"Sif i ...'.,:-"Svr.V .'. - HIGH 1 01 MT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 191a. VOL. 17, NO. a. m VV I III . II' III II' I I I ill 5 f. NewGorsets Warner's Rust 'Poof W'hv NOT TRV A ' WARNER'S THIS TIME?. WE IIAVF. ; CUSTO M- ; 'KRS IN THE CITY Big Line of New Cur tain Scrim. Beautiful Patterns See our NEWSKIRTS New Fall -Styles Prices $2.98 to $8.50 GIVING HIM TAFFY. , may please him, but try serving him a dinner without ice and see how quickly his demeanor will change. It is annoying to the housewife to be without plenty ' '-ice during the warm months. No iced deserts or toothsome ice cream, no crisp vegetables or '. tempting butter without good ice. Let lis serve you we do it it a fair price. The quality of our ice and system of delivery Is "the BEST. HIGH POINT ICE ft , COMPANY. Both 'Phone log, PUEL imiiimi ; TURNIP ' The Kind You. Want. '.The Kind Your Neigh bor Wants. m The JCind Everbody Wants v;. :.'"- l:-r-.'. THE DEPENDABLE KIND J PATTOH DRUG CO. t , High' plats ; v MEAT MARKET .j; '; P.W. GRAY . l!ThB Belt of Fresh Meats ; of all kjnds. Oysters and Came , In Season Send :'.-v.0r.PhsB6'Or4ert;;''-;I'--;, Cook Wood Yard Pine W Oak Stove-Wood p m 'Jordan Strtel'Vv' Mow Qaa Plant TJow ; , In Guoccooful Operation People on Steel, Washington and Main streets are already using gas. Just now gas is be ing made only two or three times a week. . As this is not only one of the newest but one-of the most com plete gas plants in the south, it might be well to note something of the way in whic hgas is manu factured here. Iri the first place this is a high pressure plant, the plant in Goldsboro -being the only" other high pressure ..one m the state. From this plant' con sumers as far away as five miles can get the same amount of gas as those a block away from the place of production. This is not so with low pressure plant9. Most of the old fashioned. plants rtrake gas from coal, this plant makes t from coke, oil and steam. Steam added at the bot tom of a generator', passes up through coke at a very high tem perature, taking the carbon from the Coke, then .goes to the car bufoiteor where oil is, added. From the carburettor.it goes to . . - the super heater and is here so fixed as to make carburretcd water gas. From jthc super heat- er the gasx goes to the scrubber which takes out the tar and by- .products, then to the condenser, thence to the to tar extractor, wjiich takes. out the remaining tar. From the tar extractor the j gas is cent to the purifying boxes which fixes it ready for tne con- or,er to make the Farm and Fire sumer. side a byword in every household' From the purifying boxet the an(j realizin that the boys and gas is passed through the station g.;rs are the best friends of a nwter. which measures gas as it magazine they decided to use the is produced and finally it is money' which was set aside for run to the storage tank, the big ajVetising purposes in distribut ed steel tank that is expected to prjze;, an(i presents among supply High Point with gas for a numbtr of years space on the grounds, however,- being left for another tank when llieh Point jjrows so as to demand it. I'rom this large tank the gas goes through a compressor thence into a smaller tank, and from this smaller tank it eoes into the mains all "over, the city. ' The large tank holds 50,000 cu. ft. df gas, the smaller one 15,000, mak ingv a storage capacity of '65,000 cu. ft Mr. Crawford, the superintend ent informs us that the work at the plant will - be 'completed by the first of October, but just now they are ready to put in gas any where and while, the work it go ing on the cost of connection will be nothing extra f the ccn sumer. Today the office of the com pany is being moved from North' Main street to their , new office building on S. Main St., and here" the company will beTeady to hear Company will be ready to hear and adjust complaints of any kind. - On yesterday at the . teacheys meeting of the High point city schools it was decided that the different' departments :. should be organized and meetings held separately with only a general teachers , meeting when Supt. Haynes should think it necessary. The departmetns are the High School department,, the Gram mar School department, and, the Primary . School ; department. Miss Ada plaif was elected pres ident of the 'Gammar School de partment. As yet the officers of the others have not been chos- en. x.v, .-,;-;.:, f -.;:. .''. ' NEW ADS.' ,; Ge6. T,' Wood." , : : ' I Madam, " hcrry.;, in vWlnstott September aa 1 ' v; :':p;..sAwartii.; ;;.;VV Henderson Ingram, j . Big . Contest. ; ;'"Y V. '-i,:, : Greensboro FairyV- 'jy&i 7-. t Thomasville Hardware Co. f- Interesting Contest -o . - WHO ARE THE MOST POP ULAR GIRLS AND BOYS IN HIGH POINT, A Voting Contest To Be Held And Valuable Prizes Given Hhe World Famous Boy Ora tor and Newspaper Globe Trot ter is in High Point in the inter est of Farm and Fireside Maga zine for the purpose of distribut ing valuable presents and prizes to the boys and girls receiving the largest number of votes in the voting contest. Mr. Ofnarao wants every boy and girl in High Point to enter this contest and invites them to call at the New York Cafe, 1 10 N. Main Street and leave their names which is the only condition required of them to become a candidate. There-will be beautiful pres ents given to all that enter the test in addition, to this magni- r,...., iwwlni ir!.es which which I "vv -1 . J w1-jj awarej to the leaders in j the number 0 votes attained, .-ie prjzes wjn be placed on cx- ,ibition in the window of the ycw y0rk Cafe. Jn a few days, tanaran is making a 2500 mile trip in -behalf, of -Farm and Fireside magazine, carrying out a pontic advertising: campaign involving tremendous expense in them and hUs made fast friends of the boys and girls in every town he has visited. Mr. Canaran was engaged to make this advetising campaign on account of his previous record as a Globe Trotter, having cover ed many thousands of miles into all sections of this and foreign countries as a newspaper cor respondent and lecturer. Many tales of interest for the. boys and girls as well as the grown ups and his presence among us is a tribute to the progressive and up-to-date methods Of the Farm and Fireside wbich can be attested to by more than half a million who are numbered among the regular subscribers. It stands in a class by. itself in the field that it covers. Each ad dition of its pages being filled with valuable and interesting ar ticles covering such subjects as law, literature, art, science, econ omics, politics, educational and commercial topics, a veritable en- cyclopedea for the hoVne, and the object of Mr. Canaran's presence is to so thoroughly impress these facts upon the minds of the peo ple that whenever the word mag azine is mentioned that instinc tively Farm and Fireside will immediately suggest, itself to their minds. " o j Rev. E. C. Caldwell, of Austin, Texas, who is preaching so ably at the Presbyterian church ' this week, made a most able, interest ing and inspiring talk to the chil dren and teachers at the South Main street school on yesterday. The Richmond Boosters Will be in High' Point from 10,25 to io.'5o on Thursday morning, v: ';; o'.y', v'v- OFFICIAL BULL MOOSE - :'Vr- ORGAN ; . 5 J. ,W. Walker, ' owner of the Elwood Newstand, 7 announces that he will have on sale theTew York Press, -the official J Bull Moos organ.' A Statement Forth coming Representatives of the! venous insurance agencies representing the different fire and lifj insur ance companies, liability and bonding companies are in . session as we go to press. A for,fh com ing statement which is locked for wil lset all rumors straight re garding the insurance business of John M. Harrell. 'f PRESBYTERIAN MEETING. Rev. E. C Caldwell, D. '. prcaclrfd an interesting Isermon at the Presbyterian church lasf night on the. Parable of the Talents. ' " V" The meeting will continue over Wednesday night.. Come out to nigth, there will be special music by the choir, Mrs. Kepliart and others. FOR PUBLIC SERVICE. Mr. Kditor: j The 'railroad commisdon of North Carolina will do th public a great servtce if it will requivc telegraph companies to insert un each telceram the time it was tiled by the sender for trjmsmi sion. We see no reaso why ttie telegraph companies would ob ject to such a requirement. It would strengthen the public's be lief in the quick service that is claimed. , Y On the other hand, ( business men receiving telegram want this information, as it f ould en able them to transact a 'greater volume of business in one day, and its general effect woi'd be tUickly lelt. Business Man. MADAME SHERRY tleorgc W. Lederer's mine as a producer of musical pieces us ually spells something njar the last word in approximate perfec tion of production. Playgoers familiar with the manager's suc cesses while he held forth at the New York Casino, at a timi when he controlled the fortunes of Lil lian Russell, Jefferson De An gelis, Walter Jones, Davi War field, Louis Mjjnn,, Ednaj May, Maybelle Oilman, Paua Ed wardes an dother stars lad op portunity during that peaod to observe the finished quality of his theatriottl equipments. Inj"Mad anie. Sherry", a musical produc tion that has scored a success of greater popular magnitudt than any musical piece offtred in the metropolis in a score of years, the Lederer touch and the ederer manner are said to be'vitaly con tributing elements accounting for the. production's furore. ( Aside from the notes of mirth stuck by the story and past perfoijiances have demonstrated that on one better than Lederer knowshow to effect stage fun ."Madams' Sher ry" is said to fascinate net alone by its score with its wishing "Ev'ry 'Little Movement Has a Meaning All Its Own" theuej but to enthrall as well by the general beauty shimmering throughout the productions three actl .The scenic opportunities for tbe Led erer artistry are a New York gilded youth's studio, with be vies of dancing feminine 'guests devoted to . Grecian terpsjehoret the salon of a millionaire's yacht, under full sail in the waters off Coney Island, with her feminine guests as models for the Lederer ingenuity and taste in costuming. The conduct of every menjber of the cast, which term takes1 in the feminine chorus, is said, loo, to reflect this general sense oj beau ty, a quality that one uncon sciously appreciates, who glistens to many of the airs of the pub lished score 'of the production. "Madame Sherry" is to be pre sented at tthe Auditorium: Fri- hy, September 20. 1 ITEMS OF Local and Miss Withers, of Linden, who has been the guest of her sisters, Misses Bessie and Ruth Withers, left for her home today. Lee A. Briles has returned from Hickory. , Miss Clara Stanton has gone to Raleigh, where she enters St. Mary's College, Mrs. Lawson has gone to Greensboro to make a visit of several weeks. Architect John Young left this morning to visit the Reidsville postoffice. Mr. Young has re cently been put in charge of this extension contract' price of which is $40,000. On yesterday it was stated that the Park street school got the banner for the most well kept building. It should have been the Third Ward school. T. J. Jerome, Esq., of Salis Salisbury, spent yesterday here on legal business with the Public Service Co.. Mrs. li. P. Carpenter is at home again after an extended northern trip. A protracted meeting is in progress at Hickory Grove church, northeast of town. Miss Shattuck has gone to St. Mary's at Raleigh, where she will teach in the department of English. .There was a most pleasant meeting of the Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society of the Wash ington SR M. E. church with Miss Pattie Newlin on Tuesday afternoon. . The hats seen at the millinery display of the Mufritt Furnishing store on yesterday and twday ari most attractive. The postilion, hanky-panky and Robespierre shapes in fushia, taupe and am ber shades arc the new note in millinery. Black and white i very good both fur street and dress, and "most fetching was the uniler brim trimming on some 01 these hats. White wings set under the brim of a small flat I rimmed black hat make a mou becoming little walking affair, while the large black and white creations seen in the windows .ire for dress occasions. U. R. King, Esq., is here to day 'on legal business for the in suarncc company represented by J. M. Harrell. Mr. Harry K. Williamson and Miss Lula Webb, of Charlotte, X. C. were married September 11, at Tryon St. M. E. church, Charlotte, N. C. They will make High Point their home. Mr.' Williamson is a book-keeper at the Standard Mirror. Little Mary Alice SicelolT is having a birthday peirty this af ternoon at the home of her par ents, .Mr. and Mrs. C. E. SicelolT on North Main street. Qn September 28th this depart ment of the Woman's Club is to have "Tag Day" to raise money for the coming year and every man, woman and child in High! Point will want to help in this good cause. So remember the date, Saturday, the 28th, and be ready with your money. Who docs not know of the good work done last year by the Philanthropic Department of the Woman's CJub. We 'may not know much about it in detail for they do their good work in secret, but we do know that many bur dened hearts were made lighter because this department lent a helping hand when it was nuAt needed. None of us know when misfortune may overtake us and a little friendly help at such a time to tide us over the hard place serves to encourage us to put forth our own best efforts to prove l our ' gratitude for the friendly helping hand, INTEREST Personal 1 Rev. S. H. Hilliard will preach tonight at the South Main Street M. E. Church. . The interest at the South Main Street Methodist church is in creasing. Deep interest was manifest last night, not only by Christians, but also by the un saved. Service every night at 7-30. The meeting at Green street church increases in interest at every service. Rev. J. P. Black, of Dallas, Texas, is assisting Pastor Hilliard, and is preaching the word with great power, con versions at every service. The public are cordially invited to at tend as many services as they can. There will be a lawn party giv en next Thursday night at Pros pect church for the benefit of the new church. G. H. Kearns has . returned from a business trip south. Mrs. A. E. Frazier leaves to morrow for Rocky River Sprint, where s.he expects to spend about two weekg. The Raleigh News & Observer had a special Richmond edition on Sunday with one supplement entirely made up of Richmond advertisements. o NOTICE TO VOTERS IN SOUTH HIGH POINT PRECINCT. The voters of South High Point Precinct, High Point township, Guilford county, North Carolina, will take notice that at a regular meeting of the County Board of Elections, for Guilfojd county, rth Carolina, held on Friday, llie i.vii day of September, 1912, at Greensboro. N. C, it was or dered ;y the Loard that South High Point Precinct be divided into two voting places for the icjiu'rr election to be held uii No vc.n.ier 51I1, 1912, and that all the territory of the said South High Point Precinct lying South of the main line of the Southern Rail road and West of South Main street ami what is known as the ld Plank Road to the Randolph County line, shall be known as South High Point Precinct No. 1, and that the voting place be changed from the livery stable of J. C. Welch" on East side of Ran kin street to the store of Hunter C. Sechrest on West side of said South Main street, High Point, N C for this said Precinct No. r. That all tfe territory lying South of the main line of the said Southern Railroad and East of said South Main street and old plank road to Randolph County line shall be known as South High Point Precinct NV s, and that a new voting place, at which said election shall be held, will be at the old Lindsay Chair Co., building on East side of Hamil ton street, High Point, N. C, now occupied by Parker Paper & Twine Co. . This September 13, 1912. Thos. C Hoyle, Chairman, W. C. Jones, Secretary. And the voters of said precincts arc further notified that a new registration for said precincts was oulcrcd at the registration books for said precincts will be kept op en for the registration of voters for twenty days at the time or places required by law. NOTICE. The chairman of each depart ment of the Woman's Club, and all rjfficcrs are urgently request ed to meet at the Manufacturer Club rooms Wednesday after noon at 3.30 o'clock for business of importance. Any new mem Bcrs wishing to join must hate name .presented at this meeting. Miss I., Irvin Paylor, Pres. Mrs. A.' E. Frazier, Cor. Sec, ITS 5TMI That people of rc Hutment and in many casts people of means are fooled into buying the cheap est ki::d of pianos nt an nnreas ably big price considering the B'fdc of the pifiiu., through the practice of uiMeadiug schemes. r The tinu- hiu-.ored firm cf CHAS. MV STIEFF has never a'ivccattd tl.e ,ale of chrrp pianos nor allowed iinbus iuess like methods to enter their business calculated to n islead l heir patrons. , Our motto is te .'til );anos at a price that represi-nt actual value and thereby give the pub lic a vqnare tit al. CHAS. M. STIEFF Maimfactuier of the Artistic Slieff, Shaw ami Stitfl Self Player Pianos SOUTHERN WAREROOV.S 2L9 South Tryon Street Charlotte, N. C. We are Out class in w 1 hem Ail This is going to be another season for lis. Alitady the ladies many of them for mer wearers of our shoes arc asking for the new style?, and sales for the new season have begun with a vengeance. Blair - Hoskins Company High Point, N. Car. Dred Peacock ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR ' AT LAW ' FEACOCK-SHERROD BUILDING , GOODMAN & DAVIS Wood Yard Call Phone 627 For Dry Oak and Pine Wood! Cut Any Length. Good Loads and ,; .. . Prompt Delivery. . ; No. 109 Mowell 8U0t v" "J ' ;