ft ll VOL. 18, NO. ja. HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY,. APRIL 22, 1913. Pita III "j ' jjy w (ffi i$ Leonard -Deavciis- jBKf-Ocpi-. NEW LINENS FOR DRESSES Just the Season for Linen Dresses. Colors, Tan, Light Blue, Pink, Lavender and White. Prices, 25, 35,40 TAILOR MADE DRESSES We have these in White, Blue and Tan, Prices $3 98, $4.50 $5.50 teooarl-ta-tei (o You're going to want the right kind of summer clothes; coat and trousers; the vest is being discarded pretty generally now. Hart SchafTner &' Marx make these clothes right ; the fabrics are light enough for comfort; . they need therefore better tailor ing than usual to keep them in hape; they get it. At $23 you'll get a fine suit we have them at higher and low er prices. H. Harris & Bro. SAVING v h the First Object of a Building & Loan Association whether the shares are carried for Investment or pay for your home with rent money. ' There is no other way as easy -as the Building & Loan plan to convert small amounts into a fund sufficient for investment. PIEDMONT BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Begint 1 New Series April 15th MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC DOCHXH Bruce Craven LAWYER Vaca. Saak SU' Hit NM,tt. C Corpora Hoa and OommrcW Law and OmnlPnetin. N. C. RvpraMatatto 1. il N. Lkt of Caraoratkia Attar- imt.- . , Nortk BUM PImmb U aad mm . . .. ... ooooooooooooooowwywwwwiv WEDDING GIFTS. We have on display untitSat- . urday, April 19th, the handsome stock of jewelry and wedding gifts of D. B. Ryland & Co., Jewelers of Lynchburg, Va. Our . friends and customers know their reputation for showing goods of highest quality and latest designs at moderate prices. We mvite aji to come and see this beautiful dis may of "diamonds, watches, rich jewelry, silverware, cut glass, etc. Mr. Thos. W. Johns will be back with us Friday and Saturday in .the meantime alt orders given us , will have prompt - attention. Mann Drug Co. " : ' r -' ;. 0.""' ; ; . :-:;; FOR RENT Two : 4-room houses on Peachtree streetap ply to Jarrett Book Store.- i6-5t THE WOMAS'S STORE" We will open pur doors in our new house in the Allen Bros, old stand Wednesday morning, April 13. Look for large page ad. My things will appear (hat will attract you. Tilleys Emporium. Groat Intopoot . O. G. Gonvontlon In Qroonoboro With 225 homes yet need to ac commodate the delegates who are coming to Greensboro from all parts of the state to attend the Sunday School convention which starts this evening the entertain- ment committee yesterday were facing a problem which they be- lieve will be solved during to - day. People of the city who have homes to offer or who can pro - vide for the entertainment of del ecates are requested to call the office of C C. McLean, telephone No. 1.102. .after 0 o'clock this morning. One objection a number of peo- nle have made to ooeninc their 1 1 homes has been that they did not! feel at this particular time as if they could accord the entertain - ment they would desire to give Rev. G. T. Rowe was in the their guests. It was stated from city yesterday afternoon. return Sunday school headquarters yes- ing from Trinity where he deliv- terday that the delegates would not exnect the hospitality, or special enter tainmcnt which such people naturally would like to I give their guests, but would only want a place to sleep and eat The delegates are coming here for business and most of their time will be spent in the sessions of the convention or on the streets. Sunday school leaders are con fident that this will be one of the most important and most helpful conventions ever held in the his tory of the state association. Un usual intetrest has been mani fested, the Sunday school people generally feeling that the work has assumed new importance ana has more force for the accom plishment of good than ever be fore. Cher 500 delegates have registered already, and whatever falling off there may be from this number ts not expected to be more than the number coming who have not sent in their names. The Central Brick warehouse . I ts ready-tor the convention, an-i nouncement being made yester-1 day that the work seats, platform and on on building placing lights has been completed. The warehouse will seat 2,500 people easily. The rostrum has received particular attention and will com fortably seat a choir of 300 "sing ers. The singing during the sessions of the convention will be one df the big, features. Messrs. Tullar and Meredith, the former choir leader and the latter a soloist. have arrived, and the choir will be volunteers called for from the au- dience. In addition to the choir singing there will be congrega tional singing. Song books , in sufficient number will be distri buted free of charge to the peo ple. This afternoon at 2 o'clock the executive committee of the association will meet at a o'clock in the Y. M. C. A. building. Judge Jeter C. Pritchard, of Ashe- ville, president of the association, wrote yesterday that he would be here today to "preside at this meeting. The Work of the corn- mittee will be to review the work of the association in the state and reports will M had from the sec- retaries and chairmen. All plans will be considered at this meet- ing, which will be the first of a series to be held, throughout the convention MUSIC FESTIVAL ' The Choral Society will meet r tonight at 7,30 .sharp. There is only, one more regular rehearsal I before the -concert so it is abso-1 lutely necessary that everv mem-1 berke present tonight . I Don't forget the dance at the Skating 'Rink next Thursday night 1 .v -3 11 m TJIII HarEi BIq I LOO&I Drlof 9 T. V. Harris is buildme two I houses on South Main street. The Enterprise regrets to learn of the illness of Squire J. W. Sechrest. Sometime ago he un- 1 derwent an operation for a can I cerous affection on the back of 1 his hand. He is now troubled with swollen glands on the same arm and suffers much pain and annoyance. J. J. Farriss left last night for Washington to attend the wed din? of his brother. I The Parliamentary Class of the Woman's Club meet Wedncs I day afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the 1 Manufacturers Club room I ered the commencement address, I We understand a large crowd was present. Mr. Rosscau, the artist who has been spending some time in High Point painting Mr. Mackay's fine dogs, leaves Saturday for New York, from which place he sails May 3rd for his home in Paris. The condition of Mrs. English remains unchanged. For the past few days she has been critically il lat the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Snow. Mesdames Arthur Lyon, Alvin Parker and Charles Hauser ;.re entertaining at a tea this after noon at the home of Mrs. Haus er. I he honoree of the occasion is their mother, Mrs. Allen Tom- linson, who leaves soon for an extended trip west. Guilford College yesterday de teated the A. & M. College in Greensboro by a score of 3 to o. Guilford College now claims the championship of the state. Miss Blanche Bradshaw left to day for Greensboro to spend :i f Ait fata it-li Mrs. R. L. Rose- "" mon- - Mrs. s. ti. rminps, ot Uin- st6n-Salem, is visiitng her daugh- ter, Mrs-L. B. Womble, on Eng lish street. Mrs. C. F. Long spent yester day in Winston-Salem. Mr. Hiatt with his force a. now at work repairing- the road from Hierh Point to Greensboro. I Tl 1 are maK,n? progress. Hon. T. J. Redding, the tall PP,ar from Caraway is in town today Major Wood the county cor oner, is in the city. Dr. W. M. Jones, the county superintendent of health, is here on an official visit. One version of the great pro blem is that they came from the flood debris in Ohio. Jamestown High School de feated Trinity High School yes terday afternoon by a score of 7 to 1, on the latter's ground. FREIGHT RATES ' The railroads had as well let it percolate through their, heads that the state is in earnest about discrimination practiced against North Carolina towns and cities, The old obsolete tariffs which are so complex and ambiguous and which railroad men themselves do not understand wil lhave to give way, to modern mthods and the railroads must recognize that North Carolina cites are just as good and entitled to the same treatment as Virginia cities Our people do not ask for any- thing that is hot right and rea sonable and the same that other cities have, and we- will not be content with less and , we will fight it out on these lines if it takes all summer. For a good time go to 'the i-3t Skating Rink. A Clean City The city authorities have just complete a thorough clean up 01 every street by hauling away all rubbish of every description, which had been placed along the streets by the people in the clean up campaign, which has been go ing on during the past two weeks The Civic Department of the Woman's Club contributed one half the expense of this work and the entire city is under obli gations to this club for its splen did efforts in this work each year, The Mayor requests that any person, who may know oi any rubbish which has been overlook ed or who knows of any unsight ly conditions on any streets or any yard, or who may know of places on private land within the city limits, which need ditching or draining .so Js to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes, that he be informed without delay so that special effort may be made to rid the community of these unhealth- ful conditions. The Mayor also urges that from this time on, every property own er exercise a proper amount of pride and cnertrv in keeping his promises and the street in front thereof in a tidy condition. Each property owner is expected to keep the grass and weeds, not only in his front yards, but 011 Wis sidewalk as well, carefully trim med everv few weeks. It would be surprising to know how quick ly this will kill the weeds and how much it will help the jjrass to grow. ! Let us all' make a special effort to make High Point more hcauti- fi I in every respect ' o ' Addition to Hospital The four rooms to the High Point Hospital will be completed soon, which will give the hospital capacity for 22 patients. This institution is growing in popular ity all the r4.ime, under jts excel lent management. THE EDITOR The editor of this paper is ab sent today attending his brother's wedding at Washington, N'. C. We all wish the bright sunshine to fall on the bridal party and every joy such occasions inspire attend them. Everybody in town has been in to see him today and after they return home they called him on the .telephone, the editor is very popular with those looking for favors. Any shortcomings in the paper today are not to be charged against the regular staff. o 1 'COBURN'S MINSTRELS One of the cleanest and best minstrel shows that ever visited our city gave an entertainment at the Eagle theater last night. All who saw it are enthusiastic in their praise of this splendid com pany. The iokes were not old chestnuts that we have heard all our lives, but were fresh, full of spice and ginger and the perform ance made all feel glad they were living and on this side of : the river. Coburn's minstrels are al right. ' ..' .'.;.. 0 1 ' OPENING TOMORROW Tilley's Emporium ' open's "at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning in the store formerly occupied by Allen Bros., and the public is cordially invited. A neat souvenir will be given to each lady. Special prices will prevail during the day and balance of the week. Attention is'directed to the page ad on third page of this issue. A careful perusal will reveal many attrac tive bargains. FROST. Ice yesterdayfrost this morn ing, both make ul feel like it was too Soon to take them off. Loaves Wednesday Night for an Important European Trip MAYOR TATE ADDS HIS ENDORSEMENT To The Suggestion to Make High Point the Violet City. Mr. Editor: 1 wish to add my hearty en dorsement to the very timely sug gestion of our townsman, Mr. E. A. Snow, with regard to beauti fying our city by planting violets along- all of its principal streets. In my opinion, nothing more beautiful could be planned ami at an expense so insignificant that it would work a hardship on 110 per son. If'wc ever expect to have a city beautiful, we must realize the necessity for -co-oenration along all lines of civic pride and endeavor. In just a few years we may, by the proper effort, bring to pass such a beautiful transformation that Ilitrli T'oint will be known not only in name but in fart, as the Violet City. Let Mr. Snow load in this worthy undertaking and then let all fall in, without exception, and with one aim and one purpose carry on the work to completion I. ei us do another thmtr at the same time, and that is to insti into the minds and hearts of those who are thoughtless, or without proper pride or respect that it is a crime to despoil or in jure the flower beds, the hedc- or the shade trees of the citv, and that it is an evidence of poor cit izenship to wilfully neirlect our front yards or premises by per mitting weeds and filth to accu mulate. Let us teach the boys and girls lesson of thrift and tidiness. It will bring them profit in dollars some day and it will add to our contentment and enjoyment won derfully. The Violet City, may her fame soon b known throughout the land. Respectfully, Fred X. Tate, Mavor. OVER-THE-TEA-CUPS CLUB Ovcr-the-Tea-Cups Cull) will meet with Mrs. . S, Lummings Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. r " r v' .'. :: '" -'-: y.',A.r -'.." ' - ' v ,;- ' - "1 I '-.''' . . I REV. J. E. ABERNETHY Two very interesting sermons have been preached by . Ir. Abernethy, last night and this morning. Mr. Abernethy is a very spirit- ual man and one of our very best preachers. He is at all times very interesting and is telling the people of High. Point things they ought to hesr. , The trouble with - Mr. A. E .Tate will leave to morrow night fqr New York, where he will join the special delegation which is to tour Europe for three months to study Co-operative Rural Credits on the continent. This question is nation-wide and is headed by Senator Fletcher. President) Wislon is also very much inter ested in the movement and so ex pressed himself a day or two ago, wiieu ne and enator rjetcner discussed the matter. Mr. Tate goes as a delcgate-at-large from the United States and also holds a special commission from Gov ernor Craig and the State. Cham bcr of Commerce. It has been r through his influence and efforts that interest was awakened in this state and Governor Craig has expressed his appreciation of it. The delegates will have a ban quet in New York on Thursday ni 'ht at the McAlpine hotel, which will be a notable occasion They will sail Saturday on the Saxonia, which is due to arrive at Naples about May 10th, stop rimr at Gibraltar, Genoa and Madiva. They will visit Italy, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweeden, Switzerland; llelgiuni. Holland, France, Eng. land and Ireland, returning home on the Cedric, which leaves Queenstown July 18th. There w ill be over 100 in the delegation .vpccial programs have been ar ranged in each country by the of ficials and the American delega tion will be shown many cour tesies. The honor is one to be coveted and Mr. Tate's friends in High Point and elsewhere will congrat ulate him and wish for him pleasant and profitable trip. It comes well deserved in every way. AUTOMOBILE RACE. 1 nere was a race lor one thousand dollars today between a Hudson car and a Ford from Greensboro to Raleigh, the race was won by Buck Lyon, driver of the Hudson car, beating the Ford nearly one hour. the people of this town is that they have no time tQ attend church except on Sunday. They reverse the Divine order and in stead of "seeking first the King- :dom of Heaven," they seek it las if they seek it at all Let the people oome to these services at 10 a. m. and at 7.45 p. m. ' WHEN you Isrcar Forbush Shots, R B, q; aothes. Peter Hill Underwear Altman Neckwear, Corliss-Coon Collars, and Mattocks' Hats your togs are ab1 solately correct (. D. Uodis Reduce Your Ice Bill By Purchasing Coupon. Books Coupon Book cllin)r.,for 500 pounds ac4 . Bpwrdi will make vjoM 'iot cos from five to fiftetn cent less per hundred potted ac cording to size books quantity taken at one deliv ery. . . ; It will save 70a the annoy ance of making change, wasting time, handling wet, dirty money. Get your Coupon Book, handle it yourself, give the servants the coupons just as they are needed. Don't let the drivers tear out cou pons; do it yourfelf and you will soon learn the value of our Coupon Books. High Point lce& Fuel Co Telephones 109 Have You Ever Con sidered Yotir Home Needs ? Think of yourself as you come home tired and worried. Music is the best medicine in the void. Jl accomplishes wonder,. Then thiuk of merit. er, daughter and the little one;' "vc yn luougnt nnat ifnd piano would mean to them? ' It's a mistake to class a good piano with "luxuries" Relaxation and home nUamire are just as imperative to yon aa food and drink. Music is a nec essary to your girl's education as any other branch of study and rtfinetnent. . Our "Easy Plan" Shows xou How You Can Own aSTIEFF Established 1842 Chas. M. Stieff 319 S. Try on Street Opposite Academy of Music CHARLOTTE, N C. DR. A.E. FRAZIER DENTIST Third Floor Bank of Commerce