1 5 THEDAILY ENTERPRISE J. J. FAKK1SS Editor "Issued daily except Sunday, and de livered free of charge to city subscrib era by carriers furnished by this omce. TUESDAY. .MAUl II M- A white woman -nineu liei e up in New York state taking the part of two negro girls who were not encouraged, by the white matron, to enter Cornell L'mver ,ity. after the matron had been criticised, -ay- m a cmmunKa tioii lo a Neu .rk new -paper that " when I ua- a -indent at Cornell two colored -ill- at the L'iiier-itv were not only court eoii-.lv treated hut were popular anioiii; nio-t of the other 1 w lute .irl-. belonged to -everal -ocietie-aml took part w ith the ..the-- in entertainment- and other al fairs." ow ilou'i ihi- make you -ick ' o lie charitable, -oiuetiiue- we think that the people in that sec tion of the country have -one crav oer two or three matter of public concern and tin- i- one of them. Such a policy a- this due- not .yen command the re -pec: o the ue-io. The portion i- a- la'-e a- it i- h.iiiniid and white woincn who keep it up are a d:-;!ace to their -e and color I he i 'i t' cr element of : hi- conn orth and South, Ii.nc Ion-a-" put the proper c-tuna!e on white people who t 1 : 1 1 lower 1 hciii-eh . - and ! hc . e 1 1 1 1 le pa t leuce w it h that ill: i a c.ink w li' miacme tliat :hc at e pub lici-t-. iiumauitarian- and pad ,i u l :i t . 'I -1 -. when they are noth in- but a I- -t i cheap chump-. tempi to do prepare to do if well A cheap man is the most efcpen sivc conimiulity on t-arth. Tlie recently adjourned legis lature did not -o very far into the work of constructive legisla tion. In this a- in inanv reform measures, which were presented and killed, that body did not lake .in to the neyy measures which -eem just now to be the rule with many other stales, which are -eekiu- tin- class of legisla tion We re-ret that -uch niea--ure- a- the lorren- -y-tem and the r.odeu Sike- road inea-ure met deleat. WHY HESITATE? An Offer That Involves No Risk For Those Who Accept It. Mr, Pirvan vi-ited the home of 1 r. . 'di -i iyy d-on tin- yy eek and y lulc hi- y i-:t yy a- alt. .geth e: a -o l d Hie the ney -paper-are ; '' e pun :: : ';,it u a.i--:n - :c.i : ' ! : i '. : r.i y a - m e . I -e :.i! k ' i- .1 : .'!'.: I 1 . ! r n-i'n.i't'.:. . : a ' ,r ;:. ,y ,i - : , ,i ; n p ', - : . - : hi -in i I e : - e . leu : o lie i e 1:1 ,..r !' U n-.u 'i.,11. - :- . : .cm: :i ,i - 'lie I 'em , ' ,i I : . ! -ill . . :,. : - ph y ' an " ,; h,c,lh . ' , . , - , , l.i --. ocn uicui e: : ' u: ': i - ,.!..! I !; re are ...-e . ! '..fe- -nif p.,--.i':.',c ,- : culture .ciier - I ': public p. riiap yy a', hi - a p" a. :n 1 - - n ch'-er than it ,..isM tin -oi- "l other cilieii- hut appln - !.. 'he - 1 .pi.ilil le- i - y '!', a- the bad I he fault ha- ' a eu . .lien in the home -oy.rnm.ut i the preach it yy hen the - n did n. 't -lime a-ln- :a;li. r 1:1 the . muiunity l-ually and properly -o the pre.uher and the preacher'- lam ih are made much of in a coin tniimt y . Inld i- inek I" -ee the-e thing- and n' the father i liot careful his hoy will nii-iui der-tand tin- attention by lu ll. nk and the public and he will so. in iiii-mtcrprct a privilege tor liccu-c and become unmanage able, reiving -olelv on what lie think- l- hi- father'- influence which in truth i- only a respect for a I loly cau-e the father rep resents. Here has been the seat of all the trouble. 1911, HIGH POINT, N. C. EVERYBODYS TAILOR will completely relieve oni-tipa J0NES& JEFFERIES lion, no matter how chronic it ' m .v be. that we otter m furni-h Clothes Altered and made ..ee ..f a., co. .a,.. j to Fit to Order I . Hi-tipati. .ii i- cau-e.l nv , weakne-- of the nerves ami Please Give Us Your Patronage mu-cles of the lar-e mte-tine- ... PHONE 250 h'-ceinlin- colon To expect a cure y.m nui-t therefore tone up and -t leu-1 hen :ho-e oi-an- and re-t."e them ! healthiei ac miU i '1 had an acute attack ot We wan: v .,u ... try Kexall I'-nght'- d,-ea-e with i.ulamma . ir.lerbe- .. .,,- -uarantee t ion o i t he k idnev - and bladder. Thev ale ...ten like candv. and d.me-." -a v - Mis. Cora a.e pai'.uiilailv ideal n r ch.l ''".orpe. I.nk-oll. Mich "A hot dun I !,.y act dnectly . . the l'',K' K"I,U'K Ul,,ne,1-V OV"- . , I ih.. hi lt,, in ni.i 1 1 -ii 'o-'k away the pain , ,' made the bladder action nor m : ! I a. i-h cv ei v me could i- ,y , : 1; : - w mdci l td i emedy Mann I hug t . Speedy Relief From Kidney Trouble and ill',,-. I c ... the c! - I he y ha v c a neiiir.il -:1a':.- ! he v n..i pin -e a : -e an. : ; , .-i y . n : e uce yy ha : eve' liny yy ill po-i: iv el v e! . .:n. chr- aiic .1 Ii.i'h: ual c ui-t i pat i- u and the in v raid- . f a--. . ciate "i dependent chronic aib inen: - I i y Kexall ( : dei lie- at 'ill ri-k I'yy.. -ie-. I . i and -'-.' -..hi '.lib .0 an -i,-c I he Ki xal! I he Km NOTICE. Ml bu-nu- nnected with I'.abv i onte-t Department, ; ph. me Mr I. I''. Joyce, No. ,.). N'o-th ( ar .Iina Savings Hank I'.uildin- I le w ill be pleased to have v .u call We would like to -ee our state return to a xiliev of preparation that once characterized our peo ple. There is and has been a tendency for our young men to take the rapid transit route to "prominence" which under the test reflects no credit either on the individual or state. Such a policy tills the professions and legislative halls with a class of men out of their sphere and the more ignorant they arc the more they Jire afflicted with that chem crical lunacy that tickles only the vanity of a honchead. Parents could leave no greater lepacy to their children than to show them their sphere in life after measur ing their capabilities and then teach them 'instill' it deep with' in them tUit whatever they at- -i dentarv h.r.-v I.icn ! ..'.it door exerci-e, in-uftiocu: ina-ti cation .'I t I, coil -I ipat loll. a ' ot pr 1 I : y i : . wary and a . xietv a re the !!- . -n u: ai i an -e- ; ! .Ilia, h 1 t -I'.le- I . .ITesI v . ai' liabtt- and take i iiai-'berlaiu -'ilia, h a id I ;y er Tablets any . . ai yy ill s. .. m !,, ,i e!l a,.rn. I". a -a!e ' v all deaier- Winslow's Soothing Syrup i i a - ' .oil n -ed f. oyer Slxt v 1 :-!r Years by Million- of M..th . i - : htieir ( hildi en While lectin:!-;, yvith l'eifect Micce-s It .--oothe- the i Inld. Molten- the 1 iiinis. Alia v s all I 'atu , t urcs Wind I olie and is the best icm edv for Diarrhoea Sold by Drug--i-t- in evcrv i.nt of the world. I'.e -lire and a-k for "Mr- Wins low Soothing syrup." and take no other kind Twenty five cents a bottle t iiiaianteed under the l ooil and Drug- Act. June ,oth. to.. Serial Number 1(S. An Old And Well Tried Kemedv. SKIN AFFECTIONS. - o Whether On Infant Or Grown Person Cured By Zemo and -An Unusual Offer. Zemo Soap. I he Matt, .u P: ;i- ....re -ay-: . i e v pel '!'. be :I man. w. mi ni ... , hdd. w ho ha- an irritated, ten. lei -r itching -km to come to in M ,ri. .,nd piocure a bottle ot I' M' ) and a cake of ZKM ) --..ip and if v.. u are not entirely -ati-tied vvithr e-ul'-. come back and get your niotiry. So coinideiit at e w e . u" the ellicacv u' tbi- clean, -imple treatment, that we make vim t his ti n n - ii al otter. ZEMO is a clean lnpiid for ex ternal u-e 'hat has cured so many ca-Cs of eCema, pimples, dandruff an.l other forms of skin eruption ZEMO and ZEMO Soap are -old by druggists every where and in High Point by Mat ton Drug Store. ZEMO and ZEMO Soap are Ihe most econo mical as well as the cleanest and most effective treatment for af fections of the skin oi scalp, whether on infant or grown person. REPORT Or THE. CONDITION OT Wachovia Bank & Trust Company, WinttonaUm, Ahvlll. .Salisbury. Hlh Point, mni tptnctr in h .Stat of North Carolina at tho closo of butluii Mar. T, 1911. Telegrams and Cablegrams May be Sent by Telephone ANOTHER STEP FORWARD THE TELEPHONE AGAlrf SUPPLEMENTS THE TELEGRAPH At night, on Sundiys, or on .holidays, when your local Western Union office is closed, or if there is no Western Union office in your town, you may send a telegram or cablegram to any .part of the world, even to ships at sea, by forwarding it by Long Distance Bell Telephone to the nearest "all night" telegraph office, and by paying the usual tele phone toll charge. To do this simply call "Telegram". The operator will connect yon with "Long Distance" who will give you the telephone charge.' If you are a Bell telephone subscriber the cost of both the telegraph and telephone messages may be charged to you, or to the addressee. Telegrams addressed to you will be read to you over the Long Distance telephone by the Western Union company when your local telegraph office is closed, or if there is no Western Union office in your town, if you will pay the telephone toll from the nearest all night telegraph office. This charge will be small since a number of additional "all night" telegraph offices have been opened to care fo this service. The telephone company, however, undertakes only to place the subscriber in communication with the telegraph office it assumes no responsibility for errors in transmission. TO TRANSMIT TELEGRAMS SAY "TELEGRAM". BY TELEPHONE Are you a Bell Telephone Subscriber? SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Wear "Liberty Clothes" and smile, We make them, the latest style. Fit and workmanship we guarantee, Clean and press absolutely free. RESOURCES I,ons hti.I Dim-mints 4,860,460.86 Overdrafts - - fl.766.67 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgage K9.780.P9 Ranking House, Furniture Bnd Fiiture 257,765.98 All other Real Kstate owned 77,016.20 D.-mnnd Loans 40,812.81 Due from Rank x and Ranker 559,476.38 Cash Item 19,952.14 Gold Coin 147,960.00 Silver Coin, Including all minor coin currency. . 58,625.22 National Rank Note and other V. S. Note 179,924.00 Total. . . 16.293,430.76 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $1, 260,000.00 unoivi(iei prom, less current expensesand taxes ...id 339,294.77 Note Bnd billa rediseounted 50,000.00 Bilta Payable . . 200,000.00 Deposit subject to check 1,748,809.98 Demand certificates of dep't. 968,282.36 Savings Deposits 1,629,675.83 Due to Banks and Ranker 89,949.78 Cashier's checks, outstand ing 81,169.20 Certi6ed checks 1,748.84 Total 16,293, 430.71 Beginning January 1, 1911. Trust business will be treated as one of the departments of our Institution, and for that reason the item which formerly appeared in statements of the Wachovia Loan & Trust Co.. under the heading "Invested Trust Assets", and which amounts to approximately $1,400,000.00 does not appear in this statement and the total footing is reduced by that amount. State of North Carolina, county of Porayth, ss: I, H. F. Shaffner, Treasurer of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. H. F. Shaffner, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of March, 1M1. (Signed) W. I. Brookes, Notary Public. my commission expires Hept. 14,1911. Correct Attest E. W. O'Hanlon Eugene E. Gray V Directors J. K. Norfleet. Dir I Suits $15.00 to $30.00 'iSi mi 1 IJDUI m itni a i I1 T" '.. v Pants $5.00 to $15.00 LIBERTY TAILORS 130 Main Street HIGH POINT - - NortK Carolina Pants $5.00 to $15.00 Suits $15.00 to $35.00 1 I Ii , " ' V " u . 1 ' 'i . f "i?' (.;' cv, : y- ' y-- " " ' , ,r - - 11 V 1 if,

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