AY, L , 1 . C , 1 ;i II Z HIGH POINT ENTERFRISE 'Obhib- EHCfllllESJ if;": it t May Hajre Important Deannj On " Outcome of National -w,cicti6o'ytr-;--v' PORTLAND, tie. Sept. 6 Politic cal Interest for the moment ia largely occupied In speculation uu the out 4' VW qC $i .election' In this state o Sejtit ember 13. A campaign thai be , , in Earnest o August ?S wjtl e A a.. ' 1 a l 1 . a. : n . 'r At- 1 . VW wavaoui ?ei-up .ron,w..i(lf nlck of ..i K-Ki.- t0 Slav final week. - The usdar predictions wuh-despKe the fact that some are KI'.tltKH tTT(TS .MKVAC.KUIK , , I. There Is one little girl in the world who scorns the costliest of dolls and all other playthings dear to the i heart of the average child even the largest cf teddy hears holds no rpeclal charm for this little Miss, and at that she is just as human as any child, on earth. vThore's a reason. She is a child of the circus a child worshipped by, every member of the big Sparks cir cus, family. -'Pauline Vanderbllt is the name of this dainty little lady and the reason that the average play thing means- nothing, in her young life is because at the present time the Sparks Menagerie presents some what of kinlergarden appearance r-ln jf act babies are here, there and everywhere, so you see Pauline has T IHIIBPIAIIS Men Running for Office of Presi dent of Mexico State Their Polity ,j ft V. of success are being issued by both-. ... jcepublcaas and Aemojcrata. t Maine is unique fn its constitution . al provisos for state elections which are neld (a September instead of November and . ia presidential years the local contests are viewed as of special importance. On these years the fighting is no less for toe " sanitation fa (Congress aid Mtroi or ; ' thr. state (eg lalatur than for the --'psychological effect ' of -the outcome ; on the rest of the country. -i To what extent if any the national r drift may be forecast by a victory or. an increased majority here has long been a matter of dispute with ' politicians but certain It is that na tional leaders have taken the tra ' ditto seriously and have .brought as many of their political big guns into the Campaign Jn this stat a possible. .Four years, -Charles Evans Hughes wound up his campaign for .4; tu republicans. t,.This year both of , the-parties nave had a Jalg represen tatlonot state .. campaigners and "'-flaw drawn- heavily on the national 'committees for speakers of national VproHUaence. On September 13. leg- islature and county officers wilt to chosen. Maine, does not elect a sen ator this yean-e i For the governorship, Ftederlc H. Parkhurst, ,of Bangor, who defeated . Governor Carl E. Miltikep and Judge i, ' Jphn P.- Deering In the republican v primaries, is opposed by Bertrand G.' Melntlre, of Norway, whom 'Milliken defeated two years ago by 4,645 votes. A typographical error in the Maine Register of 1919-1120 makes v the vote of Melntlre, appear as 4,000 less than it was. Three, republican members of Congress are candidates for re-election. They are Representative White in the . second district. ; op-, ' nosed by Wallace N Price; Rep're aentatrve Peters In the third district " 'ODoosed by Archie C. Towle; and ' " t)MMBAMiat(a U Annas rather ungainly In appearance. Take for instance, the baby camel born to Soudan recently In London, Ont., or, Belett.the baby kangaroo who, by the way bears the distinc tion of being the first ever born in the United States. Next cams a lit ter of kittens or rather cubs to Mary, a real Asiatic lioness and not to be outdone by the other members of the animal colony of the 8parks. Menag erie, Java, a monkey belonging to the tribe of that name, gave birth fn fmir frnllpanma vniinratAra . rtnr- V . . w . . - -- ,3 - m Itr the recent visit of the circus to Chicago-. As It has always been a custom with the Sparks Circus to same its babies after ' the cities Jn which .they are born, Louis Reed, Menagerie superintendent, was at his wit's end in selecting suitable , names for this happy family, until someone suggested the same of the. suburban towns adjacent .to .Chicago and the youngsters were immediately christ ened with the following illustrious namesr-Chicago, Evanston, Gary and Waukegaa . ;,:'V,y . Ia jt unir wonder that the. Sparks Menagerie is one of more than jOrdi nary interest these days or that with such a variety of pets to play , with, Pauline is the envy of all tboXhlt--dren In the cities Tlsited by tb& ofr cua. The High Point date Js set tor Thursday, September 9. ' Vy The curfew evidently shpt In "Bel fast last nlght5 1 arrests . were made under th law. T o I" ft t'S it "H) !(.. -lil'l 111 MEXICO CITY, Sept. 6.Declar ations in favor of a liberal foreign policy, wlthsguarantees of life and property to nationals pf other coun tries and encouragement , of foreign investment are contained in mani festos by the two opposing candi dates for the Mexican presidency in the elections to be held today.' The candidates are Divisional General Alvaro Obregon, former minister, of war in the Carranza cabinet and r-ne of . the leaders of the recent revolu tion, and Alfredo Robles Doming uez, formerly prcvisinoal governor of the federal district and at one time Oarranza envy at Washington. The international planks of the two platforms follow, translated textually: Ceneral Obregon's (Liberal Constitutionalist). "Inviolability of our soverignty as an autonomous state. "Absolute respect for, the sover eignty and institutions of all coun tries of the world. "Facilities -for' foreign capital wishing to In vast i our country for the development and Improvement of its natural riches, seeking ways to reconcile in the most practical and fair way the advantages obtain ed by eapital, labor and the public treasure. "Complete acknowledgment of all legitimate, rights obtained by for eigners in our country. "Guarantees that all foreigners residing in Mexico enjoy, in the broadest sense of the word, all the privileges and protection granted by iottrf laws. - . '"Frank tendency to reinforce and establish our foreign relations on the aforesaid basis." Robles Dominguez (Republican Nationalist): "Re-establishment of our relations t ...... with foreign irounlrit). Riving real Kiiurautees to their naHonaln und to tlicrr invent nienta. ' Hpcause of ou gecei anliicul local Ion.' we should. lay especial attentiou to our lelafj ' tlonsi with the peoples of the contU ,i nent.' "Enoouragiuiient of wholesome ImmlKratton and of the investment of capital for the development of communlcaticns, agriculture and in dustry, since the foreign element is an Important factor in the progress of young nations." , Both candiaares favor progress ive Internal policies, and point out the necessity of honest administra tion. They differ radically, how- ever, as to tne constitution oi is it, at present in force. General Obre gon, as a Liberal Constitulogalist, recognizes the present organic law, while Senor Robles Dominguez is pledged,- by a pronouncement re cently Issued by his 'party, the Na tional .Kepubncan, to can a conven tion in case he is elected, and set in motion the machinery for the adop tion of a new constitution. The Liberal Constitutionalist party was responsible for the Plan of Agua .Prleta, which repudiated the leadership of President Carranza. National Republican party, while non-secterian in its principles, Is largely composed of Roman Catholics : rami coins CIS!) Sixty-five High Pointers Approve of County of Which They Had Heard Little. b"foro are flow willing to vote for r any candidate who says he U from Martin county. Fuitiiw, C5 lyeisoiu will trsitfy to the fact that Mr. Shert rod, Mr. Coflield and Mr. Saltihury spake the truth all thctte ynars when they asserted Martin county had the worm sknnt when It came to preparing barbecue. i f One License Enough. VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 6. Brigadier-General Charles F. Reepe commander of Vancouver barracks when questioned about a marriag license issued iu Portland, Oregon to Charles F. Beebe and Charot Gates, replied over the phone, i rapid-fire fashion. "I have tour grandchildren, a' my wife, is still living, so you car that I have no occasion to take ou i marriage license no trouble a all sorry I caiwot be of more service."" And the general's phoriif went "Click." Suffice to say it wat another Charles F. Beehe. A majority of t5 tummies, more or less used to stretching to live or six points beyond cspaeity, were In a painful condition late Saturday ab a result of the attendance of thoir owners upon a real, genuine, blown-in-the-bottle, dyed-in-the-wool, 100 per cent. Martin county barbecue given from 11 to 3 o'clock that day at Havworth Bprlngb. Three refu gees from the grand old county of Mrtln. H. I. Coflield," A. Sherrod and J. M. S. Salsbury, were the hosts at the stuffatorial occasion. Shoats a were ahoats Uwl been exuculed for the affair, and said shoats had been prepared according to every period and comma of the Martin county barbecue recipe. Hence the painful tummies, tor a lot of fellers' eyes were not good enuogh Judges to guage capacities. Sixty-five more fellers than ever Tor That Sluggish Fcclinj, IE ;;7 CsmmC The feimousroot and herbal rem edy that gently removes health destroying polr sons and wastes' from the system At Your Druggistj AriATio:jiL INSTITUTICli mm) COMING TTO HIGH POINT OX OLD SHOW GROUNDS THURSDAY, SEPT For a 'Quiet Rest, Pure Air and Splendid Mineral Water, Spend Your Vacation, Week-Ends and Sundays at the New ' ', . . ,. , -.- BRICK HOTEL, DUNUP MINERAL SPRINGS KERNERSV1LLE. N. C. Table Service the Best. Rates Reasonable n C tOnMiMr!tt,l'M""1l Illllkftslll illllUIOIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I The"(D)iPnDliiiaoDini 11 r RepreBeB.tatlve Hersey in the fourth district,' opposed .by ' Leon Gv & BrOwn. Price, Towle and Brcwa are democrats. In the first district where Representative liouls B. 6ooa- 411 has hnnounced his intentloi' to jreitire ( ' ' the close of ''his ; pfasJht term." the ' repuMllcaris harve nomi- nitwit rnDiitV AttoriiCV Carroll L. I mid. Jit !nH: rt, laomrt. 2CSL: Fa4aFis-41,- MaskoU- .alsow--pl - thU rltvi Both parties and gubernaturiai candidates bars made The League Tiatlons" finhtinr issue. Local .luestiiras nav-receivea less auen- I JC. W .V t. IWli 1 .TaW T. In, ( vs. .t.th"Mira8al''fvlti: rlUltted j hutoxtArth "i-fttrf v ;ihavi treat i T4a4epeaafaoUidte4.ta4es.,.,i V v-Tho ismocrstltf tat:e platfow de v clared for prompt ratification "'with ' out wervatton destructive to the splrtt, and effecUvo operation of the treaty." . Both - Jrtr, Parkhurst - and Wr,ielattre endorsed their nation-; ar and state vj-eaolutJpna on ,th stumP- t4: -. .. . :, The omplex0 of .tha ew lf ' lature Is a matter of aome concern as it may be called upon to redts trkt th si ate and, under the new of its four represeotaMveB 1 Con- grass. . ... ' ': , "; - If thero is i,aaT j Virtus iu com- parison, the results-of the prsvicus : stale eiectumB maj series-ef republics victories hegia ning In 1882 was broken in 191il ha Frederick W, PUIsUd, demo - crat. defeated Bert M. Fernald, re aWioan. by M votes, Two yeajrs 'ikler Qoverpor Plalated was defeated by William T Haines, republican, .by little over 3.Q0P. Haines ta turn failed of re-election in 1911, the democratic candidates for gov ernor, Oakley C. Curtis leading him a lUtle better than 3,000 votes. Gov ernor Milliken, republican, won over ' Curtis Jn ll. leading the demo . r4ti candidate by 1S.8S0. In thit t , Huehes carried the state, his rote being M 7 & greater than, that for President , Wilson. The total , vote for president was Hughes 69.- 608; Wilson 64,033; Benson, (soc ialist) 2,177, Henley (prohibitionist) 596. Two years ago when MlllJken defeated the present democratic candidate for governor, Mr-i, Meln tlre, by a majority -of 6,645, the to tal vote of the state was 121,669 This was nearly, 30,000 less than the total' In nil..- ' ' r. ? HAVE OOVKRNMBNT PLAN ; IX BIQ NEW YORK STQRK , NRW, YORK. Sept. 6. The re- 'pBbllaan. form of tovcromeot for em ployes, Introduced In certain , in dustrial Plants throughout the coun try, has been adopted by a large New York department store. . " " Employes of this store, numbering " 1,700 have a voice In virtually, all .matter affecting their relations. with th . management, ' through ; elective . bodlei modelled after tha bicameral ' system of representation prevailing In tha governmentd of , tha a- Unlte ' States ' ,- ' '; ' - .ii m" "st ,; , v guru, Here's Evidence. ' - NAPOLEONVILLB, La., Sept. 6 O&m example of the effect of the In creased price Of sugar ."was shown hero recently-when . ta HImalayg company's plantation holdings were , k were aold-for $150,000 The plsnt r'atlon was bought 11 years ago tor . ; MMOQ. 2 Matinees Today 2:30 AND 4:00 P. M. JACK GERARD'S "Honey Moon Girlsw Preaentbs Murphjr Li" Vm" Greatest' of '3eW x comeoiAoa rPcpe lively, FaVIoving Oqnaetc, versaute--eTiwrrittmer;i ocuy t luiuummixuniiUJuinniiinuimMnniniiiiuiHinntiiiin ?, s i b . . iniir -x v i rlifn tin ITEM No. 1 Olive Drab new1 Wool Shirts, made of extra flannel. These Bhirts are worth 68.60 each. Sizes 14 to 17. Our prise, think of it.. JM5 ITEM NO. 2 Raincoats. At the close of the war the govern . ' ment had a great deal of Gas Mask Cloth on hand. , This was gold and made up 'Into the finest Rain coats one could wist) for. Can't leak, as the inside of the coat is pure rubber1. It Is made up with a - belt and should retail at $17.60: Sites 34 to 46. Our prlco for this week. only, think kot it. . .$0.45 . - '-. ,. -i-.i ITEM NO- J .New all .wool O. D. Blankets. ' Size 69x84 Inches. These Blanket weighs about 4 1-2 pounds each. It wlTl be very much, appreciated as it. Is a, dandy Blanket, worth $10.00. Think ' of it. Our price each . . , $7.45 ITEM NO. 4 -Army Style, Munscn Last, Russett Dress Shoes. Good year welt. A Shoe that will make tender feet well. ' This is not, the heavy field shoe but a dandy shoe for work or dress,' worth $9.60. , Slzes 6 to 11 Think j ' of it. Our prjcejier paly ..$6.05 Jwe elao-havft 'a big line of ased Army Khaki Breeches, Blouses, used wool O. D, Shirts, Overcoats, Raincoats, Steel Cots, O. D. Com forts, etc. "Write tor price list,; ' ..Terms: Money order wRb order.- If shipment Is to come parcel ; post, liK'.rne postgge,' We i positively guarantee to refund money on all purchase should you not be satisfied. - ; ..-r;--: - , ... ; Southern Jf ' lnlerg in Nr Used AjUterlai, 114 Magnolia St. -' 1 .a'. Spartintwrg, S. C I' T) n :r ::' m! !! (...scrs";.r- ..mm:"'. . : . . . , nn , 'ill' ;.--.,ittv l , Mlh&&ak -ddia&rVI ':..i . . h I ks m iiia T ' s I ... B r J-9" - "a. -:: " lit W;S M rmmW Ssf ' f ! . -S ai. h. . tHtj .. -.1T.,..T"i TiVJriTrfli"!!'!)-' T.'f jdaioid -fi ynisPJ"!'! r4 g : !! .i.i-.-jj i i i in'" r li.ru i' i i i -n - -Tvi ' : : r- uoniviic riuvit) vivv TfTT . ' 1 m I. . t, 'm XV ( iMr i Mi pni WW a I ttw , YjsP' rlmm m9 ' Z Z mm, .; . v , I ' r i.l 7 V. i- ! 1 V -. m .. 4 . . M M , 4 -Till O I 1 . . f 1 r J - v. Fun, Frottc'litid Realtlilfcrtiiin-i J " TO - ' - 1 , v r vSf-.v II i s 3 I -. I The greatest Bargain High Point has ever seen in Enamel , J1jTV - s3 ; ' 1,1 .j. . -r T.ir- ji . . ,. ! - ---ra it iw 11 i 11 11 w s - th i - m i v iti a. sr mm k s v i a b --mm m w w -w ss s& wv4Ski- v c -t. m a,. ... v " s ''""' ' cw - fj' a ' ' J this extraordinary -prioa there -will 1e orily one sold to a enata- Jft 1 ' J : a, " gl, ftc -j5 mer. and none w.m 1e reservefl- None to .dealers, of coursa. Bee 5V -A - I j HIS BMi 111 I a 131-133 SOUTH :1AIN STREET. , : - . ; ii wFhi.' &S- -M': :.;-. lz;i . ir'i.- .; ; IS I -ill 1 jniu .r J W . f!llltflllIMMMflfff -It l(iuiuluuUM.HiMiiiaitiim "'1JT