r f s I n UJ i 3! . V J Vol. 24, No. 2. BROTHERHOODS AND FEDERATION UNITE UNITED FITS TO L Plan Heard Before Federation of Labor Convention in Baltimore. ALL ARE IN FAVOR OF IT Must Hang Together or Will Hang Separately Lee Tells the Delegates. BALTIMORE. Md.. Nov. 21. Affiliation of the Ameri can Federation of Labor and the four big railroad brotherhoods was forecast today by the broth erhood heads and President Gom pers. Delegates cheered all the speakers enthusiastically. -v mu-t ham: together "i" hang s.parat. Iv . " W l. ''. "' 'I"' brotherhood i.f 1 I ;tilllll'l: d'ehtt'cl. "It i- a gnat i-. .in t i1 tu know." Pn ,. nt ii i -1 "that tin nun i- not tar distant when tin inat brother hoods will ! a pa it ni tlir Federation ol I .a hoi . " . phiined that ..lln-ial atliliatim. with the federation n impossible he fore their conv cut ion but In- -aid that tin' organizations woi-'d . ratf a though they wen- officially affiliated. n- .Iceland tlial tli- l.rnt herl d wen- imt in, tl-i; "rii-lil Iniiir dav t I . 1 1 1 I " to til.' ledeiati.ill "I am a!';:t a'lai.nisi enough.' he said, "tu -a that vv. an g.iing tu work Nil tin- ei'.'lil h. ' : r dav. IT we .-ant yet it pi act fully, w .- il ' fight for it." Mr. Fee said that m.iih- -mt of allilia tin II should lie .fleeted to tight MIIV ar hitiatii.n ligation u hcih might he un fair to labor. I'n iile'it V iUi.ii plan -in-ii h'j -ia tion, Mr. Lee said, and it -hmild he .aiel'ully watihed. H' declared tiift Diieie! had n riylit to ia- any law eom pe liny, a man to work and he drd not think it would" do to. ' IVoloiiec-d aijilaiuf ((i).h.vved . h.-n In prujsH rrt'ijeiit U'il-on. - I "It took more eoiiraye lor him to writp iieross the li'niit iiil'M' iiI tilt iicwsjtajr that lie wa r an eiyht j hour work day than it would haye taken lor him to have written that thi eoiin-' try was at wfir wKli Mexieo." he ail. ' "Our principal ohject now is to help the I President and the men in on-ress to: make jjood their pioini-e. to u-. he lieve they will do it," Mr. Lee declared that now that an. election had lieen won without the nMt ance of New York, Indiana, or lllilioi-., labor -hoiild not tail to retain power thus gained. The hrollieiiiood-. Ia- deehit'e. Iid no denll'v that the Adatnson ItiM shonld be vuaeted into law, but imittmich a it had lH'eoine a Km w iT.e wire nviny tm live up to it bteia'its Dividerd. '" New v. . Nov. Jl. The A. f. L. raihVaV Vo.lay declared u -em annual dividtr'i of V -J per cent on the nion -tifck restorinj; it t. a 7 per .cut bai Mi inen ae nt' 1 pi r cent annually. Di rectors at the annual tii.tiny were re elected. Return to Baltimore. Washington. Nov. 21 The heail- ".t the four great railway employe- broth- : erhoods, after eonfcrring here yewterday with President Wilson and own ecii tive agencies went to Baltimore today to appear la-fore the American Fed.ra tion of Labor and develop an aHianee to the betterment of all engaged railway workern etmeemeil. The brotherhoods have taken tep to asHtHt the department of justiee' in le- j fending the eight-hour law against court attacks submitted by railway munnge- ' ments. , COTTON GINNING UP TO NOVEMBER 14 WAS A BIT OVER 9 MILLION (Bv the A-sociateil Press.. Washington. Nov. 21--Cotton ginned to November U lunoiiiited to ,,c )5,k:;,'; rnnnir.s.' bales, tie .-i-nsu, bureau an in n need 1 e-da v 1 t mi I "I T" V, ere g'l MCi! ;iw!:t:r ; ' ' B UK FOR HIGH GERMANY DENIES SHELLING "BOATS OF ROWANMORE (By the Associated Pre.) Berlin, Not. 21. Secretary Grew, of the United States em bassy here today rece'ved the Gtr man reply in regard to the sink ing of th Beritish steamer Rowan more. In regard to the Rowan more the German government de nies that the submarne fired on lift boats of the vessel In regard to two other steamers in question the German statement states they were not sunk by Ger man submarines. llt the A-iM-iate.l Pre et lollll. N. . Nn. 1 ; i:. h . e.ll s li.lt;. I . .1 ,n I i. II. i- j'il:it t.i k 1.1 tu the f three ...ithall radet's it I, the t.. ImiI Inc. -iiiiil t. ihiy. t h ! :it in i "i t linn I drive im ui hi v - ; 1 1 n mi v v . lint I. . vv ,i i nr. .1 stlT tile V !'i I. lh ' t !' ill : ! I - 'Hie team v ill h. . in- ..I tint-lit .,nt ..1 W M P.. mi in car nvicM Final Work. Anii-i .nli-. Md.. -t I lie, lull- anil th '..ij their line-lull, linv v ciiai lies I li i the ill'lllt "illlie. ..v. Jl lill.ll vv i's I . in ; U.'k III I 'I'll k I Hit I HI a : I mil lor NotW it ll-t.t Mil ;lie MUCHIKTfRISTShOWN IN THE kW im GAME St dnide hi Iter -hovviii- ot the arinv during ,-,., ),,H1II ,.n, ., .,, Ka v 1 1 -v ille. the -ason the tart llnil the navx nmt s,.ul Saiiford and othtr points in the us,- many new mm a-aiiisi the West (.,.llt,a ,,It ,,, ,. ,,,. (,M-e:ided in Point l.a.klield of v.t.ra'.- tiicic i- a fom, HHioi( (KJKy and in company erovvinv conlitlt nc hcie that the -ailoM M jth im.mM.r, t the ortlers here will v. ill he victorious. (,HV)1 N(.,v ,,ri v.1.;., ,,.,,, The rmal selection ot II men to carry l(tlv after inrdnif-ht to takt nan to the colors has K'cn made hut it lieliev ,lu,rrmv in the iimtitutioii of Sudan tem-1 .d the line up will he r.incli the me hh, r,p jn ,,at (ity T,M nd(1 that started a-ainst Vila. Nova last llen, wi ,M. kwll Hs ,i" " I'l.tetatc ! Siitnrilay. j Special," and in addition to more than1 Here will le ahoiit I..KNI midship u ,,, N(,))W wil ,1)V. M,ar( p1(,,.llate that will take the trip and root !"t thetr A B Andrew-. .Ir.. of Baltih. rst p.,-! " tenate of Sudan Temple, and fn.n nn in- 'rn wf hrn divan. COTTON OPENED TODAY ' The festivities incident to th" insti- AT UNCHANGED PRICES, ! tut ion of the new temple were to Wn THEN EASED OFF A BITiere '""'f1'11 when menihers of the Hal-, . ; eij;h Slirilie eltih and visitrn Nohles . . . i in were to hold a meeting in the Masoniei iBv tin Aofocintetl 1'rcsn.i , . New Y.irk, Nov. 21. The cotton mar-temple. Ut- they were to uanidc the; k.-t opened at .neliu..-cd prices to an ad- Street r.nd were tn Ko kiftrd the train, vanceof is point today with all prenent at the union Mation at 1(1 ool.ek. Thfl crop positions Kellii.fi above the eent j "I'otenlate'n Special" will not leave here! level There was heavy realizir whieh " rrival " oave the market a hare'ly steady tone a . 4tl.-r Nohles on trains fro... the n.n.l the Mart and .laliuarv eased off to 2t ft5 . r"ul !"lUt'1' Mini May to .:, iiig ortly after the open- 1 steady: Decern- t otton futures opener Marrh '1 28' ' nr 21: danuary 2112 May 21-42; duly 21-35. OVERTON GOES ON TRIAL FOR MURDER OF JUDGE W. T. LAWLER TODAY (By th- Assm-iate.l Pres- i n .';n.. v,..- ! l,ivid I), liver- IIUMtnt tin , i - ton. former clerk of the Madison county court, today goes on trial in the Madi , circuit curt charged with the n.ur ' der of Probate .ludge W. T. Lawhr last .lunc Although it has I n reported he would try to prove an alihi his at- ; toii.,-vs indicaleil today he wodd dead self defense and an attempt would he made to prove Overton was compelled to take severe measures to dfend his own life. - Farmers Mtet. (By the Associated Pres. i i Pahitka, Klti., Nov. 21- Delegates ( from All sections of the country were hvrc today to discuss matters of inter- est to America 'a farmers at the national convention of the Fanners Educational; and (o-operative I nion ot America. 1 he i convention will continue through Thurs- ' day. Calls for Report. UI MIC iUBUtmitu irnn, v j " " Washington, Novell - The comptrol - H i 1 ir oi the currency-, today issued a call for (he condition of all national banks on Friday. November 17. Bishop Is Dtad. - Baltimore. Nov. 21. --Bishop Alpheiis IT"" W" ilsi.n. of the Methodist Kpiscopal h.uel, ,o,,th. di.,1 a. hi- home here to- probably fair tonight and : . .. i,tr- , d !..--.. He w.,s Wednesday; fresh north to north " '-'' . ! east winds. POINT, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER DEUTSCHLAND STARTS ON HER RETURN TRIP TODAY (By the AH-iated Preset New London, Conn., Nov. . The German commercial subma rine Dcutschland left here shortly after t o'clock this aftt:con on hr return trip to Bremen, Ger many.. The Deutschland started on the return a few days ago but was forced to return to her dock here after ramming and sinking the tug T. A. Scott, Jr., with the loss of five lives. T CROSS THE BURU1HG 0 NEW - Shrincrs Gather at Raleigh Pre paratory to Descent Upon New Bern. INSTITUTE SUDAN TEMPLE Many Temples Will Be Repre sented at Ceremonials Takir j Place Tomorrow. I By the A-sm iatcd !'rers. i N. vv Bern. Ni.v. New Bern win 't.iarin ttttlav t.. reet the l.iHiil tir inure Shriller- and imvices win. were e i-ctcd here tiiin.irr.ivv tor the institu tinii nt' Sudan temple. The vanguard nf the visitors will iMjjin arriving today. It in said that tin- program is- one ol tin- most clahoiat. iv.i prepared Haleiyh. Nov. 21. N.d.le .1. :l,e An t ient Aiahic (Inlcr of the lvstv shrine Die Shriners e.ect to arrive m il son ah nit M o'clock W'edm sdav 'i-iirniii'r. wll,r ,lu'-v wi" '"' h- N,,,,1,, '" "I""1'"1' iHr, ,ro,n rannville an, I otliir points on the Atlantic Coast Line. A special train from thailolt" 1 tar ing tlie roicnaie oi wasis lejnpic, oi that citv. and his divan a, id patrol, a, id the Oasis Patrol hand, will arrive in w ftcm early ..morrow with the Bill- ciuh spis;'ial and nit exchange 'i greet i"" I'Hween the two parties i- planned, ii the Oasis special will h. the Po teliate o if Omar temple, of soiith ( am "'"'"' I'i- ''". Kh.Hliv,- temdc. ol Nm lolk : A,, a ' t"M'lp- "f Rw-limond. and Lulu temple. "f I'l.iladelphia, aU will he represented. Sixty from Rocky Mount, Bockv Mount. Nov. -Jl. Three score Shrincrs with a dozen or more candidates will leave here tonight in special cars for New Bern to attend the institution of Sudan temple. Anrrcnt Arab'.- Order of the Mystic Shrine, in that city to morrow. The Shriners will occupy the ,-ars while in New Bern and will return )H.r(. Thursday, WORK TO BEGIN ON SOUTH MAIN STREET TOMORROW MORNING "It was Hfifioiiticed this afternoon that a force of lalairers will Ite put to work 'tomorrow by the North Caroliim Public ... A ji , Service company at removing the car i. . t, ., ' ,f . . . ., .tracks on South Main street to one Bide of the thoroughfare so that traffic may he continued while the cement -foundation for the line is being put in place. Th's is the first step toward pavini; that street Weather. . i . PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY TAKES UP OUTDOOR DANCE .. ...... ......;.v.v.- s...... - 1 l" 1 ' t -. 1 i t M x- Xv -u.- "1 I -Wi. i ja-Jt.. ,.; ur- I niSS MARGUEfilTD VvtAXY. ' N..-.. -i. Ma' i v eietV I 1 .i: ' i ! is i I i naetl thene hl,s hi ,': i ' '.;:; Ic. i'i'- r ."lid ' iirel'oot a ' "d - Mar.,1- riic U'a'v . a dis Tl "i t h 'a - -i- dai. . a ml vv ho i d.i hud ;the dan cipl. Teutonic Troops By Bold and Rapid Strokes Win Ground I B th" Associated Pres... Bv hold and rapid strokes the I'cu tonic invader- have apparently coiiiuei id a laree section of northwestern Wal laihia from the Kiiuiauians. I'd loerad's oll'icial hi:-1 l-t in today an- iioiii:.-es a Humanian retirement to t he region of Killish. This movement was made it appears to prevent the retreat uf tKoir uritiitfiu ft-.tm I..,'..,,. ..n ..IT W hether even the rapid retreat has been inatle in time to save the Htiinaiiian armies in this region is rendered d.ntlit till by the Herman announcement that Teutonic troops are now before ixiaivoia. Farther eastward in Wallachia the ar rival of Bus-ian troops seems to Im v c strelljthei.ctl the Piinianiali defense. The Rumanians ate resisting persistently in the Alt valley hut nevertheless were Mexican Commissioners Are Gi'en Their Last Chance I By illC Associated Press. 1 Atlantic City. N. .1.. Nov. 21- I'll'1 American commissioners today gave the .Mexican commissioners what is under stood to be the hist opportunity for at! auiiiv de settlement of the border prob len.s In joint session. Chairman l.atic. of the American commission, informed Mr. (arrana's representatives that the American punitive expedition Would la''proval of his plan. The Mexican were withdrawn withii a reasonable time anil aware of this and it was regarded as' iiniici coiKinioiis vvnicii would not leave unprot i ct ed the territory south of tlic border 1 also outlined the manner in u Inch American government vvoi.d "Hard the the frontier ami punish any band that attempts to enter the I'niteil States. He made it clear that his government would not tolerate any resistance of the pur suit of the bandit- by American troop ers. I. ttis Cabrera, chairman of the Mexican NIP AND TUCK IN RACE FOR MEMBERS OF THE Y. M. C. A. (By the Associated Press, j Mucky Mount. Nov. 21. It is "nip ami tuck" in the great race throughout the' country tor :!ii.immi meuibei lor v a rious branches of the Railroad Young Men s ( brist lan associat ion. according to reports rcceivtd in the office here of . 'ommr;ee in cnarge ot the won; on tlie uniav tnoruiug. a w hite man. w is giv-tJ rf V- S. 5. tf . C i ' ; Atlantic Coast Line railroad. his liberty on bail to appear in cou Cj rt ..I'n t.. ?. VrtJl 1 3 "J i The half dti.en V. M. C. A. the . I.V. ky !. I on N.-vcmiiu 27 .iidijQ Hlitiii'itA .Nov'?! $. -I&.-3"arf- 5. - Atlantic Coast Line in the contest ari Wilson . n December 1 to anlvveiIiQtiitpJaswe,; wAthci jir5! hev SiJn 51 almost continuously chanaiti-t place.--, minor charges filed against Win jh tluueu ?SieWprinjt tlA 'I 'IniV-.S' iv-'itij, frits. 9 t " l.'iehmond. Va.. mad. -t two places. 1 j 'gji Ji4s-ig;t rare'ird $ lil the outset but tinaily gave : , tl. Hjk of A't;u- 3tuVkey, 9Mr? ' ; i",,",',' s- '' '''""'l' 1:,,1'kv Cotton at -Jjj5ft j 'k'VXP4 4 gi't--l' " ' ' ' "" ' 'I'l'ii's. ' iv :;. a it'il-aal"" SW"! u"" p- Ij.-a ' lakelati.l. Fiii'.. follow ;y close B.M.. SuylfTh her.cB. gu-'oushl s ougirj v Um ,,,4 ? f ' ?. '-nling to 'igt.res ayarkilde here 1 t oudil ;yiUhA B -cenul p. r ft.al j - , r.. kv Mount won last year's ite-t r.uii ha!.- werf.lftSl'a rdA .Qt V. Q -iM-t .wl.A l iuwiH.-9.il.. ar " i "I'V A. lantie Const f,,,, branches. 2 cuts. ffP' Ifl" 'M ' ''" ?t - a --nni iiiniwiiMMiiniluB miin nt socially, has a ;reiit many pu from amony the social set and the I :'.r utiiis to hecome very popular. I- hot r.raph shovv Miss Walv in a IH-i ill the V o. (Is. n pcllcd to yield iniportailt positions. Iii the other chiel tield of present mili t.uy activity, the Macedonian front, French and Sirhiai, troops are contiuu in: their pursuit of the Herman and Bulgarian forces which evacuated Mo 1 aM ir under entente pressi.-re. Tin new ''' is indicated hy press dispatclies to alMiut 17 miles northward of Monas i tir mid rt.iwirti.t in lw. uii.4kii.frlu j trenched and defended in part by fresh ! ,;,','"'a" positions. Fast of the Monastir region Berlin de- lares Serbian attempts to advance were repulsed. West of Monastir the Italians.! m 'ol il ii;; ti Paris, repulsed a coun attack. (li. the Soiuinc and Ancle front France the tiehtiny has been confined to artillery engagement s. ' It! 1 s HI . . h propo a il his colleagues received Steady opposition' to the I i n hy Mr. Cabrera and insistent that fi rth, i act i it h s. of American troops in Mexico must ceasi ea'isi'ct Air. I,ane to before Mr. Wilson all the facts. , - 1 When he went into the conference to 'has brought m North Carolina this sea day lie carried President Wilson's a- -'H in-arer what it was worth in New- probable that they would recede I nun heir p. -it i n. I lie Mexican commissioners retired to, ' their rooms f,,- a isideration of the, 'American proposition and were still se i eluded when the American delegates ad 1 joiirnci! until late this afternoon. The I pfiol: of Ihe plan hy the Mex huiis mi. unmarked by any comment. Tic Mexicans suggested that they would meet the Americans after further study- , ing the p plan. NEW HANOVER JAIL WITHOUT SOLITARY PRISONER FOR ONCE (By the Associated Press. ) Wilmington. Nov. 21. The New llano ver county jail here Saturday afternoon was without a prisoner and for the lirM time in (he history of the county, 'according to official--, the jailer iiad tin distinction of holding office with no Member of the Associated Press, NATIONAL 'OCK CO. IS SURE BUJLG i u Vis ting Cfficials of, Company Announce That Erection of Plant Here Is Assured. rURCHASE FACTORY SITE Opening pf Factory Will Mean That Many Dollars Will Be Spent for Labor. i 'tl i. iaU "tli.iaU .,f the National Link corn. iv. ..f KtM-kftu-d. 111.. .ent veterdav Mi.uh I'-.int in cmfereiwe with A. tii i.ih in Uishart. inaiMtrei- ui' th.. l.u-ul f th. i..tir,. relatie to the inanirfac. tiirm- hran.-h f the company to V ea ;tahlis,., in the city in the very near 'flit III ... ihe otri.ials here Were K. C. 1 Moyhmd. s.cietary. and V. B. Nelson., 'irtmral superintendent. As a result of th-ir vi.it it was officially announced .that the company would luiild H factory li'te and that the work on the huildin;; w.tnltl Mart immediatciy. A real estate ii't't h.is. it is aniiouii.-ctl. U-en asked Mo purchase a iiianufacturin- site so that ;the work of cnMlllctino the bulidimj i may Mart.-d during the next few ' day s. A will he i, nieinhereil it was an 1 "''',l Kntcrprise three weeks iiyo 'hat the company, on.- uf the larjr- est enilf;ed ill the husin.'ss f ,amfao. tunny eahin.t hardware, would erect a ta.tory here and that plans had already l.n drawn for the l.uil.linjr aml nm)lv thousands f dollars worth of maehin ry had l-.cn purchased. It was stated that work on the factory huihlin; would ''" ""der way l,y the first of the coming vein, which i ,IW an assi.,., fa(.( Ihe Nationul I .,..1- n I ' '"'"I'ltnv will, wllcn Jthe I.H-al hraiich bej-j,,, operation, hrin j "'" hi.eh .-lass locksn.ithK to the city '' its i,iK ,,.,. at H,H.kf(11(1 i "' several persons to !. ; ami this wil ... ! workir. fores of the citv. And .,,. "rally, it wil mean that many dollar -e auutKi to the amount paid work- fers '"('h whuii 19, aftf r jTfl, ome ! thinir to M. greatly desired. In addi , ' '. ' :i . ;!i ,ni- , ' ",lv" ," ,'r,,,t a foundry and .Till . ,""lt ''" h manufa .: .. ii i . .. . t'liin- ' s-ahhsliiiient. ONE CENT OFF THE SPOT QUOTATIONS IS THING OF THE PAST I i the Associated Press ) Hoeky Mount, Nov. 21. The time hon- "Ml " "", '"' tl'- N"t M"tati i1"'- '"'r in New York" has (,,,. for. ! 7.,ft"" U '"' 'iJfi'H in this see i1""' 11 '"aiisli tendeneicM are jM':""Ml '- th-ir friends t,iU altl,ou',d. it ;'" -'"st a ,-,,,t to deliver a pound of j "tt"ii n e ,,k . x.,,.,1, raroilla. leott.-vn Wills are niiinufactiiiing into cot ,,n l'-"'"''ts ,v ..f ,. .tH,,e thai .the state in-' duces . . ... I fl.. ' ."it ' ic v are (.living tor hoine onsiiniption. If ; be. cause of this. they declare, thut ...,i.... V. rk il,n . . : before. , , 'OT YET TIME TO CONGRATULATE WILSON MR. WILLCOX SAYS B ' I, As, . tk. N'.V. iitd Pies, .'I. Chaii!i it ine i-.epui.iiccn Nali. mil coining- - J J' .imi.- to Bepubli, .in liea.l inautets A H 2 q ! f the llepill, ii National Her. t.niay tioin Lakevvood. where (.-'Jint 5 o o" haih-s K. Hughes have been ,,n & t, -l f i's. i reiterate.1 liis -j revoMji 3tae35 Z-. 8 mint that th- time had mn; Sk't-arjivajd . J ? or th. I,', publicans to nSle te1VlaV - c t' ii ..f President ilvins nSr 3d ititjd ft 5 i 1 " i , - a- f 3 - make a ii h, recast tt4 t fld,, a ttSittf c 5. t.' i.i. ii mi-lit h.ituOjLXee funft. 3 , S.' : in ... Mr. hi.e, alia, s?, j.fe tl., ? 'fJ'? when the of lUgjaP eying 1 " g,j' 5 Kim w n tin tff SmCl T'c.jn.fftifflisf lf , V nth. r ehis.tSt,.Reefiu it tiftarj. Z V ' suh in ob tr.-t-'- THXNXsdlVING-TURiai Z ? pris. jJkRYfaRE BJilN Sl'W rlERN PART OF STATED 1 1 r U'il ? Pa