Cj? ' -- City Circulation 1800 THE FAMILY I Delivered by Carriers VoL 23, No. 292. HIGH POINT, N. C, THURSDAY AFT. COrirCCTCZZR 23, 1916. Subscription Price $5.00 Per Year. TROOPS OF EIITENTE IMOORE B0U1ID OVER KILLED HUSSAi:: .0 SAVE SrLF, WOMAN'S DEFENSE nuns will -m-IHBlEr j '.OB IRE SPLIT Fall of Tchernavoda Cause Di vision Many Escape Over Danube Bridge. day Moore, Charged .With Theft of Automobile, Held Under $1,000 Bond. . i. Says W. P. Rsran, Who Sabxitj Some Figures to Offset the Deroocrttic Reckoning. ran tj ' ; .I.J - : r- " : .. 1 - MAKE STAND IN DOBRUDJA On-Western Front Germans Are Reported to Have Ceased Counter Attacks. (By the Associated Picm.) .- The situation of the defeated Russo Rumaaian armies ia Dobrudja appears to be lightly k-w critical from todaj'a of- ncd report from Fetrograd, which de scribee the porswire of Field Marshal von00"" Mackenscn's army a hoinew-Vi: vcak- ' Unofficial dispatches from Berlin re ;"vt the entente force split in two with the fall of Tchernavoda, I some' of the troops escaping over the great Abridge acroa the Danube, while otlira-vtni northwest rnl; MxN&p Apparently the section in Dobrudja it able to mak j some sort of a stand Sigaiost the onrush of the 3ulgaria, the Geramns and the Turks north oi the Constaza-Tchernavado line. Aa a whole the situation for the Ru manians is considered by military ex p4ta in Berlm as inereasignly preca rious in connection with the operations in Dobrudja and the Auetro-German suc cesses in the mountain pase on the north. Petrograd ofwrts that Teutonic" pros Mire has been arrested in the Transyl vania border region. On the western front the Germans ro reported by Paris to have ecassd their counter attacks at Verdun. Die new French position, however, are r.till un der German artillery fire. French mili tary writers fay that the potation at FortVaux is such that its capture by ,&e French is momentarily expected .inao vance is on.' The French cavalry ha oc cupied a village in the vicinity of the Greek-Albanian bower, wniw w ians have driven the Bulgarians and the Germans further back in the region of the Ccnia river, southeast f Monaster. a,eording to Paris. BoAarest accounts of the fighting along the Transylvania border reports 1)a(1 tol(i the j,. when he rolled llr the capture by the Rumanian of ajcar out 0f rg Reitzell's garage and height south of Bicaz. ! In this region some 25 miles south east o.f the frontiers of Bukowina, Tran svlvania and Rumania the Rumanians Jfcave apparently again advanced several miles into iraiwyivaniau wriwij- Also ground is held on the Transylva nian side- in the Oitur valley region, Bucharest declares. Berlin reports further gains for the j iaj m(Bt 0f the clothing that, according Austro-Gcrman forces .on the northern j to Clii'if Gray, he admitted he had stolen Rumanian, front and also declare that:from Silver's store. F cld Marshall von Mackenscn is mas.- ... ... 1. ing progress with the campaign in,with stealing elothing from Silver'e stor..tora, V()t(g Ma mad(J by both parti,.s ; tibrudja. . The Rumanians have blown up the "Vhemavoda. it is announced. ' in t ilPCT r ADATr -v EVER ERECTED TO BE BUILT BY GOVERNMENT . tliy the Associated Press.) San Antonio, Oct 26. Prepartions were started today at Fort Sam Hous ton for the construction of a garage which Is said to he the largest ever erected. ' The structure is being built to accom modate more than 800 of the big army motor truck that the government has in troduced cn the border. -Army officials said that 25 companies of 33 trucks each will be brought here within a short time. ; RETREATING ALLIES BLOW v UP BRIDGE OVER DANUBE .. -J ". ,' , ' ,t4."-" . (By the Associated Press ) , London, Oct. 20. A Rumanian dm: patch to the wireless press eaya that it ia erported from Bucharest that after the" evacuation of Tchernavado by the Russians and the Rumanians the. bridge 1 nv ffitt T)nn:irM wa blown nn bv the Rumanian. . " j SECRETARY McADOO WILL -SPEAK NEXT AT KNOXVILLE Memphis. Tenn., Oct 25w William G Mc4oo, secretary of the treasury, made 11 address here last night in the inter t tjf. President Wilson and left today for Chattanoogtt,'" where ' -he 'vepaaka to night lie secretary has accepted an in vitation to speak in Knoxville tomorrow. c GIVEN BY HIS FATHER During Trial Chief Gray Testified That Young Man Had .: Made Confession. Clay Jfoorc, the 20-year-old on of A. F. Moore, of thU city, was brought back from Reading, IV, by Hiief Gray last night and thk morning in the municipal he was bound oyr to the Superior court on a $i,uou bond tor tne larceny of Sirs. J..R. Rcitzell'd Bukk autemo- bile several weeks aj,o. The iacUurroundln; the stetlu ;: rf been arrebtdMr. Keitrell's ear and two days thereafter of the taking of C. M. Hwcr' machine are known to the peo ple of High Point. Let Wednesday night Chief Gray and Joe Tomlinaon left for Reading, Pa., Ut bring lack Moore who had' been arrested in that city for the theft of Mrs. KeitzeUV car and also for taking about $150 worth of clothing fromt he Silver clothing store. About fc o'olcnk last night Chief Gray and Mrs. ToulinM O returmd in the Buk-k "1k" with Moore. The trial tLU morning wa ihort, Moore was in court with hi father and counsel, T. J. Gold. He put up no evi dence and did not renit tho quest ifcv of nrobable cause. Dr. H. W. McCain was the ftrt-t wit-fw and he Identified the automobile neia which Chief Gray had brought back s Mfl.'ReltwUV car. The madiine looke 1 as if it had been in tine hape. It did not show that it had been stolen prop erty for several weeks; that H had been traded off once and that it had jtjiu to iVnrSyfviiili aria baxk-H';nileaget iot nearly 1,600 ''KdeA..IafacViM:ehuw looked like new. .The car looked at home on .High Point's streets. tfliirf Gray was the next witne'. told of the complete confession of t-l'-.v Moore. Moore faid that he took thf eftr i after deliljerate' conndeiuthin. ft- wax Lfcout 3 O'elot;k in the morning, Moore hastily moved on to Danville, which city he reached about 0 o'clock. That wpa Sunday morning. By Sunday night he had reached Harrisburg, Pa. In Pennsylvania Moore irauea iner fn ..ofion Bukk for a Monroe roadster and a little V 4 I 4. VI..,.r l,al tl n( flint i ven iu """ i".ic 1 cash when he was arrested in Pennsyl-1 vania. When he was arrested he also .... 1 : . The case asninsi aioore cnarginz niui , wm come up tnun omorrow ,..,, 1 Rdministration offi,,iaU watt,hed with it being continued on account of the ab- ( lnt(.rP8t the spirit of Mr. Wilson's recep tee of the special prosecution for the ,m T,iiy rjrpreMpd tncm80ivt.g aB WPu state. The $1,000 bond required of Moore in the automobile case was given by his j father and uncle and the boy was al lowed to go. HUGHES HAS STARTED HIS FINAL SPEAKING JAUNT OF CAMPAIGN (Bv the AsMc!ate press.) Hartford, Conn., Oct. 26. Charles E. Hughes went into "the home stretch" of the campaign with the opening speech here' today. , Left New York. New York, Oct. 26.-Charles E. Hughes tbia morning left Xew York on his last trip of the presidential campaign. . His program called for three speeches today, at Hartford, Conn., Providence, R. I,, and Boston, where there will be a night meeting held. Mr. Hughes will not return to New York until November 3- His itinerary calls for four days in New York state exclusive of Sunday, one day in Ohio and two days in Indiana. Mr. Hughea will return to New York Thursday and will spend two days cam paigning before- winding his trip here. The last speech o,f the campaign will 4 be at Madison Square Garden on Satur day night, November 4. Tigen Leading. Br the Associated Preml ' CoItMTibia, 8. C, Ort; JSFlrsthalf.lin his efforts Clemson 7, South Carolir. 0; third pe riod, CliMso 27, South Carolina 0 ;v. ;N':-: : it- . . lis Newark. ". J.. Oct. 2fi. That ahe I lift rw if f ' 1 1 1 m A herself, will be the defence of Mrs. Margaret Beutinger on trial in the Essex county .1.. A .... .... . .. ner nve cbildren wai oe caireo sy ine Mrs. Beutinger has not seen any of ber been taken away from her. On the night of the tragedy Mrs. Beutinger styt her husband struck her.several times. On the day before, she asserta, he also attacked her, following a quarrel over a ! .11 belong lug. to one of the under her pillow. When her husband entered ,1 rooin again to atack her, and shot him,. fearing that be was about ' - 7 - ,V r:--: !,,,!., I , " It URGES NEED " MRITUAL UNITY mmm irk: SON Cinoinnnti, ()., Oct. 26. President Wil- j Xcweik. X. I.. k't. 2. Mk. Marga son, speaking at Cincinnati reception to 1 r t (.'. I'.iM tin r f....k t'10 witness stand him at the chamber of commerce, today , .. t(i(,,,v aM(1 ( 1( of w.,f i 1 . . 1 r 11 - 1 : 4 ... urgea ine neeu lor a spiritual unuy on the part of the people of the United States to prepare for greater work ahead 0n hil? way nen, thil4 morn;ng the Pres- . . "... . ... iani was yrwiea nv crowds in a 11a 1 dw(.n 0)lio U)Wn j'ie aj,IH,ared on the! observation! platform at each stop, shook hands with as many as possible ex- changed remarks and thanked Che crowd for coming out to see him. ,.f ,.. tnr ni.u. .t ..1..... pleam-d. This was Mr. Wilson's final middle WCstem trip. It was the President's jfirt isit in Cincinnati during his ad- , jt announced that this is the first' ; ministration. jtsep in the effort to preach the gospel by J The President's program includes .four'th,, ,rs I speeches, a reception, a linch, a dinner, 1 and an automobile ride. j COTTON SHOWED RENEWED ! NERVOUSNESS EARLY TODAY (By tha Associated Press.) Xew York, Oct. 2t-The influence of yesterday's sensational break resulted in renewed nervousness and excitement m the cotton market this morning. The sharp opening occurred on ar a'c iiimulation of overnight selling or Iim, followed by a rally to 19.20 for March or about $2 n bale from th low p.'int of yesterday afternoon. Tbia rdvance encountered a rentwal of general liquidation, however, andi March broke to 1.89 to $1.70 per rnie advance over last night's closing figures. TROOPS NOT ORDERED FROM BORDER PATROL DUTY YET Washington, Oct. 26. The activity of Villa bandits, in northern Chihuahua had the effect today of convincing officials that , no thought should ,b given to the removal of guardsmen from patrol duty or the withdrawal of Pershing's columns from Mexico, Fear Is felt that if VHla'ie suecessful it will be easy for him to get control of northern Bfcxico. 1 .'ji K r shot her. hisband. after suiTerinir much 1 t A ' J ll . A A A aejeasc 10 jesiiiy,. to me uwiuen children ia several week, permission to .,. : vV.y :.t : v. ;''; . -v.,' . .' .. to Jvill . Beutinger wai tilled almost -r.. . i.f... . ..t., WOMAN ftSStff j SHE KILLED HUSBAND ! defending herselfi d.feii' the trial for the murder ot liir luiv.'n.l, (Vi t.'lT, 01" Xew York, coal ! m reliant, in the home t Caldwell, X. The defendant's uttor- .1., July II last. nev e i :t 'ei thm Huet'mger had threat- .tied to ki-U his w;e ami was approach 1 iug her with upraised hand wIkmi ulr.' j shot him. The trial began yesterday. DECIDE TO PUBLISH NEWSPAPER IN ORDER TO PREACH THE WORD iliy the Associated Press. 1 Kt. Lours. Oct. 2tt Publication of n , weekly newspaper by the Protestant j j Episcopal cJ.ureh was decided upon at i utav'H -cmion of tlm pnnvMltinn fieri. ' ; Today's house of deputies plannen to I attempt the discussion of the reprt of,' I .. ... ... .. . . . the joint committee cn the revision and enrichment of the bexk of prayer. CHARTER IS OBTAINED FOR BELMONT BRIDGE COMPANY (I5y the. Associated Tress.) Raleigh, Oct. 20. An application for a .charter for the Bedmont Bridge com pany w .s filod hen? today with the secre tary "i state. Eight hundred of the $,000 c.pital utock is paid in. The com pany proposes to huildjf, operate and mainta'ii a. toll bridge acrors the Ca tawba river between - Mecklenburg and Gaston counties on thl site of the old ferry. PRESS ASSOCIATION WILL MEET AT HENDERSONVILLE Brevard, Oct. 26.-On Friday and Sat urday of this week tne weekly newspa- per men of -western , North Carolina Will i be the gueaU of Gordon?. F. Garlington,' edilor oX the French Broad Hustler, atj Hendersonville, when the weekly , boys ; will be shown what there, bj to see- in the capital of Henderson with the idea view to go back homo and write it up lorJthenefiLot thos baoM foy the hoppitaHty of the nendersonville editor. rSTHAT - v N . V , ,. ' ft t" At. n ' - " ivi n ' a i V TP 4 ; : I iis mi iiwti ywUMUi iiiir: r t - brutality at his hands, in order to san court today. It is expected that aer.ral jura, ueutuiger rweivea iruiu art aunuanu. V 1! ta. 1 M 1 i V J meet them in the warden- office having children. , Mrs. Beutinger had a revolver Mrs. Beutinger 'says,' she s'eued the pistol Instah'tly.' Y ; . . - - , i.l ....... ., FIVE CHILDREN LOST THEIR LIVES IN EIRE T0UA1 (I'.y lite Associated j'ress ) Kinnhain, (Quebec, Kt. 2ii. Six adults SIX ADULTS III j and five children, at least, lost then j Surry county is to give 1,500 Repub ! lives in a lire which destroyed St. Kliz- lienn, .Vlokes t00, Alamance 100, For j alu-th hospital her,' early tod My. This syth 400, Oruiigc 2W), Person 15fJ, Rock- forenoon the ruins were still Ma.iie iiiliain 00- 1 and it was iinpossii)le to approach il.i Th- f k'nitn-rats will likely c.nry GuLl I Some to aie nirsisng. I ford for Stedman by 000, Ca uvell 250, J I'p to noon no Indies l ad been fo.iatl. j Dorluici .'00. (.'ranxille ;;oo. i Tin M.rvi .is v civ csKcii to many of. -Hut I am going to carry Guilford their hollies. Ihc missing were iwra- 1 lyties. I Mary c'lildri'ti w "c ii)nred by .jnn'p ing t'roi.i windows mid f.iur may die. : The proiH'rty los i estimated u I P3."),fltlO. The in-titiitiou m.i I'liiiiaucd hv tic (Jny nun? and was composted 01 two buildings, one lor a lionpitul H.r pa- tie nt dren. and the ether u school for chil- 1 VILLA FORCES DEMAND THE SHORTENING OF U. S. 0UTFOSTS I Major Stedman has been incapacitat (Ky the A-sociat- d Pre-s.) j in this campaign and he lias left the f Viliimlnw V M. (let 'ill.--America iim :.. .1 1.1 1 , ' . ; ' , .' :, V " coining from Mexico report that V ilia forces operating near Xamiqiiipii along a 2"i-mi!c trfint south of the American (xpedit ion's southern out posts, have de- manded shortening of the American . M. f..,, troopt' lines and a jniio.(l evacuation oi , Mexican territory l.y tin- I nited St:it arniv. PRESSURE ABNORMALLY LOW IN GULF SECTION By the Associated Press.) Washington, Oct. 26.- Pressure was still abnormally low today over the Car- lloean " ttnu u" " f rv . ! I il... r...ll... n.i.l nv ', tremely so into tlieiui,t oi luexico. ! Then, was definite evidence of an in- ! dependent disturhancc ciT the east Flor- ! ida coast and the wither bureau or- ' dere'd caution. j MINE SWEEPING VESSEL , IS TORPEDOED AND SUNK (By the AsoMHtd Prss i , London, Oct. 23. The British mine - ' Iwceping vessel Denista has been tor - injpedoed and sunk according to a an - nouncement by the British admiralty. ! of the mine-sweeping crew were ; lost. The survivors number 12. "GRISSOM WILL WIN OUT After Chairman Hum Had Made His Forecast of Retult, Mr. Ragan Speaks Rijht Out Whil' t.ris t,ni. Ripublicai caodicLite for t'ongress, bat bom dart- 'uig hitli r aud j on in his Ford runabout. Major Char! M. iStedman has been, sick at Washington, and the Republicans are strong in their blie.f that Grissom'a work will reap iu reward at th polla I and the DfUtocratrt are as certain that Stedman will nwivo an even larger ma jority than ever. County Ctairuiun Charlie Himea has given out figure claiming the fifth dis trict for Stedman by a majority of 3,450, while W." P. Ragan, of High Point, thinks that Grisom will get 1,700 ma jority in the district. And there yoi are. Mr. Hine4i-Bot certain but that Sted man's majority will run as high as 4,500. There are 11 rounties in this district and Hines admit that two of then will go Republican. He gives Surry to the opposition by 5U0 and Stokes by 250. All the other nine will go Democratic as follows: Ahmance 300; Caswell 550; Durham 800; Granville 1,100; Guilford W00; Forsyth 150; Orange 100) Per son 5Q; Rockingham 200, according to Mr. lline. Carrying nine counties in the district 1iy,Jhia fashion would give Stedman a majority of "hy, 1 . am surprised at Charlie," said Col. BUI Ragan. this morning when (evaa shown bjj figure albeit he hd ,t x Wt Jtw.tyiwv 'i'read U10, mominV na- f energfitic but a bit-itvor-cnthueiustio, I . Iiave Ix'n lii u)litic ftfcout 25 years and am in homo dgre' familiar with eondi tioMs in the fifth lif;tru:t. Giilium Gris soin will be rl.'itid." And these were tlx" titfurck and tlie dope that Colonel I',!! !.:u:ded out: 'nie R'mMii'a will curry wen of 1 11 r.n--Af- ,1:1.1 the ciajvirity will bo 1 1.700. , connlv, ' Haid t Is- lt-mibliean nominen .for t he houso remi mher that." Mr. I'll-..-:!?' ',;..".il Ipv majority hetween 250 i:: i ;:.".o l thought that several of the otln r 1 o.n.ty . ai'diiliif. s wou'd bo elect- d including tin- ci;in:nissiom ra. There is -u. d.nihtiiig the fact that (;iHi:Mii (Jrbsom has been doing some , worL , thi cuililia.ie'n. StennOTaroWi. are Hiding ..it literature and he is rid- 11. g over the flistiict ninking speeches and 1 ttint' a word drop hero and there. The Democrats d i not now what he is doiii'.' or -ia v ing. mira" 01 1118 m i ti. II. n,..nrii;,. ,uM ,..:n : it has been learned, devote more of their jtime in tii" district to the record of eoiiirr s.-ii n ...n,l ail appeal in his TEDDY MEETING WITH WARM WELCOME WHILE ON MIS WEST ERN TOUR (J!y tie A-sim ait ;d Press.) ( hicavo, O' t. A so nn dron of cow leys recruited from tin- slock yurd9 will ' s -ort (il. Thci dorc Ko'isevelt from his I. i I i . 'II' 11 . l l .1 ",)U1 u im Pv""n ock yarns where he will deliver an address tonight I'hiim r?rt hcini' mndp for mv'intr thm Lionel u warm welcome on his arrival here from the west. I Btrieve in "Kncck-Out Blow. Clinton, Iow a, Oct, 20. Col. Roosevelt ""waking from his train here today, com jil'meiited Iowa for its "intense Ameri- canism," where men and wm- -. j v. Hing to encounter work and make am . effort for America." J 1 don't want a fight," he continued. j "I will do everything '? ; softly. When 'yon'v fft to b?t a knock him out."

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