A SPECIAL SALE Saturday and Monday of Round Thread Va. Laces at 5c. a yard. See bur South Window, remarkable values in the lot from 1-2 to3 inches wide K & E PLAY SUITS for children from 2 to 7 years, some with loose legs, some with Cuff Knees and some with Elastic Knees, all of them fast colors and very durable, if you want to see your little one comfortably clothed, just try one of these little garments. PRICE CUTTING IS NOW ON IN SOME DEPARTMENT All Ladies spring suits 1-2 price. Cotton Crepe, Voilles and Katinas sharply rednced. ODD LOT OF THOMPSON GLOVE fitting cor sets 18 to 25, models that have been discontinued at at from 50 to 98c, former prices from $1.00 to $3.00 on ou Bargain Balcony. Beginning Mon. we willbeginfa clearance of Tub Silks that will be received with great pleasure. Two large purchases necessitates the following reductions in our fine line ot striped wash silks. All 11.00 qurlities 75c. All 75c. qualities 55c. There never was a fabric so full of service, beauty, and pleasure Yonon" Execiurtt if When a man dies without a will, leaving a wife and children, what does the wife inherit, and what do the children get ? When a man dies without a will, leaving a wife and no chile' ren what does the wife inherit ? The High Point Savings & Trust Co., will Answer These Questions for You and if you name us as your Executor we will have your will written by our Attor neys Free of Charge We not only act as Executor But as Guardian Trustee Receiver or Assignee WUls can be left in our vaults without charge. We loan money on mortgage, city property or farms. We especially desire to encourage the far mers and will make loans on farm mortgages on the amortization plan, which is so popular with farmers in Europe. High Point Savings & Trust Co. J. ELWOOD COX, President Dunlap Pony Oontest Buy your Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Cut Glass, China, Silver Ware, Jewelry and Spectacles at our Store and give your votes to the Boy or Girl of your choice for the Pony, Buggy and Harness D. F. GTALEY, Jeweler ED. L. RAGAN, Sec'y A Trets. Firet Baptist Church. Regular services at n a. in. and 8 p. m. by the pastor. Rev. y. C. Tyree, D., D. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m., R. T. Chap pcll, Supt. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 8 clock, o Special Sunday Dinner 35c Chicken soup Roast chicken with French dressing. Veal stew, Italian style. Augration potatoes. Stewed corn. Salmon salad. Corn bread drape nut pudding. Coffee, milk or butter milk. New York Cake, no X. Main St. AT THE ROYAL A drama of the age at the Royal today, entitled "A Maid of Honor." This is an Ambrosia two reel feature picture, full of love, beauty and interest. Five other reels besides this feature. Comedy, tragedy, love, mystery and pathos combined. Can you ask for more? Seven fine reels at the Royal today. A reat for everyone. Admission 100. 0 FOR SALE One of the nicest homes on North Main street, close in. Price $8,01x1. J. . Far riss. AT THE EAGLE. "The Whim of Destiny." ;i Majestic drama. "The iirl Dc tcctive's Ruse." It's a Than hauser. therefore it is a good one "His Chum to llaron" and "The New Conductor." Keystone com edies. A No another hand colored Pathe reel. Character and spot songs by Hilly Morris, the man with the voice. P.illy will be re membered pleasantly as having played the Kagle before, when he was the avorite of the audience during his stay here. Don't fail to hear and see him. AdmNsimi 10c and 5c. FOR SALE 1 J shares 7 per vent preferred stock in Tomlinson Chair Co. at par. J. .1. Farriss. Week-End and Sunday Excursion Fares to Morehead City and Beaufort via. Norfolk Southern. From k.-end. Sunday Cioldsboro $1-50 La Cirange 200 1-5 Kinston 1 75 l25 Dover 1.65 '-25 New 15ern 1.50 1.00 Oriental 1 -75 Bayboro ...... 1-5 l 2S Farmville ,Vo '75 (ireenvillc 2.75 1 75 Washington 2.25 I.25 Fares to Heaufort 20 cents higher than to Morehead City. Rates from intermediate sta tions in same proportion. Week-end tickets sold Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning trains good to return until mid night Tuesday. Sunday tickets sold each Sun day until September 14th, limit ed to date of sale only. Atlantic Hotel under new man agement, best fishing on Atlantic Coast. For complete information call any Ticket Agent, or S. K. Adist.T. P. A., Raleigh. X. C. Week End Fares from South ern Railway stations: From To Morehead Cify Burlington, N C. $6.00 Chapel Hill Station .. .... 5.40 Concord .... . . .... . . 8.75 Durham . . . . i . . . . . . . 4.50 Elon College .... '. . . . . . 6.25 Graham .. .. .. .. .. .... 6.00 Greensboro .. ,. .. 6.35 High Point .. .. ... ..... 7.00 Haw River .. .. .. .. .... 575 uinsDoro .. .. .. .; .. 5.20 Lexington 7.50 Mebane .. .. ...... ..... 5.50 Raleigh .... 4.50 Reidsville . , . . '; . . . .... 7.25 Salisbury ... ... .', . . , . . 8.00 Thomasville . . . . . . , . .. .. 7.25 Winston-Salem, N. C. . . 7.00 Fares to Beaufort $.20 higher than the above to Morehead City, .: Tickets sold for all trains Sat urdays, May 31st up to and in cluding Saturday September 13, 1913. good returning leaving des tination not later than Tuesday following date of sale. (Continued from page 1.) COMMISSION. The railroads' desire to have the whole matter referred to the Interstate Commerce Com mission is doubtless based on their belief that if we foolishly agree to this proceedurij it will practically close the doors against us for years to come, for the rea son that the numerous classes and commodities to be investigated and adjusted to and from so many parts of the country, would involve great expense and years of delay, with the final resu't that the people would probably cease to press their claims and al low the complaint to die. In a subsequent article, I shall endeavor to treat on the sover eign rights of our people and out line plainly a proceedure which our Legislature can take, which will in a measure at least bring substantial relief and benefit to our state as a whole. In the meantime. I again urge that every right thinking-citizen of the state lend his influence to wards a quick and permanent or ganization of his section into an active branch of the Just Freight Rate Association, so that when the time arrives we may with out accord assert our rights in safe guarding every commercial inter est of our state. Respectfully. Fred N. Tate. President, lust Freight Kate Ass'n. of N. C. o- LOST A string of gold bead last Wednesday between resi dence of Mr. I". A. Snow and Mr. . C. Hill finder return to thw office ami sct reward. FOR SALE I'.cautiful home at Archdale. the Moses Hammond place. Four acres, 14 rooms in house. 200 fruit trees. J. J. I ar- riss. PURE MILK BLAIR'S DAIRY I. J. and D. H.8LAIR, Props. PHONE 4108 tKKHHXHXKO0HOKKKXOO0OK WANT AD8 FOR SALB Typewxiter Oliv er latest model No. 5 like new, only $40, cost $100 will ship for trial prepaid, reference. J. Steel, Box 10, Plainville, Ohio. . 0 WANTED 300 rooms for occu pany during the Southern Furni ture Exposition, June 26 to Ju!y 12. All parties having vacant rooms wishing to rent them to desirable ppitits during the g-.ea. Exposition will confer a 1 ivor upjii the managers by listing them at once. State price per lay fr.r room with and without board. Phone or write Information Un real!, Sou. Fur. Expo. 0 NOTICE. I will serve the public with first class automobile service in afternoons from 6 o'clock till 12. My charges are reasonable, have a good seven passangei Studebaker car. Phone 2201. . 0 WANTED A position as steno grapher, 806 English St. o FOR SALE! Fifteen acres of land at Archdale. J. J. Farriss. WANTED Ten ladies and five men at once. Apply at the Fair. North Main street. POSITION WANTED A young white girl of good charac ter and some experience desires a position as house maid or domes tic servant. AYrite care of P. O. P.ox 4V. 13-ik 0 FOR RENT 5 and ; f room houses, also rooms. Anply 814 South Main street. 12-tf FOR RENT 4-room house on Tate street and 4-room house on Park street. J. E. Marsh. tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 115 Pine St. !3-2t Only a few Spring Goats and Suits at 2 Price EASILY ADJUSTABLE TO VARIOUS SLEEVE LENGTHS Just the thing the office man has been looking for. No more soiled cuffs and sleeves. SOLD ONLY AT AMMHHMMMMMMm n ' . nrr m FOR SALE 1913 Model, Motor Cycles and Meter Boat at bar gain price, all makes, brand new machines, on easy monthly pay ment plan. Get our proposition before buying or you will regret it, also bargains in used Motor Cycles. Write us today. Enclose stamp for reply. Adderss Lock Box 11, Trenton, Mich. io-i4t WANTED Young lady to as sist in office, light pleasant work. Call before 12 o'clock Monday Miltoir Electric Co. Guaranteed Eczema Remedy The-tconstant itching, burning, redness, rash and disagreeable ef fects of eczema, tetter, salt rheum, itch, ' piles and irritating skin eruptions can be readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oint ment. Mr. J. C. Eveland, of Bath 111., says: " Iliad eczema twenty five years and had tried every thing. All failed. When I founc Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointmen I found a cure." This ointmen is the formua lof a physician ant has been in use for years not ai experiment. That is why we can guarantee it. All druggists. 01 by mail. Price 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. I.onis, don't fail to visit thb New Photo Studio 1 1 1 North Main Street All Kinds of Photographic Works SPECIAL LIKE Spring and Summer Goods New and Stylish Mcdes in Clothing, Shoes, and ledies Ready to-wear. Reduced prices on Millinery. Solomon Robinowitz 1 10 E. Washington St. Harris Building SHIRTS WITH THE NEW ADJUST0 SLEEVE PAT NOVCe. 1912 m - & OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO? $100,000 CITY OF HIGH P0INT, NORTH CAROLINA "'School Building Bonds, 1913," and "Water and Sewer Bonda, ) 1913." " .v'.' ' Sealed bids will be received for the purchase of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) cou pon bonds of the City of High Point, N. C. issued by the said City for the following purposes: Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) "School Building Bonds, 1913," and Fifty Thousand . Dollars ($Sf .000) "Water and Sewer Bonds, 1913." Said bonds to be in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each and to bear date of July xst, 19I3, and to run for thirty (30) years from date of issue, and bear in terest at the rate of fiveper cen tum per annum, payable semi-annually, on the 1st day of January, and the ist day of July, of each year, both principal and interest payable at the Hanover National Bank in the City of New York, or at the office of the City Treasurer at the option of the holder, which said bids shall be accompanied by a certified check for Five Hundred Dollars ($500) as evi dence of good faith, the same to be returned if bid is rejected and to be applied on the purchase price if accepted. Bids are to be filed with the Mayor of the City of High Point , and are ' to be opened by the City Council at 4.30 o'clock, P. M., on the 7th the Mayor's office in the City at day of July, 1913. Bids may be submitted on both issues jointly or separately upon the respective issues of Fifty Thousand Dollars each. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. The opinion of Dillon, Thompson & Clay of 195 Broadway, New York, will be furnished free to the purchas er as to the validity of these bonds. This the and day of June, 1913. Fred N. Tate, Mayor. FOR SALE Good rubber tire top buggy good bargain. Apply to E. P. Parker. n-ik