(!!ir 0 PAGES V Today WEATHER REPORT. Fair tonight and not quit to sold, except mow. in western por tion. Wednesday mow or rain. 1 V r VOL. 25. No. 17. HIGH POINT, NORTH CARO UNA; TUESDAY. AFTERNOO N, DECEMBER 11, 1917. Member AwocUted Prtu. i i ? i till i 1 1 it A. ! I jr iii i 1 i i i i J i i i Mm, - : . FOR IASSTRGOPS IN FEMTCE ' 1 SUPREME EFFORT OF THE WAR i. V Fresh Troops From the Inactive Russian Front Are Being Mass ed in France Heavy Artillery j Fire May. Be to Diver Attei- j tion of Allies From the Point of Attack. 1 UP TO FORECASTS Official Entry of Victorious Brit ish Troops Into Jerusalem Set for Today Little Activity on Italian Front News From Rus Scare, But Bolsheviki Are En d angered. Heavy tiicrman reinforcements have ar rived in France, it in believed in allied capitals, but where the expected blow will fall is yet to be disclosed. For the 1917 Crop is Many Bales Short, ' Report of Government Today Shows. Washington,- IXv. ll. Reduction of more than 1,(KH),U(H bales in the cot ton crop from the latest estimate shown was made known iii the report of the department of agriculture here today. Cotton produced thin year is estimated at IQ.940,000 equivalent 500-pound bales, average 501.5 pounds gross. Figures showing the production by states included Virginia, 16.000; North moment the infantry is inactive along Carolina, 570,000; Sopth Carolina, 1, tie wester front "but the artillery, and I 235,000. i.nuiio llr iliat nf th fiiirniMnS. in Verv ! " i ii -.,,..-..., ...... -. , -- active. On the British front the fiermans are bombarding heavily the positions south of Cambrai and east and northeast of Ypres, the two sections which have seen virtually all the heavy fighting 61 the past two months. From St. yuentin to the Swiss iRirder Paris reports great enemy artillery ac- CONVICTED PERSONS WILL BE PERMITTED TO ENJOY CHRISTMAS DR. FOX LEAVES THE CITY TO BEGIN WORK AT CHARLOTTE SOON Thanks to the kindness of heart of Judge W. V. Harding, every defendant who was tried and convicted during yes terday' session of Superior court at Greensboro will le able to spend Christ mas at home. While none of the sen tences meted out were heavy, the de fendants, without exception, escaped with light punlshiuentmcnt and the fail ure to pronounce sentence simply means that those convicted chh spend Christ man at home. The charges yesterday ranged from retailing to an assault and a majority of the men tried were white. Juil cases are first considered by Judge larding. SUFFRAGE BILL IS . IMCillD House Judiciary Committee Re ports National Suffrage ' After Amending the Proposal. WOULD HAVE MEN REGISTER AS THEY COME OF AGE Wasbingtnn.-Dec. 1 1. P.egistra .tion for army duty of all young ; men becoming of age since the draft law went into effect was pro vided for i-i a bill introduced to day by. Senator Wadswoith. Those becoming of t.go since the draft 'law was adopted would- register at owe with others to register at six months' intervals. IS.1W TOOK STAND FOR HUSBAND WOES PAY fOlt PART IN THE RIOTING ASKED TO PA! ALL Wife of Gaston B. Means Scores Strong Point for Defense When She Demonstrated How Mrs. King Could Have Killed Self. Washington. Dec. -II The eoiistitu tioiial amendment for nation-wide wo I man's suffrage was reported w ithout ree- i ommendatioii today by the louse judi ciary committee. . The judiciary committee amended the GIFTS TO WAR FOND MRS. CREEL BURIED MONDAY AFTERNOON HOUSE WILL CONSIDER NATIONAL PROHIBITION DURING NEXT MONDAY PROBE THE ARMY SNUBS!? k& '-' 1 w-ie2r,v-' " ' COLUMBIA' ASKS Dr. L. S. Fox, who has licen practic ing dentistry in High Point for some little time, has dosed l is office in the Wachovia building and lias gone to Charlotte where he will be located in tivity between the Oise and Aisne and j the future. Dr. Fox closed his local of upper Alsace. The British and French I fice at noon today and shipped the fur artillery is replying. j nishings to Charlotte. He has taken . The heavy (ieriuan artillery tire may over an established practice in the .Meek mean that they will attempt to find leuburg county metropolis, a weak point and may be only for the - purpose of drawing the allied atten tion to one spot while troops from the Russian front are massed for a strong effort on some quiet sector. Some local attacks by the (Germans on the Meusc northeast of Verdun were repulsed by the French who took prisoners. Infantry activity is stopped momen tarily at least on the Italian front. The Austro-Oerniaii effort to break through failed with heavy losses. The shatter ed forces were reformed for another at tack and the eiiproyfaHed- ngain-. j'i'he Austro-Oermans captured some .terrain but without, improving their position and at a heavy cost. An apparently lo . eai lower I'aive was checked by the, Ital ian who recaptured observation trenches taken by the Austria ns. Of lu-ia 1 e-ntry into .leriwalcn, the Holy city of Christianity., is planned for to day. The deliverance of Jerusalem from Mosclcin fol'owers marks not only the great success of General Allendy's drive into Palestine, but ends all Turoo-tier-ninn efforts of cutting the Suez eaiinl. Meagre reports from Russia indicate that the Bolsheviki are meeting with ! difficulty in maintaining control of Mos cow. The situation there is reported as grave with the Boleshviki garrison re fusing to obey the commander, who has ordered machine guns placed in, the streets to prevent an uprising. A Copenhagen dispatch says that the Bolsheviki have ordered troops from the Caucasians to oppose the forces of Gen erals Kalcdines, Korpiloff and Dutoff, whjle from reports large forces have been sent from the Baltic sea front to the HI Ukraine and Cossack provinces. Whether clashes have occurred between the. Bolsheviki , and the -forces of the counter revolutionists is not apparent, as the Bolslmjfiki controls virtually all the direct means of communication to the in terior of Russia. Well Known Woman Who Died Saturday Buried Yesterday Afternoon at Oakwood. i People of City Who Gave to Y. M. C. A. Fund Asked to Pay nutl'rage resolution to provide that the j Treasurer At Once. amendment dies uuless it is ratified by j the states within seven years from the time it is admitted in conference. The game proviou the eo$Kiiittee included in the prohibition resolution. The amend ment has not been voted upon in either house but it is on th.cnate calendar. Rebuttal of State Begun After the Defense Secures Permission to Introduce Two Belated Wit nesses This Afternoon. The funeral services over (he re in:! In of Mrs. ''mm.. Creel were con ducted from the ! '!ence of .1 S. Spires, 101 Cox street yesterday at'tcrmo-. at ;t o'clock by Km .1. M. Hil'i-rd, as-si-'eil by Hv. ..-lines W. It ..... Mrs "-.) was a iiiii !.'i of the Baptist church Hi Chaiel Hill. Mrs. ( reel is survived by her I'Us baiid. W. C. Creel, and Ihe fo"ovi:i! children: .'olm I!. Civ', of ChanM Hil , Braxton and Charles Creel, of Cainn Se- j Washington, Dec. II. --By ujiakiinous j '1'1'- rcciiviih'. S. ('.; Hollace cnvl consent the house agreinl today to con-! "i Dnrhani; W. I). Creel, of Dur.niu; sider Monday the constitutional amend " ' s Slimes, ol this city; .Vk. ineiit for nation-wide prohibition. The Pendergraft, of Durham: .Mr. Ira amendment lias already been passed bv Andrews and Mrs. 'I'rov Harville. of the senate. i Winston -Salem : .Mi's. Kiigene Andrews, The judiciary committee tislay favor-! "f hitakers. and Mrs. C. M. Myers, of ably reported the amendment. j Birinnghtun. Ala. . . .; Tnteruient was made in Oakwoisl ivm- SENATOR OVERMAN WILL jetcry. Washington. Dec. II. Heeain,e of pro 1 tests against the behavior f certain) army ulfieers toward eniited or drafted' men in army camps. Senator Overman THAT CAMP BE QUARANTINED INQUIRY BY SENATE OF WAR DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES COMING Mi Washington. Dec. X A general in quiry into the operatiii of the war department in arming,- arl eiiiipiing the American forces was decided upon to day by the senate UltliUn affaira com mittee. Secretary Bakcf and other de partment heads will be called to ex plain various feat urea of Hie war aetiv- il ' , "p- MEASLES RANlb SIXTH AS CAUSB OF DEATHS H. A. Milli.. local treasurer for the Y. M. C. A, war fund, for which h i-ampigti was waged a week or so ago. today stated that the date for paying the pledges was near and (hat all pri sons gviing to the fivml were asked to contribute promptly and prevent the ne ecssilv of laving to peml a tiijv snin for postage to mail the reminders. The Young Men's Christian a-socln- tion is in immediate need of ihi pledged a a result of the nation wn ctinipaigu if tin Concord. Dec. II. Mrs. .lulls 1'. Means took the stand today to trsiit'i for her liiisliard. l.aston Jt. Means, who is charged with the murder of Mis. Maude King. She stated that sie had known j Mrs. King Miiee she was a little child . and had come in peional contact w ith j her for mud: of the time. Mrs. Means told of signing, in con duction with her husband a note for a j h aii of $'J."i,IMNi. her husband asking her j to sign it o that if anything happened, i Mis. King would be seemed. Mrs. Means testified that her Im-tiit ml in ii,i.,...fi :., , i . t .i... ...... i I ... ii'iinuiiair neeii ill me I illlil 1. ....I 1. .1. .i., .,,.-,,,,,,,,, v.taii ,, i-, ,111 in, I libertv of. or dominate Mrs. kini?. Shi m uen appreciat-d w it . mitrilhliriti woik is to he continued as it has started. tl. For that reason Mr. Milli. anxioiiit to hasten ti c work of collecting the local j lhi. iM auuscnpt tons and he eall upon every person to turn jn their remittance at once. Only about s.t.lMlll to this cause was given by the people of High Point and because of the Mniall amount Mr. Millii is anxious to collect at once. much of h en by the defendant. -Mrs. .Means scored a stroiij. testimony Thirteen Members of 24th Infan try Were Hanged This Morn mg at Fort Sam Houston for Parts in Riot of August 23. Men Were Convicted by Court Martial and Hanged at 7.17 Chief of Staff Issues Formal Statement Giving Names. ' San Antonio. Dec II. - Thirteen ne groes were hanged at Fort tyim Hous ton at 7.17 this morning for complicity in the riot at Houston on August 2:1. The men hanged, all enlisted men of the '24th infantry, were: Sergeant William Xesbitt. Corporal Ijiinon J. Brown, .(nines Wheatley. Jesse Moore, (Scorge Baltimore. Privates Wil liam Brnekenr'hlge, Thomas Hawkins, Carlos Snodgrass, Ira B. Davis, James Divins, Frank Johnson, James Kiley, William Young and MacWhorter. The action of the court martial was announced this morning at ! o'clock at formal statement, the names of the ne- formal stntemnte. the nannes of the ne gro soldiers sentenced to life imprison- point for : nient being given also. , WILL REMAIN HER E DURING THE WINTER After Short 6 Visit to Florida, J, - Elwood Cox Returns for the Winter Months. ense in the estimation of observ ers when she tood and demonstrated be fore the jury, holding a :! caliber aiitc nialic pistol in lo positions in her left land, that she could turn her face and rire a shut which would follow the same courc as lie one w hich caused the (lentil of Mrs. King. She said she weigh ed ."7 pounds and is low. Mis. King, so Mrs. Means stated, was somen hat stouter. Mr. M. I). Udell, of ( hicago. iiialilic. as an expert :n snrgem . saying, in im opinion, "without any question." it was :i.i. ... i... . . i . i I-,,., M.sn,n. iiuii i ue sum w ujci: Killed .Mi's, r King might have been accidentally tired. I' t oliwiiliia. S. C. Dee. II.-. At a meet ing ol the city hoard of health held will tomorrow introduce in the senate here csteiilav afternoon for the nnr. I i a, reso ntion asking the war department pose of discussing the advisability f for information regarding charges that asking tic commanding general of this privates are being snubbed and slighted division to quarantine t amp Jackson on in public. ( 'account of the cases of spinal nieningi- Atnoiig thoe who have urged Sen-; lis now there, a resolution reoucstin" a tor Overman to ad are Charles U.i the commanding general to take this step Tillett ami W. C. Dowd, (har.tte. ' was adopted. 'I he resolution reads - "I am going to put in this resolu-; T,Ht the Columbia board of health tion" said Mr. Overman, "to ascertain : ges on record and requests the author if there is any regulation that re ; ;.ties at (amp Jackson to quarantine and quire or even suggests that officer' isoatl. that ci'mp from the city of snub or slight men in the ranks. Many Columbia with the exception of the men young fellows of good breeding andof U)Ht ,.,,, w:0 e free wrrm of high social standing are in these camps I Mj,jnKj ,m.ninfiit ;H Mnd lt4V(. ofHci, an their fathers have complained to .! m6 in tl lkv ((f CoIlimllia.. Also and other senators that officers refuse jworklm.n Hl thp hl. to talk to the young women in thcirj , - presence, to attend dance where thev ,., . , , . , , . . j . . In an inter rew yesterday afternoon take part rfr to lend their presence ' . , , , . , i Brigadier (.cneral Barth. commander, m hotel oblnes where privates fore-; . ... . , ' ., .it. - . .i .i 1 said that the situation at the camp with gather. WTiat I want is the authority ; , ' s . t .i it- o reteienec to spinal meningitis was "verv for acts of these officers. If there m . , .. ' , . - i . i j .i -i I salistnctoiy and that there was no oc- such a regulation. I do not knnw that! , ittsurii mm niniiu. Columbia. Dec. l l. Mensle has la-en the only big epidemic. ll the state with which the laiard of health has luul to j deal lis year, it is statifd in the an- HImI report of the board llow being pre- I pared for the public' printer. There j have been 14H deaths reported from this j disease' and :iw fwW"-'JHw5;h-pneui-ilia's stsquel. iiiaking -vtil of .":U deaths in all ' altrtbuttstflJt !. f ftjw'truike' lr rSnk'iirMtMi sixth in t he eiiiises of death, the report states. Ilxperielice in the army on the bor- i der.it is stated, shows that an epidemic i ;U)tM ( ,,x returned to' the eit of measles properly nanaged can lie re .early this morning alter a -lay of two dueed by certain methods which I he wv0. i s,, I'elei sbiirg. I l;i. Mr. Cox laiard declares it intends to put into ; He(-ompauied hi- family to the famous operation during the coining year. 'winter resort two week ago. the trip 'Our organized efforts against tuber ; (eing made ly automobile, and after! cnlosis are beguiling to bear fruit." I he seeing them comfortably iy.iriercd fs I lanird states, "and the liguies show llnil (), winter, returned to High Point to I we have reduced the number of dcxlh-I attend t,. his business affair-. The tit:.: from this disease by one-third in twoij,, .",,rida a, made by autuniobile ami j yearn" The boa nt states that it is e ! M,-. t stated this morning ilal tin i $400,000,000 ISSUE Only army olfners and the sheriff of Bexar county witnessed the execu tions. No newspaper men or civi ian spectator were present, the itne and place of the execution having been kept secret. (.If the 3 men tried by the same court martial, -tl were sentenced to lie imprisonment, i ne man was sen tenced to dishonorable discharge ,from tthe arinv. the forfeiture of pay and all allowances and to be confined at hard labor for a periisl of "2 I-'- years Three were sentenced to disluif orable discharge from the army.' the forfeiture of a 1 pay and allowanwa and to lie V-outined at hard labor 'for .two year. MRS. ELLISON DIED The defense rested, shortly ,; afiei ,f 1 ?'?!,Juf,W&'- o chick wtien-TT'-was isinu'ii ti nt there were two more witnesses to be inti'o- ; (bleed later in the day. With the per mission of llie court given for these two witnesses to testify, the state be- I gan it- rebuttal. hi. .loniisoii. a i imago naiiKcr. was recalled to the stand. He was shown Jthe agreement purported to be sinned i in Mr-. King and Mr-. Ilobin-on. wlii. h iticra-cd the monthly a llow nee from iti;Mi to sI.ihhi. He declared that no such paper lad ever been tiled at his bank I IN CITY YESTERDAY j Mrs. Sarah Jane Ellison, a Well Known Woman, Died Yester day From Paralysis. I tremely proud of the which will be able l state sanatorium, i journey lake care of .".o jnelciuei was a most lightlul one. no weather being ciicuuiil ei ed and cases the coming year, a - compared with 32 in 1M7. The number of death- directly" attrib utable to whooping eoi-.jli were reduced froni 120 to 7ti the past year, the re port states. Activity on Western Front. London, Doc. ll.1--Unusual activity of the artillery and air forces on the west ern front, is reported in today's official communication. The activity was par ticularly noteworthy on the Ypres and Arras fronts. GOV. BICKETT JJAS PURCHASED WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES I will go further, but I see no reason for such behavior on the part of army officers in the United States. One gen tleman wrote nre that his son and two other boys were asked to ride, in ft eon vevuncc where an officer was ridintr, and when they aeccpte and got in, the officer bounded out and wouM have nothing to do with them. Other men have writ ten me that their sons had Wen snub bed - ann slighted in hotel lobbies and on a nee floors."' , Senator Overman said that the prac tice of slighting men of good standing at home just because they are privates has become so obnoxious that it has ! .nil. i' ! caused mush dissatisfaction among the l.ouisburg. Dee. 11. (Jovernor Bickett I so diers in several vf the , southern N XCEEDS THOSE OF OTHER YEARS inaugurated the war savings campaign leanips. in his home county of Franklin venter-! i ' .lav bv th rn.rclu.se of 1KMI of United I VALUE 0 Fl9i7 OPS FAR States 'war savings certificates at the local postofflce. He also promised the committee to give the cause another boost by a patriotic address at a rally of patriotic organizations to be held in LoiKsdiurg on Friday, December 21. Lieut. Col. Kent Xclson, division sur geon; Major Johnston, hit, assistant; Dr. .lamest''. Hayne, state health officer, and other prominent physicians were at the meeting. Dr. S. B. Fisllburne rftv health officer, has sent a copy -of the resolution to General Barth. U no trouble of any kind what soever c. pencilled Mr- Co. !i-s Clara I'm and Mi--. Illlie Cox will spend the icniaindcr oi Ihe winter at St. Petersburg, while Mr. I ox. with the exception of paying a 'tew -lioit vi-'ts. will remain in this city. NO MORE BASEBALL IN , MORNINGS ON SUNDAY INTEREST IN CHOOSING , T"ii, s; i 1 1,. A SUCCESSOR TO UZZELL lamp dackson. ( oine 'ita, S. 1.. Dei. 11. Sunday morning ha-chall at lamp Jackson has been di- "itinued. due the efforts of some ..! 'I"' of Meets heie. TO MATURE SATURDAY; REDEMPTION AT ONCE UNBALANCED DESERTER IS CARRIED BACK TO COMPANY not strenuous ball, they have ames la- played the men could in the morn been 'connplied EDITOR ASHCRAFT TALKS TO";-'. A LARGE CROWD IN HAMLET THE PEOPLE OF OHIO NOW FACE REAL FUEL FAMINE Hamlet,, Dee. 1 0. About' 2"0 people were present for the second of the series of addresses being given under th auspices of the local railroad W. M. Cl, A. -Sunday. SI thoroughly enjoyed by all who lielrTu him. He pointe out the value uf a kind word to one when ha is- "down and nt.nanllefsjffranoiriii"kn(7wTn situation was relieved Washington, Dec. Many of the lincipal cros of it he (Hiuiitry exceeded the output of past years by an unof-; Ucial estimntod valvfi-toii of 2t.iKV'.tU.- j lem. the foremost amiount for .in year ii hstory The fijure" were .low a n the filial estimated production of princi pal crops by the demrtment of agri culture. ' - (.reeiisboro, Dec. II. -A non-commissioned officer from Camp Sevier, Green ville. S. C.'Wbs here for a short while yesterday afternoon on his return from Kdenton, .where he 'was sent to carry a (iesertcr back. The man who was charged with being a deserter was with l.ini and spent what time he was in t.reensboio in the city jail. Doubt it expressed as to the sanity of the ' de serter. He acted in a very peculiar man ner while on his way to poK-e station, hut gave no trouble. At one time lie remarked: "I thought I might go to town this morning." but when told that he wns already in town he said no mora. He was left at the station while the uoil-eom went up street witlulut being watc He more shabby clot hiu" and attracted a great deal of attention on te street. .While these officer- d' lv object to Sunday !' suggested that Sunday in the afternoon so : '. attend religious' set . in'g. The request i-a- with. The new street ar line, whirl penetrate' thf heart "I passiirjS very neat ters, is now in coin will be in operation '' the year. The large laundry ' with a capacity f " men. is now cotnphid lltes ov-r. y n in son e:gh. Dec. II. With t lor the icniaiiis of II it is expected that ill" : city lomniis-ioneis. ill Jackson. i ;-ioii head'piai it . omplet ion and i ,-r the titst ( amp liick-oii. hing for -.'1.IKHI and will be in operation this wr j alnuit :i(Ki persons. ,.K I' will employ ic funeral l. I .ell two s iii- Ma vor .loLn- ind l oinmissiiiiier of Public Won; tctc-t Pace, will choose his successor as coin ill ini-sioner of public safety any day (he coining week. There have been mini beis of applications for the cmnniissiou- I -hip. the appointment to which wli! 1 old until the next general city dec lioi!. mole than a year hence. Many believe that W. II. Saw y lei. who was for a long time city clerk, will get I lie appoint incut . He w as ramMdat c t"i register ot needs ot the comity a yeai'i ago. and missed ti c nomination by only one vote. Inllll .lolies ;. the strongest oppo lient of .Mr. I ell in the election, lie has since moved t his farm and lost I he ; ( II, led ! secret jber 2; Jto hold"!' ' cert ilh ali j in in her .". Tin- -cries certificates of (ember 1 ! 1 1 7 . i- "a lei t ion today. December I I attention of the public i- again to the ,11111)111 n .,-;( t inn I nun the i r of ihe treasury dated .ocni ! giving notice ot the redemption I Mile I Mates treasury liiih'b! cdliess mat ut ing ol ot :M7. .- loo.iiiMi.iHin i ioJi-1 it i-it lies, la for at t reastiry ted Sep and aeerue.l inlercsj. pitisiiaui to the io y i-ion tor sin h redenip' ion contained in the . ei I ilieate-. ( hi an ! alter lo lavii. Mrs. Sarah .lane Kllisou. wife of .1. F. Ullison. died yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clcck at I er home .VM North Main street, death result inji from paralysis. She had been indc -lin'mir health for ' onio time and Saturday morning suffered the stroke which eventuated in her death. She is survived by a husband, one son, Arthur llllisou. of this city, and a daughter. Mr-. 'io a ( los,, of South niont. Funeral services will he held toner, row. Wednesday. tnrn!ug at PVoO o'clock fr.-'ii the Kirsi llaptis! i-hureh. conducted by Rev. .(. M Hilliaid and Itev. .lames A. Clarke. The following friends of the deceased will ac 1 as pallbearers: . V. Pickett. A. M. Idol. 1 1. . '.urley. I'. M. Pi kctt. .1. H. I'd . ii ml I A. t linird. on all cerlilicat. use to aeciue. ol sued series I Jutcrnieiii w ill t. j I cry. in I hi k wood ceil.e- SENATE ORDERS INVESTIGATION j POLICE USING CLUB FREELY OF COAL AND SUGAR PROBLEM 1 ARREST MANY NEGRO TROOPS I New poii c-s. olii e I "M l . e- w Washingiiui. Dee. II. Impliry by a senate loinmiitee Into the causes of the -nonage oi coat ami sugar with new night to an legislation I'-eoinineiided to improve 1 he ! pi o-. I died ,l s.iiiiiiioii was orueieii iiv tl:e senate ...i ... I .. I. lav on inotiou of Snntor l.i THIEF STOLE THREE ; his eligibility. OVERCOATS AT MONROE j Mr. Gosney. formerly traflic sMiperin trcet railwav svsiem I teudellt for the Monroe, Dec. II. A 'hief or ihi.-v,.,.) , u ( Columbus, O., Dec, I l. 'WiHi lielow r,ero weather prcvailng and with the fuel situation serious, Governor Cox to day telegraphed Washington anthorMies that one has friends and feeling, the fond, of a friendly hand. ' 1 the people of Ohio yv.mhl "lose confidence, in the government." ' ; ; ' RAILWAY WAR BOARD IS TO CONFER WITH THE PRSIDENT on to receive its members for' a cot! fweiutv vhich has been arranged for t-dnesdny aftermsiu. ; ; broke into the men- luinislnugs de , partuient of Belk lb. 'h. rs department ; stiue hree Saturday night and got tl ree overcoat, a suit of , l..ihca and h cmte J pie of suitcases. An ei" s ell'eet- I ed liv iirUImf (men tin' front door. As' , l , is -I wld as the night wa-. a Jfellow could comfortably use an extra suit of clothes and three overcoat-, but. the authori ties are puiwfed as t wl:nt he could do with two suit cases. ' - , state hospital fur Cotton. !. I New ork. Dec. 1 1. 'The cot ton mar.) k"t -lioweii cunt inued steailines. early; today mi i or: , i led governiiH'in reports. De.ctiib.l s.i- l.'.l points lower at the -.peiiit:g. bv virtue of a.llitional no 1 1 ice. ..I ft t least I.o0!t bale., but later ! month- -arleil advance!- of III to jil- onjeet t 1 1 id. 1 re-' e, ! Iilil.'l ! ii.. iv A!" It ill I ...1,1 ll.-, II .M.iitnry i IP-. i .ci! here la-t ,. ... la'.ers in the i i i iv o me i..id iielllg if 1 he il is -I - in a 'I were ar- -n, i ui Insane, wa. third in the race at the i point- ajf.d liie general list sold aboti' a large n.-gi n ..ii. i. some of Mieni alter had u-cd ilicir ehi'n ... ot ii military iuvctigu- , iMido ion- here an order nilv th.u -oldiers should '1 ei lain sections of the city, an of which l inhabited by ; lilcnts. ""il :" .-.,' $ last primaries when Mr. Taizell won. Ue is seeking the appoint meiit at the hauls of the other two commissioners and will b a formidable candidate. IT to -Jti net higher after the call Cot,ton muxes opened tine. December .-M: .lammry. iS.iHt;. March, 2.Vi; Mify. .ti.': .lulv, 211.2:1. Scouts Win Many Badges., wviv dl.TTS liadgtM of variui RUSSIA'S FIGHTING WOMEN HAVE DEFEATED BOLSHEVIKI Washington, Dec 11.--The. Railway 1'elrograd, IWdt, .(Siwiday.l A Iwf - War lmflrd today asked iVesident Wil. tiilion i fi dcnlli, Tihi-h ut reported -tU have, defeated tie Bolstie. viki troop near tlus town f Shobin, in Alohilev. 1 . - N. Y. CARS RUN BY WOMEN. Ninetenn on Broadway Fill Places of Men Called to War. New irfc, Dei'. ".' -Nincti-nii young women made their apa)arance on Bvond- way today as street railway conductora, filling the vacancies represented by aa many blue stars- on the service flag of young women are uniformed "in blue skirt and rather mannish coats with caps like those of the men conductors. Boy i Thele I kinds issued to the Hoy Scollts of Ami'-; ii i.a during the month of ' October . a Kaiser and Sultan. j .ompnretl with M.U3 -, twtlw'i.'iMiitit delicious sense f huinor must!"' tslober a year ago." lf theie. ti What a be possessed by the Most Christ Ian j wre emi ii, badges fur knoMgtv, tf(l Kaiser und his Pagan Ally's the Sultanf , 'uin-il in one or mine 4 5S dir1ion ' Imagine the satisfaction of these two hh'H show nearly l(K sr: cut iii ' Arch MslefuctoM as thev nihtiiiiuslvi'ase over the number unitlilieil fr J bestow upon each other he Dhini'iiid the inmh of ttctiibir nt year. Star and t ho Star and ham u' Dia monds" ltich their iniioverished subjects pav fori. Tin' Ftaltcd BrotherluMid of Tue . kgerent of the t'od uf BfJaldT Murder and Kapiuel - And Kaeh the loyally acclaimed Hep reseniative of His People! 1 Boy Scouts of America (Jrowlng. During the moinb of ( . V . Uiy register il i the . Ilea hjiiarters of the It. s of '. compared with 17,"! .' of Gctolic?, I'-M. , i s ' I