1 011 VOL. 14, NO. 43- HIQH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 191 1 Leonard-Beavens- Stamey Co. Now for Warm Weather New White Lawns New Colored Lawns New Parasols New Hosiery New Silk Gloves New Neckwear New Ribbons Leonard-Beavens-Stamey Co. fiigb Class Photoflrapftv We make a specialty of Portraits, in latest style and finish, Black and White aud Sepias. Finish enlarge ments direct from negatives. Outdoor groups and views made any time and any where. Kodak work doue promptly, a t reasonable prices. Work guaranteed. HI 6 1 POINT STUDIO FriED A. JONES, Mgr. Cor. Main and Washington Streets Over Owen's Store CE 1 Should ice wagons fail to call, please 'phone our office and we will have them stop. We beg to caution all our patrons to see to it that they secure pro per weights. If you experience any trouble in this line or other wise from our drivers, you will confer a fav or by immediately notifying our office. Remember, if you do not do this, we have no other means of cor recting the trouble. YOU CAN SAVE FROM 10 TO 20 PER CENT BY PURCHASING ICE COU PON BOOKS IN SIZE OF 500 POUNDS UPWARDS, and in addition help us materially improve the service. This method both eliminates the trouble o f making change and drivers handling the cash. High Point Ice & Fuel Co. Phones 100 SOCIAL IN HONOR OF MRS. RECTOR Mrs. Frank C. Creelman enter tained at a charming party yes terday afternoon complimentry to Mrs. J. B. Rector. Bridge was played at four ta bles and after a spirited game it was found Mesdames Oark, Cummings and Ingram had tied for prizes. Mrs. Cumrrrings win ning in the cut. "The Rosary" which she graciously presented to Mrs. Rector. Mrs. Ingram won the china Cream and Sugar. Strawberries with whipped cream, cake, crystalizcd grape fruit and bun Ixms were served to the fol lowing who were present: Mesdames Thos. J. Gold, Gil bert Clark. Otis Mcndenhall, Bay ard S. Cummings, J. B. Rector, Will Parker. Edward P. Parker, Mae (...k, A. D. Brockett, Jr., Cyrus Comstock, Don Pollock, Misses N'ipo Dillard, Kate In gram, Connie Charles and Berta L. Ragan. W. O. T. CLUB. Mrs. Wiliam C. Jones was the charming hostess on Tuesday af ternoon at "her home on North Main street to the members of the W. (). T. Club. This meet ing finished the rounds for the tMHin, but it was decided to continue the club through the months of May and June. Mrs. Jones entertained with a most interesting newspaper contest and Mrs. Thomas J. Gold was the! successful guesser for which she received a beautiful Irish lace col lar. Delicious Charlotte Russe, cake and iced grape-juice were served to the following members: Mes dames William C. Idol, Akin S. Parker, Albert S. Caldwell, James J. Farriss, Thomas J. Gold, Cy rus Wheeler, Misses Connie Charles, Mary Alexander. Berta Ragan. PERSONAL o Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomas, of Thomasville were here yester day. W. S. Stair, mechanical en gineer and representative of the York Manufacturing Co. of New York, who has been putting in an ice machine for the High Point Ice and Fuel Co.. left last night. Robert Marbie. of Charlotte, is here today. WATkMS GUILTY MANSLAUGHTER Asheville, May 3. The jury in the case of F. C. Watkins, charg ed with the killing of John Hill Bunting, of Wilmington, at Black Mountain, almost two years ago, brought in a verdict of man slaughter this morning, after be ing out twenty hours. Until the last ballot the jury stood ten for manslaughter and two for second degree murdef. Throughout the trial the case was hard fought, Watkins having been defended by Locke Craig. The first trial resulted in a dis agreement of the jury. Attor neys for the prosecution con tended that the defense had ad mitted knowledge of the facts re garding the juror last Friday and that objection should have been made at that time. Judge Webb took the motion under considera tion and will announce his decis ion tomorrow. This was the second trial of Watkins, the former one having resulted in a jury disagreement. The accused entered a plea of self deiense, claiming that he shot Bunting in the discharge of his duties as an officer when he was called to quell a disturbance at the hotel where Bunting and a friend, Paul Collins, were guests. The last named was seriously wounded by Watkins when Bunt ing was killed. BIG INTERESTS BEFORE CONGRESS Washington, May 3 The in vestigating trend in congress to day took wide range for inquiries into affairs of the United State Steel Corporation, the American Sugar Refining Company, the American Wool Company, when all of those? big industries were placed on the program of the Democratic house for in estima tions to be made into their ail an -. Representative llardwick ol Georgia, is the author of a reso lution providing for an inquiry into the sugar company, and this resolution will be considered by the house committee on rule-- to morrow. The big shoe industry interests under tire in the senate commit tee on expenses, opened the way for a re-investigation into tin charges against Senator Lorimcr Diffendorfer of Pcmisyh an:a, introduced a resolution in the house calling upon the secretary of the navy an dthc secretary of war to furnish congress with in forma'ion concerning the shoe contracts for army and navy prior to to). This resolution is bas ed upon the charges he lias a I re.idv made that one shoe coin pan y- has a -monopoly on the gov er:.nieiit 's contracts for shoes. DIES SUDDENLY : "SYLVIA" PLEASED ALL THE CONVENTION CLOSES possibility of a tie that would prevent the court from passing I on tlie issues involved, issues that 1 are vital to every railroad town in the State. Ex-Governor Aycock represented to the court today that Goldbsoro is expending over $150,000 on her streets, has estab lished a general scheme of drain age for the promotion of the health of the city and this is worked out right up to the rail road which the city demands shall lower about five squares of track age six to eight inches to conform to this drainage grade. It would cost the railroad company about $3,000 and he insists that in the exercise of her police power the city has the right to compel this even though, as the railroad com pany insists, it owns its right of way and has held it for a longer period than the town of Golds boro has been in existence. The fact that the railroad company holds this property in the town makes the company amenable to the police control of the city when it comes especially to ques tions involving maintenance of healthful drainage scheme and such like. The case is one that is being watched with keen in terest by the legal profession and by officialdom of cities and towns the state over. CAN TOWN MAKE RAIL- ROAD CHANGE GRADE CROSSINGS Raleigh, May 3. The case of the City of Goldboro vs. At lantic Coast Line Railroad Co. in volving the right of a board of aldermen to compel a railroad company to make its track grade conform to the street grade by lowering the track was re-argued beiore the Supreme court today, ex-Governor Aycock appearing for tht town of Goldsboro and W. C. Monroe for the railroad company. This is the case in which the court is so badly di vided that the justices were un able to decide the question and the re-argument was called for by the court with a view to ad justing differences in view if pos sible. Justice Allen is not sitting in this case and this leaves the court with only four judges sit ting Chief Justice Clark, and I Associate Justices Walker, Hoke land Brown. Hence there is the FOR SEABOARD RAILROAD Norfolk, Ya., May 3.- The Sea board Air Line Railway yester day awarded the following equip ment contracts, involving $2,000, 000 : ( )ne thousand box car--, two hundred gondolas and thirty-six caboose cars to Pressed Steel t .11 Company, of Pittsburg; ten l'n cific tvpe locomotive, to Amei ican Locomotive Work-; ten heavy combination loountivc and rive yard engines, to Baldwin Locomotive Works. R. A. Benton and W. Steger, of Danville, are here. B. F. W. Bryant and wife, of Thomasville, was here yesterday. Mrs. B. E. Moore and Miss Ir-4 vin Paylor represented the Wom an's Club at Charlotte this week. Mr. Cohen, of Richmond, is here today with a view to open ing a barber shop. The remains of J. Chester Hos kins. Who died yesterday, was shipped to Lexington today for interment. C. F. Tomlinson will leave to night for Raleigh to attend the T. P. A. Miss Kara Reid, who has been visiting the family of Rev. Thos. Carrick, returned to Lexington today. A number of the delegates left today for their home. The friends of Mr. Geo. Mat ton are pleased to see him out again. The Home Economic Depart ment of the Woman's Club will meet with Mrs. W. C. Jones at 3.30 o'clock Friday afternoon Miss Florence Blair, who was called home on account of the i li ne s of her mother returned to Red Springs today. Mr. Thomas Winston John, representing D. B. Ryland & Co., jewelry manufacturers is here to- dav with his samoles on display at the store of Mann Drug Co. pOR SALE Horse, buggy and J. D. Mann has been confined two-seat surry with canopy top. to his home for the rast few davs jKd family horse. Apply to - c - . m on account of illness. Enterprise. READY FOR BUSINESS SOON o The Shipman Organ Company whose plant was burned 01: March 10. last, which is less thai; 60 days ago, have been pushing the construction work on then new buildings till they are about completed. Just as soon as the floors were laid the machinery was put in position, and as a re sult much of the machinery has already been placed. A car load of new machinery has recently arrived and will be put in posi tion. The rapid progTess made by Mr. Shipman in rebuilding his plant and at the same time mak ing extensive improvements in the equipment, is a splendid record. LOSSES BY FIRE AT HEN DERSON Special to Enterprise. Henderson, May 3. A big lire occurred here late tonight. The Carolina Bagging and Tile Com pany's plant is completely wrap ped in flames at this hour, and it is believed will be completely lost before the flames are extin guished. Also the Carolina Buggy Fac tory and Capital Buggy Factory are in great danger from the flames. The cause of the fire has not yet been ascertained. DON'T NEED CONFESSION l.os Angeles, .May 3. District Attorney Fredericks today said that when McN'amara is brought into court for trial the prosccu tion won't use McManigals con fession to convict them. He dc claired that no immunity was of fered to McManigal, and that the State does not need his confes sion. 1 IN HIS OFFICE Special to Enterprise. Winston, May 4 Mr. K. R. ail in-., treasurer and manager of the W inston Investment Coin- I panv, died suddenly in his office in the basement 01" the Masonic Temple todav about I I o'clock He was sick only about 15 min utes. He was sitting in a chair when he died Mr. Watkins had been in bad health for several months, ami was complaining of having an acute lie. nl. nhe this morning shortlv hcloic his death It is thought tint his death was dm- to heart deprcssi, .11. caused by tak ing two headache tablets contain ing several grains ,,1 acetanilide. The dose was ,-rv small for one with a strong heart, but Mr alkui's hen t was said ! 1 hav e been in a weak condition I le was c.nsci.iiis up to within live minutes of his death and he stat ed that the tablets were '.lie cause of his illness. lie called for help when tirst stricken bv illness, which came 111 thi' foim of a spasm, ami a nuiu her of gentlemen 111 the adjo-n mg offices rushed to his aid. ,h v sici an w as summoned, but vv .is unable to lell what caused the trouble until be found what nied 1, inc Mr W .it kins had taken and death came bcioie the phy-uian , . return Mr. W atknis was a s.m ot M: quilla Watkins, oi Clemmoiis. and came to this cilv about toe vears ago. lie was with the Sledge Furniture company lot some time and later with the ome Real Estate. Loan ami In siuance t ompany. prior to uic time the W in-ton Invc-tmcni Company was incoiporatcd. He was a member of the l irst Hap tist church. I le is sui i ed by a w Me was fornieih Mi-s 1 avid- 'ii c unity . and residing at oio I a st 1 cet . w 1; - lines, . . I .ne child. I-..,,,-;, WHITSETT I he I nterpiise acknowledge the receipt of an inv itation from I r. hitsctt to attend his coin meucement. May jo-ji . Dr. E M l'oteat will prcai h the scinioh and .ovcrnor Kitch in w ill deliv er the address. HIGH CLASS OPERETTA Well Rendered by Our Local Talent A large audience gicel'.d "Syl via" at the Audiloi mm l.'ist night. This operetta 111 two acts was among the very best productions by local talent ever given in the citv. F.verv otic who parlicipal ed knew his or her part well, and rendered it to perfecti. m 1 he c. .st nines w ere ft 0111 an I b 1 m . Philadelphia, and wen- v ci v at tractive indeed We dcsiie -to compliment the -111111.; by 1 1 1 - who appeared ill the special! n -as w ell as 111 the ch. .1 11 . 1 1 w a s reallv better than that heard in high priced shows lin-c taking the principal parts vveie Misses Clara I'.oyd. Vela Idol. Mci ( Ulis Mcndenhall. W alter ( hand Icr. I. ester Sears, these being re in forced in.ign ; licicn 1 1 v by James W alket. Misses Mabel Ey on and Mildred Harmon The .-bonis which was made up "f pretty gills and stalwail voung i.iniii'r appcared t" special ad v ant age Polly, Molly. Dolly- faimci's daughters and 1 1 lend - f I let t y Matte Keicliai dt . ngelnie I'o , ell. daily s Kit tcr. drillers' daughuis li-c-l Lira I 1 .1 111 1 ' 0 1 . au Kc.:i 11-. lbe Strickland. Ida Kcich.udt. llael I'.rigg-. Ethel Pickett, b .na III". Helen I'.iocketi, Me-. lame- ban kin and Dodamead Earn) lad- .Me-si Herman Sears. Catey Raper. Richard Harrv, l arsoii ' I'.uriis. lames Walker, Henry Keariis. Tom Gil liam. William Watts Period: Eighteenth 1 etituty. W e congratulate Mi-s Shattuck and all of those who took part in the performance !t -a.i- pleas ing to a". 1 he receipts were about -II" I he annual meeting of the N. C. Funeral Directors and Era balmcrs' Association which were in session two davs here will ad journ today. The closing hours lasi night were given up to a so cial gathering 111 the way of a smoker, which was given at the Manufacturers ( bib. There was a large attendance and every one -eenied t.. have enjoyed the oc casion I luring the evening -tatidw idles, coffee and cigars w ei e sci veil Morning. The delegates this morning list ened with a great deal of interest to the lecture by Dr. Rcotiard, of New Y..tk. after which there was an election of officers for the y ear II 1 1 . Rowe. of W'ehlon. was ele. ted president. I W Fancy, 1st vice-president. Mr Summersett, .2nd vice-president. I-'. P l'.rown, Raleigh, treas urer The convention will adjourn 'In- alteruoon. I he members express them selves as delighted with the meet ing here HIGH SCHOOL BOYS WIN ANOTHER GAME. In an interesting game al :! 11 h .. bttle one-sided, the High iov - defeated 'he Soldier ;n 1 insleys Military In- f Winston-Salem. 1 R. H. E. 12 16 4 4 9 9 High Point, Farlow, DEATH OF S. J. CROUCH Mr S. E Crouch, a well known ciucu her. died at bis home ..1 Howell street this afternoon .11 ter a lingering illness. lie I1.1-. been a resident of High Point t'oi a great many years and leaves many relatives. The funeral so vices will probably be held to morrow. REVIVAL SERVICES. I he meeting at South Main St church is progressing nicely The attendance is ery line. Many requests for prayer have been made : real interest is being show 11. Miss Eshclman will sing at meeting tonight. Service be gins al 7 s Service will not be long ADJOURNED MEETING CITY COUNCIL At an adjourned meeting of the city council yesterday, the elec tion returns were certified to, the resolution necessary to the bonds was passed by the board, and a license tax of $200 per day placed on all carnivals. COUNTING EACH PIECE OF MAIL I'ostm.istci I 1 .lb - has rc , eiv ed orders 11 , in 'he p. . .Mice dep.ti tment to count every piece .. mail lh.it 1 asses 'hi.. ugh I11 office. w hu b i- can-'ng -iiiiif de lav upon the pan of the clerks 11 distributing letteis and paper- Phis order ,il-. includes in-truc ig ilit amount 0! 111 a-sorting and 1 ..I the classes , a lie -anie nistruc s-.Itllte . score . High Point T M . 1. . . Patteries : White , T. M. I. Pepper, Critz. This js the fourth game the bov s have won without being de feated 1 ur boys played good ball 110111 beginning to finish. I he featiiMs ,.f the game was the hitting bv lout's and Strayhorn. and ,-aidi ill right field by st i. ay horn The attendance was i .t is large as u-ualvl. and the ...V 1,,-t several dollars There - ..; be an., t her game this week, iinl the boys are expecting a more liberal cout nbution next .tin I'.e snie you don't miss it t loige! your cash. ami will tioiis i',.r keepi time coiisunici handling .1 ea. mail mattei tioiis have been sent !.. all offices 111 the I uilcl State upon the data thus obtaiue depend future rev is.als of postal rates Although the work of the local office has been more than doubled yet the cleiks have been prompt in handling all matter under the new ruling - -1 ui ham Sun. AT THE EAGLE. Rogers-Dorman, singing and dancing. Darktown Expressmen a line comedy act in blackface see it and faugh. Pictures The Shadows of the Past, line drama. The Girl Spy Before Vicksburg. This is a war picture of unusual interest and should be seen by all. Come to night as it is your last chance. TAX LISTERS' NOTICE I )n and after May 1 5th the tax listers bo. k s will 1 ie ' 'pen .1 1 1 I S. I lamiltoii slreet . b.-tw ecu tin hours . if S a. 111 and op 111 . I'ln -location is at the old I .imL., . ( hair Co. office. I'lea-e take due notice. 5 -1 w FOUR DAYS ONLY We will have on displav Mav 5. (1. X i, I ) P.. Ryland X t '...'- hue o iliaiii. .mis. watches aim high class jcwelrv. in charge " .l r I lios. . oliiis 1 v t i 1 'in invited to call in and look st,,d. over whether thev w'sh to pur chase or not. 4-41. Mann Drug Co FISHING FORBIDDEN All persons arc hereby forbid den to lish in the pond at Oak dale cotton mill with either hook and line or nets, from lakdalc Mill to the railroad bridge. Oakdale Cotton Mill, W. G. Ragsdale. Treasurer. 5-4-inio. U. S. SUPREME COURT WILL REVIEW GEORGIA PRO HIBITION STATUTE. Washington, I). (.'., May 3. The Georgia liquor law will be subjected to scrutiny by the I'nited States supreme court in the cast of state against G. W. Curcton docketed todav. The question raised is whether or not t He deorgia law ot l()07, prohibiting the sale of liquor withm the state, applies to a transaction where persons living in Alabama, or Tennessee, order liquor "l another in Tennessee, who ships the liquor through an agent :u Georgia. Curcton is charged with receiving orders in ( .e. the ne ugia and gettiiu liquor at bis 1 see. ami then payment for 'thee in Ten lirceting his rgia to ship thc i- igent 111 ( ie. qui r 1 'fdei ed. The state claims that Curcton therby made the sale in Georgia, t melon claims that the sale was made in Tennessee ami the Geor gia law is unconstitutional be cause it interferes with inter state commerce. Til- Will Hammond, of Asheboro, is here today. Capt. Leach was elected mayoi of Aberdeen yesterday. NEW ADS. Ring Drug Co. Park & ford's candy. Allen Bros. Something new in Silk Petticoats. Weyth's Sage & Sulphur For sale by Ring Drug Co. Delinquent Tax List. NOTICE. All stenographers and book keepers of the city are invited to meet at the Flwood hotel tonight at 8 o'clock for the purpose of joining the North Carolina Sten ographers' Association.