race. He a winner, at all hazards. It is worth repeating that all the world loves a winner, but is im patient with a loser and has ab solutely no time for a quitter. There still remains plenty of time for others to enter this race and win one of the grand prizes, but it is not advisable to put the matter off too long. Metier start now, get in touch immediately, with all of your relatives, friends and acquaintances, get their sub scriptions or a promise of a Mib--cription later on if it lie not con venient for them to subscribe at once. rg.mize a nice little cam paign for vour favorite, get your friends to take out subscription books ami see their friends. If you have started in this race you are in it to win, of course You can win if you will show just a little greater ambition, a little persistency in the work, that's all of the elements which spell success in a contest of this kind. Don't be a laggard. Today is the day. this is the accepted time, and in justice to the friends who are interested in the welfare of your baby and are casting ballots in his or her favor, you should not hesitate a single mo ment but should throw yourself into the fray determined to do or die. Buckle on your arr.ior, let the world know there is a new Richmond in the field, and WIN" There are a great many people in this world who have many brilliant qualities, qualities which from an ascetic viewpoint make them statid out above their neigh bors, but who lack saiid and the necessary staying power. They can't take up a proposition and see it through thick and thin They lack the bull-dog grit to hang on until .they triumph or succumb. They lack the clinging ability which knows no let go, no matter what tomes. They work when things go smoothly and to their liking; when it is otherwise they fold their tents and fade away as quietly as the Arabs of the desert. They are fair weat'. er sailors who enjoy a calm sea. The board ol county commis sioners has decided to build an annex to the court house and plans will be submitted and bids advertised for by April ist. This addition, which is to cot between $4.x and ?5,ooo is to be erected by the county com missioners and the county board of education and will be used by these two bodies. It is hoped to have the building completed within the next few months. The building will be erected on the county property just west of thejiresent building and in the rear of the old Mendenhall build ing. It will be two stories in height and the exterior will be similar to that of the main build ing. The first lloor will be occu pied by the county treasurer and auditor and the remainder will be for the use of the commis sioners. A private room will be for executive sessions and there will lie a large room lor Homing public meetings. This room will have a platform for the commis sioners, similar to the stand for the judge's desk in the court room, cut off by a railing. The remainder of this room will be fitted w ith chairs for .the conven ience of those who come before the commissioners to consider road matters and other business. There will also be private toilet rooms and alvatories. The second lloor will be for the use of the County Hoard of I-.du-cation. There will be a private office for the superintendent and a stenographer's room, also a private waiting room for ladies. Then there will be a large room for the use of the county board and for holding teachers exam inations. There will also be toil et rooms and lavatories for both ladies and gentlemen. LOCAL MEETING OF PHILAN THROPIC DEPARMENT o There will be an important meeting of the Philanthropic De partment of the Woman's Club tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Director's Room of the Commercial liank. Business of importance will be discussed. The following program will be carried out : The Woman in the Mill Mrs. It. F. Moore. Child Labor Miss Irvin Pay lor. . Upon the conclusion of the Philanthropic meeting there will be a called meeting of the Civic Department for a few minutes. A full attendance is greatly de sired at both these meetings. Dr. W. j. Bradshaw, wiio has been attending a meeting of the County Commissioners for the past two davs. returned home to day at ni hiii. Send your work to the Enter prise office. Vou get it promptly and save money. W. I.. Steele, of Rockingham, who is interested in the Pickett Cotton Mills is spending the day here. P.. I.. Crouch, who bought two lots on Centennial street sonic time ago. is making prcpoaMons 10 build. ic" rge T I Ynn v w ent t" ( ireensboro today on business. 'The Enterprise is willing and readv to do all in its power to build up a large local trade I'm High Point It has been mu pi 1 1 c anil vv ill be to keep inoiicv at home by Hading with home people You can greatly aid in this work and help yourself a' the same tune by patronizing vi mi home paper. W. (1. Ilrokaw was here this morning 111 consultation with some of our business men. John A. Smith, of Bessemer, was here today en route to t ireensboro. V. II. Ragan is spending the afternoon in ( ireensboro. Harry Miller, a well know 11 travelling man. ua- here today. W. II. Pickard. of Randlcman. was here today. II. B. Varncr. Mf Lexington, is here today. Miss Mabel 'Tale returned to school at Danville at noon. II. B. Wright, of Philadelphia, is at the T.I wood I. I- lireeii. of Charlotte, is here. B. I . Ilaiiser representing the New s ( Ibserv er. is here today. Kdvvin Haw. .0,1. ,.f Charlotte, is at the Klwood. W. M. Hunt, of (ireensboro. is in the c 1 1 . A number of niachinei v nun 1 are lure todav to bid on the con tract for the machinery lor the new cotton mill. K. IT I arriss went t" Dur ham this morning. W. ( ,. Burnett returned this morning from a business trip. The contractors are figuring on a four storv building, but they are not in a position just now to divulge the name of the promoter. ROAD COMMISSIONERS The follow ing is a list of road commissioners appointed for this section of the c unit y : Sunnier (j. Will kirkman. route 3, (ireensboro; Sam Davis, route I. (ireensboro; Albert Col t rane, ( ireensln u. 1. Bruce -T. A. W ilson, Stokes dal ; Jas. A. Iloskins, Summer tield; J. II. Barker, Summer licld. l-'riendship - Dr M. T. Pox. (iuilt'ord College; C. S. Knight, (iuilford College; W. S. Swing. 1 iuilford Station. Jamestown - J . R. ( ii nh n. lamesti ivv n ; . II. Ninth. M. W t' ' w n ; Lugciic Arnil'n-ld. I low 11 ak Ridge R 1 ak Ridge"; C. Stokesdale: Win K e; lie rs illc. Deep River J. I hgh Point, rmite -ram, Colfax ; I C Hi-h Point W. High Point; W Point ; Jerome Point. ames anie- Staffonl. Taylor, p 11 ikbank. II t baiters. J. C. IV lull. Colfax. T. Parker. Idol. High !arker. High FINANCIAL DOTS 1 N ew York Journal. I Concentration of the Ameri .-:ni rirmv on the Mexican border created considerable excitement politically, but was reassuring !.. the financial world. Americans have about a billion dollars in vested in Mexico, of which about one-third is in railroads and nearly one-half in milling, presence of the American .11 Texas insures the salet 1 great investment, and also 1 British investments .it s-i ki.i x u k k 111 the republic civilized nation have tuDy II SUCCESS DEMONSTRATION CLOSES. The Demonstration of the Ma jestic Range which was conduct ed bv Beesoii Hardware Co. for a week closed Saturday night and it was very successful in deed. As a result of the demon stration ,5 ranges were sold by the company. During the week there was a uessing contest mi ,s.oo in gold being offered to the lady guess ing the nearest to the number of biscuits baked. Mrs. P. V.. John- 111 won the prize, guessing 2517. he numbered baked was 25 ly. RESULT OF EXCHANGE SALE. o The Civic Department desires to return thanks to the public who so generously co-operated in so many ways to make the Ex change Sale a success. 'The result is gratifying for over ninety dollars will be clear ed. This sum the Civic Depart ment will use to help defray the expenses of "Spring Cleaning Dav," THE NEXT ATTRACTION. The next attraction under the Lyceum Course at the Auditor ium will be on April 10th, when we will have the lecture on Pan ama, the best number on the en tire program. CASE WORKERS. CHICKEN LAW! BIG FISH. The boys who went down to the club grounds for a fish a day or so ago returned home today and had evidences of good luck. They brought home one chub which weighed 6 1-2 pounds, the largest fresh water trout seen here in several years. It was This makts it embarrassing tb caught with hook and line by all concerned. Mr. Arthur Lyon. This has put You hav four days left in a moving spirit in the club mem which to win the special prizes , bers OUR INCREASE. o We are increasing our sub scriptions very rapidly and it takes time for the boys to get their list straight sometimes. If you don't get your paper regular ly phone to the office. George F. Fisher was in the city yesterday. Watch for the announcement of still greater imporvements for High Point. Mr. J. R. Rector is expected to return Jio-me from Asheville tomorrow. The Civic Department of the Woman's Club is jubilant over the passage of the Chicken Law as outlined in Monday's Enter prise and guarantee their hearty support in its enforcement. With such ,1 law lived up to. High j Point gardens should blossom as the rose. 'ot one of us will have any excuse for deserts in our back yards. All chicken owners will do well to be on their guard, for this law is no mere decoration for the pages of the statute books. NOTICE. All business connected with Baby Contest Department, phone Mr. J. F. Joyce, No. 596. North Carolina Savings Bank Building. He will be pleased to have you call. CLEAN STREETS. A stranger remarked this morning that our streets are the cleanest he had seen in the state. NOTICE. Our carriers are not allowed to either sell or give away pa pers on their routes. Please do not ask them, as they cannot comply with the request. THAT DOG LAW. ft seems so strange to High Point people to see people in oth erwise progressive towns talking about loose dogs. High Point settled that question in one week and not a dog is eve"r seen on our streets, and everybody knows it is tor tne best whether he ad mits it or not. 'The arm v if the f the lullv The two billion dollars invested in Mex ico, and even should the Amer ican army cross the border they would feel safe. The incident is not a bearish arL'Ullieiit "U stocks. The New York Central reduc ed Us dividend from to 5 per cent, and the stuck pioved that it hail discounted the change. Dividend reductions are expect-1 ed elsewhere in the list, but they will not be bearish arguments. The American Tobacco Com pany made the best report in its historv. showing earnings ol about 07 per cent, on its com 1111 in stock. American Sugar made about the worst reirt, as it operated at a deficit of more than a million dollars. Tines aul to 1 lie government because d frauds in connection with importing raw sugar have a real deal to do with the bad bowing, and it did not alarm tockholders. Dev ision of the Supreme Court .f the I'nited States that the Virginia deferred debt must be lid caused a rise of 17 i-j points in the bonds on the Stock Tlx hangc in a few minutes. They ost ten points of this advance. but continued strong. These bonds are worth more tha npar. The Bank of England reduced its discount rate from l-J to 3 per cent. World-wide ease of money is one of the most impor tant features of the situation. and it accounts for a great deal of the strength in the market Everywhere except in Wall Street cheerful reports arc made of business conditions, and chief among these is that the farmers have carried over the largest volume of grain on record and are preparing to plant a record acreage of all the principal crops. The facts point to a year of increasing prosperity, with continually improving prices for stocks and bonds I he North Carolina Case Workers Association will meet at (ireensboro tomorrow morn ing. We understand that impor tant business will come up for discussion. RECEPTION o- FRIDAY. The I 'hilomat lieon Club will give a reception on Friday after noon at the home of Mrs. J. Fl vvood Cox. NEW BUILDINGS. 1 here is great activity in the northern part of the city, due to reparation for the new resi- ences which are to be erected this spring. CAR BROKE DOWN We do not fully appreciate the ar service here until it goes out I commission. An accident th's morning stopped the car for scv ral hours. TALK VOUR TOWN. Everybody talks, some more than others. Those who like to ilk would do well to put in a w words now and then for the wn. There are none better, so tell the people about it. THE STORM. The electrical storm yesterday was quite severe and was un usual for this time of the year. The rainfall was unusally heavy for four hours. Lightning burn ed out one of the lire alarm, boxes and struck the store house of A. Robertson on Fast Greene street, doing some damage. AT THE EAGLE. The management presents an unusual noveltv sing-intr and lancing act, The Varlton Sisters. Pictures Brotan Man, Vit. Tunny Fishing off the coast of Italy. In the Shadow of Niidit. O The business meeting of the Philathca Class of the lrirst Bap tist Sunday School will be post poned until more favorable weather. Penelope Cobb, Sec'y- 7.Vi K--,r.: - '. . -s, v . lf IS' ' s si " -5, n ISA'., is" ;.;f'4;'- Vi'vi.. ' 1 '1 'm'-': '