life VOL. 17, NO. 130 HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA,' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY so, 1913 Annual White Sale AT THE- Lfonard - Deatans - Stamey Co Friday, Saturday and Monday Feb. 2 1,22, 24 Everybody invited. Kverything White Reduced. Be sure and attend aud get your share of the values. ". lOydi. 10c Domestic - 69c 10 yd. 1 '4c Long Cloth - ' 79e Big lot of Lace worth up to !iOe. yd., for only - ' 0c Big lot of Laeei worth up to 8c yd. for - ,. - A 8Jc 1 Lot Embroideries worth up to 18c for - - - 10e 10c Loosdale Cambric - - 8c 12Jc Lonsdale Cambric - 10c 15c Lonsdule Cambric - 12c $1.01 White Quilu - .82c 1.60 White Quilta - - $1.18 1.75 White Ouilts - 1.89 2.50 White Quilts - - ' 1.89 1.25 Table Linen - - 89c 1.00 Table Linen - - 82c 60c Table Linen - 89c 1.26 Gowns - - 89c 1.26 Skirts - - 8fc 1.00 Gowns .-- 82c 1.00 Skirts - - - 82c 60c Gowns - - 89c 60c Corset Cover - 89c 86c and $1.00 Emb. Flounces 49c REMEMBKR. EVERYTHING WHITE WILL BE RE DUCED THESE PRICKS ARE FOR CASH ONLY HIT OR MISS. It is usually miss when you buy your coal jqst any old place. Its a hit, aud hit it right, every time when -you buy your coal from our yards. Our methods never miss pieasing'the coal con sumer, for our coal is always the best that is mined, and we make a hit with it with housewives for grate, range, furnace or ' stove. Let us fill your order now and you will probably save time, wor ry nd money.' HIGH POINT ICE ' FUEL COMPANY. Both 'Phones tog. has more Life Insurance in force, in High Point, than any other COM PANY. son Ask me and I will tell you WHY; ' i'k. ..:. .' ' ... '- J. r.l. IIARRELL Special Agent 11113 The Prudential There is a ilea Tho Juvonllo Court- The Woman's Club held their regular monthly meeting Wed nesday afternoon at the Manu facturers club room with the president presiding. 'Twas one of the fullest meetings of - the yea.r and the reports from the chairmen of the departments showed a great interest and much active work being done along their special lines. The Health Department reported the best meeting of the year. Their sale of Red Cross Christmas Seals was a success, and they have plans for the future wthch will prove most helpful. The civic department gave an outline of the garden fete to be conducted by them early in March. The re-' ports from the standing commit tees were good. Many tf these committees meeting in regular session as do the departments. Especially interesting was the report from the conservative committee and the legislative' committee, the latter reporting special efforts they arc making to have the juvenile court estab lished and in view of this they invited Judge Kdmonds to pre sent the question to the club, ex plaining what the juvenile court means to the youth of the town, business was suspended and the privilege of the tloor extended to Judge l-.dmonds, who m a con cise, but clear manner presented j the question in a way that sent straight to every woman s heart the awful truth that children as young as twelve years sit in judgment in the same room, be fore the same curious crowd and are sentenced under the same fcode that governs the hardened' criminal .of matured years. The committee will make special forts for a juvenile court in High Point. Many communications from state workers were read, and ac- j tion .taken upon same. Its more than likely the club wilt extend an invitation to a well known club woman and the near future f C(,nj,ratulation upon the pass holds a treat for the members of I,. ,., :trc,.ltp i,;,,,,,.-,, of the Woman's Club if the invita- iiqlirtr bill through both Houses tion is accepted. As the spring Lf t;on,rcss. jt js a Ureat vic time approaches club life is tak- J tory the temperance forces have ng on a livelier interest, ami as.wonthe most jmi)ortant Wisla- the term for the close of the club year is made each member seems anxious to accomplish something. The club now numbers 140. Dur- i ing the social hour the Misess I Harmon furnished excellent mus ic. o - ACCORDINGLY. ; J his is a joyous world, or a cruel one, according as we fit ourselves ; into it. There are glooms for us to grouch in .with complainings and frowns,"'. .tout there also is sunshine for us to stride in with a smile and a song If you and the world don't seem exactly fitted to each other. don't attempt lo make over the world. That's too big a job. Try making over yourself. - Lop. off some of your conceit and selfishness, round out some of your vacuums of ignorance, and then maybe you may find some nice little niche just made for you. '.What you do with it will depend upon yourself. 'The world at worst is no worse than- we have made it, and the best that we deserve. IU came from the Creator clean. Sin came only with man, and has developed into multitudinous forms of vice, error and injustice, but into none more hideous than that of pessi mistic cavil.- V The plea of the pessimist is necessarily a play upon loosed passions. He dare not appeal to reason, .because to- reason is to cease to be a pessimist. What nature often baffles hu man effort proves no injustice on lo Favorod by tho Ladioo her part, but only lack of judg ment on our qwn. Nothing is njore pitiless than nature when she sees herself outraged or her laws regarded with contempt. The Java horror is but one in millions of illustrations of the fact that nature treats all man kind alike. No one can say that earthquakes or' tidal waves treat him with partial favor. 1 lie ncnaltv of ignorance is death, and soon or late, in some way or other, it must be paid by all of us, until mankind shall have lifted itself into perfection of knowledge and judgment. Time was when famine c'aimed its myraids, hut improved com mercial relations have rendered general death by starvation practically impossible. Time was when scourges carried off their uncounted millions, but science lias gained the mastery. For every evil that exists to day thcr eis a remedy ig man but knew it. Every misfortune, every evil, every sin, every sor row in this world, since time le gan, has had its origin in the imperfections of mankind. Nature is severely jut. She would., if .she could, be always kind. o . The Webb BUI The good . citizens of High Point and community will rejoice in the passage of the Webb bill. It only remains now for the pres ident of. the United States to sign : jt f1)r x t(, i,cc,)I)K. a law. Let Lvcry christian pra' most earn- ty tnat ,av ; 0 jC( G . tn sin this righteous bill. ef-'()llr Congressman. F. V. Webb, ,cscrvcs j,rcat crc,lit f,.r his faith fulness and persistence i;i work ing for this important inc isure. The following is n copy of a personal letter of Mr. Webb to a prominent citizen of High Point. ..1 1- t . I....-.- 1 1 maim vow lor youi Mini 11:111.-1 tive triumph in a half century, if not in the history of our country. We had a powerful and re sourceful foe to fight, s'eepless and remorseless, which makes our success all the more siganl. I have been tireless too in my efforts to secure the passage of the bill, and you can imagine my happiness over the successful cul mination of a struggle ?ln'ch has lasted for fifteen years. I am in deed proud to have been the hum ble instrument in trying, to carry out the wishes of the millions of good people who have been pray ing so long for legislation of this kind. I again thank you for your kind words. Withibest wishes, Sincerely yours, V E. G. Webb." Mr, Webb did not write the above for publication, but with the one to whom it was written I gladly pass it on the public. Righteousness must win. ., A. G. Dixon. Feb. 70, 1913. Trinity Glee Club at Audi torium tonight Nineteen men in Trinity Glet Chib tonight at Auditorium. Aus pices boys debating society, The Daughters of the Confed eracy had a very successful white sale yesterday. .;'"; ' . . ' 0 ';' ' '. ''. , College days, recall sacred mem- ones.. Live them again tonight at Auditorium. , Mew Plotnra Show D. Rones, owner of the old Commercial National Bank build ing, opposite the Enterprise office, has rented the building to parties who will put in a moving picture show. -r- O BIG FIRE AT WINSTON Winston had a spectacular fire yesterday. The Iirown-Rogcrs Hardware stores were burned loss about $100,000. t - 1 Or- TAKES CHARGE DRUG STORE. Mr. Albert Hart, manager for the new company, Hart Drug'Co., which bought out Rings branch store next to post office, .took charge of the business last night, Mr. Hart needs 110 commenda - tion at our hands, lie is a regis - tered pharmatist "of ability, well and favnrahlv known in the com- munitv. We wish him well in his new business. . . 0 BOY SCOUT MINSTRELS Fine porgrcss is being made in the oractice work of the Boy Scout minstrels which is beinj managed by Mr. William A. Roberts, and which is to exhibit at the auditorium on the even ing of Friday, March 7th. There will be about 15 in the cast of characters, and special scenery is now being painted for the occas ion. Special costumes are heing made for the troupe. This local play will eclipses and is high class for real genuine fun and; laughter will exceed any local play given here for some time. Don't for get the date, Friday, March "th. ; o- ALTOGETHER! There is a feeling throughout the community tha this year will be High Point's best of all the prosperous years that have passed. Lets make it a record breaker. UNION DEPOT. 1 ur next step will be a union depot. e are rapidly passing under those conditions. o TRADE AT HOME Let every High Pointer trade at home. There is every reason for it. 1 0 THAT REBUKE The House of Representatives took a shot at Charity and Chil dren last Thursday giving us the honor of a very vigorous discus- sion.- Notwithstanding the vote condemning the offending editor ial was unanimous, we desire to make it clear that the criticism of the House did not apply to all the members. A goodly number of our represetnatives are capable men, earnest, faith lul and true, but they are in a painful minority. Taken as a whole (and that was the spirit of the editorial which raised such a tumult) the House of Representatives tolerably sorry ot 1913 is a aggregation. Charity & Childre. Trinity Glee Club at Audi torium tonight. WEATHER FORECAST Rain tonight and .Friday. , 0 i'i NEW ADS. Geo. T. Wood Dry Goods Co. Fleming Shoe Hospital. RED MEN I I The Memorial services of the Red Men last nigh were largely attended said the address splendid. A fuller report later. ) ' I The High, School boys request J your presence at ,the Auditorium I February 20th to meet the Trin itGlee Club. V 3 It will be worth vou monev. the Trinity Glee Qubsc and 50c HoHrtKitiHtiHaKHeHX IN THE SOCIAL REALM (By CHOOOOOOC HKHCHlKHKHWrlKKKH Saint 'Valentine's Night. Hearts true, jilted hearts, hearts of ice, roaster hearts, wounded hearts, warm hearts, bargain counter hearts and hearts of ev- I ery description were the unique invitations sent out by .Miss Un- nie Mann to the fifty young folks bidden to the large Valentine party given by Miss Mann to the Delta Tan Club and Misses Veigh and Mary Hutchison of Lexington, who arc house guests of the hostess. The radiantly red color scheme was used throughout the rooms 1 thrown open for the party. In 1 the. hall, parlor and sitting room red cut (lowers were plentifully I and artistically distributed in j vases. Mr. Mann welcomed the I guests at the head of the hall Miss Frances Mann directed the way to the stairway, where Miss Sallie Gilmer Jones directed the wav to the cloak room. I he re cciving line was composed of the hostess and honorees ami Messrs. John Lindscy. Will Schell, oi Charlotte, and Dr. Perkins. Fol lowing the reception portion of the evening, red hearts and pen cils were passed anil each guest requested to write a valentine verse the men a comic one, aud the young ladies a sentimental one. In this contest Miss Davis and Mr. Pollock won the prizes for composing the most taking verses and Mr. J. Allen Austin made the hit of the-evening in the happy little speech used in pre senting a bunch of red carnations to Miss Da'is. and a mechanical toy the clown and the heart to Mr. Pollock. At many intervals during the plcasurers of the evening couples wandered to the cosy den in the rear of the main hall, which was one of the most beautiful of the several decorated rooms and halls. The walls were hung with a nat ural wandering of Fnglish ivy all glossy and green. Falling from lights which like all of those 011 the lower floor were covered with red and fastened to the four corners of the room were strings of red hearts. These same tirery dangling bits of card board festooned the door facin? and garnished the ivy covered ta ble in the center of the den upon which rested the strawberry acid so graciously served by Mrs. (itirney Keams wearing a white and red gown and red carnations. the same flower decorating the punch bowl and being tied to the four comers of the table with brand red tissue ribbon. The din ing room was glittering in its party accessories of brilliant scar let. Over a back ground of the waxy ivy, numberless red charts ran m riot ami testooncci tnc wausd . it and door ways and falling from chandelier to comers of tables, which was lighted by red can dles. The center piece was a bas ket of lillies of the valley and red carnations mingled with aspara gus fern. On the four corners of the basket were cupids with their gause wings fluttering over the always ready deadly bundle se curely fastened on back. Misses Frances Mann and Sallie Gilmer Jones served the red and white cicaiii aim mm-, 1 lie eveniiitr rrnwns worn 1w iln I,.... ..t . ...1 ...1... ti.. voun ,af1iM . the rcceiving ,ine were bright and beautiful and strongly sug gestive of the Valentine season. 1 - . o Are you interested in boys? At- tend Auditorium tonight. A number of High Point citiz ens will attend the banquet at Raleich next wept omlih,nt.r.. ' to Senato, Simmons, Gov. Craig and Josephus Daniels. I. I. P.) S Local Briefs Prof, llayncs will attend the Natural Kducational Association at Philadelphia, Dr. W, (I. Uradshaw returned yesterday from Raleigh where he went to appear before a commit tee on matters in which the counties are interested. The Rose theater will have some line pictures tonight. The real estate market is quite active now. T, V. Fdmonds is here this week superintending . improve ments at Roland Park. We understand that work on the Winston road which lies in Forsythc county will begin early in the spring. P.ird S. Coler. of New York, is in the city today. A. P. Tillev left last night for northern markets to buy his stock for his new store. He wi'l occupy the old Allen stand. Mrs. I). T Andrews left last night on No. 12 for a trip north, north. The following is the ieepe on which Mr.-. J. A- Hart won the Amour prize: .' o .. Parker House Rolfs. To one pint of warm water and warm milk (equal parts) add two table spoons each of sugar and Simon Pure Leaf Lard, melted. Dis solve one cake of yeast in the mixture and add enough sifted llouro make a good stiff batter. until smooth and let rise one hour. Add one teaspoon of salt sifted with enough (lour to make a soft dough. Knead well and let rise two hours in a grea. ci! bowl. Roll to about three quarters of an incl with large biscuit over lightly with Leaf Lard melted. thick, and cut i-utter. Brush Simon Pure Hold through the center and let rise in shallow pans for about forty-five minutes. Make in hot oven. Trinity Glee Club at Audi torium tonight. '- o JOSLPH P. TUMULTY WILL BE SECRETARY TO PRES DENT. (Copyright by Under & Under wood.) ',.' Joseph Patrick Tumulty, who has been secretary to Governor Wilson for two years, will con tinue to serve in that capacity af ter the president elect takes the oath of office. Mr. Tumulty was born in Jersey City, May 5, 1879. He was admitted to the bar in 1902. and in 1907 was elected to the Assembly, where he served for fr years, making a brilliant HS HeTSeTsnd K, six children. - Let the Young' Folks DECIDE ! The most precious Thing in your Home Ask the youg folks what 13 the greatest attraction in the homes they visit the thing thev wish for: A GOOD PIANO. 71 YEARS OF QUALITY PIANO Since 1842 Stieff Pianos have stood anion? the world's finest pianos. They hold medals from many countries, ureat conserv atoriesand other institu tions use none but Stieff Ask to see it. Southern Warerooms 319 South Tryon Street Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager r You Can Buy a Good Pair of WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS at $1.25 or a Pair of BUCKS at $2.00 C. D. Ilatfochs R. C. Lindsay ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW Wachovia Bank Building HIGH POINT, N. C. , Herman Robert Herth Architect 5th Floor, bank of Commerce Building I Bruce Craven 1 I LAWYER S J WcWU laak BM' Hi(. P.M.N. C. S 5 Oarpmtlon and ComntrHal Law and 5 P Ganaral Practiea. N. O. Repraaantatlra Q g la Lata! Nm List of Corporation At tor- fi 9 najra. Mambw C. L. L. A., Bonded Attor- S ? nr. ata Talaphonaa la eOea aad raat- v

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