, W ' v' K 'J : :!; ' ii (: : . .- .J V Sr V City Circulation 1800 THE FAMILY NEWSPAPER Delivered by Carriers Vol. 23, No. 29S. HIGH POINT, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 3C, 1916. Subscription Price $5.00 Per Year. .AMERICANS VICTIMS ;VEDGE OF ALLIEO HUGHES II Elf TCftWiLL SUPPORT THE 'OF SUBMARINE-FIRE ATTACK IS PRESSED; il OHIO DDI! STRAIGHT TICKET UF I'ORKIIIG I f i 3RITISH STEAMSHIP of th Crew Shows Names of List Fifty Ckxzens of United ' State. ?ART OF CREW RESCUED 'IS ip Carried a Crew of 104 and Pnly Thirty-Four Reported Saved. (Uy the Associated Praea.) Unon, uct. 30. in American j uajiHV loaav receirea a rtpwi rrom wt 1 - - ..... Ik i merin consul at Queenstown that t be 3ritiih ateamahip Marina had been tor-1 I dotd without warning. . lfr i,s, believed i number of Americans were on board. load been picked up and landed at Crook- J taven,' Ireland. s state thftt thw is no unusual occurrence I trniay t-noi uown; wtyiy nosiua aero- Only 34 ambers of the crew of 104 j" ,liat l,c WBM thin n done foHPkne' ha8 ,il B uMrW The Marina, which has been engaged!'0 wcrt'" with " ffiuth He aaidto hav-e been . the transatlantic service, Vu a ve. ; V- . brought down by a Bntish aviator with U ron, wit i loon I The scarcity of labor in High Point, (whom he was : engaged Cambria, te'liMktt reported a. having arrive It Glasgow, Scotland, October 10, after 4 . .... , t . iavmg aauea irom Newport iew i ember 21. ! Americans Aboard. Newport News, Va., Oct. S0.-TLej vere 50 Americans on the BritUh steam- hip Marina reported torpedoed without varaing in today's dispatches from Lon onv When she sailed from Newport .'ews the Americans were signed on htr s horsemen. They were all white men n4 gave their homes as in various 'c voa ef the United States. oeording : to information gained,, at AOtSa'W-ageata tTre comin alow: that must be admHted. .ners, she carried a cargo of horsea and encral cargo. Cable advices reported he Marina leaving Glasgow for Newport Vews, a-tober 25, in ballast. I AnumlxT of Americans are believed ii Iibt ltfn on tinard fho Atari na dii'ni'i! n a horsemen at Newport News, the' Jls l 3. aj. rrn xmaon Aa vices uuie, iue Marina wua ot a haWnge carrying vessel. . '';:n Lloyds Report. London, Oct. 30.- Lloyds report that a ; earner anchored off Crookhayen. Ire-! . i a, signalled that she had picked up (he shipwrecked crew of the steamship farina, of Glasgow. ;iiKt. ft ' $ ' .; J , Z . May Revire Issw' . i Waflmigton, Oct. 30. The-dcbtruet i. k ffthe British borac transuort .Mtri!' y the (ierman submarine .without, wari ng with the possible ,los bt American fe and the endangering ,'oi Aiafcrt.in iticenl in the -subniarinojitteek on the 'ritish freigbU-r Rowmanmore, repotted 30 Queenstown today by Anieria.n rfJ.VrVtit, contained possibilities c.f ivin thsubr!s.r!"e Ishuw between the i tate 'ii any. i 'P'rteinls rea' u.t t will be discloM-d ' " 'fre ha, U-ea aA wlatlon of .the ,Ji piedges to the pnited States. I The report on the destruction of the farina referred to the ship as a "Brit-j h horse transport." . If it turns out hat she was in fact m the transport j jemce of the British government it will e found that the mixed crew of Brit , h and American horsemen could claim one of the immunity - against attack ng that attache to a mer-i ; Jthout warning ant ship. " . -v " ! Orders were dispatched at j, pnee to dhcr all information to determine the atus of the Marina' and her crew. I N American lives were lost in the ' bniJtmie attack on the Rowanmore, cliin eltororl ipr nwn atntilo hx n'mpting to escape. ' Report of Consul - Washington, Oct. 30. A London dis tch states that the American embassy ere has received a report from the nerican consul at Queenstown, that c British steamer Marina, a vessel .of re ihaa 6VM0 tons, ' was torpedoed Ihout warning. ; V; ' ' The Marina reacehd " Ghwgow from Imore and Newport News October 10. - 'estination on her new voyag had t 1 een reported. m aonisnt, - iuesaay - cioay . I . T" ' .11. rsib cast portion; wllh east" 'li-XTZZtizs cn the ccsst. j VERY EASY TO GET i I i HIIKi WORK III HIGH POINT I " I Man Arrived in City This Morning j j Searching for Work; Found It in Five Minutes. S ROOM FOR MANY MOI& Arming in High Point tins morning ; ironj a certain North Carolina city, ajtinuatiou of their efforts to drive the !..:.! j......i.( rA.Mwt! club, lie iu near of work and had I nUU. 11C IU H'lIVU Ul HUlk 1DU HU ! heard that labor of a!l kindi aud classes , WM j. needed jn HiKh PoiLt In nve mum Leu ine man in auesi oi work ecurea jusi wnai ne souRni, anu l a l . i a J at no dy rt'' hher- IIe Pro Us-d to b! a cabinet nmker b trade .tand aurd a irtion wiih one of it he ! large concern over the telephone. The j ofilcial of the industrial department ! . ... . ! be ment.oned. not oau?d t j1? ork, Ing for other crt.es: and ton: rather it i cuusd br everv: ... ... faitor' and miH in t1"' c,t' -oin at i top Bpeed in an effort to keep somewhere wit bin hearine and setin'; distance of i fir.-ra Durinv the mtst f v weeks an- additional workers have 'iM UDOn tu mak) thl. eitv home feut tWt mmUr ig what j might he clavecd as a drop n the bucket ; ' four time as many more are needed and I r.eded right away. The work is herel waiting, the cost of living i not as high as in surrounding cities and towns and no great trouble is' anticipated in secur inj the -laWr aec ; the indBtrUl department is going 'to renew it, efforts im-mg the next few j dftyg g0 the ri win b,, reat. t Iy if not entity, diminished. nn I Of THE CAM NOTE is AcqEPTiLD by u: S. (By the Aaaociaisd Press.) , Washington, Oct. SO.Acceptance by I the state department today of an cxpla- nation by the Mexkan ambassador de-j Q CH EXPLANATION nymg the authenticity of a statement;"".11"'- over the signature of Luis Cabrera, as- sailing the American goveinment for permitting aid to reach Villa from this' side of th' border, was expected to eiose the incident. ' The ambassador matte known his pur pose List night of calling at the state department today to explain the state nient was put out by an employe of the Mexican semi-offk-uil bureau of the dei facto government without the knowledge or consent of cither the embassy or Mr 'Cabrera. It was said in official circles that this action would undoubtedly end i the whole incident. t Report of Consul Frost rr-.-.. Washington, Oct. 30. The state rtment issued thia summary of Consul Frogt,g , . The British horse transporft Ma rin.i', with a mixed crew of British and Amer-: icans, was reported sunk without warn- j ing by German submarine gunfire at 1 3 o'clock p. m., October 23, 100 miles west of Cape Clear, in an official report received at the state department today from Consul Frost at Queenstown. Thirty-four of the crew of 104 have been landed at Crookhaven, while others, pre sumably those in boats numbers one and three are missing.4 Consul Frost says his information so far is purely provis ional." ' Was Without Warning. Washington, Oct. 30. Dispatches to the state department say that the Brit ish steamship Marina, with a mixed crew British and Americans was sunk by submarine gunfire without warning, ' Investigation will be made at once as to the status of the Marina and into the qustioa"of t whether. U action of the mibntariae commandcj' violated any of Germany's pledges. British and French Clxim Success-' ful Continuation of Fight- ! Inff nn mm THEIR LINES CONVERGE 3 1 , Captalr V Various German aught Down .Iriton. ("By -Ike TtSsoc kited Pre. Both the BritUh and the French on. lhe front rcport a SUCWW(f uj based r.ff-nwve further into the Ormaai'c;"'- ' iV ...'"J&?: Kd - , . " Tdsmediatrlv to the northwent at the coverfftnee of their front with that ofjd ioi the French, the British have been "ound-jBeiore spea Bg.'he will revielk.s f ing for two days at the pV'jf from vu , l ifter tie meen t'utn ant hain rnnrti1 iWpV" iiitiif of I several cities. & " Arthur nuuiai . filAt IMttnfiml jterdain, iin Boelke, reiterate the report tflaf the famouH German .ay 4t who last ii, ... ...".y'i'v. France. - ,r Biuuiit Attarlr RtoVa Down. t Berlin, fct. 30.-(Vla Sayville.)- !Ma68ed attack8 of Rus.ian infantry in Volhynia yesterday after unusually vio lent artillery prepartion broke down un der the German fire, the war office an nounced today. 0nt enila Front. Berlin, ''o&jfltgffcal Sayville.; -Heavy tightin" progresn on the Macedonian front along the Monarstir re gion. The repuUo of French and Serbian attacks war denounced todavJv the wartfcnwr office. ;is?v.y,;Vti-.f SHRINERS OFFICERS OF SUDAN TEMPLE NAMED BY POTENTATE ANDREWS " i get its uvular election time' visit from j (By the Associated Press.) t,,t, ceil,)(llltej, which will be next to the , Haleigh, (Vt. 30.-A. B. Andrew. ofjtaa ruJar m-ratie gathering lor I this city, pntenaU of Sudan temple, An- j()l(. vpar N,.xt Monday Ilfght jcienti Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine, j xh(t ;.ami,ain brought to a dose in the , today ainunnieed here the officers of thcit when (ammn Morrison and lr. L. jnew temple. The home of Sudan temple is in New Kern and the installation and first ceremonial Mission will take place ((. wv ann4)um f0jjow . Potenaie, A. B. Andrews. Raleigh. Chief rabbam, lr. J. Ataia i.Hirwm, . a. tTe.nn, "-. mJn8t,n- lriM Hnd l'r"P"rt. u- ,:- Mram-Iiy liam l)urham' unenia. gu.ue. v . r.. .-Mr.no, lui.e.gn. Treasurer, C. I). Bradham, New Bern. Reorder. .1. F. Rlwo, New Bern. v First ceremonial master. IL C. lhinn, Knftt ,d rconu ee, onia. ,..,. r, i i . - a - . T-L.-. VI t Director. Pr. John B. Origgs FJizabethi CHy. Captain of the guard. F. N. Br'.dgers, Wilson. Outer giii.nl, F. C. Toplcman, Hender- i son. Captain of the Abrab natrol, W. T. uin tf New Bern ' -'. . ' . 1 AUGUST HUGHES, EDEKT0M MAN, WAS KILLED SUNDAY Edenton, Oct. 30- In an automobile accident near here at noon yesterday, August Hughes, a well-known general merchant, was instantly killed; Julian Braddle was seriously injured and Hay ward Hughes lost an eye. August nughes was driving the car and going at a rapid rate of speed, when the machine skidded into a ditch and turned turtle. The driver's neck was broken. WANT ORDER FOR POWERFUL SEARCHLIGHTS MODIFIED New York, Oct. 30. Prominent rail road officials left this city tonight for Washington to appear, tomorrow before the Interstate Commeroe commission and ask to lave vacated or modified an or der that powerful ( searchHts , be placed on- all - the loebmottves on' January 1, next.' . He W3 Sp Tonight at Huge Kjr . UOlUmbUI. WILL REVIEW A PARADE Ling Ohio -Leaders W2l are Conference Candidate. -1 ,, C'olumbuiMHuo, Oct. 30-Wliat Re iblican f will bt the banner? ei- publican rb campaign wU h "jtcmiihi. with aatft-TS. ing oi IB' in Cbhim? - i -. . ,7 . f -"f? arrive I. p. m. iromvaje$vtie t J "addrefla a4 t oRbclv: 'TV- ... ' ; . ' nl i ." -v ' '- r " i . ' ' .. .T night. V COUniY iJAilDIDATES 1L 1LIII - UUUI I iifrnsiir .n nrrnri ln MH Y WWVA ' fM. - "rMf;, j S'TfT- . I The Democratio county organiration i going toxins the campaign m of iory, at-at. least witn an earnest ej, HAVE I I fort to acttir the lion's share of glorjJjUt, His reply was very positive; tl m Guilford Jnty, with speakings byjnd taken by Mr. Brockett affects hi me county ear nates and some few out side speakers f prominence every d-iy b.-twen n4wi t - election dav. Thi evening the Jiuwstow n I Ildates w ill appear a t jvp.-iition to tho Sim ;)si : attQiTtnbo. The mtnTravil w awl ' rroxlmity.iear Cnd)oro; Wednesday at llillsdaf' and orshuisday an al -day affair, interspersed Whh dinner, will be held at Pleasant Garden Firday evening at 7.30, High Point will L. Hobbs; former (resident of Guilft rd college, will discus.-, state and nation'.) issues. Saturday fternoon at ;i.:S0 o'clock lie meeting will be held at Plcasnt Ic'jiion land th! candidates for the legislative un.l leouitt-v offices will call it a iob on Mon- V. Braswell,(Jav ytnnirt November 0, at 7.-10 o'clock. Iwhen the i-itizens of Greensboro will be honored, with their -combined presence, j These final meetings an' sure to lie large- atteml.,l on account of the great in:s jtercst exI'ihiU'd it. ,olhicn in all parts of lhe Ct,uny And Guilford is just like th(. , the nAl;oll in lhat r,.,.-; I YOUNG HIGH POINTER ! DIED SUNDAY NIGHT ' I FROM BLOOD POISONING t'larecet. the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. York, died at the family resi dence on West.Or.ien street Sunday nisrht at 8 oVl.K-k after an illness of 10 day,!1'""- -v, t a dath resulting from blood (K.isoning .. - j and the .Ive from the leathe reansed the pofsonin. The boy was slightly over sustained when he scratched his utikh eight vears, old. He attended the (rimes street school and was very pop ular with his classmates in the third grade a. id playmates. Funeral service- over the remains will be conductedtomorrow morning and in terment will be made near Franklinville at 12 o'clock VANDERBILX LOOMS UP BIG AS PROBABLE TITLE WINNER Atlanta, Gjl, Oct. 30. Leading aspir ants for the f southern intercollegiate football championship came through Bat uadry's games with their standing unim paired, and the 20 to 0 victory of Van derbilt over Virginia is taken by many tof indicate, that the Nashville eleven has an excellent chance to win the tRle. Americans Were Drowned. V London, Oct. 30. A private telegram received at the American consulate this afternoon from Crookhaven says that a number of Ameriearr were drowned when the British 'steamship Marina Vas ie); doed by a-German submarrae. Major L. C Sinclair States He Will Vote From President tp Coroner." WASVCAUSED BY . RUMOR CCricq lake of Mr. r mwti, nqw (IN ra- rvmioniI. Rights." v . I'.altermHm : The 'KikfaTorise erried'HtTAcfroni IrtBtpck- Vlt, Snl ty$k that genttih wtt''ttat lUd& elnct i)lBKjoV' Sinclair j T,iniuri crocked 5t the 'vQie impression jhas prev !ea aince that I interviews at er1iaia th Jor woi c"nce ip me iwo canuaiofftes in An W .. . a t t 4sa . erence 10 me two canuaiOfftes in Aaes i"0" - posmsjy ptners. Any suchf-pitasloa, howevcr'is ab solutoly ?.,uHess. . A representative of The JSfw called upon Major Sin- clair 'this afternoon and akcd him for i?u expression of his position; if his tand were srmilar to that of Mr. Broek- the im ot at alLJIIe has no criticism to make of Mr. llrtlkett, he Jeclares; that gen- tleman lias a p.rfwt personal right ot veto accordiii to his 'conations in the matter. i puv jo can sHTior ,wie, uuucum-i "But you can sav for tne," added Ma- port tho Democratic ticket from Wood- row Wilson, President, to (Jeorge Ptans hury, ccrouer, with enthusiasm; and J 1 i .L'.V.i roia -cat, a -lljeojf the f .Tft . " oa time after a general awUy,' aid a 'eW- lVfci1iib leal? 'I VjiWeouts Ud airevtiliasili other-Wrffltl. thaftl 4 md PoliticallT ai perfectly eonMent of the outconwArYf(;j nice ting Ah indication., .srem to me to poinji- jn'y until Nove !)emrratic victory along the vlhjV line. Any Uiiieienees tnai fxistea'witu me in the ai were bufM ftji Vthr elos,' of the primary, which is 'belief and pmetice of the school of Ie.iiocriuy in which, I was taught." Thus is hi. other tangle iu the intricate ... . I'.. . A weave or me local political siiuauon straightened out in the public mind. J.i'lge Carter DhHoii, of the High Point recorder's curt. is to day awaiting a written opinion from the attoriK'y-gen- rul's olfiee, on the iiuestion of w het her i he should tlcsiun In'fore the eh-tion of i hold his siti,,,, with the local court until .laiiiiary just before assuming the oath of ofr.ee as a representative to tin gii.eral usseiiibly, in event of his cb'C candidate and before the elcctinn. Judge; . inm.m v j j Dalton will resiun tomorrow. He will or Pickett to appoint a tem porary successor to i he delicti and, aiter- ward it will be the duty of the city j eoi'ieil to naii.e a judire to finish out the ttnu. j The cmist it ill ion of the state (-provides ; that no holder of office other than that w hich qualified him for his seat j ; shall lieconic a representative in the gen- Ural assemly. That has been interpreted by Judge Dalton and verbally to hini J by Mr. Bickett as meaning that he, might go through the election legally j and retain the judgeship until January; I but the state has an additional law, . statute which scii.s to provide that a person is not eligible for election unless he Is free of other public offices. . This statute disturbs the interpreta-i tion of tho institutional provision to some extent ; certainly nuddyin; the waters in the case. Judge Dalton wants an, opinion on the matter whkh will be adequate iu the situation, and if it sets JUDralEB DALTON ! ma. occipy mniriAi 1 UIH I IROIUIl dUUIUIHL nmrcnu TnMnQDnwt umuLim umuimuw forth that he should not be an encrxn-Jin a hospital here Hunday night. Mater bent of th- judgeshipNvnibf 7r 4hn nally-she -wa wineeted with the Erwin he. doesn't jntend to hold the office until (the sixth) but to leave the bench at once. II LEI SCOUTS Massachusett Branch of Federa- tion of Labor Takes Defi n:e Stand. POLITICS IS THE CAUSE Scout Masters Reported to In "struct Lads Against Labor 'l7;. .Unionism. 7 Bot ii, (Xt. Working nun of the country are a-kel to withdraw their sons from Boy. Scout organization in a reso lutfi;ftdopttJ by the state branch of the riean Federation ' of I-abor last report that Greater . Boston advised aoout under them the aggresaivV Hr unions' which ha U said to &ted wuol dbe savage and jter the war. f . "IfHkfa' m to be the attitude of tho Boy'Srouts movement,H the rfsotuUoa said, "it is tine that the wage earners I of the country should take their sons out of-that movement, for the reason that tha boys should be educated on liberal, Unto and not narrow ones. 7-- m WILL CLOSE ON 6 . ; WITH SPEECHES HERE W. I'. fta'an will he Ui' speaker to- uht ,lt stokewiale in a big Republican meetiu ;. The hour of his address is 7.30 o'clock. .This rahv with the Hiah Pomfc REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN NOV , , . . t " ' ' nrt tn-? :nai rig sit planned by the leadiri.'thV party to dose their great-.is'tXf-etigri in Guilford., county. The are to follow dav mber 4 and on elec- I , . ilf. .iriv tn i,,, fi,,:,. : Ka ti(,a, jra,!l. r;g ... all. to be held in I MiiU I.rnt.' h;,,,,;,, wit.h w.iuorrow night, here is j ,), Si ukin program: j ()a(t tj,iK,, township. Oak Ridge. Oct. j ;j 7 ;,) n) 1 1 !),.,., Hiv. r vtwusl,;... Colfav. Xovem b i 1, 7.30 p. n. i'riei.dship townsliip. Friendship, No- vetn'ier J. ..'.) p. m. l;Ui."htow;i towni-tiip, CnUm -ehooi hoc, November 3, 7.30 p. m. Higl. Point township, High Point, No- i enilx r 4. 7.30 p. ni. l.i lik.' Mui.tier the rrevious Republi can Hi "-tiro have been conducted in the I oilier townships end the entire county j has been appealed to by the Guilford leaders of the party. Unquestionably tbeu ennipn.'fci) ben the icot aggressive and eiitei-rig that the party had gone ' ''','J,U' '' i 111- f..f:i' .r o iir ht:re Monday :i r ', is the wind-up of th ! ,-tn tiie jnclusion will b unro.1, twi brass bands will . . x- . ; 1 1 j, 1 1 1 . . 'j 1 I ..j,,,,,:,, t ia featari be here and two out of town speakers will attend. Those speakers will be ; Zeb Vance VValser, of Lexington, and A. A. Whitener, of Hickory. , , ' CAMERON MORRISON HEARD BY CATAWBA COUNTY PEOPLE Niv. t-.-i. .,t. 30. Cameron Morrison, l Charlotte, preached an old-time Demo cratic sermon here Saturday night to' a 'urge open air meeting of citizens in the ....... 1. 4 l: a I u 1 n tow" "'cus'"g nanon- al issuer for two hours. Hia deliverance v,a- eusiy one of tlie strongest Demo raiie i!esiTiU:tir us ef the campaign a in! h .v.ts given a r..u.t.-.ng reception by the. l.ig erc-.vd. W'hiie be spoke in nort Newton, Loo mis I'. Kkttz address?d a Republican jMSS J LIZZIE ;CSAI0 YOUNG ' DIED IN CHARLOTTE SUNDAY .Y.if:i.- h Mk-f .f 'Alfred Young, of Cm- ; larrup fo'uiitt; daughter of Hon. Barton (Yiig. si t.'r of Kerr Craig and Mrs. ! J,,.n Allij-iri. the latter of Concord, died family of Burke. Two children, ISaacs Lizzie and Mary, swylre. J t'.i ) i. 4 ! . . i r