dm in weak 99 Semi-annually the makers of NEMO CORSETS, through their representatives in every part of the civilized world, devote whole special week in introducing their famous, figure improv ing corset. The special value for the Nemo Week, beginning May 5th, is their crowning effort so far. Every ady in High . Point and vicinity is invited to see what comfort, style and beauty is theirs at $3.00. It's a pleasure to demonstrate the features of this'wonderful corset. Linens Interesting news is this: A frieud of our buyer, Mr. J. F. Hiens, of Philadelphia, born and raised in Germany, goes abroad every year for pleasure, and on his trips through the rural sec tions of foreign countries buys direct from the needle workers large quantities of fancy hand drawn embroidered and cluny centerpieces, table covers, lunch cloths, sideboard scarfs, Ike, By purchasing direct from the producer and operating with small expense, he brings the good; into this country at a great deal less than we have ever been able to secure them before. If you are a lover of the beautiful we invite you to see the assort ment now on hand. Even if you don't purchase you may enjoy look iu g. pi Mi)ulniliiinuiii1huiMllniiinujjhiwj Samoa HOSE mill mn - Phoenix Silk Hose Guaranteed to Give Absolute Satisfaction They st li like hot cakis I .ct us show 011 how to cut liinvn your ho.sii-jy bill jikI ha' c beautiful silk h se at a stiull oust- 750. t pair Mack, tan, brown pink, blue. TAYLOR'S GROCERY 108 So. Main, Nextto Bennett's t mancer. This is the- home of good things to eat. We carry a first class line of groceries and fresh vegetables and you will always get good fresh groceries at a rea sonable price. Give us a trial and be convinced that our motto is to please our customers and give prompt deliveries at any time you need us. REGISTRATION PLACES First Ward Office J. M Sechrest, W. Washington St Second Ward Police Office, l ity Hall, Jordan Street. Third Ward 11. C. Sechrest (now Taylor) Store, Jarrell Ho tel Huilding. S. Main St. Fourth Ward Office W. T. Parker, Hamilton St. J3 11 Q. JtttOl cfjfty. jnccmZ, and tfi fiidc. bund fic& yri?4con Hfjin -b-ifvlire anf nivd agtiiit yJi&OAulC ijblituAq!x ah &eiU cclntl tfjtfuf. HLWADKIOHI ,lust plain, eommon horse-sense ought to tench every min that I'ranhlin wus absolutely right, Just as sure us two utnl two uinkv lour. Creditors oanuot Insult you, nor cun 1'ntit ;re you It you have prepnrvtl tor them by having something In the bnnki heslU-, your money Is SAl'li In the bank, not only front lire or burglars but front your own extnivngtinvc. Uo YOUR banking with US. We pay 4 per vent interest on time deposits, COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK High Point N. C BRACELETS We are showing a big lot of gold and gold filled Bracelets. They are all very stylish. Come in, young men, and buy a bracelet for your BfrsnRi D. , P. Sta I &y, Jeweler A "Want Ad" in the Entctprisc Brings Results NOTICE OF SALE OF VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE Under and bv virtue of an or der of the Superior court of Cn ford countv. made in the special proceeding entitled W, W. & W 1.. (iuvcr. executors of the will of tl. N', (iuyer, deceased, vs tluv Pierce and others heirs at law. The undersigned enmmis ii..ner, W. W. and W. I.. my er, will .hi Friday, May the ifth I'd,?, at o'co'.-k p. ni. mi the 1 remise-. olTer for sale to the l.iyhesi bidder for cash, that cer tain tract ,ir parcel of laud, lying beiii"- in lliuh Point Town -ui. iiirlfi'iil county. North L'ar 1 .1. 1 i 1 'initio the land ,f W . t iuyer. J)olph Kapcr and oth er-. cnt.unin'' i i-s acre-, more r lc-s. This land is situated 'iiiut 1 1 -j miles North of the C'tv o! 1 1 1 1 1 I unit, tlf.s laml lies .'II and has eisjht acres of valu- le oak timber on it. The bid dins; on this land will commence at S7J0.50. Sold for partition Terms of sale cash 011 confirma- lioii. This the 15th day of April I'd.?. V, WVS: W. I.. CuveF, Ctmituissioners T. W. Albertson, Attv. WANT ADS SHORTHAND in 18 lessons (Guaranteed. Edwards' Business College. 4-5 1 m FARMS FOR SALE, Ur ex change for town property. K. L, (. roiich, 8-im FOR SALE About 5 1-2 acres land near city limits $200 per acre. I . . I'arriss. FOR RENT Nicelv furnished rooms for. light house keeping. :oo Thurston St., Phone No, 2109 FOR RENT Might room house on South Main street, practically new with all ntodern conven iences, including electric ngnts, water and sewer. J. W. Harris. 18-tf. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, no nalton t. 22-41 HOUSE FOR RENT Bunga low with all modern conven iences, ( room,s on the first floor md two upstairs, just painted in side and out. one block from car lino. .15.00 per couth, 307 Mor ris St. Phone 4544. . tf FOR RENT Three rooms furn ished for light house-keeping. Water and lights. Mrs. W. T. Taylor, -Johnson St. A JBAEiGAltf Requlrngr capital j to go into business I will sell to a quick purchaser any one ef th three up-to-date, pictureaqua fiutv galowi erected under my person al supervision. Burns and Louise streets,. Johnson Place, at a bar gain. Easy terms. John Young, Architect. 31-tf. " " 0 FOR RENT Seven room house pn Thurston street. All modern conveniences. P. H. Johnson. 23-tf. O .'..'..' FOR RENT Four rooms un furnished up stairs on Howell street. Mrs. J. J. Welch. FOR SALE Two champion por table forges, in good condition one punch and sheer, one good 2nd harld- rubber tire top buggy, cheap for quick sale. High Point R"Rg:y Co. 23-1 k PAY POLL TAXES - If you want to vote at khe city or any election you must pay your state and county poll taxes ly May. Deputy Parrish may be seen at his office from 6 a. m. to 9 ! o YOUR HOMES For all kinds of painting, paper hanging, decorating and hard wood floor laying, see R. T. Stan-J ley, phone 222. 19-im BARGAINS TO QUICK BUYERS High Point Real Mstate CO., offices in rear Dr. II. C. Pitts of fice, has 4 sections iu Pickens plot for sale. Also three small farms all bargains. SPECIAL NOTICE. All state and county taxes must be paid by May 15th. Af ter that date delinquent taxes will be advertised. This is im portant. All pill taxes must bo paid by May 1 to mialifv von to vote j. L .Parrish, 23-3t Deputy & Tax Col. : Always Something Doing at- r0i: , v. ' .'v:-: J-V'Siv ; '; ..:.. .' -,; 'vi v $500 Panama Hats at $3.75 : . ' 100 White, Tan and Blue Ladies wash tklrts worth $2.00. Special for this week only . - - . 87c Herman's Ui S. Army Shoes In Tan, Black and Patent : Leather, well worth $5.00. Strictly guar anteed, our price $3.75 Will you try one of. our Popular Shi rts. Looks, wears and Fits like- a dollar shirt, our price. Strictly Guaranteed. ; 150 Boys Wash Suits, all colors and sizes, worth from $1 to $2, our price 44c, 67, 89c, $1.19 Special ! Special ! 200 yds. of Embroidered Flounc ing, worth $1 per yd., for this week only 29c per yd. Ladies Sailors in Black, Blue and Brown straw 75c value this week, only - - -' - - - for 49c Come and look over our Chlldrens dresses. It will pay you Prices from 25c to $1.40. Men's Silk Half Hose this week only 18c ISO pair Towels, worth 15c, for this week only ' . 7c.per pair Our 6tock consists of Dry Goods, Gothing for Men, Women and Children, Shoes for the whole family, Hats, etc:, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded. A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK TIME FAIR The Store That Sells for Less Corner English and N. Main Street A IF (S II A L FOR THIS WEEK Our Opening Sale at Allen's -New Dept. Store 81 x 90 Mohawk Sheets; - - - 65c 36 x 42 PiUow Cases to match, ' - 15c 81 x 90 Utica Sheets, - - - . 75c 36 x 42 Pillow Cases to match, - 18c WHITE QUILTS AND LACE CURTAINS This sale, coming as it does in the midst of s pring house-cleaning, should interest every woman in High Point. Regular 50c Lace or Swiss Curtains. . Regular 75c Lace or Swiss Curtains. . . . Regular $1.00 Lace or Swiss Curtains, . . Regular Si. so Lace Curtains . Regular $1 00 Lace Curtains. . . 39c . 63c Bsc ..;..$M9 1.69 WANTED Laborers for "work m the now million dollar cotton mill at Lexington, NT. C. Steady employment for at least a year at j,'ood wages. Apply to The Gal livant Building Co., Lexington, N. C. W - ic-.k LbST Debater's 191 3 medat with II, S. II. S. on the corners. Finder' will return it to I.G. awrence's office, Peacock-Sher- rod Building and receive reward. WANTED 5000 dry oaks logs 1-2x3 1-2 X31 inches. Kitchen Cabinet & Table Co., High Point, N. C. ,at Regular j. so Lace Curtains , ' " ' ' -' " ' .'q Regular 1:3.00 Lace Curtains .. .. .. .. ! Regular $3. 50 Lace Curtains .... .. ... ., jog Regular $4.00 Lce Curtains . . .... . . . . . . ' r"- m Regular $5.00 Lace Curtains . , .. . . .. .. '.'. )& WHITE QUILTS in.plain or cut cornen new sod beautiful designs.. ' ' Regular $1 00 While Quilts .. - Zy. Regular $1.50 White Quilts .. . . .. . li 10 Regular $2.00 White Quilts .. .. .... " i69 Regular $2. 50 White Quilts . .... ." " i'o8 Regular $3.00 While Quilts .1.. "'11" " " a 48 Regular $3.50 White Qu ills ; 2.98 Regular $4 to White Quilts .................. 3 39 Regular I5.00 White Quilts .. ' .. 398 NE W SPRING SUITS Every Suit in the house included in this sale. A great many or them arc the nobbiest styles we have bad this season. Regular $io 00 and Sia 50 Suits.. .... $7.95 Regular $15.00 and $16.50 Suits. . . . .. .... ...... 10.95 Regular 20.00 and 23 50 Suits. .. 14 75 Regular 25.00 Suits. .. .. 18.75 . Only a few English Walking Coats left, aud they are very liberally reduced. Anderson's Imported Zephyr Ginghams in all the new spring patterns advertised and sold the world ovtr at ascjrd. . , 1 Qit Reduced duiicg our opening sale to :,. ' . Anderson's Ivanhoe Giwgbaf , one of ih: very best .1 Op American made Ginghnn, fnll 3in. regular 15c now ' " . EMBROIDERY VALUES , ' . .-. Lot No.-l, full t8 inches wide, usually sold at J ' 35c, opening sale price.. .: XVC Lot No. 2, 37 Inches ide, worth 39 cents - 0?4 at., Lot No. 3, Beautiful Voiles and Patiste.all new J j f patterns, 37 & 45 in wide, regular $1 values, at . 4 C You will find special values all over' tve store. Come in to day and come every day during the week. You will always be net with a glad hand at . .-.-.'v OUR STORE CLOSES -AT 6.30 EXCEPT SATURDAYS V" ';' " ' f':' OUR STORE CLOSES m kt 6 30": EXCEPT i SATURDAYS"'' .Si J 4 -A at h i ft I r