V 1 1 VOL. 18, NO. a8. HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1913 whip. w ft'- fl Leonard - Dcavcns -Stanley Company NEW LINENS FOR DRESSES Just the Season forLiren Dresses. Colors, Tan, Light Blue, Pink, Lavender and White. Prices, 25,35,40c TAILOR MADE DRESSES We have these in White, Blue and Tan, Prices $3 98, $4.50 $5.50 konard-Oeavans - Staraey (p You're going to want the rght kind if summer clothes; coat ami trousers; the vest is l)eiii;,r discarded pretty generally now. Hart Sehaffner & Marx make tl.ese clothes right ; the fabrics are light enough for comfort tky need therefore better tailor inyr thaii usual to keep them in lape; they get it. At $25 you'll get a fine suit (c have them at higher and low cr prices. II. Harris & l!ro. SAVING Is the First Object of a Building & Loan Association whether the shares are carried for inyestment or pay for your home with rent money. There is no other way as easy as the Building & Loan plan to convert small ampunts into a f and sufficient for investment. PIEDMONT BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Begins New Series . April 15th KXOOMttOaHCHKHOIC WKKKHO Bruce Cjraven LAWYER VicWa laak BM'f M.k Nbt,M. C. Corpora rtoa and Cotnmarclal Law mm! GaMral Praetica. N. C. Rapraaantatlva la Laws Ntwl Li.t of Corporation Attor- u 1 r f r. a VLnAmA Attar X at. North SUM Phooaa at and 6 mi. . WEDDING GIFTS. We have on display until Sat urday, April icjth.the handsome, stock of Jewelry and wedding gifts of D. B, Ryland & Co., Jewelers of Lynchburg, Va. Our friends and customers know their reputation for showing goods of highest quality and latest designs at moderate prices. We invite all to come and see this beautiful dis play of diamonds, watches, rich jewelry silverware, cut glass, etc. Mr.Ttios. W. Johns will be back with- us Friday, and Saturday in the meantime all. orders given us will have prompt attention. Mann, Drug Co: '.' FOR SALE W'heeler sweet po tatoes for bedding. v Apply to Thos. Carrick, 610 North Main street. FOR SALE My Columbus Sur ry and Harness, also a good Bab cock Buggy. All in first class condition. A Bargain Td Cash Buyer. F. N. Tate. 17161 Completion of Big Dopartmont Store Wow Era in Storo Building On the eve of the opening of Allen Bros, big department store tonight, an account of which we will give tomorrow, we desire to speak of this handsome building which was erected by Mrs. V. K. Jarrell and her daughter, Mrs. V'. 1). Simmons. .The building is one of the most imposing in the state and does credit . to that spirit which is building up the south so rapidly. v No expense was spared to make this building what it should be for the Aliens and the result is highly compli mcntary to the owners and adds beavtvlu our business center and prestige to the town. There is not a store building in the state that we know of that equals it. Miss Nettie Jones, of Winston Salem, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. V. A. I. Idol. M. W. Wiutermute. manager of the furniture department of tin- Charles Williams stores of New York is at the Elwood. Mr. Wintermute is one of the largest buvcrs who conies south. The friends of Mr. Sam Hoov er are pleased that he is able to lie out again alter an illness many week.s I". A. Conway, of Raleigh, is ; business visitor here. Col. Robert S. Steele, of Rock nioliam: was a business visitor -it here yesterday. I has. C. Hook, the well known architect who has the plans for the new .Methodist church, is here to !av. Hob Rice was here today giv ing away silver thimbles as an advertisement for I loose ( irease. Did you get one? Parties in Washington are contemplating putting on a taxi cab service here. Messrs. T. J. Sold and Dallas ZollicotTcr went to (ireeiitboro today on legal business. President I. 1'. Clark, of the Public Service Co.. is here today W. C. Ilerndon has -iroiie to Wilmington to the state meeting of the Roval Arcanum, lie will a-Iso visit before his return his old home place in Wake county. PUBLIC INVITED Medal contest tonight 1 1 1 lends church. o clock. Hve utiiij ladies recite. -.Music -.by best local talent. Medal awarded hv three competent judges, to the winner of greatest number of point. The judges and ushers will please be at church at 7.50. i , 0 You are especially invited to attend Allen Bros, opening to night 8 to 1 1. The sale that puts thirty dimes in every dollar at the Dixie. Be sure and read Allen Bros, full page ad. in today's paper. , Open evenings at the Dixie sale.. " .-. Open .evenings at the Dixie sale. Open evenings at the Dixie sale. - . Read Allen 'Bros, full page ad in today's paper. Buy your suit tomorrow read the special prices in Allen Bny. ad. '-..'.. ':. .'.';'' Watch the papers daily for Dixie prices. All lace curtains and white quilts included in Allen Bros. opening sale. Have you been to the sale at the 'Dixie. Muslin underwear at prices that will ! interest you Allen Bros, opening sale. Follow the rmufdo tViiv ar all 'going to the Dixie's big sale, j Everything on asle nothing re-1 served at the Dixie's big sale. I Everybody was at the Dixie's" big sale yesterday were yon? ' Beautiful Home Wedding (By I. I. P.) Tlje beautiful culmination of a round of honor social gaities. and the fondest hopes of two hearts, was yesterday at twelve o'clock, when Miss Mary Alice Burton and Ir. James Simpson Lynch were united in holy wedlock at the home of the bride' sisstcr, Mrs. Edgar Snowden Hutchison on Lindsay street. As if to bring more gladness to the hap py pair, the sun which for several days had been hidden from view, came forth in all his glory and shed his beaming smile just as the seventy live guests began t" arrive and the nuptial hour ap proached. The first greeting at the door of the prettily decorated home was made by Mr. Robert W. Wheeler and Mrs. Wheeler, who wore blue silk figured foul ard. The living room, library and gift room were beautifully decorated with pink carnations and evcrygrccn and the guests in these rooms were received by Miss Helen llrockett in white lingerie over pink, Miss Connie Charles in white lingerie over lavender, each wearing sweet peas, and -Mr. Albion Millis and Walter Chandler. In the rear hall Mr. Ottis Mendenhall and Mrs. Mcnileuhall. in blue silk ratine, received and were assist ed by Mr. Cyrus W'heeler and Mrs. Wheeler wearing "blue charmeuse. All the shades were drawn and a soft light from pink candles Hooded the lower floor. The ball, where the marriage vows were taken, was especially lovely with its waxy glossy old English ivy and pink carnations. The hyme nial altar was at the beautiful grillarch in the center of the hall, this grill being fololwed with ivy, carnations, and white tulle which made a beautiful arched canopy for the bridal party. Prior to their entrance Mrs. Thomas Jackson Gold, wearing white lingerie over pink and a large white hat with pink roses, sang most expressively, "Be cause," and alriiost immediately following the ever thrilling wed ding march of Mendelssohn pealed from the skillful touch of Miss Clara Lock Boyd, who wore white lingerie over pink and white hat with pink roses. Sim ultaneously with the music, and just after the entrance of Rev. Lewis McFarland, pastor of the Friends church, the bridal party entered in the following order. Mrs. Hutchison, the dame of honor, in white lingerie over pink, with white hat trimmed in pink roses. She carried pink sweet peas. Miss Ulancne uraa- shaw, the maid of honor, in white lingerie over pink, with white hat trimmed in pink .roses, and carrying pink sweet peas. The groom entered with his best man, Dr. Frank Perkins, and waited for the bride, who en tered, on the arm of her brother, Mr.. June Burton, who gave her . t t ' away. Never did sue iook more beautiful than at this solemn hour, when "for' better or for worse" she gave her life into the keeping of this strong man of her choice. After the impressive ring cere mony, the hearty congratulations and good wihses, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch left on No. 21 for a honey moon in the balmy south. The marriage by right of the promin ency of the parties was one of the most notable of the year. The bride is the daughter of the .late Dr. J. W. Burton, is a member of one of the oldest and largest con nected families of the town. '- '"X M Thomas -. V .C '. j kf Mrs Jlert Snapshot pictures of the wives of cabinet officers show theni -'nicwli.it different frmn those for which they pose in galleries. W hen the women of the cabinet and some of those in Wash ington society gave Mrs. Wilson breakfast the camera man was mi band, lie caught the guests as they were entering and leaving. The occasion was the first pnMic appearance of Mrs. William B. Wilson, wife of the secretary of labor. The breakfast won much attention because of the absence of Mrs. Champ Clark, wife of the speaker of the House. Mrs. Clark knew that Mrs. Bryan was t ' 'be on hand, and she also knew that her husband and Mrs. Bryan's husband have ot spoken since the Baltimore convention. Washington society inspects this had something to do with her absence. Mrs. Matthew T. Scott, president of the 1),' A. R., ''presided at the breakfast in place of Mrs, John W. Kern, wife of the Indiana senator and loader of the 'Senate. MASK BALL Oil Thursday night there will be a big mask ball at Pickett warehouse. No skating allowed on this night. The ball will be well lighted and decorated. The floor will be waxed and put in fine condition. Good seats for all. All dancers will be required to wear masks. If this proves a success the management will have a dance once a week every Thursday night. Ladies will be free, that ed ladies. .Dance tiikets will be is no entrance fee will be charg ?5c per lady. Gentlemen will pay toe entrance and 50c per couple for the night's dance. Those purchasing dance tick ets at 50c will be refunded the price of entrance tickets. Friday night will be our regu lar society skating night. livery body is invited to come out. Large crowds are coining to our Rink and spend a pleasant cve'n ing. 0 ' You are especially invited to attend Allen Bros, opening to night 8 to n. o CREAM Any one wishing cream call Blair's Dairy Phone 4108. 2t She's beautiful, lovable and pop ular. Her wedding gown was her going away gown and was blue Ottoman cord coat suitwith hat, shoes and gloves to match. Her blouse was blue charnieuse with Bulgarian embroidery and she carried a shower bouquet of lil lies of the valley. Mr. Lynch lm made High Point his headquar ters for several years. He's man of fine traits of character, and one of the best known sales men on the road, and popualr so cially. . . . Among the out of town people present were: Miss Effie Lynch, Rutherfordton, sister of the1 groom; Mr. Norman Lynch, Charlotte: Miss Veigh Hutch-1 ison, Lexington ;, Mrs. Wade Phillips, Lexington; Mr. Josef Lndsay, Reidsville.. DEATH OF CHILD. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Wright, feel very sad on account of. the death of ilieir little daughter. Helen Margaret, who died this morning. The fun eral will lie held tomorrow at their home. No. 115 Centennial avenue, at 3 o'clock. AT THE ROYAL TOMOR ROW The Midnight Kxpress one of the most interesting pictures out. See the real train wreck right in front of your eyes. See the dis patcher found and put in an old log cabin, to die, but is rescued by his sweetheart. Entertaining. edhcaConal. sensational, and with a moral. four big reels. The place you know Royal for clean soli danuiscmcnt. THE IMPORTANT ROAD In ancient days all roads led to Rome bi t for the next 10 days all roads lead to the great sale at the Dixie Dept. Store. 0 . FULL BLAST In full blast the gigantic sale of the Dixie stock now going in full blast. TONIGHT Hear the good music at Allen's opening tonight. Flowers, for everybody. WRECK ON TRAIN NO. 36 Two Pullmans on train No. 30 tuned over at noon today one nilc from Linwood. The 'track vas being repaired and it was thought sufficient to carry the rain, when the two rear Pull nans turned in towards the rack had they turned in the opposite direction they would have gone clown the embank ment. Tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock Allen Bros, will run an opening sale for o days. Something different 'every day at the Dixie big sale. Mrs K- Mrs xJosf'usy tH'fit 0 . y tfjrris f Zw'" Treat in Store PROGRESSIVE POLITICAL ORATORY Do yon want to laugh- - do you want an evening of fun, laughter, muic, sweet singing, the latest in song, joke, story and novelty entertainment: Then mark the date, Monday April ji, at the Eagle theater. Do you remem ber that funny, rambling, laugh ing comedian, Mr. Charles Gano, alst season and his "Mysterious Hotel" with Coburn's Greater Minstrels? lie has a new vehi cle, a new funny, screaming, comedy, sketch, his latest "Pro gressive Political Oratory." It is one long laugh, a continuous uproar, it is way ahead of his last season's work. Another also a new number "Managerial Diffi culties," which is funny, a roar, don't miss it. Mr. llano was a stranger last season, but he dem onstrated bis superiority, bis clean comedy methods, his ;ulis tic character delineation to such good effect, that he was accredit ed one of the best ever seen in minstrelsy. His pleasant and un assuming personality off the stage won bini many warm per sonal, friends. His rendition of popular black face sung hi Li was delightful. He is still with the big fun show Coburn's Greater Minstrel and will be here next Monday, 'matinee and night. Every promise for him made by Manager Coburn was fulfilled, evcrv nroniies made for the con pany is always fulfilled, It' a 1 lean, dependable, first class at traction. THE HAYDEN RESIDENCE. t )n e t) f t h e h an d som e s t re si dences erected for, some time is that of Mr. J. F. llayden on Washington street. It is part colonial design , with all modern improvements and conveniences that go with the latest styled homes. We congratulate Mr. Hayden on its completion. Tjhe work is that of Mr. John Woodling, one of the best con tractors in the state. HENyouhvear Forbush Shoes Fa Ba Qa CfothCS, Peter Hill Underwear Altman Neckwear, Corliss-Coon Collars, and Mattocks' Hats your togs are ab solutely correct. cj. Reduce Your Ice Bill By Purchasing Coupon Books Coupon Books calling for 500 pounds and upwards will make your ice cost from five to fifteen cents less per hundred pounds ac cording to size books and quantity taken at one deliv ery. It will save you the annoy ance of making change, wasting time, handling wet, dirty money. Get your Coupou Book, handle it yourself, give the servants the coupons just as they are needed. Don't let the drivers tear out cou pons; do it yourself and you will soon learn the value of our Coupon Hooks. HighPoint Ice&Fuel Co Telephones 1C9 Have You Ever Con sidered Your Home Needs ? Think of yourself as you come home tired and worried. Music is the best medicine in the world. It accomplishes wonders. Then think of moth er, daughter and the little ones. Have you thought what a good piano would mean to them? It's a mistake to class a good piano with "luxuries" Relaxation and home pleasure are just as imperative to you aa food and drink. Musicisanec essary to your girl's education as any other branch of study and rtfinetuent. Our "Easy Plan" Shows You How You Can Own a STIEFF Established 1842 Chas. M. Stieff 219 S Tryon Street Opposite Acadi-iuy of Music CHAR LOT ! E, N. C. DR. A. E. FRAZIER DENTIST Third Floor Bank of Commerce Building Moths XHXk0KHO0CHOOCM0OHjr