WANT ADS. V v 1 HOME EDITION i Ill age oeven ' VOL. 26, No. 105; HIGH POINT, N. C- MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 3 1,1 9 1 9. FIVE CENTS. Si 1 1 V 1 1 i PKBTOIIIRY III President Wilson and Premier ' Uoyd George Hold a Privatf Conference for' Hour This Forenoon to Reach Conclu- ion About-Work. f HUNGARIAN RAILROAD 7 STRIKE NOT YET OFF Report in London U That Allies " Have Received Formal Propo sal for an Understanding ., From Present Rulers of ' . . Russian Republic. Bath Interrupted; , Awarded $25,000 Paris, 'March 31. Premier Lloyd George And: 'President Wilson con ferred- nrfvktely, for an hour thib foredoanS before the council of four met at i)U President's residence. It Is understood -that the purpose of the conference ,was to expedite the 'peace proceedings. Reports 'that the railroad atrlkc In German-Austria has been settled : MARGARETHEj VS, To invading the privacy of a wo man's bath,; 125,0($0. That's tbs bill a Chicago Jary allowed Mrs. Reeves. The Invaders were a pair of city detectives who were . looking for Mrs. Reeves' husband on a burglary r- J I 7 1 1 SOLDIER MOURNED AS DEAD, IS ' ' Hydroplane Ambulance is Newest AT CAMP JACKSON AWAITING ! i IbiSCMARGE- FATHER LEARNS Thought!. dead i since October 11, 1918. Qeter W. AdkJns,,a soldier, today telegraphed his father James Adkins,119 Grace street,; that he had just arrived, at Camp Jackson and would be home In a few days. It was the first information from or about, the son that jthe father: had received since October when be was informed that , his son had died in a" British' hospital of pneumonia. Qeter W. Adklns Vas originally a member of Company M, the local unit of the old - First North Caro- j went to Camp Jackson to await a Una infantry, the regiment " which j discharge came as s great surprise, was disbanded and its members scat-' Adkins Is the second High Point tered throughout the JOth division1 officially reported dead to have In when the now-famous Hlndeuburg formed Ins people that he was very line shatterer was formed at Camp much' alive. , ; The vflrst; wa's George Sevjer. He was ' reported wounded C. Wright,' In whose memory mem- Ing the' father oil October 8. On October 11 tha son was reported to haVb died- of ! pneumonia, It being assumed tnat tho disease had been contracted while' the wounded man was in a hospital; ' . Sinc Octobe It the father, ac cording to Information secured In the city today, had lieard nothlag from the son and, was of the belief that he was dead. Consequently the telegram from th soldier who re cently landed at Charleston and during the breaking of the "Impreg nable" line; that Information reach- orial services were held at the city auditorium last summer. ars untrue according to a Vienna (lis- charg. i hey found ,JJIrs. Reeves in catch to the Echo de Paris which was forwarded by the way of Ge-1 noa Negotiations , between the strik ers and Herr Benner, the chancellor, and Herr Deutsch, the secretary of military affairs, have failed and the Strike continues on the eastern and southern railroads, It is said. Colonel CarJ, f the British army " who is in Treistehas offered to act as arbitrator bat the strikers huve been destroying railroad property and stopping the transportation of food. A council of railroad workers 'has been formed at Styrla ' . A small force Of French troojw stationed In the neutral sone be twen Hunearv and itumanla has the bath and made her get out and dress and go with then Sh- re sented their standing around while 4he got into her clothes, and brought suit. ' c STATE COLLEGE TO HAVESUMMERBODY West Raleigh, March 111. Tha Qftb annual sessloa of the State col leee sumnrer' school at West Raleigh wMl start June 10. and last through been attacked, by Hungarian troops, July 23f 1919 Arrangements liave S6tt oi tne irencn iwihr uu h.pn TOada to extend the scope of oner, according to an official report received, tisre.ff v Get Proposal Prom Russia. lndonr March 80. Cfeorge Lans- bury,' editor of the new labor news paper; Tha' Dally Herald, declares that the allies have received a pro- Dosal for aa Understanding with the , nnt riiliii of Russia Intimates that conditions of the understanding are the withdrawal of the allied tvnnnft from Russia and the aban donment of the policy" of interfer ing In 'Russian affairs. Russia on her part would be- willing not to intortora with the affairs of other U.S. SHELUHGOF PARIS Lieutenant Homer S. Hoover' Re lates Incidents Connected With the Shelling of Paris by "Big Berthas." dmt.pi Delegates tod Alternates to State Convention at Battery Park Hotel, AsHeville, Named a by Post D. Lieutenant Homer L. At a meeting of Post D. Travelers Hoover, of J " Thf)masville, recently returned trom ' Protective association last Saturday France where he was attached tonieht .Rt tl,e E'pome o Broad the courses offered and, jn addition to those courses offered for the bene fit of the teachers of the state, spe- i unntinn will .be Kiven to, courses to prepare, candidates for ad mission to college and to freshman nredit courses. A ' large and capable faculty has bVen secured, and competent instruc tion is assured. Courses in education covering all needa and requirements, have Been planned.' as have courses in elemen tary agriculture) vocational agricul ture, home economics, basketry, lan guages, history; mathematics ana science. " A course of lectures for the cui- the intelligence department of the army is a very interesting talker on Prance, the French people and other circumstances of the recent conflict. ' Lieutenant Hoover whs an Epis copal clargyman at the tini6 the United States entered the war and ,yas so anxious to get Into (he war work that, without- waiting for a commission as a' chafiain In the army, he Inlisted as a private. He won raold promotion and now holds Vv V i ' X' I ' ;' 1 " - r-''-Trtairbiln I SAYS PilDH! ASEiSTS ME REALLY BS Mayor of Wilmington Writes Hot. Letter , to . Director , General Hines Asking That Federal Government Do Something ' 1 to Stop: Dry Activities. . PROHI WORKERS OUTRAGE THE FEELINGS OF WOMEN Forty-nine minutes by hydroplane ambulance from the naval air sta tion at Rockaway, L. I. to St. Luke's hospital. New York city !, That's the tlm emad ewit ha wounded Soldier by Unile Sam's newest use pf air trans portation. In this picture the soldier is being placed In the ambulance. He was accompanied by a woman nurse. A naval tender took h!m ashore in the Hudson river and a motor, ambulance completed the trip. HEADON COLLUSION CARNIVAL OPENING OH ASPHALT P street the officers' of the post for the ensuing year as well aa the dele gates to the state convention, which convenes in AshevHe May 9, were elected. t The meeting of Posf D was large ly attended and the members were enthusiastic over the work that hs been accom plished jy thi Jaisoclatloft 'of late and the fuuA oSpectS 'fai Ittflrsef ulnessT Th lueffiberslTlf fret of Post D now contain 155 names. A A. S. Parker was elected presi dent of Post D, and O. K. Wilson, Ford Automobile Driven by Phil lip Silver is Run Into by An - 'other Ford on Greensboro Road Yesterday. TO 8E POSTPONED Mayor Moore Says the Dastardly . Acts of Which He Writes Are Committed Between 'Wash ington and the Carolba . Line Gives Evidence. - The regular unday collision on the Greensboro road narrowly es caped a fatal termination to TVotli parties in the performance. ' The weekly ' accident occurred abbttCi iS'cIock 'yesteftay Son ? the 'tVi'h"fillt..ab6ve' the bridge that spans -the Deep rlv- Iho rn4ik nf 2nd lientenant t i..t rr- ... at ! secretary. The following delegates He! nations: allow Flniana, asiuiuuv. . Ekralne and other republics "rme(1Jturai &Tla recreational Bide of he from the bygoae Russian empire io hoo, life Wg been planned ana choose their own form of govern- numerou8 features, including enter ment and to repay Russia's inter- tainment9 and Wing pictures in the Y. M. C. A. building, will be a national .debt. ?:-'!. Irttar' mtnlmisMi stories ''of 1 J, HQ . outrages oy Russian revolutionaries. , h declaring that such happening frpnnent - than in other revolutions, Thi department of the MJerman clslon as to Its attitude toward the neeotlatlon.s a German wireless mes sage says. The departments de cided , the German government should act Only in accordance with president Wilson's 14 points to the staie convention " wers elect ed: C. F. Tomlinson, C. E. Kay- I rthlt gun wuId Vart nr-i worth, D. S. Cummings. E, Pv Park- W. C. ' urns, J. T. . Wawr and A S. Parker. R. H. Walker G. W. Clark, J. E. Kirkiaan, A. T, Wlshart, J. P. HayworA. J. B. Marsh, O. C Harris and V. J Parker were elect ed as the alternates. nart of the privileges of those at- tedlng. The usual story-temng cu rios and games'-and folk-dances and community singing will bd features held frequently tor the enjoyment oi K otnrtpnts. and pageants will be .irn, nffM .having charge of the . . , Tn, 4 nA -t the end peaca negotlons has reached 'oe- fiesslon. - . Th nreliminary announcement oi the summer school is being distri buted and.! the cataloguet which Is more attractively, gotten up than ev er before will be ready suortiy. Already numerous reservation have been made and a large and sue cessful school is anticipated. ASKS AHMY OFFICERS TO "GO SLOW IN RE-KMiISM" the time the German big gun was i dropping shells on that city. 9: ing about 4 o'clock In the afternoon ! ihd throughout the rest-of the day Jrop a shall on the city51 at intervals of 15 -minutes. The citizens of Paris took the shelling of their city with remarkable calmness, even go ing so far as to walk up to the ruins caused by a shell, when another one was expected to fall within a-ew minutes. He relates the story of another officer asking him if he did not want to stay at a certain hotel while he waji in Paris . He asked the officer if the hotel was not a very high priced one and received the reply that the contrary condi tion existed. The hotel was a very SIHHOLW city earlj touay. Jack Heminway, secretary of the company, stated that tie loss sustained will amount to approximately $8,000. The cars on which the proparty of the company was being brought from Danville, er, when the Ford roadster ownea by Phillip Silver was run Into by a five passenger Ford owned and driven by a Mr. Cooper of Randolph county. According to the accounts of the accident the blame Uhereof is to be placed entirely with Mr. Cooper. It is alleged that he was j VaT, where it played last wek, caught trying to pass another car , which on fire near the Pomona mils, af waa going in the same direction at j tor fhe train had' left Greensboro. mnrA th.m a moderate rate of s need 1 Four of the attractions with the on the left side of the road. Mr. ( carnival, he circus, Hawaiian vil Silver going in the opposite direc- j lage, dog and pony circus, the front Hon saw the' two cars coming, it la j of the canvass theatre in which the said, and apprehending the accident j fat girls appear and the palace of , Richmond, ' Va., March 31. Charging that "thngs in the gutse of officers" searching for whiskey Ju Pullman cars passing through .Vir ginia, do not hesitate to invade the sleeping quarters of respectable Wo men, flashing in their faces flash lights and revolvers, P. Q. Moore, mayor of Wilmington, , N. C:, : has written W. G. Hines, director gen-v eral of the railroads at Washington, requesting action by the federal gov ernment against the alleged out rages perpetrated by prohibition agents in Virginia on the traveling public. ' - In his letter to Director General Hines Mayor Moors inclosed news paper clippings supposedly in sup port of the charges made by hiin self.v In the letter he not only sc- f cused the prohibition agentc, or Iginla, of outraging the feelings of women, patrons ot ruuman cars, ou;. bluntly charges that women - were : having., their luggaga rifled by " thieves. ' '- , v , "These dastardly acts are pcrpc tratedi i understand, between Waslj' fngron and" t!fe Nortlr Carolina tlnC."' says Mayor Moore. 'b-' : ' Mighty Doris Shows Forced to Postpone Opening Perform ance on Account of Damag ing. Fire Eri Route. The Great Doris shows, scheduled I men masquerading as sucV In -Vir- to open in the city this evening der the auspices of the Higli, Point ( concert band, will have to postpone thein bow to' the7 HlgB'6fnt:!pubilc because of a Are through which the property,, of the shows passed jat Greensboro while en route to this. RALEIGH ME BIT ODAY IS KILLED T US GREATEST-DAY Yesterday was perhaps the great- tow priced one as the shells from ' .it . oviiyui vv . iruw 4JfinM- - It was the annual missionary day of tna "big Bertha" had been falling in that vicinity V PRESUMABLY CLEAH UP VEEK STILL OH HUNGARIANS WOCW JOIN HCN8 AGAINST ENTENTE Conenhagen. March 31.- The Vi enna Volks ettung'a Budapest, cor- ernment ha's '4)ffere dto ally Itself with the German government against the entente, according to a dis patch' received here. A telegram of the Wolff a bureau says, however, that nothing Is known In official quarters In Berlin concerning such an offer. -- turned into the extreme right side of the road, entirely off the asphalt in fact, in order to avo'd the head-on collision. Hia attempt was useless, however, for the car driven by Mr. Cooper ran directly into his car, de molishing both radiators and other wise badly injuring the automobiles. Mr. Silver was thrown against the mystery were the heaviest sufferers In addition to thso attractions, four of them almos ' entirely wiped out and one heavily damaged, many of the persons employed by the carnival lost their personal belongings. The loss is a dead one to the Doris shows, siuce no insurance was carried on the burned property, Washlneton. March ' 31. War army officers who are applying for commissions In -the permanent cs-, nfL.ti.iin week has been extended tablishment were warned In a war -- ' . '. . , - ...I...." . . . . H.-M. t.. Into this, week It Is presumed, ay department circular tooay m. 'i.ii'iiA- 'At-- wht. Point j tnasr I MnaA : r lack, of legislation, or -any . manv barrels, baskets ana immed ate prospects, oi s'' ;ho-WntacleBvnlled. with, rubbish lheT Bbould consider earefully.-,be- may still bo seen on me most iirum-1 tore placing tneiuneivea v1" tnnt Dlac'es of the most frequented BijjcatioB. . Application .tor clasBill- throughtores of the city. . ' "S ; cation with a view to discharge when A these collections of ruDDisn the service oi tne omcer can placed here and there ' along the ed vvilTbe considered Btreetdo not tend to tne ueauunc. ,a Htw It is sucDosed that the wagons thawere iurnisneu v, the city to remove th accumulations of Earbage were either over-worked or else tell down on the Job maKing the necessity of extending the clean up program quite obvious DEBS MUST SERVri TERM . SUPREME COURT HOT.1W ' -l- W v : ::vr .", .v-: ' . y ' ' Washington,' March SlEa-' gene V. Debs' application for a rehearing of Ills appeal for con viction and sentence to 10 years . Imprisonment for 1olatIng the espionage act was denied today. by the snpreme court, lV, , ' , ' FULL PARTHTIiAIW TO ,fcE FU1UISHED BY FOUH the organization at which time spe cial effort was made tor attendance and offering. The goa lset for yes terday was far In advance or any previous aim and while the 500 at tendance, this, being the mark set, whs not reanzea, me coumuuu amounted to $400, this being an even $100 more than the aim. The program rendered by the pri- . . . , . A . mary, junior ana wiermeamie ue- partments was very entertaining as we'll as Instructive. The superin ndent, A. E. Tate, read Borne fig ures plainly showing the marked ad vance the Sunday school has made In every way during' the past four years. ' '-, steering wheel, injuring hi3 teeth x.ikwise is the .loss felt rather hcavi- and badly cutting his l!p, his com-tiy just at present for the shows wers panion was thrown some distance trom the car and badly bruised. Mr. Cooper was not Injured, it Is under stood. . - Store Robbed Twice Last Week and He Sat Up for Third Visit -Snuggs Called and is Wounded His Defense. Amsterdam, March 31' -In re sponse to Germany's note in the sub ject of Danzig, Marshal Foch has Offered to give personally at Spa to German plenipotentiary, fully em powered to decide within 24 hours, full particulars and required guar antees concerning the landing of General Haller's troops. FIUME, , AUSTRIAN PORT . V"". IN A STATE OF SIEGE Flume.'i March 31. The comman der of the allied troopsp has de clared Flume, Austria's big port on the Adriatic, to be in a state of siege, according to ; the South Slav press bureaa. ' ST ATE TROOPS ARE II Air OR NINE TO BE CENT UESHY Just 10 days out of winter quarters and were in spoclTand span shape for a long spring and summer sea son. It was stated today by Mr. Hem inway that additional equipment to take the place of that destroyed had been wired for and possibly would be received in time for opening Tuesday. , ON STALL -Derision -Tills- Wwk.-f- Quia Jap Activities Washington. March ix. An American embassy at Mexico City . instructed today . ta -make itt reports that the TnrlR. March 31. flUvas). The jioxieim government hhs granted probability that important final de- i v:'r, to JananoseleMon will be taken this week by the ' Ii "ointej out by 1 Madison in Port. . . 'Norfolk, Va March ;31. The overdue-Old Domlnlon-IinerMadK son due to arrive here , yesterday morning "did not dock until early today, having been delayed by minor eir;!no troubles which caused '..the Halifax, N. i S., March 31. The United States naval supply ship Cul goa with 104 returning troops on board, all casuals, 1 sreported ; in distress' off Nfew York, according to a wireless message picked up here. ' The message said the vessel was hose to in' a strong northeast wind and rough seas. It further stated that the Bhip was capable' of mak ing six knots if the weather moder ated. The Colgoa,sailed from Brest tor New York on March 6. ' New Y'ork, March 31. The sup pirshiir Ctirga-Te'pbrted"ifl"arsifes5 off this port . has . aboard casual troops of -several states, Including North . Carolina. In all, three offlf A meeting of those interested In the organization Jf a fast amateur team in High Point will be held In the directors room of the Commer cial bank tomorrow, Tuesday, after noon at 6 o'clock, hew time. At this time the name for the team will bo selected and the young lady sute- gesting the name best suiting, ac cording to the opinion of the name cominittee, will be awarded the box of candy.'' It la essential that all name U In by that time. . Those ladles of the city who wish to an nex the box of sweets are requested to forward their suggestions to K. K. Ingram, chairman ' of the com mittee, nt once, , , . ,v , , ( . , Considerable, interest , has been aroused in. baseball throughout the clty'as a result of the effort to or ganize a fast team to provide por tions. of the sport during the spring and summer months. - There are a number of good players In the city and they are now being enrolled for try-outs and such, j, ' Randall Mann Is captain and H. R. Williamson ' the manager- of the "to-'bTfo1-melTeTnrTlie genTTemen who "attended the meeting last ihiffsday' afternoon at the bank'and taA tit fln(TA salt- NEW YORK RECEIVES l'I.EA FROM HOOVER FOR AID 5 headquarters naien from Herbert New York, March 31. - Word of the distressing conditions in Arme nia and Syria and the imperattve need for rushing food to the starv ing peoples of these countries has just been received at the New York of the relief cam- Hoover, direc tor general of the international re lief at Paris. Mr. Hoover's telegram has been sent because of reports that have -irrnlated hi some quarters .hot these starving 'people are be- i-- aYii nf hv"ofher roliet 1(1 g lOIVlS - measnres. It follows: ( -Food, clothing, medicine hospl a'i attendants, agricultural imple and our help In local Jllitvo, "y - - food transportation are desperately needed. Please correct any contra ry impression." ( Raleigh, March 31. Jack Bridg- era ,a grbceV, was shot an.t killed " and Jeff Snuggs is under arrest at a local hospital suffering' with-a se rious wound in the breast as ; reoulf of a shooting that took place In Bridgera' store in' the outskirts of Raleigh early today . - : .; Bridgers' store was twice robbed last week and the grocer had' f creted himself last night to watch ? for the intruders. About 2 o'clock this 'morning Snuggs entered ' tho store, according to the policy, and was fired on by the" grocer. BnuM; returned the Are and two omieis , struck Bridgers in the head and b-? domen. Snuggs, according to the polico, claims that he was passing th store and saw the door open anI merely looked in to Investigate the, cause. The coroner" is holding '. an. inquest at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Bridgers. who was about eO years of age; leaves a wife and eight chil dren. Weather Fir tonight and cers, 100 men and one civilian are . able plnylng-field ere to make a re- Tuesdays rt colder tonight-with frost iff interior; fresh DANCE ALL ATTEH RECORDS BROKEN The largest crowd that ever at tended Sunday school at the Flr.1t Reformed church, was present Sua-, day morning 1 despite . the fact ; ibt.iu the services were held" an hour ear lier by tho "sun time.'" !, 1 f" There was on roll at this 8itn- day school . March I, pupns. During March the enrollment h been " increased to 212. Yesterday morning, however.' the ' atiendanco was 219. 28 of wiiont wera visiters. It is not' 'belie vim! this record !. been iittUed in the hlVory of h c'iurh In this clty-i2 on roll; attendance, 219. : y " , iluii . lfjve UuuiU). Berlin, Sund ty, .March 2')- ('" Associated Prf -) Tim dit.'-n - '' af"nt of I'-e 1 - - i I' ::t !' ' '