V 1 ' , f . - i (T? nil ii i n VOL. 14, NO. 10. HIGH POINT. NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1911 IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO NOMINATE YOUR BABY. DO IT NOW! Leonard-Beavens-Stamey Co. Only three weeks from tata Have you bought your Easter Frock? Wehave a Big Line of Siiksat 25,35,39,50c&$1 00 Big selection of Dress Goods at 50c and $1.00 New selection of Laces Allovcr Laces and Bands NewSuits 1 1 i Skirts re ceived this week Suits at $15 CO, $16.50 $17 50 and $25 00 Skirts at $3.98 $5 CO, $5.98 $8.50 and S'C-.OO Make us a visit and let us have the pleasure to show you a beauti ful selection of Spring Goods. Leonard-Beavens-Stamey Co. NO ROOM FOR EXCUSES IN THIS EX CITING RACE If You do Not Win You Will Have no One to Blame But Yourself, for the Contest Manager Has Made the Way Easy and Plain Every One Has an Equal Chance and Every One is Supposed to Have Friends Who Will Aid in the Work, Especially as it Costs Them NothingTake Your Subscription Out With You Tonight or as Soon as You Can and Get What You Can, Which Will Aid You if You Go About it the Right Way. $20,000.00 CITY OF HIGH POINT. NORTH CARO LINA FUNDING BONDS - . Scaled bids will ic icceivcd foi the purchase "f Twenty Thou sand Dollars ( jo,(hh I Coupon Bonds ni the I'ity if 1 1 ih Point. North Carolina, issued by the said City for the purpose of funding its present floating in debtedness. Said bonds to be in the denomination of One Thou sand Dollars ($1,000) each, and to bear date of April I, 19". to run for thirty years from date of i' sue and to bear interest at the .ate of five I?) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on ihe 1st day of April and the 1st day of October of each year, and both bonds and interest payable at the Hanover National Hank in the City of New York or at the ofbee of the City Treasurer, at the option of the holder. Said bids to be accompanied by cer titicd check for l ive Hundred Dollars ($500) as evidence of good faith, the same to be return ed if bid is rejected and to be ap plied on purchase price if accept- The last day of double votes has arrived, and you must get in OM-ry vote that you possibly can. Some of the babies are going t( have wonders worked in their be half as a result of this double vote oiTir. These are the babies who have ambitious and energetic par ents and friends, the parents and 11 ends who understand and ap preciate the full meaning of the t tie "the most popular baby in High Point and surrounding country," and believe it to be worth driving for, to say nothing of the gold that will be theirs if successful. The stay-at-homes, the lazyites, the laggards and the quitters arc not going to realize anything from this wonderful offer, except that they will be crowded further into the back ground, their babies will go furth er towards the bottom of the list and their chances of winning this ureal race will he lurtlicr l:nim- ished. And just a, word -jji passing to these people who do not care if thev win or not. The contest Manager is going to take the ;iiot charitable view possible and will concede that vou proh abl love oiir baby with the 1 lie same wealth and warmth of nVcctioii that anyone else loves their children. Then whv don't v on get busy, why don't you putch in and gic substantial evi dence 01 your lo e for your little Virlings, whv will you sit back co-mfortabyl in your easy chair at home and see that coveted gold and glory go to the babe of your next door neighbor, per haps? Why don't you see to it that your own little darling is crowned king or queen of High Point and surroundinn country April 15. You can do it if you would only get down to work, for you have as many friends as that neighbor of yours surely, friends who would do just as much for you and who are just as ardent admirers of your little cherubs. N'o excuses arc going to do in this keenly exciting rare for fame and fortune. If you do not win it's going to be nobody's fault but your own. The contest manager has tried to awaken you to a full sense of your duty to your dear little one, to arouse you out of your lethargy, to arouse your am- t P.itc in iic filed with the . lltiti.-tn II.. hic nmnp fiit-tli,r r, r rl Mayor of the City of High Point h and to be opened by the City Council at the Mayor's office in the said City at 2.30 P. M. on the 10th day of April, 191 1, and the bonds to be delivered to the pur chaser on April 17, 191 1. The right to reject any or all bids if reserved. The opinion of Dillon, Thomson & Clay .Attorneys of 195 Hroadway, New York, will be furnished as to the validity of these bond. ' Fred N. Tate, Mayor. When you are up town and want some cool and nice place to rest, go to the Kandy Kitchen. Everything is nice and a com fortable chair for you. We invite you. hours left to you. You may meet with such gratifying success that you will be encouraged to begin the new weeks, the last half of this race with so much energy, so much eagerness, so much determ ination that vou will go through with tlyin gcolors and emerge vic torious from the office of the con test manager tonight and get these double votes. That's the way to win and that's exactly what 011 should do and could do if on hut w ill. The Churches South Main Street M. E. Church Preaching by pastor at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 3) a. in. Junior League at p. m. Choir parctice Saturday night. The " Trip to Kgypt and Holy l and'' to be given next Thurs day night at School Auditorium comes with highest recommen dations and promiess to be quite a treat. ( ne half of proceeds is to be given to our church and all are asked to attend. ("icneral ad-mission 25c. Reserved scats Mann's Drug Store 35c. Miss Lucy Fshelnian will sing a solo h r us at 1 1 a. m. Washington Street M E. Church Rev. J. II. liarnhardt, pastor; V. A. J. Idol, Supt. Regular ser vices tonmrrow conducted by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. tn. Sundav school jt Q.30 a. in. You are invited. has offered you every possible as sistance consistent with his duty to the others interested in this race. You have had equal chances with the others, you have no few er friends, you could count on just as prompt and substantial support. When this race is over and the awards made, if you be not among the winners your friends will turn a deaf ear to any apologies you may try to make. In this day and age of hustle, bustle, enterprise and progressiveness, all the world loves a winner and has but little use and no sympathy with a loser. Don't be a loser. Take that subscription book out among your friends tonight and do what you can in the few remaining Bethel Reform Church. Revival services will begin to morrow, conducted by Rev. W. H. McN'airy, of Lexington. The public cordially invited. First Methodist Protestant Church. A. 0. Dixon, pastor; A. M. Idol, Supt. Sunday svhool at 9.30 a. m. Every member in his place on time. Preaching at 11 a. in. by the pastor, subject, "Self Mastery, N'o. VI." At 7.30 p. ni. Rev. c' H. Hubhell. 1). I)., secre tary of the Young Peoples Hoard of the Methodist Protestant church will speak on Sunday school and Christian Endeavor work. Dr. llubbell is a live wire all who hear him will be pleas ed. The young people are espe cially urged to come. All will find a hearty welcome. Friends Church. Sabbath school at 9.45 a. m. Church services at 11 a. m. and 7.30 P- m. The membership are urged to be present in both school and church services. You owe this 1o yourselves, your church and your God. The public is cordially invited to attend. Enos Harvey, Pastor. Welch Memorial M. P. Church. T. E. Davis, pastor; F. W. Easter, superintendent. Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor. No ser vices at night, as we join Dr. Hubble at North Main St. M. P. Church.- PRIZE WINNERS IN "WHO IS.WHO" CONTEST W e, the undersigned judges of the "Who Is Who" advertising contest award the prizes in gold to the following contestants: Mrs. Bascom Iloskins, fust prize, $7.00. Mrs. E. R. t'arr, second prize, R. L. Pickett, third prize S3. 00. Respectfully, F. W. Freeze, D. X. Welborn. I. M. llarrell. INVITATION EKTENDED ANNOUNCEMENT. W e hereby announce ourselves candidates for re-election as councilmen from our respective wards the coming city election to be held in Mav. If elected r pledge ourselves to pay the same di strict attention to our public duties as in the past. First W ant- A. Sherrod. E . Younts, . W. Sechrest. Second Ward Dred Peacock S. II. Ililliard, Theirs Leach. Fourth Ward II. A. 'Millis, I. II. Vestal. J I arris-., president Manu facturers Club wired the Board of Trade of Charleston today extending an invitation to the members of the special party from South Carolina, who are to visit the Piedmont Section soon, to spend a dav in High Point. A tew days ago it was announced that a large number of business men from Charleston and other South Carolina cities would come on a special train to Pied mont North Carolina on a "busi ness visit." W e would be pleased to have the party st,,p ,u High Point. They go to Winston, we understand over the new- South bound i.iilroad. AS YOU LIKE IT CLUB. o The body of Ira Lutterloh, who died at Asheboro yesterday, pass ed through today, consigned to relatives in Atlantic City. 'The V. O. T. Club will meet Tuesday at 3.30 with Miss I. Irvin Paylor. Mrs. A. E. Frazicr. Mrs. R. II. 'Terry, and Miss lrin Paylor are spending today in Greens boro. Mr. and Mrs. ( ). L. Menden hall went to Lexington today. Miss Bcrta Lindsay is home for a few days from Washington. D. C, where she is attending school. Delos Hammer, T'.sq , w ill ad dress the Woman's Betterment Association at the Boston school house in Davidson county to night at 7.30. 'The Building - Loan Associa tion has been the laboring man's friend. It has helped him to own his home. Miss Emma King ii home from the Xormal to spend Sun day. Mrs. A. F. Frazicr and Miss lrvin Paylor are spending the af ternoon in (Ireensboro. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Vic-k from Fairmont, Robeson county, have moved to High Point and have rented Colonel Roberson's house on Hamilton street. Eighth series High Point Per petual Building and I-oan Asso ciation begins April 1st. A few shares of Building iS. Loan can be carried with spend ing money and never he missed. There is no better way to save your money than by taking a few shares of Building - Loan. C. C. Hook and II. L. Adams, of Charlotte, are here today. Miss Laura Kirkman went to Salisbury today to enter Stokes Sanitarium for an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Clifton Ring entertained s Yo Like It Club" Wed ncsil.iv afternoon at her attrac t c bungalow in Ouaker W oods I here we e tour tables of i..ni I nines. Mrs ( y Wheeler made ' the highest score and was award e I the first prize, a lovclv jabot Mi's. ( ,1 itbn, of Raleigh, won the visitor's prize a beautiful leath er belt Alter six games were played the guests were given pa per and pencils and told to try their skill at answering a guess ing "Cat Contest." Mrs. A. E. Frazicr was awarded the club rize ami Mrs. Otis Mendenhall the visitor's prize, a beautiful chamois. Mrs. Rring served a refreshing c ilation of chicken salad, lettuce, tomajtn jelly, cheese straws, beaten biscuits, olives and coffee. Ihe guests present were Mes d lines ( has. .,lUg, Cmu- Wheel e . Mis Mendenhall, Fdw Freeze. Pen Best, Cyrus I'um-i.ii-k, ( has I bin --er. Shim,m. ( .riftin of Ral e.gli. I larv cv I ),iv is, ) C Leon a "d. iray son. A. F. Frazicr .nul W A. Ring. HOUR CHANGED. o I he bom- i',ir the Auction s.,U ' f Mr. ( ,. C. Leach's home and lot mi South Main street has been changed In. in 3 30 to li a in Re member this. Mondav, March 27. First Presbyterian Church. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. At II o'clock, special exercises will be rendered by the Sunday school and the pastor will make a short illustrated talk. , At 7.30 p. m. the chorus choir will sing several inspiring songs, an dthe pastor will preach a short sermon. A cordial welcome for every body but especially for strangers and visitors. Rev. G. W. Belk and Porf. J. L. Gourley, will begin evangelis tic services next Sunday and all TO OUR NEIGHBORING SUBSCRIBERS. The Enterprise has made spe cial arrangements to have the pa per delivered to its subscribers 'ii the Asheboro road the same night the paper is printed. 'This arrangement will be a conven ience t the large number of our new subscribers and the special service beginning at once will continue from now on. MASONIC. I here vv ill be a meeting of N'uma F. Reid Lodge Xo. 344 A F. A. M. Monday the .7th at 7.30 p m. W ork in jnd degree Metnhers .ire earnestly requested to attend. By order W. M. J. D. Paylor. Sect v. MILLINERY OPENING H. A. Moffitt will have his mil linery opening Tuesday and Wednesday. March 28 and 29. Save the best for the last thats all. II. A. Moffitt. U. D. C. MEETING. The United Daughters of the Confederacy will meet with Mrs. A. E. Tate Monday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. NEW ADS. H. A. Moffitt Millinery open ing, March 28 and 29. Geo. F. Wilson Automobile service. City of High Point Balance denominations are invited to be sheet, February 28, 191 1. at home with us. 1 Miss Venetia Smith Our new (Continued on page 4.) 1 line of millinery. A New Railroad Randolph and Cumberland Railroad Winston Joins Hands With High Point In Building The Road. WINSTON ENTHUSIASTIC Over Proposed Extension of Randolph & Cumberland Rail road Into Their City. Mr. A. 'Tate, who has for the last four vears worked so in cessantly, both in season and out of soasn, tci give High Point a Seaboard connection. visited W insti in-Salein on Thursdav of this week by special invitation ii'om prominent citiens of that hustling city to discuss the fea-i-ibibtv of extending the Ran dolph cl Cumberland Railroad to that place and thus give us a Noifolk Western ami a South bound connection, also That Mr. Tate's proposition a as enthusiastically received is shown by (lie foil,, wing clipping taken from the 'Twin City Dailv if that date : "About twenty-five prominent business men of W'iiistoii-Saleni net in the Board of Trade rooms his afternoon, together with Mr. A. F. Tate, of High Point, for the purpose of discussing the proposed extension of the Ran dolph - Cumberland Railroad from Cameron, X. C. via High Point to W inston-Salem, making a number of splendid connections in this city and connecting at l anieron with the mam line of the Seaboard Air Line. Mr. Tate desired to get opin ions of prominent business men here as to whether or not this communitv will vote Sloo.oiX) to aid in financing the road and all present expressed the opinion that this can be done. 'The ulti mate terminus of the road will be Southport, which is destined to become a great seaport town. Quite a number of the gentle men present spoke, favoring the proposed road." In our opinion there has never been a railroad proposition prc sented to the people of High Point with so much genuine mer it as this one has on account ol the far-reaching etTect that the building of the road would have on the industrial life of our city. W e think it is generally admitted that until we have mo-" and bet ter railroad facilities for the prompt and satisfactory hand ling of our products, that our manufacturing and mercantile interests can never reach that degree of development which con Id be attained with competi tive railroad facilities. In the meeting at Winston Hon. Cy Watson, who took a prominent part, said: "It has bc-n the dream of my life to see this connection and we should build it." IT WILL GO TO ONE MILLION DOLLARS The Town Breaking all Records in Its Progress High Point is making the gieatcst improvement in its his lory. Besides the numerous new 'iiaiiiif.icturing plants which have been mentioned 111 the En terprise from time to time for the past two mouths, ihe additions to plants already established have been numerous, increasing large ly the capacity of the factories. I his bears out the claims the Enterprise has been making for the townif we do nothing but increase the present plants here as needed, our population must go beyond i.ikx) in four vears, and we will have at least j;,oo ,v the next census ( iur ,-iverage ratio of increase for the past -, 1 vears will give us this. ,t u , will iln more. 'Ihe following manufacturing plants are increasing their capacity and adding to tin plants : Continental Fur-, ,ure 1 . . re ently completed large addition to limshing department and erected an assemhlv room for eniph ivecs. Piedmont Mills, brick factoiv. three stories, (10x130, and recent ly a briik boiler room 30x40 feet -one of the best plants of the kind in the state. Myrtle Desk Co. now erecting an addition 40x80, four stories, which will greatly increase the output of this alreadv large plant. Hill eneer Co., now adding two additions to the plant one xx7o, and the other i2x(o, which w ill double the capacity. Southern Chair Co. an addition to the finishing department 50x70 three stones, which will be com pleted in thrtc weeks, increasing the capacity largely, already one of the best in the south. Kearns Furniture Co. has built an addition to the finishing de- thc partinent Jjx ix), increasing facilities of this large plant vr--iiiatei ially. loinbiis,,n (hair Company now erecting another large brick buildiiig 5 stories, Uixjoo, a modern fireproof structure with every convenience ami facibtv. Mils will double the capacity of this enormous plant. 1 he Silk Mil! is about ready or weaving, having jut com peted a large addition to their HUM. I hcs,- mmr. , , -in, -,,1 1 ,.-,11 cad eventually to doubling the apacity of the p.mt ;ls uci ;is iiaiigiir.itiug the work of ucav- Ihe rail I hese are among the improve incuts m.,,e ibis year and are ""vv under w.iv. Thctc are oth ers, ii,,. ,,m lei.,, s of Inch u ill be given next week. We have already given a de-l-iil the building ,, the High Point Casket plant. 'The Sam 1 othii pl.int. t. 1 ,ml s.lft. ""I ''! plant. the Coven incut building. iu- P,,-L-,.ii 1,,. 'on AMI. the I Iks b,,mK, Kaiidolph and Cumberland "'"d. the contemplated exten ion of the water and sewerage vstcm and the buidmg of more ;ood streets. Without irvin to emphasize anv boom, it is uite evident that the town is on a move, makitip tl,,. ,rri.... tndes in its history, carrying "mi it at least one million lars in improvements. (Tuesday we will be able to tell of another $100,000 plant..) SUCCESSFUL OPENING. Moffitt Furnishing Co. has a very successful opening of mil linery this week. The hats were stylish and met the demands of a large number of the ladies who visited the opening during the two days. The special price fea ture was very satisfactory both to the firm and their patrons. dol-

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