VOL. 16, NO. 76. HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, igia. Leonard - Heavens Company Price Sale ! On Spring 4 Summer SUITS $25.00 Suits $12.50 20.00 " 10.00 1 19.50 " 9.75 15.00 " 7.50 If you are going to take a trip this summer you will surely need a coat suit. COME AND SEE THESE AT ONCE. Greatest bargains you have ever seen. STORIES OF SUCCESS i corneliuTn. 6USS Power U never rtj tax from ne wasity. The vigor t the human mind luinkly appear hen there is no longer any place for doubt or hesi tation. In after years, when the name of Cornelius tf. Bliss was one to inspire respect from New Orleans to, Boston, be acknowledged that he necessity to make not only his own suocesa, but to provide for a large family of brothers and sisters, gave him the sense of thrift to which he attributed the realization of his dreams. When the opportunity was given him to. make a small investment in his employer's business, this boy of eighteen was ready. Constant saving and careful financ ing developed the young clerk into the master merchant of his day. System in saving brings independ ence. Push, pluck and perseverance are a strong as an army when backed by the battery of thrift, industry and economy. Start a savings account today, for it is what you save thsrt counU. A dollar in the bank is worth two In the pocket, and the interest on it grows and grows. .v I1CHQTI1B1IU TRUST CO. y I v I GIVING HIM TAFFY. ma please him, but try serving him a dinner without ke and see hoy quickly his demeanor will chahge. It is annoying to the housewife to be without plenty of Ice during the warm months. No'iced deserts or toothsome ice crelm, no crisp Vegetables or tenjpting butter without good ice Let us serve you we do it at a fair price. The quality of our-ice and. system of delivery is - the! BEST. . . HIGH POINT ICE & FUEL f COMPANY. '. ' Both 'Phone 109. fir' CUe A Comr4 ajEJi for Good 0K and wmm pn9 Stvwm Wood m tmr m a mm vrtrkn WK AblU ttism tai Il TotOeTt, Gontoot Gulmlnatoo In Bloodohod Rooocvclt Of f For Chicago Plans of Roosevelt Boosters Special to Enterprise. Chicago, June 14. The com mittee seated the two Taft con testants in Third Oklahoma dis trict today after a terrific wran gle. The first blood was spilt just outside th committee room, when Grant Victor of Oklahoma, swung hard his right to the mouth of L. C. Disney, another Oklahoman. lie brought blood. The row started when Disney spoke uncomplimentarily of Taft. The police restored order, but with the greatest difficulty. The greatest excitement prevails. - o ' THE PLANS Chicago, June 14. Roosevelt, leaders divided over three plans of action and Roosevelt himself is expected to come here to de cide. The first is to fight from the start, proposes storming con vention within the convention hall regardless of what the Taft forces may do. The second plan ignores Taft forces entirely and involves staying away from Coliseum, forming Jjic organiza tion s separate convention and nominating Roosevelt. Third plan is to go into regular conven tion accept roll of temporary or ganization as made up by Taft and the national committee and then, fight the whole battle on re gular lines. This plan involves substitution of the name of Sen ator Uorah, of Idaho, for Senator Root of New York. Taft men continued to insist today that no matter what action Roosevelt may take he cannot win. Talk ol 'T)ark Horse" grew today. Man gin between leading candidates small and shifting. Many leader fear Taft-Roosevelt split will hurl local changes victory. o Oyster Bay, X. Y June 14. J am prepared to go to Chicago this aiternoon, "if necessary." Roose velt left for New York today, ac companied by Mrs. Roosevelt The required baggage for Chicago trip sent to New York. It was expected Roosevelt would not make lormal announcement of his departure until he was . actually ready to leave the Outlook office for railroad station. OVER EIGHT MILLION PAID FOR SEABOARD New York, June 13. The syn dicate composed of representa tives of Hlair and Company, Bankers Trust Company, Chase National Bank, National City Bank, Guaranty Trust Company and the Continental Trust Com pany, of Baltimore, paid $8,025, 000 for the 90,000 shares of pre ferred stock and 120,000 shares of common stock of the Seaboard Air Line, purchased from the Cumberland corporation. The ar rangement provides for the pay ment of $7,000,000 cash, the bal ance to be paid . within a year with' the privilege of renewal for another year. -The syndicate, through maority holdings, is nowl Hi&h Scho01 Payers will play a in absolute control of the prop- hong team from Thomasyille to- erty. FATAL RIOT Perth Amboy, June 14'. .One striker was shot and killed and four "strikers injured, one morti ly, tdday; when a thousand strik ers surrounded the main gate of the American Smelting and Re fining Company's plant and wer repulsed by a volley from private detectives guarding the propertv . The dead man is Stephen Dudack. he was shot twice in the neck. Joseph Paul, shot in the back dying'. The strikers fled leaving the dead and wounded on the ground. The military is certain to be called out. Roosevelt Leaves For the Fight Special to Enterprise. New York, Tune 14. Roosevelt nnnnimcfil denitelv that he would leave at five thirty this afternoon for Chicago. His face was tlush ed with excitement and his eye flashed. In a statement for the press he said that many persons had called upon him to go to Chicago. He said lie was going more as. a fiirhter for the "rule of the people" than as a presidential candidate. 0 ROBBERS BLOW OPEN SAFE. Special to Enterprise. Ropers. Ark.. lune u Foil rnhhers lilew onetl a safe ill til First National Bank today an escaped with $12,000. n FEW CONTESTS TO WORRY DEMOCRATS. Special to Enterprise. New York, lune ir Plan for the Democratic Conventm in Baltimore will be finished at a conference between Norman I Mack, the National chairman and Urev W oodson, secretary of the Democratic Committee and National Committeeman from Kentucky. Mr. Woodson said that lie ex pected very little trouble ove contested seats in Baltimore. No contest has been filed except by Democrats from Alaska. Porti Rico, the District of Columbi, and the Philippines. In addition there may be a fuss over the Chicago delegation. Mr. Wood son said he had unofficial infor mation that the Carter Harrison wing of the party was scheming to unseat Roger Sullivan's dele gates from Cook county and had engaged Col. A. S. Trude, well known as a criminal lawyer In Chicago, to engineer the job. o FLAG MEMORIAL EXER CISES. The following program will be rendered tonight by Guilford Council No. 23, J. O. U, A. M. on the occasion of the Flag Memor ial exercises: Song My Country, Tis of Thee. Address Rev. J. M. Hilliard Address Col. D. II. Milton. Song Bird Song. Address Dr. C. S. Grayson. Address Rev. A S. Caldwell. Sonc Nearer My God, to Thee. Address Mr. J. W. Sechrest Address T..W. Albertson, Esq Song Where the Flag is Full of Stars. Address W. P. Ragan Esq. Address Mr. F. G. Hammer, Song Blue Bells of Scotland. A welcome to all. BASEBALL SATURDAY . A team composed mostly of morrow afternoon at 4 p. m. It wjll ber emembered that the High School team put up some mighty good exhibitions of ball playing this spring and they have not for gotten how to play ball yet. Come out and see a snappy game o ball. Admission 15c. Ladies free. High Point's line-up is as follows : E. Sharpe, pitcher. II: White, catcher. W, Dyer, 1st base. E. Jones, 2nd base O. Richardson, shortstop. A. Clark, 3rd base, W, Lassiter, left field. S. Hoffman, center field. H. Haworth, right field. The Publlo Library The Enterprise is anxious that the Library question take some tangible form. As the matter was gone over some time ago there are several ways by which the building may be secured We do not know the sentiment of the community on either plan. While the matter is under dis cussion the Enterprise would like to make another suggestion. is very evident that the city wi' soon have to provide a building for a high school. In doing so it might be well to provide for the Public Library in the same building. This could be done without much more cost to the city and by making 4 or 5 class rooms on the first floor for the High School, it would make the needed room in the other build ings for sometime to come. The second story could be used for the Library, having a front entrance from the ground with broad granite steps which would guc a very attractive front. Under this plan the property would belong to the city and tiie matter of its maintenance would ie ea-y. It would not be out of place for the authorities to have 1 drawing made of such a truc Hire in order to get at the cost, etc. THE WINSTON ROAD The last measurements taken bv the committee with Engineer June Johnson yesterday afternoon showed some advantages in the route by way of llorneytown at the some time accommodating people along the route 'who have been interested in the road from the first. If this route is finally agreed upon tins week it will go bv I Iornevtown, thence in almost a direct line through the Hedge cock farm to Beeson's Mill and on to Teaguctown. People along this route have agreed to do some extro work through a piece of woods which will be considered bv the committee. We want to begin to throw dirt next week. Bird 8. Color the Orator The committee appointed to se lect a speaker for the Fourth of July has extended an invitation to Mr. Bird S. Coler, and he has accepted. The Enterprise con gratulates the committee on the selection. Mr. Coler is not only a prom inent business man, who is large ly interested in the development of the Piedmont Section, but for years was a proqiinent figure in public affairs in the State of New York. He will make a practical address calculated no doubt to do great good in a progressive com munity like High Point. He will have a large crowd to hear him. SECURES COACH DOAK The' High' Point ball team has secured Doak, the famous coach, for their team work. Under Mr. Doak the team will practice each day til lthey are brought up to a point where they can play as good, if not better ball than any team in the Piedmont League. As the extra expense will have to be met by the volunteer contribu tions from our citizens, it is urg- d that those of our public spir ited citizens will respond prompt ly to the ca'l for aid which is to put us ill the front rank with a winning team. We call attention to the an nouncement of the Bank of Com merce in this issue.; A reorgan ization with $60,000 increased capital. Is Edwards Captured? o Special to Enterprise. Roanoke, Va., June 13. At midnight tonight the detective agency here which is engaged in the work of running down the Allen gang, wanted for shooting up the Carrol county court house at llillsville on March 14, had received no information concern ing the reported arrest of Wesley Edwards at Clay City. 1 here is a standing reward of $1,200 dead or alive for Wesley. In the event that the prisoner in Powe'l county is really Ed wards, only Sidna Allen remains in hiding. Floyd Al'en, Sidna's brother, has been sentenced to die, while his son, Claude Swan son Allen, was given a 15-year term in the State penitentiary. Other members of the band are now in jail awaiting trial. Special to Enterprise. Mount Sterling, Ky., June 14. Believing they have captured Wesley Edwards, one of the two Allen outlaws still at large, the Powell county authorities today communicated with Virginia's governor in an effort to complete identification. MORRISON-HAMPTON. Mr. Joseph Lowery Morrison and Miss Mabel Gray Hampton were quietly married in Greens boro, N. C, on April 5. 191-'. The Rev. Dr. McClarty. pastd of the Market Street M. E. church officiating. Mrs. Morison comes from one of the best and well known old southern families of Yadkin lounty, N. C. She is formerly from Wilkesboro, N. C, having resided in High Point only about 18 months, being well known and with many admirers and friends both in High Point and Yadkin county. Mr. Morrison was born in Howell county, Missouri, coming to High Point a year ago last May, from Oklahoma, where he was connected with the Santa Fe Ry Co. He is now located with the Southern Car Company of this city, being secretary of the same. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison thoug'ht it would be amusing to keep their marriage a secret for a short time, but decided of late that it was hard to deceive their many friends. X. MARRIAGE MISS MAR GERET WELCH. The Atlanta Georgian of June 10th gives a four column cut of Mrs. William Otis Ham, former ly Miss Margeret Welch, daugh ter of Mr. Marshall Welch, who in his younger days was a citi zen of High Point and who has many connections here now. Mrs. Ham was a most charming young woman and popular mem ber of the younger set of Atlan ta. The home of the bridegroom is at Jackson, Ga. COME WITH US As long as there will be no celebration at the Battle Ground this year, the Enterprise extends a cordial invitation to all of pur neighbors, both in the towns and in the country to celebrate with High Point this year. We will give you -a big time. Come along. : o '; WITH THE BELLEVUE Eugene Parrish has accepted a position with the Bellevue and has entered upon his duties of day clerk. . - v " The Bellevue is being refurn ished throughout with new fur niture, carpets, mats, etc. The Club Dulldlng There is considerable interest in the suggestion of a club build ing for the Manufacturers Club and Woman's Club, the combine membership of which is nearly 700. There is little doubt but J that the plan is both feasible as well as practical and there are many members in both organiza tions that would like to see thi matter take on. tangible form. To this end J. J. Farriss, presi dent of the Manufacturers Club and Miss Irvin Paylor, president of the Woman's Club, will ap point a special committee at once who will meet at an early date and discuss thoroughly the advis ability of carrying out such s plan. The Enterprise might go over some plans that could be agreed upon to advantage, but perhaps it will be best that they be sub mitted to the committee first. ORPHANS CONCERT. On Wednesday evening, June 19th, at 8 o'clock there will be a concert given in the Graded School auditorium by a class of orphan children from the Odd Fellows Orphan Home at Golds boro. This is one of the best in stitutions of this kind in the state. They have now about one hun dred and seventy children in this home. All who attend this con cert will be highly entertained, and at the same time help worthy cause, the entire proceeds go to the Home. The admission fee will be twenty five cents for adults and fifteen cents for chil dren no seserved seats. Local and Personal -Mrs. E. L. Crouch, who has been confined to her room for several months with material fever, is out again and will go to hue Sulphur Springs today ac companied by her daughter, Bea trice. Mrs. Thos. E. Anderson is in Philadelphia visiting, her daugh ter. She will stop over in Wash ington on her return home for a visit to her son. The rain never came before it was needed. Mr. McLewallen is making oth er improvements on South Main street, B. S. Womble, Esq., a promin ent young attorney of Winston, came through last night en route from Carthage, where he attend ed the Penn-Gray nuptials. A. T. Wishart left last night for Washington to confer with the Southern Railway Company relative to better freight rates. He represents the Rockford Lock Co. and desires to establish a large branch business here. President Clark, of the Public Service Company, left last night for New York. We need the rains, but we dis like to see the large amount of construction work held up. Doak, the coach, will do great work for the ball team let our citizens rally to the- support of the team. Mrs. J. D. Mann and chidren left today for White Sulphur Springs, Mt. Airy. Andrew Lindsay has accepted a position with Ring Drug Co. . Capt. Ralph Leach, of Aber deen, was here yesterday, The sand clay road on the Winston route, is being scraped and put in shape. THE SITUATION. A'new comer came in this morning with the request," "Let me see your- list of houses to rent." "Sorry, but all are filled. This is the situation just now." - , V" f0U Can Always Tell U A Cheap Piano by the Method Used in Selling It. Pianos sold by Agents begging to place them in your home on trial or to sare storage r forcing them in your home without your consent. "Coupon Sehemes," "Guessing Schsmts," Club Schemes," "Special Sale Schemes," "Spec ial Introductory Sale Schemes," etc., are fake methods, pure and simple, for unloading cheap pianos on people who don't real ize the difference between a fine piano and a cheap one, and don't know that high trade pianos are net sold through fake schemes. You had better call on the old reliable firm of Chas, M. Steiff before buying. CHAS.M. STIEFF Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade Street Charlotte, N. C. STEIFF BUILDING 219 South Tryon Street, opposite Academy of Music after June 15th, 191s. l F L Special Rates fortheSummer We are giving a cheap monthly rate to Familtles and Business Men t: NOTICE ELKS. The Flag Day Exercises of High Point Lodge No. 1155 B. P. O. Elks will be held tonight promptly at 7.30 o'clock in the lodge rooms of the Masons, third floor of new Harris building on E. ashington street. All Elks are urged to be on hand promptly at the hour stated above as we must vacate the hall at 8 o'clock. By order of Exalted Ruler. R. H. Sechrest, Sec. LAWN PARTY TOMORROW NIGHT. The Philathea class of the Friends Sunday School will have a lawn party on the church lawn tomorrow (Saturday) night. De-the- benefit of the work of the on sale; the receipts will be for licious ice cream and cake will be class. Everybody is invited to . 1 . .... come enoy inemseives ana at the same time assist the class. Re member the time (8 o'clock to--: morrow night) ancHhe the place (Friends church lawn). , ;,5. U. D. C noTt RUM There will be a called meeting? of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Saturday afternoon, at five o'clock. Meeting at t' -Manufacturers Club rooms. I ery member isu rged to be f ent , ' '. Mrs, Charles F. Lor-

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