PASS are mm Veuel in Cbrf of Pruct Crew Moved up From Old Point to Newport Newt. BERLIN IS REJOICING CcrmftDt EntKomstic Orer Raid ert Worlc--Wentity of Ship - Slin Myitery. - (By the Associated PmO Newport Xcws,Ta., Feb. 3. -With her German prixe crew commanding, the Ap- pam moved up from Old Point Comfort; early today and anchored off this point j .i. .fUi.ii' ana un j liberty to land In the United Mtatea. . s. The Appani'a legal status la "Ml un-( determined. Oa board Lieutenant Berg,! the German officer, command, but he' moves the craft only upon orders from! Washington through Collector Hamil-j ton. I Lieutenant Bcrge still maintains hi determination to permit iw one aboard , the liner except officer of the I'nite.. . State. Though polite, hi- shows no; undue courtesy to the American offl- j ecra and innioita ujKn recognition of hl' absolute authority over the ahip and) it company. He is holding more than 2iW aboard incluuiUK me pnw crrw t.-, -v. 1 . 1 : . t -Hi! Orman who were prisoners on war:" um" K j it on the Appaui, Captain Harrison and the enth-e crew of 155 of the Appam and 12 of her pasacngers, whom he claims belong to the British army or navy. Cntil the Washington govern iiru muni th tierman con ten- tio. all will remain on board the ip- pam. Berlin Enthusiastic. surlta FiK S (Vi LAndon.) Xews! of the arrival of tbe Appam at OM Point Comfort snd the dareirr raid of ,, . . . t. . VtM nil tbe German cruiser rn tha mam un? 01 J a. . . . . ' I the sea traffic between South Ajca; and Europe, aroused a new outburt ol ,.nliiia!aam fir I hp (iermair navv. The cruis.r Moewe-in Knglish Sea ... Cull-was enrolled on the honor hnt ; ... j, . . i,T. ror tlie nm time on tii trip me with the Eniden. Her feat was, charac- , . . .. . . , . . .... ,K (iaPinr Prcideiit told how one belligerent nation .tensed as showing thst the daring ... ,, , . ., 1- was cut off trom the world. Hr t-axl that Pirit which animated the Lraden .. ...... ..'(hiii Lpnl the 1 niifnl Statm trom liein- rtiU alive and that further pages 01 hitory were being written. There 1 . - ..... ... little mystery rejrardin the indentity of the Mocwe. ; 7 L 7Z ore but oW not surprised at the capture, but obvwua reasons did not give out any , information, about the cruiser or TV II II she set out for her raids. It may have been that some large ateamer asaiiming the name of Moewe when converted into an auxiliary cruiser aHnrut ihrnimh the Rritiall HlK-S. A tire r" . . . cedent existmff is the case or tne ier-, ' converted into thCi man ni reliant man Rrfxiliary cruiser Medeor, which sank atij Lngliwh vessel in the North ea New Type of Warship. New York, Feb. 3. Daniel Bacon, agent of the British owners of the Ap pam, says 'that the ve?el wa captured . .. . . U..1.A a n i t liy ft new vype oi iign uraiv, uenjr armed snd swift Uermfin cruiser built . f . . 1 . .. 1 on tne ime oi a meuna.ama., a..u ' "a" I lly disguised. ; '"She was not an old. warship but a; bmnd new one," said Mr. Bacon. "Ifpr4ncil w,.ilh u hlAn heid undef the eajiftot give ber name, although I have. , of . Kationll child Ubor been officially told it. The cruiser (Corninitteft Scrums devoted to a dis which enptured the Appam was .sorted cmfim Qf thp Kfati chiM m by several other vessels at least om ! tfJ!l!,-f,--..,15,,r Whk ,lso actw, - as a scoui snip. . : v -i nnacrstana tnai ine sum oi i.hv 00 m cold was taKen from tne specif: room oi in vppa. w..e,i, tured.aiid tlia the mail andycargo int?ct' .... I 1" . Washington Still Considering. f ... . . L k ... ...1 u. Washington, Feb. 3. Secretary Lac sing stated today that there was no question as to the Appa ima .. a. Z prfee, but that the position v involved further consideration ..Ai s i of , the terms of v Tbe Hague conference and the lYussian-American treaty. Lieu- tenant Berge'a refusal to land the Brit-j ih liner will be, the subject of further consideration, EVIDENCE IN U0HR, , CASE IS ALL PRESENTED Providence, R. I - Feb:- S.-The pieaen-f iation of all the evidence in the trial of Mrs. Elizabeth F. Mohf, charged with the murder tS her husband, Dr., Frank-i lin Mohr, was concluded at the forenoon session of the Superior court here today. It i expects! that theae "w iil reach th? j'iry tomorrow. SECRET CODE BOOK Or NAVY HAS DISAPPEARED (By th Associated Prass.) San Francisco, CaL, Feb. 3. A book containing the secret code of the United States navy kai been loat from ths torpedo boat de stroyer Hnll and, according to ad vices received hers from Washing ten, the navy department has or dered the court-martial of Lieu, tenant ' Herbert, A. Jones, com mander of the reserve of the tor pedo boat flotilla and of the Hull, and of Ensign Robert D. Kirkpat rick, executive officer, in whose Joint possession the book was. IMhe book is not found or Us destruction, unread by outsiders, absolutely demonstrated,' it may be necessary, it is said by naval officers here, to provide a complete new system of secret ' communi cation for the navy. BE E President Wilson Says United States Should Have Largest Navy in the World. A TUMULT OF CHEERING TV IS AAA p.i. 1 plandea Ult ftauon a CUet tX- I CCtttiv b St LxHtU Today. St. Uui, Feb. 5. President Wilaon old an audience of I 'i.tXKl people which ; line initea riate siiohki nave ;m iarg- left navy In the world. "l believe that the ftMy of the United ! Mates ebouid be ' UneonuuernbIe,M he ' tb hrfni l" th V VA 7 " . ' iV 7 The Pnsident declared that submarine , ... - mnt nAna aKwiail hail mat rtift inuu- f fir - -7" T. TiT 1 . . . J . , mm.nder might aet the whole a fsaj imtlitjiirwr A mairiio world ' " - ! r. mi' ua it uiiiiin like in. ine rreKKieni " -"" . . 4 ' . T - ! iVktutln tliia fllBtomftit in frvina in J"' Piiu tliki I nttai Vtntaa rata II v u na npii ; At the breakfast of the St. Louia Bus- hm I .1..;-.. .v.. ! would be another war like the present nd that this wsr would hssten pesce. Governor Major, of Missouri, Vat next to the President. The room was decora- iwl with American fl,. r.ninuaiasTH' , annlauaa trrteA th Preident aa he rr i arose to SIH'ak ; i When the Freaident soolte ot ni. con- . ;i ;.. k .(i .f victiona concerning the creation ot ! ka;uam annlaua fnl. ' I tarin board, entnueiattic applause 101-, lowed. He then spoke of national de-l lne. UPLIFT WORKERS GATHER IN ASHEVILLE TODAY A'hvville, Feb. 3. Widely known chic, ; educational and social uplift workers wm m tcdav for the opening session . , Twelfth Annn.1 Child Ij.hor eon- n0w,- before Congress are expected to fea ture the conference and Representative i LOT SHOULD DNHL catim' tir.d .Ittdgc Mitchell Pa?mcr and,?n the best equipment to be had tiny- . . . --rr,-'.7- ;. -. . , :. . , , . ... : tv...i.t.. A.1,.,t,!o t' ...... ..... , ....... j.. t. . i verRiLv. nave oepn inviLeo 10 siichk. u the Federal child labor legislation at this meetinK. Xhe eonference adjour Sunday next. KEAtlNG CHILD LABOR , - . BILL READY FOR SENATE j tr.i.iHnA. wK t T1,a l'uf MIA CTr; the following its pa,SSflg by the bouse ! ii j.ii ? . ... a - . . . 3 v lll a.1 l-.... i late yesterday oy a voi oi Mi to m. The measure prohibits the interstate shipment of products of child labor un der heavy' penalties; but was amended Bo as to exQntpt the boys and girls can ning clubs from its operations. The house spent the entire day yesterday de bating the measure; and the opposition, in the most coming from the south, was based b thegrouifdHhantas'uncdn- stittitional and in, violation of states rights. The Weather. Fair tonifKt and Friday; tem perature Lelow Ittczizz tonirht; freth northwert , :nds. BETTER TELEPilE FiCIUISJMTEO Board of Governor 0 Manufac turers Club Name Committee to Confer With Others. ! THE BELL'S PROPOSITION High Point Bminess Men DecUre Proposition Made by ManAger Spier is a Fair One. Hy unanimous otc last uight, the Isard of governors of the Mannt'actur-i n' club au(hori.ed President tMlliam,' of tin- club, to apoiiit a committee of i the to confer with a tike, committee from Thoniasvillo and Lexington' for the puipor of looking into the pietKn of 1 , nlicviiitf the telephone situation in the ! three named town. This action lastj 1 niyht follow ed a statement by M. B. ' pi r, general manager of th Bell Tele-, ; plion company in North and South j Imolinn. in which he outlined the prop-' osrtion which the Bell Telephone curo-j 1 pany ban tuhmittcd to the North Stat,,' company. After a full discussion of tnel conditions intiiiff here an relating toi , ) i.c-h 1 and long dint a lire phone nerviee, It was the sense of the governors ' that j comet bin;; was needed to improve the1 pieaent state of affair. The commit-1 jtee representing the town of High1 l'oint. Thomstvilli' e ami ivexinpxon at to tboroujihly investigate the propoai tioat from every angle, and then take Ith wtt,r UP witD Manager Hayden, of the Xorth SUte company and see two years abroad, the last of which she passed in Paris in relief work, (of -if agwment i poMible. ; diers, la to apj)ear la the "movies" for the EoulUbks Film Comrjanv. It IH In responie to the call of President PriUiam, of the Manufacturers' club, nine J members of the board of governors met' last evening in the club rooms to dls-l euas the natter wf better telephone fa.j eilities. Mr. Spier, by invitation, was this la to have aif C6raIer value the: properties of both the BJ and the North State companies; then this propM erty to be put into a new eompanv to uriu i,tir wnu dvii ; to take stock iu the new company lol- lar for dollar for the value of the oroo- rtv each put into the new corpora- ; 1 , tio Under this srrangeroent, the two, 1 'companies in High Toint, Thomavillel " i ,and Lexin-jton would be meri-ed. the a - long diatance of the Bell .erviee beiw l available to the subscribers of the North state and the subscribers of tbe local j to th advantage of the long drntance rvice of the Bell. lt,,J estimated bv Mr. Spier that the North I would have frora 00 2 3 to Pr wn.t- of the 8tH'k in the new npony.; wu,fn wt,u,Q eave in management in, la- 1 l . i it..i a r ... i i "' '"-v """"" have the nowcr to eont nne the wrv ra. just as he is now, the only difference, i juuivr uui, uiu w m itl,ern nlH tio int n mnr. .wLI.aWI. : I M. c:.. ... i i.. .i... " J " ' " er in the new corporation than i in the1 , , . . : -OI1ll .IBIC. Bf "SKI a COTliraCl WOlllU X" a 1 hj a. IT. i 1 a , " company, w .ere- 'hr it U'miM rmt wvo 1., luir .mill ef iiitt . ...... ' enarges oi an long distance niesaage sent from here, not to exceed 20 cent, iaml l,,r''' cent each tor an messages delivered her. fr. Spier estimated that! this would at the least estimate amount to an additional revenue of $1,200 per annum, and he believed that it would double this amount. In beginning hrs remarks, Mr. Spier outlined in a general way the history of ; the proceedings leading up to today. He told how in response to the appeal of 1 the local businvas men the Bell eom- pany had entered this field and had putT vln-re. He sjiid iliat the North State,; .i. i. i.i .,c m.. uuuiuh uir niniinyi uu nv ui i - ., li.d Afi4 a l.ll nliiul A lndl QllatMf, i iia , ui ii, tiwu , 'in if iiiiiiv u t i v. . (i i ttvi.'v. i that the Bell had not been able to break , into. He estimated that the North J State now tins 1,450 subscribers in High IVint, While the Bell has 83. i This, he said, was working a double bur-! den on many, as they were obliged to, . . . . ... bth Ph0ne" W h0m:8:to Mrve the county roads for WsjuHtice'. court there Tuesday for "ho - , order to transact Ion distance - business: This condition had caused an (Continued" on Page 5.) WILLARD ARRANGING FOR FIGHT WITS KORAN Chicago; Feb. 3. Jess Wiftard, heavy weight champion of the world, his man aer,veral -promotew-f rom-New-York and other parts of the coimtry were here today for a conference to decide on the terms of fight between the champion and Frank Moran, of "Pittsburgh.' Willard denied the report that , he would fight Jack Dillon, of IndiaiiOrpbi who witnessed the alleged cruelty lis. AC7ZZSS TO BE i I J I '1 'V I II I X. 1 Mii Edna Wn I luce Hoihmt. who m u. . a. 1 ,. : 1 m 1 1 . 111 I - 1 c . . t- " f 1 f-r- I '. .rrw , be tbe first time tbls little American actress ever has appeared to tae fllins, and there Is aauch interest In her debut on the screen. As noon as her contract er. which she believes will take about two months, she intends to return to fans and resume work in behalf of L - a a a A m anBk. sa. at m kaaBBai a b k . j fii Another Continuance in the Now Famous Local Case Against Bu-chfield and Cable. "" inn COURT Hfli Cse Continued Six Mouths For Haynes Burton Cafe. Welbom on Trial. .;. K. Welbom, a white man, m lieing " r -w,... - n Itu Vmt.r Ijv iirf at I It'tiiitl . . . . John l"r ""K tin itttian, a le jiro, at i,reenMoro on ... . , i, . .. .i i i . v in ixinias aay. neioorn. iinoun ni .. '. ... . ,. ,attonu!va. l. a. nine ana r.. n. iiroHd- , . , , , . ... . . hurHt, oleadt d not guilty. I lie state ih .. . . .. I .1 asking for a verdict ol murder rn the fi--f w v i !.. It will sJ likely take the whole of the day to likelv take the whole of tin i try the caw itnil will nanny reaen me ; jury In-fore tonight. T. W. AllM-rtM.ui. attorney for Kdgar Lee Burton, thd up the jury im the j case charging hit client with almndon ' ment of the child found on the Winston ! train at tSreensboro on December 1!. A few days afterward Burton and hw wife, Edn, were arrested near High , Point and carried to the Guilford jail, j Mr. Albcrtson contended that the tat.' I did not coiiniTt his client and the al legid desertion of the child, contended that Bjtrton wao He not also tli, v , ' lather of tint child. - Burton's jury stood six and nix and . ,. . , , 1 viHt.ivinv nt. i (i clock- was (UHinrsseu miu k was dismissed and a mistrial ordered. Burton was released on a $300 bond and the case was con tinued presumably to be tried at the next term of court. It is not improb able however, that the solicitor will fi nally take a nol prose in the case. tar III! . . . . . V im i i. i part in the bringing of lhpior into the i state for the alh?gcd purpose of dispos- insr of it to Hlirh Pointers. Judge CI me igave him three months late yesterday afternoon for the Jamestown case, .and Judge Dalton last Monday gave him three months' for the High Point viola tion. , When Carl Hill's case was called for trial the state asked for a continuance on -aemint f - the--alene-fiinport. ant witnesses. . Mr. Ilill's ease is an ap peal from the conviction in the record er's court on' a. cruelty to animals charge. Judge ( line allowed the contin uance. ; A, traveling man from Philadel j was in court and in order that he might tlaKnce Haynes now lias six moninsinve High romt men were tinea m me SEEN IN "MOVIES " ' "dlH' I a .am. ' ! , returned to America on Jannar 11 fter tbe wounded soldiers. y not have to return hi. teatimony was taken by the stemrapbe, and wfll be preserved. ... . -3;:: Tlie now famous Burchfleldable c, In which the two defendants .re charged: (with auboriiation of perjury W.. con- 1 I inn awl iib4 l 4I.A - a j a ' " "'" " " - , quegt of the defendants' counsel. The ;..:, 'M A - Burchfleld and they are charged with procuring witnesses to swear falsely be - t fn ilnfi,i,J.,i. . 1 f d t . . - . r,T concerning a nniMrH if I !' ?" 'T DOINGS : the defendants, Judge. Bynum and istmdwick of fireensboro and T. J. iold and L. B. Williams, of High Poin nrown. n. pursuant to the for- order of the Superior court, ap pcared in court to how hi rood be- havior. Brown la under a bond "to 1 The IVsident later apoka to an over-gn-rf having at a previous court sub-' fl wtinf in th, Topeka high school, nutted to a violation of the prohibition law. Deputy Ueorge .lames told the judxe that he had heard nothing apamst his elinrcaeter. PACIFIC NORTHWEST IN THE GRASP OF A SEVERE SNOWSTORM S.att:.', Wash.. Fell. :. The Pacit; northwest today was again facing the task ol tattling with an almost unpre cedented snow storm which paralyzed nil icnrnen. .. diso.-animl dty lite, held residents in the onflyinji sections snow'hoiuid and canned inany thousaiuN of dollar worth ;f damage to buildings that were not strong enough to with- Rtand the weight of l'eet of miow on their rKfs. Willi cold weather amt i pronns'.1 ol more snow, the outlook wa: :.ot promising. j In Seattle and other cities street ear .rnfrle was blocked by the snow. The j.IiihiIk aiV closed und business was sus '-i'd' u. ALLEGED HIGH POINTERS IN COURT IN ASHEVILLE According to a dispatch from Asheville ... . x i wing,' and three ot them upon being a. . given their libi'ity upon promise to payi - their fines as sooi as money could beiVJLLA IIS" FLIGHT TOWARD , 'sent from home, left without keeping; THE AMERICAN BORDER: then- nromise. Asheville authorities, it. i aaid, are looking for the three men.) J'.l Paso, Tex., Feb. j. The flight to--The five men who were fined S4.83 each ward the American border by Gen. for "hohoini", werr J. K. Hreer. Flovd Francisco Villa is officially reported to Reed, 'Eugene-Jether, Johu Xalls, . Jr.,! and Albert Stencil. Threw of the men! wick that-. they, did not-havo tha-moiwy and asked to be given liberty and time to wire" home for it. Upon leaving a' Waltham- watch and a couple of good overcoats with the authorities the re - quest was granted. - The men, never re - turned either to- pay .the.i.fina , claim the watch and overcoat V-, y; ASSERTS RIGHTS OF ; AMERICANS ABU' ; WUion Declare We Hate Right jv T....l i u:.l e j I iw tmin uig itigii dCM auiU Ship Goods. SPEAKS TWICE IN TOPEKA 1 Wher. He Lift Topeka Thousands of People Roared Their Lead er a Farewell. TopckitjVkur., I''i. 1 nt Wil- hi in liit njiccch ln-r.' iiMM-rtcd the liht of American to travel abroad, ami their t i v h t to wild food, cotton and inanufiictiirnl product to N-aceful pop tilatioiiH "in open neutral market" and "wherever the condition of war make it poMtihlc to do mo under the ordinary rue iif iiflcriutthuial law." "It may be necessary to ue the force of the United State to vindicate the lijjitx of American citin to enjoy thfl j protection of international law," he de clared emphatically In a pech here. I He urp-d the support of the jicopie ot J Kanwi in preparing that force for uae, ' if ne'.eiiary. I When the Prcaklent arrived in Tope 1 ka the applaiiNe which greeted him was I ix-atteriiig. I When he left thousands roared a J frit ndly farewell. j "There in nothing you would In- quick Mr to blame me for than for neglecting lit aicj(uard ue rights of Americans no matter where they might be in the' world," aald the Prealdent. '"There art perfectly cleanly marked rigbta guaran teed by inercational law whkh every American Is entitled to enjoy and Amer ica is not going to abide the habitual or continued nwlect of thou rii,Ma 1 "We have a right to aend food to- ' tuvtttfwftil rnula wv l..,iAi-n. JE tion, of wtr ,t do und,r tU wd5 ruW, of w w rta..a' fn prwlucf.y Th, Afonrw ioctrIlw k of a8 t ndMm guar.atee by the United ' ' iKUtes a the right of national and popular sovereignty on thi aide of tho ;tr in both continents of the west- ,ln i .isph,,-,. thing ...atahs the ;honor of the Unifnl States in respect to h,s jnK chcrrhed poliev the President bu the moral and phy.ical force ,)f th. l nitMj sut,H. ,Ie ke of the Hh hv h- i.. - fab. and a(M that ..tlie AmwKjaJ ,,,(pu, fee, th. Pame about , Philippines, though the rest of the i v. .... the orld J. BUSBEE IS SELECTED WARDEN AT STATE PRISON R! j.h. Keb. 3.--S. ,1. Busliee, of Wake '.". ty, im v. In charge of the state eon-;'-t "aiiip ul Bad:n. Stanly county, was r.ipt'nled hritm oi" the state peniten tlrry tn!i t uo tl the late Thomas se- Thr. v,;-.s 'iriiderab!c local interest .'n t!.. "( vion of the late Waiden Sales' SJ.Vt fsor hv the etatt- i riwin hoard in. 1(J t o hat CoL D , H. .Milton had b-. i- fuvrra'dy mentioned l'-i' t p pLiet.J i GERMANS EXPECTED TO j MAKE ANOTHER TRY ' TO REACH CHANNEL i By tie Associated Press.) Aivhojyh military operations in most ll;e i tlitat'.'rs of war are virtual- !y at a halt, London apparently expects. : a new move -oon by the (Germans in northern France and Flanders. ! The preent condition indicated that ! an t tiVnsive on a large scare is being , ;!. Hand bv the (Jermans and it is ex ( i-;ul U:at the use of the mass of ar. u i.;v ... unauu-y win ue. uwun ya, ! . .Ml . 1 . f . .'111.. .1 - A.- ; tbe way through ta Calais and on,. . ' 1 V . 1 ..... S me j-.insn cnannei. - -t-y ,;,.., haw, followed the movement eastward , from thl r.iountains.of the Chihuahua of Ju-giuabw-.oUcgcd.banditSa. ac- wndin to retorts received Here toaay. No news, has Wen r?eclved from the detachment of Mexican troops sent into J the border of Mexico, said to be held i by Villa and reported traveling towards i the .Text .border; fM) aihs ent tf IV Paso.