. ......J ...... . .. .... ; - Vol.23, N. 17. inCH POIHT, N.C, MOND.- If AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 2$, 1916.' SaUfiptW Prlct $3.00 Pcf Y.tr. o GERMAASSURES iUS ! SHE DOES NOT INTEND ! m REVOKING HER PLEDGEl TWO STARS IN COHAN'S LATEST HIT V, JURY RENDRRS ' VERDICT FOR $10,000 , IN GURLEY'S FAVOR EMPLOYES HE I. L I HIS DEMONSTRATION WAS OF A CHARACTER NOT SATISFACTORY MERCHANT VESSELS A man wlio gave th' name of F. J. llahtcv. who km been ijoinir about this jaMbm of the state contracting w ith jew -1 Germany Sees No Reason' For ,0 V'11 tl,,,m l,vr i'k .''-. ! with tho agreement flint bo would deni- PottpOnmg Het NW PoUcy ltraf. and advertise tin- pHine, hit, High IViut hint Friday, lie went to, J). F. Stalcy's btori' and there secured MinNirtIT eontiuct, being pah! JSH.r.O, so Mr. M1UN1UH1 jSUj,.y ut1,f wltll tn(. ,,r0viKi,.i. thst h! give a three-day dcniountration and. advert j-c it tlmntinilil;; in tin- u ! papus i ml nt the motion picture phovis.l The agoit j t the money and then left town without visiting either the new-, paper office or the picture allow niana-' gers. IU'Iki' Ih from lexrngttn and Sitlinbury state that h M-raeii. U-licved to he tlx1 name, I. a ln-ei.' to t jeweler in thoe bassador Germany assures the 1'nited i1 iii.ti- he worked, u t. alleged, C.t that It has no intent lou of re-, ' xinjjion b Submarine Warfare. TUESDAY AT Order Effective at Clow of Febru ary 29 Expects No Trouble With the United State. (By the Associated Vrm ) Wartiinjjton, Feb. 28- In note pre entd to Hecretary lnRg today by Count von Btrnitorff, the German am via i' i ii ' " wv ? y . t kjjr . ' IB CHANCE 10 Til After Icing out lent than 30 minute, (he urf W fhe KtiMTior court at Greena- horo in thi fane of fiurley afralnat thn ' ' Kouthdn Power eompar.y and (i. ('. How-' pictsburth Plate Glass Company ard awarded tin-pluintiff $10,000 for the Di l mat ... u ... Plan to Give MUi- the conipaiiv'a pool hre Muy 30, laxt. ! Tlie defendaiit appeal d to tlie Supreme ! court. - TWO lulutiir eoiiten led tlmt l!owHn!. Ury Trslninj. v;eeks' vaatiom Weeks TriJing ad Ktcalv Their Rc-ula;' ?ay. Miss LILA CMOOES jrj RCHARO OKIE In h OF 1916" f h) The In i.tiiirn. nf flii, i.iuil i',ni'..,l Ifjlint'i' " ' " " ' i miiti to youn Iniya nml bIIotJ fhennlie Lzzptys Wm' TfcLo Two to wim in the poid when lie and the eom- ( pnny knew thut it wan iliin'reroiw. A;uon the liovn wlut were rent id miU wa youiif; MirnpHhire and !nt May lie t 1 drown-d in tliat pool. The plaintiff al VV. I). t)itok-t. Ii.nil :mm n:. er for thw (le;td that Howard was iieKliKent iu al- PiiULiux IMatf tihtu enrnpnny, h la bTit jlowinK M.ropHhire to -win. in the ,llfwmi,d thf: hir eo-nimn, h.is d-elded ! and that hy ret:tin the nurt a tin njt""t ! , . ! . ' i ., i . . . i . to give tt!l of tta (inplov a a aeution or (or the companv, Imth he ami thp South-1 " 1 IW.r romoiuiv were liuhle for hiailwo vuirn iny may ..uemi I. Mint LUa IthoOca and KU-hard Carle are two of the principal characters H j em IWir rompnuy were dentil. Mr (Uiilev, a the dead bov's 1 nillitary tuimnif eamp aa i rovided, l- adinlniMtatrix. aued for 125.000. and I the Frl-r.l government. Th.- ciMnpaiiy the jury Saturday afternoon gave her a will ftho allow my of it enioh ye wh erdiet nf S10.000. i "BUY A CAN" IS TODAY'S SLOGAN okinK the pledge given in lbf Lnaita-lh it warrant for him. but at! tbe ,Vohan Itevue of IMC." George M. Coban'a latent musical play, which ba.' aw cue t reports it had not breu red. The with a clever east. . Ocnnairy'a response to the requet 0'i" "j he United States for assurances re-, 1 the United garding the conduct of submarine war fare in tha futuro was presented to See- lia J "potirs" whieh went to show! tixited riiarlotte and other touiu and had made denionotrationa of Stalev a Jiia silver eleaniiv artiele. .Mr. 1 1.. ..t A.. ..I.. 1. . Th- ...tv I. in 1 "' '" "'J w ... ' it. ' v. ihiir puMic demonctration and fcdvertise the form of instructions to the aiuba-- r i -it vl . i. ..rmi'1 thon.ugldr. That is what the $33.50 sador nnd will not be put Into, the form . t i t . .i , , .. . , (was for. so the ajrent said. Put that is of note unless the lecretary denir". - tnotwh.it Mr.- MaMr sayn the money did The ambassador was Instructed to in- . M ., mmti f. . bii proclaimed a sniaHhlng big bit , It wins from the start fiid ir has an elaborate production nud plenty of oiniel Great Battle of Verdun Is Now Beginning Its Second belong to the Ut' fcturd to attend tli . isuciinr rnoanipnient. During the ployHi sOty. at thaw military traiuln;; iranipH they are to rweive f t-J pm F.ae!i local manager Ja to designate w hich of IN HIGH POINT 'bis employes (aVatt be allowed this vact- iivii u4 u9 jpnttri ! i riiwiri w his discretion, v , , . Tihs corporation is said to be the first in the country o take such action. There are over 0,000 employes of the Pittsburg: Dale ilhua company and many of them will doubtless be given an opportunity t This is "Buy a Can" day in High Point, the dav when every person, is "j urged to buy a esn or so of the toma f Iocs put up by the girls of the Guilford Itounty club. You ran get a can at almost any grocery store hi High Point i , i - , ' i and they are guarantied as to quality receive niJftary. training, all the while and nuuntitv. i their pay is ta be continued. Sunday's 117 1 IXriT, .T TwflA A 17llwW7 A d, mon,,tration of various meth-j"ew. Vw amtiladelphui paper give VV 66iV VV lUl WllclUaLCU JT UlV Kl f putting up tomatws and of using (the announcement of this corporttloni them will be given this afternoon at V.'proininnt space tnd commented favera- ! A.A'. .rfw..r Alia. f'r. U Ql, m off a lllv IIIH1I1 If Bpftnil regaroing ine iwt wnuu fT ,B GrW!n,boro Asheboro and other j (By tb Acsoclsted Press ) crown primv troops, including the Uk- M.-monHration agent for Guilford cour The followin(r is the wording of the Teutonic aubniarines give n in Uj w , BurrolIniing towns to be on (he look-1 The gnat battle of Verdun now enter ng of Hardaumont east o Fort Douau- J ,y wilI in chtrK MBlgt4!d by resolution us passed by the board of di- tania and Arabic casea stiU are Amamg QUt fop he but M vpt ,(o nM j nd Wrek;s.,.eoBthniiig with mont and the vUlage of Chamneuville ;,Mr. 1Wl.n Cuh.r -f fn fJ,.. reetorst ... . t . i 1 . l r. a ' ' . r . .... .......... . ! " i. i form the United States tht .trances; . , ..I conduct of the' , ... , I but m.ll mey apply on.y io u.re...m- , . ... f h, men of a peaceful character. Germany contends that British nier chant men armed ostensibly for defen THOSE REGISTERING carry .una for the special purpose ofj , . ,f QR BOND ELECTION attacking (ierman subimirinea and thus' NUMBERED 1,078 are subject to destruction. lo support .. ' 1 1 A . tbia claim they proatm a list oi a scorr; When t)u rgistrttiou j, cloA at of Incidents when the merchant sutpa , Vines, iiuanaiea jury- wius me uerman armies on ir.e wernisn rignt nanK, me rrencn ai- vjue county and Miss Effie driving naru at tne rencn, uvien' tacks on rort iioiiaumont were repuisett., Fgecombe county, along a lengthening line which now rmi The French themselves do not eluiml far beyond tbfl Salient in which Iks the the recapture of tM outlying defenses of fortresa., the main fortresses, but declare that the i MRS. HATLEY DIED Paris asserts that with the pouring in ('ermans. who have gained a foothold to! SATURDAY EVENING; of reinforcements for the French a- the east and west of the positions were, WAS BURIED TODAY ploves an additional vacation of;two miea the tlerman advance has., been being hard pressed, maintaining tkeni-i . . ! weeks on full pay. . : . ;tf o clock Saturday ; night l)7i High uhcked, but Berlin claims a contmuattaii. selves w ith difficulty. They say the fort jjj,, nf . Hatley, wife of A. K. "Any cropteye of the Pittsburg .Plate , Point-rs had written. the!r names theni0fLflj;ribrjfircb .n tbii trem is jWiaawly .encircled." A Gerinaa attacks witw. ' at .Up tuL. iT-TrvIiiUss rcmojr who snlista" in or lasi- r 1.. "'-i s i a a i.u'. !: -' 'j; . ' :..u.it. i- - -a- I - . ' . . .. . ... lie? isurisasiti ii i uliiiit in uia uunu SkVXY.iismnicr . - aurm i n bik im rrmrn iMMiLinn ii mstn ..i a c a i r . m -s-i-i. .... i.a m ais-jfl aha ' sv . i v German claim that despite asmiraiiccs ,dwtk,n Tueadar, March 7. On that date' of i "The Ioc managers of the Pittsburg' Flat Claps company are hereby author ' ired to permit such employes as desire . ito enter any o( the military trainine;1 campt oi the United fltatea army or the naval . reseryes sod to grant such em- attacki submarines. t a j I.... u, is .iiuHi rw mil . -a. r . n -v . . . . v. i his"." w rf(tr tIie rutIWo of rotlng m tn bond ; t,tnctold. it', . aealnet the French poaiUon at Man-' v.inrr ..u.vnumWr.nf Mutlnnal iruard shaU be Along the Meuse ta the north of er- heulles resulted itPeomplcte failure, the:,ft,,r inffrrjnK illnrsa 0f pulmonary' Prwitfrd to atUnd the annual encamp. i.reai nriiam vnv "r High IVint will express at the Ullot h.x ,tu the trmans have been unabU to. French war office aays t r i t .u... n... III ! 1 are armeo ior aeiense iut .u. ithr wih to whether or not they!raBkr-s rarid prorrrss as at first al-; Certain advance trenches as the a his never lire unksa first fired "P1" nd' 50)O00 wor1h 0f bonds shall le issued fori though the battle continues with LnUn- will never attack any vessel me "" ',.,, nt improvement of the streets ish ships hsvc Trttrueted not only, riHtration under aU the circum to resist, but to attack. Germany ciaima; ,Unces her new policy squares wmi '"""-Bv ward it is aa follows: First. 2K2; tional Uw, in aamuch as the British ; 1J5; 245 ouTih 37fl To. merchantmen violate the law as inter-i(n) prctcd ly tne unneo oiavc. v.. rU.u., . Abput M of theM w. voters that at iio time fFiuil enouj.li men W ah se'nt to mateiwlH interfere with the realizes that should it sink an armed have been challenged and the hearings ship upon it will rest the burden of,grp hd(, twUv tnd wH, proof regarding the guns, but contends tHroURh niursdsv, each ward being tak tkat upon the government owmng th n up ,B crivr ship would fall the burden of proof re! ganling the non-offensive charcter of the. lament, O. P. HEATH, COTTON -Tlie ambassador was instructed to call MERCHANT, COMMITTED attention to the fact that the French; Ships are not armed and that Brit Mi Ships entering American ports are. not, srmed, and consequently the Berlin gov-j ernmentconawxers as remote any euano.- nior of thp finn of 0 - . . a . a f . ' rA Of difnculty WU ue uanea f?wves a p tT(,ath ,nd wmpany of thitt citv wm. tuberculosis. Mrs. Hatley was a dauirh-1 inert a;id rec.ve full pay umftg ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Xorthcott! aU-rnv for thie puriwse. varin in the Champagne, were taken aj born in Moore county Aumist! "The lorewoin;: iirivih-res are to be j pity. On the Woevre front where, the by the Germans by a surprise attack, the ' ; mi mi at the timc of h,,r drgth ! granU'd byrour mnaers at their dis ; French at first fell back they now appear French admit. waM , V(lll8. 4 ,n0iiths and 19 davs Icietiou. and, v.Kh the und. rsitaidire . ...... i - . - . is considered a lairiy large one., to be offering effective resistance. I're- A London dispatch indicates the belief f -u hUlvi,l l,v her bus- sure here is particularly menacing to that Maloja and other vessels which were ;,aul, father mother and other relatives. the fortress as the eruihin; in of this i sunk in and near the British waters! -rj,,. fun,.rai ten-ice were conduvtd!,ediiet oi' iu- Iumiipsx." eastern line to the Verdun , salient for j were victims of German mines sown re- frow t,r r,.Hi,,.mv this aftemoou. at 2! Broivii, the direit;r f the cor- a' rti distance would ipell disaster eently. loVLnk, by Rev. J. M. Hilliard, of the- rstlori who Intr, Jne -d th rT .'r.tior, for the stronghold. The sinking of the Kussisn steamer (jr(Hll tn- t Baptist church. Interment i;W out- the folkwii.g pulnic i.f ement : The French de.fcm-'.ve operations atj I'etphanga.of t,tM7 tons, is announcel to- follou ! in (htkwood cemetery. I "It hs" con to my Rttesitii.tr that places are taking on the nature of aiosy. Fifteen passengers on bmrd were ; 'n.ue .' ..vir men who are members of counter offensive as in the attack onj ved. UAtirAY rrtMNTV ! the Natwial iuard Lud difficult v in get- I ' m . . a . ... VfTi Douaumond, rour miles northeast Now that the Italians have evacuated : nrPI ITV CUrDICT 1C : thu,' permissUn to attend the annual en of Vcrdrci. This development as forecast j D.irr.i.-o, tneir military efforts so far at ! in ill..nH ti If u ti.lrt of eneetstiirS in i Alliinia i eonrerned will he eontlned to rAIALLI WtUINUC.U : Paris that the Frtwh when fallin" laickitln- vicinity f Avlona. 80 miles to the SUICIDE THIS MORNING j to positions that they believed they i south,-aecordlh'; to Italian newspupers. 1 i could hold indefinitely would drive back I Purazxo wna deefnred to have been held nv 1... P.ui. i ! . . . i.t i j i . . : .1 1 .j ' . . . i.. . t. .1. . ---- rj utto.i i over me grouna inai nan neen wieia'-u :n Charlotte, Feb. 28. O. P. Heath, se-jthe face of the terrific Gcrmau artilhry (Rv the Associatetl Press.) Rmd.y Mount, Feb.. 2S.--Deputy Shn-'(. j . eiejaiu nt. ) ..V, ill d i' In fie me remote instances I w. r- d'A liaied for gettinij i '-minion w a ei ,id d, they ' a;j,J. It ' the intention e.f i ii.;:; , to l iike a f . III VI llnu- inS a Llnlil., a iuviihSk I a? merely a rnife tor tf.e rescue ot tliei"' - " "'" um.' ,.r nm t. pv. pa:e tl. remainder of the Serbian army and It ! wa" 'ty wounded yesterday and died ... :.,,tr.-.-,' u , and infantry attacks. German reports fail to agree with tLc . - .. ... 1- . 1 the result oi tne new poucy oi. sinKrnu mitivA suiekl(, todav m hi8 vffice thout Fn,nfh ver(lion of fiKhfing Berlin an afl armed merchant ships, beginmngw it hjjj 0.c,oc,. Mf Hpath vu onp of the j nouneing that further advances for the tomorrow midnight. ! oldest merchants in the cotton business) The note says that Germany can eon-' . (hU gection and on,. of th- iflrg(.ft 1B . . . .r-a. ' ceive of no reasons for changing or post- operaiorK jwo yiars ago he met flnart' i TWO MEN SPILLED WHEN poning new Instruction to their subma-J, revmc8 but' apparently was doinjij A BUGGY OVERTURNED r!ne commanders to treat ss warsmps vue thrlvinff bU8ien8g at this time. He enemy's merchant ships and special pre- . t f . ,,,ft CAutioni should be taken to prevent ships fttn.,y jl,io lrotL(r pronilm,nt was given up when that was effected, !HRt n'l,t aP t'1B r'fv!t i o ?dba!.vM tl ,f,.a ) hut Avlona is near the entrance to the'1'11 " ll8V' been, fired by Oeorr.c C-VJ r;t;, jr Wil-on in it attractive for :i r-c'. t t. to ,70 to-' ciiHe Jthev art Adriatic and x'a regarded out- of the great est of strat-'k; importance. , )ifs. Hawkins' went to Faucette town: ship yesterday to arrest Collins on some re-. We aro iii stand for pir; an 1',-" . r.nJ our ofi'i tu'.- feel that Pis try blvut'd be prepared for an minor charge, t is charged that Col-1 ;lil,,.k .,.,,, forei;T1 powors. :-.ns rcisted arrest and fired on the dep. J ir,;,.nr,,di,e. . for war is the para ui'- '.f.ount omstion before the people of this which ar not snned from tKdted. ...'', being at- j tfctt0n manufacturing business in .this section. HERE THIS MORNING ! FIFTH DISTRICT I KlirUoLtlUAPIO IV1U.1 j toinns was captured Inst night near . 0 Aint. v, tl li.,, w ; (i(;n;; what we TUESDAY AT NOON j 1'rt ll,'ton anU 1,1 Ha,,fax county :ii;d W1 f(.,.j lh4.t Vl. ,,re ()iv performinjj jatl. Mrong feeling was maniiested a pt,triot:e duty. We want to instill ONLY 260 PERSONS ON THE MALOJA HAVE lr BEEN ACCOUNTED FOR ? MRS. WARREN AND CHRISTY .ARE STILL IN FORSYTH JAIL A serious accident was narrowly averted this morning at the corner of Main ard Commerce streets when Hor ace Ragan and H. A. Tomlinsop. were When the Republican be a number of High Pointers scattered' over t turned, Mr, Rags n a slight-look. Cut on ltia forebid und Mr. TotnUiisvin . altenw ''.(My the Associated Press.) J (By the Associated Press ) ibiidors, Feb. 28--6t the total ednvl AVlnston, Feb. 28 Althbugu daily cx- tlcmbnt of 4i pasSsngers "acd .creyr'on Lpccting to jMejve ibstructlohs to Win' U Peninsular and Oricpfti feV' steam-ffer from" the Forsytji county jail to' the -'. i ..-.' ,.1 . ... '; - . ... mU.-A kii Mll. v fihrp, Maloja, which sttuvk a mine and tatc penitemiary, airs, ia usuuim- escaped without a scratch. Messt. ft.Ean and TomliiAon POSTOFFICE A MEAL v, ill see that th. y do not incur any finan-' TICKET FOR YEGGS '. ,09 by doin?: 60- Thi9 al8 PPli , to workmen who want to enlist in the Bv the Associated Tress.) '.National guaru. Sank' WUhin a Italf hour two miles off BtOTeK only S4)6 are Tinow to have been . Cit total ef .119 ? nassengers, 64 f nam'e 'of: persons, aavei; aw .kaovra 6 . hare been received at the steamship's office. It was stated thai there were hopes of more names, of" jlaye4w6iJd be wcelvedUVJi;'- S: j The todies of three more Lascars of the crew of the Maloja haVe eeri washed ashoi-o, making a. total of, bodies .fecoT ered 47. ' "T ; :: Anstriaas Occnpy .Dttrbt'e. " a ' yleniM'tia' Tendon,; Febi.lJLastro Hutgarlan troops occupied fhe r Alba 'nlan port of, Durazzo Suorky tuonting, - according to an official anhotlneemqht is sued yesterday. H 7 i ' , s ren and Saniue Christy n'oVP under'sen- tenco ( 'catlr, tShcrm Flint stated to day tluit he bad heard nothing from the tate .WkMrftte, , The sheriff says that ho iuiows bf b rcasoa why j' the trans- ier sujutu not uv uruefcu. y f'TVe continued presence In the Forsyth ovihty jaJl" the prisoners when they should be, in ; the state penitentiary is attracting attention throughout; the state. i--i:u-r. -v --' HspewtU is Iaearperated. conLTessional1"'" out w8 l"r, .-: patriotism into the hearts of our men. convrntiun opens iri Greensboro tomor-pwu "awMn" "'av,e wlU0w Bn,a If any of our men want to go to the row afternoon t 1 o'clock, there wiH "vrn children. ,lis"niMg cr;i's cktablished by the gov- l ' ., i . F . i tv... .;n v.. n a 4A t II U Wilt IfV HI I.J V. w itbrmvn from f h. ir hnow when It over- over tba.andienrtr. seeordinir to the ont-1 mwiumwii .'without Sfklfttat:on on our part, and We M.i. rin. 11 j.i i.. i niMiiprii r a mpai. . n iun ihni ihv in nni incur intr nnin. ; ii infinwinir iiuiuii. i ii. null a -rm m mwm m m m mwmma'm mm , . i . . ...u. v.v r ..v. ..u. . . . 7 mates, appointed at the county con-1 .vint ion, will attend among others: E. ' were'L. Rairan. W. P. Rasran. J. J. Haworth,' .,1 n wfi, a Klre. t. in a ' W. K. now. J. 8. Worth, Walter Roy- Durham. Feb. 28. Some ono earlv thin W our wokmen are willing to maae Willing U y IIOUI I.WMVil ... I W ' w- - t m bttgsiv, with Mr. Ragan driving. As Mr.Jal and W. A. Welker, ... ! morning broke into the Durham postof- tho aacnnce at leaving their homes an Ragan was about' to turn in Commerce Col. DM Ragan U'stlll being urged byjfico and blew tho large safe for the Resides to i spend several weeks cxndi.. street 1c noticed a child just, in front I his friends throughout he district to al i fourth time within a little more than a Zoning themaelwe for the riggors Sid i.:. it maA yminllv in nr. i ! w f hn Mao of kk'nnme In the nrlmaries vor Thirtv dollars in cash was taken 'hardships of modern Warfare, and tO der to ovoid striking the child and to do ito be held in June for the congressional j and $200 worth of stamps were blown come- efficient iiTthe handling f anaey so he was forced to turn on the car nomination. As a matter of fact it .will: into shreds by the nitro-glycerino used, we rm m ie w.iu .. . .... . . .. . . ... -. . - . . . ...... , , ti,.,. t-- mm fiaanplal InQt in nprinnl. track. A car was coming up South; be practically definitely,, aeeiaed at i Tracks of robbers Jett in the asoesxee rV" " . - , ' Main street and Mr. Ragan was forced j Greensboro tomorrow who wp make the j scattered on the floor are the .only elue mg a duty to- ineir nag. win i Fj- . ,., nf thA wav of irae.. altbouirh the nrimnrfes must ratify! the officers have to work with. With. "nJ mro , w vaaa a- aa - - aa.-- . T . H 1 ' " ' the approaching car.. This time he turn- , ' ' Richmond Vi., ' Feb.-' gS.-HGovernor Stuart Saturday signed the bills incor rjoratintf the town of Hopewell." He will appoint - an administrative s commission to conduct the city's affairs until .July 1, when an election for mayor and other officials will be held. ed too quickly and t,he buggy went over. Both of tha men : were thrown to the ground but neither was hurt seriously. However, they; both had, a good oppor tunity and it was described by the spec tators as being -a; .very narrow escape from Serious injury for either or both of the gentlemem ' . ' . . .., ' ;" Tha WeaAer, i Warmer weather, probably rain tonight ; enow Tuesday and in westerii portion toni-EKtVirwdcrate variable winds. , HldeV ' . .. .. ... ..... :m that choice. : - - , i tho three past robberies about $5,000 njSc"'." to tne rruwimj camps -I n Imv lie. jlomff a mrosa wromrieaeb and'stamna have been taken. i twn Weeks' vacation on. full ff U when t did it,, 'bat t am urghig you for ,,. . . , , , , rwta v,i fVhi ; MTrtt-" .'writes' .J. P.! two Athletics to Carolina. Stan'tbn, 'of 'instoi, former register,of. PhiUidelphiaf Pa., Feb. : 28.--Connie Peoasyhsaia Beats Test Reqabemeat o''r1f':ortyth"aBd' "brrothrr to pr.. stack,- manager of the PTiiladphiaf Kklind, Maims-Feb. 2$.-A ..spee4. t. A.-Stantoh, of this citv, Mr. Stanton! Ami rieaiis, has announced the release of three .irtw of a knot in excese of tetls'ciL'.'Ragaa'that. he is. bringing For-j fi.ve players. . They are Pitcher W alta-r j ei.nrat mlressents was euaiaea ey Ander, to the Ashcvilla t.Nortn laroiinn. iiie.'8up-wireeynugii ieun"j ifili tounty Republicnns to Greensboro strongly entrenched for the High Point man. Itlobks like the Republicans of many : sections of the d'wtr'ict are lining up for Col. Ragan, and that ho will have to sacrifice his personal feelings and an twer their call r league) (team Harry pamrau, a third tlwsemnn, to Raleigh (North Carilina league), pitcher llarry Eeeles and Snort she w as pftHlied on the ( fastest mrie or her fst-HiiatiiatUn' test nt the' rate ef 2 niTlv7ut"r7 oiirTFu n Ja J-,' KIcirctt stop Harrv C. Seibold, who go to Wheel runs ; were maoV to complete the tests big ((Vntral league)" ttmt Pitcher WU-J halml U tr.-. weather last Thur., ' bur Da is, tc At'snta (Northern Itayuel.dey. , . . ! i.

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