CIu( 0-07U 1 U 000 Kx 00 r0000n IT -4 City Circulation 1800 THE FAMILY NEWSPAPER Delivered by Cam:, HIGH POINT, N. C.f SATURD AY AFTERNOON JULY 1, 1916. Subscription Price $5.00 Per Year. ISB BEGIN -GENERAL OIFMSK ' Vol. 23? i I v COUNTLESS BATTALIONS OF BRITISH SMASHED GERMANS' FIRST LINE BY BI&PI FIRE For i Wetk Britlii' Hw! Been Pouring a Mon Shell Daily Into GflUMJU. CHARGED THIS V MORNING BRITISH PUSH FORWARD TO THE SECOND LIKE Following. DetrodU Wrooght by Artillery, Infant? Swarmed to the Astt Jt I ONDOM Julyjj t. After U rsi intense bombard-' i- ' . . " i ii , sient with gun or Dip -I ing a million sheila daily, the Brit Jsh early this morning launched a general offensive agaihst the Ger ' man line along a frcbt 20 milea Jin length north of the river J Somme. They succeeded in talc- ( I , ing the German front line tienda !(! and capturing many men. .!(' Tktt French army tas on the British right co-operacg in the attack. 0 The last dispatches rceWed tc- f I day left the British headquarter! while the fighting was in?rcgrers . TV time eelt-cted for thl British olt British Headquarters ia France, July i, i o'clock, p. m-(Via Loa-' flon) The British already hare captured Sens and Montauban. The French, co-operating to the south,' ban captured Curia and , Faviero woods. AU of the mam' first line trenches are reported to have beta taken. At some points the operations have now reached j the main second line. . :. At Ntaumont-Hamel the British sre Just making a fresh attack. There is si intense stmule ia . progms for the possession of Con .talmaison, one end, of which the ; ) British hold with the Germaas in . the other.' f " The British hire a strong posi tion northwest of Thiepval, and ! are attacking fiercely ia aa effort to surround it The important ' German position at Fricourt may '' be cut off. ' ' The British here uken Ls Boi -'sella. T. P. A; Wabhirigton Is Impatiently Awaiting Carranza's Reply; TO BANQUET The Annual Gathering to Be Held Soon Wm Make Local His tory, Ti Said. i PROMINENT SPEAKERS National President Sale and Hu morist R. A. Broylea on the Program ISO Guests. W3H1NGT0N, July 1 Developments here in the Mexicarf crisis wer? at a standstill again today while the United States government awaited impa tiently the Carranza , reply sent Sunday demanding a statement of his 'intentions toward the Ameri can expedition in Mexico. ' Message were received at the state department today from Spe cial Agent Rodgera at Mexico Qty, hut there was no mention of 'the, Mexican reply. Upon his re turn. from New York; President DR. CADMAtl HOMO Chautauqua Has Secured' Rabbi Levi to Take Place of New York Preacher. ' . J. SERVICE SUNDAY NIGHT Toat'D, the local post, of the Trsvel cth'' Protective atBociation of America has decided to have a banquet at the Elwood some time the latter part of this month that will be out of the ordi nary and somchin fur different snd bet U't than they have ever hal Wore.' Wilsorj went carefully ver all ad This dechtlon was reached at a meeting I vices at hand but learned virtual of the offtcere nod dim-torn of the local j ly nothing that he did not know fot jreaieraay aiteruoon. oerore; ne. ie yesteraa; ;;Th banquet, will be ann'iul aJkir of Pot p and will be given at the Elwood probably on July 28, although the date hae not been definitely fixed. There are H8 members of Poxt D and it ia planned to hare enough viitrs to that plates for 150 will; bo provide. There will be! 1. busch Monday Afternoon. If it becomes ncccmry for him to ad drees Congresg, President Wilton would V. V probably wait until Wednesday as both houses have arranged to adjourn over the fourth. the day continued to show satisfactory RehIOU StrV l Tenl V progress in military preparations in the! Sacred Conceit -Dr. Kausch- recruiting for the regular army, which! I I I iL IAA 1 t uas increaseu mure inun iuu per ceni i during the week ending yesterday at noon following an increase of 50 per cent for the preceding seven days. The war department issued today a brief bulletin under its new censorship rules. It reports parts of the Calif or nia and Illinois national guard as en training for the border last night; con tailed excerpts from the reports of Gen eral Funston giving a variety of border reports that have already been covered in press dispatches. ing equally it had ever occurred before on the Brit Mi front. The curtain of fire was so effective! that the Germans were unable to send food to the first line. The men in these vtiicIh-h wire starving for days. f loig-windi d speakers or lengthy i . -jy jtB Associated ttasts 'delivered at this baaquet Tb plcM.; July i. The Mieech-raakuig wH devolve principally.'. ,. ' t t . j . 'J. 1 . ... 1 Caroliim infantyr and two corps o upon National President Dan W. Kalea,;- . ' : -F ALL UDRTH CAROLINA TROOPS AT CAMPAGLEKH 1 Preis.) thifd Noi of Lynchburg, and 11. A. Broylea, a hu-p"' " luulc vu vTf .n.Sv w nu,.u,.M; v. ........ ... ...... , . e . , , jir, ttoawim. rth f cav- SIXTH DISTRICT IS TODAY HOLDING SECOND PRIMARY (By the associated Press.) Fayetteville, July . Representative Hannibal LaFayette Godwin and Joseph Tonight Concert The Bijou , Trio. ; , ' , Lectore Rabbi Levy ' of Pittsburg, "America,' the Chosen Nstlon.1 Tomorrow Ifigat.. Religious service at the Chautauqua tent.'. '400 ' "0 1 . Monday Afternoon. The Junior Chautauqua will present "Uncle Sam's Experiment...' " '. Concert-fThe Mikado." " ; Lecture Dr. Rauscbenbusch on "Chris tianity snd the Social Crisis." ; The announcement by Superintendent Wells at the Chautauqua last night that Dr. 8. Parkes Cadman is unable to fill . . , . - . i . .. ; his engagement here tonight and Sunday Brown were opposing each other as can-j melvfd wJth a sncere eeiing of , didates in today's second primary in the! regret fcr this Kew . York minister has . i lie oirxtrs hiuj i.nard ot directors ox arrival - tut' re today all of tie jPust lMre roiii.ihd of th following: j Canilinaj frtkips wdered into t-tiv TIis t.itrt inn r 9 tl line nflpftffl hv J. E. Kirkmuu. ('. F. Tomliisson. O. E.r .' . ' . V.' i t . . vice wi! . I). I. -.. .1... II..IU"ilin il V I'lurL v n lr.t -.1 , v .1 . . . . ..i.n ....! river SommS E. Mareli. C D. Smith. A. 8. Parker. ,1 V VV Uffi.;j;'iltv V r'.,.H titk ii..;-! lVmorratic congrersman to succeed i Ud n wceedingly favorable impres Everybody who. tl irTeniive run from the 'j In the primaries of June 3, Mr. God- hiard him last year wanted toi listen aptiIti . anil tirBi tia 'DtilvT iv 1 fl mirtritv nvar all tt Vila nnrumuni si '.. i . . . - Mh'srd aVout him were. anxious to teaf ifaus i (quipmeiit oiaerea to : " i-l... , . - On is ex Jcied to alive Ut- HOUSE: VOTES ANaV ...,4rtu:s..amct.t preacher. Bt thl,a,i,.. on i. asrive to-,. ,;. nnnnn, . m, 0 ,-ir.. .feels' that U has secured a man of li anil' A.' Lvcn. These in .Jscting yes- iCantt I st pUce for te t.u; ilnt ait fht miW .uth f Arras. It mj yt io'.to' Sr. tT" ' 00 0Udr? " "'0 WHiUI ff.,ij4llHt,''iyii. till rU7 '.UTC uvv-t'"nZ'u r p?r8w marched to thej? ' ...ikup run. roughly fn.m the North sea through . real -elay tg 'tUu lhe;RaMn umt j thJ , , l um IW" moil Belgium and northern France before st tordinarv rd M.nietUmi never before at-t r j ' I "- j ' . 3 ' igp. uioi. ........... ... .... r . ..... ..;, ' ,.. , (Pernor with ashingtou to the Swiss bordi-r, northeast of Paris. Albert is 70. mil' s ' ContmHto s w-re appointed' to . k the entertainment ,k! glMte Jaiul 1 municipal officials. cupied appn.prmting ?2,(KK,000 for. dependent!. c Ncw York" of '.which he is i ntif pr..;ninent position and addressed the families of the national guard called or. th - a caui.n. N, .. Itxooi l-fore th departure. ; j ' drafted into service in the present em. r-1 . . U An, 0 .i f M T say v 1 tas 1 British. Imve sir. Vmoaa "tronchea f,,lt,:" ' . Inient Las lnn maintain, u t ...... r now ttx.k turns at imaabii v NentroV nf communir-.." hlowinc UP ammuniti" - 4r.nch irortars 1 r ( destructive, tearing aaj elements, bresklng down opening the wsy for the nth voneta. - Ihe bic 15 bvb and ether large (e guns prevented the ptruianH Trncing OP aupport. r"V artillery Has was. particular! ii. ..imrtion of the town ; a snduWurt.whnethe f I1P W ennrentrated tWr am, THE CHAUTAUQUA MEN DINED AND DISCUSSED NEXT YEAR'S PROGRAM Nine of the piHfhLtcrs of th.' High nfti-r the fimnei1 and the mvHati.ns of tbv Unouet."0! Ufore th,-f departure. These committed. Iiegan work at once " y 1 ,.. ; "J and there will I nt let-up until th' MERCHANTS NOW. ; ' night. t.f tbe Imnqiiet. The entertain-i y .. IN POSSESSION OF ;i 0 ' mint 'committee is not talking or pub- , . . " RATING BOOKS lkaticn tr otherwise aa to what he fea-f r: : , ' ' " , ;. ures ofthe K-casion will be. Thev savf a o 01 'drafted into smiee in the present emr-j . , . -i- ! . - i ' m.' .... I amount cf pleading uptn th? ,m" '"7 V .j- ;'"'"Ct; pcr;c, the preti.t of thy -chkuT w w! " -tol. pVreuad . the gvcrnmi'st V t.xm-d,..g $50 a rtonth to the dependent; t( t pr CadmjlB . .ivy hss', faimhe. in the. discM.;.,, tf the .see-,, ' r,tlltllMm uitarm'.'hr 0 l. i. TuiMt rhautauuua had luncheon at noon! . . ' ..... ..... i " . 't wwi M OJiu reni, n wi.r i ar.i,- ..-w.Utk.n haa ..... i It- run i'aaiutti nrnui- , . ll,m-' " r- . ianqUct with speeches ar.J music, as i.: drtn ami director of the i ttliautauqiia. Tin 'were: J. E 'V. Harris. F. N. Tate, J. P. Rawley, ;W, 1. bKM.k", Dr Dred Peacock, A. E. Each'- memln r of the High Point Mer-1 PROMINENT STOKES a rating boK i ;eompilei by secretary Koyal upon in MERCHANT KILLED BY ceveral ' years now end nu sptakcr has been demanded for a second. time' more I than he. . He holds rne of tht .'iargert ' synagogues in Amrica.- lie is u'tnembcr A LIGHTNING BOLT! of the liberal tranch of his church and J. mrtrtmnr. flnr will l mlrlitional : v n ' L. Piiarantora nresnt - 1 lorniauon given mm vj ine memoers oi guarantors present,. . i.u -..-). n.t htnri . ... ... . . . -I . ' - - - i I 1. . . . ... 1 on. but nobody knows Jusf what arid;. . . . . rpnort. ' ' ,tV)b , ' . ! ncr, aged 38. a prominent Stokes county !i ii .. : ' I msrrl.jnf ' via. L-!lli1 liv ktrnta . if l ;J , -i - lon I Tate and S. L. lavi. Tin -.uaraiiii r ili'cusH.'d with Dra. It is likolyltho" ii.s.iation sent in reports oh the " AssooUte TresO that rom cabaret features will be put , - , ,Ku M....m.r.! i'n-6.Mn) Juif iw ji an eloquent speaker. TaMi'Levy lmn 'Icon just sioh a success on thJ platform Bn"!as'ha Dr. Cadman; and t'ist tells th nobody will until the eventful night. It'sj mnK ,, P,a,son and Well the question of hav-. j, going puJV on the :nc llu- 1917 (liautauQiia ft little lier. "urobablv the fin-t week in The program question was taken up and H'was decided to ?ive High Toint the ery strongest jnissille. No definite ac ioo on next year's program was taken tit Dr. IVaraon promistd the guaran ty that High Point would le given Lest on the i-iTcuit. ifflit the Biiou trio.Vill triv e jlifehtnin at his home near Uermantown!' and Kabti Lew will lecture. nil ...dteaiui a. kin - trans haa ccni . .V ... -.v. mini mtM guns w I .... . v w - ... bjjfiV Into a end ilS YEAR'S COTTON t CROP ESTIMATE IS v 14,266,000 BALES " i 150 uestsr Thy promise, however, that Juns. ,.. .. j ii i . ii win uc enienaiuinK uu vnrj uuik that it will, be pleasing to the ban queters. ; - . Hih Point T.iP. A. will welcome the new tiational pre ideot, Mr. Hale, to the city. Mr. Kale eucceeded Mr. Toralin eon in this position, and he will be re ceived f. ml I lie s be R. A. Hroylea, of Atlanta. Mr. Broyloh- has the rrjuitation of being a humorist of ability The High Pointers who hsvej heard him at various times fay that hei liuiu.uiur: . A. . 1A ... , ... . mai aa i ii it t m-t isi a w a ai tii vi sa niniinan . . .. ... .. thnJmnA th aaanelatlnn tntenda " fc - ""v tu SUbH-Ct Will tsS "Amfrl a, tbe U. .' . ... . ,. . t. lW4'r "IM siiocKea oy we stroke du not ! print and distribute it more generally . . . , ..... PT' a t a a j t going to te a surprise that iue entenaire. nist w, augmted from, time ct.!' tii .u- . --"v.. ."ju. i wiv ii'v There w 1 te a ft i? ou serv lV at f i BIMT avuilf-4 Alter on iinmmivii i , , , . . , - made up of every merchant, or practical-! chimn "d through. th house. rnautatiqiJll Unt ttvnorrow n rM ,ih J ly so, and when each member sends in a XHIRTEEH THOUSAND TONS '.v'K' B0' admiMlon clutp. .Tb nature i the' .. rejiort on all f its credit customers then . 0P COPPER SENT OF JAPAN l'"" uknt,wft Ju 60w & ;. the reiwt will be put in book fomLK .". - , .IseerUin thstthetBijoa trio v 4 givV For the present the report is contained' : Peking, July 1, Thirteen thoiiHandJ(w,ert'1 nccrt. xvnniteann heard with much pleasure.!, ' , FjicU of tjio 18 merchants has s num- luui 1 a. .1... A.Aminf t n' . 4t ; ?n mile n 11HM1 l" - . . - . J t,.,lf j . . TIT Mil ...'. - .1CT, . . . . ... ' t f'..rirrs were SjbJiVUa W .u.-...--. I i xvlikh.iH dwcTibrl as ttt UtTt ; in t' - ; V.'.Vrv.- on et'tyeritten sheets, In alpha-i tons of Chinese copper cash valued at w,n0,Tn,n8 rrogram ir t U60.000-yen or aUmt 2,180.000 gld, R't,'rv1r win t maa y ...u- f,..' Ta;n..... i,..ini)ii fiuiPKs in uie city rnn v te Ar 1 SJ Vila 4 r-i ii H IV VSHSH He' makes one oi six reports on : duriitff the nasi vear. A certain firm inK'"- . ' his.eredit eustomers. A is prompt par-1 in ShsDlun7 stUl has in itock '.manv! .' "n Motley aiternoon mentj B is medium; 0 is slow payj D, thousand tons of the copper money, anl! !u1Ult1fl. " ",vn various timea taj- mai nci . .... . . . .. j i . .... . . ... an aaaress rv nr. i rMinirM raan t m iniiiiiipi l. iiii !(-. hiiii i a. riLiiiiairii luhl aa l ii-hnl iiiiimb ifirifi r a This year's eot-jcan attraa . nd hold the attention of a, (. pon8ible; , Wb.n iht mr:irl ji have been gathered in bv .fhr--fl.rist.anity ShultheHiatldcaV' ! . . . I ... .. i i. v . ii.nH I i - . 4. r i . . n . . Sva a-' i a as top was i. r.rast toaay at iwwwp- s w " rhant have all reported on John Jonea, mse dealers in Shantung province since 7 ast, e minis -nca cr-newtra. . aftU'ioui"' ' 8' eAcr. -Tr.' ' Stirtdajt n-f!ie va-" . mom- r 0' : alter liauaclien uhinvtoii. 'ulv 1 Top was I br-the ib-iartment of agriculture l hwrd. I leetitnat.-l seres ge of XMM acre j humoriet .have .nothing but praise. for e. condition rS the crop June 25l' peculiar and fawinatinK' jwwers. i hee rd. Thow wh- know this Atlanta . r it,, little arc (d- cmlv this morning w. i 0 T'.w t.i for the British new .M-.tS.Vt. Un V! ardment of the .rtater, and the Brd-,1 Agdad . a - - ..j trtat Til i ii' i at . . . . . ..ill., .in-cesses, warnea " i 1 U SAIL WAT HAS HALTED f normal. idition on June 25 by 4 Hows: : Am-ane. 1.40.WlO: tf per cent. -Wlina: Acreage, 2,000; , j per cent. uer cut 0 gf and iT ere as 11 i art Lmt ,,h raiding wwm, l:t,fan 'that an advanc? try and not Vy t ,it tlie cnn "v ( come out scathless, must he made by ( aTtillerV. snd! " 11 could pot txpeUit Fin-t . ... llie if the battle nairu - 1- r4 heavy..- .aiv.anea .... British offensive was prcx.m.o i-i 4i' . 1 account 1 1 Brit'mli U v4h4 The to.nUrdment of "' ' , ,1 with the tomlatcntxt -Mfore the edvaje at Loo. last hs. The shorter duration 01 r-! .-ration, hotvevrr. was mors ( i n for by Us Intensity. Thc.iV -.if a. rf- , ,'.y to Jay hy tbe ms- l , l-Eighteen hundred snd re (about 1,100 roilos) of tch of 235 kilometers of the Bagdad rail wsy Med. Inasmuch as the milea sre not to be corn vent ustil sfter the end e. work on the railroad reached an end. 'd sections lie between (Constantinople); and ' ' meters between 1 srt -yf trbe V- tween Ba el- i f Psgdsl '; HEAVY COST TO KEEP I Mai.itaa) ' tCauriasf nrv Prtval mtvi 4ita-M MrifUiF haA ru1nmA 1 (J 1l Jrtnlltfrk Sia tirifl " lull f!l'l, " ThlV" means that the store with the ! against the exporUtion of the square of n,, r- IHs b k , u "Ci.ristulty a.i t number m finds Mr. Jonea good pav.i h..k."f per coins .whh-h. Chinese carry, tk"! Cria baatrtCi.-d tlje thou? . . f . s a .- at. n. ' .t. il t ,' TROOPS' IN MACEDONIA " . : .' . ... . . . . . .r .:..:4..-it ...j i.n.,....,i n.:.v,.i. i K. .... numk.. k m on itr itin. hut thia liaa lieen d mrcrardM i" '" 'F 4 (By the Associated Tress.) "be medium pay and the store "numbered j by Japanese " dealers. , ;T value ofihe; ehuryf.-s ab pruhabfy other book e.WIl t (ln n Tl 1 Tt. lnl-.illT iLi.l. !.. t..- 1- ...A ,A.. . nmnnor Mali varum nr.otlv ir. . I i ifirrtil V' this m titration. ;.IIi .lilt"! book era of this city fhure that tliOO.OOO! slrable. ia being spent weekly by the French The membera of the association that troops in MacMirnia. At least thia amount passes from Paris to Salonikl through the hand "of 'the local (Ireek bankers each week. It h possible that considerably mors' comes to tie French soldiers In money Wders and registered letters of which the local bankers have no record. The British troops . spend only 11.000.000 a we-k, as much morejjw, BMhenO of the Bntisa Mores are sent out tmra home than is the esse with the French. have reported are ' ss follows: Amoa Furniture company, Beeson Hardware, High Point Hardware, V. W. Idol, E. K. Ingram, Jarrett Stationery company, Leonard, Beavans Stamey, Dunbar's, MofTitt's, ;Siceloff Hardware, Stamey Printer, Htaley's, Thacker's, Wood'e, W. W. Ellington. N. E. Russell, and ; Sobstitnts Golf o Boots. . , Cslgsry, Alta., July t Government golf links to absorb the time that was SEASONAL TEMPEBATUBES AND , OVEBCAST .WEATHER FORECAST J One , Chinesj pjr ,' titlwl.' AVianii he Socl Order1' ...h ' has. hn read widelv.- ills n'rayer of rer dollar is worth about lan '1' A Awakening" is vtry ts. it could be changed mto tioal and helpful. ' V ' j parts of (Tiina cent is usually worth ten coppes, ti As the islver copper ceti more than 1,300 copper cash, gn amount He ia a professor at Rochester Theo if By the AH'iate4 Prea.t Washhiston. July 1. Seasonal tem expended in saloons, was the proposionj pratura with partly overcast weather of co'poer far more valuableat iin-sei.! . s-minary and Is one of. the great . rates than the gold equivalent of a sil- trsahero America. This yeir the de- ver dollar, which is abnnjf.SO ccU..-." v.lftH.v wafmed- .... - : tv n him hv of the essterp colleges . XIDsd by Fall Frsm, Horse. -in rtetgnltien of his valuable Nrork. ' Danville, Va., July lr-Dr. . Reyborne He ha eKLeH to great gatherings f ' XL Williams, a prominent dentist, was people fnm the Atlantic to the raci;!.-. killed yesterday by being thrown from His profound scholarship does not mako a horse." He was 32ycars old and was him difficult to understand but adds to to hava been married m August. , , la concise and clear-cut presentation of , , t bis sublet. . . thr dryrintdriodsr fdlttTrj-thr ti- ;tnd catffiYf-thMftd(T-h6weTr-irrf6tir- tal sbolKion of the sslstof booie in. east fr the aoutheastern states during the provinet Istt midnight, Sth" week' beginning1 tomorrow, NYeather. - : Hi chautauiru. lecture is enlithd Mliriatianitv and the Social OWs. Sunday; gentle td moderate east winds, (font utalM Willi fV ui) in., innfrl en 1 J 7, 0s K V

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