Qhe JS, 'JiU.lilt.' X. v Jl 1 . A-'- Mil' I I I 7r- . ror f Ir inf 1 l fii i !! Vol 23, No. 114. HIGH POINT, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 5, 1910. Subscription Prfca 3.00 Per Ytr. KIM STILL ' WHIG 1 FACTS ''C;.'.r .' . Tb Administration is .Marking Unit In the Nawtrt Inter- 1 'rnaiional Crisis.' INTEREST GROWING III ' ASKS FOR INFORMATION All Government Machinery Sec to Work Getting R ports on ' , the Persia Afte-f. the Second of the Series Was Held t Wesley Memorial ' Church Last Night ' THE OPERATIONS' OF THE ARMIES FIGHTING IN THE BALKANS v. , Br tho Associated rresa . , Washington, Jn. 5. Tbeadniinistra (ion continued today .to mark time in the situation artaing from the linking of tho Brlttnb steamship Puria while .awaiting definite information concern ing the attack on the vessel. 1 AT GREEN STREET TON1CI1T Third Service at Green Street Bantist This Eventn; by C P. Coble and L. A. Peeler. The second of the union prayer wr vices wan held laat evening at Wesley Memorial Methodiat church, the paitor, I)r. T. 3lowe, announcing the h yaus J and introducing the speakers. Kepre Mutative from most of the churches In j the city were present, aa well at aim out Until the full facta are as hand thejtn 0f the pastors, and the meeting waul next .move in the u- crisis with the i most Interesting and enjoyable one. Teutonic power will not be determined The subject for discussion waa "The upon Unity of the church Throughout the Only two Americana were 'n board World." Rev. A. W. tlaxon, the firat when the vessel waa aunk. 1 he Ameri- j speaker, aoke 'of the reaaona for hope can consul at Marseilles today advised that such unity would finally prevail the state department that he had ob-'and indiVd certain acts which at the tained a passenger lint from steamship ! present tisne shows a atrong tendeffcy in agenta there and had definitely fixed the 'this direction. "All the churcKs," said number fo American at two: Robert 'he, "have the same living' Christ, the McXeely, of Monroe, X. C, anJ Charles j Christian religion, being eculiarly. Uiel H. Grant, of Boston, -j religion of a person. All who are in this I Acting under instructions from the I 'iving Christ are united to one another." ! President, Secretary Laning his ordered j "Another unifying power is the fact American coniular official to obtain sf- that (liristian, experience Is essentially . fldavrts - from Persia -survivors and to I the same in all w ho have it in a genuine , Immediately cable summary of the tea-1 way," said the speaker. "Kaeh person en liroony to the state department, iters the kingdom just aa every other A. report '.has been sent to Ambassador doe, that is, by believing and choosing PenfleM at Vienna, requesting him to for himself. Still another power making ( make an Inquiry 'at the Austrian foreign for unity is the fact that all have the office. same Bible, the Word of lied," lie de- ' While the situation is still . tense as els red. .ever officials .here are hopeivl that a ' "Another fact that is driving the 'new .way will be found for jn emk-able churches to the essential core of Chris settlement of ithe issue. J tianity,, sai4 lr. Claxon, "is the ten- ...... i dency (a noSera times to emphasise SIX AVER THESSAXONITI "STILL j whatever really makes men and to ig sr- aw . . m " f w , . .-tv . . .. . . . Nki fir . rr isai ALUE5 ' LINE. . 1 COUTITY IS SPEEDU1G II nn nn nnun i ur uii nuau Hurm Road Force Begins Tha.sday to Improve Balance High Point Greensboro Road. OTHER HIGHWAY MATTERS EUMtA OF AMP MOKTSHZSRO LOST TO ENEMY. ' With the Italians enierlng the Hulkan catupglgn and ine Germans and Uulgarlaus conceutrutttiK force on the thinube to meet u pwlule Kunslnn Invasion. Austria is Increasing her efforts to summarily UItow of Monteugro. Derlje has beeu captured aud the P.ulgar bare :iiscd over the froutler at Prisrcud. ItEARLY 300 MORE DIED High Point Township Last Year Births Number 484 and Deaths 200. GAIN IN THE CITY WAS 201 9T0ATS ARD CAXXi TOB HELP, nor whatever, doea not. The world Uj Total Deaths in This Gty Was looking lor men mat can put tnings ovir. Vital religion makes suvh men, and nothing else doea." " V (By (he Associated Prets.) , yw York, .Jan. 5. :Tlie On-k steam erinessajoniKi was suuanoar early u- j i,v. ( ik- tlw speaker t T ( weyaa ni remarks oy nouug ne wgica 168, and the 'Number of Births Was 369. for help. A wireless received by the United States, broiutht the information it BILL INTEODUCED FOB COMPULSORY SERVICE. London, Jan. 5. Under the terms of the compulsory military bill as introduced la the house of commons today, all males between the ages of it and 41 who art bachelors ot widowers without children dependeat upon thorn are liable for military service. IreUsd is excluded in the terms of the measure. Mr. Asquith said that ao case was made out -for general eompul s'ioa aid that the hill he was ia ,,twdodg couM ho supported ky .those opposing coascripUoa. sequence between unity in the churches snd peace. "That they might be one" is a . . c . elk sna acnica me report xnat rne .erippiea the Naviour's prayer, because then "the sttamer had been entirely abanflon.-d worM win believe and when the world .and ht be cspUm-ana ere were re-! believe we will have peace. eeivoa try we cniwa Hiaies. 1 -jt us try." said the speaker, -to The 300 passengers of the Ihessalon iki were taken off by the Patris, which ia -due here some time today. 7TJIE LUMBER MAIfUTACTUBEKS see the world and the church from God's standpoint. How doea he see things)" The church has gone right just in pro Hrtion as if has been able to over During the year 1015 there were 484 births in High Point township aud 2v0 deaths, making the net gain of birtjjj 284. In the city there wer. JUiU birthsJ during the yr and in th-- township outside of I he city there wer? 122. There were Itlri deaths in High Point and 32 in the township outside of the corporate limits for the year 1U15. May led in the birth rate in the city. iere being 3!), and May led in the town 1 son i DIC j Wfll Widen Principal Roads, Pro viding For Sidewalks No Protests Were Recorded. For once in many meetings, the coun ty commissioners In regular session yes terday failed to be flooded with long, and loud protests from delegations of -citizens concerning work on the county highways, which caused the much wor rh-d burden -bearers of the county affairs considerable satisfaction, as it is some indication that their tfforts to rive bet- Iter roads to the Ouilford people are meeting with st least fair degree of success. Ths commissioners yesterday spent practically all of their time In discussing road matters, and several' actions of more than ordinary interest . in this connection were taken. Probably the most important decision, was to at once begin' work of 'mproving ' the portion of the High Point -tJreens- fcoro road between the two pieecs of j high class work now practically com I plete. i A force of men will be placed on the High Point-Greensboro highway tomor . row to undertake the repair work be 'tween the anphglt stretches at either lend. The repairs will be made with aa- phalt and gravel; and offlcia's express T Collins Homey Convicted in Re-1 Mt that when the job It done the r ' g ro4 H1 b eicellent condition, a corder's Court on Uiarge ; condition that will prove alto-ether sat Cruelty to a Horse. isfactory until the program .' r making ' this wholo highway of concrete and as QUESTION OF TREATMENT . t - I work on the Randleman road, and re-- Mr. Homey Claimed That Beat-'Port"0' 800 progress sre received daily. ... . i si? a ' A,l T), work l- county, In fsct, is inS Was the Only Way to M u progreMinli;fe,v. nd Treat a "Balky V Horse. little time is being lost, dunthe win-, iter to Utter the eounty's public kigh- " The IJiyh ' Poinf Society Yor tlie Pre' NyTr A large, amot'vf r. pair week ' Isi nnninTYirilaltfiif tm? ilt sVtsiev.r tinvliai ntlon of tTueltv to Aniraala which j . . . r "w"" i jnrre was miomitiea a nuui ironi recently organised, held sway "! circt5on offl,.ittls In Rock Creek township AfiAINST FNTPNTF Ith' municipal court this morning, prose- I to the elfeet that the election h !d on , cuting two cases and securing a convic- j December 14 to dwUle the i.eition of The (ire. k irovcrnmcnt has made viK-1 tion in one of them. Mrs. R. C. Noyars' tt 8P,c,nl wh,K)l tax a caricd by a, orous protest to the entente usainst ar-! t. v...tu-. ..frt.w.r ..u .,..1 ! majrity jf 'he registered GREECE LODGES A VIGOROUS PROTEST vei was rest of (ireek subjects at Sa'oniki, ac- she acts for tliis society, which is com- Icome pride and prejudice snd let iod ., tnnrrcT iftimcr Birrtii . - " - ivr nil win inrouun ii. i lie siinioei .. . . ... I , ... "'"I'- there being It registered. IJe-nm inm pveuuiir m unuv Mnifint in. eniireueii . " n , ber was " posed of many of the leading citizens of nisnuuix in eueijjvui- h-iuib t.it- mum-- l. Ill 1 . !.... r. mm v? me .lmuiiimi iirw.1 . 4 4. ..... Washington, Jan. 5.-Pine lumber uu ",r Vl l,,p u . . . . . . one treat denomination. We believe in mamitacturera of irgmia, North Care- . . , fine and South Carolina complained to-!un,t' b"t t .f u. think that group day to the interstate Cemmewe worktnd, fr,w,d,y r,-lry broU, bout i t .v . ii. i iv i . ibv the act that there are denomina mistlon that the rate on their products ; from Norfolk, Richmond, Roanoke and M" tr csome. ther. points to Pittsburgh and other i, "UWeV points n that territory are unjust' aud ( j-ttoa.1 walk ought to be broken unreasoaaMe compared wttk rates on T . :r.K " " u,u"7 Uliate release of the arrested persons. Berlin hears that the (ireek minister the largest death rate month at Sofia has informed Bulgaria that both in' the city and the township, siv Greece will use all means at her dispo Hi. rli Pi. inf anil linn .unrwirt f "nil the i rinht'thinkinjj piople of the c'lty." Be J fore starting the cases this morning, I Judge Dalton made the ttnnounccment as . r.. o... ....... :.. . i. . lii i m .-mi v m i n ii. l ill .lie ill unr-. uliuu. I . J 41.. k.. I . 1 . .1 . . ' 1 . il . -... ..I .a !.. Itt. FuMmt nmfpri anainfll. . ' . X.'Sy 10 ue.ui ueuig rr.uru uulBiue 01 mi'iMi;". "rr - ' i" -- diHlsriii! that she was actins for the'. , ... iL, assi nl Tho ( iormans n1 nt tur tnr IUIU Sylli as 1 I i o v "a isv vs sisaus and in within the limits for that mondi City of High Point. of the consuls at Saloniki, other Greece, desiring to lumber from points n ,Tesewee, iesippl end other southern states. Mis ATIAHTA Y0TT96 OV KCALL Of 3CAT0S WCODWAtO People that believe alike and work alike gH to g4 together. While I am not a union crank, I am a union en- ;thuskA." . I The servtees this eveniag will be held v I . "v mm '.n u itmt. vmp.m uiniw. A French official statement declares a Bulgarian dctachmeht is pillaging J villages on the ffeek frontier. j (By the Associated Press.) jtTie subject will ie The Family and Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 5.-RecaU of May- J Training of Our Vouth." Rev. C. P. or James G. Woowsrd and five Atlanta j Coble and Rev. I A. Peeler will be the police commissioners Is before the voters of Atlanta at a special election today. Efforts are being made tq o.ist the sit officials because they reduced from the chief to the captaincy James L. Beav ers, who .first became known outside of Atlanta by abolishing the restricted dis- trTctsT"" i speakers, i JUDGE W, R. ALLEN'S NAME PRESENTED FOR OUR HIGHEST COURT ) 'By the Associated Press : Washington, Jan. 5. The r.ames of ' '. W. R. Allen, member of the North Caro- HAMIS GIVEW A UCHT hina Supreme court, and Joeepa W. Da- SENTENCE ON THE R0AD.S: vi8) gollcitor general, of the department ' , . ' ', " T .'' i ; , . , I of. justice, kave been presented to Presi David Harr.sf white, wh ffaaoed Wil8on t" fi thVYllcinc on the guilty yes Urday morn.ng to the larceny j gu me of a prto , coat and some collar, from j Qf Frank Pickward was given 30 daye.pn tjM Uimt , the roads by dgerHonthUmontlnj, ; nt ha not " yet given se Harris asked for the mercy of the court , tongidCTat(m to th quP8t, on but and he gotit in Urge bumW for, ,g as w juut. , I- nossih e. ' j . est sentence a man ever got for steal ing." ' HEAVY ADVANCE IN RATES, . TO MEDITERRANEAN PORTS VENABLE LEADS SPECIAL ELECTION IN MISSISSIPPI Meridian, Miss., Jan.; 5. W.' W. Ven able, of Meridian, seemed apparently to- New YorkrJsn-l 5. Activitiee in the Mediterranean caused an advance in war i day to have a comfortable lead over his rislc insurance by local companies today five opponents in yesterday's special eW on cargoes for Mediterranean points and tion in the fifth Mississippi, district for ships for the far cast through the Sues j a successor to the late , Representative canal. 1 , Rate of 10 per. cent js quoted! S A..-Witherspoon. V With- two eofintiet yet yto""!u ar "fronTjand with incomplete returns jn the eight other countlea, he had a vote of 448 against 3 "U for his en , cargoes I and ships to - belligerent nhtries, at eompared'with of I per nt. before "the sinking of 'tbe' of the Asicona and the Yasaka Marit combined opposition. The number of births and deaths w ith- j maintain her good relations with the cen iu the city aa given out by Dr. D. .. i tral powers. tstanton, vital statistics registrar, are: BirthsJanuary, February, 34; March, 29; April, 10; May, 30; June, 30; July, 34; August, 37; September, 31; October, 30; November, 21; Deecmbr, 24. Total, 369, - Deaths January, 12; February, '10j March, 15; April, 9; May, 13; June, 15; July, 17; August, 14; September, Id; October, 18; November, 10; December, 1. Total, 168. Township. jf the registered .oters. l'ro- vmiiin wa? uiuue for tlie nroiNr levvinif of this tax, which is not t: exceed 30 ?e:t en the $100 valuation or property. 'Hi "'p a! en b.v the bo:r.l yester day relative to r.wiiis i - emisidi r.l most provroisive. 'IliiK in piovistit n fur wid- iiiiii" eeria'n of the main co:iiitv hi'h- iini form width of ."( fe"t, to i to !' fe't from the center Humane society. "I heard somebody yes-. of .. Mfehvv ow . tabliahed. terday ask about where 'Mrs. Soyars ; W) v( fvt M ojth(,r Me wi nwT got on at' in these cases, and 1 am ex- d for t( (f gid,.walkg if thoy plaining for their benefit and for the riouW pvp. h) The wiU public generally," said he. pct actaUy wkjmMj ,t lhi(l timef Collins Horney was fined $." and the'.,,.. . mmtir vaMt. ! costs for cruel treatment to one of hiday Mn tak,n for the r.urpoge of horses Monday morning by beating t e .J .....mj-u:,,- railA ,:. thB, ,, trouble will be experienced when th widening t bi-omes necesury. j The o;d r of yesterday app'ies to the ' following roads: Aseboro street extend jed, from the Oreensboro city limit to Ithe fork near Buffalo school bouse; the ' animal over the head with the butt end ', of a whip. The trial of this case eon PERSIA SURVIVORS REACH ALEXANDRIA; MANY IN BANDAGES sumed considerable more than an homs' I jtime. Horney acted as his own attorney and after the State had examined fur (By the Associated Press.) London, Jan. 4. (Dclsyed.) Surviv- witnesses bs cslled nine of his own. ors oi we urmsn sieamsnip rersia.j ine case resoivea useii inw me uoat-; mh p0int.(.rCPnf)boro road, ia James which was torpedoed in the Mediterra-; ment whi:h should be accorded a ' bilk- i. " l j:.. .j .i. xi. ..i v,:..k. i t low n. lor iim- riiiur uibi.biii.-7t nun mo tlJ T.L t M t i"ean ,a8t ThUnMlay' h"Ve hei h0m' Hrney WtnM t?Mt "Nirecnsboro-Winston-Ralem rond. from tician for the townelup outside of the ,ent . tUi pUl sliewimr i and that he thouaht he was civirs: it the : , 4... city, W. i. Brown, are as follows: itraees of the shock with bruised and neeessarv treatment. The evid.ne tor! oirtns January, a ; reonwry, March, 4; April, 11; May, 18; June, 8; July, 10; August, 10; September, 11; October 10; November 10; December, 7. Total 115. Deaths January, 2; February, 2; March, 2; April, 5; May, 4; June, 1; July, 4; August, 3 September, . 1; Octo ber,; November, 0 ; December, 6. To tal, 32. , ' ' j bandaged limbs. the state consisted in the testimony The tragedy was enacted so rapidly ; from Officer Welch, L. C. Petrie, F. PAN-AMERICANISM CONTINUES PRINCIPAL OBJECT OF DISCUSSION CALL FOR ELECTION the survivors say that they hardly j. Wall and John Hay worth. After whip-I pab pAVtvr DnCTWVtfFtri realiied what had happened. Every one j ping the horse these witnesses said llor- j FOR PAVING POSTPONED was in good humor and five minutes Uter ; ney hit it several blows over the head Tne c-ty councirattheir meeting Ust th(se who escsped were in bosts or j with the large end of the whip. All "flight did not issue the officii. I call for clinging to refuge. . these witnesses considered the treatment ; (he eWtion for rtrwt impr0ve- Everything is being done for the com- cruel and unmerciful. j Imnt on wf t,,e fact thw aty fot of thft survivors. Charles Grant, of Tlie statement of Ed. Fields and Hor ; ,anag(r Lyo Bad not completed the list Boston, believed to be the only American ace Ragan, horsemen, and called as wit j 0f jujgeB anj regi8trart The date for now able to tell the story of the disaster, ncsas by the defendant, that the treat' ; clert,on togtth4r wiU Xw adoption Is a truest on board the United States ment described was pruiser Des Moines. luinecessary auu . rMO,ut:on - more iviecv ! , the election (By the Associated Press:) Washiirgton, iJan.'5.The chief inter est'' In the ork of the . Pan-American Scientific congress was again today cen tered in the section tor , th study of international law when the shakers dis cussed, some plans of . Pan-Americanism. An avowal of non-interference was ad vocated as unavoidable neeewity In the creation of greeted Pan-Americanism by Dr. Luis Alfredo Otero of Colombia, Unqualified support of the Monroe; doc tr ine was given -by ' Dr. Manuel Caval cantl, of BrszU, In his address on prob lems of international law peculiar to the Americas. .. ' V. ' j ..y i. v j unmercnu. proooiy nu o.o.r w h 4 rjstlr. man inyuiing e.se on ouoge i,,n.;w.n donp yery like,y, at thc Bt HAITIEN REBELS ATTACK , decision. ,'1 doiot know much about -ti f tfc nd on Tuo(kla -j It lit M lit.... 1 I . AMERICAN MARINES :-nainWore, saia me luage, oui . lg elction can be set for know that this was no way to treat any ; ftny time dgy8 thwafter. kind o a horse.- j tIk; sentiment of the council last T. h);M'.-war W.1.'VPhl(li --. -ieeiBe4.'t0 ftvor holding the Barringer, negro, and. Charles Oillen t election the, last of February or early' white boy, who were driving Home's . Um prwbbly U moving vnn back from Greensboro alfor isndfor strwt Improvements Monday, when a horse which was tic,! . , behind lns some way ;got its )'-fSt I kg v -, eaogntr' under the rope, a gash, 2 inches I Port a u, Prince, Haiti, Jan. . A rev olutionary; outbreak occurred at 2 o'clock a. m. .'The Port, au Prince fort of thfc American, marines was atta-ed. One of the -rebels was killed by .that Ameri cans who suffered no. losses., t. Johnson's Name to the Senate. . Washington, Jan. SThjePresident 1 yide gndiiMdiea4ng-eiBgTfrrt. haJscnt to'the senate the nomination of Joseph Johnston,' of Spartanburg, & C, to be United States district judge for the 8 western dlslrict of South Caro lina. ' ; ' The judge took the view that while tlu horse suffered muh pain from the occur rence, that the defendants could not be held criminally Iia11 and were dis charged i' " " west to northeast wuk!. TheVeaet. Cloudy tonight and Thursday: probably local rains; warmer to-, niht in the eastern portion; cold- tt Thursday in west; fresh soul.i-

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