VOL. 26. No. 204. HIGH POINT N. C; THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 24, 1919. MbcS 5main- in State LooIss;;P5ngIite!heXape' Fear and' Tgl. Riverb Still. Msing " Rapidly, But .; Other'-; Streams; Are. Going Doyi?. '-.. - , - , ' ' T-'. -. . :-r- -- - - : RAGE: R101IE3G mm H1 Cleveland Murder Stranite Mvsteirv Only Irtlated Outbreak by . the r Negroes Mrk Night bf Com - partive Quiet t CipiUl. ADDITION ;TO CASUALS Marine, Shot Down ; by Negro Monday Night, Die; Treaary Watchman Held in Slaying.; WASHINGTON.: July 24. Although "there were reports of isolated outbreaks by. negroes., in cluding the firing into a street can last 'night passed without a seri ous renewal t of the race rioting which has' terrorized ' the capital nCB Sunday,-.-. , . , (-r . presence 01 z,uu armeu and co-opration generally- by the public with ; the request of, the city 'authorities, that street traffic' be held to "a miniraura, resulted In quieting altnatinn ttnl. hnth th militarT v and city officials expressed ; the be lief that there' will be no "more se- : rlous trouble. . . ' k". . NO -onev was hit' by threei-Bhots fired into street car nor wss any one hurt when early' this niornlng la ''.v4 RhnrHv. Jinfnrn mldnlcbt last nicni riot ealfcamr"rrom''th4f80ulhea8f section where a white woman, ana her brother reported that" while going fcbms'trQtn' a theater they were set upon by a mob of negroes tiuT stint Al .BAVeraK times.' No ar- rests were made. be death list ws brought to, six with the death of Lewis Havelich, a marine, who was shot Monday night in front of the treasury as heatood nn a -nlaform waittns: to board a car. ' , , A negro empjtyred as a 'watchmaA t thA trcaaunt Is charged with KUI . inr t.ti mar&iei i h"Ur - ;" taiLOOBII! H. C, BELIEF Rircrs, Which Have Poured Out of Their Banks, Damaging Low land Crops, Are Receding. : TRAINS TRAVEL BETTER Washout at BaJUy Causing the Most Inconvenience to tlie f ; State's Railroads. ; ' f 24.-Al- RALEIGH. luly though ; the waters of the Cape Fear and. Tar stivers continued to 5300,C i.jra. :, uu uuai.iran BAYONNE, K July 24, Eighty theusand'gallons of t.asdl line contained ui' eight cars exploded. on the switching' track, or the" IrxasOil company here today, causing a fire which resulted in the serious injury of four persons with many others suffering minor burns. Buildings ten miles away were wrecked.. The flames spread to two . storehouses and for a time it appeared the entire plant was doomed. ; r WASHING'VdN, July 2 4. Secretary Lansing, who returned to Washington today, had a long conference with the President at the White House during the forenoon, dscussing the situation at the peace conference and other matters. (- .f. , u ' ' WASHINGTON, July 24, -An army bombing plane carrying'" a crew of five men, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Hartz. left .the ground at 10 a. m. on the first leg of a flight of nearly f wvttl ASt nftiiij4 rki vIM Af (Ua . AiinfrW "TVav vm Sif fkiV BXKsw1ii1sS) left tiiiiv utvuuu aii iuu vi uiu vuuiuij i aav as vwivmuivh w Augusta, Me. 5 60 miles from Washington. x PARIS, July 24. The Baltic commission of the peace confer ence presented a report today recommending that the Aland island, " , between Sweden and Finland, at the mouth of the Gulf of Bothnia. ; " be utilized under the guarantee of the league of nations. . . , rise today, other streams in east- t . y . GiU ? mrUM, MltH., July SUnurniug guMolino from two tank i ern North Car plina:,. which have tarn him-Wd fhW givat mnokei.Olibioii f td w Vork Central engines' V,n rtnl banlcit 'doinff SPlHlcl naas" ut the fireboic 'fit on of them, xTbe atoragU warehouse of , been out pt their... bank 0oing . Bt--daid Oir comnanv m on fii. TW f flr. ir much damage i to ; crops in Taf t Tackles Lead!: .the lowland? are 'receding, and the flood situation . is considerabry improved. -V ' "The rains which have fallen al most continuously, for more than a week stopped ;late yesterday throughout most of the (territory affected. : ' i1 The Cape Fear at , j Fayetteyille showed f rise-of f feet 4 Inches dnr- bie, the lAst "24 'hours at 10:80 o'clo . todays attalainsr's;'' height of 51 feet 8 inches ana was suit ris ing. ",,The flood stage it Fayetteyille is 65 feet. Damage to the town Is feared 'from the rising waters.' The river rose one foot last night, which is 'two feet over, the high watermark. The waterworks and Frank dtaptynsure was expressed by Insurance Commissioner J. It. Young this mortiinj; foliowlns a tour of inspection made to various part water mark. " The waterworks and; . , - - 1 i.. w,.; . -1 , , i ; .,-, , , , i i i, ui : i . v o'Aii- of the City.V Further, if conditions are not vastly and Immediately Inv electric light plant at Rocky Mount; , , , . y ... .... . . - - . . '. i . . 1 nMA.u.1 I..MMHI. Wtn. m,.c litMUfiA 1A runt. iKo fiintj. jminmlaulfuimt niT are threatened, lutn in tins vicin "vt" """"'"vv r ...v --. ty continues unabated. insurance stated to Fire Chief Horney and a representative ot The Enter- JIPfM Y0I1IG, HOTEL CO on Old Jarrell Building in Has-Been t; . Class jfrom Tomorrow on . i Young's Decree. ', ; ,The ippeal 'of John Dyer and Wil lard Dyer from condemnation by Fire Chief Horney, of the local fire 'department, of the old Jarrell hotel building, was today dismissed by in "snrance Commissioner J.. B Young, who -approved '.the .condemnation .as nroner 1 and necessary, . v - ThA rhlef of the local Are depart ment condemned; the old landmark several months ago, hut as one of the owners 'was in military service - at the time, Commissioner j Young considered their appeal until condi i tions returned to" some state nearer . normal- It's Just that how, accord in tn-tha decision of the tommis- aioner, who made a trip to the city to- day from Raleigh for the purpose of personally going- over -the property and the conditions it causes. ; The building is condemned from tomotrow on, .according to the in terpretation of the state laws made n rPnppRntative of The Enter- nrise bv the. commissioner. Strictly . r- i. enforced. It would mean CLEVELAND. July 24. Dan; Ka- ber.' wealthy .Cleveland publisher helplessly 111, was stabbing to death fn his bed with a dagger made from a file, 24 wounds Inflicted In, p.is ab domeo. Tills dagger, a rasor bear- tag a Syrian name, and a pair of blood-stained, canvas gloves " were the only clues left by the murderer. Below th picture of Kaber Is ,that of his wife, who was absent from home the night of .th murder,, and her daughter, by." a former.' marriage, Mint Marian. McArOUv. who, was sleeping lri the Kaber hoiue. . ,. IH.0:S.UieS 10 CRDS5L OCEAN AT RECORD SPEED CO y!i-:i.j:X,;i.ii .1 ii.,.-a'yr..t;'?: i.jyc 1 yv. tlitf tantkrd (Mf: company was set oh fire. Tw of. fiv4, tank fsHrs oa Mie Ja-Cl HUvl UlJ :AJLA J-A J6-V (si - iiin nno, nirvn.q inii m iiih k. iik- . nr 111 Hie piciurc. lite V" 1 company loses suu.uqw. Higher Insurance -Rates Threatened by Youn g 4 :t Fii-e end Jnjuirance Commissioner , 4Warns High .Point tb Improve Condition Here or He'll Hoist n : Kate ienuoits. rrankiy iiispieased With Con ' diticro in Cityi-'V; Ratify Peace Treaty SuggesU to Hitchcock and Other Administration Men Reservations be Made in Present Terms to Speed Acceptance by Senate; Democrats Are Ta Cling to Former Plan. However. The Norfolk and .Southern Rail-i way ' Is today carrying passenger trains over the Southern railway and Atlantic Coast Line tracks to and from Raleigh and eastern. North Car olina on account of a; washout near Bailey, 20 miles east ot here. ' -;- . The Southern Is maintaining nor mal schedules on Its ,. lines after a number of its trains had' been held up for several hours last night by a washout near. Wilson Mills. v prise. tJ;:X'i?:w- j"-. .i-y kXI-?v&. ' ' " . , , i ii' i not made public but it .was jimler ous parts of theeityndyoumay ,ythe.nr:.lss th-Seam(, genera Witn vnst no nas seen uutihb; win impauuHi "w "i ,!.,,, "Thn Inspection law must be carried out as written and promises mast be cleaned up and kept In better condition. If this is not done it will work an increase of 10 cents on all property In the city ana tne toss to tno flromoA of tlte firemen's relief fund. Furthermore, the law provides for the indictment of thUnspector who fails to enforce the law. The penalty, 1 may add, is tjaoo."... . , 4 , . . , . Rains Help Forest Fire Situation In Western States SPOKANE, July 24.--Heavy rains Inst 'night in western Montana, and northern Idaho;, were believed by district' forest - service headquarters to have greatly improved the forest Are situation ijhich had been regard ed us extremonly critical. Largest Ships in World Are to Be ; ; Ea2tb"y This Country' In t Near Future.'' ' . , PETPOlT.'Jaiy 24. Forest flfts in northern -Michigan have 'assumed kerlous proportions, reports today iFMKEIS ' ". ' ".yJ"y 'i. i" i"'''' V,?i J' UP 10 ClIISIBEi! 7 1 WASHINLGTON, July. 24. former President Taft, Who has written several republican senators and leaders suggesting reservation to the peace treaty which might prove acceptable to both sides, has, opened correspondence on tne suDjeci wiui pronmiMi uuuviUv senators. -i i - Senator Hitchcock, of; Nebraska, one of the leading spokesmen for the , administration la the senate . fight, received' one ot the letters from the former President; ' ' . The former president's "communi cation to the, Nebraska senator was Chief Homey re-affirmed his de-tltat the United States has by tar the . . , y i.u.",.'i.fl i flm rfnnrlmAntR in thn WOrld termination to have Inspection laws enforced and sundry regulations pro mulgated 1 by "Commissioner young s department work 'overtime, v The commissioner took occasion to give a little lecture on municipal stinginess. "While cyttles pay thou sands otjdollars oft equipment and maintenance of ' their fire depart best fire departments in.tho.worio mid yet inspection And building laws In Europe give that country a loss ratio ot practically one-tenth ot that Ot the United States, ' "It is Just as much the duty of citizens to keep their promises clean and in proper condition as it. (s to put them in condition when notified BAUER mm ; ; AfiftlNQTADFUniT nuniiiui n iiliuli. SPELLS DIS? Would Only Be Counter Revolt, ' and That Could Never Suc ceed, Says Premier. nients,' which Is absolutely necessary,ny the authorities. For that reason yet they seem to feel that no money . the inspector has the, authority - to should bo expended for or in in- ti'ke out warrants when he finds T,h i ntlilnir less than DrcmiBofl in bnd condition, ilt is tt .! mn 1 work. Prevention will. i bad habit to clean, up when notified I'lBYCUUUU ""' K'" 'I - V ' ... A ' Mn.M ( .1 nvlnff ptAto nnrtnnn ft urine OD' monev than the very .best fire de- servance and then permit tlM old tatiflcation resolution with qualify partment. This is shown by the fact j conditions to return.V. stood to be of . the same general tenor as those Bent to- the. republi cans suggestions for i agreement upon treaty reservations as interpre tations to enable ratification. Senator Hitchcock and other ad ministration senators declared today, however,' that for the present at least they would continue their efforts for ratification without reservations. wEimar, July 24i In address Expressing confidence that there' jn? the asBemb,nere;0uil. was no question but that the treaty tne would be rat fled they said he fight now centered in the resolution Mt, revolu- accompanying uucauun o ,4 M, be , would be embodied any reservations reyoiution Jn -b or interpretations. - - ... Concluding that senate" rules re- ( ! ' . . tof ,hl y, . a t, ;''' The premier admitted :; that ths qu red a vote for each article ot the ...lnti'-w . . , , ,, . , . great masses n of the people naa treaty. thO administration leaders BrBUl '! '".(w.i.;uii.,. , . a ax. t -iu ground for discontent and said it wss sa d they believed they hnd the vofi . 6 " lt t 'j j ; thS governments task to remove any Conceding that strength . might devalon to comnel acceptance of a WASHINGTON, July ,24.--Two gi gantic ocean liners, larger than any shins now afloat, and designed to cross the Atlantic in four days are to be built by the shipping board. f They will be 1,000 feet long and of 3(f knots speed and will be equip ped tor use as commerce destroyers that the in the event of war.' , - owners would'be liablo to a fine of ' Announcement was made today. oy from ,J10 to S50 for each and every i the . board that the plans tor' tne day -the building stands 'after Fri-'shlps are near"; completion and that day, ut the -commissioner's . do- work on them would be started in clsion ''-carried a proviso that ' the, the near future. '.A, ... owners could go before the city It is proposed to provide a special council Tuesday evening when time terminal for them and it ntay.be cov.'l. Le sit f.r tl.e r. ,vr.l cf tLo'n t to f'.ni'.ar liners will be con- rvouRMiDDnvQ jmoii iWTii Wv LAullnliir UUId . ii uiiu unui. iu, i iu:i: ' 1 1 MIRF Mi IIIRY RY NFXT VIFFId; . t . a i 'j m m m m mm sal mm . mm awmiavs - ing clauses, .the administTatinn sen ators said they had not been advised would be disposU to accept any Interpretations.- y it was said, however, the administration would oppose to it the last' any qualifying clauses which (Continued en Page Eight). , , Washington, July ; 24. The managing director ot the American Wholesale Coal association told the house fuel committee today that the consumer would be to blame for a coal shortage if one exists in the United States next winter.". " '" "There IS plenty of "coal In the ground." be said, 'and plenty , of miners to dig itout, but unless the nonsumers of the country buy the coal. It will not be mined.1'. " James Hiver SubsidliiR.' RICHMOND; July 2 4 . With" ces sation of rains today over ihe James river watershed all danger of serious damage from floods has pusRed and the river is gradually fal'.:::3. ' TOPEKA; July 2 -J'eas Willanl, a former heavyweight champion, who received $100,000 for his participa tion fn the boxing match with) Jack pempsey o(t Toledo, July '4,' has pur- near his borne at Lawrence. Willard . took possession today, having bald down $100,000 in cash. The total purchase, price, was unde'- stood to.be $175,000. , . - ' Troops Sent' to Vorkshire Area. ' LONDON, July Z 4. -Troops were moved rinto the Yorkshire area af fected by the eoal strike, " Sir Erie Geddes, the government's-representative,' explained That' the-move-'-was for the protection of the navy men engnsed in keeping the mine pumps ia c:'r,ra'.'. n. MOUNT CLEMONS, Mich., July 24.---In all probability the long hear ing of Henry Rord'a million dollar libel suit against the Chicago Daily Trthune win go to the Jury next week ' It began on May, 12. JVttor- jney Weymouth . Kimanu, Deiore court opened today, told Attorney Al fred Lucking that the Tribune's case would be concludedy today and Mr. Lucking said that the Ford rebuttal would require only a few days. Bulgar Garrison Is Disarmed After Attack on French GENEVA, July 24. As' the re sult ot an attack on French soldiers by Bulgarians, , a . French regiment has arrived at Sofiia, to disarm the local garrison, according to the Bul garian bureau at Berne. " ' AtA-nta Ynlw 9.1 A PrAnrh rncl- . a. . I wm. - - T - J Anient wss attacked by Bulgarians as ' Pit. . . 1 i. t.l.,i. i. t T.ilonVl llie regiuieu who lauuiug av . a,,ci nu. on the Danube, 22 miles -southeast of Vidln a tew days ago, according to . - - f . . i m.. ... a s dispatch- from Meigraae toasyr- '-. School Largely Attended. CHARLOTTE, July 24.'The Young" Men's Christian- association nmnin.wllMl " Rl-Ridrft- WaS the most largely attended ' and ' had lively fusllade ensued, lasting three the most' successful session in' 1U hours. Three French soldiors were li!i,tory. 'killed. Just reason for; tbiav,., i j , The remedy, he added,- was a law regulating workers'- - councils and economic councils which the govern- , ntent would draft. ' , - : There would also , be a bill, the premier added,' to . nationalise the lesser powers and Bocialiie the pts- session of Lignite. . Miners' Envoys llzzl George and Avlzz in British Mine Dicputa ' LONDON, July 24. -The executive committee of the mlnersV federation met Premier Lloyd-George and other member of the government this morning In an effort to settle tne dispute in the Yorkshire coal fields. Before entering the conference one of the representatives ot the miners said:1 V ', - ' 3 "Of course we are ready fvr a s t tlemcnt, but not on the govern r.t's own terms. Coal Exportoilon -LONDON. -July 24. tion Of Cardi!t coni I ; : ly a govcn.n'"t day,

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