.. i -' ( .-'.i-.V1. .v. n o .'S ? A j(jH Af fVa VOL. 18, NO. in. HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, JULY 36. 1913. It A iM IB I l C "VC T( v r. I 111 II urn. THE GREAT Reduction Sale Continues iall this week Have you been sharing in the many bargains? NOT TOO LATE, come Friday and Satueday We hav'ent the space to mention prices. But if vou are a judge of mercn- andise, we know you will be satisfied with our prices Leonard - DeaTans - Stamei Co. L J. MOOR EFIcLU ' Phyiialan and Surgeon OFFICE HOURS t,8 to 9 a. m. 2 to 3 p. m. v to v 0. m. Room 19 Richardson Bldg. end Hart Drug Co. PHONES PHONES Offlca Residence 197 or 820 67 5oootaooooooaooooooooov. R. C. Lindsay ATTORNEY ana COUNSELOR I AT LAW WadiorU Baak Boildinf HIGH POINT, N. C WANTED You to inspect my Sanitary Dairy. See my Herd. Jersey cows selected and in spected stock. Give my milk a trial and get the clearest, ncn est and best, R. W. Gray. - Liberty-Piedmont Institute- Located at Wallburg, N. C, 10 miles from High Point, N, C. BEGINS ITS ELEVENTH SESSION , AUGUST 26th Tnia scncoi oners inorouga . a a a fV . t prepiration for College under Christian influence. Enrollment last vear. one hundred and fifty. Eight teachers. Complete Bus!- oeM Course. Music. Expression. Art. Individual Attention. V Wi 'V-r av-" CIVIL ENGINEER Land and Municipal Surveys 5th FloorBank of Commerce Health and cleanliness assnred by the "SANI TARY INDIVIDUAL DRINK INC PUP SYSTEM" ; r This is the ' latest thing put. at a Soda Fountain t WE HAVE IT liflRT driJg CO. I Bruce Craven f g LAWYER 1 g VkUH Buk tli't RikPbi.R. C $ S Coram tioo and CommareUJ Law and jj O biLanl NwUit)Corpyratloa Attar- JJ g aWTata North SUU FboM W and Hlflh' Point Bondo Gold-Brought Par 171th $S,ooo School Bonds Bid in by National T, P. A. $20,000 by I. G. Lawrence, and Balance of $25,000 by Commercial Nation al Bank, Which Also Takes Entire Issue of $50,000 Water and Sewer Bonds. The $50,000 School Building Bonds, together with the $50,000 Water and Sewer Bonds were sold yesterday, both bringing par with accrued interest. Bids were" opened by the Mayor arid City Council on July 7th during which time many bids have been receiv ed both from new firms, as well as old brokers who were anxious to get High Point securities. Sold Well. Considering the slump in the bond market, due to the enact ment of new tariff laws and cur rency bill, the bonds brought a splendid price, selling at par with accrued interest. The national T. P. A. through Mr. C. F. Tonrlin son took $5,000 School building bonds. I. G. Lawrence, local contractors, $20,000, and the Com mercial National Bank of High Point, $25,000, the balance of the issue. The Commercial Bank also took the issue of $50,000 water and sewer bonds. There was also a bid by the Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., for the $50,000 water and sewer bonds, the bid being at par with accrued interest. The Commercial .Bank, however, hav ing taken care of the school bonds, the bid for the $50,000 water and sewer issue was ac ccptcd by the Mayor and City Council. ciiunciiES First Baptist Church. Regular services at 11 a.'m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. W. C Tyree, D. D. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m., A. E. Tate, Supt, It is hoped that all the enrolled scholars will be present to wel come our superintendent, who has been tbsent for the past three months. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. A cordial welcome awaits you at all these services. ct Friends Church. Bible school at 9.45 a. m., J. D. Cox, Supt. Meeting for worship at 11 o'clock. Special music at botlt services. Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. Christian Endeavor 8 o'clock Friday evening. A welcome to all who come to worship with us. Let all our members be present. L. W. McFarland, Pastor. -o 1 Lutheran Church. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Vesper service at 8 o'clock. Sun day school and Bible classes at 9.45 a. m., A. W. Klemme, Supt. Tomorrow will be Rally Day for the Sunday school, when a special offering will be made. The ob ject is to have every scholar pres ent. Ladies Aid Society Friday at 3.30 p. m. Teachers' Associa tion meeting Friday at 7.30 p. m. Come and worship with us to morrow. P. D. Brown, Pastor. '' o St Mary's Episcopal Church Tenth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school -and Bible class at 9.45 a. m., J. H. Mellichampe, Supt Morning service and ser mon at 11 o'clock. A hearty wel come awaits you 'at "The Little Church Around the Corner," Washington Street M. E, Church Sunday school at 9.45 a. m., V. A.: J. Idol, Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p m; by the pas-; tor, Rev.' J. H. Earnhardt. You are cordially invited. The third quarterly meeting will be held Monday evening at Acoruod Intoroot 8 o'clock. Presiding Elder G, Rowc wil lbe present and pre side. The official members are urged to attend. o First Reformed Church Sunday school at 945 a- m J R. Young, Supt. If you do not attend elsewhere come. Treach ing at 11 and 8 p. m. Jr. C. E. at 7. IS. You1 arc cordially invited to worship with us. L. A. Peeler, Tastor o . First Presbyterian Church, Chas. P. Coble, pastor. Our services as follows: Stinday school at 9 3 a- ni- teaching at II a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pas tor. Christian Endeavor at 7 m.' by the young people. Services not long. A cordial welcome awaits you. Come and bring your friends. . 0 The Sa'vcticn Army. Street services at 10 a. m., p. m Sunday school at 2.30 m. Services in the Salvation Armv Hall at 8 p. m. The public is cordially invited. Wm. A. Crandall, Captain SOCIAL (By I. I. P.) Wedding Reception Invitation Dr. and Mrs. William Gaston Bradshaw request the pleasure of your company at the marriage reception of their daughter, Blanche Laracy, and Dr. Albert Alexander Mendcz. on the even ing of Thursday, the seventh of Aiioriist. from nine until eleven - o o'clock at their residence, lli Point, North Carolina. At home after the first of Sep tember, Rosebank, Staten Island New York. The above invitation card is fac simile of the cards sent to hun drcds of friends of the contracting parties and will serve as entrance to one of the most recherche wedding receptions of the season and among the guests present will be many out pt town guests. The marriage will take place at an earlier hour. No ceremony cards have been issued. Shower for Miss Bradshaw Tuesday morning with elegant Longholm generously set with roses and phlax in pure white and trailing vine, effecting a white and green and gold color scheme, Mrs. Charles Franklin Long charmingly entertained in honor of-Miss Blanche Laracy Brad shaw. Pretty little Misses Helen Alex andcr and Mary Elizabeth Long met the guests at the door, and Misses Edith Bradshaw and Hel en Brockett received in the hall. The hostess, honorce and Mrs. Wm. G. Bradshaw received in the drawincr room. Mrs. Long was graciously cordial in a lovely white lingerie over green .and wearing a long string of Green Roman beads. Miss Bradshaw looked exceed ingly smart and was personally bright in a white woolen tailored suit trimmed in buttons, and worn with a lace blouse. The small molinc hat was rose colored. Mrs, Bfadshaw's gown was of lavendar silk. Miss Mary Alexander in a dain ty dress of white lingerie directed the guesfs to the dining room, where Miss Ida Alexander and Mrs. Albert Tate presided over the punch bowl which was placed at one side of ,the rose-covered and candle-lighted table. Miss Louise Ingram assisted in 'the serving, and ' Mrs. D. M.;.Poliock directed the way to the library and living room where the 8 tables for the garde of Rook were arranged. The large white heart table mark Coatiawt to pn .) ' Decree der O T Rflur ASHEBORO a.30 P. M. The jury returned a verdict today at a.36 o'clock against English for murder in the second degree. Judge- Long at once sen tenced English to 35. years in the State penitentiary. "7-0 High Point Hospital Addition The new adiiition to the His Point Hospital was completed yesterday which greatly increases the facilities of this valued msti tution. A large brick addition has been put on the outside furnish ing a number of splendid rooms which have beert -fitted up nicely the equal to any hospital rooms anywhere. The Enterprise had the privilege of going over most of the building yesterday and we can congratulate the management of the institution. There will be rooms, all well arranged and comfortably and attractively furn ished which will compare with any. The operating department and other services we have often said is a credit to the community , o Register Vital Sta tistics . 0 L'nder the new state law ef fective July 1, section 4 require that the Mayor appoint a Regis tratrar for Vital Statistics for the city and Mayor Tat? has appoint ed Dr. ,D. A. Stanton to the po sition in connection with hi duties as City Physician. Section 4 of the act fixes heavy penalty any pi.yr.i cian or other person, who fails to report each ana every birth or death with full particulars re yarding same, and under the la v the Registrar will be held ac countable for failure to report such delinquency on tlje part o any person lading to make prompt and full report as requir ed. 0 GET READY Get ready for the big eclcbra tion about September 1. The ex act date will be .announced. We expect 15000 visitors here on that day. BENEFIT OF FIRE DEPART MENT. The Rose Theater will give Fireman's Benefit on Tuesday July 29. Splendid pictures will be shown such as will be for the pleasure and entertainment of ladies and gentlemen. Patronize the benefit and help the boys out, you may need their help at any time. o 1 MR.- TATE' TO ARRIVE TO MORROW A. L. late, who has been in Europe for the past three months will be home tomorrow. Mr. Tate was elected chairman of the agricultural committee of the commission while in Europe, to make a study of the methods of farming in the different nations, and also a study of the entire rural life of Europe. 0 N INTEREST BLIND WOMEN'S HOME Henry Easley the president of the North Carolina Association for blind, has called a session of the Home Committee to meet in' this city Monday, August 4. The committee will consider the pro- i-position of building a home here for blind women. ' BASE BALL The High Point Regulars cross bats with the North Greensboro team this afternoon in Greens boro, The Guerillas cross bats with the Liberty team at Liberty. Both games promics to be splen- id contests. ' Second Local Drlef a Mrs. John Welborn left yester day for a month's stay in the western part of the state. Pleased to see so many of our rural neighbors in town today.-- The appointment of postmaster for High Point will be made in December. All suits going for half price at Cannon & Fetzer Co., during big 10 day sale. Miss Aileen Pitts entertained the Sunday school club most de lightfully last night. No espe cial game was played, but a most enjoyable social evening was en joyed by all. The famous $5 Stetson Shoe is selling for $2.50 and $3.00 during the big 10 day sale at Cannon & Fetzer Co. Miss Kirk Callam, of Greens boro, is the house guest of Mrs, J. W. Harris. Miss Hattie Dyer, of Washing ton, is spending a few clays in the city as the house guest of Mrs W. D. Simmons. The fireman's benefit at the Rose is dated for Tuesday, July 29. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Walker re turned last night from an extend ed visit to friends and relatives in South Carolina. Splendid shows at the different theaters today. Visit all of thein and you will not regret it. Here's a chance for the school boys to buy bargains they don't often have the chance. We will sell every boy's blouse in the store next week at 39c each, per cale, chamber- and madras, sizes Trom 6 to 18 years none in the lot sold for less than 50c and many worth 75c bring your money to Woods and buy enough to last you all next winter. This is the last chance to see the liberty Bells Musical Com edy Co., at the Eagle today. Mr. and Mrs. S. X. Beck are visiting the family of Mr. Frank Beck. Prof. D. C. Johnson has been at Trinity. He will have as as sistants Mrs. Normcnt, Miss Henderson, of Mt. Holly and Miss Bessie Parkin. The country canteloupcs are beginning to come in. Rev. John Farrington is spend ing a day or so in the city. Please do not forget the lawn party tonight by the ladies of the First Reformed church. Corner of Mangum and Russell streets. We offer the little ones a great buvine' onobrtunity every little playsuit and romper will be sold at 39c each during the last week only of Wood's clearance sal the best made the best material that they put. There will be no meeting, of the Daughters of the Confederacy this month. Miss Annie Edwards gave a delightful party last night in hon or .of her house guest, Miss Tal- ley, of Dwnville, Va. There were quite a number of her " friends present. All had a delightful time. Miss Frances Smith, of James town, is the house guest of the Misses Irvin. Mrs. Job P. Wyatt, of Ralefgh, is visiting Mrs. Bascom Hoskins. One of the best Saturday shows at the Royal today that has been shown in High Point this season with, "The. .Wheels of Destiny" as the feature. This is three-reel feature of very re cent release, and one that takes all photo play lovers by storm. Don't miss it. It is a big treat all by itself. Other splendid reels also. Spend a pleasant and enjoyable evening at the Royal today. Make the- Royal your meeting place. Watch paper for date of other big features. For Greater Equipment SEABOARD SELLS NEARLY TWO MILLIONS IN NOTES. New York, July 25. The Sea board Air Line Railway has sold $1,900,000 5 per cent equipment trust notes to a" syndicatd com posed of Eastman Dillon & Co., the Euuitable Trust Co., and Kean Taylor & Co. The com pany received a number of bids for the notes. The proceeds from the sale will be used for equipment, and loco motives were ordered by the company, 15 per cent of the cost of which will be paid in cash. The notes were issued to cover the rest of the cost. They mature semi-annually over the next ten years. 0 -. : Wilson Opposes Gift to His Daughter 1 WANTS MOVEMENT IN BALTIMORE TO BUY WEDDING PRESENT STOPPED Baltimore, July 24. President Wilson objects to the movement which was started in this city some davs atro to raise a fund lor the purchase of a wedding pres cnt for his daughter, Miss Jessie Wilson. A letter to Mayor I'res- ton received this morning read "My Dear Mr. Preston: Thq President's attention has been called to an article in one of the Baltimore papers concerning contribution made to you by Mr Ernest E. Nordenholz toward : fund for a present for Miss Wil son on the occasion of her mar riage. '"While the President deeply appreciates the generous spirit which prompted Mr. Nordenholz to make this contribution, he greatly prefers that no fund be raised for this purpose. Will you not be good enough to notify Mr. Nordenholz and also have proper announcement made to this effect in the paper in question " This was signed "J. P. Tumul ty, Secretary to the President."' .miss u uson wil ie married in the fall to Francis R. Sayre. 0 Dar Tight Deach Suits Atlantic City, N. J., July 24.- Under a rule established here to day feminine bathers hereafter must wear bathing suits with bloomer effect. They may appea our the beach in the most exaggerated abbre viated skirt and there is no ob jection if teyh are slashed any where from an inch above the knee clear to the waist, but the bloomer idea must prevail in ev ery feminine garment. The same rule prohibits girls more than 16 years old from trip ping about the sand without stockings. A girl 20 years old was banish ed from the beach today by a life guard because her shapely" nether extremities were devoid of stock ings. ... The action of the city author ities was upheld by the Depart ment of Public Safety and the new bathing order was made ' ., 1 ' 0 AT THE EAGLE. The Liberty Bells Musical Comedy Company give their closing performance at the Eagle tonight. They will feature "The Siamese Twins" with Miss Raymond and Harold Cate in the straight title roles. "Jake" and "Iky" and a String of sausages fill, the bill as "those charming twins." To hear Harold : Plate sing, "Jane, Jane, Just Plain Jane," is a big treat all by itself. The. Lawrence Sisters dancing act is well worth the price of ad mission. A big show at a small price. Your last chance this sea son to see this company, - ill llaltodis' The Man With the Tape Measure Mr. H. C. Anthony, rep resenting, the Hopkins Tailoring Co., will be at my store, Friday and Saturday July 25-26 With the strongest line of Suit and Overcoat Woolens that evermakes this town of ours. Every man that wears clothes is cordially in vited to see the line. (. B. Mocks Reduce Your Ice Bill By Purchasing Coupon Books Coupon Books calling for 500 pounds and upwards will make your ice cost from five to fifteen cents tess per hundred pounds ac cording to size books and quantity taken at oue deliv ery. It will save you the annoy ance of making change, wasting time, handling wet, dirty money. Get your Coupou Book, handle it yourself, give the servants the coupons just I as they are needed. Don't let the drivers tear out cou pons; do it yourself and you will soon learn the value of our Coupon Books. HighPoint Ice& Fuel Co Telephones 109 DR. A.E.FRAZER DENTIST Third Floor Bank of Commerce Building HWHCHWKHHWKKHOOOOOWMHja- We would like to announce that the well known Brown Cate has changed hands and the name will be changed to the Piedmont Cafe. The cafe will board by the week, $3.50, by the-month $15, by the day 60c. Better than ever, The Piedmont Cafe, 118 S. Main St., Sacrenty and Bambalis pro prietors. High Point Vehicle Co. C. A. Whit. Mgr. Repairing of all Kinds. Buggy and Automobile Painting, Horse Shoe ing, Rubber Tireing, Etc. We mend automobile iDrinirs. ailei. - and wheels. Our tire setting is by hot DroceH. Let us take care of anv any any all klnda-of repair work. All ex perienced workmen. Jack Gillen, the noted borae-ihoer Is with ui. When In the city hitch In our FREE HITCH YARD UO-llOi-118 Hamilton St. 0oait HltfH Point MtUtmtf Co PKon 93 LAWN PARTY. There will be a lawn party to night at the corner of E. Russell and Mangum avenue, given by the ladies of the First Reformed cnurcn. ine public - cordially invited. The proceed will be used, for the church. 1 .

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