. T tT i - 1 'i if 1 1 1 y ' IlLlllLubin.iLi.lO III UtiiUiJLOiui L k i w I STiiJ'ilTtii 13S IffllLL HOT YET The Promise of Big Cut in Ex pense Has Not Put in lU Appearance. COMLLB F01 A Little German City Completes a Comprehensive System For Handling Food Supplies. todayM: OF ffiUHKE HER OWN CONDITION ACTU . , ALLY FIGHTENED HER. Arbuckle IT LOOKS OTHERWISE MUNICIPALITY IS GROCER 'nr 11 ' - - T - 1 ' r . ttt ..... . , I ' ' " : ; in nil .:.;'.Vu. - ,: v i t 1 " , " Maclyn Wants Every One to Know. TANLAC IS REALLY A WON- DERFUL MEDICINE Mrs. Dougherty Tells How She Got Relief. In Fact, Big Sums Are Being Paid Stores Are Opened and Goods r di M.narr Are Retailed to Consumers For This Year. j At Low Prices. the (Correspondence of Mil nhnrlmn ' K. II. Drum, Hart Drug Co., High Point, X. (J.: Dear Sir: Please find enclosed one dollar which you are to send me a bottle of Tanlac. This is the third bottle I have ottfered by mail and wnt after two, making five bottles taken aa a whole. So am just taking the liberty to write you to tell you how your Tanlac has helped me. 1 was so nervous and run down that I could hardly sweep the floor without sitting down to rest. And I bad such a burning in my throat that 1 could not eat anything without collect ing g n my stomach, was so nervous I , could not rt-st day or night, and had the headache most of the time. But the most important part I am leaving to the last. I bad a terrible breaking out on my arms and as 1 had never bad any skin trou ble or rash of any kind before, was ad vised to consult a doctor. After' an ex amination my trouble was pronounced pellagra. 1 commenced taking medicine, but my condition did not seem to im- .... T Stint 4ui.lul tn rr Tanlan ! . 1 retrenchments in and how glad I am that I did, for it has help 4 me wonderfuny. I r.ve taken ; the full treatment, at least have taken five bottles and expect to take the other oh which is the treatment, and really don't I'olievo that nothing else could l av.- ! -'H'd me like Tanlac, for if I had New York. Feb. 4. Following . . . ... il YWlin. .ran '2S. The peace agreement between) me rwii - . ! league and organised baseball it wM.ciiy oi Mcwniyra-, u. .... stated by the big league magnates that 'Berlin, whoso population is almost ex-, baseball salaries and expenses would bejclusivdy drawn from the working class-; . . . , j j ii....a .t.,ri... u,,.r es. has, during the past few months,' reviscu uowhwbiu. to be reduced and their contracts iaauedjbwa perfecting system of municipal from year to year m place of' the long ownership of foodstuffs which is ? per- term agreement in vogue uunng hnps the most compreneneive in ucr- conflict between organized and Independ-; mny ent Interests. j , ch f ,n(1 It was pointed out that the majority i ' . -f of the clubs could not meet expenses J control over certam kinds of foods, as under the conditions existing and that it ; other municipalities have done, but it would be necessary to curtail salaries,! nat become salesman as well, has . it expenses, ttainmg trips ana in general municipal stores rfnd markets to brinir to "bear a modern business effl- j . , , .. , i w wing w ,alj ov(1, cU hM dom, muchto keep; ciency system n or p.-..v,-., wUhin reach pf U nhftW k..nka I wnifihr Iwt Til SI PM1 Itll . niVinV IBH - "The Reformed Candidate" Admission 5 & 10c sis again. Wliile it is possible that the magnates msy be planning to inaugurate such a system there certainly is no sign of such a movement at the present time. In the matter of preparing for the, 1010 baseball season the magnates both old and new appear to have taken a leaf from the book of the promoters of the proposed Willard-Moran bout and entered the field of freniied finance. In! buying baseball club stock, securing Fed eral league stars and signing managers the sums sptut surpass all previous rec ords and it fill require some very clever the months to come if the magnates expect to reach the fi nancial plane, outlined only a few months ago. tants and yet has made enough profit to enable it to keep its stocks replen ished. Where it has been found inadvisable for the city to sell the food itself, it j has been distributed through merchants who have been permitted to charge only stipulated prices and to make a profit no larger than the city itself would I make. The city now maintains four stores I ' r . I -?n n 1 A m-m i T ii i mm I V it 4. IT '"ttm i 4 . a ar w 'aaar 1 ty O if O kcrose&e-Buriuflz Tractor ' tj) O FTP" .'Hp-".'. " 'THE light tractor has come to stay. Mogul 8-16, , which we think is the best of them all, has more than a year of splendid success behind it Many thousands ' we now in everyday-use. . , . : On farms where there used to be six, eight, and tea hones, there are cow from two to four, just enough to handle the cultivating aad other light work. Mogvl 816 is doing? the work of the rest, ' There are but two reasons for this. The Mogul Is more dependable than hones for heavy farm work Mogul 816 does the heavy work better and cheaper than horses, i , . , mt . . Come in and see us, and we will snow yon why Mogul 8-18 does heaw farm work better and cheaoer. We have a sample right here in . the store, so that you can see the actual machine, not simply read about it We are open everyday,1 and it is no trouble, in fact, it is a pleasure. this kerosene-bur uing Mogul 5 .10 tractor uat we can sou to show yon for $675 F. O. B. Chicago STATE BANKS FOUND IN GOOD CONDITION , B YTHE COMMISSION (By W. T. BOST.) Raleigh, Feb. 4. The state banke are found in excellent condition as reflected ra the statement from the corporation BEESON HA High Poinl :: North Carolina 3: Tlie banks are 420 in number with 22 branches. Quite a slight increase is not- 4 hI in the loans and discounts for the' the banks had; Five clubs in the National anfl Amer ican leagues alone, have paid more than $120,000 for the privilege of assuming the ton-heavy contracts of ten of the Klla;ra it i all piling off and gradu- rnl starBi if crt.dence can be h" P11 "f iivtun any away. My urea leenng is ; nii'1 I feel no much bettor. I praUe Tr'i'iti- '. every on. I talk to and re to'iinienil il to anyone suffering as I 'commission and based upon the report for the sale of meat, sausage, fats and of business done to December 31, 1915.1 bacon, four egg stores, and two potato tores. Four more of the latter s.re to be added rn a short time, as .soon as the expected increased demand for po- t.tw mmM vcar ended. Whereas The city has been able to make ad- out $0,673,5 11.31 at the close of 1914, vantageous contracts with packer for' they had loaned tt4,722,050.83, an in both meat and fats, and of late is sell-i crease of $4,0484302. The commission ing to about 20,000 families. Whenever does not interpret its figures but fhey in- j a shortage has been felt, such as wasMieate that money is less shy and that! the case with fat recently, Lichtenberg; the banks are not so skittish as theyj kind orj were in the early months or the war. I The vanishing overdraft reappeared in I ()lr.cea in the sale ngure announcea in, Mi.-l.tlv rravated form, the 1915 ex 1 UnB III BiUlt UUUM-e miiata ; & , rr- - - 'mutt ixL Yours very truJV. V- MRS. T. 2L IK)U(!IIKRTY. r.ihnotit, X. ('., Aixj. Ii, 1115. Com- bacon to last into February, and by that; "R 8M.434.43. over the year 1914. Thin rrain indit?atei) ihv Umtnt'88 of. l lull' W ill II r rriT-u iuc vmr iioo rr that have been apportioted to it by! money. In surplus, undivided profits. A contract to np" aiviuenus, increaseo rnpun- I slaughter them lias already Iwn award-jtion, cash items, trust deposits, health ! .i ful manifestations, the banks are all p. list of player and their sale price. B. Kauff, outfield, New York (Nation -i The stomach, kidney, liver and bow els are the very important organs of the body. If you keep them in order you .. ill t. ml. .1.1.. II I gt-t our of order you suffer .from somei x'v. Itari.len. catcher, New York (N'a form of sickness and the entire system tional), $10,000. fills up with Kiison. Tanlac being pure y Anderson, pitcher, N'. w York (Na Jy vegiUble, acts in a safe and whole- j tional) fl0)0OO some manner as a result of the natural ; u,. M1(W, outfield. N'ew York (Amer inedicine action of the herbs and roots :.., air.noo which it i componed. lanluc is not laxative or purgative like many other medirine, hi4 a powerful reeonstruc ive tonic which builds up the system and toiien up the vitnl orgaim ki to enable them to perform their functions as nature intended. Tanlac is "old in High Point exclusively by the Uart Drug to. the prees. In addition to paying large sums for the "acquirement of these play ers, the clubs are legally obligated to mntimio th alar!iA atfrnil on between the former Federal league magnates andUtry -"thorities. thir star players and these salaries are i known to be extremely high. ... i ri iuli- Lilt- r iv nan auutni Ltr ilb nw. - o close of 1014 was tl0.693JOfl.49. At the close of the 1915 business, the amount due from banks and bankers one month ago was $13,174,991.84, but 13 months ago it was only $8,80,449.78. This shows increased business. i greater Berlin but now it lias 'lv,- i I -d to four and a half cents. , , , . i m i n The eityhas just purchased an enor-j i.'mous quantity of potatoes, half ofj jwhich it ha stored away, and the other, half of which has been distributed among. I regular provimion dealers to be sold at specified prices. The city has altwi sold1 jhug eatnounts of fruit. j In addition to selling outright the -'..-LI ill .... -1 a mt. ifriiin iimiriiiiiTtr m luniao .aui i . . . rtstt u uuvitiiL. sit . wauoi t ? " ten Diavers i a inne over is.mm nu. ,KH,ple who suffer from indigestion, a, . j it wrtain tu,t thdr average ! kw the hundredweight ami is seu general rule, suffer from biliou.n.ss and! .., !..- u it-.t ajnoo the ini-! ,n thm at " MU"H m,rm of proflt Mstip.tk.n. ir. , ' tUr tn .h0Bt i.73,it 't -tor'-- nt lhr,8t- . .i .. mast me pnee oi municiiiai rsuiu wn as can oe seen irom me iouowing , . cenis apiece as oimjuirra IK SANK S TRUST CO. IN NORTH CAROLINA 1 ' I M four rith eight to "nine cents in other parts of Ni (Na- (N'a- ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. Nick I'ullop. p'rtclitr (American) $1200. Nloe Gedeon. infield. New York (Amer-: jican). .).WN). j Krickson, pitcher, Detroit (American proper 1 a.-,.ii(m. Thos. Sea ton. pitcher, Chicago (tionnll. HTOO. Johnston, outfield Brooklyn 'tional). ."CiOO. ' K. Rousch. outfield. New York I tional), ftl.500. j I The big money has not oeen jid exclusively for Federal league star for retiring Imseliall magnates have sold j their club stock for many times what H ' cost them a few years ago. The sale lf the Chicago t ubs, Boston Brave, St. , Ixiuis Browns and the New York Amer- QUALITY REUABILITY SERVICE illllllfC" finiiiiri nwi aji.iitviifw i nao pm- plied local merchants with great quanti-. tie of noodles, condensed milk, sardinca.j 1 vegetable and macaroni which it, as a 'wholesale buyer, has been able to pro-: i cure advantageouslv. i (Na-l WHAT IS BABY WEEK. Necessary Facts For Observing Babyi Week Successfully Are Explained, .fust what "Baby Week" i supposed to j Ih- tvhen it is observed from March 7 toi II this prinsr is explained more or lea: fully in a bulletin recently issued by I the fctate board of health. According toj With Every Cash Purchase at Hart Drug Co. you receive a cash register coupon good for votes at the rate of 5 votes for each Sc spent VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE CANDIDATE pach Friday double votes will be issued with alt cash purchases. ,- . . ...A, p . Hai t Drug Co. Phon 320. , . NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. ! iean brought close to ,000,000, which; the bulletin, the pure of lby week Jwas more than double what the pre- 1 primarily educational to give the par- iou- owners paid for these clubs. Now ; ent nn opportunity of learning the facta ! jMun.iger Ceorgc T. StuUings, of the! with regard to the care of their babies, l Boston National ha juit closed a five-mud to bring home to every one In the I year contract with that club at an an-1 community the importance of the tablet ! jminl salary reported to he .is. .Just, ami the permnnent work needi-d for; 'where retrenchment awl economy come! their welfare. I in i not apparent unless the magnates The bulletin call attention to two I plan to require the average big league j principal jniint to be remembered in, i player to pay for the privilege of play-1 planning a buby week campaign. First.l j ing on the team. j that it i i etnnnnwity campaign nnd! 1 Ardent coif and tennis enthusiasts: must have the cooperation of nil rom- have started a controversy as to whlcn of the two sports is the more benefi ewl from. th standpoint of physical I improvement and recreative Several years of association followers of the court and course games leads to the belief that the controversy will be continued unto the third and fourth generations. Trainer Ernie Hjertberg, of the Swed ish Olympic team, has promised the entry of two of his leading Swedish athletic star for the University of Pennsylvania relay garnet to be held In Philadelphia, April 28 to 2. . . Soma "Pig." , K. T, ifarmon states that he todav tnunity intrreM and organizations, rs-i peeially thi4 interested in any phase ofj chiud welfare. Some woman' elub is : pleasure.! suggested as the proper organisation to with the! handle the movement. Second, that a lathy week tmnpnijjii should not lie a temporary flurry or excitement, but, on (the other hand, efforts for permanent good should bo planned and follow up i methods adopted wherever practicable. The bulletin saya that every town or community can, if it will, carry out some form of baby week campaign and that the program adopted should be that best suited to local conditions. The children's bureau at Washington, O. Cm will gladly give suggestion a for Baby Weeks of two different types, ac UlledaJ2-.rAontLi-elipig. Rudd Tank Heaters Have a Rudd Tank Heater installed in your home. Hot waterall the time. Economical to run. Low in cost Only 10 Rudd Heaters Left We will install these Heaters in your home for only $10.00 each. $15 as soon as the above Heaters are sold. Donft dela. . Get In touch with the North Carotin. Public Service Company and have their, representative call and eat-; plain to you more fully the duties of this'wonderful . Rudd Hot Water Heater. R.C.Public Service Co Price Pone 700. Bell 35 :U -il'U IV r FACilJTipt , r ; ; CaOPERATON COURTESY j (-; 9 pounds. nauiity is emtractHl.

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