r Five Absorbing Acts. Embel lished by Scenic Splenders, Interpreted by Remarks able Ca3t. , SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA -TUketaj 0 on sale Thursday, Dec. 13. i THE BANOUET OF BEAUTY AND COLD." Scene in Act III o f Henry W. Savage's Inspiring D ramatic Spectacle, "EVERYWO MAN," which comes to trie Muni cipal .- Theatre,; Greensboro, for Matinee and Night, on Saturday, Deecmber 15. OBSERVE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF LOCAL FRIENDS MEETING Interesting Services Held Yesterday Morning at High Point Friends Church in Commemoration of the Founding m 1892 of the High Point Monthly Meeting. ' j with the revenue Kprvice, hi subsequent return to .: favor, and membership. and count less "other items of Interest to Friends which are not -contained' in his ninmtsCTipt, ' The 2Jth anniversary .of the estab lish .ueufc ofia monthly meeting of FriiaTin High Point was' fittingly ob served yesterday morning at the 1) oVock service at . the Funds,, chuivh. Thf congregation present for the wry rice m lare and interesting' sketches and beautiful musical selection corn ea me to Albemarle colony, row a part of the Ute. He and two companions spent a night in the rain ami could not lie down for fear ofNfieeiuj, their iothe being wet through ami through. All night lonjf between two trees they walked. - Id the morning they, reached Henry 'Phillips' liouse 011 Albemarle, low stands. Kdmotidon reached the liou-c on Sunday morning and desired to hold a meeting for about noon. Slimy attend- pri ed the program for the morning, I low Perquimans river, ,T.here Hertford There were, by approximation, but 121 members of the church present for the service and one of the speaker declared thnt Quaker nnake more hefori eold . ... Ti . v:... . . .. . weather now than they did t't years ed, Le says, but they had little or.no ago when the .'committee:;.: from ... the .religion; for they sot during tlie meet Pnriiijrfield tbureh met in the old Meet'! in? smoking their pipe. Re led an injf house in the yuakcr woods and de'otbcr meeting the next day three miles cidifd to establ-.su the meetinp here, j away on the othr side, of the river TV re were, hoeer, yot M of the; and jUinied to Virgin U oa the m.t itay, laeway, tliree clays and two ser- uu u ended the firKt niLwionar y joiir ney to North Tarolina hut laid the foundation for the- fcoeinty of Fritrnds in the Httitft. . ueore tttx ktitea tuw aertuni in November of the same year anrt Kd mondnn visited aain fow- years later a found them 'finely uettW.' The .. 7-j--- : . i, other counticM in the eastern part of MEDICAL EXAMINATION PAY Views' of Humor. . jhe ba came inure, ami more iinnappy. humor, 'anvhowt . Some j SometniicR :lie hardlv knew.hiin, What! ime a wsntenee i said iliat' has all the ' As foi the nuin, he had hia moment oarmnrkf of a jot-it; ha followed j of remorse. One day he saul to her: firitt mcnibcr of e the meet 111 vrea-'ut. ttiis proving that tht od brave weather conditions more reaAly than the yotia'?. . A. M. Brijig a nieaiber of the com mittee reqion-ibl for the founding of the High Point meeting and a tneinher of the churth at pWent, gave a tJwrt hwiorkal hketch of the meet iiiff, start ing with the arrival of the first known Quaker m North Carolina,' lraci) liw 'frarela, giving the arrival of friend, and com injr down to the' founding of the North Carolina. , The first settlement ; ings in this e'liom "He. covered thath ; : ski in Alnianee" county, where the period whrn the Friend do Met! it a' monthly meeting waa et rrp In Decem best and proper to weed out . certain J her, I7.il.1 The name yearra meeting membera for ww-nf tobacco and spirit- for worship waa etablihcd at New ou liquors, and it war shown that'tlic Garden and a- monthly, meeting church prospered, dcsjMte thw eeveraiiee of relations with certain eirinjf Friend. Joopeh Cox, a Vi.unjfer Friend, jiavc a history 'of the devejopmcnt " of the church from ' the' time mn'tiiipii .. were, den monthly meetinjr in 1754. A prepa held in a buildinpr tHnding where thelrative meeting was et 'tip" at Deep - Kress store is now lotated on down tojltiver in 175S and a monthly meeting the present, time, touching ujwn ihe;m. Ui.. . In I. 9 1 Ucv) Hirer -net up work of. the varioui minister. The menlthe Springfield. Missionary meeting, th'w whose efforta have .been hirpe'.y rcin- being- 'done' durina the Kevolntioniiry iib for the uli-tantial prowth of. ihc!ar. The battle of tiiiilford I'ourt meeting were mentioned, and the1-: .. de-.houe. wa.,rfoiigh on llwrch 14, 17S1 ; velopmeiit history proved one of thejthe battle -of , Vorktown in October, held bv turrit at f'anc Creek and New Gar den. ' , 'Ti Deep River . midweek meeting iwaa et tup. m 1735 and the New Gar very interesting: event of the morning, boJi to Friends and twitou.. Mrs! llenry A. White p.ke on the outlook of the chuich and grive her im preioni of thoxe tiling which have njade the inert hig o tniccful Mud something -of ut-h prime inportance to its membcra. lr. White had nRv ticn to offer An to other feature- which the Friend might well inert and the , rapt attention given her showed that the Friends young and old, wcjre internd. ed. i The spirit . of co-operation shown ' by the memher; and their way ; of p t tint; together when thin" mut Ite de cided, togther withother way of doing thing that might be cJasHcd a ir : tuca, were mentioned by Mr,. White. A toll call of the memfter was made by 0. f- Stendcnhall noon after the JScriplnre reading by the poxtor. -"v- " Kvlvelcr Xewhn, II, A. White and Mis Lula Albert.-on were ai-ked to check, oil those who aiihWered present and at ihe 'cone'uuion of '. the wrv'n Ihey. on immieeit that iliat 121 litemWrx lllitl answered to their nauics. - Ten of these were .'original member of the High Point meeting, having had continuut' articipatioii in the etinion emce. lisitt. Tlie MiUbicaf wleituma tendered by choir, cougTegotion' and a mixed ijunr let, romjKMted of fim. 1L; I. rflied. Fowell, ?Jt-ndenhall and Jlr and ilr.s. J. tiuniey Urigga, were particularly en joyable and appropriate. 1781 ; peace treaty nipned on feptcm lier .1. 1783. "Tlie DeepvRiver quarterly meeting nun r-nin(Mlftlirl til nun , cni.iit:ui, in Surry county, and Deep Creek, in young men Yadkin county, belonged ..to thin quar-j terly meeting. ; rineywood. a mile north nf ThoinasVille, abio Old Keii nett meeting at Ja meat own, lu'long to the Deep River meeting. "The High Point preparative meeting requcxted a monthly meeting and thia was approved by the SpringticM month ly juceting and., endoriwd bv the Deep Rivvr fjuarterly .. meeting. On I he fifth day of the twelfth month in 1S1 the1 committee'' met. 1 being a niembet, In the fi rut month, KcAenth . day, 1892. Mary Carttid wa appointed clerk for the' ennuuittee .wlu'cti met on that day. Atlho next nieetmj; .!. Robert Parker wa. appointd clerk and nerved for nearly U : years. Henry White then served ' for more? tlmn 10 year with Alvirt jS, Parker nn recording clerk moat of the time. The aniwinnirnt tlie 'first vear wan,$32.?2.M Mr, Hriu'g dincusned .aeveral intcreA big facia during the reading' of the hi tory of Qiiakerwm in 'Xortli Carolina and the .events, leading np to the set ting tip Of the monthly meeting ..' of j Friend in High Point, among them he mg tlte measures taken to weed out ccrtnitv members who were addicted lo tobacco and liuiior; the imprint of Everybody" Expected to Think About Hia Health, Says Health Board. ' "Today ha beeii set apart' tlie state Board of health says ,r everylHaly to think about hkuself ---not alxjut his .fi naneeshiM social standing or his relation to other people or things, but as to what he nmy count on in the number of years be expects to live. He is advised ; to think about his heart, arteries, kidneys, teeth, any prolonged pain, or any abnor mal growth like a wart or a mole that ij beginning r,o grow or change its shape, lie Is particularly advised to consider on this flay the seriousness of lost weight, a low blood pressure, a cough, .r a slight fever 5n the afternoons. This u siuilly means the bt;ginning of tuber-j iu'osis--a btage wl ichf Is easily cured J f treatment is begun In, time, ' ' ' "A few years ago sajs the board,; -"a liion didn't; want to know it if 'bis iff arteries .were hardening, if his blood T?l pressure was high, or if anything was j wrong with him inside. He seemed to j prefer to travel life s road in ignorance and darkness to be cut down at an t;nciKcted moment without warning or without remedy. JSuch a method of liv ing h considet'd now not only unsafe but unsound." Applied to business "it would wreck any firm or fortune as it used to wreck the most' valuable lives, all unnecessarily. s Men are now using the . same common sene in Keeping tl:nsclves well that they use in run ning their business. If they are headed toward some disease tey want to know it so sV to take another course. They no longer prefer that sickness or death slip up on them unawares, when they can intelligently prevent it, .. ...'V. "To have a medical examination once or twice a year to know if there is any. defect Or - impairment that needs J correcting, or if any disease has set in, I that H.may soon be checked, or if the living habits are wrong that they may be changed, is the moist intelligent sort of health work. The selective draft has not only taught us' the great need for sueh work but the value of it. Men who ate rejected on account of some de fect or disease have had the condition T VftfUAuA' nrl urn rr ill the rules, and shmild be; good for a laugh-and it turns out to lie the sad dest thing that . "ever found Utterance. Smh is the follow 'ing i .. . - A lovely girl niarrieit a fine young num.. They ere happpy for & while, and:', then lie contracted'-, bad habitsa. He ot tcadilv worsei aad worse, and "My dear, I am a bad husband to AMiat a mistake vonli and I know 1 it.' l'. :. . V.. ... ...... ' ' ... vn made when you chow ; met You should have married a better man than I am." ' ' " - ,AnIl t-he an-wereJ him trn'jiially; '" I did.'' Cleveland Plain vlhiler. " g-B o n W; A. BARBER .i PRINTING COMPANY ' W. A. BARBER - ! PRINTING COMPANY well, : efficient "A SPIiliD TOIIIG " Says Khion Lady Whtf On Doc tor's Advice, Took, Cards! '" And Ii Now WIeII. t"; ; Th"' historical sketch given by A. M.I bloody hands m. the ceiling of the P,ri . reiiro-liirt'd because of its in-lchurch near (Jtiilford- courthouse, the 1 ' 1 i' . . . .-i , teres! to the pcoph tMiii, was lis Jol ov t 'f !.! lii'intiiiig of the ent'uo sec- MI'lll' prints being caused by. wounded king laid out on the . htniber; - the exjtulHinn of Quakerism iftiof' Brother. Worth and the. 'appreciation ied-it-lw73.- 2.4hiit-went-wrth' the MrTVoflh be AViJIunj dinoudoon big put out because-of his connection ; Hlxson, Tenn. ''Abont 10 years ago I was., ,w says Mrs. J.. Bt Gadd, of this place. "I suffered with a pain In my left side, could not sleep at night with this pain, always in the left side... , ' . ? My doctor told me to se CarduL I took one bottle, which helped me and after my baby came, I was stronger and better, but , the pain was still there. . I at first let It go. but began to ret Weak and Tn a run-down condition. so I decided to try some more Cardul. WLIrQ I (110. This bust Cardul which I took made rr.e otjcU better, la fact, cured ma. It has been a number of years, still I hae ro return ef this trouble.; I feol It was Cardul that cured me. md I recommend It as a splendid f e- siule icrJc. ; Don't allow yourself to become weak and run-down from womanly troubles. Tasio Cardul. It should sura 'y t ;lp you, as it has ro many thou sands ot other woaion la the past 40 years, ilersdache, tackaclie, aldenr. uervousni si, slc.eilc!;nr::'8, tlrclout 'ccllnnr, are all signs of womanly t-ou-Lla. Oi'.. r women (tet rdief bv f .Ing CarduL Vby tot youT AJl dru- ists. lelislto ' -' ' . V "... v Rent FOR ONE OR POSSIBLY TWO YEARS ifl&vviiKarflffanu:; - To a desirable party. Excellent living house, barns, , " . and otner buildings; "also servant's home. This place ' contains 133.75 acres. Or we would rent the dwel- -ling lho!:se and use if the grounds . aa a auburban ' home.) This property has A front, on Deep nvef ' -v: boating and fishing. Or we would Tent the land ; d j.c, -' ; , y;.";V'j v f,'y if,' .rJi-J;' iiw-'''"''''.'-.'1'"' " separately. ; .. ',' - , , ' ; m B B I' i 1 Si i i B I 5 B "-" -5. i, . i E1SBB ST 'S ii n o ri y ii a S3 m a a h , i ii B tl O ji fl , B iu -'I B B if """ ' - r ,( V !j i m .- 'I ii ii mi' -I 'i mm Q'fl " - - - - --tin j , mrnP. ,:. i jj THE UNIVERSAL CAf ! it ic mnt inonort'ant when vour Ford Cat re- ; h I I. - H ON THE GREENSBORO CAD THE UNIVERSAL CAf f . . " : .... ' ' ,." .. ..'.-. f- -'.'-: ,'. - '.rf It is most important when jrour Ford Cat re- quires mechanical attention that you place iV . jn charge of the authorized Ford dealer, be- , . cause they you are sure of having repairs and replacements made with genuine Ford-made materials by nien who know all about Ford v Cars. So bring .your Ford' to us where saf- - isfaction is guaranteed. Prompt, efficient . v service at all times and Ford cars if you wish - to' buy s i 'it - ' - "- - - , Chassis. $363.99; Runabout. 1 $384.52 j- Touring $399.91 ; Cbupelet. $605.1 7; Town""" ! car, $692.41; Sedan. $743.72. One-Ton truck $646.22 1; delivered here. " ; s , WILSON MOTOR COr.tPANY ; ' Office Thons 835, , . Garage Phone 8SS I, Hi r em I J J t 'in' J I" jjli jiiu'iwpiibiii iiii'i i f ma i i ni isa iiiiiswii msmmmmmmtmrnmammmmmM J. E. Latham Compiany Z 'V'.''iv'': '',-!'"'''"'? :. .''vji:c-'''.''v'. t Greensboro, ls C. V TIiIq r.mihhnVnrfli Tliirfv-Fivprpnts jl aatu vuuvu 1 1 v aa u j i v ww Jh'. Coupon, if piesented at nee together with only sixty-five cents in Cash, ia good for One-Dollar Bottle of OLD INDIAN LIVER AXD KIDXKV TONIC. ' v After using a bottle strictly according to printed directions n it, if you do not think it is worth at least ten times what vou paid for it. you can bring batk. the empty bottle and'we will cheerfully refund the sixty-five cents. It will work a..' quantity of bile from your svstem just as black as any ink you ever saw. that "is poion to yow liver and kidneys. One Hundred Dollars Reward it it gripes, or , - . . . . '.....'... .." .V ! , -? s tmntt.4 vmt Airl: in.tlia tiliitlttoi. WAV. H , . f . . p - - t . -t , JAt ii nn, iiiui jwi, n wir ..lie ..111 v, 1 : This Coupon Good At j i HART DRUG COMPANY . il HIGH POINT, N. C . 'l - , , ' - - i'-,;.-,'-C'-.--;;' :';?!''": .&, : h:.'.- i; It is the duty of -the. telephone' operator to ascertain the number vi'-"-v-U.'i''''''''ff'''-'''' y'1- ':' ?v: :fw'V'.'iU''':iii';.': ''f '-' 1 .wanted and ring the bell, of - the parry s called. If the called party is slow to .R''::''i:.v"''V''' 1' '.."'V ? ''yi':- ' -f. 'Sfa.-'- answer the operator is as helpless as f-"':- : ' . '--. '-''''J-xV'.;: ',!''!... f'-V-.-.'-.J'1 ; .you arc. f " - . ' ': r. , -' ' t '' t ; , . t -. Moct of what - you might think is "slow service" is caused by the sub- . Bcribcra not answering promptly ; You cm help the service by answer: , irig ycur telephone promptly, . . , IVhn you Tuc lone S. '.Is v SOUTHE .1 Z2LL TELEri'OI and te . cc: ; ' - - STATEMENT OF CONDITION ofyc Commercial ; National Bank ; IXirjh Point. H. C. ; At the Close cf Businesa November 20, 1917. ; V RESOURCES Loans and nvestments Overdrafts . . .'. I .... . $1,596,083.11 ' 589.84 ; 150,000.00 550,000.00 137.269.00 i30,ooo!oo j,U. S. bonds U. S. Certificates of indebtedness. . ' Liberty Loan bonds . . , . . r; . North Carolina 4 per cent, bonds. . Guilford county bondi . . : . . i . - . 62,000.00 Stock in Fedcial, Reserve bank i '. , . 7,5jD0.00 Furniture and fixtures . . , .'v.' ''' 5,421.46 Cash in vaults and due from banks.. -, 761,024.10 Total $3,399,687.51 LIABILITIES Capital stock .............. . . . . $ 1 50,000.00 , Surplus and profits 173,781.16 Circulation . ; . . . . . , .......... 1 50.000.00 ' B.tJAcc. it ( 140.000.00 Do; : , (i..t) 2.786,106.35 Trf 1 t ,3.3?b.837.SI -