- J V - '- ' t v . x. r 7- - .' " "..-.'" :" ' - v c;- ' '.. ' 'f-- ' --iT-:" "A : ; k:8;PAGES':;; ' 111 Elf 11- i ? f -Tf w LMJ! 111 wm- WEATHER:,: Cloudy tonight probaMjr ' lo rnl ihowfin. '. "( ' - 1 VOD26.-:No. 299: Sim Ge Entertaining "-"'-Ml. mMy A I v -ViSi 6,' ??!. psjnt'.AtSr When tbfl Prince of Wales drove up to the white house to pay his offl clal call opaa the president; of the United States, he was greeted by Mrs Wilson and Mls Margaret Wilson. his honor. Among other affairs the prince was entertained at three formal dinners; one with the Vice-President and Mrs. Marshall as hosts,' and another given by the Secretary of State and Mrs. At the palatial home of Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh the Tice-president, rep resenting the president, was to give the ILLS STILL IDLE E No Effort Yet Made to Resume : Operations at Pickett Mills. ii hit . , JtVFMtaUd'hero today that vir tuallyi no 'agreement had been ad- ram justed betweea. the management and - ...' ,w.;. ...m employes of, tft Pickett cotton mill In this' city anjd no effort inado to ro sunle operations in that plant. Work' came' -tq a complete stand still In ye mill last Thursday at noon when . pracUcally every employe ot the several departments went out on strike after th management had ro fused to comply with the demands made by the union. - The rtrouble,': resulting in the strike, is Wd to have, originated in the eavlng room. The overseer of this department discharged- an em- ' ploye, he claims. i'bocause of the la't ter'a unsatisfactory service. The em ployes of. thai department demanded that th management' discharge the . present oversee JT. W Oiiiey. and at the tame time re-Instate the man pre- vlously" discharged , with the under ' atanding 'ihat ihi be given another ; trial. r;'V:: ; r ' The management, et the mill ,con '' sldered such demands unreasonable, . It said, and Refused to comply lth the request made by , the operatives v ot the w'eavtng'room. The employes ot that depar(ment togethor with the operatives- of the several other de partments ot the mill quit their Jobs. - 'Officials of tha corporation stated today that for the present they could give out no statement regarding the situation and Intimated that they did not tnow hon work would be resumed. Tin abortion hns been I-mi.-V 1 y !' i I .t.iho bent of feeling j r x - r i ! 'i lolH cai'Hal ami ! " TLIV Vi-i'llll N A A Mtrama in the Prince Mrs. Wilson gave an fn formal tea in Lansing. state dinner in honor of the prince Urominent Ministers of Metho dism Are in Attendance; Seats for the White People. The riegro conference of the Meth odist Episcopal church which is now (in session in Morris Chapel M. B. . v - iL1 ..... ,. . rihurch in this city is being presided over by Bishop Frank M. Bristol, a prominent white minister, who was at one time pastor of William McKIn ley, during tho time he was presi dent of the United States . The opening address last night was made by Rev. W. A. Lambeth, pastor of Wesley Memorial M. E. church, who welcomed the negro preachers to High Point on bohalf of Mayor D. A. Stanton, who is now absent from thecltyA Featuring tonight's session will bo an address by Dr. Clarence True Wil son, a distinguished white man In the Methodist Episcopal church, with headquarters In Washington. He holds th office of general secretary hf temperance prohibition and pub- lie morals of that, church. .- Rev; Lambeth says those who went to the 'Columbus centenary in July arid' heard Dr.- Wilson speak tonight for his addres.then was an unusual treat. SENATOR 1RI IS CHARLOTTES. Va., Nov. ,12.- Senator Thomas f?.' Martin, of Vir- NEGRO CONFERENCE IS UNDERWAY HERE rfiilit, the Democratic leader In tho.New York hotel association. ABser- , t;in:it died here today after an ill- flons that December 20 had been de-iH-; i (if months. Ho was 72 years elded on as the date for such a strike ill. , . HIGH POINT, N. C, WEDNESDAY - AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 12, 1919. earcffi: jMINERS ARE jlEAOY TO TALK NEW WAGE WOMK! Will Meet in Wuhington Friday to Discuss New Wage Scale Agreement. iiGifir LEWIS JMAKES STATEMENT Committee o Operators' Scale Board Will Also Accept IrtYiUtion. WASHINGTON Nov. 12. Thomas Brewster, chairman ot the coal operators scale committee, an nounced today that mine owners had accepted Secretary Wilson's invitu tlon to meet miners here Friday to negotiate a new wage iigrecment. "We will be there," said he. John L. Lewis had already notified Secretary Wilson of the acceptance. meanwhile declining an offer from i Hrewster to meet the latter's com mittee Monday to negotiate a con tract to be In force on tennlnalon of that now In effect. Spokesmen for the miners' said this proposition could hot be consid ered for a moment and that the only way to bring peace to the coal fields was through adoption of a snle to take effect immediately. IN IT HAS LT FEATURES French Cry "Long Live Lenine and "Down With the Army and Bourgeoise." PAHIS, Nov. 12. An election riot with revolutionary features occurred today in the small Industrial town of Dortan, department of Aisno, where extremists are numerous. The republican candidates were re ceived with shouts of "fong live Le nine and revolution" and "long live the boches," "Down with the army and the bourgeoise." ' The republicans were threatened with death and besieged In the town hall by the turbulent elemedts. Red flags were carried and the rev olution was acclaimed. A committee, appointed by the mercantile group of the chamber ot commerce and composed of E, C. Dowd, E. C. Shields and Dave Har riss, left this morning for Raleigh to represent High Point at a meet In got the merchants of the state In session In the capital city today. It is understood that the. meeting is being held for the purpose of dis cussing means of securing a fair price on all merchandise through the proper agencies and fixing tho prices so that, the retail merchant may be enabled to make a responsible profit. NEW YORK, Nov. Danger of a general strike of hotel employes with. the ultimate object of "taking over'' hotel properties was discussed today at the annual .convention of the w:i iKtaa by Frank Cowling:. ' E1EC REVO RALEIGH MEETING m EMPLOYES A Man Killdd, Wife Is By a Bandit. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 12 Dr. Leopold CordoTa, former consul here for Hunduras, iras shot and killed and hi wife danjerously wounded I by a bandit late last night. The bandit left both for dead In a 1 -it. i. ... .1.. ... uucii on me ouuKirta ot the city. Dr. Cordova and hi wife were ca tives of Honduras. He was consul' here for about 6'years. retiring laitj month when administration changes resulted in the tending of another repregenttive. il Excellent Sermon Is Preached Former Service Men by Dr. WeUt. to uejue me -intiemency of the; weather the auditorium of the First) Reformed churchl; Was comfortably 1 filled lust night wfth people Interest-: SERVICE IN Nl ED M ed in the Armlsticsjday service which I oach speaker lo one hour be placed, was conducted infhat ohurclt nn'er In operation. j .ho direction of T$ Weiat, the evar. When the petition wMI h0 present-j gellBt from Penasjrlvaula who Is on- ed Was not determined by tho loaders ; ducting a series of meetings tiiere who said it was in conformance with' this woelf, . t 1 the recent democratic conference nu- A largo numbc of ex-service men thorizing Senator Hitchcock tj make donned ihdr unifrps' scd went, oulel1 move. j th'chnfch"iailv'nTght ani- tli.-y V 'Adoption of cloture requires a two- ( apparently ,caJoyed the service iod. tblrdu vote. While all the signers Following a brief patriotic ml-, wer democrats Senator Underwood, I dress by the pastor, Rev. Roy l.e:n- wno circulated the petition, said they' bach. Dr. Welst preached a shone were assured of republican support. 1 sermon on God's Judgment. After commenting on the tt-nden-1 cies of njen to avoid and csc-ipe Judg-1 ment the evangelist anahned the) qualities of a true Judge, declaring 1 that God( by his authority, wisdom and holiness, the only unerring and J first Judge in the universe. ; TA.I . V, .h,,..!, IK, nnnn W I v.r said tnat men must pass mrougn i tlia nut nt nature h nut of history ' .uu - - - - ' - ' ( the nut of conscience and the nut of public opinion. The real nut remains ks the last one. he said, and that is. the nut of God. It is impossible to, appeal from the Judgment of this j nut he said God's Judgment the evangelist de- r nf hnt'h temneral ..., ; r ! Hernal character, the former being ..linn.a.1 Vi,r fll.afiaQa tha nlomontfl of nature and wars. I Dr. Weist stated that the war with Germany was a Judgment of God be-j cause Germany had virtually for saken Him. "What Think Ye of Christ?" Is the announced subject of Dr. Welst for tonight. The Jr. O. U. A. M. will at tend the service in a body tonight. DORP AT, Nov.t. 12. Lettish troops' In tho region near Riga at tacked the German-Russian forces of Colonel Bermondt yesterday and Dushed them back several mlleii along the entire line, the Lettish con ferreos at the Baltic. "states confer-) ence here were advised today. The attack resulted In Riga being entirely ; treod f r.om menace by Colonel Bermondt's forces. The Letts It is added captured a battery ' of heavy guns and machine snfifl. ft. - . . -.V.-V: ' lOIIGOFPOSIIII GREENSBORO, Nov. 12. The an-tl-extonlonlsts won yeKterday's fic tion by a majority of approximately 350. The Troxlmlly precinct was the deriding factor In defeat of the I'na to extend tho 'fy limits. inMKRMnK! LLI IU IIIMI1I.U UIUI1V AGAINST RUSSIANS Country 1 1. W. 1 ADOPT CLOTURE END DEBAT PEACE MMyndied; Others Scattered That Is Latest Move of Demo cratic Leaders to Get Ac tion em the Treaty. REPUBUCANS SLTfORf IT Will Require Twctfarc!s Vote Before It Can Go Into Effect; Names Are Secured. WASHINGTON. Nov. 12. - A move ment to limit senate debate on t'io peace treaty by Invoking the cloture rule w;is inaugurated today by demo cratic leaders. A petition for cloture requiring about 16 signatures for j submission was circulated by adinin-i Iteration leaders and soon had don-! ! hie that number. The petition suld in the opinion of the signers there was an erfnt to ob struct the treatv hv undue driii.i ,.n,i asked that the cloture nii. I'miiine i Tl A 1 ri T tl - "-- - - ' i IV,to.rmm flo Nirfk I .V- J W A X ... Carolina. miDrnn t.. in mL- r .1.. ' , 175.000.000 campaign swept all oth-j er busine8B out of tne wav at tne sec- j ond dav'9 8e88,on of tne 8,ate Baptist I invention here. The program of the . morning session was devoted to a con- ' i i. , i 1 1. , m m. imi'iiue uuuuuuicu uy vjiiiicil i. oie-1 p lien son, member of the campaign ,,. ,, .,.. I I committee, which business men told I ivhv thpv were inferpfitful A resolution introduced at the j morning session adoption of which I wan deferred for a revision of ai clause, pledges support of the Bap ;tlsts in an effort to lift the stigma I of illiteracy from the state and free. the Rtate from "blockade whiskey. A victory1 pageant will end the convention tonight given by Mered Hh college students. The pageant will bo preceded by the closing exercises of the conven tion. SALE OF BEER IS Injunction to Prevent Enforcement of Dry Law Is Giver) By Judge. PROYirJEkCE, R. Novy Judge Arthur. L, Brown, Irrlhe fed eral district court today, issued a temporary Injunction against Harvey A. Baker, United States attorney, and Ceorge P. Bhauefsy, collector of In ternal revenue, restraining ' them from enforcing the provisions ot the war time prohibition act. . The action was Issued on petition ' of the Nar - ragansett Brewing company. " ' The sale of four per cent beer was Immediately resumed. 1 . . Mrs. T, W. Simmons and children left today for Newton where they will mako their homo In tho f ' TATE BOOZE RESUMED TODAY W. Leaders MLW.W.'s Arrested After E M&Shootine on A A ngry American Legion Tragedy Raid Headquarters of Comrhunijt Party and Wreck It: lit' f and Radicals from Washington Lumber Belt. CENTRALIA, WASH. Nov. are in jail here today. I The men were rounded up yesterday and last night after the I firing on the Armistice day parade which results in the death of A i . f tU. A j I k: t i tv t K IV STILL GO 1 AHEAD House to House Canvass Was Un derway in the City Early Today. lied Cross llfiures compiled by W. L. Huruotl, a local worker today dis closed that 1,000 additional mem bers have been secured in High Point since the third roll call began on No vember 2. The house to house eanvrw) be gan at 10 o'clock this morning audi latest reports from the women In charge of this work a.e to the effect that they are having abundant sue- cess and hope by the end of the week to have secured approximately 000 1 members by canvassing in that way. j Mr. Hargett stated today that re-, ports show that the Crown hosiery . I mill, Welch Furniture company, Rowe Parlor Furniture compuny, the silk mill and the senior class of the local high school, at which places citizens were assigned to wage the campaign, went 100 per cent, in tha work. Hargett further states that i . . there are a large numoer or iacior.es yet t0 roport to him and believes that the number secured by those not yet neard from wm total another j ln0URand. He expects High Point to go over the top before the end of the j typgfc I I WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. John S. Kramer an attorney of Mansfiold, Ohio, has been appointed federal pro hibition commissioner in charge of enforcement. Mr. Kramer, who formerly was a member of the Ohio legislature, tel egraphed Senator Pomerene today ac cepting the appointment and an nouncing ho would begin his duties next week. The work will be under the bu reau of internal revenue and the commissioner will have charge of the field force. CHARLESTON, W. Va., Nov, 12. Deputy sheriffs acting on an exec utive warr(tnt issued', by Governor Cornwell today , seized a quantity of afrrrsrand ammunition In the express j tjfflce ot Dawes, a mining village. J The arms were ' consigned to a, I minor In Dawes and were received I yesterday. Nine rifles and t.000 ( rounds of ammunition made up the ihipment. . . J. L. Cbornault ban returnej from! a bu.slnens trip to northern f' !"' '- COMMISSIONER FOR PROHIBITION NAMED SEIZE ARIAS SENT FIVE CENTS, k ABoil Parade: One m . r. ' V men, Atter Uentraaa Will Drive All LI 0 12. Nineteen alleged I. W. W.'s Company F, third regiment, na tional guard, which arrived here to day from Tacoma, was not patrolling 1 the streets. The reason for, the attack, which came at the head of the parade swung : i past I. W. W. headquarters, had not been developed fully but Herman AK len, an attorney and member Of a'.'- committee pf former service men and . others co-operating with the authorl ties in an Investigation, said evidence r' had been obtained that It was ,pre-' meditatod. ' t ' "-' - ? J A ' Cltliens today, planned to drive ail . . , ' i ' radicals from Centralis,- where they : 0s have been increasing tor some time. Centralia -was headquarter tot.pw-:$b;&: : is county radasWIatlWerawyXo'Der " ing from here in the logging camps, American legion members expressed ; determination that every I. W. W. must leave the city. Without warning bursts ot rifle "re BW.ePl l" rau" voiy" rans as tney paraaea past l. w. w. headquarters. From that building and the roof of a building across the street bullets came. Persons in the crowd that lined the streets also drew weapons and began firing. Britt Smith, an I. W. W., who wa : lynched, was tossed from a river bridge after a rope was tied about his neck, and a volley of bullets sent into his body. The lynching party worked silently and In darkness. Two undertakers refused to han- de f,g body nd whflt d,8pogaj of ,t wouid be made was unknown, . , HFADOUARTERS OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY RAIDED OAKLAND. Nov. 12. A crowd of citizens entered the headquarters of the Communist labor party In lor Ing hr.U early today and wrecked the in terior of the place. Large amounts of literature and red flags and furniture were burned in the streets by the mob. The mob was said to have consist ed of 4 00 former service and num-.-hers of American legion men. The office of the World, a social or pui. situated In the building, also was wrecked. The Communist labor party Is said to he a new radical organization , here, JOHNSON SAYS COUNTRY MUST DESTROY RADICALS, WASHINGTON, Nov" 12; The t i shooting of four ea-Bervice .nen 1 fy an armistice day parade In Centralla, v Washington, wm described 1 tn thei";' 4t house today by Representative John i v son. Republican, - of ? Washington, i: chairman of the immigration commit-, , , tee as "an attempt at revolutloo with " bullets and rifles which the, country ' has long feared."' (;'5.k1;; He sent a telegram to Mayor Rog :. .era, of Centralla; saying, the country must be purged of the revolutionists " . 1 and scditlonlsts to the last one "and v tf this means war the quicker It Is de clared the better." , j '' V , v MwhnaU Dlwnwf IVoflla. ' RALEIGH, Nov. 12. More than 208 clothlna. .' shoe and .. drv rood dealers are In conference here wish food control director Henry Par f the purpose of dlacuwlng what 1 reasonable profit to bo r " 1 . tho goods they geil. CRK3T, Nov, and Queen I"' 12. from t'n tr 1 " v .-; V.' ', '-; I ', 'it!'

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