mm D Annual May Sale Corset Time WANT rVD S f akms f UK SALt ur ex change for town property. E. L, Crouch. 8-itn Xt. 75. .. . ... 1 1 j. it: , j -2iW'y m r; f.. ;r i.e.!.!. - TP, $4.09 snd $5.00 .'.'CKLD'S STANDARD OF STYLE May Special on the Bargain Balcony Every Morning at 8 O'clock We will sell twenty dress patterns of Lawn at 20c a pattern i iTii ILL Just Think of This Cabinet Range and No. 20 Ruud Heater installed in your home for the small sum of $39.00 complete. Yours to serve, North Carolina Public Service Co. Phone 700 Holmes & Edwards Greatest improvement in one hundred years JJSilver Inlaid Spoons and Forks- When you buy silver for your table you want the best. Ours is worth your consideration. Come in and look our line over. Always glad to show you. D. F. Stale v. Use Jon Wood Purifier Best for the Blood. 29-im AT THE FAIR In addition to our big sale on ladies dresses and shirt waists, here are a few special values for this Week j, 300 yards Lawn, 7c value, for this week 4c. Men's Shoes patent leather, low quarters, $3.50 value, for this ' FOR SALE Incubator. Phone week $275- 2-ct 50a yards all over lace, $1.50 1 . . value, tor this weeK 59c. Come! look! at our window display of men's hats. $2 to '$3 value, for this week only $1.25. FOR SALE 10,000 tomato 1 eh Fair, On 1 he Square. Lome plants, best variety, first setting A trial is all we ask. Corner 1 or transplanted and 50.000 sweet N'. Main and English Sts. potato plants, the Wheeler po-l o tato plants and the Nancy Mall AT THE EAGLE. or commonly known aas the Or- The maangeinent of the Eagle ton Yam.' Tomato plants are is pleased to aiionunce the instal ihhv ready for deliveries. Potato lation of a new picture curtain plants will be ready for deliveries I which has reasonly been install- on or about April 20th. Call I ed. Many of the best moving pic- Moftitt Farm for futrher in forma-1 ture play houses are using this tion. Owing to weather coiuli-1 new curtain with splendid satis- tiuns we will be unable to deliver I faction to themselves and pa- potato plants before May i.ltrons. A pure white light on 6-tf. I this pure white curtain makes a o I picture, but vet so soft there is I'se I Jon Blood Purifier Best I no eye strain. We respectfully for the Blood. 29-im call the attention of our patrons to the beauty of these pictures, WANTED 1000 families to also Mr. ,. A. White's picture cleanse their blood and have good j plaving. TAYLOR'S GROCERY1 11 Phones 88 and 760 W have nice frsh goodi al! the time and if you are in a hurry or tired, but want to settle your acocunt, there is no long waiting for ua to check up and post books. You can settle as quickly as you can buy a cigar. And our customers don't say, you have charged us with goods we never got. Why, because we use a McCaskey Register. Give us a trial this month. health by using I. ion Bloo t Puri fier best for the blood at all I'm.; and (ieucral Store. Jo-mi -Best ititfii f-MTf ITT Picture Program. The splendid picture program composed of three of the very est picture that can be had. Div erging l aths. elig. 1 he Inter J'J-nn I national Spie. Kalem. Put Your -elf in Their Place, Vitagraph Plack .Mallard I Admission live cents lirav Seward, M YOUR HOMES 0 I l-or all kinds 01 painting, paper rOK KLNl-ll.ihf on Moms hjm.ri,,,, decora tinir and hard- trect. ?jo a momh. 1 , -cssion I ttl)0lj toor ;,ving. see K. T. Stan a 1 ... . 1 , o 1. :. . ....... I . .mm 1. 1 11. wiiiic. 4 10-11111 .... i, hi-rnp in-im I . 1 j L'-e l.ion Blood Purifier-i- -r the Blood. EGGS For Wild Duck e R. F. D. X... Use Lion Blood Purifier Best for the Blood. 29-im o FOR SALE Two seated surry, canopy top, excellent condition. pply to W. D. Brooks. 5-t 0 The spring months often find a woman tired out, with pain m back, hips and head, nervous and sleepless. Foley kidney Pills will quickly prove their worth and value as a healer of all kidney and bladder ailments and irregularities. They are a splen did remedy for rheumatism, clearing the uric acid from the joints and system. Try them. Mann Drug Co. mum To the pople that want to buy better goads for less ' ' ' money : We have in our new store a full line of shoes for Men, Women and Children in Gun Metal, Patent Leather and Tan in Button or Lace, made of solid leather, that will stand wear. Our line- of furnishings for men and boys are of the highest quality but lower in price that you can buy elsewhere. We are giving you below a fev of our prices to show you how mach you saVe by buying your shoes and furnish ings from Bane-Lyon Co. -o- FOR RENT Flat 'o. 402 Fast ,iree:i street. Modern improve ment's.' ratine in kitchen. 'one of the nicest 'houses in city ripply to A. . Doilamead. 21k i O W ANTED (lood. cabinet,, mak ers. We pa v good wages and steady employment. Ii interest ed apply at mice, by letter or in person. Standard Red Cedar PAINTING . AND PAPER HANGING All work guarante ed. 'call 'on J. L. Clodfelter the man who knows how. Phone No. 4340, Engli-h street. 1014. 4-7-im- FOR SALE CHEAP t modern tf-room 'eotage furniture made in call 803 E. ireen St. A BARGAIN Requiring capital to go into business I will sell to a quick purchaser any one of the three up-to-date, picturesque bun galows erected under my person al supervision. Burns and Louise streets, Johnson Place, at a bar wain. Easy terms. John Young. Architect. 31-tf DR. FLOYD j. SWIFT Osteopathic Physician Telephone 5X6 414 Bank of Commerce Building High Point, ii. C. Men's Oxfords 3.00 for ... $2.49 3.25 for 2.69 2.50 for 1.98 -4.w.ifor '3.15 White Kid Button $2.00 for.... ....... $1.93 I.60 for. . 1.17 Lion Brand Shirts $1.00 for......... $ . .50 for .. . .... .311 Knee Pants $ .76 for 3.00 for 1 25 for. $ .9 . 1.9 . .08 Men's SocKs .26 for .10 for .16 for Ladies' Oxfords .11 .11 Undershirts $1.00 for .50 for .23 for .88 .19 $3.(0 for . 3.76 for . 2.6ti for.. 1.9U for . $2.59 . 2.9H If 18 . 1.17 Straw Hats Boys Oxfords $1.50 for 1.73 lor .93 1.21 $2.5vifor.. $1.98 2.00 for 1.69 1.6(1 for 1.19 1.25 for W NecKwear .25 f. r 19 .50 for :9 Lion Collars .15 for II .10 for 7 Felt Hats $2 50 for 1.75 fur 1.50 tor 2.1:5 for .$1.98 1.25 1 19 1.75 Men's Tants l.Oti for 3.50 for 3.00 for 1X0 for $2.98 . 2.76 1 98 1.19 PURE MILK BLAIR'S DAIRY J. J. and D. H. BLAIR, Props. PHONE 4U8 We invite you to call at our store and give u& li e piees ure of showing you our lire of goods and to you that we can sell you better goods for lef money. Will you come. Z5)e Bane-Lyon Co. South Main Street Al!enG-rrion Old Stand Chest Co.. Altavista, Va. -ik f UK 1 !.! lit ro.illl IMUSC oil Xorih Main street, N'o. y. Lights and water, draint fence in front. Lot jno feet deep. V. P. Pickett. j FOR SALE N ice grove lots on ! White Oak street, city water, two blocks from car line. Prices right and easy terms. C. C. Shaw, No. 210 White Oak street. e-ak o T" " T"" T t fry . run (Mie lour room 1. .. . iioue mi late street, running water in kitchen. Apply to J. E. Marsh. Marsh Furniture Co. Jill Standard Makes Talcam Potvpr 15c CUT FLOWERS FOR SALE- I'-eautiful sweet peas, in great va nely by the dozen or hundred. Ci t roses and peonies, 8of Eng lish street, right on the car line FOR SALE I have for sale one Ifcrshell and Spillman 20th Cen tury Merry-go-round that is prac tical! enw and will be sold at a bargain. If interested write or call on P. C. Mclntyre, Rose theater, High Point, X. C. 28-tf inuin nair drower cures dandrulV. stops falling hair. Guar anteed or monev refunded send thirty cents for large bottle. Ad dress lr. Kechee Davis, Atlanta, fia.' :;:':' ''. Parasols All the late styles in Parasols, includ ing the new Nell Rose Shape in every de sirable coloring at 98c up to tSO.' Summer Dresses Made from Linen, Ratine, Gingham, Voile and Lawns. All colors and sizes, at S1.98up to $6.50. House Dresses In Gingham, Chambra, Lawns and Percales, the greatest values we have ever shown, at 98c. Spring Suits Only a few left, at almost your own price. You'll want one of these Suits when you go the seashore or the mountains, so why not make your selection now. You'll be surprised how little it costs to own one. SPECIAL Anderson's Imoortcd Zephyr, si'd the world over at 25c. M r: thn one hundred pieces for yju to re'ect from, at 18c Aleiv Laces In the new1 Shadow Flouncirg, Verke Bands and Edges, the craze of the rca'cr, in ccrue and white Baby Irish Binds, dainty Baby Irish Edges and Sets and a beautiful selection of Vals. Visit our store often. You will always find the new things here. ' FOR SALE Cheap to quick buyer, one 3 room house, one barn and other out buildings Sec J. S. llurton. WOOD FOR SALE One hun dred cord s dry pine and oak wood to be sold at once. If you wish to save 30c to 50c per cord on fuel I phone to Xo. 2562. 8-6t A ''Want Ad" in the Enterprise Brings Results TiffilffiSHOMyouimPAnTsmiipJiUoui WANTED Carpenters, brick layers and mechanics of all trades are wanted here. Contractors com plain of a dirth of labor in all lines.' OUR STORE CLOSES ' AT 6 30 ..... EXCEPT SATURDAYS OUR STORE ' CLOSES AT 6.30 V EXCEPT SATURDAYS

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