' nixt WEATHER REPORT. Fair and snow, probably mow in cast portion tonight and Thursday. Not much change la temperature. (V PAGES y Today 17 S SAAAAAAAA sts i mziwwt VOL. 25J No. 18. HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 12, 1917. .Member Associated Press. f TI1E RUSSIAN REVOLUTION IS GROWING MRS. MAUDE A. KING Bolsheviki Power in Petrograd is Now Seriously Menaced As the Opposition Becomes Much More Solidified. Counter Revolutionists Are Hope ful That An American Army Can Be Sent to Restore Order and Strengthen Fighting Front. Tlic Itulxhi'vi'ki power in Petrograd is now menaced seriously as the opposi tion bfcoimti solidified. Tlu-ri' is unrest I in I'etrograd and Mowiw, the extremist strongholds, and the Cossacks arc ad- ! valuing from the Den region northward. ! Russian officials in Ixmdon assert the ; llolsheviki forces are concentrating not only Cossacks Imt also the lenders of other polit U-al parties. The political leaders opposed to the llolsheviki expect to raise military forces I I I ' y-:$ 3: .11 ! STATE ASKS ACONVICTION FOR MURDER it Solicitor Clement, in Beginning Argument at Concord Today, Asks Jury for Conviction of First Degree Murder. Judge Cline Grows Positive When ; He States That He Will Allow j N oComment Before Jury Con cerning Any Counsel. FIRST SHOT FIRED ON THE ' AUSTRIANS BY AMERICA Italian Army Headquarters in Northern Italy,"; Tuesday, Dec, , ii. (By the Associated Press.) The first American shot against Austria was fired by Represents- tive Tinkham, Of Boston, Mass., on the lower Piive when he pull ed a string firing a shell from a 149 millimeter gun hurtling across the Piave into Austrian positions. able to dispose of ti e llolsheviki -''M p,,,sl,lt an;1 a , ,.,,1 (f ltl. (oncunl, Dec 12.- Solicitor Hayden i Clement began the argument for the state just after 11 o'clock thin morning. .1 it lieforc the solicitor began Judge 1 Cline, in a very positive manner, stated that the court would not permit any eounsel in addressing the jury to dis credit any witness because of hi place of residence. "I will not permit any other comment . ' Uipon the town, country or state from tor the .,..:,. i. ...... inrnihi'l- of ti e ( nsel come," minder of Mrs. Maude A. Kinn, which j s((i( ,lui(. ( im.. has been in progress at Concord for the j Solicitor Clement today asked the jury past two necks, is e ted to end dur ) ft v,.rj,.t f mUrder in the first de- The trial of (iastou It. Mean Washintonp;, Dee. VI.- Con!ress man Tinkliam, by lirin the Ital ian ;uu at Austrian positions, has taken on the statu" of a non-combatant and according to tbe rules of wur has laid himself liable to execution by the Austrians should he fall into their hands. I'udcr the law-, of war a civilian never takes part in hostilities. The fact that war has been de clared docs not nli'T the ciroi'ui stances. 1 PREMIER KERENSKY AND GENERAL KORNILOFF :-9i1 'A I : : V;' f v. p p Is ffA IS SECTION GEN XOKNllOTK Heaviest Snowfall in Years ii Ex perienced at Raleigh and Other Sections of the State- Traffic Not Hindered. In South Carolina Fall of Snow and Ice is Reported in Weste n, Eastern and Central Portions Soldiers Are Comfortable. SAVINGS CLUB PAID J The developments in Hussia duriitf: the past few days have caused people to I. wonder whether it is not about lime that Kercnsky ai.iu appeared on the scene and assumed tie leadership ot the counter icvolut ionary force, lieueral Korni- ioii is one oi i ne leaders oi the army mat na- nceii raised anil wnicli is causing.' the llolsheviki miyli concein. (ieti. Korniloll' is in command of the army whirl: is said to be eiideavoriny to cut the Trans-Siberian raiK.av. MEMBERS TODAY against Casloti It. Means, at the i on the trial. As : well known, Mr.. 1 Kiiii; met her death under mysterious sunie time outlining the slate's conten tion for one of three verdicts, the other two beilii.' seuind dej-ree murder and manslaughter, only tie liist haviii't a penalty fo death. The solicitor, in outlining the grounds About $20,000 Distributed to the 900 Members 'of the Bank of Commerce Club. i a . l I - V.:.- '..,... ami ..j spr.nf; unenu u .o.e . ,K , a (isiw.t1 ,,. ,,. ((.l(.MIant . to ready for efforts next year. 1 he whole ; fro( , .,. ,t,.it,s wn)t,n ,)v force of 40.mm troopH. it was sai.l in aw jn llt .mam,. u,;. lyouaoil, W.in iienerai I'vaienuines, hoi back the counter revolutionise s. H is ..i j t imi.. t... i i ix.A. ,.....,. lo M....I.V ... ....... ,.ir4.1Knf4taIM.(. , Mi,.cnheimer spring. torces, eliminate t ie UoisiieviKi irom . . .... , . , , near t oncord. She was killed hv a liul Russia and establish a new I.K1 1 ing front , u .(1 )(, )wi.k h(i. to keep (.ermany out ol Hussian gram. , .... , , , ,. . , . 1 the same purpose kst DecemlaT. . . . .. ..... . I neai tne e.u. wiiii in r .11 no iinu : ai.i.iniirmled Inrue sums nelongiiiL' to i 11 i coa unit mineral Iickls. Ailiea siiipori . ..... i , ... i..., . 11 was her secrelai v. l.asloti U. Means. ,.u k m mil L i n rr to es iu .....ml ...1 i . ii. .it l,j t Im liil..r .if the '' I I mu fi.i- Hnnie tone unrkeil v'ith the .... n.. ........I .1.... .1,.. fi.- I T 1 JO t Ull II l . Ill s, iilill Ml' 111.-. Mr I 1 on whi the siaie will base its claims counter revolutionists ami it is hoped j that nn American army may be sent to Hussia to aid in restoring order and to solidify the righting front. Detachments of the flolsheviki troops and some of (ieueral Korniloff's forces l ave met in an engagement near llielo gorod in the province, of Kursk, ;1(M miles south of Mohcow, and Cossacks are re ported to be in Khnrvow and Mohiilaev, north of the Cossack region. According to Bolsheviki reports, the reported en gagemont waa not sertoufl and the As sacks were defeated. Threats against the .Smolny institute, Bolsheviki headquarter in Petrograd, are made by opponents of the Bolsheviki, with the limns Detective agency, but of late held a posit'on as nctiuigcr of Mrs. King's large estate. The verdict broiil inquest attribute 1 be dental causes. An examination of the body later by the coroner's physician gave rise to the opinion that the woman was slain, ,, The exhumation ol the b ody was made at midnight on order of a judge of the Criminla Circuit , court, Chicago, tvliere the Wlv bad been taken for trial. was her secretary. Casloti . , . . . .. i . i .Means lor some nine uitv Veil i Iastou Means had managed King's affairs $1K.'.IHHI of her estate had j been spent, whereas .l."0.IM)(l was spent iu at the first j during, the nine years preceding, when death to acci si, W!ls iv;n,r i,i Puris. I'lkroiie ami America. The state announced soon after the convening of ourt this morning that it would , wot offer un v more evidence The Hank of Comlfterce today mailed checks to the !HN) meSblaTs of its Christ mas Savings club. J"hc total amount ihsii distributed WflnjllKiut W0.IHKI, much more than the amount mailed out for YOUNG MAN FACES FUND RAISED FDR 1 Creenville. S. ('.. Dec. li.-The cold wave which has held the :10th-diviioti at Camp Sevier in its grasp for the pnst four days was ae onipaneid lat night by a heavy snowfall. The official weather registration bureau this morning report ed the fall to 1k 5.7 inches. The camp has plenty of wood on hand and a large shipment of coal in sight. The soldier are comfortable anil warm ;n their tent.1 A SiOU AliCF CAMP SEV ER m Shirley Templeton, of Winston- j Greenville Paper Starts Fund to Salem, Charged With Soliciting Be Used ui Providing Men With Funds Wrongfully. against lnston H. Means, charged with the murder of Mrs. Maude A. King. StateV eomtsel derided on this action tiring the night. It had been stated Dr. William Bormeistcr. pathologist of 'that the state would introduce several Northwestern university and coroner's ! more w itnesses this morning, physician, performed the mitop.-y. anil on ! Solicitor Clement spoke for tabout an l is Hiding was based the opinion 'that ' hour and was followed by .ludge Frank The 1!HS club will open December IS and it is confidently expected by Cash icr Millis and otliCT officials of the institution that the Jmiount as well as number of members 1 will double those of the present club. lr. Millis is much pleased, he stated today, with the show ing of the club for the prtwnt year and he will leave no effort unmade to increase the memlterahip for HUH. Christmas Cheer. i II. Templeton, a young whitt ho claims ins,)n Nalcui ;1s hi police I'll IDENTIFICATION TAGS ARE DISTRIBUTED TO MEN AT CAMP SEVIER Greenville. S. C Dec I i i lent ilicat io:i tags arc luing and distributed In er camp. The tags arc small disks of aliwn who demand that their leaders be shorn Mrs. King was murdered of power. In Moscow the Bolsheviki are having trouble feeding the populace and ttol diers are threatening revolt. The Bolsheviki are attempting to con vene a constitutional assembly and w ill arrest any opponents who seek to gain control of the assembly. There baa been no break iu the in fantry inactivity on the western and Italian fronts. The artillery has been active along the greater portion of the two front and on the western front al lied and Herman airmen have engaged in many combats. German reinforcements continue to lie bent to the western front, although I II. I c i- . ro.u .1 " . t.i j the expected blow will fall. Heavy bombardments Vy the big guns generally signify approaching lighting; and the im pression prevails in all allied capitate that the Germans are preparing to make the snrpeme effort of the war. j Osborne, of Charlotte, who opened the j argument for the defense. He referred to the relations existing ladwecn Mrs. j King and Gaston B. Means and appealed ! to the jurors to observe the golden rule in rendering the verdict. He went over a part of the transactions between Mrs. King and Means. NO PRAYER MEETING AT. FIRST 4BAPTIST CHURCH THIS EVENING Owing to the cold weather therewil be no prayer services at the Kirsl li.i;. tist church this evening, the pastor, liev Shirley man w home, is detained I, the local tliorities pending an investigation of hi-' connection with the W'iiisioii-Salcni M. C. A. and a fund that inst itut ion is a legeel to be rai-ing for the purpose o! dining sailors on Christmas day. The young man was laken into custodv about noon today following telephonic! communication with certain persons; who Winston-Salem whom, Winston Nalef claimed--, were members of the committee for which be was working. The young man approached Mayor j Hagiin fo' permission to canvass lligln j I'oint for funds and the mayor asked for credentials. Those the young man not all-convincing Inch Layer at Columbia. Columbia, S. ('., Dec. 12. A one-inch layer of snow and ice covered Columbia this morning and all towns in the north ern, western and central sections of tl: state reported a precipitation of three or four inches during the night. The '-fall . was not heavy enough to interfere with traffic. money follows j possessed wel'i l the maxor inl'oriiicil liim to mi lames A. Clarke, stated this mornin:. , wil ,U .., whi1 It is very unusual for this congregation to call off an v servi'-e. but conditions ar' such that the pastor deems postpone the meeting. Mayor Itagan de communicate will nled Mr. Imt .1. I it be-' to lie would lev Hold-.. chairman of the committee, and a ci KEPT THEIR WHISKEY 1'iTsoiial ; Kini' and Means. W hen Means took -;ruck off , charge she had siuandered all she had soldier at I v..u.. un iiili.rst in the Woodruff Trust comminv. he stated. ilium, bearing on one si le th unci j ,),. o-borne was interrupted by ad of the wearer, together with his VTnde j j(,m ., f,- lunch, or rank, and his organization. Each! . . soldier is uiven two. which are worn J about the neck on a cord. In case ofj death, one tag is buried with the body. and the other turned in so as to check j j up the records . ! IN HOT WATER BAGS j resulted in tlic mayor ascertaining that i she whs absent from Winston Salem. i I I lien Greenville. S. ('.. Dec. 12. -A Christ mas fund for the soldiers ol Camp Sevier is being raised bv the Grcenvilli News, tie morning, paper of the city i and the first clav's subscriptions amount ' . cd to $li."i. The way iu which th w ill be spent is described as in n recent issue of The News: "In brief, it is that a large hall, the largest obtainable, shall be seemed, dec orated in ti e national color and adorn ed with Christmas trees. There the sol diers will be in invited to make them selves at hotiie on the gladdest day of the year and there the people of Greenville-all ol. 1l:eiJ, every blessed man and woman and child- will meet them anil do all tliey can to make it a pleas- . . . i i . . . i -i , 'i-i . i . I am ami nappy in isumis. i iiere ine ! soldiers will be presented with cake, i fruit, candy, tobacco, sandwiches. coU'ee ! mid things of that sort. 1 The entertainment i- to last from enr ly morning until late al night Hands j will lie on hand to furnish music. Notl: ; ing formal, no speeches, nothing like that just a home Christ mas niagnilied thou j sands of times. Raleigh Blanketed. I.aleigh, Dec. 12.- This city is blank eted in seven inches of wiow. The fall began at S o'clock last night and con tinued until !) o'clock this morning. It is the heaviest snowfall in a number of veins. Im ' ilicad later Six Inches Here. Late yesterday (ie first snow of the season began to fall in High Point mid continued through a majority of the night. This morning the earth was blanketed from six to seven inches deep. The snow was of a tine H'ariety.H hem being no large flakes observed,' a tiiMt is sticking well. The sim peeped out from behind the cloud two or three times today hut each time the p"ep was mil sufficient to cause any disap pearance ot the siio.v. Children, as iisiui ". had a glorious time in the white blanket, whi'c .'iff- hauls and other older ami diuuilicd i illeiN were lill-ilv engageil III eieaiiiig the sidewalks so that pedestrians nilg'it at'ely i -jugate Kails. ' Ii 1'iw and i a !' hetw.cn as a result of t'le (iwcau- ! i t ions EXPLOSION IN BIG AN AUSTRIAN SHIP PROCLAMATION ISSUED BY GENERAL KALEDINES ! SHELL PLANT TODAY Battleship Wien Torpedoed And Sunk, So Vienna Dispatch Offi cially Admits. Declare That Cossacks Have Taken Ov-! One Man Killed This Morning By er Power in Southern Russia. j BJ Explosion at New Castle, Stockholm, Monday. Dce.lti. A pmc j Initiation of Iienerai knlcdhics. the Delaware, cossack lender, declaring that the cos sack government hastaken over pow i i niiugion, Del., Dec. VI A terrilic cr in the Done!, region of sout hoi ;i i hombardmeut shortly before R o'e'ock us.-ia, is published in The Vnhn nhis morning with shells flying in eVry Albemarle. Dec 1. A case ot un usual interest coining up in the county coivrt this week was that of state v K. L. Sneed. proprietor of the Helleview hotel at Badin. The defendant was charged will: havnig more than the le gal quantity of whisky allowed by hivv in hi possession The evidence showed that when the' officers made a raid on the Helleview ho- I . . ... e I 1. ....Il.w ill ! rei u:ey loiiim h ' ip'" whisky and the niui-ual thing anoiit it was that the whi-ky was in hot water hags, - .ludge Hrown adjudged the lie feiidant guilty an! ordered that he pay tine of l."(l and I'at the whisky be de st roved, and the ie.ie water bags turned over to the local l!cd Crn.n chapter. the secretary of the commit tc- ws called amid this person disclaimer any acquaintance with or rcspuiisibili . t or the acts of Teiiudeloii. follow ill" this he was placed under arret. Templeton came to llcdi I'om1 Iromj J licxington w here In mod a nt e sum 'for the cause he reprcscnled. v. Iiethcr personal or for the sailors of the Ame jrican navy. He had seeuied bet wee i and $7 in' High 1'oiui bi-loic bciin : jarresled. .Mayor Kagan staled this aft - il.ut unless il :c. 'alcl foil ll I that the yojng man reall.v rcpreseiitcl the Winston-Salem V. M C A. as In claimed, he would be arraigned in mu nieipal court toluol row morning mob r a charge of solicit ing MimU under lal- pretenses. Ill ol hci he i 1 1 "hi to b.- a siinon pure fnkii. FURLOUGHS 10 BE GIVEN TROOPS CONDUCT OF BATTLE IS NOW QUESTIONED Secretary of War Baker Today , London Jim Demands Inqu;ry Makes Statement and Assigns ! Conduct of the Cambrai His Reasons. November 30. Tnnnrnnrn ominfiu Krai-& wmwr f Kharkov, ( .-..pv , I llnr rllllrll Mmllu' " ' iv,;il ,ias n,i,,H''1 hoiin. ha. : lUIII LUULU UUIlUni i,r e-eai,ed the bolsheviki ecu-o:ln;i ' Itieneral Kaleiidines declares that I he Co-sacks have the means of maintain j ing order and intend to use their whole! nower to oppose the bolsheviki. ! The newspaper publishes sharply vvordod protests against the bolsheviki from seven dillei-ent arniv corps. London. D-e.l2.-TlieAustrv.i, battle- Tiirk(siun to ,, -iin,. ship Wien was torpedoed and sunk Sun- fl)i Mw(1(,n , ap,s hi ,, day night, according to the Vienna ofh- i u T.,lk(,ll ,.,,. cial report received in Amsterdam nd j ilaJ of t)mt govt.nlnu.,lt. (o i;;hi the "Debating handbook" is issued by the university forwarded by the Central News agency. I Most of the crew was saved. The battleship Wien diaplaced .Vil lous and waa laid down in 1893. She had a complaeement of 441 men. Her largest gnus were four -of M inched and six of fi.O inches and he had four torpedo tubes above the water line. ! lio-sheviki, who now control that city. WAVE 0FPATRi0TSISM OF. N. C. NEGRO MASONS direct ion aroused New Castle and vici nity, l'irc had broken out in one of the most dangerous sections of the shell loading plan of the llcthlchem steel . oinpanv. at Now Castle, n mile from this city. The b!a.e slatted in a shcM loadilg house where were stored 4,ti(l(l shells, loaded with TJ . T.. one of the most violent, of 'all explosives , and .10.1MI0 empty sehells. The fire had scarcely started when the loaded shells began to expiode. One man. Theodore Jacobson of Har rison, X. was killed. His bead was blown olT by n shell So far lis could be Varned, no other person were hurt. . Air Activity. ; London, Pec. 12. There was great aetviity in the air Monday in the Cam brai region, no today' official announce ment states. . Armistice is Signed. 4nlTy, Rumania, Dec. 10. (Monday ) It waa officially announced today that "Tin"TrmTiTTcer l ad lieen signed, in accordance with which hostilities wen suspended afc 10.30 yesterday morning until further notiee. Salisbury, Dec. 11. There are over COO negro Masons in attendance of the grand lodge of their jurisdiction ofNort.lt Carolina and a striking fea- ture is the pronounced painousm.i There are i in attendance Col. .lames II. Young, of Raleigh; Bishop J. V. Hood, of Faye-tteville, who is the fa ther or ti organization among ne groes in this Btatet Dr. C. ' S. Brown and a" largo ntimlier of representative negroes. , ., ' - The organisation wa . welcomed to the city bv mavor W. H. Woodson Dr. :KrrMrt:rrr, .L M'. ll. M, of lx- ington, ,'who' la presiding, created a wave o f patriot n-.ti in the meeting in delivering' his annual address. 1 PROF GRIER OF CHINA GROVE LEAVES FOR WAR CLapel Hill. He. 12. - "Public Discus sion and Debate" i- the subject of a new number of the I Hiw r-ity of North Caro lina Record, of To .ii!ch. This number is designed to -no aid, references and helps in dcbiiii . literary society pro grams, holidav cverciscs, etc. A miinber of timely questions are litel for de bates, with sprn.il helps on a great many. Its arrangement, content, mid sug gested methods "i work, with slight modifications, an- -uitcd to the needs of farmers' union li;ils, womneV clubs and other similar oi'nniations. THE HALIFAX DEATH Washington. Deo. . Members of the National army will be granted no Christmas furloughs miles- they live in liolh-y dis;iii t their eiintonuient s. Secretary of War Itakcr. in an an nouncement today, assigned the harm ful dice! a general leave would I avi on i it mi discipline ami the heavy bur den on the railroad as the reason. LIST IS NOW 110 DURHAM HOSIERY MILLS INCREASES CAPITAL I London. Dec. 12 The Times this mo ; n ! ing promiscuously prints an editorial de j manding an inquiry into the conduct of ! ti e battel on the smith end of the Cam i bra i salient on November .'ill and the I following dav. owing to disquieting lirst ! hand minors appealing in censored ac ! counts. '1 hese arc said to include i Im ' charges of blundering and that the I'.i u - t ish were caught iinmidv. SENATE ADOPTS "ANTI SNOBBERY" RESOLUTION Reunited Relatives and Returning Refugees Serve to Greatly Lower the List. REPLACE THE MESS SHACKS DESTROYED BY FIRE SATURDAY Halifav- V timnle "I cj the death b-t Th cknouii 1 China tirove, Dee, ll.-l'rof. B. M. (Jricr. whose home '1 near Charlotte, and who ha staugh in the China Grove High school for the past two ears, re signed his school work and has left to join the aviation corps'. He will go first to cKntuckv and hen to Texas for the necessary training. Professor (irier came to China' tirove two years ago. , Upon the resignation of, 'the principal last year he was pro- Waslington. Doc. 12. The senate yestenlay adopted Senator Overman's resolution asking facts concerning the relation of army "Hicers jto privates. The i mn wkf W(irk f ti(.iaU) believe. Dec VI. A revised cs-i-ioti ea .unities reduces to approximately 1.SIMI. id total StHl and il is lielieved 1. 1,11,1 liodies, perhaps '.Mill, still lie. under the debris.. The list of vie times is steadily becoming smaller as relatives arc reunited and refugees re-town. From :iisi to ."-OK are totally or partly ( Mart-hull, Paul Allen, and others, blind ami Jt"1 children have each lost I . both nareiils. so Canadian and Ameri t Unlcigh, Dec. 1 1. The Durham Ho 1 sierv mills, ot Kurtiain, lias Ii cil an amendment to its chaitci that increas es the capital to .s:;,ii(iil.(lll by issuing I , ro.-n v ! 'lo. s I . Doe. IJ llepl.o-i-- an addilional S."(MI.immi half of which i-menl of the -: no n.-i.-k- of the li.nli to be preferred and half common s n:-kk I nfanl iv uhiih ,v i . deslrov cd hv lilt! .1. S. Can. dr.. is the president of the! t.arl ainnlav inoi niiig ha- la-en coin corporation. mv.u -i I. I ho rues, lulls of t ouipaiiies A charter was isMiod for the tovvtij of Pine Hluir, Moore county. The Stovall Mercantile eonipany. of ! I he lieailqil.ir- iijip v ciiaipn IV A. I".. I . and D. that Ii r.s and I ha I ol the ,wre totally siiiiied. load he with all. utensil- iin.l pro. isioiis Mored m I hill' (if ( oinpany D. where lire originated, null the hall ol the rcgi ntai inlirnuuy wtl i.iirtia Iv ih-slioyeil Lcfcetive elcctrt-. motod to the nosition this year, ihe whole ai-hool gatherwl at the depot, to I id I'.im good byo an w'wh him a great and gucceful future. resolution reads "Resolved, that the secretary of war be and tie hereby is .directed to inform the United States senate what, if any, rule or regulations there are of , the war department which prevents officers from having intercourse with privates and mingling with tliem in social inter source, -'or .which tend to cast distinc- tion between-enlisted men and commis sioned of fleer when they are off duty." No objection wan raised to the reso lution. ' '' Cotton. New York. Dee..l2.TI it ton mar ket showed bearish and irr-gular activ ity at the opening today. After own ing steady at an advance of 7 points to a decline of 2 points on the active mar ket, it sold 10 to-!, points net lower 20.20 after the call Cotton opened ; steady. Decemlier. 30.-J0; Junuary, 20.50; May, 20.13; July, 28.73. Stovall was chartered with .'i,ihmi cap ital nulhori.ed and frI.IMMI ubscribcil hv 1!. II. O'ltrian and others. There was a'wo u charter for the I Chestnut l-'arma. Inc., of Chariot le. 1 i wjrjn is ,elievivl to have ta'tfil thu capital $1:1.000 subscribed ami .-M.io.noo eanse of the lire. The I lUth Infantry was for rly the Sccoml North Cum' lina( and is coiiummdwl by Col. -I. Vart 11. Metis. Safety First. Pedestrian (to crying boy.: "Why arc you crying, my little man r" First grade Pupil t' "Teacher said I must not cms t the ' atreet until the street car has passed by. I don't see any car. The cara will not pass by. I am so hungry. :flHtoo-KM-hooo."--SclnKI Hoard Journal. '" s. LondoiL. J)ec. remier Llnyd- tieorge this morning atated that (ieueral Alleiiby, the British commander in Pal estine, entered Jerusalem on foot Tues day. '..'.'.". " . . . : Tech Vs. Penn. Atlanta, ia., IH-c, 12. (ieorgla Tecb aiwl tlie University of Penury Iva nia w ill clash oil the gridiron next season, e cording to an announcement by the Tech athletic council.1 The gama in 'lie.lulm to 1 played in I'liiladeluhia Xovcm. her l.r . i -M - , t -. Saltan U IU. fieneva,' Uec. 12. Dispalcl en fcnn here hy way, bf Vienna report th; i, t sultan of Turkey 1 wriou ly HI.

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