II 9 '"' if Collections of rare bargains arranged for the Wednesday shoppers. Fall in Une with the throng of people that are visiting our stbte daily, which goes to show the public is appreciating the wonderful values offered during our great Two-in-One Sale, which makes two value giving events in one. Come this week s in eecials uary QeairaMfee Saile JANUARY CLEARANCE OF COATS Few Ladies and Childrens Fall Coats left on which we have placed unusual low prices for this January Clearance Sale. An opportunity to supply either for r' -self or child a coat at re markable low prices during this week. Colors range in almost all the colors almost all sizes. Come and see them. JANUARY CLEARANCE OF DRESSES Complete showing of Fall Dress es, in Serge, Jersey, Silk and Satin. These are very stylish and well made. Trimmed in Braids, spme with Georgette Sleeves and Jersey Dresses. Special $15.00 Satin and Silk Dresses $9.98 to $19.98. Serge Dresses, $4.98, $8.98, and $15.98. Taffeta Dresses, $4.98 to $15.98 Specialty THE HIGH FOINT ENTEIU a. Out Jam JANUARY CLEARANCE OFCOATSUITS Our January Clearance Sale of Coat Suits offer unusual val ues this week. These suits are made of Serge, Poplins, Broad ' Cloth. Colors in assortment. The prices for this sale range, special, $12.50 and $15.00. to SPECIAL LOT. Serge Suits in blue, brown and green. Regular $12.50 and $15.00 values, special .$6.98 JANUARY CLEARANCE OF SHIRT WAISTS Beautiful showing of Shirt Waists in completejine of colors, made in different materials, such as Voils, Organdy, Georgettes, Crepes, Taffeta Silks, Fancy Plaids and many others. The values offered during, this sale will more than please. Voil and Organdy Waists. .98c Crepe de Chine Waists $1.98 to $3.98. Crepe Waists . . . $1.98 to $4,98 Georgette Waists, $1.98 to $5.98 -i'i ' ' . TUESDAY, FEBRUARY -K 1919. rri r-j r-v Of CTr3Tl Uptflsiial Bargains in ' '-White Goods Long Cloth Nainsooks and Batiste 32-in. Long Cloth, put up in short length 36-in. Wamsutta Lingerie cloth; very pretty, yardage; 5 yds to 9 yds. Special ... 19c soft materia,' special. . 19c, 22 l-2c, 25c 36-in. Long Cloth; good value 15c 36"in' Crestaire Na0k' beautiful quality; 50c value; special 39c 36-in. Long Cloth; 35c value 26c 36-in. Soft finish Batiste .... 25c and 29c 36-in, Lonsdale; 35c value 27 l-2c ,n k n . i ,e 40-in. Mercerize Batiste; special. . 35c, 39c 36-in. White Linen; $1.25 value 89c 36-in. Voiles; pretty quality 35c Sheets and Pillow Cases Bleachings and Shirting 61x90 Good value Shfcets $1.48 36-irf. Bleached Domestic 19c, 22 l-2c, 25c 81x90 New Era Sheets $1.59 36-in. Brown Sheeting 17 l-2c, 19c, 22 l-2c 90x90 Uneeda Sheets . $1.89 Brown Sheeting; also bleached 62 l-2c I 81x90 Hemstitched Sheets ....... . $1.89 10x4 SheetinS' bleacd unbleached; Qj 90 A special at 65c x covy eets $1.69 9,4 Sheeting; bleached and unbleached; Pillow Cases , 25c and 43c ; good value at . . ...... 57 l-2c White Remnant Table Dimity andv White Skirting Great values in Remnants of White Goods, 28-in. Dress Dimity; pretty quality . . . 48c such as Nainsook, Lawns, Batiste, Long' " 28'in- Dimity for Children' Dresses. . 19 Cloth, Dimity Checks, Pajamas, Checks 36-in. Nainsotok; soft finish; special.. 35c 32-in. Heavy stripe Skirting in pretty mer- and many others. See the Remnant ta- . , , . I sc . cenzed stripes; beautiful quality , . 69c bie. Fancy Shirt Madras . . ...... 25c and 35c "V .'.' 1 11 I, 1 1 1 ' " . i 1 1 1 1 . 11'., , 1 1 1 111 1 " "" 1 1 " 1 1 ' 1 " Dress Ginghams Counterpanes and Table Damask Beautiful lot of Dress Gingham in pretty r t 1 v Great Values in Counterpanes. , hne of colors, stripes" and checks and : Lot No. 1 Dimity Quilts .". $1.98, $2.48 " ... n . , , , Lot No. 2 Zinzendorf Quilts .... $1.48 plaids. Prices unusually cheap for this Lot No. 3 ZinzendoVf Quilts . . . $1.98 aje Lot No. 4 Zinzendorf Quilts k . . $2.48 Lot No. 5 Zinzendorf Quilts .... $2.98 Lot No. 6 Fancy colored Quilts I special Dress Ginghams 15c, 19c, 25c,, 29c at k '. , . $3.98 to $6.98. ' 72-in. Mercerized Table Damask . 69c Apron Ginghams,.; 12 l-2c, 15c J7c 19c , 64-in. Mercerized Table Damask .... 59c. - I - . v. u-,.,Vw(.Vw,awi. S9 ' X t", Slier": B . ft. v1