l - a a m a r; v .i i- ; i - mm h i ; - I V ! 11 1114- - v 1 i I I ill II 1 1 J I A - . ' j: y'i y 0Lp5, NO. lao.'f 7. mm rVlOH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY,' FEBRUARY io, igxa. " Ik rv v V or.3ra - pa? E I su s Beautiful selection J of New Spring SUTS. Suits for $15.00 $23.50 NEW SPRING SKIRTS $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, $5.?8, $7.50, $8.50? V Drop In and Take a Look STORIES 0FSUCCESS -CYRUS W. FIELD The worM' to morrow wiu on ayoun man's to day. Whtn Cyrui W. Field, builder of the -great At lantic Cable, be gan his 'buaineea career aa errand boy in t dry goods j.y store ai si.uu a f r Week be did not sea the tomorrow that woold change the commerce of the world, even then at the age of thirteen, his mot to was Industry and Economy. Later in life when he hftd left the dry goods business as one of the most successful merchants in New York be could not remain idle -When after thirteen years' cease less toil, crossing and reerossing the ocean fifty times, the first successful message ashed over the great sub marine cabie, e proved for all time that persistency wins., - - Isn't "To win' also your amW tionT " - v ' .. By a little economy and thrift we will halve tre responsibility, with you. r , ;V'-.. -i ''j '" -Surta savings account with us, today."-'. ' -.-v i Tomorrow, its persistent Increase by added savings, and our four per sent interest, and a timely invest ment rosy make you a eapita'lst- W kmrnmi i host cfc h vv- $20.00 Leonard - Deavens : Stamey : Co. iypd I ' ,ls'' '" ' '''' ' WOOD'S .. GARDEN SEED ai'iaAssoftint FrcH end CviiM k- - j i v va list Arr 111 I lVM il3!:I2n:jpff0 SOaf olyrCf Aneorlcan CItlzono Special to JEntorpriae. : ' .. . .Washington D C, Feb, ia- State Uepartnient8 refusal to al low armed Mexicans to cross the American boredr is construed to day as th last step "6n the part of the United States to avoid Complication-which would neces sitate rushing American troops tar the border. - Itv is authoriu- tivelv stated that the fear of an uprising endangers - forty ' thou sand American residents in Mex ico prevents the dispatching nt American troops to' the! border immediately, but that they - are ready for field service at a mo ment's notice. ; ," " ' - BOMBARDMENT IMMINENT Tientein,? Feb. lo.-Revolu-tionary warships steamed into the harbor of Shanghai Ewan, rectly east of Pekin today, believ ed bombardment imminent. 'Good Advloo 7 New York, Feb. io Stop com plaining about high cost of liv ing, pay cash for everything, buy through co-operative organiza tions,, don't charge ,. with your "necessary expenses" such items as Summer vacations, motion pic ture shows, and the like, ' is the advice of Geo.xK. flolmes. de partment of agriculture, statistics bureau to Republican club, this afternoon. " ; ' : COLD IN NEW YORK. Special to Enterprise. :' '": New York. Feb: xa The ther mometer today is. ataero. It dropped 28 degrees in 12 hours! Popo Objeots To Low ' ' Klooko . Special to Enterprise. Rome, Feb. 10. The Popeo day ordered cardinals and other church dignitaries to decline in vitations t6 attend social func tions where women an permitted to appear in decellette gowns. Wednesday Afternoon Embroid- ' ;; ' :- 'Xx . ered Club.' ' ' y' .'. , This ,club : which N began ' its meetings last fall, has been once the round of " the members and has started on its second round of meetings. V:-. " ,1-ast week there was a delight ful meeting .; with Mrs. Rdbert Bencini After an v hour spent with embroidering; Mr.r Bencin i served a detlcious salad course, followed by hot 'chocolate and wafers,. This week 'the jneeting wa with Miss Edith Bradshaw, at her' beautiful home -on South Main. After, an enjoyable after noon of sewing Miss Bradshaw served : delicious refreshments consisting of salad, sandwiches, olives; and tea and wafers.; "The members of the club are ; TMes dames. ,Ed. Millis and " Robert Bencini,' Misses Edith Bradshaw, v-" ' Linnie Mann, Bessie Titts, Oara Stanton, Robah Bencini, Clara Harmon, MUIie Harmon,., Mar jorie Richardson, Marjorie , Cot tam and Annie " Reddick.' ; - 'i ! Call up S. F. Brown Gro. Co. for all kind , of fresh " fruits ' and canned goods; for Dan Valley Flour. Cheapest in town. .. Tliti Qabc ji Special to Enterprise'.'": s f X ;U ' -' Chicago,; Feb. 10. Leaders' In movement for, the nomination of Roosevelt ; by ; Republican con vention, gathered, today, from tS states. The conference l'was di vided in two separate meetings one devoted to the discussion of CIIURC1IEQ We are consistent - when ou conduct corresponds to our' pro fession. We are unwise' and in consistent when our practice does no accord with what we profess and believe, There are fonr things which we- all profess to believe and doelieve: viz. that there is a God, that the Bible is God's book:, that we have immor tal souls, and that we all must die. - V,;,;;.;- .'.V To attend church on Sunday is certainly consistent with these great facts, which we all admit. Not to attend church is surely unwise'and unjustifyable since these v things are realities. Thoughtlessness, indolence, or some other form of self indul gence, force of habft and the ex ample of others may . lead to the inconsistent folly of staying away from church. ' We may not now realize the great mistake, but some day we' will wonder how we could have believed their great feast and fail to attend church regularly. W. C. Tyree. -o , First Methodist Protestant ; , . Church v " .. A. G. Dixon, pastor; 'A. M. Idol, Supt. Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Preaching, at 11 a. ra. and at 7.30 p. m. Morning subject, "Ye Are My Friends, If!" Even ing subject, "Am I Building As I AVish?"' ' You arecordially invited to at tend all these services. South Main Street M. E. Church Morning subject: "Which is the Only True Church of Christ?" At 7.15 p. m.: A sermon tto the Epworth League and the instal lation of officers. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. V v ' , B. Margesoh, pastor. ' ." o ' 1 Green Street Church Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. Preaching at II a. m. and 7JO p. m. by Rev. J. M.' Hilliard. We are always glad to have Bro. Hal liard with'us; let us all come out to hear him. 4" j. R. Miller. Pastor. O ' Washington Street M. E. Church. R,ev. J, H. Barnhardt, pastor; V. A. J. Idol, Supt.. Sunday school" at 9.45 a. m. . Preaching aV'ii'aV-m.'and 7.15 p. ra. v ; Woman's Home Mission 4nd Aid Society meets Monday at 3.30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. J. W. Harris. Church Improve ment Circle meets at the same hour, and place. , ; : , , Steward's meeting. Tuesday evening at' 7.15. . ' y -. . ', , All ladies are invited to attend the Fruit "Shower to be given at the Manufacturers Club rooms Monday afternoon for the benefit r .1.- r-.-AA . tr tu. - ( . hours are from a to 4- ; , ; , First Reformed Church. ": ' Sunday school at; 945 a. m. Morning service " at ii o'clock. Everting service at 7.30 o'clock. Members are urged to attend. Visitors are welcomed. " ' ' L- AV Peeler. , ! (Continued on'ptfw 4.) . Roosevelt sentiment that had ma terialized in various secti(m,::tne other to consider wy tnd means of laQnching the Roosevelt, cam paign, and securing assurances from the former President that that a demand for his services be made he will accent. ' . ..." . ; Cis llots Coming , t';'X;u,'Jvjjy;...i V'' ' Illustrated LtUra at Auditorium It rnxt nothintr to 'hear": Dr. Ross, county ttperintendent 4 of I health, next Friday evtaing Feb ruaryNjfjfat 8 oclock in the Au djtQrium.The public is cordially invited. ' '. ' The Doctor will give a health lecture illustrated with the stere optican, and musical talent from the Woman's Club will lend it self to the pleasure of the occas ion. This will 1 consist' of the double . quartette , Mrs.' Keph'art, first soprano ; MjV Janes Melli champe and Miss . Boyd, second soprano; Misses Vera Idol and Ethel Pickett, tint alto; and Mrs. W. G. Shipman'andjMiss Gene vieve Moore, seWd alto; and in addition an instrumental duet by Misses Boyd and : Shattuck. . Come and bring your friends. STORE ROBBERY AT RAN DLEMAN. The officers io . far have .been unable to apprehend the robbers who entered the stores of L, W. Lineberry & Co. -and Smitherman Co. at ' Randletnan Thursday night The burglars failed ,o get into either sTe. 0 NEWCOMERS. There have been -more new comers here-during the past six weeks than ever before in the his tory of the town,' The Enterprise alone assisted in locating six fam ilies. Build more houses. STILL IMPROVING. ' J. H. Petty receives word daily from the bedside'of his daughter, Miss Kathleen Petty, who is at the Rex Hospital, Raleigh, hay ing undergone ap operation for appendicitis and we . are pleased to know that shtfontinucsto im prove. ' HIGH POINT WON. In the game of Basket Ball last night at the Pickett warehouse, between the High Point High School boys and Jamestown High School, the home boys won by a score of 32 to 6. ' The game was a good one and enjoyed by all. FRUIT SHOWER MANUFAC TURERS CLUB. I desire to say that the notice sent to the paper yesterday was unauthorized by me. There will be no demonstration of any kind. As chairman of the committee on arrangements, I regret that the announcement was so mislead ing. The hours will be from 2.30 to 5.00 o'clock. Mrs. Fred Eshelman, i . S: 4th Vice-President. , HOMICIDE CASE CON TINUED ( The case against the Hill boys for killing their father was called in the Recorder's court this morn ing and at the request of the state was continued until next Tuei ,Jay. v:: 1, Chakospearo Plays . Frank McEntee and Millicent Evison & Co. will ; appear in Shakespeare's plays at the school auditorium February 19th, after noon and at night. , Matinee, 3.30, evening 8 o'clock Prices 50, 75, and $1.00. Seats on sale at Mann" Drug Co.' The Birmingham Age-Herald says; i Frank McEntee played the part of the Danish prince with sympa thetic efforti He brought out the pathos of the. character and lost none of its dramatic possibilities. His enunciation i was good, and his delivery had charm and grace. Jlis elocution was considerably enhanced"', by a . pleasing, voice and a good figure. Millicent Evi son as Ophelia shared the honors cf the performance.. f aOtKHMOOCHHHMHHettHKH IN Tlie 60GIAb RDAbM (By I. I. P.) " "As-You-Like-It Club. Mrs. Abram Cook, whose name has recently been added to the membership list of the popular As-You-Like-It Club, was hos tess to the club and a few friends Tuesday afternoon. The four ta bles for the game of dominos were placed in two of the hostess' re ception rooms of her private suite at the El wood, where Mrs. Cook assisted by Mrs. E. T. Robinson, most graciously received the guests. The attractive apart ments, the genial and cordial hostess and the game which is so popular as to almost be a facsina tion, all went to fill the afternoon with pleasure, a pleasure which was enterspersed with another pleasure, which was equally as great the gathering round the table in the dining room where the home banquets are served and where on the occasion a most elegant and delicious luncheon was served. The tall stalks of hyacinths with their numerous pink bells lent fragrance and beauty to the many courses in which the same color predomin ated. The favors were fragil china and silver bon-bon dishes of odd shape. After the lunch eon the rubbers were played and the club prize, a handsome hand painted cake plate, presented to Mrs. Dee Pollock and the visitors prize, a crystle candle stick with filigree shade, won by Mrs. Lloyd Dodameade. .There were sixteen present. Civic Department. The Civic' Department of the Woman's Club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Henry White presiding. After the business pro gram during which time several good reports were made, promin ent among which was the report of Miss Ada Blair, chairman 01 the Junior Civic League. At the close of the business program Dr. . VV. J, McAnally gave a most helpful paper on "The Dust Nuisance." Impress ing upon his hearers that our death rate, 15 per 1000, might easily be due to the germs form dust. He urged the use of the moist dust cloth and the vacuum cleaner. The Doctor's paper was listened to intently by- these ladies who are going to do all in their power to aid the health de partment to abolish all the evils of health, and join the physicians in making this the banner year in good health. Literature .Department The Literature Department of the Woman's Club will hold their regular .monthly meeting Tues day afternoon with Mrs. Gordon Burnett, who will lead the meet ing from the subject of American Literature and the topic of Ralph Waldo Emerson. The following program will beg tven: . "His American Scolarship and Self-reliance. His Ideas of In dependence and Inspiration"- Mrs. B. E. Moore. , "Characteristics of His Poetry" -Mrs. C. C. Walker. Note Book Gleanings from Foerign Countries Mrs. Charles Long. '.'-;''. ;..';. ;;; ' ' '. Miss Robah Bencini has issued unique invitations for a Valentine party to be given at the elegant home of her parents; on South Main street . Teh time. Wednes day evening. . Miss Bencini is one of the most popular of the young er set, and the ," invitations are hailed with delight, -.v , , ;,: , . Mrs. Cyrus Wheeler will enter tain the W. O. T. Club next Tuesday afternoon at her home on Lindsay street. e Woman's Club. One of the most important meetings of the year will be Wed ( Continued on page 2.) i 0 . Locals and Personals Snow tonight and Sunday. Continued cold. The High School Basket Ball team under Prof. Carrick, went to Churchland school, Davidson county to play today. L. C. Sinclair returned yester day from a business trip north. Thos. Farlow, of Sophia, was a visitor here yesterday. Mr. McCain, of Asheboro. was here last night F. M.' Pickett is spending the day -in Charlotte. Mrs. Arthur Harrison and chil dren are spending the day in Asheboro. Miss Placyde Upchurch, of Greensboro, is visiting Miss Mar guerite Walker. See the beautiful display of china in Alexander's window at half price. Saturday and Mon day, tf Dr. W. G. Bradshaw return ed today from a business trip to Mt. Airy. It will pay you to attend the remnant sale at Alexander's Sat urday and Monday. ' tf F. M. Ward.. of Charlotte, was in the city a few hours yesterday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Mungo. G. E, Elder, of Trinfty, spent yesterday in the city. He has just returned from Washington city, where he held a position in the offices of the Street Railway Co. Hon. T. J. Redding, o Cara way, wis here yesterday. 4 Ladies' long coats and boys' overcoats at 1-2 price at H. A. Moffitts. Embroidery pieces for fancy work. A new lot just'in at H. A. Moffitts'. AT THE EAGLE. The vaudeville is making a de cided hit this week. The Millar Bros., famous diorama is a great production, pleasing all tastes. Tirese Miller recieves rounds of applause. Pictures: The Peril of the Plains, vivid western drama. Or dered to Move On. a beautiful story. The ladies are enjoying the de licious coffee served at the mat inees. ' SHOES OFF. Regardless of the recent rise in leather and the advance of most all kinds of foot wear, my shoes have slipped off from the original price nearly fifty per cent." It would be better for me to keep them for another season only for the fact that they might be out of style next season and I don't want to hand out back numbers to my customers. They are good now, best styles and quality of all leather, men's, women's boys' misses' and chil dren's high and low quartered shoes, my sales have increased each day since the beginning of this shoe sale and I find that one ..1. 1 .. . ' ic maxes anotner, wnen a cus tomer is well pleased he usually says so to his friends. , ' Come and see what I hive to offer you. . .uThe sale will last until the 25th if the shoes hold out : r ; : a ' V ' ' ;-. C. Bi. Mattock's. ' Don't Forget-SKakespeare at Auditorium, Feb. lfiih, Mi'Jae and Eten'rdJ A Problem in Piano Perfection, Add Together: A delicately refined TO''" - TOUCH, A iigi . d . A perfectly w b-l-ncd ACTION, An artistic CASE, The world's ""rff DURABILITY. Sum total: ... Factory : Baltimore, Md. Founded 1842 Southern Wareroom 5 West Teade Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. M. Wilmoth, . . Mgr. Get The Best ...THAT'S... "The Coal of Quality M IT COSTS NO MORE THAN THE - OTHER KIND " ' lUfjft pom? icc & tuei conPArir Sole A&wnta The High Point Perpetual Building & Loan Association THE HOME BUILDER THE MONEY SAVER Ninth Series Begins Feb. 1,1912 First payment to be made on that date Subscribe for shares at .' once J.F. REDDING V.JLJ. IDOL PrMidant Sm. TtM. i m TWO DAYS ONLY February 10 and 12 Consisting of our regular line of goods in short lengths, and : at practically ONE-HALF the Regular Price Great Variety, Choice Selec . lion, No Seconds or damaged pieces. At the same time we will fill our Window with a Cboice Se- ' lection of , CHIli, Useful md Ornamental Pieces' which will be sold at just ONE HALF the repular price. We have but one price, and when you have the opportunity of getting goods at One Half : tmr mrtilar nrlM ' vn will : money if yon fail to attend r this sale. . u.EJkfKo. aim

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