it Iff (ft ' 1 ir$r1 P Pi WW I: VOL. 16. NO. a6. HIOH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY APRIL 15, igia. III II III II 7 II III Leonard Dedvens (1 HowAbouta Mi SUIt ? Dandy Good Suits for $15.00 $30. Values $25.00 $25. Values $20.00 NEW SKIRTS TODAY $3.50 to $8.50 NEW DRESSES See the Tailor-Made we are selling for $4.50 leonard - DcaYans - Stamej Co. STORIES 0FSUCCESS PETER WHITE'.; Fortune may find nnt. but vour bwn induitry must make it boil it any man ever earned the success of his lifo'o lahnVa and wnivthr-nuirh dater- mined industry, it was Peter White, the grand old man nt Mirhionn. Born tuTntovoH in nnv.rlv H f. Rome. N. Y., this ambitious boy struggled through hardships uniil Fortune found a pot in the iron mines of the Upper Peninsula. From that day success was his. But in the glory of wealth he did not forget the lean days of savings whioh forged the chain of his future prosperity, and his good right hand was always out to young men look ing for a chance to rise. ' For every young man today, For tune holds pot, but have you the industry to make it boil, and do you feel that had you better kindling you could create a quicker flame? The way to get on is to save. The bank holds out to you the hand of good fellowship in aiding you to acquire this most important of all commercial habita the aabit of sving your money. . A savings account here is the sur eett Insurance for progress and suc cess.: ; ;' .'''' . liCHQYIA BANK I TRUST CO. THE WEATHER Local , showers tonight or Tuesday. Light to moedrate southeast to south winds. 5 FOR YOUR SPRING Suit and' Furnish ings see us As our stock was never more com plete Straw Hats now on Display Cannon-Feteer Company LudtnlnMtnWMr ompanv LrJowo of Dioablod arrow Eooapo, Special to Enterprise. Montreal, April 15. The Ti tan ic was afloat at 8.30 today and engines working. She is crawling slowly toward Halifax, toward the ship Virginian. The weather is clear and calm, wom en and children are in lifeboats ready to be lowered if seen the liner is actually sinking. The forward holds are full of water. Pumps are working and it is be lieved that if the water-tight-bulkheads can stand the strain she will reach port successfully. Party Flght-T&ft Doomed The accompanying table pre sents in graphic form just what has been done to date in the elec tion of delegates to the Chicago Convention: State Roosevelt. Taft Alabama 3 Pist. o Col ... . Colorado 8 Florida Georgia Indiana 8 Iowa Michigan Mississippi 20 Missouri .. . . .... 6 New Mexico . , . . 6 Xew York ... ..... North Dakota . . . . . . Oklahoma . . .... 16 Philippines , , , . . . . . South Carolina .... a Tennessee .. - Virginia . . .T . . ... ' 8 8 4 2 2 Totals 62 3" Cummins 2 I.a F(llette . . 10 Uninstructed ; 94 Contested iii Since the above the following primaries have been Jield with the following results. State Roosevelt. Taft Illinois 5f .2 Pennsly vania .... 67 0 Kentucky 13 This new count would give Roosevelt actual vote 185, Taft 60. New York's big vote goes un: intsructcd but which is for Taft. Though it would be cast for any dark horse in preference to Roosevelt. MRS M'DONALD. Mrs. Almcna Parker McDonald of Chicago, one of the national lecturers of the YV C. T. U. spoke last night at Washington Street church to a crowded house. Mrs. McDonald is a speaker of pleas ing address, a delightful thinker, and an elocutionist of rare grace and charm. She spoke Vr an hour and a half and completely captivated her large and appre ciative audience. The occasion was a union service engaged in by the Washington Street, the Friends, the -Methodist Protes tant and tlTe .Presbyterian churches, with a few attendants from -other church. The com munity will be glad to have Mrs. McDonald come again ; -o .:'. $5.00 IN GOLD " To the person suggesting the most suitable name for my new exclusive picture theater ito be erected at 114 S. Main St. The name you prepare .must be writ ten with your name and address and handed in at thejbox office of the Eagle theater or mailed to undersigned. If one is chosen where more than one person ha 5 suggested the same name, the one registered first according te the Western Union clock at the Eagle will take precedence. Con test will close May 15, 1912, 13 m. Award will be given June j.oia. WD. Simmons. Gtoamor but All aro Saf o This Week'sPrlmarles and Conventions Hawaiian Republican conven tion, Monday. Connecticutt and Delaware conventions, Tuesday. Illinois District convention and Connecticutt district conventions Wednesday. Louisiana and Maine conven tions, Thursday. Nebraka and Oregon prima ries, Friday. . . 0 , CAROLINA LOSES TO VIR GINIA. A crowd estimated at 4,000 saw the great contest and cheered wildly at every favoarble oppor tunity of the Carolinians, the greatest ovation going to Lee in the first inning, when with run ners on third and second and one man down he struck out N'erT and Carter. In the seventh, when Carolina scored and threatened to tie, Rixey duplicated Lee's feat, striking out Lee and Page with two bases occupied. Was a Pitchers' Battle. The game was a pitchers' bat tle from every standpoint, with the honors in Rixcy's favor. Uoth struck out nine men, but Lee al lowed three to go to first by balls or being hit. as against Rixcy's two, and also gave up seven hits ayainst five. The reputed heavy liittcrt of the Carolina nine were helpless before Rixey, who in the early' stages retired the' sid ;in one- two tltr'ee order. In ihe fifth Leak broke the monotony, for the Carolina in going up and coining back with a lucky hit over sec ond. Winstcad singled and Leak was thrown out at second. Hits by the same two men in the sev enth, with Finley's bad throw to second, gave Carolina her only run. How Virginia Won on Poor Throw. Virginia's runs came in tlie fourth. Neff struck out and Car ter apparently swung at the third strike. Umpire Henderson ruled that he did not strike and later Carter went to first on four balls. Fitchett struck out for the sec ond out, scoring Carter. Landes hit a short fly to right, which, fell safe, and McGuire scored from second by a poor relay throw of Hanes. Rixey was an easy out. Carolina Played Errorless Game. Two errors were charged to the Virginians, while the Caro lina team played faultlessly. Win stead's running one-hand catch of a line drive by Finley was the only fielding feature of a sensa tional nature. The outfielders had little to do, most of the hit balls being on the ground and being closely handled bv the infields. . BRANDT FOR SENATE. I desire to endorse Mr. L. J. Brandt, of Greensboro, for the Senate and I am satisfied that a majority of voters of this town ship will be pleased at an oppor tunity of voting for him. He is a sterling Democrat and always fair and just in his deal ings as a public officer. Democrat. DEATH OF INFANT The two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shelton died yes terday mdrninjr at a o'clock after a lingering illness of manengitis. The funeral will be held' today at 3 ociock oy jr. lyre. 4 W. O. T. CLUB. The W. O T. Club will meet to morrow afternoon at 330 with Miss . Blanche Bradshaw. A'l members are urgently requested to bring their books for ex change. . New Plant FRANK WINESKIE BEGINS BUSINESS. Mr. Frank Wineskie on last Saturday leased a building from the B. F. Huntley Furniture Co. at Winston for a long term of years and will begin the Winston branch of the mirror business which he expects to 'engage in at an early date. His long acquaint ance with the trade over the state will serve him well. Full particulars as to his High Point factory will appear later. -io MORE IMPROVEMENTS COMMERCIAL BANK The Commercial National Bank today closed a contract with the Art Metal Construction Co. of Jamestown, N. Y., for complete steel fixtures for .their vault. This equipment will con sist of money chests, shelving, filing cabinets,' and safe deposit boxes for use of customers, all made of. steel and will be of the most modern style. The work will be commenced at once and will be completed in sixty days. The bank already has an absolutely fire and burglar proof safe and with this equip ment for the fire proof vault no bank in the state will have a more complete set of fixtures. o REMAINS OF MR. LEACH WILL REACH HERE THURSDAY. Mr. Geo. C Leach was inform ed, this morning of his sister's Mrs. Cowenhoven's safe arrival in Phoenix last Sunday morning, iuid that she left there; Sunday evening- expecting 'to teach "here with the remains of .Ylr. Theirs Leach next Thursday night. We are advised thafhe Elks Lodge of Greensboro, of which he has long been a member, are perfect ing arrangements for the con ducting of the funeral services which are to be held here 1'riday afternoon, the 19th. ! 0 HIGH PRAISE INDEED Mr. Chas. W. Ford, of Junction City, Colo., general superintend ent of the Grand Junction and Grand River Street Railway, is here closing negotiations with Mr. Abraham Cook, of the Southern Car Co., for the build ing of electric cars for his com pany. In conversation with the Enterprise Mr. Ford said that while he came over half way across the continent to buy cars, he considered the present plant of the Southern Car Co. the best equipped plant in the United States. The people of High Point thoroughly appreciate that what our far-away visitor says is true. THE BIG FREE MOVING PICTURE SHOW S. L. Davis puts on at the Au ditorium this afternoon at 3.30 and tonight at 7.30 a free picture showing the evolution of the au tomobile, commencing with and showing the miners getting out the ore showing immense steel mills manufacturing the steel showing the construction of every part of an automobile showing the cars on the race-track, etc. These pictures cost the Studebak er Corporation $26,000. It is said 'to be the most expensive moving picture show ever placed before the people. ' The following gentlemen have been appointed marshals and will seat the people: Dr. D. A. Stanton, chief; A. E. Tate, J J. Farriss, O. E. Wilson, E. L. Armentrout, G. A. Matton, A. Sherr&d, C. B. Embler, J. H. Adams, Dr. W, J. McAnally, J. H. Tate, Harvey Davis, J. Ed. Kirkman, W. T. Kirkman, E. A. Bencini. ' S . SOCIAL Woman's Club. Wednesday afternoon the gen eral meeting of the Woman's Club was held at the new Indus trial Club. After the reports from the chairmen of depart ments and standing committees, officers for the new year were elected in the following order: President, Miss I. Irvin Paylor. First Vice-President, Mrs.Jas. Petty. Second Vice-President, Mrs. J. Elwood Cox. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ru fus King. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. A. E. I'razier. Treasurer, Mrs. John Lindsay. Custodian, Mrs. Allen Tomlin son. Auditor, Miss Mary Alexander. Over-Tea-Cups Club. Mrs. Chas. Ingrain was the de lightful hostess Wedensday ev ening. The members of the Ovcr-The-Tea-Cups Club, their husbands and a few friends. -though it was the regular sche dule meeting the ta.tra guests were asked in honor of Mrs. In gram's In mie guests, Mcsdames Lee F.llis and W. C. Kachcrn, of Madison. The home was pret tily decorated with spring flow ers and fresh spring evening gowns were in evidence. In the game of bridge whist the club prize was won by Mrs. W. T. Parker, the guest prize by Mrs. Robert Walker, the booby by Mrs. Dallas Zollicoffc'r .and the gentlemen's prize by Mr. ()t tis Mendenhall. Those present Were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert llsf, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas4 ZoiilcorTer; Mr. and Mrs' Ottis Mendenhall, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. I!. S. Ciinvmiiigs, Mr. and Mis. ('. C. Prince, Mr. and Mrs. Win. T. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Walker, Mrs. L. J. Ingram, Mrs. rl'.uce llankins, Mr$. Rob ert llroi-kett. Miss Helen Brock ets Miss 1. Irvin Paylor, Dr. Frank Perkins and Mr. Robert Brocket!, Jr. WHITSETT INSTITUTE HERE TOMORROW Many of our lovers of baseball having been looking forward to the time when they could see the strong team from Whitsett play. hey will be here tomorrow, Tuesday, to endeavor to break the series of triumphs enjoyed by the High School. However, the latter are very determined and under the stimulus of good sup port from the side lines may somewhat surprise the visitors. A prospective Winston league player will be on the mound for Whitsett, familiarly known as "reddy" Ray. He is supported by an infield some of whom are trying out for leagues. This team has not been beaten this year and has been scored upon only twice while Ray has not struck out less than 17 in any game. This will be the strongest vis iting team here this season. The expenses of playing will be heavy and we ask everybody for their most loyal and hearty support.' Admission: Adults, 25c; school children, 15.; ladies free. Kernersvlllo Has Fire Big A long distance message from Kernersville at 1 1 o'clock says the American Hosiery Co. was totaly destroyed by fire. Cause of fire unknown. The mill was owned by Kerncr Bros and work ed from 150 to 200 employes. C. F. Long is home for a few days. Court Convenes Docket Today. 1236. Special. White Oak Coal Co. vs. High Point Ice and Fuel Co. 2454. Grace llendrix vs. Chas. T. llendrix. adf). Lucy Wiley vs. Mary Wiley. 2772. In the matter of the Will of I'.ootcn liohanon, Caveat. 2769. Willie Calberson vs. George Calbersou, 9,82. Henry Borwn vs. South ern Railway Co. 1217 Ilulah Aikcns, Admx., of I loward Martin, dec, vs. North Carolina Railway Co. 1313. C, E. Landreth. Admr. vs. North Caiolina Railway Co. 1740. M. E. Burnett. Admr. vs. Southern Railway Co. 1877. M. L. Garringer vs. W. R. Cobb, J. A. Davidson and O. B. Barnes. 2024. J. C. Hockett vs. R. T. Causey, et al. 2102. G. .V. Hancock vs South mii Railway Co. lyoiO. Consolidated Fuel Co. vs. Power & Armstrong Co. '(3- J- -V Tate vs. P 11. Reed !(. Belle Phillips vs, Farris Gruhbs. 1987. Power & Armstrong Co. vs. Southern Railway Co. i)X8. Nancy Coltrane and oth ers vs. J. Van Lamb and others. 2001. The Marcus-Feder Cigar Co. vs. Scott-Sparger Co. 2010. Jas. Waugh vs. Southern Railway Co. 2022. E. M. llendrix vs. South ern Railway Co. 2050 The Meter Mattress Co. vs. Guilford Furniture Co. -. o Local and Personal We understand that all the present board of county commis sioners have qualified before the clerk as candidates for renomin atoin. They arc Dr. W. G. Bradshaw, W. C. Boren, A. L. Uankin. W. C. Tucker, C. L. Wharton. Biggest game of season Tues day at North end of car line at 4.00 p. m. Whitsett Institute vs. High Point4High School. Ad mission 25c. for adults, school children 15c. .Ladies free. o W. D. Simmons is clearing away the site preparatory to building his handsome new pic ture show. Dr. Duncan has returned from Richmond, where he has been taking special hospital work. Mr. Roosevelt presents big boss Penrose of Penn.slyvania as exhibit A. whose next? o Rev. O. P. Ader, of Ramsuer, was here this morning cn route from Trinity High School com mencement. L. A. Allen, of Raleigh is here. Mrs. Frank" Leak, of Rocking ham, arrived today for a visit to Mrs. J. J. Farriss.'' Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Coffin, of Greensboro, spent yesterday here visiting at the home of W. 1 1. Ragan. L. J. Shaw, of Washington, I). C. is here today with a view to establishing a department store fuller particulars will be given later. The Rev. J. G. Kupp, of Allen town, Pa., Field Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed church will ' speak, at the First Reformed cjjurch to night at 7.45. The .public' is invited.-' . - Mrs. II. A. Morrison, of Berk ley, California, is at the Elwood. W. F. Chester, of Raleigh, is here. The Southern Car Co. are ship ping today four Piedmont and Northern Interurban Cars to the G. S. & A. Ry. Co. HI If ! For Forly Sevei Days We will offer our en tire stock at greatly re duced prices. This stock includes New STEIFFS New SHAWS New Bennett & Bretzs New Kohler & Campbells And other makes of new Pianos and many different makes of second hand pi anos that have been thor oughly repaired, refinished etc., in our shop. All of these pianos are excel lent bargains. We hope to move this stock rapidly and if price has anything to do with the sale it w ill go quickly. CHAS. M. STIEFF 5 West Trade Street Charlotte, N. C. STEIFF BUILDING 219 South Tryon Street, opposite Academy of Music after June 1st, 1 9 1 2. PIEDMONT J BUILDING & LOAN i The first series of the Pied mont Building fk Loan Asso ciation will begin business on April 15th. The books are now open for subscriptions at the Wachovia Bank & Trust Company. Th U no bctUr war to 17 aIH ft f w dollars month and rot $100 porabaroat maturity, or build a homo with but llttlo mora than root monoy. J. H. MILLIS, President W. C. IDOL, Set. & Treas. Special 36 In. Striped Mes saline, some with Borders Regular $K00 quality. To close at the : : 5PKIAL PRICf, 69c Don't forget the sale of UlTRIMMED HATS This Week mm, ii id No more after these are sold : : : No! Mil? (o.

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