) i nGHPCOT,N. CFrjDAY AFTERKCCN, FEBRUARY 4, lt)16. ; Subscription Price SS.00 Per Yctr. 1-! , v, " -,i. GL7"i.i'.i ! -' i- .'JX5 "JS2 i C7. THE 76.a)SLL!iGAL" ran:, oeis as UPPERMOST fW little Word of Seven Let ' lift Threatens the Peace 'ot . ''' the United State. ' ' . OTHER DEMANDS GRANTED . Berlin Concede, Every Point Ex . ceptAdmittin'f That Singing reaching the Associated ; Press to ' day mdicaies ' tnat 'uridit ho cir- cdmstances would Germany ad .nit that tJjc einking of the tAnta? .' ia Was an iflegaj fcct'-i f ,,' ,TW new inUvction orwarded to Ambassador Von Bernadorff, eccordine to information received, t contained simply one; phrae;eI!Ply- . - the new formula of the propoeed 1 '1 B1, , f . 1 . ' r' ROCKY MOUNT PASTIES v v note of regret for the sinking of- ,s. uttt. . TV 1 . BOY FOUR COTTOIf XHLS the Lusitanuu The suggested sen-j . , -v fence was snort, consisung pi ein , words and does not .contain the ArJ "ilUtr.! It -f eoreaenta the I extreme limit of Gennknys con-' , . . lL ' a ' . ' fession in the Usitama case. Tb lew eDtertained hero Is that: l 1 !.:. -,--1 o.t vi - has .arises ion aecouro ineusiianur es and k i impossible to fore the outcome from any indlcathm bere. The malt of negotiations sppws o jang solely npon one elnglo word lllcgst" lia. tbo way of an agreement betwetn; the' Uniiid 8UUS and feermasy rtand.;only these seven letters eipressing thcon-Lv seption that President Wilaon and pcr tarw Lansing insist must hejfmbodidr in tbe German formula expressing gtet foe the loss of Aroerca lives aboard tbe wessct Lusitaaia. tV Ivelj fnuiwaltlvelT and authorlUf that Gtflnaoy nnot and will not deslg-! morning for the killing of Christian 00 aate as Jllegal the sinking of a Dner liristmas day. Th shWlng followed by ny submarine. ' j rxA bej-reen .Welhora and Oris VVirtuany there is no other difference fajaisn.- Th defendant Wended-that tbe eoalnjf to .a tetHt-mnarning nnd'fftwting wss don in.lMefens nnd the new Instructions forwsrd.d to m-jne jury .upheld this theory, baseador voi ierns(ortf on Tuesday con- '' "' : tain merctf the newloi'mula'Tiy Vhfch Tt Is hoped wUl satisfy Wseihngton without humiliating this country. t.Althoush the ougxreted sentence, ac- eordins to a rx liable version, conairts, of: ij;ht words, and not "illegsl' charac-: ton, vioo-prenident . and general counsel jUiiiing the srnfcin; o tbe Lutitania. esjof'the Atlantic Coast Line rajlroad, died nich, goes otherwise to the furthest ea- tent possible towards (netting s metti&r Amrrloi's ,h- demands. . 1. ;' -" OfSdal WasliSftt Silcat. . Li Washington, Feb.1 4ht tbe abwf of pf5eil iBformatioU, Sepfary Lansing f which attacked urn, it Is ald, a fort " " today refused to dlscuslwny' phase, whft- nlglt ago. . .. '. ; ' er of the Luhania ceotistkms. Ap He was born at Williamsburg, X. C, In yn-ntly at thV state idpartorttj how-j lS.'vl, and was sent to Petersburg to " Ti U the (Wftclai regard It sis serious 'chooL Ht rraduated at V. 'M.'I. and in ka is relhftfd in th Berlin dispatches,; law at Waliington'and Lee. ' He is sur- It ws not permitted to pp-ar on thejvlved by a widow snd several children. surface. . i Tr j '"' President Wilson erturnd to tin capi- Collecting w"sr Poetry.' '-from hi western" shaking tour- Kiel, Feb. 4.-The University, Of Kiel Shortly after 1 o'clock this .afternoon.; has begun the collection of all the poetry fe read the. Berlin dispatches on the sit- uation while on bis train bctweei Balti-, - teflre and Washington. The President , made no comment, but members of his. ' "part revsrded them a "unfavorable."; .' It id said that the" 'President had noti ' ;'nnialiVd' reading and considering the J -.'official dispatches received last night on J v ih train."" " ' '" OThe Fourth National Bank of SlyetteviUes 1 (Bv the Associate Prese.) Washington, Feb. 4. The Fourth Na tional Bank, of FayettevilK N. Cjlwas closed , by its board of directors j this morning. National , Bank Examiner Dougbton was piit in chargeyst the di nctors mpiert. The bank's capital stock . was MO,000. It had on hand a eurpiu' of tlim at its last report. . " K' Exdtemeat in Faytttevfila , Fayettcville, leb. 4. The. Fourth Na ti(nnl Bank of Fayettcville, which fail- 'il to open Its doors today, -never re - cpVrrM from the serious lossts which Hi Mjfird MVlAi-ytfar go, aowrding -to CANADA'S PAnuiizirr . .; ; i ; itj'udiso dzstsoyeiv ' (by tn Assoclstod Press Ottawa, Can, Feb, 4. Canada's magnificent parlisment suijaing, which cost t6Vooo,oo ly uv ruins, : today,, swept by a firs attributed 'y sow 4 amh arn tafsrval. , njacbine. y'At teaat sxvesrf ' are tost and ' mas arV- Injure, 1 The fix was ander control early , - today afte nginc furioualy for ix hours. ' The Art lots is tflffl 'cult t csilnute ut'tbs contents of the huildisg ware of 'rest valued 3.G;WAt5ERHAD 1 ''ft STROKE OF PARALYSIS IN DVaiAfl-TUDA By tlit AsMK-Uted TrfM.) .1: iVfV!wtfjr wahy year j HtKtinstrai tkiutnand lirotlipf to ZiJb VaiH WaWrrrlwinnan' of tbtrntate TXftrr yomraitt of tlic Pi-oprceniv", was tWs piornimf carried to the Watts hospital; serhmsly ttl with (bv t,f Awodatrd Prew.) , feocky 'Mouut. Fel.- .-Tb al of four'ttou Quills ownd by the Hope Mntooriiif company at Hope Mills, ,NtX,' to Rocky. Mount Interests was , tnJ. tk. ..t iv!vi ' 1. ...... Si itnti nnn r J , , We.nix.tIon U heina perfected in the mp poper- wIy . . nuffi of Mount , r ' -,-VWaww' amwn . IIOKS ACQUITTED r r OF MUIDII C CHAfiGE noon today , ui ' (irorntWp, T:v 4. .At thV gupeelor ourt the". Jury acquitted E E. Velbork, a whlta man, who wss cbargrd with tbf murder of. a, negro, )Velhorti 1 vtir put'' onfriaf ' yesterday VICK-FMSIBKar BAWLI0H, OF COAST LIVE, IS DEAD By the Aasoclated Prt M.) Riihnoad, Feb. kj- Alexander Ilamil- j at hi hosse In Petersburg' early todsy. The funeral will occur tomorrow at 4 ! olock in SL Paul's cl.urch, Petersburg, ' nt.M. . pi.i.-. ery..' -fivhamiltot.- dW Paralysis n "ZTrrW" . --?- of the war which has more than mediocre J- merit. Requests , have (gone out , to all poets of reputation, tto all newspapers, magazines and publisWrs, to forward to the- university taj-thing tliat niy sm to them . to be worthy fn, place In the1 collection, including ,'proso' ; skits, sonts' with or, withotrt muslcnovcls and j Cianias. . 7'.'f a rttatvment Issued by;Dr. W. H. Lilly, .xaA 4k- uiwi. - ,,' I'l'uuui vi tsr as i an, ivisvivwi ; It declared that .since was unsble to realize promptly on its Securities ' and that the directors considered it sn injus- tice to subject its depositors ; to risks and bad requested the 'examiner to take charge. Officials re certain that all de positora will be paid In full. Ther was no Undue excitement here with the announcement that lb V bank. would not open this morning, and the de- Jositors .viewed the occurrence calmly, expressing the belief that they - would k-ttoUmg, , , . , . 1 E1HU;,iBI1IE0: BYTUdKISU TRGOPS It I Reported That 'tie I'jrons hold in tie Caccasuas lias Eeea , Abandoned to the Ruaausn.v AIR ATTACKS PREVAIL From ALnoct Every Theater of 1 the War Comes Report"' of' 1 Activities of Airmen. ;-t v (By tTie Asswiatwl Prttt.) r liKlications . that ' under ,' lid , clrcum tniwS' will rMiaBy radJ ttattha Kljikiiij-o .tfye Liuitnlt Illegal wire ctiutJinV In'rtliinAfbVa iroiir Berlin T 1"5 evBcuatlosii. by Turks of Em turn, IcUlnud tv Petrownd wmtijdsmm. which My they sre in mtfipt 01 tavicrs troiq rilSable Unrot'S that the ttutisfc'' force Xbtablo vutorks fur tbo airmeu in th raid an 1be Albanian port of Durazco trc rrportt-d by the Austrian admiralty. Three attacks )y the airmen on the al lied Law between January 25 and Feb ruary' I are 'riieorded.' Italian' tase at (KKma, Albnuia wai alwv attacked' by ; Umt Atiktriau aviators on February 2. tjitrD war theatres, life the western and the Balkans, in recent days, have al ao be n tbe seenK of aerial attacks. Vienna reports the bombardment of j Kuiftn i.wtta. in i.anm oy an air squadron and Russian raids in Volhy- niia, while the Austrian airmen are equally ai-tivc. 'A onnd Zeppelin sir raid on Salcmiki, which ws attacked Wednesday, was frustrated by the fire of the allied bat tcrie, seconlin, to n Athens dispateh. Beports of the Infantry operations of Hmportanc from any of the main fronts 'are lacking. I Vienna cUima lirogrcM for the Aus tria ns at the Tolmino brWe head 'by capping optrstibns. DOUBLE HEADER IN BASKETBALL ON ' . SATURDAY NIGHT Basketball as both h apd she Is pli ay will be pulled 'off Iri the armory here trurrow niht, end the niost intmnt ing event of that kind of the year is booked. . There will be. two gauita, on Utween the girU-of Ui)h Point and Jamestown high school and the other be tween the boys of the two schools. The first game- between the girt teams- will begin at 7:30 o'clock, and the boys will stage their contest immediately follow ing. This will be the first interscholastlc game of tbe year or the High Point girbt, but they have been in training sev ! 5 !eral days and expect to remler a good account' of themselves. They are being I eoad'ed by Miss Iis We, of the school 'TacuiiT. wno nas naa wut-n experience , t ' t, . , - l g".' hv$g team ot ber college. While it is xpected that the Jamestown tesm will be in a better State of preparednraa than the"!.. If the visitors win they will hsve to pUy hard and every minute of the game T. home quinta ha. no. Uvn elected. lut Miss Love haa abunW of material, snd when the live ct. in nction tomorrow night it will show a determination, that will mean grade trouble for the Jamestown girls. The second game between the loya' teems of Huzh Point snd Jamestow n promises to be a real hot article of 1ms- ! ket 111. The visitors arc an unusually I ktrong and clever iet of players, but thej hw-als are not conceding a thing in ad- j vanee. To give an idea f the proiiabl eloee nes sof the game, a comparison 0 scores shows that the visitors have the advant age in records. High Point was defeat ed by Pomona by a margin of four points and Jamestown took the scalp of the tcr- ; ra-cotta makers by five points, which in- that there is really not much dif between the two quintets. Then f another thing, the locals have profited ameh ty their two recent defeats, and w K into tne contest tomor (. . - Vow night will show a great improve ment over its former effort. ' All i aU, the double hill should draw a record-breaking crowd to the armory at 7i30 tomorrow evening. Death st Mr. Craafoie. News readied here' today of the death of F. O. Cranford at Creensboro, which Iteurred sfter an illness of about week. '1 be deceased was a brother-in-law of Mrs. C C Muse, of this city, and is wide ly known here. Mr. and Mrs. Mnse went to Greensboro yesterday, caDed )f the Hlnesr of -MrrYsnfOTd. 1 ' raCIECTlEEflliGS t Romt jRepublkani Holding "1 Their Meetini Tonight to i"" "Select-Delegates, ' ' 1 -. '.-' CONVENTION TOMORROW The Guilford County Convention W21 Be Held In Greensboro " : j Saturday Afternoon. -;V Uullford county Krpublicans meet in' eouvention Haturday- afternoon at! Greensboro and preparatory' to this con vtntkm the prouiacU of tUi county are holding, their primaries and conventions today And tonight. There are Hires precincts in High ' Point and these three will hold their! meeting tonight at 7-TO. Posters ap pca.rinK her and there designate wuh as "prtau"''"' but In "reality it will be tiiore like s convention. The North High Point-precinct convention will be. held at: the axmory-the-third wardA south High Point, st , McLewsllen's store and the fourth ward at Kagan and Jones store, r' 1 Ed. L Raan Is chairman of the North High Point precinct and W. P. Rayan is chairman of the South High Potnt, third ward. ' Another chairman must be elect ed tonight on account of the division of South High Point into two precincts. North High Point Is entitled to seven delegate and each ward of South High Point will have four. In Sll 1.1 delegates and the same number of alternates are to- be Selected to go to Greensboro to morrow to attend Guilford 'a convention. At 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon dele gates will he selected to go to the state convention at Raleigh on March 1, a well as to the congrcssNinal conven tion. VR. 1 8choolfteld, of Greensboro; is county chairman Vnd will rail the convention' to order. Among many other recommendations I both the township and the county con ! vent ions will likely tske up the matter of a cougresMonVl nominee from this, the "Imperial Fifth." Among local Repub lican tW talk seems to center around OUliasriiBonJilj 4kiasoim4 Secretary of -.4 lie. state excep tive committee and for the past U months ha been maintaining Republican headquarters at Greensboro. It is felt that he has been a loyal servant of bis party and if there are anv honora to bestow Secretary Grissom should be the''"" couwl01 Dy wiwwsi reclj)ieTit of them. MANUFACTURERS' CLUB MUST SEEK ANOTHER CLUB BUILDING J 11 i i.ui n v 1,111.. i..... M..i.if..rfnH...' fii.l. Mt.f Mtm'n then- rooms from its present location tamj tli offlwrs are uow on the lookout : fw mm, Mlf fjt . to ' ... 1 The clul. has recIv-I a notkv tliat ' " r,,,m " VrVn. .' L'tfl . 1 1.1 1 .1 . . 1 . ?" ,w "7'"a "r ? n" ! ,n hnt to h 'WH j ""ly to W used a furniture tphow n'"-;iTl euib ha. been a Jced to U by.M" ' ' ?nnt-1 ! At " m"'tm of iU ,,0R.r,1 f d,r,"clnr" 1 1" aTl J ?' T:,,,iU representing the O.WOAH) suMfritla K.rVr. c- ,n ccapd convict. " ofl' ' "'"r",l"- " ' r" taie snu .. . Harris 10 nnu a suunine to moit smoerely tliHnK the people ol liMntinn. Tliis cmmitte has several . High Point for the'rr liberal coutribu places in mind and is now investigating, t ions to the Jewish relief fund. them. It wHI report at a Inter meeting: . of the board, probably to W held Mon - J dav night. Tlie board also a skinl every persoj mii meted with the Msnnfacturers club who could possibly do so to go to Greens- jhoro next .nr Wore the ; county commissioners for the purpoae of urging me extension 01 inr prrroaneni. improvement on the High Point -Greensboro road. EV. J. E. SHEW. DIED IN GEEENSB0R0 TODAY Cn ensboro, Feb. 4. R'VtJ. F Shenk, Lutheran minister, of fiscensboro, died at his home at 2:30 this morning after a lingering illness of several witks. He 'ing indicated today that the .'United waa M years of ge and had been thejtatea haa dclded to hold that the pastor of sevsral Iutlu-ran churches. Just; ; Prussian-American treaty governs the prior to his last Ulncs be waa the pas Sor of the Lutheran. church here. The deo'ased was born at Luray, H end was educated at V. P. 1. a -id the University of Virginia. In Itttf he was admitted to the lar, but gave up theiwaters. The treaty guarantees the fier - practice of law for the ministry. In 18M he was ordained and in that year mar-j rled Miss Bessie Ilcnkel. He is tur.. Vivid by a widow and several children. 1 Tlie unersl services will be. held to- wurruw ' atrBcthlchcinrVl MAY GET BIG JOB hi": i f ' .1 s'. 4, APTHOC WOODS It H expected that tbe new Intendeut of Prisons In New York! State will be Arthur Woods, who li HAW tiA ri1lA pAmiviluulAnaP f9 Van av s vjic syvisiuinivuci V ' .. .,. ,, . 1 . . ork city. From all accounts be In n succeed Jobn B. Riley, who wis inored by Governor Wliltinnn. re OVER $300 RAISED FOR JEWISH RELIEF High Point's Contribution : For Suffering Hebrews in War Zone was $307.92, WXS . VERY ' CRATIFYING Local Hebrews Express ApprecUif tion For the Liberal Response to Their CalL ' llijih Point contriltuted mors than S.TOn last wk in the Jewish relief fund. ani n'urer TTwol VoxU'lH't&Br .fViration as. p-atmtetet-nf. warded the money to the' central 'com- j H'k !lni: ' '". ' mittee to be used in n'lievhrV; as far as poMible, the intense suffering pf the, TURNER'S BG HOPE Jews of the war rone. :' ' IS TO KEEP FROM .The soliciting committees and. the Rev. J. M. Ililliard snd LouHsrris, $124.05. Dr. G. 84.12. Dr. A T. Rowe and S. RobinowHz, . i W. ( laxon and J. IUidou-,( a.io: MNw Helm Broikttt, Ida Harris,; Aiuiiil.1 Ow.'tm unA .f.intll-t R.imta kLl1'..! f ....... ... u v..-". Knt to Treasurer F.iwood Cox, uN.00. Total eontiiimtlons, )T.n2. J. , ; While the amount was probably not quite ss much as the l.iea! committee , xwtitA to Vrt it cokMered y ' .Mlwurlor' au" uie "' V' satiNraetory auJ the Hebrews of my are very lumu Bratinea;t tne response made m W.alf of the'.urTer- ilur. T,. ,;K., jM1Ifd t). following t the ,pie of High Point! "l" the name of the Hi,h Point He- ,,n ' "nd ,U,U n thtf n(r' uriir; .lews in me war ron, wo oire , JAPANESE LINER SINKS WITH HEAVY LIFE LOSS Shaniihai. Feb. 4. The Japanese liner ' J)Hijil, lUm ,unk xvlnethy night ln . wit,, stmship Lion ,d m ,iveg WPIT logt. . Prussian American Treaty Is f Held To Cover Appam Case (By the Associated Pres:) ' : .-; Washington, Feb! 4. Secretary Lan- ! esse 01 ine capture or tne liner Appam.Jea.e ifl tkf n . Nfoje a pi ixe court for Sti tary Lansing disclosed the fur- ther sole question to. be decided by, thsjtiiraiau'irLe. 'until sud interpMatiom is how long the Appam tihcd the validity' of her Will be permitted to remain in American i man prhte crew the right to come, and go freely.' If the, Appam was forced toUr Ajpa..! tan by the (Jerman prise depart it would heeome.the prey of thUrew. A new Jiplumath; ' .controversy BritJwti cruisers - outside the 1 Virginia (apra. If the Appams must depart (ler- n-trflWehr-hsi chafed ? :f-if-wi KWII OF It FARPISS CdilFiRMED Senate. Take Favorable action on J. J, Ferris' Nomination for ;, , Pcitmaiter at High Point r EXPECTS TO QUALIFY SOON :'" .' ' ''; ;!-' - ', y' '. ';?' '" " fV Nomination arid Conformation; is Believed to Meet With Gen- , p eal Approval in This City. ' I;' ' The Aenite.'yi'stcrdsyVconflrmed the loruinution of J.k.J. FsrriKs to be post- master f Hih Point." As soon as Mr. Faniss (mlifi's and his bond his been appvQVj . hewMl talc? charge of thcToIfice." lt.ui In! oiilj a few days before this, tt)A last fe p to' tiie 'jpostnisstershlp," will If: iatrn. by. Mr.JFarriss.4 '' r 4 ' 1 J On January .15 the late Ilr. W. C Brad shaw, who had been postmaster or two' years, , died. On Monday;. January 24, eftcr a. friendly contest1 In which Mr. Farris and R. L Picket were the avowed eahdidates for" theplace. OonsVessma'n .Stcdoun 'scut ' to th. President - the ree- oiumendatioiL.of Mr, Fsrrlss Tbo Pres- I. . n a . v. ident signed the recommendation and it , . ' v - 4 . a. was sent to the senate on January 24, and on February 3,' the senate confirmed ', tbf nomination. ', Within less than 30 days alter the death of Dr. BittdsliaW ins succttsor. win ue in cuarge 01 ioe office. . , , :, 1 . i JJf. Farriss has been a resident , of . Hhjh Point for .nearly' 30 years.. He is the pn'r and, proprietor of theFarrUs : Publishing company, one of the most complete and up-to-date printeries in the statf. He is also one-third owner and prssldfnt' of tbe . Southern . Furiturw Jourcal, the hading trade journal of, the furniture men in the country. Up until April, 1013, Mr. Fsrriss w as associated a with his late brother, V H. Farriss. In thf J pqblicstion ' ird -editorship of . the EnierpritvVfnd cn thst date, sold the pa,p r.'toho. prtseni owners,, ; , .The new 1 postmaster has 1 given his? time and ability' to the growth' and np-1 building ci. his town. lie is s public jirited . citizen of the first rank and the people are unanimous In extending congratulations upon his recommends- BEING CAPTURED x Turner's escape from the chain capg bast Monday may prove an nnfor- iruBat one for him. Thus fsr it has Ven a Buoeessfnl one, but if the officer tr tch lam there is litlc likelihood IvLat anything can save hhn from serr' rc -hi -igbt months sent nee plus a term of two cr three months for his- - ',,rBV ' " '" , ' ju',4 a-e f-r Turmr left the .' camp .' .'iJ'ig, sinm bis seutt nee upon .1 ti .. 0- iho vi0itli, 0f the nro 01 law. t.n til liokt ion for his par- iV.n had Wen tiI..V. with Governor Craig. ;t ... Mi,VM, thlt u,r aH,,iMltin wa. JttU, Uh5 strong cno and that he ui A 0? VUTdotiilA fcfter H,, '.m.M, aUut bi, .entence. ( Eut rcu tbfr,, W4.uW mhMf inuU J har.e .f v. n-or Ci ev. n eonsht- j;- jUyn,.r ifcxN is erjTe perms nu.t it ik ft.;i.;;ii'.i' one f-r liimJut it be k caught it will Le e.trtnely uufor tunnte get away for a mai? who had nure tlmn f vn ih!;c' of w curing cxecu :ivf'Ien:eney. The Weather. tonitKt ar d Saturday;1 ' ' ,l0y tefflperature. moa. ' . r . m sunk to prevent her recspture by the Britisl. U.imany ia cip;ctd to contend that the treaty guarantees the right to re-, niain cas Hjmpiin Roads until tho j adjudication Trhniv.-llv.'lt 'U not a' h eourt estsbv ty of her capturev : Tie British smifsndor today present fl fornnl aands en Mialf of hts , goverr.n: rt fcr the n-turn of British Tin with ii)-st -Britain is forctdmdowett, as the Unit'd Stitu Ht practically decided; tf-ttrTri7-rfrtafiyv