I 9 . n Il II M Aj Ai ArV - .'1 1:1 VOL. 18, NO. 46. HIGH POINT. NORTH CAROLINA, AY 1913- Y Leonard - Dcvcns -Stamey Company All colors Ratine Voiles 25c. Figured Organdies 25c Figured Dimity 10c All colors Linen for Dresses, 36 in. wide 40c Ramie Cloth 18c. and 25c All colors Hair Ribbon Just Received 25c yd. Nice selection of Parasols . at popular prices 98c. to $3.50 NEW STYLE. Long winded point collars, made in different styles, 3 3-8 inches high, also made by Arrow .ami Marker brand collar, 2 for 25c. Nice line of suits, up-to-date in style and fit, made by world's best concerns, Hart Schaffner & Marx, Sclostalk Clothes, Eder heiner Stem Co. II. Harris & Pro. DR. J. J. HAMLIN Dentist and Orthodontist Baulc of Commerce Building Room 404, 4th floor Phone 444 GOLD WORK A SPECIALTY Laughing Gas for bulling Teeth High Point, N. C. 44MOOOOOOOOOOQOOOO04 OOOOOO Bruce Craven LAWYER Wacaari. Baa BU' Hit P.bl.N. C Corporation and Commercial Law and Ganaral Praetka. N. U. Repreaantatlva in Lacal Nawl Lilt of Corporation Attor naya. Mambcr C. L. L. A.. Bonded Attor ney, ate. North Stata Phonia S8 and mi. OOOOOOOOCK R. C. Lindsay t ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW Wachovia Bulk Building HIGH POINT, N, C COE'S WOOD YARD Dry Oak and Pine Wood, also Factory Blocks, Delivered to Any Part of the city at $1.25 PeV Load , T. UUC, 323 Mangum Ave PALMIST. Prof. Arthro, the world's re nowned clairvoyant and scientific palmist. Tells your name in full gives the object of your call. He reads your life like an open book the past, present ' and future. See him at once.yi.19 1-2 S. ' Main St., High Point. N. C. 30 un o- BARGAINS TO QUICK , . . BUYERS 1 High Point Real Estate Co., offices in rear Dr. II. C. Pitts of fice, has 4 sections in Pickens plot for sale. Also three small farms all bargains. 1 Tho Big Furnituro Expooltlon Opono In High Point Juno 26 MARKS A NEW AND PRO GRESSIVE ERA IN OUR CITY PUTTING IT FOR WARD AS A GREAT SALES MARKET 30,000 Floor Space Taken by Outside Lines This Will Be Increased. From all. indications the open ing of the ' Southern Furniture Exposition at High Point from JuneJ26 to July 12 will mark a new era in this city's, forward progressive march. The aggressive young men who have taken hold of the undertaking are down on the jab. They have secured eight build ings with a floor space of 30,000 square feet for outside dealers, this will be increased from time to time as the exposition grows. The floor space for home manu factures is about 40,000 square making total floor space 70,000 square feet. Invitations to Buyers. lietween 15,000 and 25,000 in vitations have been mailed to the various buyers throughout the country. Entertainment Committee. The entertainment committee will do al' in their power to make the coming of the buyers a great success. One feature will be a roof garden entertainment on the J Hank of Commerce building. New York Awaits . Sensation New York, May 8. The man higher up the unnamed and un detected person woh has profited most by police graft may be revealed by one of .the four form cr inspectors found guilty this week of conspiring to obstruct justice. Reports were current to day that one of the four has of fered to "squeal" upon promises by District Attorney Whitman of immunity and suspension of the prison term confronting him. The District Attorney hurried to the chambers of Supreme Court Jus tice Seabury who presided at the inspectors' trial. AT THE EAGLE Remember that the Eagle still has three good reels of pictures, and Mr. It. A. White the picture player. Picture Program. The excellent program con sists of three reels of very fine pictures. Edison, Aunt Elsa's Visit, a comedy. Red and White oses, Vitagraph, a two reel fea ture. ' 0 ' .. ' LIST YOUR TAXES IN MAY The law requires that all taxes be listed during the month of May. COKPORARTIONS PART NERS 1 1 I I'S doing a manufac turing or mercantile business will find it easier to make their lists in accordance with the pres ent law by obtaining a blank and preparing list 11 advance so as to make it conform to the require ments of the law. Arthur Lyon, 'List Taker. Three MR. POLK MILLER COLTOM -.u miSTS Fiddlers Plenipotentiary AND STORY TELLERS PAR-EXCELLENCE - BRUCE CRAVEN WRITES LAWBOOK "The Torrens Law" New Law Book of Interest to all North Carolinians. (From Charlotte Observer.) "The Torrens Book" by Bruce Craven has just come from the presses of The Obsevrer Printing House, and is of interest and im portance to every business man and land owner as well as to the lawyers. The books contains the full text of the Torrens law with introductory chapters that make it plain to the average layman while containing enough alw to satisfy any lawyer. The Torretig law enacted by the last General Assembly is a new registartion law by which any owner of real estate may have his title cleared hy the court and forever guaranteed by the State. Mr. Craven says the cost in or dinary cases need not exceed $15 for such guaranteed title, and that whatever the cost, it will add ten times itself to the value of 'he land in making it more easily marketable or negotiable as se curity for debt. Bruce Craven is well known to readers of The Observer by his work as a writer, and this book in its clearness and completeness, indicates that he possesses equal ability as a lawer. An unusual feature in a law book is the large clear type and the general neat ness of the printing and binding. The price is one dollar post-paid and only a few copies were print ed in excess of the .advance or ders. ..' 0 "ALKALI" IKE Augustus Carney, the Famous "Alkali" Ike With Essanay Western Stock Company. AUGUSTUS CARNEY Known Throughout the World as "Alkali" Ike. Did you ever see a photograph of our Western friend, "Alkali" Ike? Here he is, and his real name is Augustus Carney, He is the little fellow that makes thousands and thousands of peo ple laugh at the moving picture show. "Alkali" Ike is a tremen dously funny and eccentric char acter. Carney is one of the few moving picture players who has succeeded in capturing a charac tei name so inseparably to him self that his own name is forgot ten. Since returning to Niles, Calif., where the Western photo plays are produced by the Essan ay Western Company, "Alkali" Ike has won unnumbered friends by his hilarious characters, now famous thorughout the entire world. When he travels, people single him out an dafter the sec ond look -someone . always ex claims "Why, surely that's "Al kali" Ike," and surely it i.. Watch, wait, and see this litt'.e man with the big name in some forthcoming photoplays, of which "Alkali" Ike's Homecoming" will be the first. "Alkali Ike's Homecoming" at the Rose tomor row, and a great war picture in two reels "Pauline Cushman, the Federl Spy." Old Confederates 1 arcoming r i 3 J BOOKER L CAPT. TONY MILLER tmf 1 kTwr rrsMirr Plant' Violets Some time ago our esteemed townsman, Mr. E. A. Snow, chns tened High Point the "Violet City." We are pleased to sec that a large number of citizens have taken up his suggestion, and planted large beds of violets, w trust others will follow the good example, and by the fall of th year, we will have made great headway in 'beautifying the city Forsyth Takes Lead -o- ESTABLISHES REFORMA TORY Forsythe county has taken thf lead establishing an up-to-date reformatory. So often it is the case that a youthful oftende comes in the courts of the coun ty, and tc commit him to the county jail or to the county roads where he will be thrown into the company of hardened criminals makes the boy even worse than he was before he was sentenced. The state has a reformatory school at Concord, but this insti tution is not capable of taking care of all the demands for ad mission, an dthe pity of it is that the institution, which is a model one, cannot take all the boys that would he better off if admitted there, where they get the bene fits of a good school as well as manual training. The county is to be congratulated on this for ward move. A Beautiful Custom ELKS OF HIGH POINT WILL OBSERVE "MOTHERS" DAY Sunday, May nth. being "Mothers Day," the Elks of High Point have arranged to observe it in a very appropriate manner On this day it is customer- for all of us to wear a flower in hon or of our mothers. If your moth er is living, the custom is to wear a colored flower; if dead, a white flower. The Elks will have ta bles ararnged in front of the school building next Sunday morning from 10.00 to 11.30 at which time and place they will give away floweVs to all the ladies of the city. Special flow ers will be ordered. The Elks invite all the ladies, young and old, to come to the School build ing Sunday morning and get a flower. J. A. A. " 0 SPECIAL ANNOUNCE MENT Mr. Polk Miller, of Richmond, Va., assisted by Col. "Tom" Bookek, Amelia county, Va., and Mr. Miller's famous male quar tette of old Virginia negroes in the school Auditorium next Tuesday night, May 13, 1913. Tickets now on sale at 50c, 35c and 25c for children at Mann Drug. Co. PUT IT THROUGH The suggestion of the Enter prise that the Street Car Co. will put on a large sprinkling tank and sprinkle the streets over which their line runs, from curb to curb wc understand meets with most favorable approval. The city of course will donate the water free. LEGAL HOLIDAY. The newspaper department of the Enterprise Publishing Co. wili be closed tomorrow, May 10th, a legal holiday, to make repairs on the machinery, and no paper will be issued tomorrow, Saturday. ,':-y 0 ' ''. The Daughters of1 the Confed eracy will not forget that 'Sat urday, 10th, is Decoration Day. They will meet at 5 p. m. at the residence of Mrs. Edward Kirk man, bearing flowers for the cem etery. . - Oponlng Night of City School Commoncomcnt-Fino Program Looal Briefs The new board took the oatl of office this afternoon and are now ready for business. C. T. estmoreland is in Washington, D. C for the Myrtle Desk Co. A stray baby caused consider able stir this morning the child was two years old an dwas pick ed up by an auto part The child had strayed from home and Its mothers soon claimed it. Secretary James Ryan, Mayor Tate and W. T. Parker have re turned from Charlotte, where they attended the freight rate meeting. Friends of Squire Guyer are complimenting him on the ap pointment of his son, Virgil, to the office of postmaster at Lenoir. Virgil will make the people of Lenoir a good public officer. O. J. Denny, of Greensboro, is here today. E. Cm. Foster, of Salisbury, is a business visitor today. C. R. C'linard. of Winston, is at the Klwood. C. II. Walker and F. 15. Mc- Cracken, of Charlotte, are luisi ness visitors here. W. 15. Jordan, of Danville, is here today. Miss Liiinie Mann, who has been visiting in eastern jiart of the state, will return tomorrow- Some 50 bright happy little faces, were at the station early this morning where they took the train for a day's pic-nic outing at Old Trinity. The children were the 5th and ' fith grades of Elm Street Graded School, and were in charge of their teachers. Miss Ilar.cl Harmon and Miss Os- born. J. Ed. Millis returned this morning from a business trip north. The large traction engine which passes through the city streets and over the county roads literally cuts them to pieces, and the frequent coming and going of the engine is a costly proposition to the repair department of both roads and streets. Support your home merchants hundreds an dthousands of dol lars could be spent to better ad vantage home than is spent away from home. The plans for the handsome new school building are calling forth favorable comment. They are in the hands of Architect Hersh. o THE DIAMOND JUBILEE All G. F. College Alumnae who expect to attend the Diamond Jubilee of May 25-28 notify Mrs. L. J. Ingram, that proper consid eration may be given looking to their entertainment. Hundreds will enjoy this occasion, so send in your name now so as not to inconvenience the management. First Baptist Church On account of the annual ser mon before the school at the au ditorium there will be no morn ing service. There will be th; usual services at 8 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. Y. C. Tyrce, D. D. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m., R. T. Chappell, Supt. Prayer meet; ;m Wednesday evening at S 'clock. The church and pastor cv.cnd a cordial invitation to all these sevriccs. RED SLIPPERS in pump, button and strap san dal and hose to match at II. A. Moffitt. '; ' 1 ' ' O Read N. H. Silver's full page ad today. Something to interest you. At the Rose tomorrow, "Bron cho Billys Sister" COMMENCEMENT EXER CISES OF CITY HIGH SCHOOL CLASS DAY AT 8.30 TONIGHT The annual Class Day Exer cises of the High School will take place tonight i'n the Audi torium at 8.30. The evening prom ises to be interesting and enter taining one an dthe public gener ally are invited to be present. The following program will be given : I. Glee Club Shoogy Shoo Amborse. II. Senior Exercises. John Richardson President. Oma Gray Vice-President. Edwin Jones Secretary and Treasurer. Sara Richardson Phophet. H. Jennings Fleming Histor ian. Clifford Heindel Orator. Juanita Hannah Poet. Holt Fleming Testator. Oma Gray Donor. III. Quartet The Night Has a Thousand Eyes Lynes Fran ces Mann, Alta Pickett, Dorothy Snow, Oma Gray. Program for Sunday. Annual Sermon at 11 a. m. Dr. F. L. Lingle, Richmond, Va. Music by Choral Society. Annual Address at 8 p. m. Dr. Chas. E. Brewer, Wake For est, N. C. Monday Night "... 1. Song by Glee Club. - 2. Orations and Essays by Rep resentatives of the Senior Class. 3. Presentation of Diplomas and Awarding of Medals. 4. Song by Glee Club. fleets Thursday In Raleigh The mass meeting of the busi ness men of the state toyk place yesterday in Charlotte in behalf of cheaper railroad rates. The meeting adjourned to meet in Raleigh next Thursday, when permanent organization will be effected. FIVE LIQUOR CASES Judge Edmonds was confront ed with a crowded court docket this morning, of five liquor cases, the parties being Win. Boss and his wife. Boss is an old offender, being convicted about two years ago, and let off with a fine. Boss lives in Moontown. ATTENTION MEMBERS OF THE CHORAL SOCIETY The High Point Choral Society been asked to sing at the com mencement exercises on Sunday, May nth. All nienibers who would like to assist the school in their pro gram are asked to meet in the uditorium Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Ethel Pickett, Secy. ' o CONSIGNMENT FRESH FLOWERS On account of Mothers Day wc have made arrangements for a large consignment of fresh flowers for Saturday and Sunday from V an Lindlcy's Nursery prices.; reasonably law. Ring Drug Co. o RATINE AND PANAMA hats, a new lot just in at II; A. Moflitt. Fine feature picture, Red a. 1 J White Roses, one night only, at the Eagle. Read X. H. Silver's full page ad today. Something to interest you. . . Big Vitagraph feature, Red and White Roses, at the Eagle to nightadmission five cents. Read N. H. Silver's full oaee ad today. Something to interest you. Peter Hill's Short Drawers and Union Suits, are the most comfortable, easy fitting Underwear made at the price of $1.00 the suit, at (. t Moths Reduce Your Ice Bill By Purchasing Coupon Books Coupon Books calling for 500 pounds and upwards will make yout ice cost from five to fifteen cents less per hundred pound ac cording to size books and quantity taken at one deliv ' ery. It will save yon the annoy ance of making change, wasting time, handling wet, dirty money. Get your Coupon Book, handle it yonrself , give the servants the coupons just as they are needed. Don't let the drivers tear out cou pons; do it yours-elf and you will soon learn the value of our Coupon Books. High Point lce& Fuel Co Telephones 109 BOOooaoooaooooooooaootiHKio DR. A. E.FRAZLER DENTIST Tiilrd Floor Bank of Commerce Building HHOHKHCHWCHJWWOCHWeHWCHCHWWW Growth of Wachovia Bank A Trust Co Opened for business Jon 15, 1898 Deposits June 16, 1893 $98,095.00 Jane IB, 1898 $499,946.95 June 15, 1902 S1.107.945.S9 June 16, 1906 S3, 899. 58 1.9 June 16, 1910 94760.4556.20 April 4, 1918 Invested Trust depoeite not Included , 06. 7 63. 345.28 Use Lion Blood Purifier Beat for the Blood. 20im Schwartz, th Tailor 4m makes 2 .1 .ti 1141 ' your clothes the best. "

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