fill lltl VOL. 17, NO. 146. HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1913 Leonard - hm Stamey Company Easter Only a Few Days Off Let us supply your EASTER WANTS . Nice selection of Silks frcm 25c, 50, to $1.50 New Wool Dress Goods 50c to $1.00 Big selection of cotton Novelties t 2c yard Seethe SUITS we are sell ing at $12.50, $15.,$16.50 $18.50 and $20.00 They are Kme values. Try a Warner's Rust Proof Corset $1.00 to $3 00 Come to see us for your Easter frock Leonard - Deavans - Stantei (o When you are puz zled by some prob lem cf Insurance, it matters not what branch of insurance you can always find relief by mak ing your wants known at this office Harrell Agency Co. J. M. Harrell. Pres-'denl The Third Series of PIEDMONT. BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Will Begin on April 1 5th All the money yoa pay In U InMjtod In real out flr.t moi-Unee-the Mint ve.timnt you n And. A few dollar, a month will oon .mount to few hundred. Try It. If y ""t to pa tat noma In -the eaaieat poHlblo manner, take atoek now and let your dol ara work for you. The booka ara now open for eulwcrip. ttona. Coma in and learn more about it. W. C. 1DOI Sea. Traaa. DR. A. P. ST A LEY, OPTOMETRIST and SPECIALIST Treating the nerves and muscles of the eyes Also fitting glasses when needed, after a thorough examina tion. to6 N. Main St. HIGH POINT, N. C. Learn Shorthand in eighteen lessons Edwards Business Col lege. CO. M. ATTENTION .. ' Remcmher that next Satur day, March 15th, is the time for our annual inspection. Three are ordered for this week, Tuesday,- Thursday and Friday nights every member should be pres ent at al lthese drills. E. P. Carpenter, Capt. Insurance neadquarters I7iloon Foco to Foco Tilth tho PRESIDENT WILSON WILL MASTER THE MOST IN TRICATE OF ALL GOV ERNMENT PROBLEMS THE TARIFF Low Tariff It Is Claimed Will Wipe Out New England In dustries Crippling New Eng land. The New England Democrats are certain to demand free raw materials for themselves without stopping to think that their raw materials are the finished pro ducts of other sections of the country. The plea is made in behalf of Xew England that, in asmuch as she produces no raw materials, she would be wiped off the map by too radical a down ward revision, because all she can do is to produce finished factory products. Is The Tariff Section. Representative Peters of Mas sachusetts, one of the members of the Ways and Means Commit tee that is voting for free sugar, is at the head of a combination of New England and other fac torv district Democrats organiz ed for tlic purpose of preventing any drastic action on articles pro duced in New England. - '"nose who disagree with what the New Englandcrs are trying tii do contend that what they are rc. lly trying for is to bring abin'. a Mtuation that has so long buoii fought for by New England Re publicans, that is to say, pro tec live duties for the products o' New England and free trade or exceptionally low duties for the products of the other sections. New England Seeks Alliance t ne section of the New Eng land group is seeking an alliance with representatives from the cotton mill sections of the South to prevent drastic action with re gard to the duty on coarse cot tons, the idea being that New England, as a manufacturer of fine grades of cotton goods, must now concede something to the Southern mill interest. Twenty-eight Democratic Rep resentatives from the Middle West are reported to be 1 anded together to prevent deep cuts on farm products for instance, mules, hay, corn, bacon, potatoes and such things, which the cane growers of Louisiana have to buy. Drastio Motor Law Our readers will be vitally in terested in the new automobile law ratified by the present legis lature. In brief, it may be stated that the new law includes motor cy cles but exempts fire wagons, po lice patrols and ambulances. The old, law did not provide for uniform display numbers, of ficers' could not tell whether an owner's license had been cancell ed. Under the new act the num bers are furnished by the Secre tary of State, and changed an nually in style and color, so that it may be seen at a glance wheth er or not a machine is properly registered. Licensed Tax The fees fixed by the" new act will be a source of no little reve nue for the use of the various counties, and at the present rate .of increase in the use of motor vehicles, should within . a few years provide an amount suffici ent to aid materially in the up keep of the roads. The use of this money is left to the discre tion of the county authorities. Under the old law $3 from each registration is returned to the county, which $3 is all that the county gets from one machine, .'. as the law does not require that ' the present renewal fee, or any part of it, be turned back to the Groatost Political Peril county. Under the new law the registration fees are collected each year and no renewal fee is provided for. The fees of $5, $7.50 and $m will be divided be tween the county and State, the latter getting 20 per cent and the county 80 per cent. The old law docs not provide for a dealer's license, and to comply with the law the dealer had to register each machine handled and go through the pro ( Continued to page 4.) The friends of Mr. John Xicol. of the Public Service Company, regret to learn that he is con fined to his home on Johnson street on account of illness. Dr. Eugenia Whitehead, of New Jersey, is here visiting her sister, Mrs. lienjamin E.' Moore. Dr. Whitehead came on from Washington, where she went with a New Jersey party, to see their Covcrnor made President, also as one of the representatives of her Alma Mater, the Wom en's Medical College of Philadel phia. Mr. Earlow, of Randolph, who underwent a very difficult opera tion at the High Point Hospital by Dr. J. W- Austin, left this morning for his home, having fully recovered. M illinery opening Thursday and Eriday see ad on last page. Moffitt Eurn. Co. It. Robinson of "The l air" left last night to buy more spring goods for his Master opening. The "Jcllo" Demonstration is now on at Idol Grocery. It would n.-iv vou to make a special visit to our store to see the "Jcllo' Demonstration. V. W. Idol & Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Sapp. of Greensboro, are spending the day here. o WILL YOU BE ONE Will you be one to make 125 at the High Point Choral Society which meets at P.aptist church at 7.30 tonight. Our concert is only two months off and every rehearsal is important. We hope to have fifty visitors tonight who will become members next time, o Squire Suttenfield was elected yesterday afternoon to fill out the unexpired term of clerk of the city court. Our store will be closed tomor row getting ready for opening Thursday. Miss Venetia Smith. o Everybody invited to Miss Venetia Smith's mililnery open ing on Thursday. 0 ' ' PIEDMONT BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Subscriptions for shares in the Third Series are coming in. Take a few shares for your boy. It will, help to educate him, or give him a few hundred dollars for in vestment. The first payment will be due on April 15th, but make your subscription now. W. C. Idol, Sec. & Treas. COMMUNICATION For Mayor: J. V. Harris J. P. Redding Capt. Rankin D. If. Milton W. G. Burnette ; J. M. Hedrick Jule Marsh S. L. Davis 0, H. Kearns ' Respectfully, Eugene Segraves. Adv. it Extension of Car Service TWO THOUSAND FEET TRACK The Public Service Company will break ground this week for 2000 feet of car track beginnin at the end of the North Main street car line extending throu Mechauicsvillc. We understand that this extension is in lieu of the line around the park on the Johnson property. 0 STOP AND LOOK INTO IT If you will stop and think f one minute you can readily see what it means to trade at home it not only helps your merchant it helps you. Hundreds of thou sands of dollars go away from High Point every year such an amount is worthy of consider.! tion. Look what it would do i kept here. It would help the merchant directly, help the one who spends it. and swell the bank clearings f High Point enormously to trade at home RE-APPOINTED BY GOV CRAIG Among the list of memberships of boards of directors of the va rious state institutions sent t' rie Senate yesterday by Gov Craig we note the re-appointment of Mr. A. E. Tate, director of the State Hospital at Morganion for the term of six wars, ending 10,13; and Mr. W. 11. Ragan. di rector of the A. K: M. College at Raleigh for the term of six years eiwling 1919. O ! CALLED HOME Miss Gertrude Adams, millin er at Moffitt Eurn. Co. received a telegram yesterday announcing the sudden illness of her mother in Baltimore. She left last night on No. 38 and will probably re turn the latter part of the week. o "THE CHIEF CORNER STONE The topic as indicated above was the subject of consideration at the Friends meeting last evening. The meeting opened with a beautiful spirit of prayer. The message was given' with earnestness and clearness. e are cither believers or unbeliev ers. Scripture gives no middle ground of faith, neither should we. To the believer Jesus is preci ous first of all for his rare beau ty of character. He is in fact the chief corner stone of character. Then Jesus is previ ous for his usefulness to man Christianity is a workable thing. His preciousness is also manifest ed by his strict faithfulness for He is the friend of man. Itest all He is our great liberaton, freeing us from the fetters of sin and giving us the opportunity to develop full rounded manhood and womanhood. Will you let Him be precious to your soul! The meetings will continue this week and Friday afternoon there will be a special meeting for school children which will be conducted in a way suitable to their comprehension. . o Among those who have pur chased cars from I). X. Wilborn recently are Messrs. D. H. Hall, John Armstrong, John Stephen son, Virgil Homey, Mr. Koonce, Tom Gilliam, and E. P, Carpen ter. TILLEY'S DRY GOODS EM vy''' PORIUM Mr. A. P, Tilley will open tem porarily his store in the Clark building next Saturday prepara tory to moving into the store now occupied by Allen Ilros., who are to occupy the big De partment Store. He offers to the buying public a brand new up-to-date line of . goods, just from northern markets at prices that will attract you. Badly Needed-Council Should Es tablish "City Ward" at Hospital SOCIAL (By I. I. P.) Woman's Club The general Woman's Club meeting will be Wednesday af ternoon at the Manufacturers Club at 3 o'clock with the presi dent presiding. All chairmen of departments ami committees are requested to bring reports. The main business feature of the meeting will be the election of a nominating committee to bring in a suggestive slate for next year's officers. The election of this committee will be both in teresting and important as ac cording to the constitution there must be a change in many of the officers. The annual election of officers will take place in May. The officers who cannot serve another year in the same, capacity are Miss I. Irvin Paylor, presi dent; Mrs. Rufus King, record ing secretary; Miss Mary Alex ander, auditor ; Miss Clara Cox, chairman of social service; Mrs. Henry White, chairman Home Eeononvics ; Mrs. James 1'arriss, chairman, literature. Another feature of the meet ing will be to perfect plans for our Reciprocity meeting of next Saturday. Invited to Greensboro. The Greensboro Woman's Club with Mrs. Al Eairbrother preisdent. has extended 'an invita tion to the High Point Woman's Club to spend Eriday, March 14, with them and help to celebrate Guilford County Reciprocity Day. The Woman's Club of Charlotte and other clubs will also be guests of the Greensboro club on that day. Many special features have been planned. Mrs Cotton, state president, and oth er prominent workers will be there. The school children o. High Point have been asked to take part in the parade. Some of 1 1 1 1 1 . iiign mints clui) women are down on the progarm for short talks. Fifty members have giv en in their names as intending to accept the invitation. If any oiic finds out they must decline be sure and notify the secretary by Wednesday's meeting, High Point Reciprocity. Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock promptly High Point Woman's Club will celebrate Reciporcity Day. The meeting will be held at the Manufacturers Club rooms. The special guests will be Mrs. Robert Cotton, state president; Mrs. Eugene Reilley. natiotv.l correspondence secretary; Mrs. Williard Rogers, president Char lotte Woman's Club, Mrs. A' Eairbrother. president Greens boro Woman's Club, and ether state workers, including several Greensboro ladies. Short talk.' will be made by several of the visitors after which there will be a reception. If the weather per mits there will be a drive to Old Trinity immediately after the meeting. .Committees are being appointed to attend to the details of the meeting, and every thing bids fair for a pleasant and pro fitable meeting. The refresh ments will be in charge of the social committee and this means this feature is not to be neglect ed. Let every club woman id town be present. Board Meeting The executive board of the Woman's Club Will meet Wed nesday afternoon at 2.15 at the Manufacturers Club, CARNATIONS Red, white and pink at greatly reduced price at Hart Drug Co. at fijc per dozen. " ..' " o NEW ADS Moffitt Furnishing Co, , Miss Venetia Smith, Leonard-Reavans-Stamey Co. Making the rounds with one of our ablest physicians day be fore yesterday, we came in con tact with several cases, and one specific case, in special which showed the urgent need of a city department to our present well equipped home institution the High Point Hospital. We hav a large growing population here and perhaps no town in North Carolina needs a "city ward" providing medical assistance to the needy to the same extent that High Point does. The city cares for many distinct cases, but it falls to burden of the physicians to contribute largely of their time and means on cases every week, that should come within the scope ami care of a well reg ulated city department. The nuestion is a serious one and a humane one to conserve the life of those who through accident on the one hand, or misfortune upon the other need medical care and attention and have no' way of getting it except through the mercy and charity of some noble hearted physician. The City Council ought not to be long in taking this matter up on its merits. LAST DAY LEGISLATURE. Women of School Boards. The Senate last night passed the bill to make women eligible to membership On school com mittees, boards of trustees of graded schools, colleges for girls, as well as the State Text Book Commission, by declaring such places, not offices but positions of honor and trust. Tax Commission Killed The House spent most of a four-hour session last night con sidering the machinery act, which came from the finance committee I.-tt night. The most important difference between this and form er machinery acts was that this provided for the creation of a State Tax Commission, compos ed of three members to be ap pointed by the governor, to have entire supervision of the entire tax system of the State. This provision was eliminated by a vote of fifty to thirty-four. Other amendments were adopted and the bill passed its second reading and went over until today for some other amendments on third reading. To Amend the Search and Seiz ure Law. "Section 1. That the act pass ed at this session of the General Asesmbly, entitled "An act to se cure the enforcement of the laws against the sale and manufac ture of intoxicating liquors," which was ratified on the third day of March, 1913, shall not be so construed as to make it un lawful for any transportation company from other states to. any person in this State spiritu ous, vinous and malt liquors in tended for private use and not for sa'e, and the presumption raised by said act against the person receiving or having in possession the said liquors in excess of the quantities therein stated that the same is intended for sale, shall not apply to any transportation company so as to make the ship ment presumptively for an un lawful purpose or use. "Sec' 2. That it shall be law ful for any express or transporta tion company to transport spirit uous, vinous or malt liquors from other states to any person in this State, when the same is for private use and not for sale. "Sec. 3. That all laws in con flict with thi. act are hereby re pealed in so 4ar as they conflict herewith and no further." Don't forget to call at Idol' Grocery to see the "Jello" girl. Let me have your measure this week and we will have a Suit in High Point for you by Easter, 23rd- (. B. Hattochs n-G-c For Steady Comfort and Real Economy 1 ; Keep your refrigera tor well loaded with OUR ICE. And Use Our Coupon Books High Point lce& Fuel Co Telephones 109 Bruce Craven LAWYER WeceerU Bank Bla'f Hik ftat.N. C. Corporation and Commercial Law and General Practice. N. C. RepreeentatWe In Local New. Lilt of Cerporatioa Attor ney. Member C. L. L. A.. Beaded Attor ney, ate North State Phoaaa 8f and 891 AT A SACRIFICE I have just bought from a bankrupt stock too high grade watches. This lot of watches are in 7 jewel to 21 jew el in all makes and sizes in 20 year cases, and nickle case. If you are looking for a good watch cheap it wilVpay you to look this lot of watches over they must go at a sacrifice, to be convinced you will have to look. It cost you nothing to look. I am now located in the Gold stein building at 215 N. Main St opposite Beeson Hradware Co. Remember I am headquarters for high grade watches and jew ery repairing satisfaction guar anteed or your money back. F. P. Cauble, Jeweler. So. R. R. Watch Inspector. Special Demonstration and sale of Majestic Ranges now going on at Reeson Hardware Co. v , . t Special Demonstration and sale of Majestic Ranges now going on at Reeson Hardware Co. r Millinery opening Thursday and Friday see ad in this issue. Moffitt Furn. Co. ; Special Demonstration and. sale of Majestic Ranges now going on at Beeson Hardware Co.

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