' f i ! V n . V. ' S. j A - ' iu City Circulation 1800 THE FAMILY NEWSPAPER llo1iirAA1 lvr nOe-a jf"ai- V VoL 23, No. 173. NOW LOOKS LIKE TWO TICKETS WILL BE NAMED IN CHICAGO; ' ROOSEVELT MAY DECIDE TO GO HOPE FOR PEACE ic mnitin Mil io n WWW HUM Believed Republicans Will Nomi-iSay He Will Go if the Republi nate Hughes and Progressives I can Convention Desires to Name Roosevelt and Johnson. j Hear Him Speak. THE PROPOSED PLATFORM Indorses Principles Woman Suf frag and Votes Down Prohibi tion Attacks Administration. ' CHICAGO, June 8.-A. politi-; V cal leaders gathered for sec- - i : f tk. Ri ii- i D -......:.,. Ani.r.r. publican and Progressive conven-, . -:. .-...... tions it became more apparent .t-.k ..Uk-'tum tlrUt.in ,,H" " me neia. vicior iviuraocK, timu man "of the Progressive national committee, summed up the situa- , ' "Wll w lft th rioor onen ' ' and the Republicans don't seem to be coming in." Tlmt u flu- PriKjri-MviM r' Ii aiii r i- M-- j.ly to uu itmuiry a vMii-imr i title rcmuiiii-il a I'rofju-ct I r liarnii-nv miI Alit-tliiT tli-r- ai liki-ly in - i'j--.ni (d t'iajk' vi'iitVi 1 1.--' i-.iiiiiuitti . p iii'.'i M'titiii lj.it I. 1'iirtiiii to rri-i'iir aiiJ fur? Hum i-av oiil'V'''-' -mii-. -iililii-nii I1 ml r - i. ".ii iT.tM-.ii;nt il tin1 -; . f - : ' jn - talk, mi) in;: that aiti-n l a i '' ' .i !fiMl for u !-iijt th.it a !?.;.- i;y . the Ki-ulili u 1 ! vatf .iiit-iu! . i .i' tiiridtd ti inr-l withi.r.t n i.ni tn' ktiy tliitd" 'riy i;m! tni't-iiti- IhiL-hc-. t whom t)i iiinKt iij.t-rt ha -:i Katlierml. Then are uim- ait.ti.' the Ph. .Tesiive and some aiiH'ii' tin- Khim vi lt Heillbliean who i-till btli.-ve.l that flu rolonel'biniU .tTinitl nave the day il he would "ome It. I'liiiiajiu. Word from OygtT Bay, howevi-r. was that U.K.-"- velt bsd been t-b,jrra.h.Hl vnterday by , , . ... . , .- National lonjiiuttej-niati .laikiton. . ol , .jVarylaoJ, wgkf aun U in here in th int.-rrnt of harnmii) . While tli j Colonel annoimetHi that it a not hi pnuM-ut intention to atfit thv in vita- tion, he said he would probably make public bit reply later, but UI not nidi- cat what wolud be live lii.ir of that1 ... Willi itatement. The Republicau nomination prootDiy oe mw morrow, ouv i '; nnrfjj Itv juuuauljiiu u i il. ..... .. ... . journ, before 8aturday. Ostensibly the eonventio. iU be prolong to give tiie jjivu V.---.- . - - ----- - - - i mm vtn firm mtnt t imp tit jtH lwr-flliA M'r . , A, , ' . , i the nomination for teend place on lite ; , , , l - ----- ticket, but iu re.btj.it U avo.d ad.!tifnl ,iv.t. park in the world, early journment bofer the ProjtreMive eonren- tionacts. " Th Progrewive convention probably wiil not nominate Ha candidates before Saturday. : There trill. Ins only a fewj houra ofthe aewion tolav and that will be devoted to the platform and other . tontine -bmlnesa.-The deKmtea are ' confident that on 'Saturday they will name aa their ticket Rooaevclt and Johnson, their ttandard 'bearer of our years ago. r ;. ' , A rumor cimiatod last night that . j r . . ' tt.. . . i. - . . i. . Jimutx llUK'tra 111! IK-llfr UIU LU UK- - ..' i -.1-.. ' . jpngnes campaign managers mat iie.wui .not accept the Republican nomination unless it conies from a united party was revived today. It' was denied by Frank Hitchcock ' aud others at the Hughes headquarters. .The favorite sons .com -. hination and Roosevelt-supporters nat urally took no $trf to counteract- he report. It is now certain that New York will 'be the first to place candidates in nomination.' f V ': Rumor 5s ciurcnt hef, that Colonel ' Rocsevelt has tdegrsphedV to reserve . rooms at a hotel here,- - . y , . Proposed Pktfpnn.V fi , A projHwd plank' in the Republican latfurn , dei-lai Inn for , woman's suf- ?)a"e Iiaij1. ii "i. j. iUS"i,f tlif inh-Cfmr jaittee t n r r"A'I,)ti'n by a vote vt 5 to HIGH ROOSEVELT. MAY GO T I SCORES ADMINISTRATION fcsues a Statement Urging Unity of Action to Make This a True Nation. .JS i. T ,..;,.. lf don' Koonevelt will ," to l incajio ii t), rt(Mrt.B8 it;. Tlli. Iu. ,.,,,, t n,UMu ,-.,,.iv,-,l . ' U,,t U'M from Natii.nal (.iniiiitt.iinn. . .latkaon, of Man land, askru liim to conic to I Ilii-J'r. Till' ( ololll'l .Inland I!! I.i- all We tlmt In-. )) it tin- Jo jiilliln ii!i mill II ll till' lie jlllblll'il 1'iii-rt-u.iw- won ! .i in.iimti- a mn l'iii"i''i ii would iiilliiimti- a wlm if .Jetted. v..ii! 1 place th I ti.it imi vlntc 't Im-Ii. ji malting it trm- te ii-i!;' .uid lliMi'tf u.i'- in .ill i".m kil'.I." ll-l II " -H:l1 ) t!:i- J '- ; Ii t!.i- l:n -t .mi '.i l . :nl:'i d t-i h ll'l il--. lllfril tint Ui--i nl 1 1 : t !''. i'.-'i i' .t"ii -, but 'A i i -.1 t- i oi I . Ii 1 1 -! .-.' : .! -'.i-i-1'."- tli ; r I- .1- .-i ili.ii! !:. ,i : - .tiu) Tin 1 iiit-i iia n - ui ill i-haJ.-t- !' po!ilii'ul luli-t. :nk into i; tli i... v Ii ii run; a r d v itji tin :i..it i- .:-. :i.w d.-t'iaiiiliiir .i:-i-ii..n tin- i ftti s of miliM Am.'rti a'li'-Mi and mit i.'i it) r. ( a: i t'ini I I .' t i.loi.'.d tint li:-r l.-.-'and that "in (In- fa.v of tin- uwf-ul world t'HtM.'lx m this natimi tolNi Hiiiiiu' and h. lil'-' and tV it "no . veil-"- now iiiadi- by tliu"-' i..oii-iblc for thia inartioti in rntitbd to ?.-iiouM roii-)id--rat ion. For you and tour HH.stM-iiiti'K tlicrr it m ii o.Hirtuii-:ty to i-lmw the n.tid.- that tli.-y have i . .thy alt.tnity to whi.-h to turn." "t an ui' not,'' asked lif, " ttu.-t our , pttxt iliir.-r.ii.-eH and imw jorn tor tin' nMy un(, (lf t(lt. wlUntry to ,.. f,,,T thv jm1 ii-y of cnuinf Ann rii'iiii-itni and genuine pr. paredue!?" SIX HUNDRED DETROIT BUSOIESS MEW CO INTO CAMP 0 THE CONVENTION -''- : ' " " IVtroit, .Mieh., .hme a.-4.raml ialand. - . priv.t. game preserve of the Cleve- land Cliff! Iron companj, loetted off fl.e . M I outh shore of Lalte Wwpenor, will Ml tte niping ground. of aorrni W)fl I).-fcruit .... , I . .. J 1 l. f htn today the teaw City of 15e-1 h "wrning," aaid ifc jai .trolt III for tHe ..! crni. of HJTJ UUfJHnie XtiU JN U irUBKHM I niri HV e A Detroit board of commerce. n. t.. ... l.. l. . 1 . - cruiieri will arrive at the mianU.. . . . . M.. . . rf t. t , 'Saturday morning. The return trip aill mde in time to rerk Detroit aejtt ; Mo,,d"y n'Kht Sestrktire Meuvres Cotuidered. (By tke Aaaooiatec' PreM.) 1 tbe Jried ap.W in uention at the Mor lAon, Juih- 8.-H i officially anrim tore ahotiM be. .-mnwl ; thi j a , a a. a . I iivuiM-rw lwJ ,,Mnv" ,M" 1 -V 1 il 'l 1 . I ! 1 lirt ft RIIlTlinsr hrW'K IMI l tM-lllir . , . " x,..Ln -lrt mnde tl, rn,U nf ,..n.Ut,ra v.. nurt,...n .. - ....B the t-nemy.' Weather. Showert this afternoon; gener- i i , wawTvv uuv ma mm w wt f fcviivi- i .nv fa;r ton:ffKt sn J FriJav: !.ht 1 "o .11 1 variable winds. 4. But later it was decided tQ incor porate a plank indorsing , in " principle woman suffrage. The fiht will be car ried" b'fore the full committee today. A' plank respecting relations with Mex ico offered , by Senator Fall, of , New Mexico, with a strong attack on the ad ministration's policy was. adopted. (Ah- let planks ' touching labor, (. American- ism,' national defense) and other ques tions wer?" adopted that are 'formally intended to meet the Progressive Inter ests. Planks for a recall,' Initiative, and referendum were rejected by ' the sub-couimlttee. ' : The committee voted against the In cliiJwiruf'TlVroIilT.rtoii" plaiiiTTiniii platform . ' . POINT, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 8, 19 16. MERCHANTS MUST SCREE THE MOODS Recorder Dalton Says a Law Is a Law, and Applies to Big and Little Alike. GROCERS GIVEN WARNING Mr. Dalton Submitted a Few Re- marks as to What Had Come Under His Observation. IikL'c Diiltini In-Ill thi ii i or 1 1 i n r tliat tlie cit.v oriliaiice ri jiiirfM all fruit tain- M i cem il Mini tliat the Hcrt'i-niii of ,(Iihii and window nf tlx More IH Kit S . com 'hanc. with tin- i-itv law. The in ' . ; ti lCntHtli.il .Hlt.e ... tl ac I.XH.IlHt A. Morri". who a. found uuilty of' havinv Minn- dried a.ileK uiii-r-e:ied. ; Theju.l m il . lan d that alter un mv-.ti- ' Ration he lotind that all of the ...i.M-er were in lan iii! di-yre-' guilty ol a io latioti of tin- iildiiiani-e. . 1'. Hawaii, afipeariny for Moi tih, aitit il loud and at some leityth that un- i ib r tin- i vid- li.-i' of the tate hit client wait not guilty. The ordinance sueeifie i.ttain fruit- and epetab! that nuiat 1 1 .ni-. ii. ;l, hittM-r roiiteudi tl that il Hi en;- ,itil wittdiiw of tli.' t'.M l.llildii'i' were n-i i'.-io d that the ordt- iiaiii-f wan i-oiti!i. d with. Itnlo- Dalton tliot i .lit ntl.et t ie and ib cri-eil that the riliiianei' meant that "t.ueh wrc'ninjf 1 1 1 1 1 r In- iiii- tis to prevent to n irar-; tiii'l i-j;iee the fruit eoinina in contact with tilth. eit)ieeia!l' llic." The Htate'i' eudi'tii-- i- In . .-! that the tilth and Hie hud lome in riiiitaet with the appli-H Mr-. Soyar.', health officer. l-'Ietchei " liailiieHMil ll.lit'.r "Doc" Stamey were the htate'n itnese. They had neeil the ,'ruit "t-iiiM-d" anil had aet-n the llirt on it. The editor clltd them "di eaoe dealing tlii." lint lie rcfuwd to c tiinate the iitmil.tr of them. In i-asnin' M-nt.-iit i- mi .Morri v. h'e h was that the jiuliin tit uliouhl la- mi-. , n-iiili (I on the payment of couth, hul o Dalton took tK-eai.m to state the re ault of an LnveKtiatB that lie had taken tin- trouble to make on bin way ' to court, lie naiil that lie had atopped ' at every ;riM'erv store, between hi of liee and court, and that every one of . . . . ' ;them hfl nm fniit ir vegetable un f ' 1,14 ""'' With"' " Hn,s " the store, he told what lie had found "1;""' """-" "'"dr "Anil All itf thiu kvtakra L)fuira ur. 1 " """" """'") ' ,mp' -"i... ......i.nn. r tiisii nir nri. nti , ,r a imi i,, -,. i n n , . ........ , . . m . . . . . tomatoea unscreeneti out on the Rule - ... , . . . 4 walk in Sitine diner- hn nan Oihoi at run-- , , J I berr.ea and black Vrrie. and many kmdal , . , . . 1, I f I -1' 'X-tablea at othera n f.et. he ,a,d ; that in every place hut three, conditions, were worne in hia opinion than at the 1 Morria ftire, accirdinyf to the teatimony j in the catte juat aetth'd. Xo order was made whether or not .,lt.. 1. b.. .a- ..! 1, m'UI. LilK 1.U fi.r.M.fiilni'M- am fa C..... 1.. .H,..'.K. ."i". ni o una ii mix ifi - - irr.H-erv stores on Main street and in. j only three place did ahe find fruit or rejrctahleii nnaerevned, She did, how- lever, tell the grocers of the decision of T-12 l i .tl . K. 7 w9' I . tan lie air via eni.ire.1 in rvtrv .... ... ... merchant. AMrRlPAN TDnrtPC JrniJSS r.anr- UKDbKED TO PREPARE IU LU IU rLMlNli: " . (By the Associated Press.) London, jnne R. An Exchange Tele - - s . . v j: . t- t . m fr; says that United States troops at that place hare been ordered to hold them selves in readiness to prooeed to Peking ' The dispatch also saya -. that th French authorities have already dis patched a strong force of riative troou froni th.i French protectorate at Annam to IVking. A delegation, of ofScera of the bodyguards of the new president, LI TuannTung7a;urci!lirni"?)r'thrfide!tty of the guard. ' ' graph -dispatch from . Tlen Tsin. dilna.ifleih, we shall reap corruption if . we GREAT INTEREST IN AL Girls of High Point Will March in a Body to the Audito- rium This Evening. TWO SERMONS OF POWER , FUNERAL SERVICE FRIDAY FORT REDUCED TO RUINS ! ! Large Audiences Heard Dr. Black "Uncle Jeste" Was One of the French Forced to Abandon After Last Night and This j Most Highly Esteemed Citi- ! Seven Days of Terrific Ger Morning. 1 zens of This Section. I man Bombardment. The I'itywiili- n-vival in n.win in in ti-n-Ht and KvHitrliHt Black'H Kciinon utid Mr. Huii'h nit.'iiiii(f an- of tin- lirlii'xt M-il.'r. An audi, n.-e tlmt w.-ll lill.-d tln - aiiilitoriuin wan ii'k.'iii lant night an.l1(. IhiiihI at IJH'iH.ir rliuuli r rnlit v jtlie liilililili wan tlivci- fmirtlin tliiit intiriiiiiL'. Ir. Ulark i-imkc thin intirtiinir m,,,n in-' frnn th i wt, S. k vi' lnt t In- kingdom nf lli-HVrii." and In i-t nilit on1 tin' t.,t. ' Ilf tu t diri-ivr.l, ti.nl in tf.it niipik.'d:" Tli.1 c-vi.ii;. -list )irrarln'H from 1 I I A .A A I .11 in, mil ..x.H, ,.. I,,,,' ,i ...n.' I I u.-d many tin.. . la-tor.-, but '" in . li ii -lulni'i-H ot iri-i'tnaliini anil inn ' I Hill" H nf ti I'.M Ih.iiN t Ii.' at I i nt mil .; i i r v lied v. Toni;.'ht all of tin loin 1.1 to ' vial l In re i no iron chid "ill-; of th" city ill ll'.'O. II It IlllU'.'ll rill. I. until..' tli" i;-t-, will march down Main Mroi-t from tit" Wc-'.'V M'-ntoi ial church to I he audi iriiinii I'll-- jjirU w iil tin i-t at "'!' "'r i i'k . I. I 111 I" ill be -tolin- oil" pfcii lent to make t belli ii -hort addle--.. A number of ladie- frutn tin- variniit church 'H have la-en s.hctnl at l.i-ulili aiil-. to inareli. 1 1 .un I row iiii'ln :ill o I I !i on lulu r '! t !i ' lillii .1 order-. I v ,11 a-i nil'!-. in : t-iH , ami o o li- .Ulillto! .HI i. 'l'l i I " nil! be i - i -. .-! .it lor 1 1 i w I... i I':, in a 1. inn ! :. HI. 1. want on to ii j 1 1. 'III. "i 'Ii. v. .i:!iiii t I . .in- t !...!;. -.. il Ii "loi- ii I i mi t- !"in! I In- v , loi ii II tl "HI. in ti.v. n i.i.iii-hiii'j to i In- church rt'-ivic . Noll wuiit t . In- Inald ! well an -i-i N n'l waul i l.e folks to know hat y ill in in;' to th.- chinch I vie -. I.i t tin- people know that there m tonii I hill;.- b .ill'.' here." I?r. 'tiink wa- late y. tt iie: Marti 1 thii tin rti'ii .' ami be f-poke only alauit L'o niiiiiitei. His -ii' jn-t uu- ' S.-i k . Iit the kiii"i!i.in ol lb iim ii." II - niid thai we will know W" are U I he I. ilioib.ltl il thai i" our KiiiL' and if we love that kin;!ih"i) and endeaxor t i cnlar.-e it. And the kingdom linnet I e -ou-ht lirM. ''First in life, t hoiiyht . a'leet ion : tii t in your heart iu intmrtaiice: lirt in evcrthiii' iI.hI help me to eularue up ' . . . .. -. ,. i.., on that word hrtt, ail Dr. Hlack. lb' a'ul that neither businera nor pieannre hIioiiIiI (nine tirnt, thil al of the.' - kingdom : thii.- i..ut la- below and th ,)llt fir,t. -Seek Hrt rij-hteouHienH," aid J)r. Blt,,k -Hn, that means the kinloin of , hovn and tnn hk your Iutv to vm.r fellow man. a.i lastly kWiIkIi ' mterentit " Tliat wa- the order j . pritf.,ier iam th ihinv,n m. . . "And why," he i - - i ... . , ... l(' aked. Anawirinc he Mid beenus.' 't . (Jo" wmmand; Umw to do no ,.. ,,, aml ., ,H.tt,r: ' of imr f,owmttf r,. qnirea jt and beeauae it will reclaim the promise of :d and of the text that "All tiling" nhnll be added unto yoti." Dr. Hlack r-poke from the old text of "Be not iiwi'ivedt "Ni is not mock- ed; for whataM'ver a man ttoweth tliat nhl.ll he alao reap, at hint nr-lit a aer 1 1 i i. ,1.. i rnwww" w,mHl ue ""n,"x " . , . .nd.eliee. ' ,",t " p"""u - T .V.... l...t-n la.irtv,! it iiruuiiliuil ..-ill:. tt.ii Mior ........ ... nun y tim. riaid the preach, r, and then turninjr to tlie down pnaehera on ji .aar..i . 1. . .1 f . . , it niany t iniM Rllt w,. M it " " ' ne asK.Ki ine peopie. in .ut- ot-jju ho urjred the audience not to be de - iceived, not jc mrsl.il, not to follow blind 'pUr,M(Mi j drln5a. IU c.nnot 1m, fM, yomf . Lhbors cannot le dei-eived. The, well : EPWORTH LEAGUE MET known law of sowing and reaping is 'appHcable ,in this life and the life of Ulernity. What we sow now, we shall lrean in. the future. If we sow to the .1 r !. . " . ,t . .. ! sow to the spirit, we shall reap lrfe everlasting. Dr. Black warned the pea pie not to "drown out he call of the gos- pel with" the tomfoolery of the. world." There Is the sower, the seed and the harvest 1 taught In this text, said Dr. Black, v He said the sower was the influ ence of every person, God holds people responsible" for ' their Influence. : Tlie (Continued on Page 4.) 'JESSE COLTRAHE.DF I Passed Away This Morning Fol- j lowing General Decline in Health, at Age of 96. I .h-Hh- ( nltianr, aynl ;n;. tin- olili xt cit i.i n it thin Hi-ctiuti of tin- otaU-, l i - 1 ' nt hi lm tii'Hr l '.'It ram ' mfll in I j HH,ll,ih .-.unity thin it....-.,,.,- ami v i'l iniiiiiii: at 11 i.Vlock. ' "l-iul. .I..HM-." ... In' , known , . . . it' i IhmiI and ii' II llllllj ' 1 HI till IIUI., UU- ,rt,,l l,v . wiI....U tn.-w him. !. !o.,.,l tl,'.- Coltr mill, a ila.r tal.t . .,...v I, I II.-I, l-oiul ..i - .11 " oh,.,,,,,, fl. ;( lit 1 ..-i-nvl Ui.i""m" " P"...M alter hfinji r. , ,.,. a , , .lllll t di-.ta.ir.' . .. Hi ea i h ayo li i d on i in- plant .it imi all of hi. lit,, ui,.! hi- voiiiiyest -on. alter hi-i "tadiia linn II'.. Ill Tlillit l . inllie bill k to live lit 1 1 I I hiiuie pl.ii Mr. olt ram- w i In- miii of I)., ni. I and Si, , hin ( nltralie -ile mill nil Mi-- Abbie (ianlinr. who .i i - ll!l I iiioi t liit 1 1 ;o en i ao in- moinei I in. I il -he v ii- i;i . at - .-I a-.e. Mr i .-It .'ii. t. .i ' o - in and I ii J;l . i -. all ol v. Iioin -en in-. I Ic -I . ii- i o l '.in -, a iio-i" -I N. M. t .. .'Iina Met'', I.. I 1 . . -. -. i t ill Miii.-.-. -1 . Miii'i.a I. w ii. ..ho -. Mot Ii :ii ' "rml , , I!.-...-. in- two illlllll Him Kii I paiiiek. i i ''' '' i 1 iv ' '!nl " i ii i ...li r- n. un. I th i th - I. on, I ''-. : i . Mi-. IH t h I'alei ' I. i- in.' M ': n n I Mi - ,x Mir. v i vt. t t ii- vi. "I M. ' 'e-.l'-t on.ii-ti r ol ' I" i - ii.- 1 '. ii- ..I. a i.'l':! 1 1 I -..ran llll. . i. Mr. oil ran.- nan S h III llai.dolpli imiiii iifid lb. "-tiiiiti'ii in ill-.li. tith fi htt'-tl I H ill., t ol . 1,(1 ly. I' ! Un-;:-Hi' h I', il.t ei I l"i ! .1. ... - ' u i- li.-n. -! itil.-t it i and .111 w n i. it Iu if iinpi'aelial'b . ;' th i hi. st ' ' ill.l I .'I' el . Jl" w.i- .-in . it' not Io o il--1 in. in. ii i f t he -in! .ic! a oti. thit M-t ton .i the in i-t I,i hit ' -p.it ,11 I I- lot . ' .jinnum . I i-r a' -IcmiI ai .1 l.iillilul .M. t lit l.-ibhip ii- at Ih KIm i n. I il a i-b .1 ! w till" b lore ;) i-i; i.i ii- hi in- hud U- n a ; n-i iii- nieiii i r iiircii. l .i ; il.iitli Mi j I ollran v.a- able to move about at b -will r. .el I'ti in "ood health. For .ini .lav he had bivn iu failin-.' health, bow til and ihiith ea.lle eailv tinblV. dill ,l., t.t .il.t fti'e. Funeral -a-riic- will b.- dueled by hi pa-t..r. Kev. K. N. t rowd.-r. Friday morninjr at the Kla nejter clmrch. , SIGHT SEEING STEAMERS - N0WxIN WAR SERVICE Undon. toyT,y M.il.l - Am.T - m : i,.. :.. ..r...Ui- .lav. 1-u.rd nf1 t MA Mn CUM Will .fin '. " ' in I'.' - " aeeing, paddle- almoat under the "Bitf wneeieu utramtiw min.jt.. u..... . . B,.n tower of parliament for iaunta up 11 " v' ' ' ' u T,afMeg ad return, mav be aur- , ' , nriHeu Wl learil llll litem- nmuiri n n . ( tiiMailt river xiifria. Kary in )c)ltl H fl(M.t (f Mla m)Uat ,mt.jjeta. about one (ith the nir.e of or- ,iinHrv American river packeta, turned t)ltlir ,ow thP ThameH for the irmiary in the event tlmt Judgo Man- t tjn)(, am )11(l(i,.u for the Teraianwiiii'.' did not receive a majoirty. r U. mm . i.: . . 1 .1. ... l '" I'"""'' k"" "t"- , , ;, ... . . : t i-.hcii emit wan in coiniiiaini in-h uuvai fj,.,.r an,i i-rew. ( v).re touriata once sat on the. upper - ' ... . ( ITK IK'Ul'IlfB IH 111'" UlllllllUVIr Vinil rri- . . t, ()f the Tlmnieg. soi. dior8 an(, war matenal t.Ktay are maK- . j th ji(tt, M)at w,rve a rious war IN NEW BERN TODAY s (By the Associated Press.) New Bern, Jue 8. An address by, John Wesley tlilbert, a negro dean of j theology at Payne college, in Augusta, (Ja., featured the morning session today of . the - North 'Carolina Conference .Kp worthy Lengua meeting here. . Prof. (Jil- berjt accompanied Bishop Lambert ' hri ' the bishop weni to Africa to establish the Afro-Congo mission and his address j on the conditions there was heard with' Interest. -The reports of the Duiham, RjJeigluaild.JaycttevillediKtrietsven read and highly commended. Subtcription Prta $5.00 Per Yar. Tl French Still Hold the Outskirts as Well as Trenches to the . ' Right and Left. l!y tin' AM-intrl I'r.-..) 'h i iw. .lime 8. Heavy lighting con lumen in tlx' vicinity hi K"rt Vaux, to tin- u.utliea-t ill Wnlim, the war office ( r,.Hirl 1(,(ljly HHyi yrnu.u tro)(m i -till Kviiy tli outHkiitn of tlic fort a l'" Hl tr-nclirK to ihe riht and l"lt ot tl. workH. Tin' l.ifM nf llif fi rt it i'lf, nf whii-h ;"''""""'"" a int iii.at.-,l it, lant I "iK,,,'H " 'i'-l.-.l. Tin- an- j """' """ -a- Hi" t'-itt waa alj.ui- ., ', I,, i 'I " '"'-'I' ".ina ' an im-,-,; jniiti, lii.iuLaidini nt ol hcvui il,ih i I he lieriuaii attacks in atljacnt : l-nioiiH iliiii int Inn,- I,.-, i, uiirtii.'ceiiHful IwiKt if III" Ml l4l , illt-l Ulittl lit ."llltll.tl- adii;y. La- l-iin in pt.greis hitiee In at in- lit. PRESIDENT COMPLETES OHAFT Of PLATFORM il'-i th-- A-tnt-latcd I'r.-a.l l- .. -llll tol. .Il.lle l'l e- li-llt W'il- -u Ii .!., v I I.I- l'i aill h.ol i-o.pleteil I In- ilr.i't i I I In plat 101 iii I -i In- --,!;-ini'it. il l i in I i mi ii it ' n, it imial ! lent i.e. !ln piiucipiil pi. ink, it i -I'.t tl. i' ill .ii-i-.t i.; ib . !a i ,i tii-i.t of ;he ad.. I'.li-a'- - '--o in juar.li,ip .In hellol ... .1 t In- I u ' i i - t . of th.) i n. . il -tii!. and at tin sim tilllU l.ei'pi'.-; t h. II. '.t ii.u iit pea -. Sp -eii. u II j the fop i ui allaiii. ai.tioii ih' I.. t Ti. un wi'l pi-'ibaldv pr.iisft : In - .-- t.f tin- ndinir.i-1 rat ion : 'I'-. pr.'finn of neutral rijitt of 1 niliil Miiio. ninl other icitioi.t. liluel ' i allow tli- inuntry to btt i r. .'Mi il l he .'.ie.v.r.in lnle' iial troll .if a; I ' jiioiiiit il' :;ti Ii .o Irnnpt ? l'i n t of r. vfic in Am li-.'in terri- laintt iiai ol the M. n ire dot-trill. i;inl the fo.i rin-.' f 'jond r. !at ii-nn w itli ither lat'oi."' of the ucxtfin hernia In re. Suppoit of th.- (Miliey .if "America rir-t." . . I IH' piailK i .in ihiine-tie affair will r'" ' particularly to Jhe Underwoodj- , Sininmna ti riff act, the federar rmem ; U udminiHtrationV prepared m plan. I . , SINCLAIR DENIES 1 STORY THAT HE WOULD NU1 ASK. A PHIMAHY ( - - t By the AHaoeiated Frega.) ' ..... . it-oo, ..." ... . ...... ; Fajett.ville, June 8. Neil A. Sinclair. ' i'f Kavett. vilb, raiidate iu Katurday'a ' , - .. , llb : ' f.i......j ... .... ."....ooi liouilimiilOll rr tttto, ,,. v e,,eral and with .Indie J. s- Munninx i now leading all other con . t.Ktanta, .l.ni.d t.alay that he or any r f!se aut hoi i.r.l to' sp.'ak for him Muted that he would not enter a second Mr. Sinclair denial followed publiah-- I . i. ...a a.. . .a . " ' " ' ' that , .,inl, .,. ....... I . e !i I iiihiv 11 n ixcanie mcettsary to have another primary. ' "I made ho audi utateinent and not ... lllltll n I HT UU OIIICIHI COMIll 18 DUDllHIied w, j llluke a HUtenu.nt ,rr sln. " - eiair. "Any statement that I will not ctnter a neeond urimarv in unwarranted and unauthoriz.tl." T '.- " , ' ; HOSPITAL INVESTIGATION ' ' WAS STARTED TOD AT (By the Associated Press.) Raleigh, June 8. Hearirrx of charges against the. inanawment of th state- Unpital for the insane hert was b. ifur today leforc' th board tf diretorg of the institution. 1 Attorney (aieral Bick- ett Is conducting tin iiiveatiga tion for the state ai:sl nMnieronw wrfaessea wera in attendun"v , ; , ' ,v . The bit estimation I the outgrowth of diaries fuad.' ty tlwrh l. jtta and Vhrs yi whVIt tvm a lifted ' niiMiuina-i'. Hr(,j ,;..( r, f . nn nt. of th t: nt . " HEAVY FIGHTING Iff PROCRESS ATM

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