J i l n in v. x m vv; City Circulation 1800 THE FAMILY NEWSPAPER Vol. 23, No. 174, HIGH POINT, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 9,1916. Subscription Price $5.00 fe.Yttf. :Hjti:" ' Delivered by Gam&T 0 rv ) mnDviiip mcii piimc flimni mm tn ml HUIIIMIIUUILII WWII. in nil mi i ii it u n ri, irm.nrm in 1 rz- ,mk (II 4jnllnLf1 'DuUi !J ! r -i : 1v v r V m w w " - I - "'..,,;-- 1 . IV '.' A. . - -l .V. I B. K " Employetof Continental Furniture Factory Attended Morning' Service in Working Clothes. INTEREST IS DEEPENING Nearly Hundred Periona Stood Last Night and Asked For giveness for Their Sins. The eniployen of the Continental .niturc factory attended thin morning ow'orv:tiA if tlw. cifvwidc revival wcariiiL' their working clotlu',. They marfhed to! U auditorium iu a' body and aat in j reeved watt. Nearly two hundred -Kirl .and younj? Jadica of the city inarched from the Wesley Menurml church to the auilitoriuni Iat nijjlit und aat in reaerv rd scats. The .Imij-s of the town and tho members of the Junior Order will march, (o the nervice tonight. Thesu ;r.c wune of the feature of the .lav !. mot ii tli rc ivul ' meet ii"s of ' ,. j . . ti . 'adrt ixpect to nee him elected toi.ixht.j more than ordinary lntereat. I he at-. i . ! , . . , i,..! Some of the councilmcn are counted ; U-niiantV' i incereainj him iiM-w-ri- tsts by their act Unified tHaf they wixhcj ' , . , ., t ; ., l!.A tn f..r..il-..-III. Ill fur IllHlr Hlim. It a . . .. 4. , .i .. 'be elected Huueriutendent toinuht. wan the tirt invitation of the ineetnyai . h i . . . Former Superintendent (.rowell in not and the reKiHince wa evin greater than 1 . 1 . , .k 4.m without lna aiipportera, but it m not i a i-xpw-ted. Over ISO persons-attend- i . , r .. . ,m., I known how much they have done or d the U prayer meetings yesterday . , . . j ' i. 'how far they have one in lna ntereat. aftern-am and 200 are exptM-teA to be.' . 3 .... prewnt thin afternoon. lr. Black thin mon:in -iv.i ..f tl. f.VH cluracteristles of a Ihrixtmii a . . . , . , f- .1 i -told bv Chri-t. A Oincliait, the preach- , , , , ii; , r i-tarcd. niuit Im' a brave: Holilv r. . . .... . I . . .;, i '.viiiiiiii'j a'.hli'ie, n oineiii iiu"mi"iH". (I laitunii si rvaiu. ami a ci.'miw i " filed veev.'l. He wred with great laiweri that the l'hritiana art.emblvd befor 'i J im imaure up to thTs atandard. IJr. 'Black said thaf a t hiistian must lie I toldier .Hcause there n the battle to fi..U iiiilr,! tlu uoilcL'th fleih and' the devil- th.M .mat be tw ' , ... . . , t i -for the lory of Christ and f r the novd .v. ,.i,.... - i .m;. w - 1 l. a....u Milnra l.arrlslillM III '!!-, IIU Ilium ..mill , , , . . , , . . . .i.i..4.. -.i V.linsiiail IIIUM lir nil niii.i, , ... i. J hat w rl cvmiiHMroni uif xrei a iiiennn ... . Tini'iiiw a rae iiiimhii tuwi . . . -. , .-,;. r i race hafd and win it fr (linst. Ar. l th.n th- Chri-tian must he a husband- an. hiel, ...aens a fanner. He muat .i it !.. mml ...,U.i,.te husband- (r-jia. . -. ... - ',hv crop, and reap the he harvest. Tlfe (.hritian must l a faithful and atten- j ...i . u 'I'liu i.i fiii Uor stated this i 1 1 . . .... . - - - - , ' .... .v. .t ni .-.ivil.. eieanaeu oy rjnin. .m . love of Christ. Rchiller Uaa a lenil that bir om-e bad no winjrs end could not fly. Jod j.av them a yrait burden to carry and in lifting this burden the birds found that "it became wings that allowed them to fly nearer and upward to th'elr (lod. '"Oh, men and women-," said lr. Black In ,clou "In ncrfcrminjf your duties to 't.'od. you will find that the burdens will beeome. like winifs to you that will trim you closer to your (Jod." Dr. Black broke all of hb records of quantity and quality in lat niuhtV .l-w if livid'a life, of Ms sin and bis confession, and used -the ord of Jvathan to iavid as the text, "fhoii 'art th mauJ. . As it was his hmuvht, so was it m lrt sermon of tin- series. Dr. Blafk de l clarcd that the word of th- text werej rppliea'ule to nu nT la in used In the gen -1 trie sen-, as much to lay as it was to! ?avid.- Tlu', word are startling person-1 tT, definite and terrible. lavld, the gere-i rr4. magician; projvhet, ahcphrrd, psalm. 1ft, "musK'ian. king; brave, good, great, high in the church', crated raosl ter , rlble and dipgrsccful and heinous "ain. took t'riaJiVwIfe snd then slew Vriah. The r'raciier divln't devote nnu-li cf wVtime.lf. night" 'tn talking about the sin of Pavid but h Impressed the - deft that if CM wouldn't let 1vU off, '5v.- cn we' expect to pet cff. Ctv Is no ii specter or pirsone, ram it. mnn, '. m . .. I l. 'and while I kn w we are ami u - . ... . . i - VhameBtiddlsgracf thH we are,yetOod in not. David held as high a plae.T as. any of you and pod sent a mar., to ten . -- . . 1 1' rhm 'Thou art' the ntan.' - .? -s Pavid was living a doubli life. To tbe (Ci ntinucd on page eght ) .... . ,;mU ,K'ln ,,..1, court lure and eonvieieit oi nrsi u.-vn-e kind of a servant did little things aiva W,r tblnM Waoae of lovr; 'and U!wr fr thc.r part in the raid .hi Z tb!,, like little-tbia because ot , Columbus, m W 17 MiW.era and e.v.l- the, iow, r. ThenftbthiKaCl.riatnIi Am were k,llel several . . . . ,,.i- .I,. ..tr '.wounded and a number of buildiiiRn de- muta be is a vessel carrying the water- , ...... r t -c . ti, ... l 1 at roved. Tlin-e months later they were f life to men. The ves I must oe , . ...:'! ..f lfly,na. of aim!" VJ V xtreme penalty. I I I I' I , I I IT I I III' MIUII'll I Yr stfVW. Theeity council tonight will elect a superintendent of schools, Hcc6rduiff to I the present piling of at hunt some mem j hers of 'thaUaugust body. Mr. Ilaynca'j resignation will In' read and. Mcccptcd to-j Vilit, Hiid it ik fxpucti'd Hint tliat 'lec tioa of the super intendi'ut for iioxt yntr will be taken up at once. . Tin; name of Prof. Jolm J. Itlair,' hii pf rrntciident of tho Wiliniiuton . city grlwMil for tic pant 15 ycnrH aiwl a native of Archdale, Iihh Im'cii tlie liiHt to have been entend publicly in tin- lint . c .1: i i .....!, I in t-jiiuirn. liiiNiiiin u minim'! nun formally applied for the Miiperintend- Fur-jent'H jo') und aoine have eveik applied,. for the principal'ii place, l'rot. Bbur 1h rated liv hit) fri.ndi an one of the 1 "tt''" U"'mmt j u r' 4"ly 'mI il, 'H "'"! tH" '"" i en u ripci Mini. 11 wouiu in- n in-n-i tioi wlii tlu r he Would arcept the phiee, , but the rail of the heme, Inn frienilH i j k i 1 1 1 out, would la' a mighty loud one.i Principal W. M. Marr m on the Su-! preme court bench, ho to Hpeak. H iat not talking and in not a candidate. Hut; Mr. MarrV friend are working for biinj , iSUNCERTAINTy PREVAILS AMONG " ' " " tera aid today that Mr. Aiau wount i ' io "lthe lias been j;otten" on other a-1 or dibbles and it is thought : i:i...i.. i. -i :i.... l. Hi. will . lu , - rlictid or the eouncd will wait t ee , , j iiier;1 is anv ciihhc.- oi j:-iii;i .m. !,,,' i i Ula.r back In nie. , TIIII can mm imiiraiOHi:s' ; - Uf jawUsi4td rjTW0..4 C DEMONSTRATION' ' Diin'ni'' X. M., Inn.' 9- l-rau'iM-.i; " , Alvarez and Jua K e-an h... two .lla; fjiu.vvcs ,-aptur.d during the rKl oniTaft's Name Was Cheered Six r n . ' ( oliimhiis. March wen ban ';I here this nun iimij:. i ( towi nor iiliaiu t. McDonald on i . May 1T, lour davs U'for ttie original i - date for the ixeutnn. "ranted a re- . I eoiiipimiivr wiiii a iiii i" ' "P - , ) "' " ' eoi.dnet of the trial., .i v...iDC2an toaay in me - repuun-an " "J " cut ion was M't for today. Hie men wen tried in the liftriet , , . At the trial cotmsel eontemled that the defendants had no know led of where li'ey were golhjt tn 'm' ,,r tire ran1 ar.J that hey were forced to follow Villa under penalty of death. GERMANS LAUNCH A GENERAL ATTACK AGAINST THE FRENCH (By the Associated Press.) Paris, June .The KJermans have i launched an attack along the entire i front nothe rilit bank of the Meuse er-Und have w nitrated the French line at una iMiint. bin were reoulsed elaevahere jwrth heavy losses, according to an off! (vial atntenient issued by the war office today. - ' AMERICANS STOPPED FROM CROSSING LINE TO MEXICAN TERRITORY I (Bv the Associated Press.) Kl Paso, Tex., Juno U.-ustoru in apeetora at the international bridge here received instructions today to permit n.i American to enter Mexico until further noticcr No reason ,ws givenf for the order rbich was reeelved from Wasliin- ton,-, - - . ... Guilford Council Meets Tonight.. ' The members -of Ouilford council of the Junior Order are requested to meet at their hall at 7:30 tonight.'. "All of the , , f t, . h th LuditorhHn Jn a ; W tw,-, ,t . , . - - . . , v Weather. v.- -i. Fait .tonigLt and 5aturdayi irghf variable V. inds. INTERIOR Of COLISEUr.i DURING A CONVENTION SESSION 'Si- I : Ilk Ar r"..,7,: . FIRST PRESEHTED I Balloting k' the Republican Con- Minutes ar.d rjujhes Butler to Speak. 20. Uv the Associated Press.) Mlt-AxjU v-Oliaeum. June v. Nomination of candidate. r i l: .fc. . . . . ft -v I ff f convention. The first name pre- tented was that of Justice Hughes. Governor Whitman made the epeech. When the roll o'f state. ll J Al L J Al L passed and Arizona yielded to New York. I f.iunnAT WViitmnn'a aneerK v a a w was interrupted hy a six-minute , . r r p ' uciuuiiiuauuu 1 , inci dent Taft Governor Whitman concluded his speech at 12:11 o'clock and a demonstration be gan. It lasted 20 minutes. . v ' i 1 Elihu Root, was then nominal-, ''" 'niiHiate cold be no...,.mte.i to ed by Nicholas Murray Butler. ' ,h Wrf " f,,r . , iioininntion without delay. Governor Willis, of Ohio, took T(1 milMW (lf t. varimi-. -favor the platform to nominate Sena-, it,, ms" candidates ii.si.deil t'mt the tor Burton, of Ohio. harmony conference proL-ram ha. I jn at K i k, 1 iv improved the lian.e, thui men. II Was OI1I1UUIIV.CU mat wiuiin ' Roosevelt would be nominated in the Kepublican convention by I Senator Fall, of New Mexico, Seconding speeches for Root j will be made "as follows: A. M. LSti-nhenaon. of Colorado: Marion Butler. North Carolina; Wm, Pot- ter, Pennsylvania; H. T, Fuller (Massachusetts; C. H. Sergei, llli- nois; L. D. Desnay, Oklahoma ; W A. Lord, New Jersey, Edwaid Kent, Arizona. t - Faced Unprecedented Situation. 4 - l)'lcgaft to the Hepublieait auJ I'm-1 gressive. national eonventiona. asM-m M "1 - i- '- ... . here tiHlay" faein situation unprM-e - ' . , - - - ( , - i dented In rent Am-rU.. H'fca! I ' MX history. Hie Progreawves met at 10, clerk' .lid the Republican at 11. . , . , - . t Uncertainty prevailed , and '.all . eyes were strained -to. catch the, first aign of; cbariii of 'the political clouds. Ko man on the'ground is able to rre-.sn.t ilh-t what the next 24 . luuira mi bring, abeuier ItVouIiTXiniarniotiT'itnit hr" 6 -l-? r'"MV ' ' x- v S, , ' v 4 T x.,-,'1 111 7 'mm 1WA DELEGATES AT CHICAGO; ' IBLICANS READY TO VOTE a reuiiKed Hepublicin. party, aiecnii'iU mid ilual tirkii... T ll l!ll V ilel ll ill I II 'lit (i. ni r c I'l" I ..! I a! , i 1 hci-imi hi- u lie n j.. ll- .;e .i Hi ''ill' i"M ' lit ji.ii, 'i il !.'. 'i tvi? Ij. '! i! '! rl'i'i HI! ! ' Ik t 'ii- hi. i : IVtiui e.c'il I i i; ll l I i r Willi-!n- .tlt.r 1 IX til.' .1 t ' i . 1 1 1 .l '.' c I 1 1 III ll t lli, I. I II It ,. A Ht.r.arkabk Picture. ia a i ira l a'i1!' pi-1 1 1 r - l i mmmI I I.y the : t ii nat 'il al the iiiennc' J I oard ' wIi.m- I'll r . N r.ic" icaliy ren!el ;.hr lb tinii. oi' tie- Kciinlii'-.n ;n I Pro i rc iv.' art i. For n:i re tli in t u : l.. i'i - t ii. f. s iiii '".i. id tin- i-.. int- ,tt I--U'- n il- 111... .iv.., me im.ui- ..n. : "I- ... t. , . a. plan- I 1 1 . j ti d by tin- t.. e..i,xc,,l inn- whei i . the c 'ifi I' in i' coinniitti ..ii Inn inoiiv 'mre appointnl yeteiday. Whin ad j join iiinent came it was animunecd: "We report projjriss," and the tatcntei.; wa ! ' ""'r- f the two .. I niittees would not ket together ayain until after tislay's aeaanm. Many of .the lrorreiiHives hopeil that Colonel Ibsscvelt wnnld send a mes- ' aaue to the harmonT eoaferi-es or to thr - lroKressive convention that would have 't bearing on tko ituathm. Huthes Men Ready. Tlie men advocating the nominat "mil of Justice Hujrhea HITWIIU (HIS 1IIUII1II1U I that nctlimtf had isfiirreil to weaken I their position; that, they beffeved that liiid pndicti'd that mi'li-i tin- lai.ie it Hughes or Hoosevetl would appear 'ii the Hepublican ticket. Followed Regular Procecdu'e. tTiaiimaii' Hiinlinu of tin- pepuii!'. hi national eonrint i..l.n tU.it t'i, Hepubli.ans would f..ll.. .1 ,ul '""V shin M calleil in iniler uml that Iwlllotin-j w.nild .r'li.i!il' le reaelud by 4 o'clock thi- nfterin.i. "Tile T bninesi of the ilu i ' ' i id the eliaimini.. "will be the present at of the I'iui.' of candidatis to 'n- fol lov.d i.y the seconding speeches. J think lie Light to to biilhiM'm.r by u i im ii ifiiv i nit x'niMoi . Chairman Hard'mg said that he knew 4 oiliHk. Imt cant guarantee tliat. dbin about the report of the llepuh 'licmr - meniher of th.1 isac- cotiferenc ' ci mmittcc "But. he said, 'that report is privi ' - in n i i-vim, -.lit i a in; 1'iniiui us -.lit- . leg,,! ,..,d nm b. submitted at .w.V;wl,rJ ..,,,.- i(, th. dwlariltion that j time, ' Rain Slackens. ATNr tf. hour of coiitliiifoua rain, there was hope today' that the cbiud had emptied themselves. ; - t The k v.. was "Jit ill a mejiacing gray i ......... . i j " ..t.i i ne last tne weamer man womu j iCvTtttnned owPatr-B . ,,, i ' - 1 " '"" f . i I ft 41 ESSIVES WANT NOBODY Bill TEDDV i -:!".'!' : Kn 1 1 41 , 'r (ARM : flilMi.'.iv ,1)imI viieatioii time is on you can al- i '"H my resignation to take elfect one Inrist That the Colonel Is the O-iiy:,,.,,,,,,,',,,.,',,,.,. ,,. V(.u ,, u ilit-f, I w.ia Mj tc Lead Them Out of the Wilderness. WAIT TOR REPUBLICANS Johr o Makes a Pessimistic - a r i. peecr. Xeported Kooseveit Will vVilhdfaw. tli Am A --i i. !t t i'il I n Ht. I ( I. i.' t t. I i.'in. Inn. u. A i 't ti ear Ml. r. c il:iii.int. il l.y -i r mil i.nial c .mi . iiiiou nan i. 1 1- le-a' il.i i'i ( lia imiaii ( ci r W. I'i I kills ill til.' rii in .' Iuii!r tliat tl: l!i pitlili. au i. nil iciiiv ci.iiiiiiit tn- ua- mak:ii! its ! port at the colt- cum. Th- 1-j.i'rts auieed that Ho.m, veil vtlM cuiiyratulatiiig hims-lf over the se-wa-: fie ot.'y iistne m. ntii ind and wvs , ,.,!,, ,,j tt, mmi d wlnli wi-n last sugi'sted y tin- Progressives, ami that ', ni ht. He aid he appreciated the hon-, the publicans nffi red m- nam,. fr'nr. and would take hold of the work at, eonKid ration. 'Birmingham college with determination - Both reports n iiiincnde time' for ' nn& enthusiasm. He declared that lie further elmsideration by tnr onferene' would do all in his power to put Bir ' "thin nfternoon or evening." mingham college on a still higher,foot- Mr. Pirkir.s read the report of the Re. , the edm-ational world. He said iiulilieii ii eiiiiiniitti.f. unit ilcelareil tlmt Ilirmi,.tl.un. t.u.1 tnuit.. a faviirahla im. . ' i in1 Pn '.Tensive committee had urged !? s.-iclt as the "most desirable eandi-1 date upon which to unite" ami this stati nieiit iias no wifdjy cheered that; the n-port had t i lie read again. ' After listening to the reading of the tiio re i rts ami Mr. I'.rkiti" appeal to i t the (. ntcrer- i.-o t.. tie r woik auain. li- .! I- at Ii'iml -i.rifii-iiii.lv. Tli" ilniiimar pruisn tli - cli'ipi. n-e of his ei Ilea" ii; aruuiiicut I t.l l I' ot HlHIM'- Veil. Johnson Pessimist ick l. ii. r .lolinsnii tin n toi k the ihit 1 1 -l Hi. nil rm r .l.'i.iM.n sniinil'd tin note of i.e-.-imi-iii In I.Hih! the- lro ::i . svcs not tn place li . imu.-Ii cu.'i di in e iri the cxpres-inn i oneeriiiii Pooscvcli i.i the Himlilicii leinarks M.ieiil the feeliiijj, report. Hi f the rai - icals that there was little prospect for motiials from miiiister.i, educators, law agreement, but iitiihl have a report its. i':M-tns, liiisincss nicii and states c.naranf. i in r the coninitioi to prevent men. H'n rAnnintcndatiiHis are from its iiimniittee fmni pinee dinv with th 'the lt ihopV in the south, and we con ci nferenee until a final rejsirt wa- sidir oitn-elvea lucky to be able, to a made. . cure the servieva of Rih h a man." Following the conimittee'si remrt, th1 Jnd"e Uranibiii of Ttiscalooaa, Ala., eonvintion ibvotid an hour to listi-nir.T promiiitnt'y - eoiiiiteted with Alabama to the leading of tin platform. ) Methodism, (iavr the At Herald the fol- i The women delegates wd victflrioin I 'tit u r 1 1, inir Aiif ( t M t) Krt tln f ttr 4 la "every male citizen is charged with tlw dnty of defending the country" and tbe word, "hia' was changed to "or?" conn try. r - . .. The convention recessed until 1 p. to. lolonel Kooseveit s secretary. John W. . Mcnratb, and William Loeb, Jr., were."' .iUatkU3:dIroin Page g.l - t . , . . " 1 Asks the Council to Relieve Him . of Duties of School Superin- -tender.', on June 24. GIVEN HIGH PRAISE Chairman of Board of Birming ham College and Age-Herald ; Laud New President. Sllperinti lldenl, Tlloniwell llllVlli'8 hat sent Mayor Pickett his resignation aa ( liiMil of the citv schoiiN ami aks that it tak.e effect .lime 24. Mr. Iliiynes will ; nssume the prcnideiicv oi liriinn;:liHiii college on .Inly 1. Mr. Ilaynes' term a a Biiperinteiideiit does not expire until .lulv 21 but as it is vacation time he asks the council to let him off one month. 1 In a short note to a friend in this Icily Mr. Hayms tells of his acceptance I of the presidency as told in these CoU ii in us several days au and says that hut 'supreme regret ill h'aviiiK Hih Point . is that I lenve as 4ine a crowd of true 1 blooded friends as a man ever had." He -lil that he will be in Ilifili Point in a ' wi ek or so and tell "all my frienda jfoisl-. by e and farewell." 1 ThV resignation as sent the mayor and wbick will Is- presented to the council at its called iiieetiug tonight reads: I am hereivitli teuderiiiK to you and through you to the city council my rea ibiiatioii as siiperintendent of the High Point city schools to take effect June 24, in order to ass' iic the presidency of Hi r -lliilltlliMll coll."!' en .lu'v j. "While I Iihm' :i!vavH !) n elected arly irui'i .In'y J I to .Inly 24. I trust ii-ectid is liuishcd. ' "T'hiiukiuK you and the city council for all your kindness. 1 remain. "Very truly yours, (Si. . nil "'Ibiiiiv li Hay in .'' The itirmiiixhaiii newspaper yv 'sfac' in ely to tin- Hli iiiTiihuni HTiego ' rlectioii and cihiiiiiciu'i mcnt functions imiI r'1'" fne v rit '-iii-H of their presi dent e'ect. 'I Inn i. in 11 Ha . lie. The A-.'o lb raid of lun (t d votcn two i e-iliim us to Mr. Hayiici' election and : i mis hi "cut." The ntory -..lys tlmt Mr. i Mil i in s u a-; "eli i fid n. i a la I've in n ! la r of applicants from aliuosi every ' tat ." Mi" pn-r pi'Mii-iic a sketch of Mr. Hay lies' life and copies the 101H . t!c;r's tribute to the siiperintendency. 'In - pHiaruph eoiieertiiiiji Mr. Ilayncs The ii-.iiil.'iii elect of 'Birmingham' pression upon him and that the. opportu- nities for the college here, in his opinion, were great. "Mr. Hayms has a uife and one -lau'.'hter, 111 years of a,." he millionaire chairman of the board ot' huat'ii, P. S. Munger. of Binning ham. siivrs the follow -iivj statement ttt . the Aue-Herald : "We aic proud to announce the elec til iii of Mr. Ilaims as president r.f Bir-. iningham ullege. We believe in select ' -in-; him we iiave the (roper man to place at the head of Birmingham col- x lege lie is a layman of the Methodist church, a Christian gentleman and a very active church and' iciday school, worker. H stcml. for tli.' higher things in t'liris-tiari 'iie und education, aud ' comes to us.itii mere than -10 tcati- ' r'inr -rmlnr "V the "fnltmn,. -.. r.lTlsi llin f . r ' " " - sr "The ehvtbuv of -Thorawell H,e. ' Vn aident of liiriuinyham college, meet with the unanimous approval of the 'friends of that institution. Mr. Ilavnes is'wi. rf th."Me adth-jtora f the south ,n,l .vp r'enie 'and reputation as a "ipiomai wiii re i f vat aid to the w . . . . will.Uo.f.ir JJlriiiiti3tam college. Tho fCm tint-.H 0n cM-'t - ii. . aiBaiaiii -at i im. -mm -aW, a.- &V ' .'.A .