:;:,W Y . - O .J t.'.v-. i,. v7 I - i' mm .'V ...y. . . .. 'V . ; . - ..YOL. i7, NO. 66.v " ' HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, loia. "4 1; 1 ' mm mm in Ladies' COAT . SUITS . , ' . Special values GOOD SUITS FOR - 12.50, 15.00f 1800 ' 20.0025.00. Ladies', Misses and Children's ""Coats Prices,to Suit Everybody Try a box of ' Wunderhose . .. . .. $1.00 BOX Guaranteed to Last 4 Months Great Line of Dress Goods, Silks, &c ... 1 - , Leonard - Deaiaiis - ifamei 0 C A. JACOBS ON MA88GUR AND MEDICO GYMNAST Treatment in Chronic Diseases . Turkish Baths Needle and Shower . . Phone 635 - 117 N. Main SL . - , HIGH POINT, N. C. r v , HIT OR MISS. is usually miss when you httj your ccal just any old place. Its a hit, and hit- it right, every time when you " buy your omI "Mrom our yards. Our methods never miss clcsinz tLc coal con : ' sumer, for pur coal is always the best that js mined, and we make - a hit with it with housewives for grate, range, furnace or stove. Let-us fill your order now and you will probably savtf time, wor- ry 'and money. ,v HIGH POINT ICE A FUEL . COMPANY. Both 'Phones 109. ' - Bruce Craven LAWYER- ' , . JMMTT HICH rOWT MnU Coaimrll-Lw Lhiw of AncricA. Fidelity ml Guatantr Co.. Bondad Attorney. Omllt CuW. (lid CWIm. AdjuaUr, aod BcpnMaUtlT. ABMrleu .Soodlna Co. 'North BtMtd Pbon.Wll. - ' Drcd Pcacccli ATTo.TYwateur:ca.ca "atlaw . rCACOCK-SEMOD . wuxwo ;. tHMOOOfiHSHMHMOH0hMH!HMll! r7. Frcnli ArcfitU ' Fira Insurance . ' TwiMMbMlkM Undcrivood'o ProQraqi Llkoly N to Oo Gmaohod In tho Houoo .Washington, D, C, Dec. 4. . A smashup of the Underwood tariff program! in the next Con gress . was freely predated by Democratic leaders here tonight. Defection of "protection" Demo- 'crats in the Senate was the. rock upon which they .said the Under wood program would founder. Free sugar, is to be the test of radical and progressive Demo cratic tariff revision, it was stat ed. Three certainly;-and possi bly five, . Democratic Senators will vote against taking all tariff off sugar, according to a count of "noes"; bysflie Democratic chief tains. Senators Ransdell and Thofnton, of Louisiana, and Sin fons, of North Carolina, are said to have declared against any re duction of the sugar schedule. With a scant majority In the nxt SeiEite, it was pointed out tonight that defection of three Senators will block passage of a free sugar or other radical tariff revision bill. x x Lumber, wool and cotton are other schedules which threaten aa partisan desertion when the House tariff measures reach the Senate. That Majority Leader Under wood can pass almost any tariff bill he desires in the.Hpuse next spring with the overwhelming Democratic majority at his com mand is conceded. Underwood formally an nounced tonight that hearings on the tariff would be begun in Jan uary by the Ways and Means Committee. Senator Simmons, of North Caro'inaT stated tonight that he favored a joint hearing by , theScnate -finance Commitee to consider framing all tariff bills! . lis AN IMPORTANT INQUIRY! Mr. Editor: Will you kindly explain - in your valuable paper as to a fath-: er's. liability for negligence of a minor child, driving a family au tomobile. .There are a good many of'these cases in High Poin, and trouble is bound to come when kids drive cars. Pedestrain. Father's Liability for. Negligence of Minor Child Driving Family Automobile.- . VAt common law a father is not liable for the torts of his minor child simply because Of paternity. Nevertheless, "in many cases fre quently occurring -nowadays 'where serious injuries are caused by the negligence of a minor son or daughter driving an automo bile owned by the father, the lat terrnay be held liable on general principles. While there must ex ist an authority from the" father to, the child to.do the tortious act or 1 subsequent ratification' and adoption of it before responsibil ity attaches to the parent, this au thority may be express or it may arise by implication from all the attendant circumstances. The wrongful act must be performed by the child in pursuance of the business, Incident, or undertaking authorized by .the father before theilatter can be held liable. Such authority may be found in. the actual presence of the parent, in express or implied direction Or in a precedent course of conduct. If the act is within - the "general scope of authority confered by the father or in carrying out the enterprise for which the minor has been commissioned, then the father may be liable, even though ire had no knowledge of. the spe cific conduct in question and it was contrary to his direction, .ilf the act is not done 5y the child jn furtherance xojf lhe father s business, but in performance of some independent design of the child the father is not liable. Thexontrolling rules of law are the same Whether the business in question concerns the opera tion of an automobile or any oth er mattei -In a recent case -in Massachusetts a father had bought an automobile for the general use of his family. It was registered in his name, but the only member of his family licens- yd to operate it was his minor son, and the machine never was operated except by him. "A man was injured by a'collision with it under circumstances which warranted a finding that the son was negligent, on an afternoon when he was driving the car with h!s mother at her request . and sued for damages. The defendant testified thaj his-wife had his per' mission to use the automobile whenever she desired, that he ex pected his son to mind his moth er if she asked him to take-her out with the car, The court gave damages. , l nese tacts warranted the in ference that the son was then acting in accordance with general instructions expressly or implied given by his father. The boy was not running it for any purpose of his own, but for the convenience of his mother and by her express .direction, for whose use, in com mon with the rest of the faniliy it had been purchased by hi: father. If the father had employ ed a chauffeur outside the family at a stated compensation, it could not be contended seriously thai taking the wife out for an after noon call was not the business for which he had been employed. If, instead of hiring a stranger, the father chose to have the san: work performed by his minor son, to whose time and services he was entitled as a matter of: Taw, it could not be ruled as matter of law that a iurv miirht not fiirJ the business to be that of the father. This was not a case of permissive use of the father's ve hicle by the son for hjs own pleas ure. Although the father had no knowledge of theparticular jour ney which was taken on the oc casion of the accident, his knowl edge that on prior occasions the wife had used the car and his tes timony of the purpose for which it was bought and that it was not customary when the wife was go ing on errands with the automo bile to ask his permission, were enough to support a finding tint the trip in question was authoriz ed by him. . X v. O- QUICK PAYMENT OF POLICY Mrs. Mildred. V, Shelton, wid ow of Jasper C. Shelton, who died Thursday, November ' 28, 1912, who held a policy for $1000 in the Life Insurance Company of Vir ginia, ot Richmond, Va., repre sented in High Point by W, B, Griffin, proofes-of which were for warded Monday, -De'cember 2, 1912, received check for the full amount this morning at her home 513 S. Main street, y . ' 1 1 0 COLD WEAHER IS DUE That cold weather is now due is being heralded oyer the coun- tfy-V v.' ": Zero weather is reported at Huron, S. D., Monday. It was 2 above at Moorehead, Minn., .8 above at Duluthtand low temper ature U recorded over most of the west '.and central northwest .N JOHNSON GETTING BETTER Chas,.John9on "whow as. " shot by the chief of .police of Ashe boro yesterday, and broUgbV to the hospital hef for "treatment, is better today-f-possibly out of danger. ;v ;v. " v;.. ' . TV thoroughly apprecaite our I shoes look 'elsewhere then-come ,to - )Us'; - C, & M. Shoe Store, 14a South Main St. 4-3t Street Money HIGH POINT WILL BE AL- LOWEP PROPORTION , ATE AMOUNT The mayor and city council went in a body to Greensboro yesterday to make application to the Board of County Commis sioners for an appropriation for the streets in High Point based on a similar ruling made in fav or of Greensboro at the last meev ing. High Point will be allowed Na sum in the same proportion as Greensbofo, aggregating about $5000 for the year. From the amount allowed will probably be deducted a sum for the work the county has already done inside the corporate limits. We understand that the meet ing was a very satisfactory, one EXTRA CARE IN XMAS WIRING. Any defective lectncal system at this season of the year are ren dered more dangerous because of the unusual amount of combusti ble material present. Many peo pie every year suffer from disas trous fires originating in Christ mas decorations. Thorough care and caution governing the instal lation of such displays will ob viate in a measure these panders. , o ' PIEDMONT BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Subscriptions to the second se ries of the Building and Loan Association which opened; on Oc tober 15, are still increasing. While the time for subficribin has about matured, yet those wishing to subscribe by Spaying back to a reasonable time, mav do so. f O ..... J . ' SCHOOL CLOSES Wth. The 'city schools will close for the holidays on December 20th for two weeks. ANNUAL MEETING INDUS TRIAL CLUB FRIDAY NIGHT, DEC. 6th. A very important metting of the Industrial Club is cal ed to meet in the Industrial Club rooms, Friday night, December 6th, at 7 o'clock sharp, to which every member and also every citizen of the city is not only invited but urged to attend. .The annual election of officers will be held, the reports of the various committees will be sub mitted and other interesting bus inessransacted and it is highly important that there be a "very full attendance at this meeting. If you, are interested in the work of the club or if you are in any way interested in the further growth and prosperity of the city you will kindly arrange to attend the meeting. , t Respectfully, . Fred N. Tate, ' President. KIND WORDS. Dear Mr. Farriss: Will you kindly mail me with bill, . as many clippings of the Climax Co. crtilcism as you may have up io 50 copies? I think it appeared in the edi tion of November 15th. If you will just clip the Enterprise front page heading and about 1-4 of the page, it wall do for my purposes. "Thanks very much for interest already shown., Mr. Webers of fice says it was the finest criticism in thought and language ever re ceived; :'" ,V- ' . ''': : ' , ,. Yours truly, . Frank"T, Kihzing, , Room 614 ' ! 1482 Broadway, -U,-;-.:' ":".'. New York. . NOTICE. t The Over-the-Tca-Cupi'-' Oub will meet Thursday at 3 o'clock with Miss At Burton, - High Polnt'o TJood of a Groat Polytechnic Inotltuto Local Briefs A local fight in a national issue who is to get the post office. A word of caution head the traffic ordinance. One of the finest thing9 just now is to see the golden rule up held. - Send your printing to the En terprise where we have every fa cility for all kinds of printing and at prices which will be satisfac tory". Judge Cook convened court in Asheboro this morning. He was indisposed yesterday and did not go to Asheboro till this morning. Miss Effie Cox left this morn ing for Florida to spend the win ter. O. .A. Kirkman went to Dan ville today to attencK the funeral of George Robinson. W. F. Carr, of Durham, is here. The younger son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gold at the Elwood has been quite ill for several days. Quite a number of Winston people have been here this week buying furniture. Mrs, J. Elwood Cox and Mrs. Dr. Coxhjft this morning for Florida. We call attention to tlx: 'ad of Thomas Dodamead in the want column advertising Xmas novel ties. They are a high class of hand painted novelties, and those desiring this excellent class of gifts, should see him-. The Young. Woman's Mission ary Society of the Washington Street M. E church will meet Thursday at 3 o'clock with Mrs. A. E. Frazier on Broad street. This will be the last meeting of 1 the year. . High Point now has a club for dirarir Init n iUn lira n 4 tlian some. Yes sirree they are serving this community nowadays with wonderful intelligence and fidel ity. o PRESBYTERIAN MEETING. Rev. Norman H. Camp gave at the 3 o'clock a splendid bible reading on the Christain in the world. His outline and illustra- tion on the blackboard made the truth very vivid. Everyone pres ent said it was good to be there. At night the sermon was on the text "His name shall be call ed 7esus for He shall save His people from their sins." Bible reading at 3 o'clock this afternoon nd on- Friday same hour. Thursday afternoon the ser vice will be in the school audi torium for the children and all who will attend. A, male quartet will sing to night at 7.30. Thursday morning at 9.30 the cottage prayermeeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. A. Snow,''. Cordially welcome to all these services. CURFEWING THE AUTO (?) We ha ve a letter from a kind old gentleman who asks us to urge the curfew law for autoists. He indulges the hope that the city council at its next meeting will not overlook this suggestion and says 10 o'clock is late enough for autoists to be out. There' are just 210 autoists in High. Point. The object of-government is the greatest good to the . greatest number and if our population of 14000 citizens were to all favor the curfew, then"" we would say that as 216 is to 14,000 should the rights of the autoist be consider-" ed by the council Tvho are 'sup posed to represent the whole bodypolitic 'but not until some one thinks like you do, ought the rights of the 210 be subdued" to yotir whims. 'V V ' v Frpjn the nature of the basis of our growth, High Point stands in greater need of a technicaf insti tute, which would turn out men who are especially qua'ified for in dustrial labor and supervision of the varipus departments of the manufacturing enterprises which future growth will give to our city. It is eminently fitting that a great source or school of tech nical learning should be here in our midst in close alliance with the center of the industrial sec tion of North Carolina. It would hrinj: the preparatory work of such an industrial world into closer relations. Many pTants here are extensive employers of skilled labor in the various branches of industrial work. To day let us emphasize this fact that there is a just criticism of our institutions- of learning that the gap between them and the practical world is too wide. An analysis of this, and looking to betterment, would disclose the fact that the school system which j: j ..... - c ... uirccis education 01 youth, is in an impractical rut, and cares too little for the practical side of life. This is a deficiency of our educational system. A Polytech nic Institute for High Point would mean a great boon 9 this already marvelous industrial center. Report oh the Condition of The Commercial National Bank at Uigh Poiut. in the State of North Carolina at the close of buin. 26. 1012. RESOURCES loana and Discounts. . . $ Overdrafts, secured and' un secured U.S. Bonds to secure circu 949,607.64 J, 101.03 150,000,00 1.000.00 lation U- 8. Bondu to secure U. S, Uonds, Securities, etc. Uankiue house, furniture on.l 46,000.00 fixtures 3,531.96 Due from National Banks. (not reserve 'P"1"- - , 174,543.99 Due from State and private banks and baukers.truat com- panies.and saving-; banks Due from approved 7,825.11 RcserveAgents 61,591.22 Checks and other C"hte,?a ; 9,615.18 j eZ''rr 3,450 0) currency, nickels and cents Lawful noney Re- 140.61 yerve in B'k, viz: 5Pcie 24,112.00 Legal-tender Notes 17,943.00 42.055.C0 Redemption fund with U.S Treat........... (5 per cent, of circulation) ' ;. 7,600.00 Due from U, S. Treasury r 8,100.00 Total . 11.4 .0,61.64 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in . . Surplus fund . .. . . fl60,000.00 Undivided ProBls, less Ex Eipenses and Taxes paid . National Bank Notes Out- Outanding. ' Due to other Na tional Banks . $12,663.10 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers... ..... 6,871.56 60,000.00 69,014.56 160,000.00 uue 10 trust worn , paniea and Sav- ings Banks Individual Depot- 44,020.89 suDjeci 10 Check . . .; . . 713,862 89 Demand certificates of Deposit ... . 97.792.f2 Certified Checks . 42.28 Cashier's Checks outstanding - 603.94 United Slatea De posits. 1,000 00 Bills payable, including cer- 906,847.08 wncates 01 deposit for money borrowed. ..." 125,000.00 Total State of North Guilford, is: .... .. i $1,450,861.64 Carolina, County of I, V. A. J. Idol, CaBhior of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear tlint the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. -V. A. j. IDOL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of Dec. 19T2. ED L. RAO AN, Notary Public. , Correct -Attest; H. W. FRASER R. R. RAGAN J. ELWOOD COX. , ', Directora. 'V THE WEATHER Rain predicted for tonight and Thursday.. '; The Word Steiff Is all the recommendation you need in the purchase of a piano, whether it a be a Stieff, a Shaw, manufactured by ourselves, or any piano handled by this great firm. We won't deceive any custo mers as to the grade of the piano or the price. We charge what it is worth and you get value received. GHAS. II. STIErF SOUTHERN WARER00MS 819 South Tryon Street Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTHr Manager Announcement r I want to announce to all my customers, and the good people of High Point that this year I have the best and well selected stock of jewelry to be shown" in the city for nice Xmas prseents. All of my goods are guaran teed, all engraving done free. My engraving is done here in the store, the best artistic designing and cutting guaranteed. Positive ly all hand-work. Look at my stock before you buy. It will only cost you a few minutes time, and possibly save you dollars. A partial list of what you will find in my store to select your . presents from : Over 100 different styles of lockets, all grades. Over 100 different styles of locket or neck-chains. Over 500 different styles rings. Over 100 different styles of watch-fobs. Over 100 different styles of watches. Over 100 different styles of brooches, stick-pins, bar-pins, scarf-holders, etc. The finest line of silver mesh bags at a bargain. For watch, clock, or jewelry repairing I do the best positive ly no guess work done. ' Give me a call. F. P. Cauble, Jeweler. So. R. R. Watch Inspector. Xmas. Gifts From We are showing a fine line of Gold ' JEWELRY, WATCHES, COLD HANDLE UMBRELLAS, just th thing you want, MANICURE SETS, DIAMOND RINGS, 0IA MONO NECKLACES and any other article you may Want desirable for a gift. Look us - . over before you buy. WE LIKE LOOKERS Queen Jewelry Co, 1

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