SHAKE-UP LIKELY IN RAIL WAY MAIL SERVICE CLMCl efjfiy. Jtievmc and My tide found Jjc&c "hi$ Jem bgin Jb-lfiAirc end n-tttiovV aai'ti eucfcfcid at4iuCjt$M,icl -Hnntcy$&iuj, sicl' JluttipL net JvifiC -nnjcdncJi fhccjt JlcjW otyvlc6, A&nudfiuU. 1tx?jfiin, du'qi&i, fetid JduuuijL Jjhting,Ati Ate -CiVlis cclucl cfjtfiy. HE WAS RIGHT dust plain, common ought to tench every in tin that I'vnnklin was nhnolutvly right, junt as sure as r ivo ii7 two make I'our. Creditor cannot insult you, nor can Want press yon IF you have prepared lor them hy having something in the himki lesidcs, your money in &.AlfB in the hank, not only from lire or burglars' but from your own extravagunce. Do YOUK banking with US. Wo pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits, COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK High Point N. C. v Semi-annually the makers of NEMO CORSETS, tlirntiph their representatives in every part of the civilized world, devote a whole special week in introdtioina; their famous fieure improv ing corset. The special value for the Nemo Week, beeinnine May 5th, is their crowning effort so far. Everv ladv in High Point and vicinitv is invited to see what comfort, stvle and beauty is theirs at $voo It's a pleasure to deniousfate the features ofthls'wonderful corset. Fancy Linens Interesting news is this: A friend of our buyer. Mr. J. K. Hieus, of Philadeiphia, born and raised in Germany, goes abroad every year for pleasure, and oq hi trips through the rural sec tions of foreign countries buys direct from the needle workers large quantities of fancy hand drawn embroidered and cluny centerpieces, table covers, lunch cloths, sideboard scarfs, .tc. By purchasing direct from the producer and operating with small expense, he brings the good- into this country at a great deal less than we have ever been able to secure them before. If you are a lover of the beautiful we invite you to see the assort ment now on baud. Keen if you don't purchase voti niav enjoy looking. BRACELETS We are showing a big lot of gold and gold filled Bracelets. They are all very stylish. Come in, young men, and buy a . bracelet for your Bfrs,'JdL D. T. Sta ley, Jeweler A "Want Ad" in the Enterprise Brings Results Washington, D. C April pj. Postmaster General Burleson con templates soon a general shake up in the railway mail service, and heads of divisions in that branch of the service are nerv ' ously awaiting the departmental earthquake. ' The proposed shifts, it is un ' derstoud. will not adect railway ! c'erks. numbering over seventeen thousand, who travel over differ cut railroads. I Sweeping changes in the rail uav mail personnel have bo i . ." . . i .- delayed iy me pressure oi inn matters. The conrcsisonal committees haiug to do with postal matter hae recommended to Mr. lur k'snii the appointment "l" lame T. I'antield, of New York, as jjen eral superintendent of tailw: mail serv ice, to succeed Supcrm tetident Theodore lngalls. I I ' .WBUBHulWl ' Phoenix Silk Hose . I I JBra ............. I iBiiiiiiiiii 7 i:::;;,':"t ::::: : li I ii F J S I H I .rUKT 1 smallest- 75C. r pair I B fJ Mack, tan. brown pink. 1 that ancient law LEX TALIONIS I New port News Press. I A writer, in one of our Virginia excahnges in arguing against capital punishment say n... i .1,., I OSll- .UIMUI1VU on talioins. So h.i- the Stale oi irginia ie:e i- no -lull law as an eve lor in eve. a tooth for a tooth, or life tor a life, in the spirit of "retaliation." There i no malice ! li oi r law-: no cm;c.mce. Hatred o-even charitablene--. Our law- are enacted in the -pint oi beuc oVn e. not oiil for the protec tion of -ocict a.iin-t e il doers, bit for the protection of would- ! e. :! doer- a:rn-i themselves. l-er law agam-t crime is a warning and is intended to pre i-nt crime, to induce men to re -train their 'appetites, their brutal 'n--ions and all ev il dc-ires. The 1 'Ctrine to the contrarv which lis been preached and promul gated ad nau-eum. since certain !mIc- nieii were recentlv coil- ili-mnel to die. is lalse and mis- Iciding and ha- had the tendency to breed contempt of law. and. in v me cases, hatred of law. SPECIAL NOTICE. All -tate and county taxes iru-t lie paid bv May 15th. Al t' r that date delinquent taxes will be advetti-ed. Thi- i- ilil 111 rtaiit. ll taxes mu-t be paid by pialify ou to vote. J. I. .I'arrish. Deputy Tax t'ol. All po .Mai 1 t FOR RENT Seven room house 0:1 Thurston street. All modern conveniences. V. II. Johnson. -M-ti. FOR RENT I'our rooms un-furni-hed up -tairs on Howell strccl.-Mr. I. f. Welch. FOR SALE Two champion por table forges, in good condition one punch and sheer, one good -m1 hand rubber tire top buggy, cheap for quick sale. High Point Muggy Co. 23-lk DR. J. J. HAMLIN Dentist and Orthodontist Bank of Commerce Building Room 404, 4th floor Phone 444 GOLD WORK A SPECIALTY Laughing Gat for Pulling Teeth High Point, N. C. Growth of Wachovia Bank & Trust Co ' Opened for business June 15, 1893 Deposits June 15, 1S93 $98,095.00 June 16, 1898 $499,945.95 June 15, 1902 $1 ,1 07,945.2 9 June IS, 19C6 93,899,53 1.92 June 15, 1910 $4. 783.856. 20 April 4. 1913 Invested Trust deposits not included $6,763,355.28 PAY POLL TAXES If you want to vote at the city or any election you must pay .your tate and county poll taxes by May. Deputy I'arrish may be seen at his office from fi a. in. to i) p. m. Always Something Doing at I $5,00 Panama Hats at $3.75 100 White, Tan and Blue Ladies wash skirts worth $2.00. Special for this week only - - Herman's U. S. Army Shoes in Tan, Black and Patent Leather, well worth $5.00. Strictly guar anteed, our price $3.75 Will you try one of our Popular Shirts. Looks, wears and Fits like a .dollar shirt, our price, Strictly Guaranteed. 50c YOUR HOMES l or all kinds of painting, paper hanging, decorating and hard wood lloor lading, see R. T. Stan ley, plume 19-im BARGAINS TO QUICK BUYERS High Point Real Kstate Co., offices in rear lr. II. (". Pitts of fice, has 4 sections in Pickens plot for sale. Also three small farms all bargains. WHEN THE MIDNIGHT CHOO-CHOO leaves for Ala bama ; 1 want to he in Dixie: 100 nher popular ongs. with music; postpaid.'-" 11 cents. Address. liotid Muic l'o., liond Street. Houston. Ma-s. Your money hack if ou're not satisfied. !7-6t 150 Boys Wash Suits, all colors and sizes, worth from $1 to $2, our price 44c, 67, 89c, $1.19 . Special ! Special ! 200 yds. of Embroidered Flounc ing, worth $1 per yd., for this week only 29c per yd. Ladies Sailors in Black, Blue and Brown straw 75c value for A On this week, only - - -. " - - - . u Come and look over our Childrens dresses. Prices from 25c to $1.40. It will pay you Men's Silk Half Hose th's week only 18c 150 pair Towels, worth 15c, tor this week only 7c per pair Our 6tock consists of Dry Goods, Clothing for Men, Women atd Children, Shoes for the whole family, Hats, etc , etc. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded. " A TRIAL 15 ALL WE ASK TOE FAIR The Store That Sells for Less Corner English and N. Main Street A FEU IP lEtBIAL FOR THIS WEEK ' ' ' ' ' Our Opening Sale at Allen s New Dept. Store PURE MILK BLAIR'S DAIRY I. L and D. H. BLAIR, Props. PHONE 4108 A BARGAIN Requiring capital to go into business I will sell to a quick purchaser any one of the three up-to-date, picturesque bun galows erected under my person al supervision. Burns and Louise streets, Johnson Place, at a bar gain, nasy terms. John Young, Architect. ' tl-tf. 8 1 x 90 Mohawk Sheets, - - - 65c 36 x 42 Pillow Cases to match - 15c 81 x 90 Utica Sheets, - - - 75c 36 x 42 Pillow Cases, to match; - 18c WHITE QUILTS AND LACE CURTAINS This sale, coming as it does in the midst of spring house-cleaning, should interest every woman in High Point. Regular 50c Lace or Swiss Curtains jgc Regular 75c Lace or Swiss Curtains 63c Regular fi.oo Lace or Swiss Curtains 85c Regular $1.50 Lace Curtains $M9 Regular $2 00 Lace Curtains. .$9 Regular $2.50 Lace Curtains. i 98 Regular f 3 00 Lace Curtains . . .. ., ... .. ........ 348 Regular $3.50 Lace Cnrtains' .. .. 398 Regular $4.00 Lace Curtains , .. ., 3.39 Regular $5.00 Lace Curtains . . .. .. ............ 3.98 WHITE QUILTS in plain or cut corners new and beautiful designs Regular $1 00 White Quilts .. .. ..... 85c Regular $1.50 White Quilts . , U.19 Regular $2.00 White Quilts . . .. .. .. .. .... ,. i.69 Regular $2.50 White Quilts . . . . .. . . .. 198 Regular $3.00 While Quilts .... . . . . . . ...... 3.48 Regular $3 50 White Qn ilts .... . . . . 2.98 Regular $4 (o White Quilts .... .. ...... .. .... 329 Regular $5 00 White Quilts . .. . . .. .. .. 398 ' " ' NEW SPRING SUITS Every Suit in the house included in this sale. A great many of them are the nobbiest styles we have had this season. Regular $to 00 and 12 50 Suits. . . . .......... .. $7.95 Regular 15x0 and (16.50 Suits , io 95 Regular 20.00 and 22.50 Suits 14 75 Regular 25.00 Suits. . . .. 18.75 Only a few English Walking Cents left, aud they are very liberally reduced. Anderson's Imported Zephyr Ginghams in all the new spring patterns advertised and sold the world over at 35c yd. 1 O Reduced duiing our opening sale to O.v Anderson's Ivauhoe Gingham, one of th very best 1 4. American made Ginghams, full 32 in. regular 15c now ' EMBROIDERY VALUES Lot No. 1( full 18 inches wide, usually sold at "X 25c, opening sa'e price. ..... . .. XvC Lot No. 2, 27 inches wide, worth 39 cents 2,C Lot No. 3, Beautiful Voiles and Batiste.all new am J" patterns, 37 & 45 in wide, regular $1 values, at C You will find special values all over te store. Come in to day and come every day during the week. You will always be pet with a glad hand at OUR STORE CLOSES AT 6.30 EXCEPT SATURDAYS flic frf - OUR STORE . CLOSES AT 6 30 except" saturdays -J,"Mm,,MMMMMMWMWMM ' TTTTTTTWWB A V ' 3 t '.