4 It r "'iii ! i' S .V- A ii ii , ! V'V V'V n is hi " -.' ILL'., I 'I 1 ! 5 )l ' ! dj ' . 4 w - y City Circulation 1800 THE FAMILY NEWSPAPER Delivered by Carriers Vol. 23, No. 294. HIGH POINT, N. C, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 2, 191C. Subscription Price $3.00 Per Ycr. iii RE R. BROCKET! WILL "SCRATCH" TICKET Democratic Representative- Con- firms Ruaior He Will Vote for Two Republicans. HE GIVES HIS REASONS Erockelt WU1 Vote As&inst D:J- ton and Jones in November Election. Huburt Kwfkt-tt, Sr.. u uicuiN. -i the general a4mhly of 11.". iron Point, has confirmed the l'limr t1 ,! he wilUVerufck" the Vm. . vath- t,.k; . - vcmber 7 und wi! vili' ! r u . '' ".taii lid K Ii. S ifr. fCarier-Dailon :tnl V C .1 IV :n l-AfS. irl ever iluiitiu lit.- ie-id i:. :.i !lili 'oint In- Lis takcti mi ift'tv-i iiUeicM in Ho affairs t the D !.: .iti- partv L'i .llllost every municipal campaign In- lia akeu a part. In tin- pi iiimrUus of v.tir. .lr. Brockeit defeated l-talla ollicotl'er nd the late F.d. Karri's for tin- Demo ratic nomination fur r r''iitat i . In he-legislature of 191,". Mr. Uroekett iad-quitc a reputation, especially for a THi ENTERPRISE WILL RECEIVE FULL RETURNS Tl:3 Eaterprke is pjrnj to tv? a ?srty to its hundreds of friends. The party, in a way, is going to 3 bs un;B tor it rill c:ctiate from &hcrtl af tSr sundown catil ndd cight, of later. Cn the tigbt of tt? chctica. th returns from all perls of the United Ststes, as gathered by tho Associated Press, win be posted t the Enterprise onico ;nd cverjbady is invited to c trend. Aa tLori vnll b3 naue to U the luil and complete return froii Guilford cc-nty, but ,:ac;i- caliy c.'cn'cn; easier to get : district en tt;.- TC.l.C it is to .It! ofttn bct.i the: sretioxis a., cohinj new t j . -1 a i: t i ice ti But at..iu.i:-:iKr.;. U, f." 3a tn c;al (' tkai it : ! ill Su!:' IBS MuRTGAGE FOR -SO EITHER R-flfttLWAY: Shareholders Asked to Approve Isaie Limited to $5(50,000, , EeiL-ir.g 4lz Per Cent. DOY BANK PRESIDENT ADVISES "HARD WORK." USED FOR IMPROVEMENTS ? Ai! Cuhiandrng and Ger.eral De velopment Eondi May De than ..at t -c . r t i :zr.t it hr.s V3 bofore I t.-:u Trim and ;ceiii to hitpen a ' Cr; h-.acc. have been co:n flv E.i.-.r :ut,' w:il be able to e,ivr re;.'. Us i:i tiir cocr.ty to such an c ;ha". anyone wi'! be :.bl..' 10 lell v;ih.;i way the w aid has blova 1 The bttl'.etins, rc;iv.d o?cr th Arrociated Priss wire in fie oa cf The Entcrpnsc, wil! V? rcsteii imnedifttiy after be it .-tcuvti darqil tTen BIRD COLEK ALLOWED TO REGISTER FROM HIS lakcn Up by Exchange. ! , .v . 1 i;. . . . . , -i -. :$.'.-' i l :i; : ' . r ;.::a!i ii'i'J.i . : n . i .. ;, ' : . ' , ' If- ' !',;'!-. i ."! r. ii ' ;.'!.,:. j i i . - . v.; ; . .-.:d , ! . i i '. t: i i i ii.- v. t ". " ..i . i '! - .:v ,:v. - -ii-' .: ; ',i i:'.s : ' . - i i i. ,i ! ,. . Ui (1 H 'ii : . : . 1 ' t :--a u. 'i;.' ;!. Ii .H . . a r r ( ) ' ! r i.i a . .:h ;.r,,'.-. -t ;.t m-.. -h v.i as ii.ii 1 ' . 1 I y t !. ' .-.lr.! of iliv tor. Tin tc w'.!! ' i ; - ii. (I j.it- ria! LT5 IMX I i-rl'- "A" -i-nv lxtuU m' this iiiurt . to li iiif .l l'ko a:aouiil (li'Vcloii!irii! and general mort.iiiisc OLD HOME l!l BROOKLYN ratTernuT, h a man' of more than nrdi ary ability. In tho irimari's last pring Mr. BrK-krtt wa dt'fwitcd for re ominatiou by Carter Daltou. The ru lor therefore on account of his former oaspicuotumega in Democratic ranks hat Mr. Broekett would not vote the j ' f - 'strmighf tiekia wan of more than pass- r.l S. Oder has Un ii iven the riht ', intervHt. l" voto'froui li it old home in Brooklvu, "Mr. Brotkett, would you answer a di-j although thr U no building there at ct question or two!" the reyrewnta- ; I'rWntj an iprtment house being tin ve U asked this morning. i ','F cour'ae of construction on the Rrte. I "With much pleasure." retu-rn-Hl Mi. i Tlie followitig from the New York Snn rockett, all thewhik? amiling. ,'Jtl' the ttory VeU," said the wporter,' "after" your K. .IVb-r, forwert .cttjf, cuimptrol aech at the armory hrt. WylneMajjlf.Cfeh prVKWent of;rooklyjri, J(JL &t' l?ll,000j-birthday. () id W ie a W Tou paid guck iwnttillCfl Imocralie tsinB.Utefor gover- standing stock of certain le.,ed nd we4,rtl;t1J1 to Joneph 1. Renm-d v, 25-i qut pr. wnttsft.. hJln hv h5 . mplove,, . 1'i.nr ;. t.' f i,u Au other line. 20.000.0K. and'from time p 1 v r " t tr cent Immls outotandin;.'; i.'t4.!,.if',Htfi erh' "If ." per cent U'lids, tn 1m- tie 1 iivered into the iuupanyV treasury in H'xchnniie for if-l.'l.tltKl.lKN) development and general niortgiige bond1 now held by the i-ompany which have ben issued for iui ! provenienti and aequinitionn heretofore j made. I There will lie renerved for future issue to refund outstanding bunded debt, oth er than development and general mort gage bonds above provided for $179,751), 000; t retire from time to time the proportion chargeable to capital of equip ment, trust obligation outstanding un I.lTi Luiili'ii h.,t '-AMM...m.. s. iior. in entitled to vote from hta old home 01,1 ef WO.000,000, and 'from time esiJent Wilsoa, the rumor that 'you do'4 l"0 New York avenue, Brooklyn, ae l' -s.'i -V ; .'-;'.." ' ' ' - .,- ;-,., i , j ,r t.. M ,- j. ? , - ' ' - . v I ii -f tf M Vh tvv i v - li rw svw- y- 'tfi,.i l 7 L W,''''www,,w,,l',M,'wwMk-- -'-'-'- iitinim tUBiM t in i r -1 3 INX;iraVJDWBKVIUUMIIMiULMuiu - . TUBCO fiifliELl HTEOBifiiERS Toe'ay Ccrmr:-d Actcin of "ru: i .' .'it rtT Y i: i v ; iris i-.t -j-uf 111- 'l ' Cck'lill ; 1 , fldrrnJ on Il ia in tli.' lust i i.iV 1 1 1 i ; ! t n ifli t i ' i' .ii 'I it ha!- at ;t,i. a I t . it 'mi ili;i ilr; ! Ii.1 i iov rtl. t nwt in vnip Ji airrht IVmn. cording to a decision handed down ves- t - - o - I ' 'a!- L a: i. ii niiprm' lv .Tnuiiio Mnnnimr .f im uwj uckci sevuia fwvireiy grouuuicbn. i j j " ., . ..... . .. Well, sir," repfied Mr. Broctett, "itV PrPme ,;ourt. although an apartment truth- I will vote for W. P. Ragan house Jh being built on 4UiaiUf--Mr. Jrlrepresentative in place of Carter Dal- Ccder's previous place of residence. Judge jn ajul tor E. E. Spencer inatcad of Wnrng said: . G'Jonea. It is the first time I ever "Mr-3acT 7 Je t 170 New ted for any RepubUctn in my life but.York avenue and U temjwrarily absent I .1 11 ' XT- 1 . iit 1 1 .j A. Boston, Oct. 28. ' Hard work awl lot yuii old president of the Columbia Trunt of It." company, of this city, the youngest bank f-i ii .-. . president in the United Stateo and prob- Aini for pmiethni and keen attrr it. 1 1 ably ftf the world. Mr. Kennedy career "Uf 8 4 ,lH like a page from Horatio Alger, dr. "l.et,ih TttdtJiiV alne.' , i u. i,K,toiruh was taku ort hia twen- 'i t nlnro 'ti 'AVoA'tl ;nd ' cured on the I In rm oi Wallsii- 'o. four ami :w !vi!t ; miles e. st of M'li I'oint . ami lo- v. as the !!lltll v:(o seeun'il the sinatun s of the ! 3 fani iTs le.-'illlej on nn ill nn- No. Jainehtc w n. I rDie i.kiittki-i'iiiiiit o'f 1 Iii. wlt.i. ttiLi.ii Li- - I "" "J the in!iiHt riiil departincnt is as .follows: "We, the undorskmcd farmer. lh-Mg in tiuilford eouirty, growers of tobacco, are in favor of the erection of a tobacco warehouse in High Point. "We grow the bright leaf in our j neighborhood and heretofore we have had V drive to (Jreensboro, Winston-Salem and pa,nvillc to find a market for our produce. And of course we buy moat of our goods at the plain- we sell our to bacco. For the convenience of numbers of us, wc ask that ' d' hut you can, " and tint nrw4 trt-intmnt t)-wwt lall do bo on November 7, if I live." Jr. Brockctt was told that it looked a le stranae that he would scratch the Jl'tgh Point candidates of his party, eeially since one of them defeated therefrom. He has wenified his intention of going back when the apartment is completed.' That establishes his resi dence beyond doubt. "Suppose 9 mam's residence were 'burned Jown,'by fire,' Justice Manning maj be ao, Uo,- admitted Mr. I oont'nued, aAlressing Deputy Attorney , "but if you desire n Xplana- j C"eral Itobert 1V B'er' 'what wouW he ' . . . 1 A i 1 am l. -it l .A a. i : . 1 In the recent primaries. That A-Ptf. l can give it. The public may think 4d " to lx" al,owed to " hi U t --s.;,.'''- t. iv.m. ivote? Or suppose the aectron of the r .Ut llMfc Kill VU .Ul. WWW" - j- . , . , , .. ,.- , , W U he defeated me. Bu4 that. is noti " ,hu h fihould 1 ti weeptioi. to the snethodsj tt e-vd.,),,e or 'rr"? -.VmmmI W Ifv 'IWItiMi n aMnrrincr hut I i "V O iV. n,. . ,!, L I iaaiion, espceoiUy aa to the .-aeeur- . J. but Justice Manning held the suggestion lto.be 'jMrfectly absurd.' Registration,; iaocording lo the .court, is intended to prevent persewB fro mvotmg -more than ' UiHce, not to prevent them from voting n technical grounds." Drive Against Rumanians to time during the life of the mortgage, for additions, betterments and acquisi-1 ry a Tl tios, mumm, ; i eutons Continue 1 heir All ouUtandmg development and gen-j eraT mortgage bonds whieh may be taken ! mi from th nulilid liv I'vclmiiee anil 'ill ' I I J "r stieh bonds now held in the treasury of the railway company will he pledged under the projxised mortgage to the end that ultimately the projiosed mortgage shall replace the development and gen eral mortgage when the same shall be cancelled. No additional bonds shall lx issued under the development and gen eral mortgage. The railway company will, however, retain the right to issue Tin Teutonic drive auiu-l the Kiima- nttak huvc eotnpi I'.cd thi i.aiitj is Uiiiif wmtimied with little dt-lvwnv forces to fall back. minihlied velocity, new suiresM'S fori SnppM-dl an etl'ort to aid tin hurd'Hr'' lsith Field Marshal mmi Mai kensi ii ami I pn i-sed Kiiuinniiuis by laissiiins is n Tlie signatwes are those of Wrlghf Joim'H, Harrison Jones. Charles Jones, C P. Jo is, Wallace Cox, Ben Cox, Ed. Cox, 1!. h Va, 2. A. Cox, i;. L. Cox. Jim P ! Cox, Willie Cruthis, Totn (.'ruthis, John '. Medliu, Jim Cruthis, (ieorge Cyx. Joseph Cruth's, l.eton Cruthis, Willij Cox, W. P. -kwell, riiiulie Myers, Karl Jonea, MH.e Charshntt, Earl .Hubbard, J. P. I'.ussian nd i Hubliurd, J. R. Iluliliard, t'harlic Kersey, j Luther DavU, WinlieM Davis, i. A. Hub- (U'licral Falkinslmyn being iimiourieed. Hirsova on the D.inulw line hits Iscii o'upied by the Bulgarians. Attwding I to unotfirial statements from Petrogrnd the remammg authorized Iwuds under its titW9 hliVV ,M en n,,tal,k' dvmii ,,v ... - littt tVkJ !irati isi mi i n vrt i na l'sa miniii frtHii the iiirtW r-t ,,,-,.r,.l,t.J m.,rf,,r. f Vtnlr O .'M1.'nB UT.-.-H invaHitlR Kl!.nnia 1 QUA t f tiiirrMicn rti asf In 4Vt un auT jfiii jfwo vr i.iiw'uui vi v.. u i j dnrlying bond therein provkjed for anH of purchasing swoki of certain Viwm ar therein nuecifieu. of signers to his petition, ;to the V";.tteemen from the High Point pre- .4 and to the conduct of certain of - holders who secured their appolnt- t through sae. lr. Dal ton obtained 'hit nomination, .r.brcirculatlnr Petition. pur- mtyfWl Sun hftd luU w iiao vw miibuicii inunv that he become a candidate when as atter of fact and 'actual count 178 ie names could not vote in any IBgh t ' precincts. ., The, eommitteeaseiii of i Point township executive commit-' Iso Violated their obligations when urged Democrats to support Dalton reject J3.roekett. - And,. I -aspocially t the treatment accordW my friend, L. C. Sinclai by the would-be rs ia' removing him from the pre j committee. There is no more high j gentleman or better Democrat in j Point than Major Sinclair, id W for Mr. Jones, the candidate '""iaaioner " .continued Mr. Brock - jf prefer to hold my reasons for against him in abeyance, but I ive them to Mr. Jonea or the- pub y time that it is necessary to do so. th the exception of Dalton and . I enthusiastically endorse and will rt the balance of the Democratic ,w t aid Mr. Broekett. Be said that s especially, interested in Major i's campaign aoid that he might . few speeches in the "Tatter days" f f th Detaocratie ticket, es for Major Stedman. . AVeAlhcr. ; ' toniehtt ' and!; Sunday; r aday ; - interio north T t. Is, freah to strong off the IB Mi VILL CO TO -BUfHSB IF PUT These forces are. now sasl ti have reMclted a (xiint 20 miles sooth of the ! HumanuM!" frontier. n the Moldavian j frontier of Kuniania where a nxre sue- c jsful stand has Wii made, the Husso t Rumanian S -lnsive is saWl ( he weak- ! enin-x j Petrrtgrud refwrt ported to be en the eve o,V a great of fensive in tiali. ia ami Poland. This re port came to Rumania from (.erinanj smirees ns a wireless di-patch from j the Italian capital. I The French are pressing their new of 1 l'eosive in the Verdun region and aeVord- ! some fiin with Mr. Coder under the caption: "Bird, the Uncaged." Tlie editorial follows: ' "To those who know Biid Colcr it 1 no surprise to learn that a justice of the Supreme court has deeided that Bird had a 4?onfititrtma1 right to register from a number in a Brooklyn -street where there is no house. It stranee to them that the police siwrald ever have invoked the law. It must be that the police did not realize that Bird is not a. mere flesh creature, but a;polit.eftt soul, its habitat "m the s ereri' : present ether. "Mien Bird wishes to register he should be permitted to give his residence as the tip of Borough Hall, or a blade of grass in McCarren Park, or a chip float lng on the Gowanus Canal, or a trolley wire in Fulton street, or the mouth of a cannon at Fort Hamilton, or an ion cf carbon in the smoke of a sugar factory In fact, why should he have to register at all T It is so much, like setting a poet at digging sewers. iHe ought to be permitted to vote by telepathy, and al ways for himself, r IN NORTH ing to Paris have captured the quarry northeast of Kelt Dor.amnont. Berlin declares that tic several French attacks ycstiTiky on Fm-t Doiiaumopt and else w hern along the line of the new French advance were repulsed. j On the Nomine front Utrlin aiiiio'wics trong fiffiitsive by Hie repiilne of strong attacks by both the Austro 'Terman fnrrw in the region Britith piul 1 r n. l: yc-terd-'y n-.n'th of near the V.okowrna liiw whtTc violent t the river. SOUTHERN F03TBALL ELEVENS ARE TODAY IN MIDST Of SEASON i FairUntUTAHrsoT. ; Washington, Oct. SS.--'Fair. ' weather and moderate temperature Is .'forecast for the southeastern states for the first half of the week ; beginning, 'ftrtnorrow,, snd Thnrsday colder'nrcither wi3"seJ;InT General .rains srs' likely in the South Atkntie states Thursday. That if the farm loan bank im estab lished in North Carolina it will go to Raleigh is the belief of A. E. Tate, of this city, who returned last night from the state capital where he went to at tend tlie hearing by the special commis sion of the government investigating proposed locations and Inducements, ver bal in nature. If the states bordering on North Carolina are included in the pro posed district in which the hank will op erate, there is little, doubt in Mr. Tate's mind as to where the bank will be lo cated,; as Raleigh' location in that ease wolud be central Virginia had a number of representa tives at the Raleigh hearing and they put in some mighty good licks for North Carolina, ' it is said, and the 'men from' the adjoining state were earnest in their request that the proposed bank be locat ed in North Carolina. This would, it is reasoned, enable the bank to serve the Virginia people and would, at the same time, insure Virginia being included in the district. This would, in turn, insure the bank for Raleigh, so it is stated. But, if states'-further southT are. included in the bank district withVNo'rth Carolina, then Raleigh's or Charlotte's or any oth er city's chances in the State are very slim.. ; - ' .;: :: ' PRESIDENT OBSERVES WOOROW WILSON' DAY BY MAKING SPEECHES FARMERS ADDRESSED ! BY THE REPUBLICAN NOMINEE ON PEACE AtLjua. ;.; ct. 2H. Passing the rt'id -h ason with practically all of the t,''U'iis in the be.it of condition southern tc hit. today entered on the heaviest part if their schedule, si nnmes of the cliai'.t lionship calibre being en the list. la addition there was the Georgia Xav battle at Annapolis, attracting i " more than usual interest in the south, ; owing l.o (.eoreia's defeat of Virginia j i,Tt Saturday. Attention in the far sotit.li is centered largely on th Vanderhilt-Virginia game ut. Nashville, the first' rally big game The final hearing on the matter, of lo cating' the bank was deferred, states Mr. Tate, until tome time in December. '' tj section. Nlwdow I. wn, let 27---Making his', Ne.wa-k. N. J.. tVi. 28 Charles E. j uVhin-ton ami Lee came to Atlanta motto, "Co operation," Preskknt Wilson Hughes today told an audience of farm- ' .or th- rirst bij otitViejii game and sto epoke today at the pr'uu:ipal ietig of i erx here that America eo.dd not ha " j fu'" n" 'itrtngth of th.i Generals hnd a series of L'atheruias airaiiBwl bv the : .,., , iv ....:; t was nr-nar...! ! l1' ' ' , f to ,J.'. any spirit of Democraue national tximruittec for thei maintai purpose u i icoraung wooorow iison W.H An y i hir oppcm.Tts told u in e.-plicit The Prcekleut sjHike for Woman's j term," lie said, ' that the constitution suffrage. He declared that American law should follow the citizen throughout the had not kept pace with American sditi- world and wherever they s)uuld .follow mem ana war, wnat was legal baa oegnu ; their hiisineHs they should huv full pro- in its km.wn rit'hts of the clti- !J,u'',--ii;!'j""v- t!,:lt " ave pervaded n.l a .-id sea. j.L: .e:)rg!u -ehttrg(fl. '' to play a more . important part in our thought and determination than what is human and right; outlined the legisla tive achievements of tlie administration and sketched broadly a program for the future including the making of "courts of justice out of our courts of law," and the establishment of permanent peace. The President spoke to the largest gathering yet assembled at Shadow Lawn to hear his political canTpaign speeches. . BOMB KILLS ENGINEER OF ;:i EMPIROa WIILIAV$'TAIH. . Paris, Oct 28. A bomb dropped by avktorf-tlMntentramertllferiTi6 taction for their lives and property. But tlifi the performance of the opposition has not matched their promises." i. i i '' WINTER QUARTERS FOR TROOPS ON THE BORDER OF MEXICO ISn 'Anton io,Tcx., ( h;t. 28-- -More than j a million dollars has been made available by the war department ,for providing winter quarters for troops on the border. Southern department headquarters was advised to this effect today and ordered to proceed work at once. Cantonments are to be erected for tf oop i of the ' regular army engaged in wip,' to the fact ..,t Georgia dht not us' several uf I cr regulars with '"rjiii-ia ;,,. thr (Mi. ij.ility that several )f them are likely toef into 'the game with the .Vayytkore U nuich speculation here regarding what' th! 'backers will hnw tigaiust th Muldies." ' ' ' ' ' .i!iong the four other'niost imnortant j contests is 'Loriiiiiana tate1 against Se ' iwanee, which is being .watched closely as tlie Ixuwianans showed , exceptional strength in the early season and So wanee did not show the . stuff that has usually characterited ma.ny of the teams turned out by the Tennessee institution. Just bow much .'of, a scoring machine ha- been developed st Auburn will bo known after the Missieslppi A. and M.-" itilHirn tram at Birmingham ' today, while the Tennessee university eleven m 'expeeted'to'have. a hard battle with ' ii'l-aAJEaiopa ; i engineer driving the train of Emperor border duty and provision has been made Williamof Germany, according to inf or- for framing and florinjj.the tents oi ns matioB received at Zurich, Switzerland. 'tioiil giiiard troops. ' "."'.'" . . North, tJarotina meets V. M. I. at Chap, tl lill; North Carolina A. and .L st Norfolk and Wake 81 the 'Norfolk i-it" at Wake Forcs.tr j.'., . i', ,; t s 11 t h 4 I1- l' i .' , .; ; t -i -.5 : i I ': i A -v -'t i V ., ; ' .1 .

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