-- want: ads. Read them all. They arecnpae4. Vf..-.i:..r Fair tonight and Friday, con tinued cold tonight with lU frost in exposed places, ditr.in. ishing northeast winds. . sV L ! : I ! t 1 . i , t. VOL 25. No. 120. HIGH POINT, NORTH CARP UNA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 11, 1918. Member Associated Pre. TROOPS MOV iVIIMIl 'HUN. All 4 vlUilV , U1 i , -a , i 1 . i in t y u it nil ill cn t v . 7 WJi U1V 1A IMC Are rwn. GERMANS SLAUGHTERED MERCILESSLY; BRITISH WITHDRAW FROM ARMENTIERES IT JO AllOW Few Germans Reaching the, American, Barbed Wire Mowed Down With Rifle and Ma chine Gun Fire. ENEMY'S BEST MEN MADE THE ATTACK Americans Reply Vigor ously to Harassing Fire by the Germans, Which Preceded the Massed Attacks. With the American Army in France, Wednesday, April 10. (By the Associated Press.) The Germans attempted an. at tack against the American posi tions northwest of Toul just be fore sunrise this morning and were completely . repulsed. Two German prisoners said the enemy planned the attack with a force of 800 men, but that it was stopped in its full strength by the effective fire of the American ar tillery.' 4 The Americans lost no prison ers. One of the German prison ers died later of wounds. . . Attack in Force. With, tl. Afne'riffan' Ariny in, Frances Wednesday,,. April lO.-r--, American- ! troops ' on a certain sector-today repulsed the heaviest German' attack "yet made on an American, force. ,,,,,,.,.,,- Brilliant work Jby -the Ameri- cai me Dame nnw :m a wire cniaiiEiciiicins, i . una writing niiu ri; "r and those of the enemy who got Point who iti intort.st(., (s lired to be into the wire were accounted for there. Other parts of iuilford county, with rifle and machine gun fire, every township in fact, with the excep The German attack came af-i1' of the three named above, are well . i . .-il i i i i ter a violent arniiery oomoara- ment qf three days. A large num- ber of the enemy are believed to have been killed or wounded durintr the attack which contin- iied for nearly two hours. For 72 hours before their ef fort the Germans began firing an increasing number of shells at the American positions and mak ing extensive use of gas shells. At noon yesterday the enemy began a harassing fire against one of our strong points, and kept it up throughout the night, dropping hundreds of shells of all calibres ; on both front and rear positions. The American artillery replied vigorously, the men in some bat teries working ' with their gas masks on for two or, three hours r at a. stretch. About . 5 o'clock this morning . . the German infantry in the front line signalled their batteries for a barrage and started for the Amer l ican front line. ' ' '; The American gunners laid a t ' counter barrage almost immedi- , , ately." ' - ..v ' f The attackers, who were V8Pe ; cially' trained for this operation, i were selected - from among the best men in three regiments. They were preceded by shock platoons, i but the American barrage caught them before they were able to reach our wire entanglements. A terrific fire against the ad vancing enemy was kept up by , American batteries. The Germans probaly suffered severe casualties as several bodies f ,-.t . , 1 were se?i I; ".A'l - across the 1 ! wire cT'.cr the enemy re- The attack was followed by violent artillery duels which were still going on at a late hour1 to night. ' Fighting Continue. . With the American Army in Frame, Wednesday, April 10.--(By Associated I'rcss.) -The flKhtiiiR was i continuing thin morning north of Armentiers, with the British luflding Messines ridge "and Wytscheate, which yesterday changed hnnds several times. ' , During the day the enemy succeeded in enteriug not only these positions but La Crehe, Nieppe and Hollebeke. Vigorous counter attacks , forced the enemy from all these places. The Ceroiuns this morning were in possession of about half of the village of Ploegsterret and Ploegsterret wood on the Flanders battle front, just to the north of Armentiers. CITY TO ORGANIZE Meeting Called for This Evening at 7 JO O'clock at the Com mercial Club. For the purpose of forming an organ ization to push the sale of the third Liberty Loan bond in the district com imh1 if Hiuh Point. Jamestown and leep River townships a well as ar ranging to have a great number of peo ple from the city and section in attend- Uriee ioon the,' patriotic snd educational exercise at Greensboro Saturday, a wteetigafme' iatwwtedtuMt called for this evening at iM " o'clock lit the Commercial etub. The call was Wuikl today by J. Elwoott Vm, and Carter Dalton, men who have undertaken the task of having High Point make a splendid showing, both in tlie matter of absorbing Liberty loan bonds and . of taking 'part in the festivities at Greensboro Saturday." WaH jarft Ififwslof gifting k M Ift Wijl lj ijiicussedt 1 lit the? meeting it.!.. .i.Ahln.f i I ni'iiri' Ttiilan 111 lIllsK organized and ready for the intei.Hive . j 111 I C. WW rV I TT Hi' II Hill V w- npxt TiH-odav. The mi-etina at (ireens- jro Saturday is the final preparation before the big drive. In addition to the peech by Charles Spencer Chaplin, emi- nent fun maker of the films, other nota bles will make addresses. But by the far the outstanding fea ture of the day will be the gigantic parade, staged at 10.30 o clock. I wo i regimental brass bands from Camp Greene, Charlotte, will be on hand and j i A it. ) will m in ine iihihuc, me Koveriiniin7 auiuorilies navui" icuuereu mem ioi i that day. Hundreds and hundreds oft school" children, eitir.ens, students from the universities of North Carolina and j Virginia as well as from other colleges of the section, will be in the parade. Saturday afternoon the annual base ball game between the teams repre senting the universities of North Caro- FOR SALE OF-MDS lina and Virginia will be played at Cone Company F. IHHh infantry, who has park. The attendance is sure to lw large I jjcCn convicted by a general court inar as the Liberty loan exercises will have i tial of disobedience to a superior officer, been completed long btfore the start j ms 'WB sentenced to confinement at of this game. ' " i hard labor for seven vears in the dis- But the business before the people of High Point is to lie found at the Com mercial club tonight. Much Pressure in. Evidence on Cotton i Market Early Today New York, April 10. There seemed to be a great deal of pressure against the cotton market at the opening to day. Selling orders had apparently ftc ettmu'atod overnight and first prices were ,17 to 25 points lower in response to weak cables, liquidation and scatter ed selling. The weather may showed undesirably Jow temperatures in the kouth, but seemed to make little impres. slon-on the sentiment which-was unset tled snd before tho end of the first hour July and October were 38 to 42 point;1, net lower. ' , Cotton fntnres opefled steadyr-May, :)3.1": July, a'.fifl; Octolier, 31.00; De- ccmbcr, :i(l.(iS; January, 30.58. Evacuation Was Fore cast and Discounted as the Town Has No Strategic Value to Haig's Forces. HUNS STRUGGLING TO GAIN KEY POINT Desperate Attempts to Wrest Mecsines Ridge from British, Driven Back With Heavy Losses to Attackers. Armemiers has been evacuated by the British, while the tiermans, driving in from the southwest of the town, are struggling to push forward in the area southwest of Messiue ridge, the key point of the British line in Flanders. Messines Ridge itself has been the ohii'ctive of desperate frontal .attacks atfd the German arc reported to have pushed on to the ridge several limes durnig the tierce hand-to-hand fighting. Kaeh time, however, the British came back at them with effective counter at tacks and today were still holding the ridge- West of Armientiers the enemy, struggling in his deep salient, has pushed the fighting to the limit and at one time' succeeded in driving some three mile beyond the river Lys tola CVeehftF. In this section the British like- counter attacks misted the Oettnans from 1a Creche and other neighboring terrain. -.-u-i u.o; u ,;- Wyscheate, south of Messines, was also the objective of heavy (ierman at taiks, and tlie possession of it changed several times but this rhoring found Fieid Marslial Haig's troop holding the town. , There was'a similar hard fijflit for Ijes t rem "a t the western tip of the German salient on the river Lawe. Tlie mans worked their way into this place yesterday, but were inable to move on further aniT ultimately were driven out of it and back across the Lawe. The evacuation of Armentiers ha been forecast aud discounted, as the plrtce is without strategical value. What is left of the town is full of gas hang ing there from the copious gas shell bombardments. Xorth of Armentiers the British po sition hinges on Plocgsteert and and Ploegsteert wood which is the line bi sected this morning. There was not let up in the engage ment today, the battle continuing , on the entire 25-mile front from La Basse t t h(J yprcs-Comines canal, just 1 ueow ypres, Disobcys Superior Officer and Draws Seven Years' Labor Camp (Sevier, Greenville, S. C, April 11. (Special ) Private lvey Clifton. eiplinary barracks at Fort Jay, X. Y. to forfeiture of all pay and allowances due and to become due. and to dishon. orAb'e discharge from the service on release from confinement. Clifton's refusal to obey was aggravat. ed by repittion of the order, and his wilful intention to disobey it shown by a remark that he would go to the guardhouse rather than comply with it. "Tlie conduct of the accused in this case," write the commanding general in approving - the sentence "demonstrates that he is unworthy, at the preseht time of the honor of being a soldier.",, HUNS ROBBED RUSSIA OF 56,000,000 SOULS Petrograd, Wednesday, April 10 Under the terms of the peace treaty the commissioner of commerce announces Russia 1ms lost 7S0.0O0 square kilome - ltre-of ten-it wr'wHh W,000,00ff inhaM.l tants, or 32 percent of the entire pop- J ulation of the country. IIP Rejects Bill by a Large Vote Solely Because oi; Clause Permitting Workers to Strike. Many Senators Consider '?'-'. t Vote Sharp Rebuke to Strikers in Shipyards and Munition Plants. Washington, April 11- The c mlei. ence report on the bil't providim; sev.-ic penultiea toi destru'et lun of inte- ' vii. -villi prothictiuii ."f essentials of war iratenals cuiitaioixg llu- cause, oiviiif t'- workmen the riali1 to sti ik f:r bettil ii;ls or wrki:ig conditioiK wa rcjectcd today by the senate, !I4 to 2"). The vote, following jestenlay's bitter denunciation of labor's attitude in the war in the numerous strikes on war pubs will cause the house to reconsider the bill. ... The senate' opposition was directel m.IcIv to the cause providing that Hit bill should not restrM workmen from strikiiH'. Many snutors - rejrnrded today's vote as a rebuke to .'.workmen Who have struck at shipyard and. factories engag. ed in war wotk. . . . LATE BULLETINS Armentiers iEvscusteS. ' ' ' ' IxiihIod,' April U. Tl British, have withtirawn from Armentiers, on 'the northern battle front, the-war i office announces. i ..,- iclent :ligiiting continues- all along the front 'front Ia Basse canal to the Ypres-Conynes canal. hr the ?front nortlr of Armentiers heavy fipbttng was continuing late last night Thwe was little change in the British positions. British Recapture Town. London, April 11. The Germans yes terday pushed from Croix du Bac south west of Armentiers and parlies of them are reported in the nei-hliorhiM'-1 or Stcenwerk, about five miles west of Armentiers, -Renter's eorresxmdent -it British headquarters reports. Yesterday noon the enemy occupied LYestrem, but in the cowse of the aft ernoon the British drove him out and back across the river Lawe. German Attack Broken. Paris, April 11. The German attack on the Champaign sector last night was broken up by French fire. The principni battle there was heavy artillery fight vi between Montdidier and Noyon. British Advance In Holy Land. London, April 11 British troops on April 0 advanced their line north of Jerusalem in Palestine, to a depth of one and a half miles along a trout of five miles, the war office announces. Notwithstanding stubborn resistance of the Turks the British captured the vil vilhiges of Rasat and Fl Kesr. United States Naval Base is Established on Azores Islands Washington, Apiil, 11 For the pro tection of the Atlantic trade routes to southern Kuropc the LVited Stales with the consent of I'ortujrai has esab ished a naval base on the A.ore islands. (inns have been lauded to begin for. tilicatiou of the station which in ad dition to being used a n naval base for American submarine , 'destroyers and other small craft also will serve as un im)ortant homing station for American airplanes,' a number of , which already have been assembled .there. v. ' , YUCATAN WILL CONSIDER ANTI-ALCOHOLIC CONGRESS Mexico City. April 11. The lesisla ture of the state of Yucatan has sent in vitations to all the slates in the repub- i lie to attned ao ongress for the purpose 1 of discussinir snd adopting laws look- tnsr towarit the'totat nrohlbttmff'Tjf th sale of alcoholic and intoxicating bev 'erages throughout the nttre country. A Mortar That Shoots Barbed Wire fi l' Vhfy .-See: h rSi JL I ft 1 3 vC -v 4 A 4 if II, r, n 1 1 it kind nf trrllrli intuitu, tanglements. It can throw live rolls of troops alioix to withstand the counter iittark i.i the enemy it is invaluable, for entiuiylcini ill- can be thrown about the position , iinuied aiclv. The mortar is be in: tested at the Kddystone proviii); roumla at Lakchiiist, X. .1. SIXTY-EIGHT COAL PRODUCING ' COMPANIES WILL SUPPLY NEEDS OF NORTH CAROLINA CONSUMERS Mine Operating Companies in Virginia WiU Furnish the Coal Supply of North Carolina, Ac cording to the Zone System of the Fuel Administration. PRICES SET AT THE MINES ' ' f , b ' ....... r- tribuling the .float 6tfpji.y of th nation- there are HH, coal producing, companies operating railroad coal mines in the one(() t!M, fart t,Ht the stipiilv of awl ;1fot,,mf "I '" ' -,. v i ... .... ontlaak 'at set uiiirt for jtuppljing coal to tlie con i -uiliew .of North Carolina, it is neces sary,. l,hnt co'isiuncrs acquaint them selves with the uew ruies governing tlo liHtrilutii.ii of fuel at the mines fvoii which; it may tye purchased. Cert air mines in Virginia will furnish North Carolina, these mines being situated ol the Norfolk and Western. Southern Lousville and Nashville, C. C. and (1 and 1. It. I!. lines. The prices set at the mines in Virginia are: Virginia Ix-e. Wise, Dickinson, and Kussell counties, west of Finney on the Xoefo'k and Western railway; run of mine, S2.5(l; prejiired iel. .2.4."; slncl. or screenings, $1.05. (Former prices. 2, .i2.i5, .!."., respe -lively.) The name and address of the produc ing 'companies operating mines from which consumers in North Carolina may purchase cca' arc lldnner-liuven Coal Co., Dliill. Va.; Banner aud Teiche Coal Co., Coeburn. Va.: Bear Creek Coal (Vi.. Wise, Va : Benedict Coal Co.. St. Charles Va.; Big Chief Coal Co.. Wise. Va.; Back Mountain Mining Co.. I.ig Stone (iap; Blackwood Coal and Coke Co.. Blackwood; B ack Diamond Coal Co., St. Charles; Blue Kiilge Coal Co., Roanoke; Bowling 11. O. and Co.. Coeburn: Bnili - ii mm Coal Co., Drill: Brad ey Coal Co.. Wise: Camilla Coal Co.. Drill; Carte? Coal Co.. Alfredtou: Clini hlield Cojt' corpora t ion. Collcries Ci Daute: Carter Red Asu ( rocket t lle-T ; Ashe Colliery Co.. Ryivn; Cumbci inii.l (oal Co.. Big Stone Cap; Darby Coal, Miiiinc Co.. Darbvvil'e- Drill Cort'l Mill-I ine Co., Drill; Dixie Splint Coal Co.. Clncbfield; I'.Isw ick and Weathely, Ray. en: J. A K-ser (oke Co.. I'sserville: Feltoti Coa' Co.. Taio ma; Fiat Rock Coal Co., Delia; Fleming. Robert Company, Norton:; Cardcn Coal Co.. Drilh Chub ville Coal Co:. Wise: John i , . , ,r . ii:..i. n. tiuernsev ami ". ia.oio;i; iih-m. Cos! Co.. Wise; llawf ohrtie Coal Co. Norton; Jewel Ridge Coal Corp., Taze. well; KilgOre Coal Co., Norton; laurel Coal Corp., Putnam; lwis t'ceek Coal Co., Drill ; Lew is Creek Banner Coal Co., Dii'l: lieeeova Coal Co.,. Pennington Gap; Ijocust Hill Coal Co., Taeoma: Mc. Clue Coal Corp., Haysi; Middle Creek Coal Co.'RkhlHiidsv Mohawk Coal Min ing Co., .Big Stone Gsnj.' Lemore Coul Co., Wise; forton Cos,l Co.,. Norton; - l0 Virginia Coal Co.. Leona Mines. - 1 Port and Coal Co.. SI. Paul; -TVnn-Lee i 'Coal Co., Big Stone (!p Pioneer Coal ', Co.,, Drill, Raven Collcries Co., Red Ash ! Raven Red Ash , Coal Co.. Red Ash; RobeTtt-tah-Cn.r AVispf Rnwil "nt Corp., Drill; V. Scott Coal Co., Rich I lands; Splash Dam Coal Co., Splash used tor tlirow mji out barbed wire en barbed wire without recharging. For i Dam; Slonega Coke and Coal Co. Big Stone (iap; Stouegap Colliery Co.. Xorloii; Sutherland (oal Co., C iittoti- Voim1 : Simpson Coal Co.. "XuiTou : Tiir. ; kin Cna to.. Ilonakci", Cmteil K oi ie- ries. Inc.. St. Charles; Virginia City Coal Co., N'irainia City: Virginia'-! i .. i i i v;.., k.. ,. i ',.,.1 VII.. M . V i 1. 11 n-s . , M 'j. I il in i ii ii. i I'll i i Co, hanimel. Vn.u, lu.n. (oal ami i U 'oke ( o Koanoke est I o.il (,i A I,i Win.,. f.nu T...H.ia-.tn i . -. ' Agaia are fuel dMiMUstrliim"trp ailing Uie atleutinn ofn the puliljc ......4 ,i..,i,i i ,i..,i iki. 1 .... .1.... i. i'..;i;;.,i ,.,., s iit-i nn t.iiaL Biuwi'ins. mi:in hi- uiif c be devoted to inneting the .was ncedsoif ' ha tin' government winter. during next fall and i MERCttAHTSSHORTLY! Storekeepers Will Elect Officers of Association Next Tuesday Evening. The annual meeting of the members of the Retail Merchants' association of High Point will be held next Tuesday i j evening, at vvlucli time ollicers win ue , elecieil lor im ensuing year, accomiug () to an announcement made today by offi- . cials of the association. The orguni.a- ; tioli was perfected aliuut one year ago , and at the start the membership was , small. But on a majority of questions j and problems the merchants have been united and the result has been a steady : growth until tit-this time more than So 10f the leading retail merchants of the j (.jV liri, members of the association and nrc engaged in solving problems that ; confront both themselves anil the coii- j sinner) Hssoiiatioii recently announced that elfect ive wit h April 1(1. all per-oii who had not paid their accounts would be denied further credit at the stores of the members of the association unless satisfactory arrangements for later payment of accounts were made. When this announcement was made it was stale I thai i- M - int the de-ire or in- tention of the merchants to income- iiieuce hnv one and vesterdav, when called meeting of the directors was held il wa t on ml ilml sceral liiercliantsi had customers who for various rea-ons would Jie unable to met their obliga tions until on or about April. 15. Fol lowing a short discussion it was de cided to extend the time for the start of the enforcement of the resolution until that date, Starting with April 1.1, however. the prompt' payment' regulation " will 1 be strictly enforced: and lu future month all accounts must either be paid or sati isfactorily arranged for by the tenth, Owing to the fact .that the merchants are paying cash for their purchases, they must have-prompt payment of out - standing accounts in order to pretent their' doors" being closed. "Tfts a scir protective measure, one of self-defitse, on the part of the ineri.luUil . SSSUil MEET! 1G OF itSSlJSttPMTt NEGOTIATIONS ! FOR SEPARATE PEACE HINTED Vienna Says They Have Been Carried on Be tween Washington and Austria-Hungary.' Nothing Known of Them in Washington and No One Authorized ' t o Talk Peace. Loudon, , April 11. Negotiations re garding the possibility of peace be- tween the United States and Austria- Hungary have been carried on between Professor Anderson, at Washington, and Count Steven Tisva and Couut Julius Andrassy, former Hungarian premier, ; recording to a Vienna dispatch to ths ! Berlin Tageblatt, as quoted in an Ex j change Telegraph message from Copen hagen. I The dispatch also say the Hungarian ! office admits various attempts have been made to obtain a general peace and (that Knipeior . Charle had negoti ated with several person who hae in-,-ternaliunal iimuecUori. . . .,Vi.l ' - ' ' .Who j tht Professor Washisgtos, . Arjl , j;r'sf .,- in official cird r , tify the .lhofe-sor Anlorson mmrted to . 1'ies ill n nsiiiniMH mwn iv L. C . . I-.IaI....m A j ury me noiessor aiiwui ifrpiMiru .m i hnvefcaiVied tm lfejlot iaVions W itli Ans- " 1 representatives. o-Hniigarian representatives. At the ta,to department, it was. dV 11 clrtled tliHt'lirf sllvh persotf hssbeeX aummi mmVfot&Ui1 & I gK ruing peaeeiaiia,"tw-?nejmriimiKi c ..iiiiUiik lI jti.iii.i tliafa.iioitietioLisitMiM. v.'h..- -- " i itln.r ,nir.u".aL .lie tlllliltu.mJ .Iottk.UI!L.tU;-. 'j"mti: mi- ir7rui'.pi Tt."iujaM ' . ' . . I -A ...141. lll.ll .H IJKfril.i: depart- been couuucteu Willi ine incut's knowledge. was re'eUfVa.,,", -U..'l 'llii .41 1 j MEET IDT TIM j Gathering to Be Held at Presby- terian Church 1 nose . wno Will Speak. A mass n.eeting of the men and wo-r, uen cf the itv who will take t'' census next Sunday afti-MUMi, starling at - o'clock,- will be he'd' fri- !v escning at 8 o'elo at ' ih Pre1''' ti nan (huvch. In addiiion to tltcs" M!" will iotti)ce the visitation e i:imiltee.' every person tn the ci who!. iitvet ,1 ii, s,-;.g the clo-er touch witli clmrcii.. I.ruuglit ,; in the people of High Point i invited. . A iillifiier of speeches w ill l.e tr 'ie to fin I her outline the pans and purpoi r, u! ;he campaign. Among the speak er- will be John A. Kellenberger.- of " Crcciii-lMiro. one of the leading ;-Nda.y sehool workers of the county and tion: I. Allen Austin, president of th if t ii , r i.- 1 -4:i .1. ....-. lilt;!! I 11)111 lOWIISIlip i-SIMlimv fs'IM.Ml - lill Mill ; I Mil inn., nil iniiv'i i& the ci.iinty association, and Mis Mar- 1 1 ha Doier. director of relh'iou fdil'H- . j''"" in the county, one of the foremot ' workers of the soiit-h.r j This i the first public gathering of j the SiiihIh schiM workers and quits nut lira ly a large attemlsnce is desired. Women of High Point to Pray for Soldiers , at Home and Overseas A concerted movement of women of High Point to pray for American sol- j diers in this country and oversea, w is ! laiiiii'hed at a meeting in (he Firt ' Baptist chun-li. at which Mrs. Jame A. Clarke was named temporary chairman. I . Meeting wil lie held weekly In 'hit j different High Point churches mid will . i be open to hie public, They re denominational in every eiie of Si" I word. Ai the initial nieeip a iw.'i ' 'tee was appointed i !"t an I nte a pcrnniucnt i halt i. hi. ' The inclii i,.,! v I -" ' ' in the W'e'cy M ' . hn'!i i n To ' ''' I