1 The Daily Enterprise J. J. Farriss Editor f anil ad Hiiilv exceut Sunday, and de tn f itv HUhacrih U.OWVU AW W. . era by carriers furnished by this orace. FRIDAY, MARCH 15. 191-' AS TO CHURCH BANQUETS Dr. Bradsbaw as toastmaster, SDokc incidentally last night of the church banquet in promotm the ..rowth of the church. lie said for the promotion of the christian church it should stand equal in its importance to the neoplc. as the banquet ot the v r;..nc 1, lioness oruaniations. The idea is a sound one. So far as the uood accomplished it is certain ,1y 'etiiial in importance to like fun tions of the fraternal lodge, the huK'tin- of the various prole sinns. or our chambers of com mcree. Wc believe thorough! in this spirit. The great speec of Dr. Kilgo, addressed to the business organizations of the clmrch throughout the state, with attendant conditions as it a presented last evening, would 1 .lo untold good in church trengtl ening. development and givwtl 1 v. 1 lev reMns todav iroin the office of chief govenunen chemist, lie did nine l"r pure food than all his predecessor ci unbilled. The rop. .it that Mr. Ui.ule W. Tillet of Mecklenburg, am Mr. K. J. Justice of t,uilird ar candidates for the llou-e will he heard with joy thpnighuii! th State. We have no aider lawyer than these two men and, the fac that they are willing to give sixty days of their time to the State is good news. They ought to receiv e the unanimous vote of both par tics,' for their service will be : blessing to all Charity and Chil drcn. LET US HAVE HIM. Mr. Kditor: Your timely editorial refcrcin'i' in ye.-terda 's Knterpric rela: ivc to havinga representative man on the Corporation t,'i.ininiM"ii Court who is in sympathy wii the growing manufactories 1 this secti"ti of Xoiili Carolin: should be and will be applaudei throughout the state, both on ac count of the fainie.- of the pro position, and the necessity of ; situation made so by the fact o the present limited railroad fa cilitics, the rapid growth ui this section along all lines of 111:11111 facturintr find the limited iioti of the present commission a t its duties. Let this section of the state be represented by a wide-awake rep resentative in this court. Manufacturer. A RATIONAL CALENDAR The calendar and the the day seem to nio-t hours f us a inot like part of the national and immutable order of things, and however much trouble the pres ent indefensible steni cau-ed. men have felt that it was ra-di almost impious to suggc.-t a change in it. "(.live us back our eleven days!" cried the mob when the iregorian calendar was in troduced into .Great Britain. I'rom the dais of Julius l.'aesar to our own, he has been a bold re former indeed who would sug gest changes in the disorderly procvsr-ion of the months. Now enters Muses I!. Cutsworth of Victoria. II. C, with a proposal fox a rational calendar. J Ic would divide the" year into thirteen months, each of twenty-eight days, which woud leave one ex tra day in the year, and this he beautifully plans as a free day for every one free front interest charges on money, the necessity to work, the wage scale, etc. Then each month would commence on Sunday and the first, eighth, fif teenth and twenty-seconds of each month would be Sundays. President Hadey of Yale' is. quot ed as saying- that the. month of four Weeks "will come as a com mercial necessity." The adjust ment to the change would be very small compared to that neces sitated when standard time was introduced on transcontinental railways. Mr. Costworth has lit erature to distribute, poking fun at the present system. If he wins says The Journal of the Amer ican Medical Association, school children need no longer learn: "Thirty days hath September." Winston Journal. o FOR BALDNESS This Treatment Costs Nothing if It aFlis. We want you to try three large bottles of Rexall "ijs" Hair Tonic on our personal guarantee that we will refund your money for the mere asking if it does not give you absoute satisfaction. That's proof of our faith in this remedy, and it should indisputably dem onstrate that we know what we are talking about when we say that Rexall "oj" Jl;l'r Tunic will grow hair except where baldness has been of such lung duration that the roots of the hair are entirely dead. We are basing our statements upon what has already been ac complished by the ue of Rexall "u." Hair Tonic. We believe that what it has done for thou sands of others it will do for you. In .any event you cannot lose anything by giving it a trial on mr liberal guarantee. Two sizes. MV. and St. 00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store The Rexall Store. The King I b ug Co. NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. Route of the "Night Express." Travel via Rileigh (Union Sta tion) and Norfolk Southern Rail road, to and from all points in Eastern North . Carolina. . . Schedule in effect March 3, 10,12 N. 15'. The following schedule figures published as information 1 i.YLY and are not guaranteed. JTrains Leave Raleigh, y.i; p. 111. Daily, "Night ""Ex press" Pullman Sleeping'Cars for Norfolk. 0.00 a. m. Daily, fur Wilson. Washington and Norfolk. I'.roil- er I 'arl' r I ar serv ice. '.u a. m. Daily, except Sun day, for New P.cni via Chocowin U . Pai l, r car service. J. 40 p. in. );i:ly, except Sun day, for W:!- in. 1 ireenville and W a-hmg:. !!. Trains Arrive Raleigh. 7 1 5 a. 111. I aily. 1 i.jo a. 111. Dai!, except Sunday, and 8.30 p. m. I ladv. Trains Leave Goldsboro. 10.15 p. ni. Daily, "Night Ex pert,'" Pullman Sleeping cars for Norfolk via New Pern. 7.05 a. in. Daily, for Beaufort and Norfolk. Parlor car between Hats ! Yes. Have just received the latest styles in STETSON and HA WES Hats We can supply your wants and needs in Headwear- The smart Shapes in Derbies and Soft Hats Come in, let us get our heads together to select your Hat ALLEN-GARRISON CO. Washington and Norfolk. 3.10 p. 111. Daily, for New Bern, Oriental and Beaufort. For further information and re servation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to D. V. Conn, Gen'l Agt., Raleigh, N. C, or F. W. Tatem, Gen'l Agt., Goldsboro, X. C. W. W. Croxton, Gen. Passenger Agt. W. R. Hudson, Gen'l. Supt., Norfolk, Y'a. Why You Should Take This Paper BECAUSE it gives you the news. BECAUSE it gives you the best news. BECAUSE it gives you the state news. BECAUSE it gives you the general news. BECAUSE it gives you up to date pointers on your business BECAUSE it furnishes entertainment for you and your family. BECAUSE it tells you where to get he best bar gains. BECAUSE it booms the town and helps the commu nity. BECAUSE it sands for better roads, better streets, better homes, better farms and better business. BECAUSE' your paron age will help to make it a better paper and one more able to promote these and other desirable things. Who's Your TAILOR? We want to occupy this important business relation with you. Our Ion? experience here us the leading tailors merits your ronsideration. Reliability, absolutely dependable service, faultless sty le.nonest mater ials, and conscientious workmanship, are what you pay a reasonable price for in this shop. Our Fall stock is in and you muxt call und see the new styles. We will please you In every particular. We want to be your tailor. DAVID JONES & CO. DANVILLE, VA. LIGHT AND DELICOUS HOME MADE BREAD is always the kind that rewards the housewife or cook for using the HIGH POINT MILLING CO.'S flour, it is always sure to give the utmost satisfaction, and "win golden opinions from all sorts of people"' for her skill as a good bread maker. Our superior White Frost and Luxury is unex celled for high quality and fine flavor, and is pure and healthful. Y'ours truly, HIGH POINT MILLING CO. c. ARCHITECT Rooms 4U-416 MASONIC TEMPLE Winston - Salem, N. C. FIRST LA GRIPPE, THEN BRONCHITIS That was the case with Mrs. W. ; S...Jiai!ey, MeCreary, ' Ky. ".My I was taken dw;n with a severe at- tack of la grippe, which run into bronchitis. She coughed as tho -r,he had consumption and could : not sleep at night. The llrt hot- ; tie of Foolcy's Honey and Tar I Compound gave her so much rc-j lief that she continued using it; until she was permanently cured. Mann Drug Co. ! Children are much more likely i,i contract the contagious dis eases when they have culds. hooping cough, diplheria. scar- 1 1 .1 fever ami consumption aredis- ea-es that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That i- why all medical authorities say beware of colds. lr the quick ure of colds vou will fiud noth ing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. Tor sale by all dealers. BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCK Eggs, $1.50 per setting of 13, from the best bred stock AVSRiCAH in the country. C. C.SWAIN .MEMBER 302 Johnson St. .-. Phone 33 Get The Best ...THAT'S... "The Coal of Quality" IT COSTS NO MORE THAN THE OTHER KINO UldH POIHT ICE & FUEL COHPAnT MORSE SHOEING EADQUARTERS When you want your Horns ihtd RIGHT, while you wait, and by men of years of experience bring or send the norm to ' GURJLEY & GILLEN 111 Jordon St. Satsfactien Guaranteed WD mm WEMBEn On April 1st, 1 9 1 2 We will remove our stock of goods to the store room now occupied by the Victor Clothing Company, :: :. :: :: Where we will carry a line of Goods that has no Superior in the city. R If, ! J - - I' vcyr family lias need of a good, reliale liniment. For sprains, bruises, soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains there is none better than Chabcrlain's. Sold bv all dealers. MOoaaoooaoaoaoooa4ja LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS Just Received The Dependable Kind MATTON DRUG CO. IIIMIWaOHOMIMIIIimi WiND'STORRIl INSURANCE &f?e Great number of storms all over the country during' the past year suggests to the advisability of placing a Tornado Policy on his Property This insurance Costs You Much Less than your fire insurance and we will place it in our Big Fire Companies LET US QUOTE YOU A RATE achovia Bank & TTpusH (So. B. S. CUMMINGS, Mer. Sells Better Goods for Less JONES & JEFFRIES Pressing and Tailoring High Peint, N. C. ATTENTION New city carriage, baggage and transfer and all kinds of draying a specialty. My equipment is new and up-to-date. Prompt ser vice given on short notice. Phone 1 624, hours from 7 a. m. to 7 p. 111. near passenger station. Call on John Alston.' tf. EE Money Wood's Seeds For 1912. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tells all about the best Garden and farm Seeds. Every farmer and gardener should have a copy of this cata log, which has long been recog nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it gives. A7 We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Sola Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog mailed free on request Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Insurance Dept.