!V'. .1 V i.ii.V. L'UrH s V f J ... HIGH POINT, 1 1 C, THUHSDA Y AFTERfiOON, APRIL 20, 10 18. VoL 23f No. 221. , , N - - - M 1 I I V ) A IT VJi i hi u t.mjimm W ' - - B ,r " " 1 l I n mn"' i j mi ii ii.nssi I i m a- .n m . ' ' ' ' ii-n. i iiyi iwi i mi in im mii i yr, w ; ; jr jinvkj vv a i jul jlijl . jl jl-.ji juui u u j w ' - - - ' ' - M ,." . v. . ' .- - I 0 o 0 WHETHER THERE IS TG BE GR NOT NOW DEPENDS ENTIRELY UPON THE GOVERNMENT AT BERLIN IGll AT th Next.THree or Foor Day Ex- plcted to Definitely Answer AS Hie Quettion. CONGRESS IS IMPRESSED TL Grare Sitaatioo is Reflected Throughout the Gorernroent . ' 'May lacluda Consuls. 1 ' "(Py the AMocUtod Prew.) WASHINGTON. April 20. The United Sutes'govern tnent having said Ha W word to Germany in the submarine conUo- verty, turned today with grave ex pectancy to Berlin, where reejr tJie decision whether the imperial. government will . abandon its metKoda of submarine war faic 'or! ueriod to allow to Germany .r a: dtrision. ; -v 1 none is'fortliconilruj within a rfa 'sonable time the step accomplishing a break in relations, with all its grave pos sibilities, will be taken. Ambassador von Beraatorff alTl receive Tiis passports and American Amba.Rador Gerard, at Ber-. lin, will be 'instructed to come home. . Confrets aseiuled today inipresned with the dni significance of the Presi dent's action. Tlia i.r "sident's wor4 to Congress to iU on force il meaning when with the pub lication ol the note to Germany almoct . identical in outline and phrase revealed in what unmistakable terms the Ameri can government has declared itself. Count von Bernstorff, who has been optiirristlcthroughout the long negotis- . tions that have now approached a crisis, was hopeful that hia government would Cad a way to prevent - break in 'rela tions. Last night the ambassador sent a long mcaaage to Berlin in which he is said to have recommended some assurances as were given regarding the submarine op erations in the Mediterranean now should be thrown around all submarine Opera tions. ; 'v Secretary Lansing said early ' today that Ambassador Gerard had not up to that time notified the state department of the receipt of the Amercran note. Xeither had Mr. Gerard reported having received from the German foreign office another memorandum on the Sussex ease as bad been reported here. , ; - Whether all of Germany's consuls and consular agents would be dismissed and such American consular representatives in Germany recalled ill case diplomatic relations are severed was discussed " by state department officials. It was stated that a rupture would not necessarily ex tend to tha consuls. , ,.- krut vntk Wathino'ton ' PMiln Wilinn will nrohiL v -..-..B . xa proposmon 10 secure a pernia- the condun oi suDmarine wanare in mei . . .. . .... . President Wilson Wll probably , wh warfare . t fcU Plymouth, Dr. A. P. Bonner, HorAefi . ' Vr ,.h . .n i.. . .i,..m i- u..i im- W preUbly that the transport wait until the enn of the woek lor ,n ptn9 u ,i- h. I City; Dr. Ernest Bullock. WilmiiurU; ..:,. "... , .....V .!' .. ,. ............ rywg troops made a wide sweep ,- . ... .t I . e " - r l ... .., uibi. iwi). ww oi inir agriauie tuinvs meoiaieiy w cover an suuiiiarme opera- ii.: . .- . Germany to Teplr to his virtual ul- .itk,n to move his force in lanre units. ! Dr- M. M. SaliU, Wlson ; Dr. flm . w tK, W1PHH1, nt t. m... j t. 1 i f rt Atlanfe be.ore heading for . -.-AUu-. .t.... :-'-1t. Wltaf I. m.mI V,a m;.. ,. 1 Hackner. Brnum: Dr. A. C. Campbell.1 ...... - I ' , J Mediterranean to avoid the umauun, -iiu.'hj r:iv t. ui, i lr i unwumcw in securing ine reinirrtHi i.t) I lie .Meiinerraean aiH'iarauon oi Mt'H1 1' J- i Jt . . ..V -r -i .M.-i :T-Vi fWtroni,. will e..nW ,,. PaiWirh: Dr. .f. E. H. Ikvidwn, asr- ......... tone ia the vicinity of the tune JUnU eet, rresiceni YHSC3 y T ' i . iv. . w u, tM.. x, "". ibx coinmuie. January coniaineu auBursiu-r. uiyen j r known to hold the omnitm 'tl'iath itMriwin than M " the J- Kk,B; . ixpw-ti-d to meet with discouragement, broader in their scope than those ov- . known to hold the opumm that iriTt.toottwMd Xo word h Adams, SUtesville; Dr. C. V. Ueynold,. . ... . . ... . 4K . allllln.rlll.. ,n 1 -. net w.th thn ,t w.ll be Oreo or four days U U reaorial.le General Ckvaea. wh. with AsheriUe. ... . f i.. . ., -K . 1 1"''... .v... .wuw tJ... l tu word York . v.- Betnstorff Calls on Ijuiaiiig. . - " V , Washington,' April 20. Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador, went ""to the ;:ttaMraepar4neiit today; for.;' a' ,,f eoafeien;witlB Secretary, tansing on the submarine warfare question and for a discussion of the arrest in New York of Wolfe von Igel, secretary of former military attache, Captain von Papen.. Secretary Lansing and the German am bassador were in conference fully 20 min tttes. After thambassadd had left the .secretary Estate would, make jio state; ment regarding the discussion. ' III! Fears Are Expreued That Serious Trouble Will Follow An Or der to Withdraw. STRENGTHENING POSITIONS The Period of Waiting Being Used to Prepare For Any Possk ble Trouble. , ', By tie Associated Prena.) El Pajw, Tex, April -20.-While the1 Amencaa punitive expedition ia narking ... ... time todav in ita ourauit of Villa, efforts are being made to atrengthen the army base, and the fine of communication. Feara are openly expressed by army ,.t& iL . & i ii 1 . OF MEXICO THAN wUhdrtwal of the Amfrican troop, JCreenville; firt vice-president, Dr. D. J. vilU and other marauding bands will HiM. of Lexington; second vloe-pcesi raise the try that the Americans are in(dent' I)r- J- L. Spruill, Columbia; third retreat, with the result that the Amcri-! l'wident. l- J- L. Bhuford, f ci i im-vtm i ii m c siiifiii lit sin nrnor MimA Hit can troops will be subjected to constant Colonel Cartaiua, W TeporW to have gone to bring back the supposed body of VUla, Officers of the- Joarei garrison hear that General Carsos and his com mand hare Jeen sJnbushe. - A. dispatch 'toa Chihuahua rays that the Parral dittrlrt ts qnipt, A th.t vi;. la has passed on into Durango, many miles from the nearest American column now resting tear 1'arraL MRS, X B. TOMUNSON, DIED EARLY TODAY . FUNERAL FRIDAY Mrs. Leonia Tomlinson, wife of J. B. Tomlinson, died st her borne at 602 Wil lowbrook street at 12:30 this morning from a complication of diseases. The funeral services will be held at the South Main treet Methodist church Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock," with the pas tor, Rev. H. H. Robbms, in charge. Mrs. Tomlinson wss 48 years, 7 months and 10 days of age at the time of her death. She is survived by her husband; two sons, J. W. snd - Ba scorn; three daughters, Misses Vatlah, Bate! and Ber taj three brothers, Geo. T. Penny, R. D. Penny and James I. Penny; two sisters, Mesdames "Arthur Lamb and Effie Hay worth. HIGH POINT HOSIERY MILLS BEGIN WORK 4 ENLARGING PLANT The High Point Hosiery mills has started work on its addition, which will consist 'of ' one new building and one three-story annex, the cost to be approx imately $20,000. . The addition 'will be four stories high and will cost $10,000. The new build ing will be on the corner of Pine and English streets. It will be of brick and will be three stories high and is to cost about 410,000. The work of breaking the ground has already started.. NOTE ARRIVED IN GERMANY : LATE WEDNESDAY, EVENING Berlin, April 20cMVia London.)The American note to Germany arrived at Berlin late yesterday evening; and Am bassador Gerard will probably, present it to the foreign office early this afternoon. -- ' ii Wi LARGE BODY OF RUSSIANS , ; r 'LARDED TODAY IN FRANCE Paris, April 20. A strong; force of Russian troops disembarked at Mar seilles at.aoon ioday.Uia Russians will fighJtjiwith the allies' orces in France. - . . .It. mt.m .nA t hmm.4 I 1 Tie board of council: Dr. W. H. Wsrd. ... . .,.. :n nwmu ana me allies in Me A BREAK t mm OFFICERS OF MEDICAL Dr. D. A. Stanton, of Higk Point, Chosen Alternate to National . . Association. : - 'N- ASHEV1LLL NEXT YEAR SUte Medical Sooety Completes an Interesting Meeting To day in Durham. (By the Associated Preiw.) Durham, April 20. The North Caro ni. H...II...I n..!.i. i.i j : 1 mik-w no. iy o.-.or Mjuumn-it this afternoon selected Aaheville a the ! Mxt mating place. The time will be the lh,rd Tuesday in Jyne the year of i H17. Tlie officers elected are: rreai Aani IW i fi 1 iiirlitinoluiitJLa fif ' a""ikv "u-nory SOCIETY cat association: IJr. h . Loiuj, Oreens- went In-fore the business arri professiw-first that she wss engaged in a' earn -boro, Dr. W. L. Duaa, Aahebore; Al-aj flf the M gBd aiked ,50j , of retllition or the Britinh ternate. Dr. 1). T. TaytsAWshington; ; of MB gub(IcriLe (of two of j.bIocktdf. Dr. D. A. Wanton, Ihgh Pwat,, IVle-j . c,ub arfl(K) m, stwk The assurances were to the effect that gates to Virginia Medical society, Dr. J. u u. hn fw t of 5!fcn1y , rruiMr warf,re W0Illd b,. WMdrehew, Reideville; Dr. C. S. Law-j ynf fw eiKht years, deferred pay ! ducted against enemy merchant -hip-rence, Vitton; Dr. L. J. Picot, Little- muli. . jBf,M. at ... ro. , !..: ....i ...n-.n,i,t.nt .MiM of ton; Delegates to South Carolina Medi- j cal societyt Dr. F. A, Ilarriss, Hender son; Dr. A. B. Proom, Msxton ; Dr. M. IL Biggs, Rutherfprdton. THt HTT.TVI- THAT VTT.T. A IC mrnrnm mmmmmmmmm, m rnmrn m w DEAD IS GROWING El Paso, April 20.-The growing belief I lhe lwrP,iaU" program. It is also that Villa is dead, althou"h his body has' announcf1 tht untu th club movr into not been recovered, was 'strengthened to-!"8 own home the mcmhi'tn wH1 be w w m , t m tt- given privilw of the old club build - concern here from agents in the inte - ..... report of Villa't death ia common among the peona of northern Chihuahua and was generally accepted as true. CRISIS IN THE BRITISH CABINET IS SETTLED London, April 20. It was stated au thoritatively that a settlement had been reached in the cabinet crisis. Small Fire Last Night. Fire broke out in the kitchen of the residence of R. A. Hampton on Virginia avenue last night and the alarm was turned in about 8:15 o'clock, all of the fire companies answering the call. Quite a little damage was done to the kitch en snd closet of the house, it being es timated at $100. The fire was extin guished with chemicals. Senate Agrees to House Bill. Washington, April 20. -Senate Demo crats in conference last night decided to enact into law the house bill repeaksg the provisions in the Underwood Sim nionr tariff law which would have pa ed 8vj.ar on the free list May, 1915. .: .To Charlotte. V'Mr.' and Mrs.' Alvin ott Parker, Mr. and Mrs. W. Chase" Idol, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Co went to Charlotte to be present at the Parker-Anderson marriage which takes place in that city today. " Mxt. Tohn D. Shaw Sick. Mrs. John D. Shaw is sick, being con fined to her' room at the home 6f. Mrs. R. B. Strickland, The Weather.' -"Partljrcloudy toni-Kt;&nd 'Fri day; moderate southerly winds. ; FACTUHERS CLUB NOW ASSURED . V V V p V w The Required 150 Members Have' fondt a Mcuage Exprening the Slav.. VJ Jcin AUicd Troopi in Signed Up For $30,000 ' Belief That United State j Trenches Along Franco Worth of Stock. Means What it Says. Eeljian Fro:t. BENCINI HOME BOUGHT I Club Expects to Occupy Ita Own 1 Commodious Quarters in J Thirty Days. j Kvery doubt at to the suwrs of thf nioviincnt looking toward tlu reorgani zation of the Manufacturer' dub and ortag tr Bmoini hom th club , quarter, if there hr been any doubt, waa removed yeattrday afternoon when the ranvaiing( committees reported that in- limit of ISO itockholding members: had hern secured. The option on the' ni'U' home of Ihtt rtllK 1w taVon im ,t onw an4 Mr j Btate that ,h( building will be ready for the club withm the address of the President and the SO days. A meeting of all of the stock-j note, said: holders has been called for Friday even- j i can make uo comment cither upon l ing of this week at 8 o'clock in the. the address or upon the communication i rooms now occupied by the club for the' which has been sent to my government" .purpose of perfecting an organization. However, he was authoritatively de 'and transacting such other bushusH ax scribed as having advised the Berlin may come up at this time. , J'resident Tom (Jilliam and otli.r- who " " n ms aw (1 vv VI VI IM, HIIU t list V HW . v w...--. per cent, per annum. The response was1 every character, freight, as well aj pns surprisingly hearty. I w nger carrying, would be accorded prop- 11... ..:.... .. :n I... f nie ui iiiiiiji imT iu nic i-rnire iiirnuwr - sliip of the new Manufacturers' club and! ........ 18 rtfM,irw lIiat vtr7 om" of the 150 j stockholders be present and take part in l.,n JU8t " thouh th, v "e uld - m - t Ifcfirai Tin- Bencini property was purchased1 for 123.000. and somethintr like iT,.Ooo! ,i.i:i i .:n im f..-ii.:... fluuiiiuimi win w myvuh ivi I Ul llliillln. - The building is considered ample for alljf,"w,d satisfactorily to meet the posi uses of the club now and for years to;'"" tn' United SUtes." come. It will be handsoiaely furnished throughout, and for the Convenience of the members there will be reading rooms, card rooms, billiard rooms, ladies par lors' assembly rooms, ball room, smok ing rooms, tennis courts, bowling alley, swimming pool, gymnasium and other things that go to make a modern club. The organization will he for both social; im) hiioinpBH nnriwtua and it. in iilnnnoil ! i i 1 - - i to make it the equal in comfort and ef- flcK'ncy of similar organizations to be round in the younger cities oi the coun- try. . " The following is a list of the 150 men fwho signed up for two shares of stock! each and who will constitute the mem bership of the new High Point Manufac turers' club: - . The Stockholders. F. J. Sizemore, J. J. Farriss;, Carter Dalton, H. C. Kearns, Jr Frank Wines kie, II. W. KrorAeiraer, E. A.: Snow, Rod ney Snow, R. A. Wheeler, A. A. Lind say, George Lowe, B. S. Cumroings, J, H. Adams, C. A. Barbee, Claries R, Godkin, D: R. Parker, Dr. J. T." Burma, W. T. Parker, S. C Clark, 'Dr. W. .T, Oayton, ti'H 8. Salsbury,"W. P.-Bsgan," C. M. Kephart, Jl W. WelbornGeof. "Wood, Ji, S, Hall, O. k.frHau8er, ft ILlHall, J. 4 W. ' Chandler, ' B. F.eainsf' ))r. 0.3 P. Batf r, J4-A. ; Eshe lman Bird" Coter." C. C. Robbins, W;cJoncgf John Peacock, C. H. Ellis; W P. SWle," G. F.: Wilson, A. E- Futreli, Thornwelt Haynes, H. A. ite, Peacock," H. Walker,' A. aisaon,, W'Cl4B4V'Dr;'a.'.&-:Coe, JVC. tlill. J. S. WelbornFredG. Barbee, i (Continued on Page Eight) DERHSTORFF WKS ULIII GOVERNMENT! i'uT STILL HAS HOPES rllJ;Rdo Q.:o. :1 as .yit g He Believed Some Way Out Would Be l oend , Wunlilnjjton, April 20. - Count von 1 IJcniHtorff, the (JiTiniw nnilmsHndor, wnt j to Hvrlin lant night a long tliHpntch in- am, mMnu Lrun rcon.mfnation. He irf understood to have advised his government that he believed the United States meant just what it said in its suhmarine note and that something would have to be done quickly if friendly rulntlnni tvr fn fvintinlll i The ambassador himself, having readl"' l"c orPr aay, me r rendu foreign office in the message sent last ' niKht that he believed at least some I : ....I (..r !...! nouimii. I i . ' , . , , rs hiiu im-hb. r rvui an- o i.w.v.. have been given for the war zone around , .... .. 'the Hntisli isles covered oniy nuern. 1 While the ambassador appeared to N ( more perturbed than at any time since the beginning of the submarine contro- v,r-v ,,' wa8 said to that hU 1 eminent would go to every pouible 1 Ifflgth to prevent the severance of d.plo- I matiit mint tMt I Persons in close touch with embassy ""'" M"0111 him "I believe that some way will TWO BIG REPUBLICAN SPEAKERS TO BE HERE TOMORROW NIGHT A. A. W'hitener, of Hickory, and Wil liam Crissom, of Greensboro, will be the oiit -of-town speakers at the big Re- publican rally to oc iieui lommrow nignt at the armory. This is the first ftw in the local cam paign. There of course Iihs been a little . .1... -t....i.,.l ......I. 41. U.....1. ... - piCKCl UUIV H'lirviru rmu no " "- out of circular utters urging ine, ; laying of m.11 tax, houd.ng of club meet- '"K? educational purposes, out " - day night's rally is to start the earn paign rolling. 4 .JIlg1 JPoint Kepubnean leaders think tpey 'ave oeen iortunaw! in awurin I it r'i . 1 a t . thetf; speaKers. iney am wisn w oe sure to have Judge William Preston Bynum, bit be could not come. Whitcner is, however, a political orator such as High Point has not heard in a long while. Hfl is one of the western North Carolina Re publicans that can think and talk at the same time. Although he has never held office, he has sacrificed himself to the party several times. .Gilliam GrisBom wants to succeed Ma jor, Stedman. Ho is the Republican can didate frvthe nomination and will doubt less find littel trouble in beating Sam E. .Marshall-. Mr." GrUsom is secretary of the state committee, editor of the Pro 'toctlonist, and one ;of the state's ablest men. The big rally will have first class speakers for the occasion and it is said that tha. erowl-vill come. with enthu. niasm fit for the hour. 1 IRUSSIA SENDS BIG FORCE 1 FRANCE FRENCH TAKE OFFENSIVE Allies Become Aggressive Brit ish Cabinet Crisis is Re ported Settled. . .'.HiBy the Aohociated Press.) ' Russia hr.s come to the aid of France and Great Britain in the straggle ' on1 the western front, sending a strong force of troops to fight with the allies there. The Russians disembarked at Marseilles at noon today, their ar rival being noted by Gen. Joffre? i .L . I r . i . r . commander citing their coming asr another striking proof of Russia's devotion to the common cause of the allies. The Russians axe believed to have em turked for IVance from the port of Archangel on the U'hite sen, the only .,ort that hftft frw, pomnjunition be. west. ear- into the ' the , Huomarino .. . British ' ..; not. ' today 4L 1 A 1 . 1 . H ' - tuivvu I'l iv tit i- VttUi." HU iltttl Mil ( , ',la,lit4.ilvwd the.j.ort, of Arthasiyl to,.; all except goverument tiafic. Thia may , ,.' indicate tkai other troop movements to the western front are either und'nrair cr are being eiilemplat(d. 1 Several times during the war there . have been report that Kimxia was send ing trocjs to th Franro-ttelgiaa front, jtravelersyeven declaring that dvtachmcnts had been seen en route in Scotland and"; I.neUva.1. No such troops have ever ap- irarrd cn the western battle line, how ' ver. AiuLas ador Gerard, at Berlin, has re .vii! the, American note to Germany. Th Beiliu dispatch reporting the arri val of the note said that the American ambassador was instructed to present it to the (iernian foreign office this after noon. The Preneh have again taken the of fensive hi the Verdun battle ami have j launched attacks against the Herman line .on trie right bank ot the M use. ram declares that this aggres ixe movement was successful, resulting in the capture of a portion of the German trnches and the taking of several hundred prisoners This offensive on tin- part of the French followed closely a (iiimaa move ment in a new field m tin- struggle for the fortress. This took the form of drive on the catreme iij;ht flank of the French forces in this sector, three suc cessive attacks being delivered at Les Es parges, nboiit 13 miles southeast of Ver dun. - r r , mw swh operation bv the Hermans as of a movpmpnt iltended:te forw Ai,mtmi of the fortri.M.- Tha new latt( t w unsu,C(ls8fu, however Pa. ns reporting that the Germane were driven by counter attacks out of the 200 yards of trenchrs they had iuoeeeded in ;' occupying. ' Acccrding to a London dispatch tho British coalition government has been ' given a new lease ou life, a settlement having been reached in the cabinet crisis, ' over the conscription question. ' k BRITISH BELIEVE 5 THEY HAVE UNCOVERED 7 AN IMMENSE PLOT . (By the Associated Press.) , ; London, April 20. -As a result of the seizure, of German and Austrian subjecta aboard .the China mail liner bound 'from Shanghai to the United States, the Intel ligence department of the British gov ernmeut contends that it has uncovered, a plot of ittunense proportions conducted Kvith the urpcgjj.of ,?.aw?mg....S'0uol in Ind.a. , - - . , ,lVl.. t v..."f