The Daily Entirprlse J. J. Farrlaa ., ...... Editor iMMd daily Mpt Sunday, and de- n by ctrmn runua-ev j - WEDNESDAY, XOV. 12. 1913 ti. frc line seems to be moving further South each year . 0 EUROPE EXPECTS ACTION The Monroe Doctrine not only demands that other countries keep hands off, but it pledges the tt-:.. States to maintain order on the Western Hemisphere and that Europe now expects the United States to do at once. That thp Administration now has any settled policy many per sons in the capital doubt, and .-n ovnprt observers are tired of speculating on what the Pres ident eventually may do. On the other hand, the con stant movement of troops toward the border, the completion of ar rangements for the transportation of forces to the frontier, the con centration of warships in Mexi can waters and other activities in the Army and Navy might indi cate some plan for positive ac tion. But the Adminitrtation con tinues to keep its secrets to it self, and as the Towers, from Asquith's statement, are not in clined to intrude, the secrecy will be maintained till the Ad ministration may announce its policy. The Powers, have deferred to the Monroe Doctrine, hut not the slightest doubt prevails that they Would be glad to see the United States announce some policy which would promise results in the near future. During the year 1912 the peo ple of the United States consum ed something over 62,000,000 gal lons of mineral water, for which they paid nearly $7,000,000. John Harleycorn and King Ciambrinus are not the only potentates who impose a severe tax upon our people. 0- THOSE CLAIMS FOR COL OMBIA Before paying too much atten tion to the claims of Colombia for reinburscment in the Panama canal matter, that are being sent out innocently from room ooj, 35 Nassau street, New York, it might be well to see whether or not one William Nelson Crom well is not in some way interest ed. He made a large sum of money in negotiating the sale of the interests of the DcLesseps neoole to this trovernment, and 1 - it may be that his appetite is re turning, and that he wants some more. 0 Southern papers say its cold "way down South" this year, but add that its bright and sun ny, also, and that every 100 lbs of cotton means fifteen good dol lars. . 0 (Contined from first page) who even claim as one of their chief virtues that they do not be long to any church except the "big church," and who lose no opportunity to traduce and vilify the bride of the Lamb. But to me at least, it is incon ceivable that God should have es tablished his church here at so great expense to himself if it were not. a necessity in the plan of the world's redemption. I am perfectly willing to admit that on its human side it is far from being perfect, as everything that man touches is necessarily vitiat ed by the mark of his own im perfection. But such an admis sion neither alters the question of its divine origin nor argues that it shall not finally be pre sented to him blameless, not hav ing spot or wrinkle or any such thing. When I stand at the his toric sources of this great insti tution and witness the miracle of its, formation; when I examine the sacred material entering into its foundation, .and see upon the very altars of her dedication the blood of God mingling'with the blood of his martyr saints; and then when I hear the authorita tive declaration of Christ: "Upon this rock I will found my church and whosesoever sins ye remit, the are remitted unto them, and whosesoever sins ye retain, they are retained" I can not but conclude that despite al the errors of judgment and the discrepancies of practice on the part of individual churcn mem bers from the beginning to the present, she nevertheless stands out in the midst ot time as trie one heaven sent insiiiuiion vy whose authority alone the world is to be saved, and as such, her voice is noi 10 uc itni- ... 1... tn the final testimony for or against the individual. And furthermore, she cannot be substituted Dy any organization or system of mans devising. For "Whosoever snail fall upon this stone shall be broken, but on whomsoever t shall fall it will grind him to powder. To those who are continually pointing out the imperfections of the present day church, it is su- licient to say that they judge the enterprise prematurely and un- haritablv and their strictures are uite aside from the main issue. Hie church is no better than the aggregate ot Us memoers. uic ollegc of apostles was no better than the personal of the men oniposing it. Men are living nder the warping effect of sin, and they cannot be compeletly hanged in a moment even by li vine power. And as the church lraws no distinctions, being no 1 respecter ot persons, the people ho come into its ranks are just the people who on yesterday walked the ways of the world, only having a different motive, and it requires years of self-dis- ipline to hew off the rough . 1 e omers and prepare mem lor honorable positions in the walls M the perfect building. You would not stand before an un- nilieil cathedral and pass judg ment upon its unsightly appcar- nce in the making; you would nsult the architect's plan and wait lor the finishing touches be fore venturing a judgment upon ts symmetry. Why not be as reasonable with the church of id? And then the conditions oi r ... 1 hurch membership are icw imple. They are ; repentance of 1 ..kmlcci.m til ormcr sins, anu uui the sacrament ot christian uai- m ; these of course carry with them the demand for taitn m 3od.. It happens that there is much confusion in the public mind regarding just the thing which should entitle a person to . 1 become a church member anu justify him in joining the church. There are plenty of people wno think that the condition of mem bership is personal goodness They may be impressed that it is their duty to attach themselves to the church but are kept back from doing so by the thought that they are not good enough to join. There never was a greater mistake. I undertake to say that if you were to eliminate from the church all who are unworthy you would not have enough members left to hold a Wednes day night prayermeeting if they were all present, which never happens. Who started this thing anyway? I challenge you to find a single intimation in all the word of God, that one's personal condition good or bad is ever made the issue in determining whether we should or should not join the church. It isn't there. If formal fitness were the test, all men might despair. I thank God that he has sent us out wherever men are living and commanded us to call them from all the walks of shame and vice and invite them just as they are into the fellow ship of the saints, and that no man is unworthy to come who trusts in a personal Saviour and has a desire to flee from the wrath to come. Then, having come into the church, there are certain privil eges conferred upon us as be lievers. . We become reconciled to God through the appropriation of Chtiait's satisfaction for sin;-! our past life no longer stands against us in our acfibtlnt ,. with God ; we are justified, not by the law, but by grace. Furthermore we receive the gift of the Holy And vet aeain. we are admitted to the common life an.: sacraments of the christian brotherhood. We become a part and parcel of God's spiritual building whose foundation is laid in the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; in wnum an the building fitly framed togeth er groweth unto an holy tempie in the Lord ; in whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit." Finally, in consideration of the privileges conferred by the church upon her members tney in turn are expected to make a conscientious effort to live up to the high standard of that life and 'to put on the new man, which after God hath been created in righteousness and holiness of truth." They assume certain vows and make certain promises at the time of their reception into the church, which cannot be lightly set aside or disregarded without the basest perjury." Here followed a practical dis cussion of church vows, and the sermon closed with an appeal to the congregation to maintain a vital union with Christ and to justify their membership in the church by such activities as be come the life of the gospel. He let Gents Win; Store 115 East Commerce St. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Having bought our stock late in the . season we have good values for the money. Shirts to suit all classes of men. Fine Soft Shirts $2 value, $1.50. Wrights health underwear $1.80 per suit. Sweaters of all kinds at all prices. Nice lot of Boys' Suits from $2 to f 8. Also Boys' bats, caps, gloves, shirts, blouses and shoes. We carry the Hum Club Shoes for men and boys. We also carry a line of overalls, jumpers, work shirts and shoes, leggins, trunks, suit cases, rain coats, umbrellas, canes, etc Yours to serve, Bradner & Pearsall Dradn Pearsall a- - TWENTY of room for the lungs to expand and how vital that ia a aappliag ia propped, ao will grow the tree. ; CORRECT-POSTURE SUITS are to be found ONLY in Sampeck Clotbea. They are cut to allow and to Inspire this manly, Boldler-lika posture. Skimpy, narrow-chest d, drooping shoulder coats affect not only Jour boy'a appearance, but also bia health. " . . 7S to see CORRECT-POSTURE SUITS (Regiatered ) They're to be found only beating 11 the Sampeck label. Made in Norfolk and all prevailing taodela. Styled in Hew York by Samuel IV. Peek & Co. . ' In a bright, sanitary environment, and offered In lllsh Point by Pain In Sack And Rhtttnutlsm Torment thousands of people daily. Don't be one of these suf ferers when for so little cost you can get well rid of the cause. Foley Kidney Pills begin then good work from the very first dose. They exert so direct an ac tion on 'the kidneys and bladder tha; the pain and torment of back ache, rheumatism and kidney trou ble is soon dispelled. Mann Drug io. DR. A. E. FRAZ2ER DENTIST Third Floor Bank of Commerce Building STOMACH SUFFERERS II You Wish To Obtain Complete and Permanent RoMlto Try yiayta Wonderful Stomach Remedj On Dose Kill Contact Yoa Afs-r'a Woaderfnl Stomach Remedy h well miwn thMiUtfli'iiu itiecountry. Many thousand rmple have tuken it tor btumach. Livei and In t titlnal Ailments and report marvelous results ant', arehighly pr.muig it lumlien. Astonishing be.iefu sufferers have received even irom one iliwa are heard evrrywheie end explain its trrme dous a:. It rarely ever fails and thorn, afflicted with Stomach, Liver end Intettimal Ailrtente, n-ieeifion. Cat m $ho Stomach and inteeltnee, Dixztnmee, Fainting Spell Coie Attacht, Torpid i. wer, Cameitpation. eic , .Mould by eUnirrviB try this remedy. The Knew Ktnmarh Miftciris who have taken Mayr't Woaderfnl Stomach Remedy have re-cived i in mot cam a laatinfone After you have taken tli-s Remedy you hould be able to digest and asinnliie your food, enable the heart to pump pure red blood to every part of the body, giving hrmnesi and strength to 6bra and muvle. Inure and spark le to the eye, clear ne4andcotortnthecnmplexmn andactivity and bi illianry to the btam Do away with your pain and suffering and tint laotten possible with even one dost of Mayr'm Woatlcrfal Stomach Remedy Interim liierature and hookle drvrihinf S10m.11 h Ailments sent Ire by Geo. H Jl.ivi Ml? themut, 154 156 Watting bt, Chicago. 111. Hart Drug Co. Next to Post Office BOOKKEEPING, BANKING, SHORTHAND. Scholarship sold on credia. Railroad fare pai dfrom home. Position guar anteed, $50 to $75. Piedmont Business College, Inc., Sam Jack Musick, Mgr. Lynchburg, Va. Standard at Aaa.rLe Sampeck's Correct Posture Suits For Boys (Regiatered) Head Erect Chest OutShouldtrs Pack i Bay you. avaita ham tpt the coming mr np yon' vui reoelra daHy utla. faction, price inchi-ad, nothing but tha Dart trar enters una mark at am it la oard xjr in tna very Mat manner. -Call and impact our meat, our market. and vote the care we axerclae In teeing mat you get just wnat jroa want, men yon will realize why to many people prefer to nay nere. Save the Money We can sato you from $150,00 to $200.00 On A Piano Call In and we will show you why. We buy di rect from factories for cash arid SELL ON EASY TERMS. We F. Austin & Son See our ad in Saturday Evening Post Ring Drug Go. The Rexall Store OOOiHrOOOOCHEWlXltXXmCratXHDrOtM MATTON'S Liver Tablets A perfect substitute for Calomel Every Bottle Guarantied 25c a Bottle UATTON DRUG CO. Agency: EASTMAN KODAKS . NUNNALLT'S CANDIES . rMOOO0OOO0O0tXKK00OO0OO0 FOR RENT Furnished room applj to in Dalton street to a growing boya health! r " -' ' v - At 3 ' h s i V eLe lmTM, eO0l)OOOOflCMON9Or5OOOOOOOtMfl j - - 12 Size 14 Karat Solid Gold WATCHES Elgin Movements LIMITED D. RONES 8c SON JBWCLCR8 Point. . - - IN. C. ' ALLEY'S OQRHId THE WOMAN'S STORE" Saving News to tbe Shoppers Ladies No-Button underwear, fleece lined, closely knit 35c, 50c and $1.00 per garment Set Snug 50c and $1.00. Honest $ Hose, equal to the $1.50 kind. Cadet Hose for Women, Boya and Girla every pair guaranteed. Quaker-made Hose, with Linen toe and heel, at 15 and 35 centa. Bearskin Hose for Boya and Girla. Granite Hose, solid as a rock, tough as whit leather. SERGES, tbe backbone of wool dress goods.' We have 35c 50c, 75c and $1.00, all the leading ahadea. Velvets, Corduroys, Coat Suits, Rain Coats, etc., etc. Visit the "Woman's Store," you are always welcome TILLEY'S EMPORIUM ofa Gas Heated UyoaaMqMriaws-h yaacaat rwu te rMdul ceaafort tWe ii . tntc-ag yoar (set te da tlowiaf warmth ei a Renor Cat Haa-a. k ' akas 70a ioTf a mmmaa, day ami iktA braia b p-jracal nUn-oa mi alii niiHii--ii- kkakasyeaal peace with the werU mi yn-wtf. GAS HEATERS QUCK MEAT rOR COU ROOMS' ' are the chswiwl ho-weneipa-im- cee caa ha-a. The work fat like aa pea heerrh fcre mad pro the aarae ' hoapitabU air la a room. Every heaM , steads sea or Bore el these perfect .. tteaten. Not&af ea the auaiat to ' da ia at aetata! aad aeeacaiirel aa , these hiilin. The e-i the Oriaiasl CeyeerRi-iclirClUaleTs. : They eeat bat httU S)&0O ' Bfnrerd---s-d pay bif raturaa ia jMakk 1 '' ryy '' Come ia aad let aaahowyaatheai as wel, at ear '. aeampleta Kaa a arharaaseppli. aaaea fat tha , heassheld. Oar eerrice ii-eenla. For Children There Ia Nothing Better. A cough medicine for children must help their coughs and colds without bad effects on their litttle stomachs and bowels.; ' Foley's Honey and Tar, exactly fills this heed. : No opiates, no sour atom ach, no constipation follows its use. ! rStuffjr ; colds, wheeiy breathing, coughs and corup are all quickly1 helpedV-Mann Drug Don't Forget f his Free Pip irg Offer Only one week longer to get 10 feet piping with each Heater necess- ary to connect mm fill! - A Maker of Health, v i A good honest medicine Uk Foley Kidney Pilla gives .health ' to many families. , Mrs. O. Palm er, 635 WliW St., Green Bay, Wis., was seriously, ill with kid-; ney and , bladder trouble. Mr. Palmer writes: "My wife ia rap idly recovering', her health and strength due solely to the cse of Foley Kidney rUls.--Mar.a Drvj Co. '-5 ": .-;-;--i1r-v';:; 'V;;v

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