Delivered by Carriers wi.y Lircixiauon iuuJ HIGH POINT, N. C, SATURDAY AFTEHr; 3N', JULY 8, 1916. Vcl. -3, No. 1C3. SubtcripilcMi Price 5S.C0 Per Year. THE FAUILY i : VSPAPER STRUGGLE ON FRONT BECOMES MOST FURIOUS OF THE WAR RUSSIANS SV m-r i nil i n Germans Forced to Withdraw b ;Vo!oyrua and Galicia by '.."' ' , . the Drive. '-. i. GERMANS LEAVE BELGIUM , , , r a 1 of Germany t Power in Weft b BrougU Up to Stop th CntUh t-orceS. , Bt the Associated Preaa.) London. July 8. With the aid of the innumerable guns and waves of infan try, to .British army is 'continuing to make alow progress in iU effort to bring tht frmi. line between the AncreT, and the Montauban1 on a lever with' the French lines farther south. ThU effort led to the most furious fighting 'in v ax. -o -i- u i . r -TWhwh the tToccs tavo Lten eu-1 w - - - ' ' O . . .v , . raged. - gaged. EEPIIIG lmuinn ItAUILtvrUHWAHU -The power of the German army has; ' i ate -or more beautiful badge than High leen brought forward to oppose thfnij Other charges during the month were: j i0int,; and gun and anjnmition have been! -Violation of city ordinance, 6; carry-j Among those who will make therip Used lavishly: ., ? ing concealed weapon, 4; exceeding speed 'are: O. K. Wilson, A. Lyon, W. (J. Rags- -; According to reports froia Holland,; limit, lj vagrancy, 1; larceny, 1; beafing dale, B. W. Kirkman, L. l Sinclair, R. Belgium has boeji deluted of -German: ride on train, 1; resmting arrest, 1; false' A. Wheeler, R. L. Pickett, W. (!. Kirk Boldiera to men the Anlo-French oiTen-'pn tense, 1. 'man, D. E, Bullard, J. P. Jlaworth, Ji. hive and the railway utatiuns in the; The lines and costs for the first six;!). Steele, H. I. CofTield, 0. A. Kirkman", larger towns are "being ' by tbjni'mth, of the yeur were a follows-: !. A. Matton. W. E. Price, R. V. Soy: -In Ia nJuii rtK !t- i f the L'.-itith (in- mantler? lire av.aitt -dw-th 'Hi;' i-i:e:. al . though' iWaM(ui;eewe;Jl? tl; wound- ed tell of:tlie-tciry of ihc'jr.t? tiiat in being jHf,id 'for the dvan t. The news i the (.'.,.,11 j:ji ic 'j-- Vt-'v'iK. ViJi qut Bt t,u In the east Uie Russians nre making ) pTogresau? thfir (hive against the :r.-. .Arortant railway junction at Delatytr, in; Kovel in VoHivnia and Bamo-i jvichi, nort news has orth c;f Prioet marches. Little I been received of the fighting in the region of Barnoviehl. ' XotwitUtfwstw the call on the Cer-. .'Total . 1.47.f2l I fUlflL IU?U 1(1 HI L UU U I 1 1 ' t&V '. t;..'" ,LA il.r R:'fxXii')li.hri o rr.a.U .mv . -r ' . , V. .vv., .- .1 , ., . jvnr " , fr , n y - - .v. . t .- ...r. ,v7T-- ;,llfi4.Vv tana.eAinttuetl . AUwma d ,....s. "i-ITJji e I . - . . , t. a arflf O t lr'Tflnnrirt n I nf I ' y , AbH'',,ut,ti 1 r"s ' v . it 'f for the purpose of thtm'SW) per cent in-.the riant five '-.:, - K- - ' - " in-ive fct Verdun and 5-t.rday mad j RD PA W TDnflDC Of ARV Vork, July 8-AlthcuSh this was Vj J(lirlJloe'on aCJvw(, Tlie credit .for this is ired by nnT ntn ' M1 , further repeated attack, in I! -iauW HIlILnibHW I nUUlO IlcHU I 'the hnttt-at day since the beg in, .ing of Z7Xi,L t:K, M " ihe .toim.a of (Governor General f OCT DJD QC U " " ccurt without. Micc,. ! rno iiiv nnocini rniinit,,?.t,f,,dm'c,f mnU pra,'8,.two n.. w o. i n 8S,.d ni-cu .u,d f ;ove,r oenerai.nnoi UHriioio fiiLL In Galici aand Volhynia. however, .the;toiay to movc to any point on the bor- Germans ailmit the withdrawal of , their lines, the retirement having been forced by the rapid advance by the Russians J in Galicia and the successful manner in which they dealt with the German count- - offensive on the Lutsk sector. . According to unofficial reports, Dela tyn Ja being surrounded on three sides and the Russians having cut the east, ernmost lines of 'retreat across the Car pathians, and are on the flank of the Austriane' new defensive lines running ;Ungh Spaneslau-and Halicz. The Austrian may be compelled to i foa back further before tbey reach safety. "'.-."" - "--' ; '' , Advancing all along the line of the liUtsk BatiJit the Russians are now threatening Kovel from three points. ' The jjaptore of the prwoners is being continued and, according to Russian es- ' mates, the total for a month's fighting t a .w Vstm a M-iariaT tif a fn ill ion. -" DV ; .; ,: j wo DeeCt Yesterday. GUILFORD COUNCIL'S HEW ! Tbc two Hi8h Poln ded fiIed yes' OFFICERS INSTALLED ;terday were 5 : - ' . , J. H. Montgomery to D. H. Hall, tracts S-Tbe Guilford council No. 23 of the ! tne and two of the Pickens property, one Junior Oriler of United" American Me-lw 1,L2 and the other 200 by 1,005, chanica at the meeting last night install- j the- consideration being $2,000. r ed the officers recently elected for the, & L. Wright to Dora E. Richardson, coming year. T officera installed wt!te j 8 tract i consisting o approximately W. T. Anderson, Jr., past councilor; J 000 square feet in High Point town- .T r Suttenfield. councilor: Rev. L. W. 1 Blackwetder, vice councilors W. W. Sny der, recording secretary; Jones Burna, assistant secretary; J.'M. Hedrick, finan-j' eial secretary; VV. . unappeue, treasure er; C L. Farrington, conductor; O. P. Dicks, warden; D. A. Capps, inside sen tinel; Rev. J. M. Hilliard, chaplain; rep- resentative to the state council, Jake L. Securest,' three yeara; G. A. Cappa, two yeara; A. F. Moore, one year; Rev. J, M; Billiard, trustee for 18 months. . " Another Song of Hate. - AW-erdam. Keifterlands! July 8.Tlic Vorwaerts eroorts that in Chemniti,! Germany, a "song of hatred on illichener's death is being publicly His triluted and is being sung in music- l -ilV The rnmTOBrr is ft member of the MafT of oneof them'ost-e8teemed"chemMCU8 short'y after 2 VclocOeTlear re- t.'lz newspapers." ' WESTERN RECORDER S CO 1 IIS OVN BIL1 OF COSTS 1 . r j v- - c--. .v. : mirt ... ' fur, UIC lUi UL UiUUWlV U , . municipal court of High Point hass- j sesaed fines to the amount of $5S9.07 and , to the tolal of fl.467.S2, which) I makes it a eU -sustaining enterprise, not I I . ; .... . . Imanity and the upholding of the law. of j the state and city. J I Twin h. n,nth f .I,, thpr. rere I Dnrlntr trm month of June there were I - I 31 cases in the Court. Prosecutor Albert-j m 28 of! them: The judge sent three defendant . ul ... . ai. ivi i . . .. .. i crrpffate terma tMinr ill mnnina. aim uc i while the 28 convicted onec were asMns ed with $17W1 costs. ' : As has been the case of late old John Barley Corn baa played the leading role in the city court. In 21 of the 37 cases -likker" was the approximate cause, as the lawyer say. There were eight charges of assault, seven for being , . . M .1 f ! - arunK ana aown, mree lor an rays, two i . . ', for driving an auto while under its in-1 i. . .... . flltAnA anil r.nA i :c?n:srv .ef.rufcrj March (By the Associated Press.) an Antonio, July 8. For more than ! $ eastward from EI Paso Amer-! kan trocpera are being held in readiness dt- that may be threatened by the new ly organized bandits in Chihuahua. To the west of El Taso an alert watch for developments south of the line was kept and officers are at all the border Etationi prepared for . any advancing raids!' Early reports this morning to General Funston added nothing to the rumore of -yesterday, the 'most impor tant of which was the warning from the do facto government of Mexico that ban dits who defeated the Carranza soldiers near Jimines were believed to be moving northward to Ojajaka opposite Presidio, Tex. Although taking all precautions and not minimizing the report that Villa is at the head of the new organization of bandits army officers are not inclined to believe that the bandits will attempt any further move north. 8h,P' exa(? location not stated, $85. Ehelrna' Population. Rheima, France,' July The popula- tfatt-of Rheims, which was 115,178 cording to the census of 1911, has, ac cording to a new count just made, been reduced to 19,983, of whom 10,012 re . women, 561 women, and 4,110 chil- dren. Senate Democrats Caucus. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, July , . 8. Democratic members of the senate commerce com- mittee agreed today upon a revision of j Fines. Costs, ara. . A V ,v'--" T in1 ntvf r ih L'U viiijrij. ro'.ni 1.. . . t a 1 i- .. - r ' ' 1 - ". t a v i a ii m si i a a . . i . i. ...... . i I uii nui i uuuiull uniu Lord'the government's shipping bill which it is reported will bring about complete party harmony if approved by a Demo' cratic caucus. The Democrats will cau t Fora MORE THAU A SCORE OF ELKS GOTO BALTIMORE j More than a w of the members cf ith Elks Lodge, No. 115. will leave to iight for the National convention of the j -Best People on Earth," "which meets at m w lm been on ihe siding all da y. Tlie car will be carried to Greensboro by No. 12 where , 1 - , . , it will be picked up by No. 32, arriving in Baltimore early tomorrow morning. , EHltin,ore i8 planning to give the. Elka , . ... .. , , - . of America the biggest week of their ;i:v- Man? fine ription. have been prepared and p'M hcM that week from Baltimore High Point .l . .... j : j n .. ....1.1 l'lu, U"J ,u , fad lnto in! mpar.m ith th; ' R Wilon u chairman of the committee which hat h. In charge of ttinff UD the Hhrh " " promisoa of between 20 and 25 Elks that they will make the trip. A badge thai the High Point delega tion will wear at Baltimore has been on display in the window of Matton'a drug atore for several days. A number of these badgea will be distributed at Bal timore and will be a big advertisement to "High Point, the leading furniture manufacturing city." It is hardly likely . that xiv ritv will have a more annronri- pelantl, t'. F. Farley i'vtcks ago t!xje were fewer fatalities from the disease than yesterday. Dur- j ing the 24 hours preceding 10 o'clock jthii morning the disease killed 18 chil- Qrcn in the greater city, 13 dying 'in Brooklyn. Although the epidemic iieeniK to be spreading in the cities of New ...York, Ohio and Pennsylvania no deaths have U'en reported further south than Balti' more. The physicians in this city say that nothing has appeared here that (would indicate in the least the spread of infantile paraylsis. No signs of the epWemic have yet been reported in any North Carolina city. UNSETTLED WEATHER FOR SOUTHEASTERN STATES (By the Associated Press!) , Washington, July 8 Unsettled weath er becoming generally fair is forecast for the week beginning tomorrow" by the weather bureau for the most of the southeastern states. Temperature will be moderate early in the week to lie followed by warmer weather. Recruits Wanted at Once. The first Reformed Baraca class and Christian Endeavor society ' need 60 young men at once.. This call is made especially to those who are not at tending Sunday school ; elsewhere. No physical examinational Recruiting of fice, First Reformed church is opened every Sunday morning at 9.45 and every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. You are invited and urged to enlist. v - BALDWIN'S LECTURE SUNDAY EVENING Through an error it was announced Wesley Memorial church would be de- livered - Sunday morning. The lecture will be Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Robertson Slightly Improved. Messages today from the bedside of Dr. Foy Robertson, of Durham, is that he is slightly improved although he is yet seriously ill. Col. Weacott Robert seui, hia brother, went to Durham yes terday afternoon and returned this morn,ng-, Weather. $ Sf.00 S 22:1.45 H. W. McCain. F. I', bwram. V. P. Ra-t 117.50 WUl'gan. j ' ;'; ,'v: j ; f iiu 07 n,i ?T i 1 . ; r ' T . . . ... . . -T -i.o-w n , n , , Wft,A ... T,r nnitTIl tewwl tjV.$1ttoA Vn ordered ts ShowerrionlgtratrproUHyTTinrfi Sunday; fresh south winds. VATi 1L wm ; III .IP'S STRIKE Five Cc fery parJet of Coast ArtH- e bi Wikninjton, Eut V No Trouble. V OPERA AG CARS "TODAY 1 r Clr ! Street C r Service Resumed Eui V No F ' itnger-Guardsmen. Mer Heid i ReadbesK '"'iPj ili Associated Press.) , Wflmir'rtyB. Ju!y 8. With live com panies of jibe coaat artillery here the! trt t ttrll.. altiiatinn todav had re-1 I ... solved itlf into one of watchful wait Four tt Ppanies of the .coast artillery from Cba lutte, Salisbury, Greensboro and Ralei, h arrived today on a special train to ? fiaforce the local company should th' service of the guardsmen be required. .' .The trcKTt'S have not been placed on picket du(yrlut are being' held under arms pend'ng development. . The traKin company today , began operating 0 car on their eity linea and thus interference bas occurred from the strilrs or their sympathizers, As the recovered their routes there was no oiieon board except the substi- tute motijimfrn, conductors, and depu- ties. X ' 'i j ' All aitoiij'ts to settle the differences between te Vmjilojc and the traction chrpany ijiv? failed, brt the leaders rl'i the citjKrt's ' ttTiniUtec who have U-en i frvSujjT to'''iJhi. . trouble declare that Q The iff aavectot siviM i;; hope, trlc'iv wcri:r.:ej number W) r:tn arW; through High Charlotte r.nd on the train!. r.t v. itii a "whonp." lisbvrv guardsmen wer" . ... Vllll'h WaS JlToe'efOinj; ll. Greensboro to iiet the coast artillery rotn that citvi Tlic opinion -of some "of the military authorities of this city is tnat toe co .... " ' . 1 : -:l. artillery was not oracr.a oui ,numr.., T1...V tutu tun . . . . pewtition that 4t is anouier proparicrj , . -"'c - 1 measure, and. (hat it was done suddenly . There are some provinces in which the and withtmt; warning just to see howhcav;est automobi e truck, can travel ..... - u t.. v,;i from .n 'rl to the ottiee in the barn- quicKiy tin- compani-s couiu oe Fourth Vice? President Commons, of the Street and Electric Railway Em ployes association,, arrived today to take charge of the situation for the strikers. The employes have called a mas meet ing for tomorrow night as a protest against the calling out of the militia. BEDFORD CITY ELKS DEDICATE NEW HOME. j cry dealer in Manila is handicapped by (By the Associated Press.) ' 'the fact that lie cannot get cars fast Bedford City, Va., July 8 Promine nt enoivjh. It is no uncommon thing to find Elks from all over the county are herej a shipment of the more popular cars sold today to attend the dedication of the j out before its date of arrival, new national, Elks' home erected at a! cost of $600,000- Governor Stuart, ot Virginia, is to deliver the principal ad- i dress at the dedication exercises, which' are to begin at 3 o'clock. ! (Pv t, AmH.hM PT98 , Delegations, ;from. widely scattered., MeUou'riie, Australia, July 8- A third loelges tospped over on their way tOjfe(lm lcan for war is to be -floated atter.el the annual convention v more, which begins on Monday. ' . . . Arthur Lyon, of High Point, district aeputy ot tins, is ,n -" P 000 tnd it received $65,090,000; and enj on the dedicatory exercises at Bdjthe accond occasion $50,000,000 Ws aalf-1 ejity ot ti.e new naummi ""'- " ! cd fo rand tltc crsponse was $105,000,000. Lyon is on tonight's program for an, rariament ha9 aulhorized the raiting address. He will meet the High Point Jof jn50000 000 and 5t u ct thc delegation to Baltimore? at Lyiichburg' . ,ommonwrillfIl .; h. (early tomorrow morning and accompany tit on to Baltimore, f ' r THIRD, DAY OF DEBATE , ON THE REVENUE BILL ; (By the Associated Press.) ll'n.l.;.An Tt,W a n tiniisn tndflV entered upon its third day of debate on j the administration's revenue bill intend- ed to bring in additional revenue of i $197,000,000 from income, inheritances and munitions taxes. Voting on the; 1 amendments began at 1 :30 today and i adjournment Monday. Hiaan ms ' PUT IH SERVICE TODAY t WaUr will be run through the pipea of the sewtr txteiihion tf ZZOC feet inl the tasttrn section of the city for the first time late this afU-rnocn, this piecel cf work having been completed by the j city' in quick ordi-r but with little i newspaper publicity. ' . . i The new piiirg runs from the la nd ! owned by R. 11- F.agan, Weahy Pitta and! E. T. Harmon in the third ward of the; city, through Ell Jones' meadow to Richland creek. It connists of 3,500 feet of 15-inch terra cotta piping, tve sev eral iron pipes acrocs the ereck. The jork waa done by J. (. Ryan, under the direct supervision of the city manager, Armur Lyon, at a remarkably low eort.;clime jy throuKh the hurrkai.e. Xone The figures are not yet available giving the exact cost, but it is safe to fay that is 1 AAA lina n hat if waslit it is $1,000 under what it would have been had it been done by a contract. The cost, including the terra cotta, will prob ably not exceed $5,000. This sewer will drain the eastern sec tion of the city and already there are 87 connections. It relieves the empty ing of the sewerage on the Jones lands and empties it in Richland creek. The building of this extension waa necessi tated by the law suit brought by Mr. Jones against the city, which was com promised on the terms tliat the old con ditions be remedied. The city has been at work on Ihis line j for a number of weeks but has made ntmc fast time. For 2,500 feet the pip j ing had to bo laid through solid rock, jbut no time has been lost on the job. j.Mr. Lyon has seen' to it that everything neeesuaiy for the const ruut ion of the i line waa nady at the. projler time and Mr. l.ra.1 has bwn. diligent and ja the p'jfuriwmee of his -dntie Tlita lin: will ' connect with nd faithful pro-. hc.d from the septic tank to the ! Fenry kntl. wliere tha !n;liatT tank : to be Itjcated. ' pe:l:??ikes now boast i ....i: Uj 0. .- wohui ; ::rp eyrT?M ny ROADsi1''' which had it center 'over west-, latter having iuitiated an ae-1 tive; in i f roid-building which his ' ............... - .... ak iUat liwf . 1 'umi'HMHKUii'ij iimv iioi ; , )' ,!;.rv the construction of a greater j ro;tu ' :i-p uian nv .v,ur m i m"V i pnie lnstcry. . - There are more than 3,000 kilometers J 1 ii ni im vtaA in ialnnw ann if ia 1 fist clae.s road in the islands and it is 1 " - ; - 1 rowi o! ft miaiiTV 01 which anv state 1 in iiu. IY-ti4.rl tj.a4ia n-iifrle 1,A nrnnd I ; --- - - - - ---- take part in the calling of a pastor. est f.f storms without suffering tnei..,. -.r without, suffering j slightest inconvenience because of mud or washed out highways. In most prov inces during the dry season it is possible to travel anywhere in a light motor car. Last year saw the expenditure of nearly $3,000,000 in road work and the program for this year, is almost as am bitious. The effect of this road-building has been a big increase in inter-provin-clal trade and a remarkable growth in the automobile business. Practically ev- j ANOTHER AUSTRALIAN LOAN TO BE FLOATED SOOnj ; Ufore August 1, though it 1J not pro ; po:id this time to ask for mv fixed1 ; amount. On the occasion of the first j vtTt ment afike(l M j fow;mpond liberally. The gcvernnicr, Jwill fair mweh n in that' amount , .. ... . . . 1 as the public care to lend it. ;-.::'.'-; 1 The rate of interest will bo four and one-half per . cent, the price of issuo will I be at par and the loan will run until j 0 ;r t i4' , ! b I "Iaci ,UI ,nBW wcmu" Louis Harris has let the contract for the erection of an eight-room dwelling bouse at the cornet of Elm and Thura- ton streets, the estimated coat being 3,. tors. STORM KILLED 110 OHE-IH PEHSftCOLA rief Radio A'essae From There Today Said That No Lives Were Lost " HEAVY PROFERTY DAMAGE Wes the Firtt New Frcin the Gy Since Wednesday Morning. . Storm Moves Slowly. (By the Associated PlT58.J""" New Orleans, July . 8 -rensacoL killed. Big damage to docks and build iDgs. - ,' - , ' - '- , The foregoing was , the brief radio ' toessage received today by the United Fruit company's station from the naval wireless station at Pensacola.V , The message from the naval station giving assurances that there, were no fatalities there and that the city had withstood the storm was the first direct mecsage form Pensacola since last Wed nesday morning, when wire communica tions were lost. ' . - Since Wednesday evening the wireless station here has been endeavoring to get into radio communication with the Pensacola naval station r. some -veeeel- in the harbor, but without success, owing to static conditions. Immediately after receiving the brief message today the wireless station made repeated efforts to get" in touch with Pensacola to obtain detailed informa tion ,necrning conditions, but efforts i'as'ting continuously for more than an ! .hour were found to brinz no rcsuon'se. 'ri, wireloHft pnmnanv nppfI . . f . . . Storm Moves Slowly. ' 1t,.l. r..'..i a ri. t. ejj.' Aiacama today, has maus littlo uro-' ' s since Fridav morninsr. -.-aceordinz CALL PASniR SUNDAY Each niembe? of the First Baptist jct urch has received the following notice: wn Sunday morning, July 9, your , . f,)nimitte, wi rM,mTnpm, ltt tha !d,ureh the name of Rev. J. A. Clarke, f Wilinirnrrnn fnr na&tikr t. fill ha vacancy now existing - that m of prewnt I . (Signed) M. R. SHIELDS, "Church clerk." There will be Sunday school and preaching service at the First Baptist church at the usual hours Preceding the eermon Sunday morning Chairman A, E. Tate, of the pulpit committee, will recommend the calling of ? Mr. Clarke. As the announcement quoted, every member of the church is urged to be present. SEVERE STORM STRUCK SOUTHERN GEORGIA TODAY (By the Associated Press.) Albany, Ga., July 8. It ib reported ' lfcat ihcre was Ioss of lifi' todav in storm at tsiakciy, i!a. Ihn.bare state-' merit was receivtd here before tlie wires to that Rectioii , wejr:.tdowj.u....Enrly. this . ftftenvcon it waa impossible, to commu-, nieaia with any town near Blakely. Mueh Boutll,;rR Georgia was also Iso- SAM STOCKS WILL EE TRIED AT DUPLIN SUPERIOR COURT (By the A'Rociated Press.) K.lmten, July Judze - Bond- today o-.(3; the trial of Samual Stocks, ai !e;rV rcr o JocphBlack, moved to Duplin county and at July 24 as the ebte for it to begin. Stocks arranged to .;:ve a $10,000, bond for his appear, ance at the trial, two prominent busi nibs mew agreeing to furnish it. , Cam Ezchanse Bank Joins Reserve. Washington, July 8. The Corn Ex change bank, one of the largest staU backs of New York city, having numer ous branches, applied for and was grant rt'mernbership InthefeJcuI i...,i' t?nt m yesterday. . , , . i