. ;the stc:;:: A. AA W I i and Hcadacli2 TakeaCalotab fl am GUO Ltiiiiliia 15 mm ur ui rr DIIKi'iIB: .. in nnnrn nr n Ml I h i i , , . J i : 1 If yo3 see a perfectly good hat re poslag" on) the sidewalk tomorrow don't kick it it'll be sure to hide & brick which may play havoc wiw IT your telephone rings and yen answer It. only. t'..b "number pk'ase"-cd by tb opr dont cuss ti e person lit tbeoher eud of 'the lino is buUacting natural and veil minia hfs vr i right., cu see tomorrow Is All Fool's day i-nd ail of them' are generally working at their trade. In these pans the 24 hour period U known as April Fool'a day." And It gea crilly is. ; Just thought you'd be Interested to knew that you'll have to b-J onj : Ibe lookout . for slickers tomorrow . The new time, aa the daylight savttg schedule of hours la known hereabouts, slipped into being again Sunday, morning T and !: by i. today scarcely; anyone, knows the differ ence. Getting accustomed - to tae Hie New ' Nausealess " Calomel : That is Entirely Purified of t3 ' All of the Nauseating and Sal- 3 1 tvating EffeceU. Do you ever have a bad taste in your' raou j Li the morning heavy morning-several misd churth sr- coated tongat, Headachy in- Tices hecausei. they overslept, - at digestioa. aervonsuess. . with a let least they, say so but this mom-J do wa feeling? Ton need" calomel tng mere was utuecuincuiiy but dread to take IV Try Calotabs. countered in living right smack up to the new doingsg. .V By the end of the week no one will know the sllehtebt bit of dlf-1 H 18 calomel with all of its the nausealess calomel that is lightful to take and delightful de- in terence and the hours saved toward the end of the day will well repay for the ones usually given over for sleep at morning. NOT ALL ELIGIBLE. Cut -This Oat- It fr Worth Money. IONTj.V;SS THIS. Cut out this! flip, endoe with Sc to Foley & Co., 2S35 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago. HI., writing your name and address clear- Vi.. Tnn m-tn vaaaIv In Tat nrn M. trial package conUinlng Foley's ! bo for vocational edueaUon ' Koney and Tar Compound, for today issued the following state coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kid-tnient: "There has been somewhat ncy Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab-1 - eo mtmiL- ,n lha nuMIc mind Special Training Only For Certain Class of Injured Men. Washington, March 27. The fed- SI laches wkle; aableachetL- Dry Goodn . . Department. tA m k4 Xui -J y 131 SOUTH MAIN STREET. "High Point's Greatest Underselling Store" Iii block or bliirk with white foot. Men's Depart , ment Broadway TOMORROW" Bryant Washburn in "THE GYPSY TRAIL" Also a Billy Par-son-Comedy "CAMPING OUT" ' relative to the rehabilitation work in generaland a great many applica tions have bene received , by this board from men who have received some sort of injury or disability as a result of their service in the army, navy or marine corps, and who think themselves entitled' to the retrain ing which this board administers. "This free vocational reeducation or special training was designed by ! the government for cases of the most 1 1 severe or permanent character,. The disabled man in order to be. eligible tor this retraining and support must flrst have been discharged from the service. Second, his disability must be such that he has been awarded or is eligible for 'compensation' from the war risk insurance bureau. It m Us!jjnd by congress to correct tlif disability caused by wounds or 1iv.lm and to supply the disabled man wi'h means of making a live lihood This is done by capitalizing lilt remaining assets,, retraining them i.nd making them serve him in place of those qualities or accomplish ments which he has lost. Congress delegated this work..to the federal board for vocational education which has headquarters at Washington, and district offices in fourteen different benefits retained and its unpleasant qualities removed. One tablet at bedtime with a swallow of water. that's all. No taste, no griping, no salts, nor nausea. You wake up in tffe morning feeling like a two-year old, birght, cheerful, energetio and vrtth a hearty ' appetite for break fast. Eat what you please no dan ger oi sauvatton. , caiotaos ara so entirely aeugntlul to take and so pleasant ia effect that your druggist offers to refund the lriee as a guar antes that you will be delighted with Calotabs. ' ' For your protection, Calotabs are sold only in original sealed pack ages, price thirty-five cents. At drug stores everywhere. (adv.) i " .y i . .i , ,,. . 3 fcIWMwwwtMwWi- ,mm0mmt-mmmfmmmmtiinmH i iiw-ww-MWM-MwMStMStwsawwsMMswpaMWs-wM f Wometfs 15t Hose jGood (trade cotton In black or white, at pal Hose,- lk RAREST -iCIND OF BARGAINS! To the thousands of. customers who already know of the -wonderful money-saving ndvantage of this great store and to those who do not know, if perchance there be any not familiar with our wa-' derseillng policy, we announce for Monday hundreds of new bar gain surprteea.- livery department has been called anon to con tribute-liberally of extra values. Each offering a -olden spe cial. If .yon are eager to save big money make it a point to atop and shoo at this store Monday. , . , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM i " ' " ' ' ' ii mi i 89c Unidn Suits FOR MKX Medium ribbed for now and Kuiunier wear, Sltort m1ihvc find ankle - length alyles. All sizes; Rperlal at 6k- cities in the United States. "The board desires to assist dis abled men la every way, and if there are case where these men have not obtained compensation, or wher their status has not been determined by the war risk insurance bureau the services of the federal board are placed at the disposal of' the (ndi vidual in order to help them find just what their status is. When cases has been found to be 'compensable.' the line for which the man desires' training is decided upon, he is" given a sufficient amount to support him comfortably while studying; an alowance is made to his dependents more liberal than when he was in active service and when he has finished and is compe tent, it it is a wage-earning occupa tion he has been training tor, a po sition will have been found for him by the placement division of the board. PRMPEI1N Stockholm,' March, ll (By malt) One request that America should send food to Germany was drawn up here by a delegation of medical scientists representing 200 Swedish physicians who asked the, American minister, Ira Nelson Morris, to for ward it to President Wilson. The petition was supported by the report of Professor J. E. Johansson, presented, to Mr. Morris, -Germany has agreed to surrender, her mer chant ships to the allies and the lat ter have promised to send food to i After-effects of INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC Influenza f was the Virect cause of 9,686 deaths In North Carolina during October,' November, and De cember ,1919, according to the re ports received by the state board of health, and up to March, 1919, the number of deaths from the dis ease exceeded 11J00O. This loss of life, together with the suffering and a nutrition expert, whose investiga- i financial cost, is a burden that it te tion of the German situation has been in progress since ,1915. He declared that tuberculosis in Ger many has increased 100 per cent. Basing their argument on this state ment, the Swedish doctors in their petition said serious epidemics might be expected to spread through the world from Germany unless foot was soon supplie to the Uermai people. Since, the Swedish petition wa ind, In a great 'many, Instances, invalidism and early death.' ' " The American'Public Health asso ciation, through Dr; Lee K. Frankel, its president, is urging every per son who Tiad influenza to go to a physician and be thoroughly exam ined in order to find out if any in jury was caused to the vital or gans by the disease. If. any, "ifFi f ects are found in It; of course highly important to have these treated before they become serious or permanent. 1 In this connection it is interesting to know that there are 10 counties in North Carolina, which are cooperating with the state board of health In providing these examinations for their citizens. These are Davidson, Forsyth, Le noir, Nash, 'Northampton, Pitt, Rob eson, Rowan, and Wilson. Citizens of these counties should ask their appoinment will take the state many years to overcome. The most serious re sult of the epidemic, in the opin ion of the Btate board of health, is the after-effects which will cripple a majority or the men and women y health officer for an who suffered from the disease. In-'for free examination. juries to either the lungs, the kid neys, or the heart are a common re 3ul tof influenza and if persons hav ing these defects are not ' treated aarly the defects will become more pronounced and lead to handicaps I I EAD EAD fVLKY : S. fVERY ID flAILY fD UA1LY Coming , Wednesday "THE TERRdR OF THE RANGEJ" A seven episode Western serial, commencing at the Broadway WEDNESDAY i.i.hi-mi nf i ii iih.ii,, im iinwiwsmai- m isiiswsnwjsssMaa MwwWM.MW.aMMMMWWWMMMaMM A lr HIT TA (Q A TT m 1 I a )) 1 J ; : w : m v ; :v: k 1 ffiFPiMirn; ittc3 a n it w t ftp1 rr1 tlp I:1 r r 7 r This powerful read jus tment sale has been continued .for the benefit of those who could not get hereto take advantage of the wonderful values that are offered. The IReadrp Thousands of people have thronged our store almost daily since the sale period started, and triey Have bought values that are unmatachable. The same lov prices will pre vail throughout the entire week. ! ; New Goods: An5 Etsnira Addled IDsll We have and will cnnHiiiw fn arlrl i "T w m,w 5vvua iwvut uvuiVimMMP9tVUk9(Uiu Will UUU U1C&C new UlllVtU) ak tui; pu ' y at pau unayc cum wui ue pieasea 10 nave you visit our store again tins weeK enr complete your pur- wmcti) waiiic uie mw nnrp nnt in ntrwf 0 fas "' " if. ! : ' -I ' 1 ' J f3 0 'V i i i 1 i in ,.h- 'n. '- 1 jn ' n .' on A 3-