, 5 f s t, ' 1 - i s -,., oa-w,,). i. A i,ihi li imn 7? ',o , : 4 rt 1 W i liih 0iit VOL. 15. NO. 22. Leonard - Deavens Stamey Company SUITS AND GOATS The greatest line of Suits ever s'lown in the city :: Our sales have been Record Breakers Everyone a Bargain Suits at $10. $12.50, $15, $20, $25 and $27.50. Coats $10, $12.50, $15 New Suits and Coats coming i n nearly every day :: Drop in and let us show you Leonard - Deans Stamey Co. STORIES OFSUCCESS John Wanamaker N o career I n this country offers more encourage ment to the young business man than that of John Wanamaker, the merchant of the Golden Rule. N o man ever made a more secure ped estal of the world oni it oriwvls. and no one has ever gained a higher record fur honesty and fairness in his business deals. His whole life, from the time he walked four miles each morning to work in a book store at $1.26 a week until the age n twenty four, when his savings enabled him to open the Oak Hall clothing store, is a story of earnest, hard work and rigid economy. It's a story that points a moral. It is applicable to every young man who wants to riBe and be suc cessful. . . The practice of saving is indica tive of thrift, intelligence and stability- The man who bbvcs his money is a credit to the communiiy, himself, and his family. It is not what you earn but what vou save that counts. If you have r i.. .1..H.... tiiail hrincr it t)Ul B 811'K 1 "" -- here; we will open rav.nKB account for you, anil vou win receive ec.j courtesy and consiueruuun. WACUOVIA BANK TRlJsT CO. The Most Rapid The Most Attentive The Most Courteous The Most Econimical SERVICE BY THE ELWOOD LIVERY COMPANY Jl'l,, Carriages and Single Buggies HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA. TUESDAY. OCTOBER to, 191 1 r.1R. rJEULAND WILL BE in RACE FOR GOVERNOR LOCKE CRAIG MAKES 1118 ANNOUNCEMENT Lieut-Governor V. C. New land, of Lenoir, is spending the day in the city interviewing friends regarding his candidacy for governor. When seen by a Sentinel representative this morning Mr. N'ewland admitted that he expected to be in the race for the highest office in the gift of the people of North Carolina and that in due time he would make his formal announcement. Mr. Newland was an enthusi astic advocate of Mr. Locke Craig's nomination for chief ex ecutive three years ago in Char lotte, during the long and warm ly contested tight when Mr. W. V. Kitchin finally won out. It was said that after the conven tion Mr. Craig told some of his friends that he would never be efore the people of North Car olina for another office, but it has developed that some of those who fought valiantly for his nomina tion, three years ago, have in sisted that he make the race again and on Saturday the Hun combe county man authorized the announcement that he had decided to enter the race next year for the Democratic nomina tion. Messrs. Newland and Craig are popular, especially through out the western part of the state, and their friends will make the contest a pretty warm one at least that is the prediction that is eing made by the politicians. The Sentinel hears a rumor that the friends of ex-Lieut. Gov. K. A. Doughton are urging him - and for the Democratic num. in.ition fo rgovernor. "Mir. Doughton has a tiost of friends throughout the-state and if he should decide to make the race somebody would have to hurtle to beat him." This is the way one of his friends expressed it todav. bring out a special Kitchin can didate for governor. However, Governor Kitchin insists thar the possibility for this is very remote. It really looks like there will be only the two can didates for governor this time Mr. Craig and Mr. Newland. Asheville, Oct. 9. Mr. Locke Craig, Democratic candidate for the gubernatorial nomination in 1908, Saturday night announced his candidacy for the same race next year. Mr. Craig opposed the present governor, V. Y. Kitchin, in the Democratic state convention over three years ago when Governor Kitchin won the nomination after the convention had been dead-locked for tour days. Approaching Marriage o - MOFFIT-PASCHAL Friends here have received the following invitation : Mrs. Minnie K. Hester re (jiiests the honour of your pres ence at the marriage of tier niece. Miss Lafayette Hester I'aschall, to Mr. Oscar Penton Moffitt, on the ex tiling of W ednesday, the twenty-fifth of October, at nine o'clock, at the Main Street Meth odist Church, Reidsville, North Carolina. ANNUAL MEETING B. & L. The annual meeting of stock holders of the High Point Per petual Building and Loan Asso ciation xxill be held in the direc- 101 s IOOII1 01 OIC V OIIII1ICI C Ml National Hank, Monday night. October .50, 1 1 1 . at 7 o'clock. J P. Redding, President. V. A. J. Idol, Secretary IO IO-2Ct. DEATH OF MRS. CARSON BLAIR. Eyes and Ears OF SCHOOL CHILDREN Sight n htrlnfltrthtw Principal tnset tl th human body. A. P. TAIEY. Oplt. D. announcement Mr. Craig o Raleigh, Oct. 9 While there has been a general understand ing all along that Hon. Locke Craig, of Asheville, would be in the race for the Democratic nom ination for governor in 1912 there was special interest here in his formal announccmene made Sat urday night in Asheville that he xv )uld seek the nomination. I he triangular contest at Char lotte in 1908 between Mr. Craig, . W. Kitchin and Ashley Horiie, which continued for a s did week and developed the most tense conditions ever known in a North Carolina nominating con veil. on resulted in the nom ination of Mr. Kitchin and a tacit understanding among many Democrats that the 1912 nomina tion should go to Mr. Craig ac cording to many friends of Mr. Craig. However there is another and veiy active formidable can didate 111 the field in the person of V. C. Newland, present lieu tenant governor and president of the state senate. Mr. Newalnd has been an avowed candidate for some time past, and it is be lieved these two westerners un less there are complications as to the relations of either of them to the pending contest for the Unit ed States senatorship in which Senator Simmons, Governor Kitchin, ex-Governor Aycock and Chief Justice Walter Clark aie the contestants. It has been threatened that if, for instance, Mr. Craig should become an avowed partisan- for Senator Simmons as against Gov ernor Kitchin, there might be likely to develop a movement for the supporters of Mr. Kitchin to Mrs. Carson Blair died at her home on English street yesterday after a lingering illness of con sumption. Deceased xvas only 2 1 vears of age at her death. The funeral services xere con ducted todav at the house by Rev. D. K. Bowers. NEW SETTLERS BOSTONIANS COMING SOUTH. The Enterprise learns thai a party of Bostonians have bought a large tract of land between Aberdeen and Eagle Spring- and will begin at once to erect cement farm houses. Thev will prepare to farm on a large scale and have no doubt struck a garden spot. Nowhere in the South has the value of land increased so much as in that section. A few vears ago vou could buy it for a song and now it is difficult to get at any price. A soft, loainv soil, it will produce anything and it is easy to cultivate. Then there is the tine winter climate. ( Inly 00 miles from High Point ami the people in that section have not seen any snow or ice in jo vears or more and then it was visible onlv to carlv risers THE FLOWER SHOW The ladies of Washington St. M. L. Church will have the 1 -'lower Show and Bazaar this xear about November loth We understand that the tlow ers give promise of being the pret ties! than they have been in era I veais City Council Meets Among the items ot interest which came before the citv coun cil yesterday : The extension of sewer age on Washington Street. Refering petition for gas plant to committee, Messrs. Tate. Pea cock and Sherrod. Letting of contract for con struction of West F.nd Hose house to Moiiigijmei Bros. Cost erected back of Mx rile 1 c-k I o At Auditorium Oct. 14 Case In Ejectment AN INTERESTING CASE. An action is being tried this af ternoon before Justice J. Matt Sechrest in the nature of an en jectment proceeding in which J A. Johnson is seeking to dis possess Andrew Proctor and wile Laura Proctor of a piece of prop erty near the hospital. The rel atives of Mrs. Proctor are very much agitated over the matter, since they contend that she is not in her right mind and the prop erty, which was recently convey ed to Johnson by her, xvas left to her by her father as a home on hecottnt of mental incapacity. She has been in the asylum at one time, so it is claimed, and has been mentally incapacitated for ten years or more. Many witnesses have been subpoenaed, and the attorneys for the defense, Messrs. Gold and ZollicofTcr. are raising the point that the title to real estate is in controversy and the magistrate does not have jur isdiction. For the plaintiff Ra gan and Galloway are contending that the woman is sound mentally. STEWARDS MEETING. An important meeting of the stewards of Washington Street church will be held tonight at 7.30 o'clock. F.very member of the board is requested to be present. HENRY BLOUNT. ill gi e ,i literary and ill .1 malic enlei t.iiiinicnt Satiiidav ex cuing, K'lohcr 4. (.haste, elegant and refined Side splitting joges. ennobling sentiments, thrilling bursts of oratory, towering Mights of elo iuence. sublime and goregoits word painting The Hon I-'. M sunni"iis. I'nited States Senator, saxs: "I had seen much through the pa pers of lleiirv Blount as an ora tor and as a lecturer, and I there fore expected a great deal. But Tie surpassed mv expectation-., for lie is an actor ami orator and mimic and humorist .ill couibin ed. and he keeps an audience on xulscd with his -pleudidlx told jokes, or moved to tears by the deep pathos of his eloquent in terance." ..I ' 1 rj PERSONAL Friends of Rev. O. L. Powers arc pleased to know that he is convalesing rapidly from a recent attack of typhoid fever. Dr T. F. Marr. of Winston, spent the dax here with Rex. J II. Barnhardt. Miss Blanche Bradsliaw is vis iting Mrs. Louise Roscmond, in ireeiisboro Mr. Pierce of the Llxxood at tended the Richmond lair yes terday . lHI Rolieison will attend the all star ball game m Richmond toiiii -n ow C. I-. Tomlmson left today to attend a meeting of the trustees of the National T P A at St I .mils I P. Long, of Roboio. who has been visiting Ills son, Mr. I I-'. I oiig. returned home todav. I cput v i ii-uraiice ( 1 unmis--ioncr Wade of Raleigh is here today ohn I) Pax lor itiiianis quite ill at his home 011 Broad street. The merchants oi Asheboro are detel mined to have one of the liest fairs ever held in this sec tion I M Kirk, ot the Victor I loiliuig ( o, received .1 telet phone message this nioiniug an in 'inn uig the death of bis aunt, whose home is near China (irove Col Wesett Roberson and J I 1'arriss have received invitations from lien. 1 11 1 1 .1 11 S. Carr to at tend the reception to Gov. Judson Harmon, of Ohio, at Raleigh, on W ednesday. October iHth. during hi- visit t, the North Carolina eapital They will be present and assist on the occasion of his en tertaining the distinguished vis ilor to the State. I lav wood Alderman is here to- Mis league has returned li , ,ni -. 11 s th t, ,unl v , vv hei e she visiiid iclatives I I K 1 k ill .1 1 1 has uvcixcd all iin ,tat!"ii l" attend the dedica tioii exeicise- ..f the Raleigh Au , In, ,1111111 ai the 171I1 .nid.xill at It nd CENTRAL CAROLINA FAIR OPENS The Central Carolina Fair op ened this morning with a large number of exhibits the midway in lull blast and vv ith unite a crowd present for the opening dav and considering the mcle nient weather A number ol tree attractions and splendid races ale booked for this atteinoou The grounds will be opened tonight. A record breaking crowd is ex pected, as the fair is the xery best 111 its hisloix. AN ECHO FROM BOOSTER VISITORS. Among the letters received from the Richmond visitois the following is of interest and o a ei v pleasant nature : I he nierican National Bank of Richmond R iclnm nd. a . ( Ictobcr c;. 1 1 1 MJr D II Milton. Cashier. Home Banking I oiiipanx , High Point, N l 1 ear Mr Milton : 1 want to thank you peisoiiallx lor vour pari 111 rendering nix trip asi week through the "1 lid Noith Mate" a most pleasant and mem latile one, the other "Boosters" lining with me 111 expressing ur deep appreciation of your ispitality to us. We feel tiiat our tour accom plished its object; that in going to you. we have brought you nearer to us From a banking tandpoint it should aid in that cooperation which is a potent factor in developing the financial res' mrces the S nitl). f meeting "U. and want to sax Here's to the I and .. the- Long eat Pine " Vcix tllllv XoUI-. W Holladax. Assistant 1 asliiei BIG SHOW COMING WOMAN'S CLUB. Beginning o f Revival Great MUCH INTEREST MANI FESTED. There was a verx gratifying at tendance at the afternoon meet ing at the First Baptist church yesterday and cpiite a number of children were present. There was evidently a deep interest preva lent while the subject of self ex amination was discussed. A good congregation at night listened most attentively to the sermon on Sin and quiet solemn ity prevailed. This afternoon at ,V30 the subject of the sermon xx ill he "Piayer the Greatest of all Privileges." Tonight at 7.0 the subject will be "'The 'Third of the 'Three Greatest of all Tacts." BANKS TO CLOSE. The banks will be closed on Thursday of fair week, October !2th. I he tn -t tegular meeting of the V, . in. m's Jul. is called to meet I, moi 1 . iW a I lei 1 1 -u at o ch 'ck in the p.iih'i of the Manu f.iclinei s l lub. A lull attendance is uiged and members are le- mu-tcd to bung with thein the aim nut o then dues. DURHAM TO HAVE BIG DE PARTMENT STORE. I hirh.iin is to hav e a dep: inent store adequate to till the vonl hi the merchandizing facil ,tu-s of the city Mr. B I Kron heimei has purchased from Mr R II 1 ight the large building on west Maui street next to the I Hit ham Tract n hi I oinpanx and as soon as the necessary altera tioiis can be made w ill open ; modem department store such as is continued 111 the large cities, with all the modern equipment and facilities I he building has lis. feet front age ami is tt feet long with four lit p. H s. hav nig a total lloor spac of Jj-Ooo square feel. A full elevator service will be installed ami the entire building will be remodeled to conform with modem ideas of department store arrangement. 'The securing of new quarters by Mr. Kronheimer has been made necessary by the large growth in his business. Mr. Kronheimer came here from ( )x- ford 12 years ago and opened a small dry goods business. Desir ing to expand his business he de cided to make a large expansion and place at the l i sx snl of the people of Durham shopping fa cilities which they have hereto fore been compelled to mi to oth er cities to secure. Durham Sun, Indian Barely Escapes Lynching av iiesv die. I cl o 1 1 vva- a naitou escape lioin .1 mob oi Ivueliei-s that a vvam .ouiilv mill del ei 1 an Indian named R. ss I rem h 1 had bel e und.i v mil- ill He had been bioiigl.t l.eie l"r safekeeping, and .1 ino 110111 Swam conn t v , 1 , ,iu to , oiue here and -tiiii:; hnn up. when Hicrilt Palmer got wind of their toiniiig in lime to gel the prison er out of their reach lie telegraphed Governor Kit. hen Sunday altciiiooii to oi dei out he local militarv 1( 0111 panv I I 1 and the t ,o- cinor ploinptK oidcicd the militia to 1 cpoi 1 to the -1 1 1 1 ; M . winch I hey did. the sheriff and the military ollit ei s li 11, ill v get ' :ng the pils-oiu-i thioii,;h the coiintiv to a i.ulioad station and taking him 1, , A sliev illc. w licit- he is n, ,vv s.ifelx held ill .shev die jail. Ml ariangeinents have been made for the far famed I ole N Rice iicnnan American Railroad: -hows t,, exhibit in High Point. 1 Ictobcr 1 HVh 'These , . unbilled at tiai Hons comprise the .mix tented amusement ciitetp'isf o sie and , - j incut coming here tins year ana man. woman or child should miss attending the .illernooiior evening perl', name I wo full hours will be consumed 111 the presentation of the imperial pro rain, oil which appears the names ,,f sonic the highest s.il.u led areuic artists 111 t lie 1 un try T v ei v act :s .1 feature number and the brilliant arrav of talent includes peerless at 11. dials gvin nasts. contortionists, lcapcis. 111111 lers, acrobats, l.icx.le ndcrs iiii'tdeis and hosts ,, othcis 1 hi six college of nieiiv ilowiis is di- iceleil v the king "t all jesters. Harrx Clark, and the Si 0,000 group of educated Shetland pon ies are ut through its paces by be renowned equine educator, 'rof ,,e Beri's IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH TRAVEL VIA. THE CHESPEAKK LINE DAILY SERVICE INCLUD ING SUNDAY. The new steameiu just placed in service the "City of Norfolk" and "City of Baltimore" are the most elegant and up-to-date Steamers between Norfolk and Baltimore. Equipped with Wireless Tele phone in each room. Delicious meals served on board every thing for comfort and conven ience. Steamers leave Norfolk 6.15 p. 7.00 a. m. following morning. p-On.-. .it, r u West. Very low round trip rates to Baltimore, Washington, Philadel phia. New York, Atlantic City, etc. Reseivations made and any in formation cbeei fully furnished by W H Parnell, T. P. A. Norfolk, Va. Now isth Time To have X our l'hntngi aphing dome We make photos of your In uies. house Jiaitits. evening eiiteitam ments by flashlight and petsonal photos at your home. In fact xve photograph an thing ami t-veiy-thinft at anx time Phone (no local L. C. Petrie Co. Commercial Photographers Hamilton ami 'nmnirre- St NEW SHIPMENT IN TODATI ..Millinery.. MUSIC LOVERS CLUB. 'The Music I.oxer Club will niece tonight at Mss Boxd's studio at 7. ,v o'clock. All mem ers are urged to be present EARLY MORNING FIRE. A lire alarm from box 2i was turned in this morning between fVo and 7 o'clock, and the tit partment hurried to the railway crossing near the colored school The fire xvas outside the water limit, and destroy'etl two sinal houses belonging to W ash ( )w ens on Hoover street. Hood Shapes in all Colors f 1 y. 'Is, v New Ready-to-wear Hats In large anil su all shajt s. Both smooth anil scratch felt. Special thih week i 9S. New Trimmed Hats In the latest ideas, f. nnd fs Big assortment of childicn's Hats and Bonnets in smart new styles Ranging in prices from u8c to JU.9H A, r 1 Moffitt Furnishing Co. 'A r V f I 1 - 'A 1